• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,096 Views, 101 Comments

Wings for a Pony 2: The Brotherhood of Shadows - Lonely Shadow

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Chapter 5

It was the dead of winter, and the wind was bitter as snowflakes floated to the ground on the breeze. Beneath the snowflakes two ponies - Sky Tearer and a new unicorn recruit - trotted through the snow, keeping watch for any suspicious activity around Ponyville. They had been walking for hours, and having not spotted anything strange in all that time along with the fact that it was getting dark, Sky decided it was time to call it a night.

“I think we’re done here, private.”

“Thank Celestia, my hooves are freezing!” the Star Light exclaimed.

“Well get warmed up, we have to do it again tomorrow.”

Sky didn’t mind the cold so much because as a pegasus he had a natural resistance to it, but he could see that the private was uncomfortable, and with the holidays nearly upon them he was feeling generous.

“So, private. Are you going to visit your family for Hearth’s Warming Eve?”

“Yes, very soon my family will be growing,” the unicorn replied.


“Thank you. My family is big on adoption, and soon we will have more unicorns in our family,” he replied cheerfully. “What about you? What are you getting for your wife?”

“Honestly… I don’t know. She hasn’t been dropping any hints, so I don’t know what she wants,” Sky admitted.

“I’m sure you’ll think of something sir.”

“Thanks, but Hearth’s Warming Eve is just a few days away. I don’t think I can come up with something she wants that fast.” It was then that they decided to part ways and head for their respective homes.

“Goodnight sir.”

“Goodnight, private.” They saluted one another and walked away.


Sky Tearer finally arrived home, exhaustion threatening to overtake him as he pushed through the door. He gave a relieved sigh as he removed his helmet and placed it in a nearby chest in the living room; he then flew upstairs to find his wife Dinky sitting on their large bed. Beneath her front hooves was an open book littered with various photographs. Sky walked beside her and gave her a small peck on the cheek.

“Hi, honey,” Sky said, sounding cheerful but slightly groggy from his long night and in the winter’s cold.

“Hello handsome,” Dinky giggled as Sky began to remove his hoof guards.

“What’s with the book?”

“Oh, it’s just a scrapbook me and my mom made when I was little,” she replied as she flipped a page.

Sky looked down to see various pictures of Dinky when she was a filly, along with her mother Ditzy Doo. Some were of them baking and being covered in batter, others were of them doing things like camping or going to school for the first time. Dinky gave a small sigh as she looked at another picture.

“Is something bothering you?” Sky asked as he began removing his body armor.

“Nothing’s wrong Sky.” Dinky shifted her eyes slightly.

“Don’t lie to me sweetie, I know when something’s on your mind.”

“Nothing is wrong, I promise.” Sky wasn’t convinced.

“So you just pulled out a scrapbook of you and your mother for no reason?” Dinky lowered her head slightly, trying to avoid her husband’s gaze. “Come on honey, what is it? What’s bothering you?” Dinky looked up at Sky uncertainly.

“Well… it’s about Hearth’s Warming Eve.” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “You didn’t get me a present yet did you?” Sky shifted his gaze.

“Uhh…. Of course I did.”

“Now who’s lying?” Dinky said with a small smile.

“Fine, you caught me! But you haven’t said anything about what you want!” Dinky looked at him curiously.

“You really want me to tell you?” Sky nodded. “Sky…. I want you to listen to me very carefully.” She moved closer to him and made direct eye contact. “Do you remember when we foalsat for Clay and Firefly a few months back?”

“Yeah,” Sky replied, not sure where she was going with this.

“Ever since that day I’ve been thinking and… well, that’s what I want.” Sky looked at her confused.

“You want to be a foalsitter?”

“No you airhead!” She giggled.

“Well what do you want then?” Dinky gave an odd smile.

“Sky, what I want from you on Hearth’s Warming Eve is something only you can give me.” She leaned in closer, fixing him with dreamy half-closed eyes. “Sky… I want a baby.” the room was silent as the two ponies stared at each other, a tension filled the air until at last Sky spoke.

“Dinky I… I just don’t know about that.”

“Oh, but wouldn’t it be great Sky? Just you, me, and our little foal snuggled up next to us by a warm fire on a night like this. You can tuck him, or her, in at night and I can read a bed time story.” She gave him a happy look. “Don’t you want that, Sky?” Sky didn’t reply - he simply stared at her, his mind fumbling for what he was going to say next.

“Now the scrapbook makes sense.” He looked her in the eye and took a short breath. “Dinky… I don’t think that would be such a good idea right now.” Dinky looked at him, startled.

“But why?”

“Well, I’m always busy, so even if we did have a foal I wouldn’t be around to see it grow up and I don’t want that. Second, what if it’s a unicorn? We still haven’t caught the one responsible for the kidnappings, and I don’t want me or you to constantly worry about the safety of our child because of some crazy pony out there. And what if he went after you while you were pregnant? I could never live with myself if anything happened to you.” He gave her a firm, but still gentle look. “I’m sorry honey… but the answer is no.” Dinky looked at Sky silently, the joy completely gone from her face and replaced by disappointment.

“You’re… you’re right Sky… I guess it is too early to start thinking about raising a family.” Dinky lowered her head sadly. Sky, feeling slightly guilty, reached over and gave her a comforting hug, which Dinky returned.

“I promise that as soon as things calm down, and I know that you and the baby can be safe… I’ll think about what you said. Just be patient.” He rubbed her back affectionately.

“I’m sorry Sky… I just… I just wanted to experience the joy that Clay and Firefly have with their kids,” she said sadly.

“No, I’m the one who’s sorry,” Sky whispered as he gave her a gentle kiss on her cheek. “Listen, it’s late - maybe we should go to bed.” Dinky nodded glumly and released Sky so he could get up and get ready for bed.

Sky trotted to the bathroom while Dinky put away her scrap book. Soon Sky entered the room and pulled back the covers with his mouth before settling himself in next to Dinky; they both said goodnight and turned out the lights, plunging the room into darkness. Sky turned onto his side and began to try and fall asleep, but as he did he heard a small sound behind him. He perked one of his ears and listened; as he did he heard the sound again, one that he quickly identified. The sound had come from Dinky, who was quietly sniffling, though trying to make sure that Sky didn’t hear her; but he did hear her, and the thought that he had caused his wife such sadness made him feel like he had a lump of ice in his gut. Sky said nothing as he continued to hear his wife’s quiet sobs in the dark, and eventually both of them fell into an uneasy sleep.