• Published 11th Feb 2013
  • 47,993 Views, 3,994 Comments

Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen - vren55

Thanks to the love bomb at the Royal Wedding, Princess Celestia is revealed to be a Changeling Queen. How will Equestria, deal with this? And why is Celestia a Changeling Queen in the first place?

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Alternia: Question and Answer Session

A/N: So a while ago I did a Q and A somewhere in the middle of the story for fun. Here it is for everybody's reference and pleasure.

Room, with a table in front, much like a room where press conferences are given. A white unicorn stallion enters the room. He has a haggard and harassed look and his short, black hair is messy.

VREN55 Hello readers, I am vren55, author of Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen. I have one thing to say before the Q and A begins. (he takes a deep breath and begins to speak loudly). This is a disclaimer about the grammatical correctness of the questions submitted. The questions submitted were not modified, or grammatically corrected before posting. Any grammatical errors in the questions were not my fault. I could have modified them, but there were so many questions, and so many repeat questions, that I simply did not have the time to do so. If you have noticed, this chapter is 8900 words long. Also, I really want to start writing chapter nine. Moreover, I was afraid of altering the original meaning of the questions. Now that disclaimer is over, let the Q and A begin!

Alternia enters the room to the flashes of cameras.

ALTERNIA Hello mares and gentlecoats. From now on I am at your disposal.

(Dragon M Dragoon and others raise their hooves)

Alternia, what is your favorite food?

ALTERNIA Well I am a changeling, so my favorite food would be love. However, changelings do enjoy solid food and it does help supply us with some nutrients, mainly for our carapaces. We cannot survive with it. I also really enjoy cake, in fact, anything that has been made with love and dedication. I as a changeling can literally taste the love in any prepared food, which makes it all the more delicious. Cakes happen to be the dessert that bakers seem to pour their love on, which makes it my favorite of solid food because it has so much love in its creation.

vren55, what's it like getting zapped by Alternia?

VREN55 It hurts. It is similar to being given a static shock. You know, you slide down a slide so many times and then on that fifth try you touch the slide and it ZAPS you.

Alternia, vren55, what's Chrysalis' end look like; exile, prison or execution?
ALTERNIA If I can find her I will defeat her, but for now I’m at a loss as to what to do with her after I defeat her. Exile is impractical since Chrysalis will end up in a different country where she can cause trouble. I don’t want to execute her. So imprisonment will be the best option for her, but I’m not sure how to feed her.

(Vren55 casts a spell so that only the audience can hear what he says)

VREN55 In fact, Chrysalis is facing none of the three. Initially she was facing imprisonment, but I have, for now, come up with a different solution. It is a solution that may not appear as a punishment, but rights the scales and boy Chrysalis is going to have a hard time in the future.

(Vren55 turns to Alternia, eyebrow raised)

Alternia, I’ve been meaning to ask you this for some time. What is your favorite colour?

ALTERNIA Light green.

(Silver alchemist raises his hoof timidly)

How much do you weigh?

(Alternia growls menacingly)

ALTERNIA Did vren55 put you up to this? Guess I’ll have to... correct him. Why do you have to know anyway! (Alternia blushes) I mean you have no scale to measure it against... It is 210 kilograms. All of it is muscle and carapace!
(Shachza raises his hoof, he looks as if he is ready to run)


how much...

do you weigh? *Bolts for the hills*

(Alternia drags Shachza back with her magic and glares reprovingly at him)
ALTERNIA I just told you 210 kilograms (Tosses him back to his seat) Any other questions?

(Shachza nods)

P.S. What's your least favorite food?

(Alternia chortles)

ALTERNIA Do not tell anypony for this might cause an economic crisis in Equestria, but I don’t really like anything made with hay. Hayfries, haybacon and hay cereal, it is not that I hate it, it is just I prefer not to eat anything with it.

P.P.S. Whyfore so naked at the Gala when everyone else wears fancy clothes? Not that I'm complaining - as princess you do what you want!

(Alternia laughs)

ALTERNIA There is a good story behind that. A long time ago I used to wear dresses to the Grand Galloping Gala, but then everypony started to compete with each other on who could design the gala dress I would wear. So one year, I wore nothing, but my regalia to the gala. When everypony asked me why I was not wearing a dress, I replied: “I am wearing the most beautiful dress in Equestria.” (Alternia glances at the sun and snorts) They never did understand what I really meant.

(Blankscape, Pre-reader of Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen raises his hoof)

'Your love of cake and desserts, was that something Celestia gave to you or did you acquire that taste on your own?'

ALTERNIA To be honest, I am not sure. I have said I love cake because of the love it contains, but there is the possibility Celestia gave it to me. Yet, we never had cakes or pony desserts back in the Everfree Hive, so I don’t know if my tastes were altered in any way. We did have delicious fruit bats, hydra ribs, manticore flank and pony steak....

(The audience looks at Alternia with horror, until she winks)

ALTERNIA Gotcha. I was just kidding, though, we did eat fruit bats as a delicacy. To my buds, cakes are delightful to eat, and yet, I still enjoy fruit bats. How do I know? On my visits to Ponyville I secretly visit Sweet Apple Acres and nip a few.

(Zervziel, Pre-reader of Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen raises his hoof eagerly, he is wearing a cunning grin)

Would she consider trolling a returned Cellie by turning into Molestia and raising a lot of eyebrows on the sly?

(Alternia raises her eyebrows)

ALTERNIA Well either way in or not in this story, Celestia will return. So I shall answer this question. Would I troll her? (Alternia grins slyly and very widely) You have my answer.

"Alternia, what would you do if somepony told you that your universe is one of many and that there's a transdimensional agency looking to hire some changelings to work on Pony and Changeling PR?

(Alternia blinks)

ALTERNIA Initially, I’d laugh, but if Discord has taught me anything, it is to expect the totally unexpected. If, in the remote possibility that this job was an actual job, I’d help.

(JZ1 waves a hoof)

How long does an average Changeling live?

ALTERNIA The average changeling can live as long as a pony, but given the dangers of our lifestyle and the problem with love being a food source, most changelings die younger.

Do Changeling Princesses live longer?

ALTERNIA Changeling Queens live longer, though how long I am not fully sure and mother never told us her age. I do know that Queens require a far greater source of love, but are rewarded with greater longevity.

What do you intend to do to Celestia when she returns?

(Alternia bites her lip)

ALTERNIA I will force her to take her memories away from me. There are things in her mind that I would rather not know. A thousand years has given me ample time to think about a way to punish her, possibly too much time though because I have changed my mind more than ten times in the last two years alone.

(Echowolf31 raises his hoof)

Do you know when Celestia is going to return? And what are you going to do when she does? Please have her return during the story, I want to see everyone's reaction

ALTERNIA I know from Celestia’s memories that she will return after far more than a thousand years, but I am honestly not sure exactly when. What am I going to do when she does? As I have mentioned, I am not completely sure.

VREN55 Please have her return during the story? I can’t say I will be fulfilling that request or not because that’d be spoilery. Let me say that I have a plan for this story. I’m not saying this plan won’t change though or whether the plan included Celestia’s return in the first place. You can bug my pre-readers, but their lips are sealed... I hope?

(Grey Warden raises his hoof)

Dear Alternia, do you still care for the ponies as your own because of the mind copy thing celestia did? Or have you just grown to love them? also why would having a copy of celestia's memorys be a bad thing?

(Vren55 shoves Alternia off the panel’s table)

VREN55 Very astute questions, but no comment because I will address that in the future and I think I should have made it quite clear why having a copy of an extremely powerful, has seen the beginning of the world alicorn’s memories being bad being forcibly implanted in one’s brain.

(Natzo raises his hoof)

Are there more changeling hives?

ALTERNIA Yes, there are more changeling hives, though I am not aware of how many and who rules them. Queens are very secretive about their own hives.

Why did you pick Twilight as your student?

Did you plan for Luna’s return?

(vren55 shoves Alternia off the panel’s table again, much to her indignation)

VREN55 These questions are also very astute. I have planned to answer these two particular questions in the next two chapters though, so I am afraid Alternia cannot answer these.

(Megafan25 speaks through a megaphone)

I have 1 Question for Alternia, Do you still want revenge on your sister Chrysalis? Make that 2 Questions, Also what do you think happened to Chrysalis after the wedding?

(Alternia bares her fangs, but her eyes are flickering in indecision)

ALTERNIA I want revenge on Chrysalis. I know she is still out there with what remains of her hive. I cannot rest until mother is avenged. Although... If anything I am more shocked than angered by her appearance at the wedding. I hope that Chrysalis would take her recent defeat to heart and not try again, but that is unlike my sister. What is certain is that if she dares harm my ponies, I will defeat her.

(PacoTac0 raises his hoof)

Alternia have you ever given into your basic Changeling instincts and viciously maimed and subsequently eaten one of your (Celestia's) ponies?

and if that question is too morbid then...

What's one of your favorite perks about being a pony princess? Other than the obvious?

(seriously, feel free to answer question #1)

(Alternia teleports right up to PacoTac0’s face)

ALTERNIA Did you just assume changelings eat ponies? We are partial to meat, but we do not eat ponies. They’re our love source anyway, why would we eat them?

(Smiles sweetly and teleports back)

ALTERNIA My favorite perk about being a pony princess other than the obvious? What do you mean by “other than the obvious” because for me, the obvious is the love I gain. There are many duties with being a princess, but I also enjoy many of the perks. I like the selection of regalia and clothing that I am provided with. I greatly enjoy the top class food that is made with great dedication and love, which I can quite literally, taste in the food. Also, I admit, I love getting pampered. (Alternia pauses and sighs) But perhaps the greatest perk of being a pony princess, would be that it is the closest I may ever get to being the queen of my own hive.

(Wade wades through the crowd and manages to raise his hoof above all the others)

Have you (or other Changlings you've known) ever tasted the love of griffons, dragons, or any of the other major races? How would you describe them?

ALTERNIA A nice question, I have tasted the love of griffons and dragons. The love of a griffin has a very distinctive, a cutting taste. It is abrasive and coarse, rough around the edges, but that is the charm in the taste. Now dragon love is hot, fiery, quite passionate and very honest. It is an openly given burning coal. Still, I prefer pony love simply because it has so much variety. It can be passionate, but also refined. The love can be lustful, or filled with devotion. It is a taste that always changes when I sample it.

(Steampvnc1880 calls out)

Wouldn't the best revenge be taking care of her little ponies better than the real Celestia ever did?

(Alternia smiles and raises an eyebrow)

ALTERNIA I considered that idea and I agree that would be a very sweet form of revenge. Also, I definitely would enjoy seeing Celestia’s jealousy. (Alternia sighs) But I know Celestia loves her ponies too much to be jealous of me. She would be glad that I served Equestria so well. That’s how much Celestia loves her ponies.
(ScopeEva scopes in and snipes out two questions)

Dear Alternia, I have two questions if you don’t mind…

The first, have you ever used your Changeling powers to sneak out of the palace and take a day off? If so any funny stories you have for us?

ALTERNIA (chuckles) Much to anypony’s shock, I have sneaked out of the palace to take a day off and I do have a few funny stories to tell. Vren55 is in the process of dictating them.

Secondly, I have been wondering about the colour of your magic. I think Changeling magic is supposed to always be green (I could be mistaken) but as Celestia your magic is yellow/gold in colour, how did you manage that?
ALTERNIA Another very good question. Changeling magic is supposed to always be green. The best shapeshifters can control the colour of their magic, but it takes great concentration. For the first year as princess, I had to resort to that technique, until I could find a more permanent solution. (Alternia levitates her crown) That solution came in the form of my crown. With the help of Celestia’s memories of magic and the library in Canterlot, I created an enchantment to change the colour of magic that I focus through my horn. As I funnel the magic to my horn it changes the colour. It doesn’t work for inherently changeling spells such as portals and transformations, but it works well for levitation and beams.

(CharonX and welboo band together and manage to shout above the cacophony of readers)

What does love taste like? Does the task differ between the kind of love and from pony to pony?

(Alternia pauses in thought)

ALTERNIA Most ponies love... tastes like love. I would say it takes a lot like chocolate, but it’s not quite the same. It has a scent, and a texture unlike anything I can describe. Love tastes rich, but is not saturated. It is sweet, yet not oversweet. Also, the taste of love does vary from pony to pony and from age to age as trends for love and courtship change.

What does Twilight's love taste like?

(Alternia smiles contentedly)

ALTERNIA Twilight’s love... My faithful student’s love tastes like lavender. It has the comforting scent of well-worn volumes and the comforting texture of silk bedsheets.

(Zephyrus Scary scares everybody away with “a little wind” and shoots out a question)

Alternia, have there been any "close calls" with you being found out as a Changeling by somepony? If so, what happened? If not... how did you manage such a record?! I'd think maintaining a perfect disguise for a thousand (plus) years, even with that pony's memories given to you, is a monumental task!

(Mortuus and Sparky join him as well to add their own questions

Have you ever been found out as a changeling before Blueblood and the others if so how did you play it off and keep your secret safe

(Alternia coughs hesitantly at the two questions)

ALTERNIA It was a monumental task, but I was never found out before Blueblood and the others did. The difficulty in my earlier years as ‘Celestia’ was extraordinarily frightening and I came very close to being discovered. Only luck and Celestia’s memories saved me. Also, my mother taught me quite well, and after continuously holding the disguise for ten years, I settled into a routine. There have been a few other ‘close calls’, though I have never been found out as a changeling by anypony. These incidents were mostly due to my own recklessness and sneaking out of the palace during my adventures, which vren55 is working on.

(SomeRandomPony randomly squishes through and shouts out a question)

Second, since Twilight, Luna, Shining, Cadence, and Blueblood knows who you truly are, Alternia, how do you think your relationship between them will be like now. I can imagine an adjustment period between Twilight, and Cadence as they get used to the knowledge of your true self but do you believe that they'll be comfortable in due time as you show them that the only thing that changed, sorry for the pun, is your outward appearance while the personality that you bonded with them is still the same?

(Alternia bites her lip)

ALTERNIA I hope they will accept me for who I am, like Twilight. I know they will get used to me being ‘Celestia’, but... ( Alternia sniffs and hides her face, a tear forming in her eye) I know nothing will be the same again.

(Somerandompony nods sympathetically)

And more importantly, how will your relationship with Luna will be now knowing that your not her real sister?

Sorry if that came off harsh but I could imagine that Luna is hurting inside knowing what truly happened to Celestia who, with a heavy heart, banished the Nightmare to the moon for a Thousand years. Do you think you'll start your relationship with her, non-sexual I swear, anew and maybe begin considering you as a friend at the very least?

I mean, even though the Nightmare was stripped from Luna's being and returned to the throne she is still without her sister. Missing and not knowing if she'll see her again thanks to an unfortunate event that both parties wish they could take back. But sadly in Luna and Celestia's case, "The more things change the more things stay the same"

And with that said, Luna is going to need somepony to lean on more than ever as she goes through this difficult time of her life. Do you think you'll be up for this important task?
(Alternia opens her mouth to speak, shakes her head and teleports out of the room)

VREN55 She’ll be alright, but this is a question she has no idea how to answer. The next few chapters will be addressing that topic in depth, more than I or she can tell you right now.

(A few minutes later Alternia returns to the room in a teleport, she wears a regal expression)

(Feather Scratch flies up)

Dear Alternia,

-In all your years as Celestia, have you ever kept in contact with any of your other sisters?

ALTERNIA I have tried, but was unable to.

-Why do only Changeling Queens/ Princesses have hair?

ALTERNIA Changeling drones never needed hair. Being armored creatures they do not need the tail or mane to protect themselves from fleas. I’m not exactly sure why Queens and Princesses have hair, but I have one convincing guess I came up with some time ago. I believe Queens and Princesses did not have such strong carapaces and therefore were susceptible to parasites that plague equines. They developed the carapaces after intermarrying with changeling chevaliers, who do have carapaces, but retained the mane.

-Now that you've been "outed" as it were, where do you see yourself in five years?

ALTERNIA (sighs) I think I will still be ruling Equestria still, if I can get Luna, Twilight and the others to get used to me.

-Have you ever used your hoof holes as convenient storage space?

(Alternia laughs)

ALTERNIA I am always in disguise so I have no chance to use the holes. The one time I did, was when I was very young and I ended up getting a rash in the hole because I put some food in there and forgot about it. From then on, I never put anything into those holes again.

-Why wasn't- "Can you please remove this giant, uncomfortable spear from my chest?"- The first thing you asked Celestia?

(Alternia shudders)

ALTERNIATo remove the spear would have killed me and would have only allowed the blood to flow out faster.

-If you feed on love, what are the fangs for?

(Alternia blushes)

ALTERNIA Let us say the fangs are part of our mating rituals... (Alternia looks a little forlorn) I have never had the chance to use them.

-Were there any awkward slip ups during your first days imitating Celestia?

ALTERNIA Many. So many I cannot believe I was not found out.

-Was the whole Celestia-wavy-hair thing a difficult change to pull off?

ALTERNIA Yes. The shimmering and multiple colors isn’t difficult, but maintaining the wavy part of the hair required a lot of practice.

-Considering you've lived longer as Celestia than Alternia, who do you more readily identify yourself as?
(Alternia opens her mouth and closes it)

ALTERNIA I’m not sure...

-Have the vile heathens corrupted your mind and turned you away from the absolute truth that portals solve everything?

(Alternia raises an eyebrow)

ALTERNIA I never believed portals could solve everything in the first place. I just liked using them very much. I still do, if that is any consolation.

Is ten too many questions to ask?

VREN55 Your questions were good... so it was a pleasure for us to answer them, but it was a bit too much.

(Clearshot01 has a clear shot and shoots a question)

Alternia, what is your favourite thing to do when you think nopony is around to see you do it?

ALTERNIA I like to drop my disguise and admire my form in the mirror. You may think I am a very vain changeling, but I have the disguise on for so long I rarely get to see how I look normally. Then, I like to dress my changeling form up.

VREN55 So, if you look in the back of her closet, you can find a racy pair of striped green socks with a little red dress...

(Vren55 gets ZAPPED by Alternia)

(Dusk Apollo flies through the dusk to the panel table)

Why are Changeling Queens' eyes like ponies' eyes rather than compounded like regular changelings?

ALTERNIA Another good question. I believe it is because regular changelings were evolved for combat. The compounded eyes are actually a hardened transparent eyelid that changelings naturally develop, similar to a snake’s. However, I believe Queens were evolved to lead and use magic, thus their eyes need to have be better visually. This means that their eyes take after ponies.

What is the worst aspect of being a Changeling?

(Alternia frowns and bites her lip)

ALTERNIA I think the worst aspect of being a changeling was not that I had to feed on love, but that I had to deceive others
to do so.

What is the worst aspect of being Celestia?

(Alternia sighs)

ALTERNIA For the longest time, it was the loneliness and not being able to tell anypony who I really was. Though...(Alternia smiles a little) Recently, things have changed

(The Stratovarian breaks through the stratosphere and manages to get in a question)

Dear Alternia, Is there a difference between given love (Pony subjects) and taken love (typical changeling method)?
ALTERNIA There is one important difference. Given love is usually more potent than taken love. The problem is that it is very difficult to earn.

Have you had to play matchmaker to ensure celestia's request/geas concerning the elements of harmony?

(Alternia shakes her head)

VREN55 We will explain the Elements of Harmony later in the later chapters

In the same vein, have you had to trim or adjust the power of nobility in much the same way to accomplish those same goals?

(Alternia shakes her head)

ALTERNIA Well, I always have had to trim and adjust the power of nobility, and yes, with them I have played matchmaker, but not to accomplish those particular goals

Is there any actual relation somewhere along the way to blueblood?

(Alternia snickers)

ALTERNIA Are you suggesting that I had a liaison and that you want to know the details? You naughty stallion! His line was descended from Princess Platinum’s. I never had any interaction with the Blueblood House prior to the current Blueblood other than through court.

Are you still a changeling queen, ascended or not? Or has alicorn magic shifted just what you are in order to comply with that askance.

ALTERNIA I am sure that I am a changeling queen. I have yet to experience any particular evidence that I am not. (Alternia suddenly looks worried) Though given Celestia never really explained anything, I cannot be sure.

While what happened to celestia will likely be covered, have you had the chance to actually interact in that span of time between you two?

ALTERNIA Well, yes we did interact in that span of time enough so that I knew some important things about her. And after long hours examining her memories, I have come to a better understanding of Celestia.

One last one, any least favorite fruits?

ALTERNIA None really. I like them all. I do have a special preference for the apple.

(Shynight shyly asks a question)

Alternia... based on Celestia's memories, who do you think is the better troll, you or Tia? Also, what do you think is the based prank you've pulled during your reign?

ALTERNIA I am pretty sure I am. Celestia was never as mischievous as I am. Also, in her time, humor was not so readily accepted. But I would never underestimate her for as she has shown, she is very devious and cunning.

Oh, and how do you plan on handling the situation with Chryssy's failed invasion? I would assume you would want to handle the situation diplomatically, but I feel that could be difficult with some ponies, primarily the nobles, clamoring for the changelings' blood... or ichor, I suppose.

VREN55 I will be answering that in the next few chapters.

(Retfark95 shouts)

Are we going to meet the other Changeling sisters?

VREN55 No comment

(Din182 raises his hoof)

Well anyways, Alternia, what's it like to have the memories of another?

(Alternia rubs her head)

ALTERNIA Those are some rather difficult questions to answer. As vren55 wrote, it’s like having a bunch of foreign memories in your head, which you sometimes cannot differentiate. That’s why I mixed up Celestia’s mother with my mother.
Do you wish that you could go back in time and do things differently? If so, would you still want to become Princess Celestia, the Changeling Queen?

ALTERNIA Sometimes, I wish I could have done things differently so that I could have avoided becoming Princess Celestia, the Changeling Queen. Then immediately after that thought, I always remember that it only would have been worse. If I had not met Celestia that lonely night, the world would have frozen in eternal night. I could never be that selfish. Besides...

(Alternia smiles wryly)

I am beginning to enjoy being Princess Celestia.

(Alticron raises his hoof)

Dear Alternia, was Philomena Celestia's pet before you replaced her or did you get Philomena afterwards? If she was the pet back then, how did she react to you? I have the feeling you named Philomena due to what her name means in Greek.

(Philomena caws and snuggles against Alternia, who smiles)

ALTERNIA Philomena and I met after I replaced Celestia about a hundred years into my ‘reign’. Vren55 is in the process of writing that side-story.

(BLTmunch, while munching on chips raises his hoof)

What was it like at first, suddenly being ruler of the ponies?

ALTERNIA It was absolutely horrible. I healed very quickly due to the love I received from all of my subjects. Equestria took longer to heal. The longer than normal night had driven Equestria into chaos. I had to relocate the capital to Canterlot and even with Celestia’s memories I made several errors that almost resulted in a revolt. With a little luck and Celestia’s memories, I just managed to hold on.

(Grey Warden asks)

Dear Alternia do you love bugs? like ants or grasshoppers? also if so do you see exterminators as evil genocidal monsters?

ALTERNIA I do like certain bugs a lot, but I would not go so far as to say I “love” them. When bugs step out of line and begin to harm ponies without provocation, that is when I think that an exterminator is necessary, luckily, those times are rare.
(Magical Trevor steps out of a magic hat to ask a question)

How much would the world weigh if you stepped off of it? :trollestia:

ALTERNIA It would weigh the world’s weight minus my weight, which is rather insignificant compared to the world's. Do not try to troll me, young colt.

How much does the ORIGINAL Celestia weigh?

(Alternia cackles with glee)

ALTERNIA 250 kilograms and I am only 210! She is a fat flank.

What is the worst thing you've had to do in the thousand years of impersonating Celes?

(Alternia shuts her eyes)

ALTERNIA I rarely had to make very hard choices. My power, my longevity allowed me to correct any mistakes I made and I rarely made any decisions I felt bad about.

(Alternia sighs)

ALTERNIA The fact I had to continually impersonate, lie and not tell anypony about who I really was, was the worst thing I had to do.

What has been the BEST thing/memory that came about by impersonating Celestia?

(Alternia smiles)

ALTERNIA Meeting ponies, seeing new places, making friends, feeling proud of my achievements. The fact that I lived was the best thing that came about by impersonating Celestia. It allowed me to meet Twilight, to see the Elements of Harmony reformed. By no means I like being bound, but my servitude did give me one more chance to live.

(There is a blackout. BlackoutSampler samples the blackout and turns the lights back on)

Alterina do the Royal Guards ever actually successfully protect anything or are they just glorified wall decorations?

(Alternia glares reprovingly at Blackout)

ALTERNIA You misspelled my name.

As for the answer to your question: the Royal Guards have protected me on many occasions and are certainly not glorified wall decorations. There was a coup d’etat during my reign and without their help I would have died. Admittedly, their recent record has been less than stellar, by no fault of Shining Armor who simply never seems to be able to get into the fighting, though he tries very hard to do so. I plan to reorganize them once I return to my duties.

where did you go once Nightmare Moon returned since you apparently weren't banished to the sun?

ALTERNIA Good question, but I am afraid vren55 will answer than in the next chapter.

(Tomi raises a hoof)
Dear Princess Alternia

How do you fell about the fact that you managed to do Celestia's and Luna's job, and how much better where you at it then them?

ALTERNIA I believe you meant “how do you feel”, not “how do you fell”. Well, I was somewhat surprised. Initially, I thought I could take on the position, but I was taken aback by how much it demanded of me. When I mastered being Princess of Equestria, I honestly felt quite good about myself. As for if I was better at the job then them? (Alternia pauses) I think I was and many of you readers believe I was. Equestria under my hoof enjoyed prosperity unheard of compared to the Equestria under Luna and Celestia. Yet, truth be told, it is quite difficult to judge our reigns. I ruled over a far more peaceful time compared to Celestia and Luna. Not to say that peace did not have its difficulties, but it would be foolish to think of Celestia and Luna as incapable rulers. They were great in their own right.

(Darkstar195 raises a hoof)

Dear Alternia,

What was the closest you've ever come to being exposed as an imposter?

(Alternia shudders)

ALTERNIA The closest I ever came to being exposed as an imposter was early in my reign. It was when a group of nobleponies launched a coup to take Canterlot, my new capital. Twilight would know it as Red Sunday. In that time, I was still relatively new to pony magic and the battle that ensued took all my skill to survive, yet remain a pony.
It was shortly after that incident that I devoted myself to the study of pony magic under Elminster the Sage of Whitetail Wood. He was quite an intelligent pony and I have never met any being who knew as much as magic as he did.

(Alternia’s eyes widened)

Now that I mention him... he always seemed to look at me differently than other ponies... almost as if he could see through me...

Also, it seems like you could pull some good pranks, being a shapeshifter. What's your best prank been, Trollternia?
ALTERNIA Hmm... I have pulled too many pranks to count. It is too difficult to choose a best prank. Though, for the sake of safety, I have rarely used my shapeshifting abilities for something as minor as pranking.

(tahbaconsandwich raises a hoof... wait sandwiches have hooves?)

Alternia, Mares or Stallions:raritywink:

(Alternia blushes)

ALTERNIA I prefer stallions. (coughs) Wait, before you all lose hope, I said I ‘prefer’ stallions.

(AndersW raises a hoof)

What is something you have done that the real Celestia would have done differently?

ALTERNIA There are many things that I have done that the real Celestia would have done differently.
One of these things is the parasprite infestation back in “Swarm of the Century”. I managed to persuade the parasprites to leave by using music. Celestia would have incinerated them. She hates parasprites and hates the chaos they bring, which is understandable since parasprites are Discord’s creation. I hate chaos, but I think it would be unfair to simply destroy a species for fulfilling their nature.

As to how I know how to use music to control parasprites and why nopony knows about it? In a parasprite infestation of Canterlot five hundred years ago, the paraprites ate everything, but did not go near a concert hall. I realized this and used music to persuade them to leave. I also realized that parasprites are not only susceptible to music, they can be controlled by music. It was too dangerous to allow let anypony know how to control such dangerous creatures.

(Alternia frowns)

And before you ask, I have no idea how Pinkie Pie knew.

(StormyVenture ventures through the storm and raises a hoof)

Are you planning on letting the original Celestia resume her position?

ALTERNIA Yes. It is not really an option. Celestia was the original ruler of Equestria and she wants to make up for her mistakes. The best way is to let her take up the burden of ruling again.

What will you do if you hand over your position, since that's been your life and purpose for 1000 years?

(Alternia opens her mouth and closes it)

ALTERNIA I really want to travel. To see the world for a while, but I don’t want to leave my friends and my ponies.

What will you do about Twilight Sparkle? After all, you're the pony that she looks up to. Twilight Sparkle doesn't know the Celestia that fought Luna

(Alternia bites her lip)

ALTERNIA I... don’t know. I hope she and I will continue our friendship, but I won’t be surprised if she is frightened of me.

Does Celestia really love cake, or is that just you?

ALTERNIA As I said earlier, I do really like cake, though I’m not sure if Celestia does too. Cake was a great novelty in her time. I can tell you she did enjoy pastries.

(StormyVenture turns to vren55)

Got any plans for her handing over power to Celestia? How do they keep the population from suffering an acute case of paranoia?

VREN55 Alternia can answer this better.

ALTERNIA I planned to bring Celestia back gradually. She can disguise herself well enough, and for a year she will learn about the modern era as I demonstrate. Later, she will resume her role, as I advise her secretly. The population would not know anything about it and then I could leave.

Will Alternia give Celestia a taste of her own medicine so that Celestia can actually cope with the present times?

(Alternia’s eyes widen with shock)

ALTERNIA No! I know how bad it was for me. I could never do such a thing even to her. (Grits her teeth) Though admittedly, I entertained the option in earlier days.

(Sarge1995 in full dress uniform raises his hoof)

Alternia, I do have a question- after a thousand years of holding Celestia's place, do you still wish her harm? Or have you come to feel differently about the Princess?

ALTERNIA I believe I have answered this question earlier. I do not wish Celestia harm. The situation at the time... I can see why she did what she did. But I do wish to punish her.

(Observer of dimensions gets out of his observatory to ask a question)

Dear Alternia Have you ever though of locating you other sisters and informing them of the events that lead to your mother's death?

ALTERNIA I tried, but by the time I had stabilized Equestria well enough so that I had time and energy to search for them, a hundred years had passed and I could not track them.

(Minerva, Greek Goddess of Wisdom asks Alternia a question)

Are you going to write more about past events like what Alternia did over the thousand years as ruler with a filler chapter or side story?

VREN55 Probably, in the form of one shots.

(Derpdragon derps his way through the crowd)

Dear Alternia, has anyone/pony else ever figure out your true identity?

ALTERNIA To my knowledge, I don’t believe anyone ever figured out my true identity. My mentor in magic, Elminster of Whitetail Wood certainly saw something different about me, but he decided not to pry.

How did you feel when you met twilight sparkle?

VREN55 I’ll get to that in the next chapter.

(Starcat5 flies in and asks:)

Dear Alternia, have you taken sufficient precautions for when Celestia does return? Much like Luna, her knowledge of Equestrian society is going to be rather out of date. Worse still, after a thousand years, personality drift is going to set in. Presuming that she's been in a healing trance this entire time, her mannerisms and mode of speech will have remained the same, while yours has adapted to keep up with the changing times. As such, she can't just take over Equestria again right off the bat without ponies noticing something is wrong.

ALTERNIA I do, see below:

Got any plans for her handing over power to Celestia? How do they keep the population from suffering an acute case of paranoia?

VREN55 Alternia can answer this better.

ALTERNIA I planned to bring Celestia back gradually. She can disguise herself well enough, and for a year she will learn about the modern era at my side, as I demonstrate to her my duties. Later, she will resume her role, as I advise her secretly. The population would not know anything about it and then I could leave.

Also, what is your favorite food? Other than strait chocolate, that is. (Dep Willie Wonka ref.)

ALTERNIA As I have mentioned, love, but I really like cake as well.

(TundraStanza marches in and raises a hoof)


1. How old are you?

ALTERNIA It is never polite to ask a lady her age, young stallion, but if you must. I am one thousand twenty-three years old.
2. What is your one goal in life, the one ultimatum that upon completion you can look at the rest of your life and say, "I have no regrets"?

(Alternia wears a thoughtful expression)

ALTERNIA It was at first, to punish Chrysalis, but now... I think it would be to leave Equestria as the most beautiful nation in the world.

3. What is your favorite color?

ALTERNIA Light green.

(LorD ChaOS, not Discord, snaps his fingers)

1) at any time after you replaced Celestia, did you ever seek out chrysalis for revenge?if yes, why is she still alive?if no, why not?

VREN55 That will be explained in the next few chapters.

ALTERNIA Suffice it to say, I tried, but I could not find her.

2) do you still harbor anger for Celestia tricking you into taking your memories,and if so, what will you do about it when she returns?

ALTERNIA This question has been asked many times. I do, but I know why she did it. I will punish her, but I will not harm her.

3)have had contact with any changelings after you took the throne?

ALTERNIA No. That was why I was so shocked after I sensed Chrysalis.

4) what is the changeling social structure like? what kind of jobs are common in the hive, and in what other ways does it differ from pony society?

ALTERNIA A good question.

Changeling society is divided into several roles: the queen, scouts, infiltrators, drones, workers, soldiers and chevaliers. Scouts locate pony settlements and explore territory. Infiltrators go into pony settlements to extract love. Drones carry out general tasks. They can defend the hive if necessary, hunt for food, tend any crops we grow and also aid in construction. However, the main task of a drone is to carry the love from the infiltrators to the hive as they have the greatest endurance. Workers are the constructors of the hive, they dig passages and are chiefly responsible for collecting solid food for the hive. Soldiers are our first line of defence and act as administrators of justice and maintain order. Chevaliers are the noble class of changelings. Although generally maintained through inheritance, any changeling can become a chevalier if they pass certain tests. Chevaliers command groups of changelings. They often command soldiers, but there are chevaliers in charge of scouts, infiltrators, drones and workers. They also advise the Queen, who rules over all.

5)have you had any special some-ponies in your life and if so, did you reveal yourself? what about special some-LINGS

ALTERNIA I have never had a special some-pony in my lifetime.

(Alternia looks embarrassed all of a sudden and blushes)

Well that is a lie. I have had close friends, lovers and partners. We always parted on good terms and I have presided over the weddings of a few of my former lovers. I never revealed myself and that is the chief reason I have never had a truly special some-pony. That and the fact that ponies generally worship me as opposed to approach me romantically

(Alternia sighs bitterly)

Unlike my sister Belladonna, I never had a special changeling. I had some good friends. Captain Carapace, Chevalier Mandible, Roachia, they were all my loyal supporters and we shared fun times together. I hope they are somewhere pleasant.

6) is your 1000+ lifespan natural, or is it a result of all the love you've received as celestia?
ALTERNIA I mentioned this earlier. As long as a Queen receives a substantial amount of love, they live indefinitely. Even Chrysalis’s 1000 plus lifespan is natural because she continues to receive a certain amount of love. Go lower than that and any queen will die. So it is part of the love we receive and part of how our bodies are built.

7)what was it like confronting Luna upon her return as nightmare moon, and then as her purified state? did Luna ever come close to discovering your secret?

VREN55 I’ll answer that later.

8) where is celestia? did she hide in a deep hole or something? is she even on the planet anymore? did she retreat to the sun or something?

VREN55 I’ll answer that later.

and the obvious question 9) what does love taste like? does it vary from pony to pony? what about between species? is it just love or positive emotion in general?

ALTERNIA This question has already been answered, mainly. Changelings can feed on positive emotions as well, but love is a far greater food source.

(M1Garand8 pipes up with his OC)

I... have a question. Why... do you zap your Creator as well? That is... my-

Cassia, tasering your Creator isn't just your schtick. Others are allowed to do that too, even if I think they shouldn't do that...

*Glares at Garand* Don't... make me pull it out now, Garand.

... Fine, fine. Is that all for your questions, Cassia?

ALTERNIA Wait no! Go ahead and zap him. Characters must keep their creators in line.

No... I have another: how did you live for a thousand years? Are Changeling Queens--Ascended and Non-ascended--in your universe immortal like the alicorns as well?

ALTERNIA I believe I mentioned this earlier. To my knowledge, Queens seem to have unlimited life spans, but they require more love to sustain it.

Hmm, that's a fair question I guess... I think I have one myself: what are you going to do after all of this is over? Retire somewhere and live a peaceful life?

ALTERNIA I will probably travel first and then retire to live out the rest of my days. In an ideal situation, I would like to live as a changeling among ponies, but until I can resolve my argument with Chrysalis and her changelings, that will have to wait.

(Isumo01489 raises a hoof)

Before I ask anything, I want to say this.
Alternia, you are not merely a princess of Ponies or Changelings,

You. Are. A. Hero.

Though her methods were both dubious and certainly harmed you, you CHOSE of your own free will, to save the world.

Even as you lay dieing, even after you were healed and burnened with Celestia's memories, you pushed through and created an Equestria that knew peace for 1,000 years. Moreover, you...YOU trained Twilight Sparkle, one of if not THE most gifted Magic user seen in Centuries. On top of that, you assumed the mantle of another and turned if from respectable, to beloved even more than it ever was.

Much like the heroes I respect, the Kamen Riders, you've evolved and surpassed your origions.

Like them, you were scarred by evil and tragedy.

Like them, your work was done behind a mask and with power not originally your own.

And like them, when the mask fell, and the power you'd used for so long denied you, you didn't stop doing the right thing. The things that you knew in your heart were worth doing.

In my eyes, you are every bit that hero, and heck, in my mind you may as well be Kamen Rider Nova, the Celestial Hero of Harmony!

Take it from me, you are not just loved for looking like and acting like Celestia would have. You took what Celestia was, and evolved with it, and now, whatever she gave to you, is now your own.

Now comes the question, and it is a simple one.

What will you do when Celestia, the original, returns?

I have a suggestion...one that will cut her more deeply than any hoof to the teeth could.

...let her resume her role, full-time, and live with herself.

Let her look upon the kingdom you've built, let her look upon the land of Harmony you helped to bring about...

...let her remember she had no hoof in it, all those accomplishments and wonderful moments are your doing and yours alone.

Retire to Ponyville with YOUR student, Twilight, and teach her even more about both magic you know of ponies, and Changelings. If anypony can master a power from another species, it'd be Twilight. Meantime, the Elements would know the truth, Shining and Cadence would know the truth, and moreover, LUNA would know the truth.

Luna, whom the true Celestia failed. Luna, who you yourself have cared for and helped since her return. Luna, who will now look upon you as the sister she SHOULD have had, and simply see the Celestia who returns as the pony who helped drive her to madness.

You gave Luna friendship, love, and redemption.

This fact will eat Celestia ALIVE!

Her expected circle will know the truth, and they will defer to her, but her return and true impact will deny her the support and love you've had since that Summer Sun Celebration. She will be a stranger to them, in a familiar package, and that will make their separation from her natural if gradual enough for the public to be satisfied. No crueler revenge could I think of, than you living happily in Ponyville, bolstered by the love of those who you've aided and cared for, while Celestia reaps her just reward, one that will continue long after you pass on in Luna. Granted, no more raising of the Sun, but that just gives you more free-time, if less power, yes?

Luna MAY one day forgive her sister, but to her, YOU will likely be the sister she chooses, so long as there is a choice to be made.

Truly, I can think of no better revenge, and it will leave you as filled as Equestria's love ever did, I'll bet.

Your Humble Servant,

Isumo1489 (Advent)

PS. Should you desire any further ideas, wish to chat, or heck, want to appear in a fic I'm working on, let me know. I'd love to have you!

(Alternia’s eyes widen)

ALTERNIA In Celestia’s... I mean my name... I... don’t know what to say. Thank you for your belief in me. Though, it was never my intention to outdo Celestia. Also, as I have mentioned earlier, I do not believe Celestia would be jealous of what I had done. In fact, I think she would see her decision to make me her alternate as having vindicated the crime she had to commit. But I do think she will be saddened, mainly because she had to deceive Luna. As to what I should do about Celestia?

(Grits her teeth)

I am not sure, though I do think, Celestia should have Equestria back and that she should be punished. I know she played no part in what I have created. But I know from her memories that she was there from its creation. Also, we made a deal and she has upheld it, even if the way she did so hurt me and she only deserves the punishment associated with the hurt she inflicted upon me. Still, it will be hard handing over Equestria back to Celestia, as much as I wish to be free again.

VREN55 Thanks for the offer, but I have quite a few project going on so I will have to decline... for now :)

(Minalkra raises a hoof)

How many holes do you have in your cheese hooves?

(Alternia looks down at her cheese hooves)

ALTERNIA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... Oh dear I counted the same hole twice. I honestly am not sure how many holes I have.

Does chitin have a taste? Never tasted it before ...

(Alternia grimaces)

ALTERNIA I have only tasted chitin once. That was when I bit my sister’s neck. It tasted like... well it doesn’t taste like anything.

VREN55 I am not sure, but I believe chitin tastes like human nails. I think they are made from similar material after all.

Do Changling males use a spider-like pedipalp-pair for mating or something more akin to the bee endophallus?

(Alternia blushes beetroot red, vren55 frowns, googles the term with his phone and then gawks)

ALTERNIA According to my mother, males use something more akin to an endophallus, but its not as... explosive... neither does it break off...

Uhm, do you often wonder what's in a Wonderball?
ALTERNIA No, I just open it to figure out what’s in it.

(CommanderX5 raises a hoof)

1) Have you managed to get some changelings to join Equestria undercover over past 1000 years or did all your followers died and you separated yourselfs from changelings.

(Alternia sighs)

ALTERNIA I was never able to find any changelings. As princess, I did not have the time and privacy to be searching for those of my kind. I hope my followers escaped, but...

(Alternia snarls)
Knowing my sister, I don’t think she showed any mercy.

2) How did you come up with the idea that Unicorn with 5 friends would be able to unlock elements and free Luna from Nightmare Moon influence ?

VREN55 I’ll answer that in a later chapter.

3) Do love you received from your faithful student before you send her to Ponyvile was the best love you ever tasted or did you tasted a better ones in the past ?

ALTERNIA Twilight’s love is some of the best I have ever tasted. Yet, it is rather hard to compare her love to other loves I have received because of the uniqueness of the love given. So I cannot say she was the best, though I cannot say that the loves I tasted in the past were better.

4) If you can sense emotions of your subjects since you was changeling princess, did you ever fell Twilight fear of you, after all she tend to break under heavy pressure and get crazy everytime you visit ponyvile, not to mention that she though that you will banish Fluttershy or thrown her into dungeon for stealing your pet, and also Twilight incredible fear of being thrown away by you, did you ever felt those fears from your student and if yes, did you tried to take any actions to easy them or you not took them seriously ?

VREN55 And I will answer that question later.

5) Did you given up on your idea to punish real Celestia or of the idea to gather army and kick Chrysalis flank to avenge your mother or you decided to leave your past and focus on future and forgive Celestia for giving you memories.

(Alternia snarls)

ALTERNIA When I stabilized my rule in Equestria, I was tempted to take my army out and seek Chrysalis. But that was not my agreement with Celestia. It would have embroiled her ponies into a personal feud between me and my sister. I will not allow anybody to sacrifice themselves for me.

(Alternia looks down an anguished look on her face)

ALTERNIA Not again.

6) If you even defeat Chrysalis and take back control of the hive, do you will try to invite them to Equestria or rather let them starve for following her in the first place, and if you will give them second chance, how will you merge them to Equestria without alerting your subjects ?

ALTERNIA You mean “even if I defeated Chrysalis and took back control of my mother’s hive, will I try to invite them to Equestria or let them starve for following her in the first place?” Well, first of all, it is not my mother’s hive anymore. By now, it is firmly Chrysalis’s hive. If I defeat Chrysalis, I will give her subjects a second chance, but I do not believe I can merge the changelings into Equestria without alerting my subjects. Besides, the time for deception is over.

7) Do you plan in near future to show your subjects that you are changeling since Luna can always raise the sun and moon if they will stop giving you love.
(Alternia smiles wryly)

ALTERNIA It is a wishful dream that I would dearly like to come true in the far future. However, I do not plan in the near future to show my subjects that I am a changeling. Luna can raise the sun and moon, but Equestria is still too centered on my decisions.

8) What was your plan in case real Celestia returned, did you wanted to swap place with her, or lock her in dungeon and stay as princess of Equestria ?

ALTERNIA I believe I mentioned this earlier. I would have her transition back into her role gradually.

VREN55 And that is the end of our Q and A session. Chapter 9 is in progress and I will see you next time.

(Alternia nudged vren55, who facehoofs)

Also, I’m a bloody idiot. I’ve forgotten for the longest time to mention this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcQKQOCuoYg

Its a fully voiced reading of Princess Celestia the Changeling Queen’s Chapter 1 and Prologue by a fan and he plans to do more. Enjoy!

Oh and to anybody experiencing update issues... I’m honestly not sure what’s going on. Looking at viewcount, most people seem to be getting the update, but some people don’t.