• Published 11th Feb 2013
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Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen - vren55

Thanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?

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Chapter 10: New Promises

Chapter 10: New Promises

“Sometimes people don’t understand

the promises they’re making when they make them,” I said.

Isaac shot me a look. “Right, of course.

But you keep the promise anyway. That’s

what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.”

― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

Luna’s unblinking eyes watched Alternia pace to the balcony of the observatory, with eyes centered on the landscape beneath her.

“From that day forward, I saw you as my sister. You were not of my mother’s blood, but I felt that I needed to protect you. I knew you were a pony worth helping, one who I would be able to talk to when Twilight would be long gone. I wished that I could gain something I lost long ago... ” Like a stone, the disguised changeling’s chin dropped to the edge of the railing and she sighed. “I’m sorry, Luna. I knew it was foolish from the start, but I couldn’t help myself.”

The alicorn’s eyes narrowed and her teeth ground together as she attempted to sort through her conflicting emotions. Swallowing to clear her parched throat, the alicorn coughed and stepped off the couch.

“Alternia, please face us.” Alternia straightened and slowly turned around. As the changeling faced her, Luna flinched as she saw the magenta eyes, wavy mane and pure white coat of her sister. What she saw, looked exactly like her sister, but the princess knew that despite her deepest desire, the being in front of her was not Celestia. “Alternia, please resume thy normal form. We wish to talk to thee, without the masks, with no lies, just between the two of us.”

The changeling blinked and flinched, and for a moment, Luna was worried she might refuse. Yet, green flames traveled down Celestia’s form, burning away white fur and revealing charcoal chitin. The creature underneath the mask looked like a hideous fiend from a foal’s nightmare, but for some reason the muscles in Luna’s shoulders loosened.

“Thou are correct in that thou could never replace our sister. We would have figured out thy deception in time. Thou only delayed an inevitable confrontation when thou could have told us and spared us all of this fiasco.” Luna paused. Alternia had turned her eyes away from the alicorn and her legs trembled ever so slightly. The princess could see the changeling was bracing herself. Alternia expected Luna to continue to scold her, but in reality the alicorn was not sure of what to say. What could Luna say to this changeling who had tricked them all, yet had done so much for her and her ponies?

Luna let the breath she had been holding out of her nostrils. “But Alternia, while thou must pay for thy deception, thou need not apologize for thy affection towards us.” Alternia’s jaw dropped open in disbelief and as Luna continued, her voice grew stronger with every word spoken, as did her resolve in her choice.

“There were far easier methods to protect Equestria. Yet, thou endangered thy precious Twilight Sparkle and saved us from our own darkness. Thou guided our steps in this new Equestria that thou hast forged. Even now, thou continues to convince Equestria to accept and love us for who we are. Even though we slandered thee and invaded thy mind, thou still wished to comfort us.” The alicorn trotted forward and looked into the changeling’s flickering turquoise-green eyes. “Thou... would treat us like a sister when our own once ignored us? We do not begrudge thee for that.”

At the last sentence, Alternia was standing as still as a statue. Yet, her expression was that of a criminal who had just found out she had been pardoned for her crime.

“Luna, does that mean you... ” stammered the changeling.

The princess bowed her head. “We forgive thee for impersonating our sister and deceiving us. In addition, we ask for thy pardon for invading thy mind and for slandering thee.”

Alternia relaxed and stood a little taller than she had before. She wore a warm smile that was not Celestia’s smile, but Luna thought it was somehow more sincere. “Of course I forgive you, Luna. Is there anything I can do to help you?”

The princess hesitated for a moment before she spoke. “Yes... We do not know what place you occupy in our heart. Would thou aide us in this endeavour?”

The changeling queen grinned widely. Her fangs glinted in the dim light, but somehow, they did not scare the alicorn princess. “It would be my pleasure, Princess Luna,” said Alternia, her head inclined slightly.

Luna shook her head, a smile of her own gracing her lips. “Please call me Luna.”

Twilight and the others were overjoyed when they found a disguised Alternia and Luna walking down a hallway, side by side and cheerfully chatting. After assuring their friends that they were alright, Alternia ordered that the wedding preparations would go on and set the date for the next day. Twilight soon found herself accompanying Alternia around the castle with her trusty checklist. The changeling queen personally oversaw the wedding preparations and the ongoing repairs for Canterlot. The young unicorn diligently went down her checklist, advising her mentor as the pair roamed the castle.

As Twilight observed Alternia, she couldn’t help but feel that what she saw wasn’t right. ‘Celestia’ chatted to ponies, complimenting them for work well done, or instructing them on tasks. When the princess was talking to Royal Guards, she became much more serious and spoke in low tones, but Twilight couldn’t help but find it perfectly normal. Strangely enough, it was this normalcy that she found disturbing.

“Twilight, do you have something to ask of me?” inquired Alternia, her eyebrows creased with concern.

“Nothing! I’m fine, Princess!” stammered Twilight, shaking her head fervently.

Alternia lowered her head so that she could meet Twilight’s gaze. “You have been staring at me for a long time. Is there anything wrong?” The unicorn bit her lip and momentarily turned her head away, before facing her mentor.

“Well... while we were gone, we talked about your story and I kind of have a few questions that I would like you to answer... But they can wait! I mean, the wedding comes first!” insisted Twilight. She tried to smile, but could feel her teeth showing and her eyebrows unable to rise high enough.

Alternia shook her head and returned to the gold-clad Royal Guard she had been talking to. “Sergeant Storm Front, before you inform Sir Gaiter can you please find Princess Luna and tell her to oversee the rest of the wedding preparations with Princess Cadance? Tell her I have a long overdue talk with my student.” The guard saluted and trotted off, leaving Twilight and Alternia in the corridor.

“What is it that you wish to ask, my faithful student?” asked Alternia. Swallowing to clear her throat, Twilight spoke the question that had been lingering on her mind since she had received the Elements of Harmony. A question, she hoped would answer the other question that she had locked away in her heart.

“Princess, what part did you play in assembling the Elements of Harmony?” asked Twilight. “And why did you choose me as your student?” wondered the unicorn, wordlessly.

Alternia’s smile faded at the question, though her voice remained gentle.

“A very good question, Twilight, but we’ll have to go somewhere private before I can explain this to you,” replied Alternia. The changeling’s horn began to glow and the flames of a portal began to surround them. Twilight cantered closer to Alternia’s side as the flames began to rise.

“But where are we going?” asked Twilight as the flames swallowed them up. Then, just as they had risen, the tendrils of fire subsided. Twilight blinked, all she could see was darkness. She breathed in and coughed. The air was heavy, full of dust and moisture and had a stale, earth-like scent. Twilight focused her magic through her horn and gawked at what was revealed.

The pair were in a long cavernous hall almost as long as the throne room in Canterlot. It was nowhere near as high and the ceiling was only a few feet above Alternia’s horn. Yet, what amazed Twilight was that the entire complex was underground. This was evident with the forest of tree roots hanging from the ceiling like strings and shrivelled banners.

“Welcome, to what remains of the Everfree Hive,” whispered Alternia softly. Twilight glanced at the changeling and noticed the small drops at the edges of her eyes.

“Wait... this is your home? Then where are all of the changelings?” exclaimed Twilight.

The queen shook her head sadly and brushed away a particularly annoying tree root. “I don’t know. The hive was abandoned a long time ago. A hundred years into my reign, I led an entire expeditionary force into the hive, thinking I would confront my sister, entrenched with her swarm. Instead, I found... this.” Alternia carelessly waved her hoof at a darkened area at the end of the hall. Biting her lip, Twilight narrowed her eyes at the shadows and trotted forward. As the unicorn advanced, the violet glow from her horn tore off the cloak of darkness to reveal steps that led up to a throne.

The throne was actually more like a large chair. It was made entirely out of dark obsidian and had a high-back and large legrests. Once it would have been menacing, a more commanding throne compared to Alternia’s one back at Canterlot. However, large parts of the obsidian had been chipped and one of the armrests was gone. All that remained was a dust covered seat.

“Fate has a strange tendency to never fulfil our expectations. Before I ever became ‘Celestia’, all I wanted was to be everything my mother was. I could have never thought my destiny was to impersonate the Princess of Equestria. Neither could I have imagined that I would see the day that this throne crumbled,” said Alternia. The changeling slowly turned her head to her student. “Twilight, you’re right. You need to know the part I played in assembling the Elements of Harmony and guiding you to your fate.”

Alternia’s horn surged brightly then faded. Out of the darkness, an emerald ghost-like wisp emerged. It danced from the changeling’s horn onto the ground between the pair like a small green lantern. As the flame began to glow, Twilight and Alternia both lowered themselves onto the ground.

“Celestia had replaced the Elements of Harmony in the ruins of the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters on the pedestal where you had found them. A while after I recovered from my wounds, I retrieved the Elements for safekeeping and locked them in a vault in Canterlot Castle.” Alternia rolled her eyes and grumbled. “The exact same vault that Discord somehow managed to break into despite all the protection spells I had placed upon it through the years.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “No wonder you were so scared of Discord.”

“It was perhaps the most terrifying moment of my life before Chrysalis revealed herself to us, but I digress. All I know of the The Elements of Harmony come from the memories of Princess Celestia. Yet, even she doesn’t know exactly how they work.”

“What?” gasped Twilight. She couldn’t believe it. How could even Celestia not know how the Elements of Harmony work?

Alternia nodded sagely. “What she did know is that the Elements of Harmony are parts of the original Rainbow of Light imbued into six gems found by Clover the Clever, Smart Cookie and Private Pansy through the guidance of Celestia and Luna’s mother.”

“Celestia and Luna’s mother?” whispered Twilight.

Alternia gazed into the darkness with narrowed eyes.. “Faust, the creator of Equestria and of this world.” As she whispered the name, the air in the cave seemed to reverberate, like a great storm was approaching. Twilight and Alternia froze for a moment, their eyes fearfully darting around the cavern, looking for the source.

“There’s a reason I prefer not to speak her name out loud,” rasped Alternia, her ears still twisting to scan for the source of the sound.

Twilight quickly nodded her agreement. “So... how do the Elements choose their wielders?”

Alternia’s eyebrows furrowed slightly, “Unfortunately Twilight, I can’t really answer that question. According to what Celestia knew, the Elements could only be wielded by those or one who exemplified their virtues. Celestia bore the elements of Kindness, Magic and Loyalty. Luna bore the elements of Laughter, Generosity and Honesty.”

“Then why was Celestia able to wield all six Elements against Nightmare Moon?” interrupted Twilight. The changeling’s tail swished from side to side as she placed her hoof to her chin.

“I can only hazard a guess. Celestia’s decision to use the Elements against Nightmare Moon was a desperate one, forced upon her due to her imminent defeat. She was standing on her last legs and to save Equestria she...” Alternia’s eyes widened for a moment and she winced. Twilight leant forward, concerned at her teacher’s pained expression.

“Get out... get out...” whispered the changeling.

“Princess?” called Twilight. Alternia’s only response was to moan and clamp both her hooves to her ears as if she was trying to block out some sound, but the cave was silent.

“Get out of my head!” Alternia whimpered and she began to shake as if she was cold, yet the air was warm and musky.

“Alternia?” yelled Twilight. As soon as sheraised her voice, Alternia blinked and slowly pulled herself up.

“I’m alright, Twilight. It was just another episode.” Twilight blinked uncomprehendingly, her face fraught with worry. The changeling sighed, screwed her eyes shut for a moment, and then opened them again. “I never truly was able to deal with carrying Celestia’s memories. Sometimes, while I am trying to recall parts of her life, the more vivid of her recollections invade my consciousness. When that happens, I... lose myself in her past.”

Twilight’s gasped, alarm rising in her throat and catching hold of it. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry, Princess! I shouldn’t have asked you to—” Alternia placed her hoof on Twilight’s lips, stopping her from speaking. The changeling was smiling, and although she seemed tired, her voice was calm.

“Twilight, I’m alright, and you need to know this. Now, if I remember correctly, Celestia was only able to use the Elements because at the moment before Nightmare Moon was about to land the death blow, she took on every attribute of the Elements and was able to unleash their power. Yet, Celestia was never the original wielder of Generosity, Honesty and Laughter, so she didn’t know how to use the Elements to cleanse Luna. Thus, her only option was to banish Luna to the moon for a thousand years. The power of the Elements of Kindness, Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter and Honesty was so spent from such a last-ditch usage that they reverted to their dormant state. These were the stone balls that you found. Magic, the keystone element and primary conduit between the other elements was so badly burnt up that its physical manifestation disappeared.”

Twilight inclined her head in understanding, yet her brow was still narrowed in puzzlement. “But Princess that doesn’t answer my question.”

“Let’s think, Twilight. What did Nightmare Moon do the Elements of Harmony in The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters?” inquired Alternia. Twilight raised an eyebrow at Alternia’s grinning face. Why in the hay was her teacher asking her this question?

“She smashed...” Twilight’s eyes expanded over her face and sparkled, exactly like the moment of her epiphany two years ago. “She smashed the Elements of Harmony! But the spirits of the Elements of Harmony were—”

“Right there, within you and your friends,” said Alternia, tapping Twilight’s chest, right where her heart was. “Although their physical bodies were destroyed, the spirits of the Elements lived. I don’t know how they accomplished it, what the spirits are or even how they select their bearers, but they chose you and your friends.”

Twilight’s felt like she would topple over from what had been revealed to her, but her mind continued to fit the pieces together. “The Sonic Rainboom.”

“And the events surrounding it are proof that you were were chosen, perhaps at birth, to bear the Elements of Harmony. Celestia and Luna found out that the spirits of the Elements could never be destroyed, much like how you found out that day. It was Celestia’s hope that when the Elements eventually chose new bearers, they could be used to cleanse Luna of Nightmare Moon.” Alternia winced, her tired eyes reflecting the flickering firelight. “I... hated Princess Luna. I wanted to take revenge on her, but I also learnt about Luna through Celestia’s memories and I understood that I was acting just like Chrysalis. So I decided to keep a sharp lookout.”

Something within Twilight’s chest, hurt with an ice-cold ache, like a Windigo had kissed it. “So, I’m your student, only because I bore the Element of Magic?” whispered Twilight, so softly that she wasn’t even sure she had thought or asked that question. But Alternia had heard and her smile faded, just a little and she seemed to withdraw into herself.

“I meant every word I said that day. I knew you were the Element of Magic and you had a very special gift. No mere filly could have enlarged a magic-resistant dragon, transfigured her parents into plants and trap four of the most learned unicorns in my school. I planned to help you hone your talent in magic by choosing you as my protege and guide you to help Equestria,” said Alternia. The changeling looked right at Twilight with trembling turquoise-green eyes, moist with tears. “I would grow attached to you, Twilight, but I never realized how deeply I would grow to care for you. Your inquisitive way of looking at the world, your drive for learning, your determination to rise to any challenge and most of all, your love for me, Twilight. You became my closest companion, my student and my friend. I have had friends, but nopony ever showed me the love that you have. Believe me, I know better than anypony.”

Twilight opened her mouth to speak, but her throat refused to even croak. Tears were in her eyes, tears of relief. It was like the pressure, the hesitation, the fear in Twilight that her teacher had lied to her about her love, had vanished. Twilight’s heart felt so light, that if a wind blew, she’d be carried away.

Then, a stray thought, an innocent, inquisitive thought floated through her mind and Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Wait, what do you mean by you saying that you know better than anypony?”

Alternia’s lip curled over her fangs and she closed her eyes. “I can sense your emotions, Twilight. All changelings can sense the emotions of others, to a certain degree.”

The revelation spread across Twilight’s face like a wave on a lake. Along with that revelation, came the realization to a dark question that had been never been truly addressed. That question dragged an image of the back of an alicorn leaving the Canterlot wedding hall and stained the earlier relief that Twilight.

“Then why didn’t you believe me when I told you about Cadance?” demanded Twilight. She continued to advance toward Alternia, who backed away, her gaze averted and her face obscured by an expressionless mask. “Why didn’t you trust me?” Twilight’s horn sparked and her body shook as she threw her words against Alternia like scything daggers. “You could sense my emotions couldn’t you! Why did you just leave me!” Twilight suddenly found she couldn’t advance any further. Alternia had halted, and the unicorn found herself fixed with the towering changeling’s hardened eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle, I am not omnipotent! I cannot read your mind and emotions do not tell me the truth, just how you felt at the time. I felt anger, distrust and hate as you accused my niece. These negative emotions surprised me. Yet, what truly shocked me was your happiness when you humiliated Cadance at the wedding rehearsal! Your happiness was vile, vindictive. It was exactly the same emotion my sister had when she struck me down in battle, one thousand years ago!”

The words hit Twilight like Applejack had just bucked her in the gut. Twilight’s lungs simply emptied of air. Worst of all, she knew Alternia was right. She had been glad to humiliate Cadance during the wedding rehearsal. Her mind had been crying “Yes!” when her former foal-sitter had run off sobbing. Yet, the empty void in Twilight’s chest soon filled with the flames of anger and she unleashed it like a cannon against her teacher.

“But didn’t you say you loved me?” screamed Twilight. Alternia froze and staggered. It was like Twilight had dealt a death blow to Alternia. The changeling swayed like a tree struck with an axe and almost looked like she would fall to the ground, but she stood, her head bowed.

“I... do, and I am, so sorry for leaving you in the hall, Twilight. I should have trusted you, I should have always told you everything. But I let my past cloud my view of the present and because of that I almost lost the future. I almost lost what we had between us. I... was so afraid you’d never forgive me, your foolish teacher and... well... I’m sorry.” Alternia sat on the ground, and fell silent, her eyes wandering over the packed earth beneath their hooves. Twilight hadn’t made a sound since her last question. Her cheeks were damp and her throat was hoarse. She wasn’t sure what she felt, her head was so jumbled, so disorganized and so tired. Once again, Twilight could understand the way Alternia had reacted, but Twilight couldn’t fully suppress the fury she felt at her mentor. Even so, Twilight knew one thing she wanted of Alternia. She did not want their friendship to end.

“Alternia,” whispered Twilight.

“Yes, Twilight?” rasped Alternia, haltingly.

Twilight glared at Alternia, her eyes burning hotly. “I’m still mad at you. I know I approached things the wrong way at the wedding, but I’m angry that you didn’t trust me. Not only that, you’ve deceived me, you’ve kept things from me. I’m not sure if I could fully forgive you for that.” Twilight’s expression softened and the changeling’s eyes widened at the small, tentative smile on her student’s lips. “But you’ve always loved me, even if you’ve made mistakes. I know that and I always will love you. Thus, if you wouldn’t mind, I would like you to continue teaching me.” Alternia smiled, a smile so bright, so full of happiness that Twilight couldn’t help, but smile with her.

“But you must promise me one thing,” said Twilight, her brow stitched in a reproving frown. The changeling bit her lip. It was as if she was expecting something terrible to come out of her student’s mouth. But then Atlernia pulled herself up resolutely and met Twilight’s questioning gaze.

“Anything for you, my faithful student.”

Twilight grinned and Alternia raised an eyebrow at the hint of mischief in that grin. “You must promise that our relationship will never be just of teacher and student. That we will never lie to one another and always have the other’s back. That we will cheer each other up when we are down and treat each other with compassion and forgiveness. Finally, we must always be willing to give anything up to one another.” Alternia blinked and then chuckled as she realized what Twilight was saying.

“I promise that we will always be friends, my faithful student,” swore the changeling. The two smiled and spoke together, a pair of voices intertwined as one. “Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye,” said the changeling and unicorn as they mimed the actions of the promise. As the pair stuck their hooves toward their eyes, they both forgot to close their eyelids.

“Argh!” yelled Twilight and Alternia. The duo rapidly blinked their eyes and stared at each other, before bursting into a fit of giggles. The changeling’s raspy laugh merged with the unicorn’s more melodious laugh and filled the hall with echoes.

So, in a cave hidden from the sun, where changelings once pledged their allegiance to changeling queens, another changeling queen and her young unicorn protégé made their vow. They forged promise that would never be broken and remade a friendship that would last forever.