• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 1,094 Views, 101 Comments

Wings for a Pony 2: The Brotherhood of Shadows - Lonely Shadow

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Chapter 10

The night had finally arrived. After weeks of waiting the Grand Galloping Gala had finally started. Clay was at home fiddling with his brown tie trying to get it straight. He grunted in frustration as it refused to do so.

“Need some help?” Firefly’s voice called behind him.

“Thanks that would be…” Clay stopped as he looked behind him to face Firefly.

Standing in front of him was Firefly ready for the gala. Her dress was a light blue that matched her mane and tail with pink lacing. On her hooves she wore violet slippers that matched her eyes. Her mane had been styled to be braided to the side as it clung to her neck. She gave a warm smile as she saw her husband’s expression.

“Like what you see?” She chuckled.

“Very…” Clay muttered not taking his eyes off her.

She trotted up to him and helped with his tie, her face still keeping the happy expression as she did so.

“It’s been a while since we’ve gone to the gala. I hope you still remember how to treat a Canterlot mare right.” Firefly teased nuzzling up to him.

“Oh don’t worry. Rarity made sure that I never forgot how to behave around the proper ponies.” Clay replied still fumbling with his tie, “Ugh… what I wouldn’t give for claws like Spike right now. Or a horn like Star’s….” Clay stuck his tongue out in concentration.

“Oh hush, you look very handsome even without the tie.” She reassured her husband .

“Almost... there!” Clay had finished with tie, however despite his best efforts it was still slightly disheveled, “Damn…”

“Relax, Clay. We’ll fix it on the way to the gala. Now come on the kids are getting anxious.” With a slight tilt of her head she led Clay out of the bedroom and down the steps and waited by the front door for the kids, “Star! Bolt! Are you two ready yet?” She called.

“I’m ready. Star’s having some trouble though!” Bolt called from their bedroom.

“Ok. But speed it up, it’s getting late!” Firefly turned to her husband with a sigh, “Do you know if Rainbow and the others will be there?”

“Oh yeah. They show up every year so they can have their quality time at doughnut Joes. They never missed a year so I doubt they will this time.”

The conversation was cut short as they heard hoofsteps coming down the stairs. As they looked up they saw Bolt descend wearing a blue jacket with red stripes along with a red tie around his neck.

“There’s my handsome stallion.” Firefly cooed as she gave her son a firm hug and kiss.

“Mooom….” Bolt groaned starting to blush.

“Where’s your sister?” Clay asked.

“She’s…. she’s shy about her dress.” Bolt answered.

“Oh nonsense! I’m sure Star looks like a princess in hers.” Firefly replied.

“That’s what she’s afraid of.” Bolt retorted.

“Star! Come on down! Valor is probably waiting for us right now.” Firefly called urgently.

“Alright….” Stars voice responded sounding full of dread.

After a few seconds they heard the sound of slippers on wood as Star slowly made her way down the steps. As she came closer and closer the three ponies downstairs looked at her appearance in silent awe. Star was garbed in a dress that was similar to Twilights first gala dress. It was ivory white with black trimming, the part that covered her flank and back legs were speckled in black stars that popped against the white background. On her front legs she wore silver slippers that matched her mane which had been tied neatly in the back with a red bow that matched her crimson eyes.

“Well…. Um…. how do I look?” She asked nervously as she looked to her family who were still very quiet, “It’s too much isn’t it…” Star whimpered looking down at her slippers.

“No sweetheart…. It’s just right for you.” Firefly replied holding her daughters face and kissing her forehead.

“I told you that you looked good sis.” Bolt replied with a smile.

“Dad…. What do you think…?” Star asked blushing slightly as she looked up at him.

“You look…. Breath-taking.” Star blushed even more.

“I hope Valor likes it….” She whispered.

“He’d be crazy not to.” Firefly replied, “Now we better get going. Uncle Sky and Aunt Dinky are waiting for us at the carriage.” She opened the door and let the others exit before she did.

As they trotted down the sunset lit road they soon spotted two familiar looking ponies standing by a rather fancy looking carriage being pulled by two royal guard stallions. As they drew near Dinky spotted them and waved to the family. She was garbed in a purple dress with white lacing and a golden muffin crest on her chest. Her hair was done in a bun in the back with a few bubble clips to hold up. Sky on the other hand was dressed in a dark blue lapel suit with gold stripes; around his neck he wore a white neck tie. His mane was slicked back and oiled, a sharp contrast to his usual windswept style.

“Ah! There they are!” Dinky called happily as the family drew close.

“Well… don’t you guys look fancy?” Sky replied with a smile as he inspected the two teens.

“Thanks! You look fancy too Uncle.” Star retorted.

“What a lovely broach you have Dinky. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you wear it before.” Firefly said admiring Dinky’s jewelry.

“Thank you. My mother gave it to me for just such an occasion a few years back.” Dinky replied with a sense of pride.

“Alright ponies. Hate to cut things short but we’ve got to get going!” Clay called opening the door to the carriage. Dinky was the first to enter, then Sky, then Fire Bolt. Star trotted up to him but didn’t enter.

“Dad your tie is messed up.” She used her magic to straighten out his tie with a red magical aura, “There we go.” She said with a slight smile.

“Thanks sweetheart.” He smiled back but Stars face was slightly disheartened, “What’s the matter Star?” She looked up at him with uncertain eyes.

“Do you… really think I’m pretty dad?” Clay smiled and place a hoof on her cheek.

“You’re one of the most stunning unicorns I have ever seen Star…. I mean that.” She smiled at her father.

“Thanks dad…” She gave him a big hug and then entered the carriage, and was soon followed by Firefly and finally Clay.
The driver gave the reins a quick tug and the carriage began moving down the road and towards Canterlot and the palace.


Within thirty minutes the carriage arrived at Canterlot castle, the road leading to the front entrance was packed with other carriages and fellow attendee’s. Once they were directly in front of the gate the door was opened by a regal looking unicorn. Sky was the first to exit and held a hoof out for Dinky as she stepped out, then Clay who did the same for Firefly, than finally Star and Bolt were the last exit. The two young ponies were filled with excitement and awe as they looked upon the massive castle, none of them had ever been to Canterlot before let alone seen the castle this close. They took off in a gallop forgetting that they were accompanied by their parents and guardians; Star went to look for Steel Valor, while Bolt went to look for Summer as well as explore the castle.

“Kids…” Clay sighed as he saw his two children run off.

“Let them have their fun.” Dinky commented as she was escorted by Sky.

“Yes. They might not enjoy themselves once they realize how boring it is here.” Sky remarked.

The four of them began making their way to the entrance, observing the many other attendees, staff, and royal guards keeping a look out.

“There seems to be more guards than usual.” Dinky remarked looking to a unicorn in gold armor.

“With all the abductions Celestia and Luna have doubled the guard to protect the guests.” Sky replied.

“Why aren’t you in uniform Sky?” Firefly asked curiously.

“I requested some leave time so I could be at the Gala without being involved with the guard work.” Sky replied nodding to a recruit that saluted to him while they walked past.

“You’ll keep an eye on the kids though right?” Clay asked with some uncertainty.

“Like a hawk.” Sky retorted.

“Alright, that’s enough talk of work, and keeping an eye on the kids. We all came here to have fun didn’t we?” Firefly said nudging Clay in the ribs.

“Come on Sky. Why don’t we go over to the other side of the castle so we can be alone?” Dinky gave Sky a slight tug with her magic.

“Have fun you two!” Firefly teased as the two trotted off in the opposite direction, then she turned her attention to her husband, “Come on Clay, please try to relax. You’ve been so tense lately.”

“It’s hard to relax when there is a kidnapper on the loose and your kids are in a large castle where you can’t keep an eye on them.” Clay groused, causing Firefly to frown slightly.

“When did you become a stick in the mud?”

“The day I had two kids to look after.” He retorted.

“Clay, if Star wasn’t a unicorn you wouldn’t even object to bringing her here.” Firefly was starting to get annoyed, “Besides. Isn’t it safer for them to be here surrounded by guards, the elements of harmony, Princess Celestia, and Luna, their parents, and their aunt and uncle to keep an eye on them?” Clay opened his mouth about to speak, but the more he thought about the more he saw Firefly’s point.

“Ok, I guess you’re right.” Clay sighed.

“Good. Now come on, I want to go meet Twilight and the others.” She cantered off while Clay did the same.


Bolt was busy trotting around the castle looking for any sign of Summer Breeze. The anticipation in his chest was building by the second. One could say his heart was about to explode with anxiety.

“Where is she, where is she?” Bolt whipped his head from left to right scanning the crowd of ponies, “Maybe she’s not here yet…” He was starting to feel downcast when suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. Bolt quickly spun around to come face to face with the mare of his dreams. Summer was wearing a light green dress with dark green leaf shapes etched into the dress. Her mane was done in a bun with a golden hair clip to hold it into place.

“Hi Bolt.” Summer said quietly with a warm smile.

“H…. hi…” Bolt said blushing slightly.

“You look very nice.” Summer commented looking at his dress jacket.

“Y-you too…” Bolt’s heart was thumping in his chest like a drum.

“Um… do you want to dance or… maybe just talk?” Summer suggested.

“I-I’m… not much of a dancer.” Bolt kicked shyly at the floor.

“That’s ok. It looks pretty crowded right now anyway. We can just talk over there.” She took Bolts hoof and led him to a corner with benches so they could talk in private. Bolt’s face was the deepest shade of crimson Equestria had ever seen as he was led away.


Star sat on a bench looking around occasionally watching other ponies pass by. She didn’t see any sign of Steel anywhere, and she was beginning to worry.

“It’s a big place. He must be around here somewhere.” She thought to herself, “He’s probably looking for me right now. No need to get all freaked out yet, it’s only been ten minutes after all.” Feeling bored she noticed a pony carrying a dish of fancy looking appetizer’s. Her horn glowed red as she plucked one as the pony passed and held it to her face. With a slight shrug she placed the food into her mouth and gave a few chews before her face contorted in disgust and spate the offending food onto the floor with a slight ‘petweew’ sticking her tongue out and whipping it off with a nearby napkin, “Ugh… that was just vile!” She silently cursed the chief who had the nerve to call that food. Her thoughts were soon interrupted however when she heard a stallions voice behind her.

“Excuse me.” Star looked around and was face to face with Steel Valor looking very strapping in his suit and tie, “Tried one of the appetizers huh? I never understand how anypony can eat those things.” Star gave a laugh that was louder than she intended it to be catching the attention of several ponies, “You uh… look very pretty Star.” Steel commented trying to make her more relaxed.

“Oh… thank you Steel. You look very handsome yourself.” She blushed slightly at the compliment.

“That’s a Rarity design right?” Steel asked pointing to the dress.

“Why yes it is… how did you know?” Star asked puzzled.

“My mom is a fan of her work. She made my suit too.” Star smiled.

“Well she does good work.” Star retorted.

“Mind if I join you?” Steel asked.

Star nodded and moved over slightly so Steel could sit beside her. She couldn’t believe that all of this was happening. She was at the grand galloping gala with her crush, and he thought she was pretty. Things couldn’t get more perfect.


Sky and Dinky observed the room, occasionally spotting noteworthy ponies including Fancy Pants, and Sapphire Shores. Dinky was enjoying herself despite how dull the gala really was. Sky on the other hand was less enthusiastic; he came here fairly often after all. Still he tried his best to put on a smile for Dinky. Occasionally he would spot Star and Bolt in the distance interacting with their partners, nothing suspicious… yet.

“I love coming here.” Dinky said dreamily, “The castle is impressive, so many things have happened here.” She looked up at the stairway at the center of the room where Princess Celestia and Luna could be seen greeting guests, “Not to mention it’s where the princesses live.” She continued.

“It is impressive I’ll say that.” Sky remarked looking again at his niece and nephew. Dinky noticed and gave a slight humph.

“I know we promised to keep an eye on the kids, but it wouldn’t hurt to have a little fun.”

“We’re at the gala… fun isn’t exactly a word here.” Sky commented.

“We don’t get to go out anymore. You’re always so… busy…” She sighed and looked at the ground sadly, “I just… want one night with you.”

Sky looked back and noticed his wife’s sadness and felt guilt form at the bottom of his stomach. He gave a sigh and then noticed music playing in the distance. The dance floor was starting to open up again, and suddenly Sky was struck by inspiration taking Dinky by the hoof and dragging her to the center of the room.

“S-sky what are you..?!” Dinky was startled by Sky’s sudden pulling and before she knew it she found herself on the dance floor face to face with her husband and everyone watching.

"Don't talk… just listen.” Sky moved in closer taking Dinky’s hooves in his own, his face rather close to hers. As the music began to play, Sky began to move the two of them in a kind of waltz, moving across the dance floor while the audience watched in amusement, “I know I haven’t been around much lately. And I’m sorry.” He held her hoof out as they moved to the side across the floor, “I’ve been trying so hard to make Equestria safe for you and everyone else that I forgot to let you know that you are the most important mare to me.” Dinky blushed from all of this happening at once.

“I know Sky… I know you’re heart’s in the right place. I just get so tired of living in that house by myself for weeks at a time. I know you work hard to make sure I’m safe.” Sky gave Dinky a little twirl making the audience awe in surprise.

“That’s no excuse.” Sky replied as he pulled her in closer, “I gave you enough trouble when we were kids… it’s time I made up for it.” He lifted the unicorn up above his head without even straining himself, the crowd gasped and chattered excitedly.

“Wow… you have been working out.” Dinky said surprised by her husband’s strength.

“Doing drills and running around the castle and Ponyville will do that.” Sky stated as he placed her back down only to spin her around him like at top, before making her stop and dipping her back looking into her eyes, “I love you Dinky…” He whispered as the two looked at each other.

“I love you too…” She said softly before planting a kiss on his lips causing the whole crowd to cheer excitedly.


Not far from the dance floor Clay and Firefly witnessed the whole display cheering with the rest of the crowd.

“What a show off!” Clay laughed looking to his wife.

“You have to admit. They weren’t half bad.” Once the noise died down the two of them made their way to back where spotted Twilight who was talking with a unicorn they didn’t recognize. As they approached the unicorn stallion left and blended with the crowd.

“Hello Aunt Twilight.” Clay replied happily.

“Clay! Oh my gosh it’s been so long!” Twilight gave her nephew a tight hug and he did the same, “Every time I see you you’re bigger! You aren’t taking growth hormones are you?” Clay laughed at that remark.

“No, just good old fashioned apple bucking.” Clay replied.

“Firefly.” Twilight turned her attention to the pink pegasus and gave her a hug, “Oh, you look so beautiful.”

“Thank you Twilight. You look very lovely too.” She returned the hug and pulled back, “How has Canterlot been treating you?”

“Oh it’s been great. Got to spend time with my family, and see all of Celestia’s new students.” Twilight replied ecstatically, “But to be honest as fun as it is to return to Canterlot, the best thing in the world is returning back to Ponyville and spend time with my other family.” She smiled at the stallion before her. Clay smiled back and gave Twilight another hug.

“I missed you Aunt Twilight…” The unicorn hugged back, a gentle smile on her features.

“I missed you too Clay…” They departed feeling slightly awkward.

“Twilight. Who was that unicorn you were talking too earlier?” Firefly asked.

“Oh that was professor Cosmos. He’s the new astronomy teacher for the school of gifted unicorns and very talented with star patterns. Since we’re both going to be working there I thought to welcome him to Canterlot.”

“Well it’s nice to hear that the school is still going. I thought with all the kidnappings lately there wouldn’t be many new students this year.” Clay replied.

“It… has put a damper on things yes, but we are still getting a fair amount of unicorns. It always makes me smile to see so many young ponies so eager to learn.” Twilight said delighted.

“Hey. Are mom and the others here?” Clay asked taking a quick glance.

“No. They already left. I’m just staying behind to help Professor Cosmos and talk with Princess Celestia. They should be at doughnut Joes if you want to meet them later.”

“You know we will.” Firefly retorted.

“Oh this is going to be fun. All of us hanging out like old times.” Twilight was giddy with excitement as she led Clay and Firefly to meet Celestia and Luna.


Bolt had been at the gala for thirty minutes, and so far everything had gone perfectly. He and Summer had been talking almost none stop, she thought he was funny, and a nice guy. This truly had been the perfect night…

“So last year my Aunt Twilight gave me a book for my birthday. A book!” Summer chuckled slightly.

“Oh a book can be a nice gift.” She said cheerfully.

“Yeah, but get this. The title was called ‘Why am I sweaty? Your body described in horrifyingly uncomfortable detail.’” Bolt snickered.

“Oh no…” Summer placed her face in her hoof and tried to suppress a chuckle.

“Sweet Celestia I love my Aunt Twilight. But she has the strangest ideas for gifts.” Summer was busy wiping away tears of laughter while Bolt caught his breath and looked to Summer with a smile, “I’ve… had a lot of fun with you tonight Summer.” She looked at him with the same expression.

“Me too… this is the most fun I’ve had in months.” She placed a hoof on Bolts, causing him to blush.

“Summer…” Bolt asked looking Summer in the eyes.

“Yes Bolt?” Bolt cleared his throat nervously.

“There is… Something I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while…” He used his free hoof to pull at his collar feeling hot.

“What is it?” She moved closer to him, her chest tightening in anticipation.

“I was… wondering if maybe we could… I mean… maybe you and me could be…” Bolt swallowed while Summer looked at him with growing anticipation her eyes shimmering, “Summer will you be my-.” Before Bolt could finish there was a large bang across the room causing the lights to dim, and the whole castle shook before it became filled with screams of terror.

“What was that?” Summer asked sounding frightened.

“I… I don’t know.” Bolt took her hoof and they began to move as a crowd of ponies began to run for the exit.

“You don’t think its… the kidnappers?” Bolt’s eyes went wide at the thought, his mind flashing back to that Nightmare Night they were attacked.

“Star…” Bolt took off as fast as his legs would carry him.

“Bolt! Come back it’s too dangerous!” But her words went unheeded as the pegasus vanished into the crowd.


A few minutes earlier:

Star was in heaven. How could things be any more perfect unless Steel asked her to be his girlfriend? Perhaps that was too much to hope for in one night. After all they were both very different ponies, he was a jock and she was… well an egghead as her brother would put it. But still she could dream couldn’t she? And why would she have to when she was living the dream right now? After seeing her Uncle Sky and Aunt Dinky dance earlier that set the mood, everyone was dancing now, and Steel was surprising very gentle for one so rough on the hoofball field. For a few glorious minutes it felt like it was just the two of them on that dance floor, it was a moment she would remember for the rest of her life. Unfortunately it couldn’t last forever and soon she found herself on the side with Steel as watched the others continue to dance or talk amongst themselves.

“Star… I… I want you to know I’ve had a great time with you tonight.” Steel said looking to her with a smile.

“Me too Steel. This… this whole night has been wonderful.” She moved closer to him blushing slightly.

“Usually I hate going to the gala. But being here with you has made it a lot better.”

“Oh… I don’t know about that.” She turned away.

“No I’m serious. You’re a lot of fun Star.” He continued with his smile trying to cheer her up.

“Thank you…” She turned to face him and stared into his eyes, a heat building up within her, “I don’t want this to end…” Star murmured.

“I know how you feel.” Steel confirmed looking deep into her eyes.

“It’s now or never…” Star thought to herself leaning in closing her eyes ready for the kiss she had been looking forward to all night.

“What the hell are you doing?” A mare’s voice said behind them.

Star’s eyes snapped open and she looked behind her to see a purple unicorn mare with a blonde mane and tail with blue eyes stared accusingly at them both.

“Pep Rally?” Steel asked sounding surprised.

“Are you really surprised Steel? My daddy always gets me tickets to the gala. If anypony should be surprised it’s me that your little nerd friend is here with her backwards ass interracial family.” Pep Rally shouted with venom.

“Steel… what’s going on?” Star asked trying to ignore the insult.

“You said you weren’t going to the Gala this year. Said it was boring.” Steel said moving up to Pep Rally.

“I wasn’t. But then I heard from the grape vine that you were going out with Evening Star. I didn’t believe it at first because that’s the most unlikely thing to ever happen. And then imagine my surprise when I come here and see you about to suck face with her.” Pep Rally was fuming, “What the hell is wrong with you Steel? I’m the cheerleading captain, you’re the hoofball captain. We’re made for each other!”

“And I told you countless times, that I don’t have to date you, and that I don’t want to.” Steel retorted.

“So you go with her instead? She’s a damn nerd! Her family is a bunch of freaks!”

“Hey! You can insult me all you want Pep Rally, but leave my family out it!” Star’s temper was beginning to rise.

“Be quiet nerd. Nopony was talking to you.” Pep Rally snapped.

“He came with me, not you. So I suggest you leave before it gets ugly.” Star said getting dangerously close to the cheerleader captain.

“That’s so cute. That you think he actually cares about you.” Pep Rally smirked, “The only reason he went out with you is because he felt sorry for you.”

“Shut up!” Star’s body was tensing up.

“I mean come on. You don’t really even have a family. You’re just a unicorn that your real parents didn’t want and you know it.” Pep Rally continued.

“S-shut up! You… you don’t know anything.” Star’s eyes began to glisten and her chest tightened.

“I know that your parents didn’t love you. And your step parents love your brother more.” Pep Rally smirked.

“T-they don’t… l-love him m-more…” Tears were starting to form in Star’s eyes, despite how hard she was trying to fight them. Finally she turned her head away letting her tears fall to the floor.

“Poor little abandoned Star. Maybe one day you’ll find somepony who won’t go out with you just because you’re so pathetic.” Pep Rally said mockingly.

“Shut up…” Star whispered still refusing to look at Pep Rally.

“That’s enough Pep Rally. Leave her alone!” Steel stepped between the two unicorns staring Pep Rally down.

“It’s not my fault she can’t accept the truth. Then we can get together as it should be.” Pep Rally grinned cruelly as she looked down at the weeping unicorn.

“Damn it Pep Rally! I am not your boyfriend! How many times do I have to tell you?” Steel shouted.

“Until you realize that we were destined for each other.” She suddenly leaned forward and kissed Steel on the lips to insult Star even further.

Steel pulled back quickly and looked at her in disgust. But before either one could do anything, Star’s horn began to glow with a red aura. The air around her began to crackle with energy. Both Steel and Pep Rally looked at Star with a mixture of confusion and fear as she looked up at Pep Rally, her eyes glowing with power and rage.

“You… little… WITCH!” Star shouted her horn emitting a bolt of lightning that caused the lights to dim. The entire castle began to rumble as random objects began to levitate off the ground. Star’s eyes were nothing but orbs of pure light as her dress began to lift slightly as her power escalated.

“Star, Calm down!” Steel pleaded as he went to her side desperately trying to get Star to stop.

But his words fell on deaf ears as Star gave a yell of rage and levitated into the air an orb of energy encasing her as random bolts struck the room around them, ponies fleeing in terror. Star was completely under her magic’s power… and there was no stopping her.



Clay and Firefly were standing around with Twilight and many other ponies. The conversations weren’t particularly riveting as they were mostly about one pony had gained their fortune, or other things that Clay had no interest in. Still he could see that Twilight was enjoying the interaction with ponies from Canterlot so put up with it for now. However in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but hope that something would happen so he could get away from these high society ponies.

“I hope the kids are having fun. I haven’t seen them in a while.” Firefly said fiddling with her braid slightly.

“I’m sure they’re fine. We raised good kids, and they know not to go off with strangers.” Firefly raised an eyebrow.

“Well, look who decided to go off of dad mode.” She commented giving him a slight nudge in the ribs.

“Yeah well… it has been a while since we just relaxed had fun. Even if it is just for one night.” Firefly gave him a small nuzzle.

“That’s the Clay I remember.” Clay chuckled slightly at the remark and wondered what to do next when suddenly the lights dimmed as a loud bang was heard and the whole castle shook.

“What the hell!?” Clay looked around franticly and huddled next to Firefly.

“What’s going on!?” Firefly asked becoming scared.

“It feels like an earthquake!” Twilight replied also startled.

“We’ve got to find the kids!” Clay shouted leading Firefly and Twilight away looking franticly for any sign of Bolt or Star.

It was easier said than done as the shook and swarms of panic stricken ponies ran for the exits.

“Clay! Firefly!” Clay look to find Sky and Dinky running up to them through the crowd.

“Have you two seen the kids?” Firefly asked panic in her voice.

“No. We were looking for them ourselves!” Dinky replied looking franticly.

“Mom! Dad!” Bolt could be barely heard over the bedlam that was going on.

“Bolt!” Firefly made a mad dash for her son pulled him into a tight hug, “Oh I was so worried!”

“Bolt, where is your sister?” Clay asked becoming scared as he realized that Star was nowhere to be seen.

“I don’t know! I was looking for her too!” Bolt’s eyes filled with fear as he realized that his sister was still in danger.

“Bolt!” Summer had finally caught up to Bolt after he ran off, “Bolt! Did you find Star?”

“No! I can’t find her anywhere!” Bolt’s heart raced with each second.

“Sky, Dink, Firefly get Bolt and Summer out of here! I’m going to go find Star and Steel!” Clay shouted over the noise. Sky and Dinky nodded.
“I’m not going anywhere!” Firefly said firmly.

“Alright fine! Just get the kids out while Firefly and I find Star!” Sky and Dinky began to hurry Bolt and Summer Breeze to while Twilight began to help evacuate civilians.

“Mom, dad! Be careful!” Clay nodded to his son and pushed through the crowd with Firefly.


The two ponies forced their way through the crowd occasionally calling Star or Steels name. They no such luck however, and with each passing second the fear grew within both their hearts.

“I can’t see them anywhere, Firefly!” Clay called to his wife as she decided to hover above the crowd, “Can you see her?” Firefly scanned the room with her rose colored eyes until she let out a surprised gasp, “What is it?” Clay struggled to see over the crowd.

“I found Star but… oh no…” Clay was becoming more and more panicked.

“What is it? Is she hurt?” Firefly dove down and picked Clay under his front legs lifting him up. As the stallion was elevated he began to look for the source of his wife’s distress. What he saw though only made his fears worsen as he saw Star floating in her bubble of energy. Without saying a word, Firefly carried Clay over to their daughter as fast as she could before setting him down on the ground, “Star! Can you hear me!” Clay shouted hoping to reach her. The response however was a crack of energy that just barely hit him.

“Clay! Firefly!” Steel called noticing the older ponies.

“What happened Steel?” Firefly asked almost unable to take her eyes off of the display.

“One our classmates showed up and upset her! I can’t get her to stop!” Steel flinched as a bolt of energy shot at the wall and caused it to crumble revealing the gardens.

“What did they say that caused her to do… this?!” Firefly asked.

“Does it really matter?! She’s destroying the castle!” Steel retorted.

“Steel! What did they say!?” Clay demanded gripping the colt’s collar in his hoof so that they were facing each other.

“She was made fun of for being adopted! I tried to get them to stop but they wouldn’t listen.” Steel replied.

“You better not be lying to me.” Clay let Steel go and began moving towards the ball of destruction.

“Oh sweet Celestia, be careful, Clay!” Firefly shouted.

“Star! It’s daddy!” He looked up at Star as she floated in her suspended state. He wasn’t even sure if she could hear him, “Honey listen to me! I know it’s hard when somepony makes fun of you for being adopted! Believe me I’ve been there too! But you can’t let what they say get to you!” Another crack of energy lashed out and struck inches away from where Clay was standing causing him to jump back, “Honey it doesn’t matter if I’m not your real dad! You’re my real daughter! And it doesn’t change the way how I feel about you! Both me and your mother love you with all our hearts! We’d do anything to make you and your brother happy! It’s why we stayed to find you and not run away with the other ponies! It’s why I’m risking my life talking to you right now! We stayed because we love you!” Clay looked to Star praying that his words reached her, but she still seemed to be lost to them as her magic went rampant, “Star… please…” He took a step forward but this decision cost him as a random bolt shot out and struck Clay in the chest sending him flying into a pillar with a loud crack.

“Clay!” Firefly gasped in horror.

That last scream somehow resonated with Star as she looked to her right and saw her father lying unconscious and wounded. This caused Star to snap out of her trance and her eyes began to return to normal and the bubble vanishing from existence.

“Daddy…” She whimpered before Star wobbled slightly and then collapsed unconscious just barely falling into her mother’s hooves.


Clay’s eyes opened slowly as the world returned around him. He gave a slight groan as he realized his body was beginning to ache, especially his right foreleg. The stallion shook his head and surveyed his surroundings. He was in a hospital bed and was connected to a heart monitor, to his left he saw a window that looked out to the town outside; by the look of the buildings he was still in Canterlot. As all of his senses returned he realized that he heard sobbing to his right, he turned his head to see Star by his bedside sobbing into the sheets. Clay tried to move a hoof to stroke her head, only to wince in pain. He looked down and saw that his right foreleg was in a cast, it was without a doubt broken. So he used his left foreleg to stroke the top of Star’s head affectionately, as soon as he did Star’s head popped up, her crimson eyes bloodshot and her face tearstained.

“Daddy!” She looked like she was about to hug him with a big smile, but decided against it and her smile quickly faded.

“Are… ugh… are you ok sweetheart?” Clay asked wincing from the pain in his leg.

“I’m fine dad… I’m more worried about you…” She stroked the back of his head apologetically, “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry dad.” Her tears flowed again as she let out heartbroken sobs, “Can you… *sniff* can you ever forgive me?” Star sobbed, while Clay wrapped his good foreleg around her in an attempt to hug.

“Shhh... It’s ok sweetie. I know you didn’t mean it.” Star wrapped her forelegs around her father.

“I heard what you said before dad… I wanted to stop, but I couldn’t control myself… I’m so sorry.” Star felt like she couldn’t apologize enough.

“I’ve already forgiven you, Star. Believe me, I know how you feel… probably better than anypony else.” He gave her a reassuring smile and Star gave him another hug, “I love you daddy…” He gave her a half hug back.

“I love you too sweetheart.” The two ponies released each other and felt their weary spirits rise, “Where are your mother and brother?” Clay asked noticing their absence.

“Mom took Bolt and Summer home. She’ll be back to visit you when she can. Aunt Dinky and Uncle Sky left to.” Star replied wiping her eyes slightly.

“And… Steel Valor?” Star’s smile faded slightly.

“I don’t know… I haven’t seen him since… it happened.” Clay gently stroked her foreleg.

“I’m sorry sweetie…” Star simply nodded not sure of what to do next. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, “Come in.” Within seconds the door opened again to reveal Rainbow Dash and the others. The cyan pegasus soon had her son in a tight hug while the others chuckled slightly still not used to seeing their friend so emotional even after all these years. Clay quickly returned the hug with his one good foreleg and explained things to them since none of them were there for the event. Despite being surprised and slightly worried they didn’t seem angry about what Star had done, in fact they seemed just happy that she was ok.

“Sorry we weren’t there Clay. By the time Twilight told us what had happened you and Star had already been moved to the hospital.” Applejack said apologetically as she removed her hat.

“Does it hurt too much? Do you need me to get you the nurse?” Rainbow asked stroking his head.

“It hurts, but I can deal with it mom.” He gave Rainbow a reassuring smile.

“Star it’s getting late. Why don’t we go home and let your dad get some sleep ok?” Twilight said kindly.

“I don’t want to leave dad… it’s my fault he’s here.” There was clear pain in her voice.

“It’s ok honey. I’ll be home before you know it.” Clay said trying to ease her guilt.

“Ok… I love you daddy.” She gave him a firm hug which he returned.

“I know sweetheart… I love you too.” They ended the hug and Star moved to the door next to her Aunt Twilight.

“Take care dear.” Rarity gave him a hug before leaving.

“Be sure to get plenty of rest and eat when you can, and stay off that leg.” Fluttershy said also giving him a hug and fluttering out of the room.

“Feel better, sugar cube.” Applejack tilted her hat and soon departed.

“When you get back, I’m going to have a big old get welcome back party all set for you!” Pinkie said happily as she bounced out.
“I’ll bring some books over tomorrow so you don’t get bored!” Twilight said as she trotted out of the hospital room. Rainbow however… was reluctant to leave.

“You sure you’ll be ok?” She asked stroking the back of his head.

“I’ll be fine mom. It’ll take more than a broken leg to keep me down.” He smiled at her reassuringly.

“Ok… come back to us soon.” She gave him a firm hug and then a kiss on his forehead before leaving the room closing the door behind her.

Clay sighed and rested his head on the pillow getting settled in. He turned off the desk lamp beside his bed and looked up at the ceiling for a few seconds before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, thinking about what had transpired that day. Despite what had happened and his current state, he couldn’t help but smile at how much his entire family cared for him.



The streets were dark, vacant of any sign of light. A lone unicorn stallion in formal attire trotted through the streets, his eyes darting from side to side for any sign of movement. The stallion heard a noise behind him and his head jerked in its location.

“Is someone there?” The stallion asked looking into the darkness. The response he got was the sound of hoofsteps on cobblestone, “Who’s there… reveal yourself!” The stallion’s horn began to glow ready to attack if he had to. The sound of the hoofsteps got closer and louder with each second, before long the light emitted from the unicorns horn revealed a grey unicorn with a black mane and single red stripe. His body was garbed in a thick black cloak, “Oh… my lord I apologize for not realizing it was you.” The unicorn bowed before the cloaked one.

“Rise.” The cloaked unicorn uttered, “What news do you bring?”

“My lord… I think we may have found her.” The cloaked unicorns eyebrow raised slightly.

“You’re certain that it is her this time?”

“Without a doubt my lord. She caused quite a scene at the palace tonight. Nearly broke it in two.” The stallion replied.

“And you are quite certain that it is her? You know the penalty for wasting my time.” The cloaked unicorns horn flared with green energy in a flame like fashion.

“She fits the description, and her magic was quite impressive for her age.” The stallion continued.

“Very well… I will investigate this personally. I want you to return to the base, and await further instructions.” The stallion nodded and vanished in a flash teleporting away, “Don’t worry my dear, soon you will be back where you belong… soon….” A sinister grin crossed the unicorns face as he trotted off before vanishing from sight himself… leaving a cold chill in the air.

*End of Act I*