• Published 29th Jan 2012
  • 8,995 Views, 230 Comments

MLP FIM/Halo: Towards the broken dawn… - Evident Disaster

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd

  • ...

CH14 Part 2



PART: II Night's Cold Embrace…



8:25 AM

Miguel and Twilight made their way through the crowded streets of Ponyville, it seemed like the crowds had grown as full as they could, but it was still a rough walk through to the other side of town, in the midst of all the confusion Miguel asked.
"What do you think Fluttershy would volunteer for?"

"Probably medical service, I wouldn't be too surprised about it though, she's always been helping others, but I don't know if this is good, she's never been good at helping with actual serious injuries." Twilight replied anxiously.

"Medical officers have been exposed through training sims they know about medical intensity as for your friend, she's inexperienced, they won't just throw her into a critical medical situation, that'd be against UCAF medical regulations, they need to train her first before allowing her to even touch a scalpel." He tried to reassure her.

Of course he did realise that the UCAF military didn't always function is such a fashion, if anything they'd have skipped all of the details and thrown a novice in holding a poor bastards organs together. Fluttershy being thrown into a medical situation wouldn't be a very pretty sight for her, especially seeing as she or any pony had been in a warzone, they never heard the screams of the dying.

As they reached the other side of town they found the medical module, it was a prefab building made of ceramic plating, titanium ablative iridium and made to withstand everything stronger than a small orbital strike. There were dozens of ponies gathered outside, Miguel could see less were as enthusiastic or experienced enough to join.

"Well at least she won't be alone." Twilight said.

"Probably, but that doesn't mean that the medical ward isn't something everyone would want to see." He replied.

The marines in the front greeted him.

"At ease, I'm looking for a woman named Fluttershy." He inquired.

"Right, sir…" The marine began to flick through a holo-book.

The room was occupied by 6 marines, 4 medics and 2 doctors, they all seemed to be going through training or introductions for Equestrian volunteers, the eager looking participants were bustling about while the marine medics explained to them how human medicine advanced and changed from Equestria's form. It'd take a while, but they'd get a taste of UCAF medical officers in action once things got going.

They waited for a bit till a medical officer appeared with the butter coloured Pegasus. She looked somewhat different, as she had changed her clothes; she now wore an enclosed shirt which fit to her form, it took her form well, enough so that every male seemed to take a glance at her chest. Twilight seemed unimpressed by the attention.

Miguel just seemed to laugh inside his head; the marine medic in charge knew how to train a good nurse, but didn't know how to treat one. Fluttershy waved goodbye to the medic who went back to his duties, the butter mare walked over to them with a small blush.
"Oh hello Twilight." Fluttershy spoke softly.

"Hey Fluttershy, Rarity asked us to see you, about you going into joining the UCAF medical corps." Twilight began aptly.

Fluttershy nodded. "I wanted to see if I could help, I know I'm no fighter…" Twilight would have thought otherwise when Fluttershy took down a bear 5 times her size down with a number of precise strikes with her hands. "But I think I could do well as a medical officer, I care for the health of all things, big and small, I think this would be appropriate." Fluttershy explained.

Twilight looked over to Miguel who could see her uncertain look. Miguel thought it over as well, Fluttershy seemed like a very caring and timid woman, but she'd never experienced the war like he had or the others, she wasn't even there when the UCAF were clearing their wounded and dead away. Twilight said in response.
"Fluttershy, I don't know, that's solely up to you. But are you sure about this? I mean you'll be faced against some very dangerous things, not to mention the lives of all these young men will rely upon you, do you think you could do it?" Twilight asked the butter Pegasus.

Fluttershy stood there unsure of how to reply, she did think it over a bit before she replied with a firm stance. "Yes, I want to do this, those colts who go out and fight need someone to take care of them, I know I could do it." She replied firmly and confidently.

Twilight wasn't sure to be amazed at Fluttershy's willingness to throw herself into harm's way to help out, or the fact that she had seemingly grown confident in her actions. Miguel looked at Twilight and added. "Very well Fluttershy, if you believe you could do what's needed then do it, but please there can't be much for self-doubt when it comes to the work in the UCAF medical corps, you need to work fast and respond well to trauma. I do hope you can take care of yourself when the time comes." Miguel said mindful of the butter Pegasus's history with certain creatures, Twilight had shown him in her memories of how much she could do, facing down dragons and such.

Fluttershy showed a face of gratitude and calmness. "Thank you for your support." She smiled.

"We're friends Fluttershy, I'll be there when you need help, and Miguel will be there when you need protection." Twilight replied.

The reassured Pegasus headed off to the wards of the medical wing to get back with training, Twilight and Miguel exited the field hospital. Twilight sighed. "Do you think she'd be safe Miguel?" She asked him.

"Safe? No, but she'd be tentative in the field and definitely timid in her work, those being both positive traits to have in such stressful work." He replied as he thought over various combat situations he had seen medics like her, a fairly timid woman like herself would help a lot with morale as well as keeping herself from stressing in intense situations.

The two of them were heading off when they heard a commotion behind them. "Hey wait up for me!" They both turned to see Jace in bandages hobbling with a few medical patches over his body. He looked worse for wear but he was still alive that was for sure. "Jace how's the body?" Miguel asked.

"Hurts like a motherfucker, sir." He replied with a salute.

"Good to hear, we were on our way to the requisitions officer to ask Jake to give us a few litres of fibre form, we need it for Rarity's dress shop, something about making uniforms for the marines." Miguel explained.

"Really? I'd hate to be Jake right now." Jace said humoured.

"Of course you could save me and Twilight some time by going over there and passing off the request." Miguel stated offhandedly.

Jace gave him an unimpressed looked and muttered. "I need to keep my mouth shut."

"Good, we'll meet back at the command tent at 1500 hours." He saluted the helldiver.

Jace nodded and headed off hobbling on his injuries, Twilight tilted her head. "You liked doing that didn't you?" She asked with a smirk.

"Maybe." He replied with the ghost of a smile before they headed on to the nearby staging ground where various officers and troops were gathering, it seemed it was also there that the Equestrian Rangers were also gathering. It was going to be an interesting sight watching all the new recruits joining the war effort.

As they approached they saw Rainbow Dash rallying the columns of recruits, earth ponies, pegasi, unicorns all gathered into 2 straight rows side by side, their multi-coloured bodies the only thing that made them look apart from UCAF military personnel or recruits. Nearby the two of them spotted Colonel Jackson and Captain Cutter talking on a stage nearby.

The crowd which had gathered dropped into silence as Jackson stood at the podium.
"Greetings to all of you, and in all honesty I have no experience in speeches so I will make this short. You stand before me as volunteers for your people, representing those willing to sacrifice life and limb for the safety of your people, for those who stand beside you, you are all willing and capable to do what you need to, to ensure the safety and security for your people. I know that you haven't seen war, but be assured, you will be ready, that is all I can assure you." He finished.

A small round of applause shortly followed, with an air of confidence, it was surely uncertain of how the UCAF was going to put these rookies into the field, but they needed to do it if they failed in removing the covenant. It was all they could really do, as the assembly finished the marines in charge with training appeared and began issuing the first orders of the day.

RD was amongst the group but she had to meet with an officer with a jetpack who was explaining a difference in training. The pegasi went off in their direction, the earth ponies to where they needed to go, and the unicorns had a rather light armoured officer with a calm air of sensibility around him.

Miguel identified him. "Anderson Trieu, he's from the UCAF eastern division, assigned to our unit to be the strategic operator, he's good at his job, but he rarely goes into direct combat." Miguel shrugged.

As they watched the young officer begin introductions they were greeted by AJ. "Hey there Twilight, and good to see you Mister Miguel." She smiled warmly.

"Please, I don't use my civilian name in public unless I'm off duty which hasn't happened in a long time. Just call me major for future reference." He said to her.

Twilight decided to ask. "How has the new Equestrian Rangers been?" She asked.

"A mite busy, Braeburn wants to make his new force a rough one at that, a lot of ponies from Appleloosa with him, he's also bringing some in from Ponyville and Hoofington, you know how they are." She shrugged.

"Good to see they have a leader; I'll be keeping an eye on how this Braeburn does leading this band of raw recruits." Miguel stated.

"Thank ya kindly Major, I really would hate to see anything happen to my cousin." She said gratefully.

"I keep my troops safe, and besides their lives are better spent living rather than wasted being lost, it's just how the UCAF does it." He said with a bit of a disheartened tone.

Twilight could see something was troubling him from his suddenly empty expression, she grasped his arm. "Miguel?" She asked.

Miguel said nothing and recomposed himself. "It's nothing, thanks for the update Miss Applejack."

"Just call me Applejack, no missus here." She said replied.

"Right, we must be getting on, I need to go to the command tent where the colonel and captain are organising this army. Good day." He said before going on with Twilight who still looked at him concernedly.

He said nothing while he thought to himself; it seemed as if he had dug up something from his past. Twilight decided to finally inquire. "Miguel, is something wrong?" She asked him.

He finally broke from his hollow gaze and looked over to her. "It's nothing, just a memory, an old one." He replied with a ghost of a smile.

They continued on the road to the command centre where the UNSC had set up a forward base and barracks and such, the whole area was filled with troops, vehicles and various prefabs being constructed at the forest. The UCAF had practically demolished the front edge of the forest with the UNSC helping them; the whole area was now grey and green with hints of steel and silver everywhere.

They reached an asphalt strip where the marines were busy reconstructing warthogs and performing maintenance on their vehicles, they walked by the troops, a few threw looks at him and Twilight, a few mumbled on about Twilight but they were discouraged by Miguel. Miguel was a helldiver a 6'5ft killing machine with little history aside from the one he knew and those of his unit knew.

As they reached the command centre they were greeted by security, who directed them up to the main CIC, upon arriving they found the centre packed with personnel getting things in order, Anders was present overviewing the UCAFs arsenal from what a UCAF technician was explaining, and surprisingly Zaro was here as well.

The covenant elite spec ops commander with his second in command were both present getting unsavoury looks from the UNSC personnel and a few looks from Anders, the two of them remained rather passive amongst the whole rush of things. Captain Cutter and Colonel Jackson were both at the desk reviewing the reports from the drones that were deployed and flights of short swords sent to scan the area.

Jackson was analysing the data. "This area between the edges of the Evefree Forest seems like a perfect sector where they have a firebase, but our problem is they have jammers set up to emit EMP fields over the area we can't get a definitive confirmation and sending in a short sword or gunship seems out of the question if they have AA batteries set into place." He explained.

"True, it seems sending in a recon force will be our only way to confirming this, what teams do you have in place for this sort of mission?" Cutter asked.

"I have 4 squads, all helldiver teams, but I could have smaller 2 man hunter kill teams sent in to scout out the area." Jackson thoughtfully added.

"Having smaller teams would save us a lot of trouble having to avoid being noticed." Echo teams commander, Sargent Lazoroski said.

"If worse comes to worse we'll drop in supplies via short sword." Cutter suggested.

"So we split Echo and Midas squads and send them in by foot to scout out the region, it seems like a sound tactic, the only problem is if the covenant have a heavier presence in the region ahead of the deployment. But aside from that I don't think we'll get a better chance to locate the covenant command ship that Vesdarea is using." Jackson concluded.

Zaro decided to add something into the conversation. "There is also another way to finding the command ship Vesdarea is using." He offered.

Their eyes turned to the elite as he brought up maps of the covenant ships.
"I have supporters still amongst Vesdarea's ranks, they believe his honour is meaningless and he's been driven insane by his hunt for me. These supporters would gladly turn their weapons on Vesdarea at a glance if given the chance, however Vesdarea has control over them by use of zealots he has watching over them, and various other units being mixed in. Because of this there's no definite means to contacting my supporters without arousing suspicion, but there is a means to helping them rebel." He pulled up a signal code and explained. "There's a special command line I have linked to each of my fellow warriors, it hasn't been used but it would work in our favour if we contacted them through it. Once we have assurances from them we can assume they'll help rebel against Vesdarea when we launch our attack on his command base, and also they'd inform us of what he may be planning." Zaro explained in detail.

Jackson listened with scrutiny, he then stated. "It sounds feasible; the ability to have Vesdarea having to deal with the marines on the ground and his own forces mutinying would give us a window of opportunity to breach his base, also being able to disable his defences from the inside would grant us a chance to face this bastard down with no means of escape."

Cutter was more cynical of his observation. "That or they'd discover a leak in their troops and kill off your allies; we don't know who's loyal to Vesdarea or you." He said to Zaro clearly.

Zaro didn't take lightly to the condescending tone that Cutter had replied with but he added.
"The only ones who I can trust are a few members of my previous command, they all trust me and despise Vesdarea, and it is only just me that they will answer to. We hold our honour when we make a sworn blood oath, they will not go against that honour even till our death."

"Captain, I'm telling you, Zaro has no reason not to help us, and we have a shared goal here, the Equestrians need us and you need a place to recover and repair and we have the tools, and the means to getting us all back to human space once we've managed to get rid of Vesdarea's strike force." Jackson urged.

"And how are the Equestrians going to help? They've barely managed to start their way in to the 21st century level of technology." Anders said aptly.

A calm and yet regal voice interrupted. "We will help as intended humans."

They turned to see the princesses, princess Luna and Celestia had appeared, both of them in light armour that covered some parts of their body's with a skin tight suit underneath and various adorned jewels, some of which hovered in places. They had arrived with some of their guards, including Shining Armour and Cadence who was dressed in formal dignitary clothes.

Twilight looked over to her brother who gave her a curt nod as Celestia approached the tactical display desk where the Colonel and Captain were still muttering things between each other as the princesses approached. Zaro who saw Celestia kneeled down along with his second in command in seemingly zealous fashion.

"Rise sangheilli, you do not owe me or my sister such commitment." Celestia said to the elites.

Zaro did not rise, but Luna decided to take her voice in this and commanded. "RISE." In her royal Canterlot voice before Celestia could stop her. The deafening roar was loud enough that the tables shook and a few glass screens cracked and surely Serina popped in and commented.
"How quaint, please remind me to bring out the ear corks the next time that happens or a giant sound proof chamber." She rubbed her holographic ears as she said that.

Zaro and his subordinate were both on the ground recovering from the blast from Luna; they both rose and muttered something between a curse and a comment in their native language only Jackson and Miguel could understand. Celestia was face palming and Luna was smiling sheepishly.
"We may have overdone it." She said it while grinning.

"Please do not do that again." Jackson said while rubbing his ears.

As they got back on their feet Celestia recomposed herself and then began once more.
"My people would like to help, this is their home."

Cutter wasn't too sure how to approach this and replied. "Understandable, however your military technology will not be effective, you managed to get by with the UCAF arming you, but even then the covenant will still have a large advantage here."

"But they don't have magic." She said with a small smile.

"Magic?" Cutter perplexed.

"My people are able to use magic, teleportation and various other ones including aging and duplication. If only for the most powerful unicorns in all of Equestria, we have an advantage that no others possess." She stated.

"That ridiculous magic doesn't exist." Anders replied cynically.

Cutter threw the doctor a look to not interject. Cutter asked.
"What exactly could your people help us with, by using magic?"

"We are able to heal injuries and able to perform complex tasks with our magical affinity, however it also depends on the user. Our magical abilities have a large overlapping area where we can use even the most basic spells even if they may not be our special talent. There are also a large number of unicorn guards able to use magical abilities in combat to help shield allies and such." She explained.

"It does seem sound, however we have personal shielding, and various armour plating to help in combat, not to mention the vast array of medical gear we have." Jackson stated.

"It sounds good that you want to offer help, but I don't think you're entirely ready for a head on fight with the covenant as is, our troops have only begun the early stages of training it may take weeks if not months for fully trained units to be prepared." Cutter punctuated with a sigh.

"Best you can do at the moment is to hold your own lines and tighten security around your population centres while we try and deal with this." Cutter finished.

Shining was going to step in but he was stopped. "The captain is right, we are not yet prepared for such a thing; however our people's aid is here if you require it captain Cutter. Luna and I will also aid when the time is required, at the moment we shall leave you to our defence and hope that time is on our side." She finished.

Cutter nodded. "Very well, back to the briefing, at our current status the forward bases between here and around parts close to Equestria's west coast should be secured soon enough, that should corner the covenant inside their little region. By then we expect a full drone squadron to be sweeping the region to inform us of any covenant hunter kill teams that might be sent forward." Cutter said whilst he motioned to each point on the map.

"Where do you think the helldivers will be needed?" Jackson asked.

"Your boys?" Cutter looked over to Miguel. "I don't know, but that's solely to you and your major, you could station yourselves here and have your falcon gunships take you to each location on the move." Cutter suggested.

"Keeping a constantly mobile strike force in the air does sound useful." Jackson added thoughtfully.

"We'll have 4 patrol cycles out to scan the area and wait deployment when they're needed." Miguel said.

"It's a reasonable tactic." Jackson agreed.

"Who's going to be on the roster for this?" Cutter asked.

"Echo and Midas, then we'll split off first platoon into halves and have them led by James, and Sargent Major Hartman." Jackson replied aptly.

But there was a problem Miguel was the commander of the platoon. "Sir?" He perplexed.

Jackson had no intentions to hide his matter on Miguel. "Soldier, you're in no position to fight, you know as well as I do the medical reports stated you needed 3 full days for a proper reconstruction from your injuries, you will not be joining the teams on their sweeps till then. I want you to remain here in Ponyville for the time being. Understood Major?" He asked directly with a cool and piercing stare.

Miguel knew that the colonel meant it, he knew it was an order he'd rather not have to be bound by, but he knew that the colonel wasn't going easy on him. "Yes sir." He replied calmly, inside his mind he was annoyed but held it in. 'These bones, aren't made like the others.' His mind quipped. He felt a tug and he saw her looking at him concernedly, he gave her a reassuring look trying to tell her it was fine.

The colonel went back to addressing the captain. It was then heard something nearby and noticed it was Celestia and Luna whispering something between each other, but he couldn't hear either one of them, he guessed from Twilights history of magical abilities that they had created a bubble no one could hear into aside from them. He'd have to ask if there was a means of getting around the spell.

Then the doors opened to the CIC and the commanders of the squads appeared, Hartman was here as well but dressed in his cooking clothes and with Pinkie Pie hovering behind him sneakily. Twilight threw her a confused look but shrugged it off. The colonel began to address the arriving helldivers.
"At the current time I want to make this clear, you're being deployed in a constant circulating formation; each one of you will be in command of a squad to sweep for covenant incursions. It's going to be a relatively level deployment; there is nothing that can be allowed to s-."

"SURPISE!" Pinkie Pie erupted from behind the sergeant and blew out from a party horn with sprayed the colonel with streamers and confetti.

About 3 Spartans walked into the room scanning for whatever was the threat and realising it was only Pinkie Pie. Miguel wasn't surprised mildly confused how Pinkie even managed to get past security behind the sergeant the whole time and why Celestia hadn't done anything to stop her, and also why there were 3 Spartans of the UNSC hiding right outside a door.

"False alarm." Jackson blew the confetti from his face and dusted the streamers off.

Pinkie blew a few more times from the horn and seemed to rather annoy the nearby personnel who were almost reaching for their guns. Jackson addressed the pink mare this time deciding to have a different intention behind just grilling her for playing that prank on him.
"Considering everything, Hartman, take this pink pony with you and give her stored unit Mantis-MK: IV and arm it up and let her do what she wants with it. She's random, but she caught me off guard." Jackson admitted.

Jordan wasn't even fazed by what happened and shrugged. "Ok." He turned to Pinkie who was happily humming on his shoulder. "Pinkie, hear that? The colonel wants to give you a party walker."

Pinkie Pie froze and the horn fell out of her mouth and she suddenly pressed her face into Jordan's with a giant smile. "Really?" She asked ecstatically.

"Yes." Jordan replied before he managed to pull her off and she began to shake and suddenly explode in confetti covering him in it and the others. Miguel could have sworn he heard a UNSC personnel mutter. "Did she just orgasm?"

Pinkie popped out some pom poms and began to dance around the room with 2 horns in her mouth before Jordan managed to take her into the other room to calm her down. Miguel could only say. "When did Pinkie start following Jordan?" He asked to Twilight who in turn shrugged.

"Well now that's over, all of you are dismissed, and also can someone please clean this mess up." Jackson said as he stepped on a horn.

As they were set to leaving they were stopped by Celestia and Luna outside the CIC, Celestia greeted them.
"Twilight, Miguel it's good to see you two have bonded rather well."

Twilight blushed as she recalled her brother looking over at Miguel and Luna looking rather curiously at the two of them, but Miguel hadn't shifted much in his expression. Celestia then decided to ask.
"Twilight I'd like to speak to the major, for a while, alone. If that is fine with you?"

Miguel wasn't sure why she was doing this but he nodded. "I'm available now ma'am, it's not like I have many places to go for the moment." He replied.

Celestia nodded and said.
"If you have a room we should speak there." She then said to Shining and Twilight.
"If you could excuse me and Miguel, also Shining I believe you wished to speak with your sister did you not?" She smiled.

Shining nodded and Twilight and him and the others of the Equestrian guard along with Luna were heading outside of the base while Miguel and Celestia headed over to a small barracks on the other side of the centre where the UCAF had set up outside to rest the helldivers and marines.



He grasped at the doors to this ancient building, but this place was not holy to him, this was not what he was after. He looked around desperately; he knew it was here, where the filthy primitives had left it, the holy spear of the forerunners, the great ones who had been here. The world burned around him as the battle continued around this city.

His soldiers were expending their lives for the holy journey and he was to deliver them with him to the promises of the Great Journey, it was then the ground exploded in front of him and a human weapon tore through the ceiling of this building. But the he saw it, on the ground, the unbroken crystal floor.

'Look…' A distant voice echoed in his mind.

It was here, he looked around at the smashed ground to see where the patterns led, he followed it to the throne of this place, he reached its steps and felt around, but what got his attention was the crystal that adorned the top of the chair, it was a forerunner engraving. As he reached it he felt the top and searched around the bottom till he found it.

'There…' The voice reverberated in his mind.

The chair was concealing a movable pedestal, he grabbed the chair and removed it from its mount and found what he was looking for, and it was a hexagonal pattern stone with side grips. He reached over and pulled each one up till the pedestal came to full height. He found that the pedestal had 6 inscriptions engraved on the surface, he couldn't tell what each meant, but he knew now there was a hidden treasure in this place.

'It is here…' The voice was booming in his mind.

His journey had been worthwhile. And the journey will finally be complete, he'd use this to end the humans and their allies here on this world and ensure the covenant's supremacy in this war, he had to find where this place was though. But as soon as he wanted to leave he felt there was a voice pressuring him from all sides.

'The guiding light of my kind resides here, the Apex Compiler.' He could tell who it was now.

He felt her cold dead hands on his mind and he yelled.
"Damn you witch!"

He awoke and swung into oblivion and smashed the post of his bed, his fist went right through Nightmare's incorporeal form. She smiled and mused.
"You're the one who wants the forerunner artefact in the city don't you?" She asked snidely.

He was huffing and caught his breath before replying.
"It's the only way, for the journey to start, but where is it?" He asked.

"Where else? Right under the ruler of this land's nose and she knows of it, and now you do. All you have to do is take it, and we can end our agreement." She smiled menacingly.

He looked at her uncaring and somewhat unnerved by her fanged smile, she never so openly smiled so maliciously. He knew there was an agenda behind her actions and one that may claim the lives of his warriors, but what choice did he have? Burning this world would take months with only a single ship and he'd return empty handed with only Zaro's head. It seemed wasted for an entire fleet he sacrificed in order to chase that traitor down.

He looked at her and replied with a nod.
"Very well witch, tell me where it is, and I shall grant you so much."

Nightmare smiled ever more and began. "Canterlot mountains."


As they went along the grey halls to the nearby private barracks they arrived at Miguel's room, all officers received their own rooms in the barracks especially helldivers of Miguel's class, as they walked through the hallways to it, he noticed Celestia's expression seemed to break every so often, and something nudged at him. He almost stopped when he saw her make a smile at him, a familiar smile that he couldn't exactly recall where he had seen.

Upon arriving at his private quarters he got out his palm and pressed it against the nearby pad, he used his neural interface and sent the ID code through into it and allowed the room to list him as the new owner. The door slid open after a moment and they stepped into his empty room, there wasn't much to look at, it was standard design like the rest of the UCAF military absolutely Spartan.

There was one gel layer bed, 2 sheets a pillow and a desk with a console and a small paper bin, a closet that adorned the left side corner, a weapons case and repair station and crafting station on hand and a medical station on the right side wall with emergency MRE kits and ammo stashed under it.

Miguel took his seat at his desk and Celestia took her seat on his bed. As she sat down she liked the feel of it. "This is nice, so form fitting rather than my throne, the seat cushion is so stiff even when they replace it with silk and cotton there's always something off about it. My flank is almost always sore from sitting there every day." She muttered.

Miguel was unimpressed. "Princess I know this isn't about just talking about pillows and rumps, and I'm sure the quarter master at Ponyville can provide you a small sample to use, he's given Rarity more than enough."

Celestia looked at him and replied. "Fair enough, though I wasn't sure how I wished to approach you, but I must say there isn't much of a choice now. Miguel, I know more than you trust Twilight with, and I know Miguel isn't you name or even your designation, when you encountered Twilight's mind delve she saw everything, more than she should have, and I saw it as well and cleared them from her mind, but thankfully being as old as I am is a useful thing, being able to withstand years of punishing regrets and mistakes. And I know to act now, Spartan Alpha 257-Shinn, memory is the key isn't it?" She smiled.


AN: (And cut, we are done for now, I have been running late with a lot of work here and suffering short term depression, but don't worry I'll bounce back soon enough. All said and done, this is still continuing and with an ending you'll all love to see, and I won't make it so terrible on the Mane 6, this'll be trying for all of them, but I don't intend to mess them up. And also character building for Miguel, also known as Shinn 257 from another series which only I know about.)

And also I am working on 19 stories at once, yes 19, and they're killing me horribly. Because Mobile Suit Equestria hasn't launched yet, and then there's a few others coming along, and not to mention a story compilation from IRC Ponychat's roleplaying section which wants to throw their thing in with me. Don't ask.

And also I have been planning a massive competition for the future, don't know when, but it's coming along.

Also more OC characters can be taken, especially when we begin the actual short war between the humans and the covenant ponies are needed for this. No OP or Mary Sue for the love of fuck I got 12 random characters sitting around that are way to OP. And to Lunar Assassin, I am going to have your OC, but he's going to be rather involved in certain fights, hope he likes plasma daggers and explosions.