• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 13: Clockwork and the Doctor

The Doctor, Twilight, and Derpy head off to the Doctor's home dimension, but something goes wrong and they instead end up in a dimension where they were merely fictional characters in television shows. Things get even more complicated when they end up separated at a certain My Little Pony convention alongside two fans and a mysterious figure with an odd arsenal of powers appears.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 69 )

Hmm... I feel a bit of nostalgia seeing on how this relates to a bit of the beginning of Doctor Who where Ian was the main male role. this is more about Alex and the Writer. Hold on a second.... AHA! I knew it! You see, a being on this side of the multiple realities can become a god if they get to the other but only if that person made that reality. In the form of a story, song, or other form of art. So what you did is you may have acknowledged it. Also, did you know that if you shatter matter into nothing on this reality reality breaks for a split moment and it may be possible to scan the multiverse for the reality your looking for basicallly through that we can go through dimensions, reaching into realities beyond our own and ascending to gods.9 man I don't know how I could ramble on through this much text about godly ascension via reality travel, but it was great!

First! Whoever disliked this should feel bad about themselves. How dare you!

i think lauren and doctor will meet eventually


What the HECK is happening

Once again, I get to read one of my favorite stories! :pinkiehappy: They ended up in our universe! :twilightoops::derpytongue2: Never been to Bronycon, but I've been to the Meadowlands. (I live in New Jersey.) Went to a Bon Jovi concert there. I am so from New Jersey. :derpytongue2:
Cue Doctor Whooves theme:

"I'm the T to the W I L I G H T, and ain't no other pony troll it down like me! I'm Twilightlicious!"


"Hey, guys! Have you gone to see Mic the Microphone yet?"

Mic the Microphone!

"Oh! Sorry about that!" gasped Alex Stevens as he bumped into the Doctor. For a second, they locked eyes. Alex groaned as his ears began ringing. He closed his eyes in annoyance.

Alex's reaction upon seeing the Doctor means he must be psychic because he can see through the perception filter. Looks like foreshadowing to me.

"Here they are! Nicole Oliver, otherwise known as Princess Celestia and Cheerilee, Andrea Libman, otherwise known as Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, Tara Strong, otherwise known as Twilight Sparkle, Peter New, otherwise known as Big Macintosh, and, last but not least, Cathy Weseluck, otherwise known as Spike the Dragon and Mayor Mare!"

Wait, where's Ashleigh Ball? :rainbowhuh::applejackconfused:

"Hmm...the woman who voices Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy certainly resembles the latter more than the former," he said as he looked at the voice actors.

I heard an interview with Andrea Libman on Everfree Network, and she sounds way too much like Pinkie Pie than normal human should! :pinkiegasp::fluttercry:

Alex and Quinn looked in horror as the stuffed pony princess came to life in Quinn's hands. It opened its mouth, which was filled with sharp teeth, and smiled.

The Luna doll turned into a Leucrotta! You have to admit that's a total Steve Moffat move, a killer stuffed animal.

"I'm going to love and tolerate the blood out of you!"

There are no words.

"Don't you just love BronyCon?"

Never been to Bronycon. Been to the New York Comic Con twice. If this kind of stuff started happening at Bronycon... That would be the best convention ever! :pinkiehappy:

"Yes! It's your original voice! Thank God! Screw those soccer moms, you're perfect just the way you are, Derpy Hooves!"

This is the first time we find out Derpy's voice is that of her original appearance in The Last Roundup. :ajsmug:

"Why do I feel like I've just fallen through a hole in reality and am now stuck in somebody's bizarre fanfiction?" he asked himself.

Pinkie Pie would be proud. :pinkiehappy: Alex almost obliterated the forth wall! Except this isn't a bizarre fanfiction; it's awesome! That has to be one of my favorite line of the series!
Oh my gosh! He took Tara Strong! :twilightoops:

"Are...are you the enemy that the Animator kept mentioning?"
"Yes and no. I'm more along the lines of...the person that his enemy is based off of."
"I don't understand."
"You're not meant to, not yet at least. You'll understand shortly anyway, as will the audience."
"Audience? What audience?" Alex looked around the room. "Do you mean this audience?"

Toying with the forth wall now are we?

"Shut up," Tara replied in her Raven voice.

Since the first time I've read this story, I have at least seen Teen Titans Go and can now properly imagine what that looked like. Tara Strong: Mistress of Voices.

"Great. I just threw a chair at and knocked out Tara Strong. My fellow Bronies are going to lynch me," Alex groaned.

Oh yes, yes they will. :flutterrage:

"Derpy! You didn't have to bring the chair down that hard!" said the Doctor.

I think it was an unconscious indicator of her subconscious desires for the Doctor and the threat Twilight poses to them. :twilightoops::derpyderp1:

"Let me just say that it was an honor to meet you and I applaud you for what you've done. Now run!"

Only a true Brony, even in the midst of Doctor Who level mortal peril, takes the time to praise Lauren Faust for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic! :pinkiehappy:
With names like The Writer and The Animator, it makes me think of the Doctor Who episode "The Long Game" where the name of one of the villains was The Editor. Wonder if that was intentional?

“…Question: what do you think of bow ties?"
"Bow ties? That's an odd question. Never given them much thought really. I suppose I could try one in the future. Hmm...why do I now have the sudden urge to find a fez?"
"Yep, there's definitely bits of Matt Smith in you…”

Oh, yes, there's definitely a bit of Matt Smith in Doctor Whooves. :moustache: Moustaches are cool.

Tell your Doctor that he's coming. The Doctor of Discord is coming with his army of steel.

Is that the EPIC thing that keeps being teased? Or is it just the beginning of it? :pinkiegasp:

Farewell, Derpy Hooves, and...I am sorry. I am so, so sorry. I had no choice.

Something's going to happen to Derpy! :derpyderp1:

"I have so many questions," said Derpy.
"And so do the readers but, don't worry, you'll all learn the truth in due time. Everything will make sense when everything comes full circle. But, sadly, now is not the time for all the answers to be revealed…”

Putting a whole lot of weight on that forth wall. :twilightoops:

"If the tides of war and peace bring the TARDIS back to this edge of the multiverse. I have a feeling that our lives are interlocked, Alex. Just as you are interlocked with the Writer who possessed you."

I'm almost certain that this is not the last we've seen of Alex, Quinn, and Edgar.

"Well, allons-y then!" the Doctor said.
"Geronimo, Doctor."
"Geronimo...hmm...interesting. Geronimo then!"

Yes, definitely a dash of 11!

"Hasn't Alex told you about the series I've been writing for Fanfiction.net?"

Has Edgar not gotten around to posting them on FIMFiction as well? :rainbowlaugh:
This is a story that really benefits from reading a second time. First time around, I was rather confused as to who The Writer in black was supposed to be. A second reading has made it much clearer. Here to comment on that is a dear friend of mine.
:pinkiehappy: Hi! Pinkie Pie here! I just want to say that breaking the forth wall by writing yourself into a story can be super-duper hazardous without the proper training or supervision. That's all I wanted to say. Pinkie Pie out!
For all we know since The Writer in black erased the events of this story, this could have actually happened at BronyCon 2012. :pinkiegasp: Might explain what went wrong at the Las Pegasus Unicon too. :rainbowlaugh:

2677788 What about Russel T. Davies and Steven Moffat?

well sonuvahbitch! doctor, why couldnt you have landed here in Aztec NM? man, i would have loved for that to happen. but it wouldn't, yet. i need to design a device that allows for multidimensional travel. i would either jump into: MLP, Doctor Who, or These stories, which, because someone wrote them, now have their own unverse in the multiverse. they do exist, but we currwntly dont have the tech to prove it.

2932759 fourth, not forth. sorry, i am OCD when it comes to spelling and grammar. but yes, pinkie would be proud. hell i would have fun breaking the fourth wall. -the unexpected love life of dusk shine- has pinkie breaking it in basically every sentence she says!

2937180 holy shit, i just realized that tara plays raven as well. i feel retarded right now... :facehoof:

um...perseus? why do i get the impression the the writer that just showed up is you?

perseus, that IS you as the writer i black is it? at least i'm not the only one who puts himself into stories..... and if any of my posts have missing spacing between words, blame my vita.

i SOOOO wish that this happens soon. the talk about the multiverse has a ring of truth to it, idk how i know, but i do know there is more than just the universe we live in. we just can't prove it...yet.

Lol just couldn't let this chance slip couldja "hmmmm the doctor and Co are going to earth....minaswell send them to Bronycon while I'm at it" huh

"I'm going to love and tolerate the blood out of you!"

Lol that my good man just made my day 20% cooler in pretty much every way

I almost expected a paradox to break out when twilight and tera strong met lol

"I wonder why nobody here notices the TARDIS's sound?

Only thosewho have been on the the tardis or have meet the doctor can hear the noise thanks to is perception filter

"Oh! Everypony here sees me as a clumsy mentally challenged pony! I'm just going to hide under here forever!" "Don't do that! I'm sorry! I really am! It's not as bad as you think! Like I keep saying, a
lot of people here love you." "They do?"

Yup its true we all love you your the fandoms fav background pony after all

The doctor, for once got bought up in someone elses timey wimey problems

[ "I have so many questions," said Derpy. "And so do the readers but, don't worry, you'll all learn the truth in due time. Everything will make sense when everything comes full circle. But, sadly, now is not the time for all the answers to be revealed. Now go. I'll handle everything from here." Derpy turned to face the Doctor.

He's got a point we do lol

Ohh self inserting are we now perseus that's dangerous territory you know

You didn't break the 4th wall with this fic. You VAPORISED it!

Me: *upon arrival* "Wait a minute... Hippies? More Hippies? Even More Hippies?! I think we might be in Seattle or somewhere just as bad."

If you've seen Teen Titans Go!, than I hate to break it to you that you yourself are getting jipped out of what would otherwise be a great series to watch, the series Teen Titans Go is based off of: Teen Titans infinitely better, with both intensity, emotion, story, music, and mild comedy all crammed into a 30-minute span without gross humor, over-the-top action sequences, and actual villains to fight against. Take a few minutes to watch it, I bet it can be found on Youtube.

Really not the best story in the series.

I love Raven!... She is the best Titan ever!:twilightblush:

2937220 I would do the same thing. It would be a dream to meet Lauren Faust, But I would simply die if I got to meet Tara Strong..... I love her as Raven.

I love this catchphrase as well "Avante!" That is from "Doctor Whoove's and Assistant'

I've actually done this with my own OC. (She's a human, though, and has nothing, currently, to do with MLP)

And.... I didn't get enough sleep last night.... I was up till two thirty reading the episodes before this!!

And all the readers believed that, if they would have been there, they would have seen the Doctor, Twilight, and Derpy with little to no trouble.
Shut up MM. That's not true.
It is and you did it too.
So? Not everyone is as wierd as me.
Or crazy.
Says you, maniacal evil version of myself who lives in my head and NEVER SHUTS UP.
...you just... Proved... My point.... :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Shut up MM, before I call Max.
Go get the loser, then.

:pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp: Welllllllllllllllll. Does any pony else suddenly want to figure out how to cause a paradox? Cuz I do.... I just wish I knew how......
andda here's my least favorite personality.
D'awwww :twilightblush: thanks!!! And anyway I Know you like talking to me.
About other things, yes. But not while I'm reading Doctor Who/MLP/Regular boring human world/every other fanfiction 'verse out there/Pure awesomeness crossover!!!!!! Killjoy.
:yay: I killed your joy.
Bloody hell you're annoying.
Take a step back and see who's speaking, IamShadowDash.
I don't care if everyone else has that name, okay MM? I like it and that's all that matters.:twilightangry2:
:facehoof::rainbowhuh::rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: someone's been reading to many fairy tales, princess, cuz your loopy.
Not that way.
I know.

Dawwwwww sooo cuteeeee:rainbowkiss:

I hate teen titans go. I watched one episode and almost had a seizure, I was so mad. HOW COULD THEY DARE INSULT TEEN TITANS THAT WAY?!? THE REAL TEEN TITANS ARE SO MUCH BETTER. More... Relatable, less ridiculous, and everything else The Ohvist said. Aughhhh.

:applecry: MAH HEADDDDD cool though:derpytongue2:

No.... He DESTROYED the fourth wall!!!

I enjoyed the way this fanfiction has been presented. All of it, not just this episode. Obviously you had to plan this out extensively before even beginning the first adventure for it to all click. I've--
fine, we've been experimenting with this particular idea of self insertion and what it would mean to the beings in that universe for a while now. I prefer to think that is a writer of a story were inserted into the story, he or she would not be all powerful. Yes, they would have a certain control, or (my favorite) know what will happen next, to an extent (ex: imagine being in a hallway that forks into two, three, etc ways. The writer would know what could happen, but not what will. Like that guy in MIB 3, the weirdo) but they wouldn't be able to control too much. But the writer would have a special connection to the character they resemble most. Usually it's the hero, but occasionally it could be the villain.

This must be the only Doctor Whooves fanfic in existence where Derpy is asking about fisting. Your starting to creep me out, Perseus.


he must be psychic because he can see through the perception filter.

the doctor JUST said they arent invisible :facehoof: if you focus of what the perception filter is hiding you notice them and alex focused on the doctor because he bumped into him and wanted to say sorry

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