• Member Since 21st Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago

Doctor Perseus

I'm just a guy who loves to write.



This story is a sequel to Doctor Whooves Episode 12: A Dalek in Celestia's Court

The Doctor has been living in Ponyville for several weeks now and Hearth's Warming Eve is just around the corner. However, the peace is shattered when a mysterious stallion from another dimension named Clockwork appears. As the a dark nightmare wreaks havoc, Twilight is forced to examine her true feelings for the Doctor and Clockwork must face the fate of his wife, Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 169 )

(Joke) Alt. Title: Doctor Who Cares? Episode 13: A Clockwork Doctor

2027415 (Joke) Alt. Name: The Namer

2027524 I'm declaring that one a victory, tumbleweed.

Mother of Celestia ... YOU DID THIS ALL IN ONE DAY?! That's impossible! Unless you copy/pasted older things ... I don't know, this isn't scientifically possible ... YOU'RE not scientifically possible! :twilightoops:

Actually, I didn't write this entire episode in one day. I've been working on it for a couple of weeks now. I just finished the last chapter of the episode yesterday. All of the episodes that I've uploaded, save the 13th, were written a while before I began uploading them to fimfiction. That's why I was able to submit entire episodes at once. By the time I got around to uploading this episode, I had just finished writing the last chapter so I was able to upload and submit the entire thing at once.

:ajsleepy: *sigh* Now I have to have for the next chapter. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyy? :raritydespair:

Still, I LOVE this! Keep on Doctor Perseus! You rock, woohoo! :yay:

i can't wait for the next episode! absolutely brilliant work Doctor Perseus

Waiting for next episode…………:twilightsmile:

2030339 *scratchy voice* slender

Uh oh.

Yes. That much derp.

Green eyes,black smoke.

I call Sombra.

I'm getting a Scarlet Witch vibe here.

Ah yes, the obligatory Doctor Who Christmas... I mean Doctor Whooves Hearth's Warming Special! :pinkiehappy:

The Doctor? Doctor who?"

I love it when they say that!

…and Bright Eyes is there too, only she goes by the name of Derpy Hooves.

Derpy Hooves also going by Bright Eyes. :derpyderp1: Another reference to Turnabout Storm!

“…I already have a title planned out: Doctor Who: Master of Time and Space!"
"How about just Doctor Who?"

Bracing yourself against the forth wall are we now? :pinkiegasp:
First time around, I thought this would be a lot like Human Nature, but what it turned out to be was still 20 percent cooler. :rainbowdetermined2:
Cue Doctor Whooves theme

Awwa, Twilight and the Doctor had some moments. :twilightsheepish: And Spike with his teasing Twilight over her "Doctor conflictions". :moustache::twilightangry2:

"We're just doing it as friends!"
"Isn't this what you want? You've been ogling over him since Celestia knows when!"

Oh my!

The Doctor could only manage to say, "Well...this was unexpected."

That may or may not be an understatement.
But if it really came down to the Doctor picking between either of them, would he really choose Twilight over Derpy? :twilightsheepish::derpytongue2:
Double Derpy Hooves! So intense! :derpyderp1::derpyderp2:

I just realized if the timeline Clockwork gives is reflective of the events in the show, then Season 3 doesn't happen in this series. That might me a good thing. :twilightsmile: Downwiththetwilicorn!

Then again, I did steal you from that warehouse that the Master was using to hoard you all. I guess he made sure to make you all dumber than normal.

Aha! The Master is somehow involved in all this!

"Really? That's what you're going to call that evil Doctor that the Princess told us about?" Twilight asked.
"What else am I supposed to call him?!"

How about John Hurt? :rainbowlaugh:

As Clockwork frowned in concentration, the Doctor leaned in towards Twilight and whispered, "Are you going to start kissing everypony in order to get what you want?"

Jealous, Doctor? :raritywink:

The dark unicorn screamed in pain as Clockwork's teeth grew as sharp as knives and proceeded to drill deep into his neck.

Clockwork turned into a Leucrotta!

"Of course I am! I'm based around the version of you that embraces disharmony and chaos. Almost a...Discord Doctor if you will." The Doctor felt that his darker self was hinting at something but he figured that he'd give it more thought once everything was sorted out.

I'm starting to think this Dark or Discord Doctor was a Doctor form an alternate Doctor Who-verse who ended up in an alternate MLP-verse where Discord is still in power and got Discorded. Mayhaps he is still working together with that universe's Discord or has supplanted him completely.

"And the running."
"Of course, the running."
"Running with the Doctor."

Always with the running. :twilightsmile::derpyderp1:

"Twilight! Where are you? Your new book of distant Equestrian history just arrived!" he called.

Foreshadowing. (A Country at War)

Meanwhile, a few yards away, a familiar mare in a large, brim hat named Matilda watched as the TARDIS vanished.
"And so it begins," she said to herself before activating her vortex manipulator and disappearing in a quick flash of light.

What? Is this the beginning of the EPIC whatever?!
Second time around, it's still just as good. We get teased a little more about the Dark/Discord Doctor and the rifts. I haven't seen a lot of Sombra in fan fiction so it's nice to see him here. It also clarifies that the canon of Season 3 is not happening. These stories are their own thing and that's wonderful! :pinkiehappy: And I guess this is the beginning of the EPIC whatever is going to happen.

what. what. WHAT! wait did i alredy say that??

"hello bright one, idiot eyes."

-taz from a short looney toons dvd thing called planet of the taz-

heh, clockwork, wrong twilight. 1, your suicide attempt failed. 2, you fell into a dimensional rift. and 3, your about to be slapped by a now angry mare named twilight sparkle.

somepony murdered twilight?!?!?!? ok, this makes three beings that pissed me off. even if it IS an alt. twi, i will still hunt down her murderer and torture him/her for the rest of their life. the yautja code of honor demands either her death, or banishment. i choose torture, worse than banishment, more painful and not as permanent as death. they will wish they were dead though. they will not get the luxury of death.

2927213 idk about you, but i liked twi as an alicorn. unusual twist, but good in my opinion. hell, what would have been a bad thing would be if twi was forced to move back to canterlot. it wouldnt happen, but still...alicorn twilight is better than some dumbass clichè ending with "happily ever after" and then continues into a new series without twi. what i am trying to say is: things could have been worse than an alicorn twilight.

2983187 Let's agree to disagree. :twilightangry2:

doc, i know where your train of thought is going: the master. hes the reason behind this. isnt he?

jeez, this is interesting to read, but it's 11:39 pm and i am tired as hell, i will read .ore when i wake up (usully around noon) goodbye for now!

2677096 DoNt YOu MeAn SleNdER? -LaUGhS ManIcALlY-

2985363 i hate him with a passion because he scared me when i was 7 i will nuke him with a david crocket

2986126 you don't have to, his spine and skull are here on my trophy wall. i gotta tell you, he was a difficult hunt. my biomask was freaking out because of his teleportation. but in the end, he became my most prized trophy.

2983200 ok, change of subject, shall we hunt down this dark doctor and kill him? it will be a battle to recount over a pint of mead in the halls of sovngaarde.

2986138 awe i wanted to kill him sets world"s physics to gmod pulls out a david croket out of my pocket aims and says oh well have to settle for you instead nukes ya

2986374 eh, my black ka'kari will devour all the radiation, and if the blast disintegrates me, i left an eyelash in my dreadnaught, so if i die, the ka'kari will regenerate me a new body, and all i have to do is go get the rest of the ka'kari. kinda hard to kill the night angel, who is also a yautja-time lord hybrid...

2986381 nah you just re spawn so i can nuke you again gmod is cool like that

2986386 right, so, how would you feel if my dreadnaught/TARDIS decided to fire it's main gun into the past and erase you from existence? (sorry, i like to rp, and my character's species is more or less chaotic neutral.) besides, why kill me when i can just rewrite time without the paradox, and make it to where i never killed slendy? as long as i get his skull and spine, it doesn't matter to me.

2986397 i am xander lighting ketchum world traveler guardian of lighting many worlds and dimension will disappear sunny my stories all mlp fim dimensions will disappear poof gone forever so choose wisely and by the way i am a semi immortal god of lighting who has the power to destroy the multi-verse with a single blow

2986422 sounds a lot like my dreadnaught...destroying the multiverse with one blast from her main cannon. but as i said, i have the inherent ability to rewrite time without causing paradoxes. i mean no offense with what i said, but if you kill me, i am pretty sure my dreadnaught will reply in kind.

2986422 wouldn't a semi-immortal god be known as a demi-god? also, "six angels guard the light, but one alone, guards the night." i am the guardian of the night. the night angel. my three faces are: Vengeance, Justice, and Mercy. i do not kill those who don't deserve to be killed. only those who are tainted with evil. those who commit murder, rape, things like that. i see no evil in you, unless you can hide it from me...

2986435 no because i've lived for 20 million but i can be killed by a weapon were gods can't die an less by another god
simple because of gmod physics you die you respawn like nothing happened so it has no reason to use your death ray on me by the way "you" can rewrite time without paradoxes but can your death ray do that when your dead

2986451 good point, but i dont have gmod, it would be fun for skyrim, but i cant get it currently. and try explaining that to my dreadnaught. she is quite stubborn, to her, it's more principle to retaliate. and it's a plasma cannon that is probably 5 google times more powerful than all seven halos. daleks use death rays. also, i don't like making enemies. can we stop this argument? we can work together to truly kill slendy, i may have his skull and spine, but it's harder than what i did to him to kill him permanently.

2986457 i have skyrim just a sec let me get ready and hopes arm bracelet returns in full impenetrable armor and a nuke and Luna"s and Celestia's farewell gifts copies of the elements witch increases my armors strength in speed,strength,luck,magic,skill,and defense

2986471 ok, i will go grab my hunting equipment, which consists of two plasma casters, a combi-stick, a smart disk, two shuriken, a hybridized medi-comp, and a custom warframe that resembles traditional yautja hunter wear, but covers the entire body in a nanofiber suit that increases strength, speed, agility, perception, and reaction time. ( fun game, warframe)

2986486 here we come slendy wait a moment couldn't ya just erase him from the time line with no problem

2986492 i could, but where's the fun in that? it would be a whole lot more fun to hunt him, with the help of an ally, last time, he killed me maybe 19 times before my traps got him, and i hate using traps, but he was starting to get on my nerves.

2986499 okay i guess i can wait 3 years to get out of the underworld if i die

2986503 i have an idea about that, i will take this little device, -picks up an odd looking device that more or less resembles a pear- and, with your permission, have it record your entire body and psyche, so that way, if you die, it will pull your spirit out of your body and regenerate you a new one, exactly as you were before you died, memories and all.

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