• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 10,330 Views, 207 Comments

The Wonders of Time - Pia-chan

After living in Canterlot during two years, Spike is back in Ponyville, as Rarity is stunned by what she sees. What happened before he left and what will happen now?

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Real Time Romance

Real Time Romance

It was mostly all a blur. By the time Spike was aware of his surroundings, he was already in front of the library, struggling to catch his breath. He suspected that jumping from a third floor was a bit too risking, judging by the slight stinging sensations on his arms and knees. But he was a dragon; he was made of sturdier stuff. On the outside. The inside, on the other hand...

He pushed his way into the library, and slumped against the closed door, nearly seething with each deep breath. He really hoped Twilight wasn’t home. He really didn’t want her to see him in such a state. He couldn’t fathom facing anyone at the moment. In fact, he more or less just wanted to disappear, if only so these painful feelings would perish with him.

The painful gnawing sensation in the back of his head made his thoughts drift to Rarity. What just happened? Did she actually break up with him? Was it all over? It had been so wonderful, seemed to be going so well. And now it was just...over?

Because of what? Rarity spoke of the problem they’d have to confront if the rest of the world found out about their relationship. But who the hell cared? He sure didn’t! If she wanted to wait until he reached the legal age, then he would wait. If she wanted to make all this a secret forever, he would’ve complied, he just wanted to be with her. Sure, he would probably try asking her to marry him eventually, but he could even give up on that idea, as long as they were together.

And what if everyone found out? Then he’d defend her. He would convince all the town, all of Equestria if need be. He’d convince them that Rarity wasn't taking advantage of him, because he loved her, more than anything. She was his everything, but now...

Spike quickly found his way into the bedroom and slammed the door behind him. He clutched at his chest through the shirt, trying to ease the pain buried beneath the flesh while Rarity’s last words to him kept swirling in a cyclone of agony. His vision blurred and his back slid down the door as he slumped to the ground. Drop by drop, his shirt began to collect tears.

He kept wondering if it was truth what she had said to him, that she didn’t love him. His grip tightened. Hours filled with hundreds of thoughts passed. At one point, he thought about racing back towards the Boutique and asking Rarity if she was sure about her decision, if she actually didn’t love him, and to just give it another chance of... No, to hear her confirm his fears would probably destroy him and sink him even more into depression and he couldn’t take any more. Just these past hours had been enough for him. And she had a point after all, perhaps it was the best for her. She had a reputation to keep, after all. It was for the sake of her business. He’d endure the fire of Tartarus for her sake, and if this was what she decided, then he had to move on.

But how, he wondered. It wasn’t possible to just forget everything between them, especially if they had to be around each other every once in a while. And their friends would notice eventually, and the questioning would start. With all the pain he was yet feeling in his heart, and the tears that seemed to never end, he had to think straight. For Rarity. No matter what she did he could never hate her. She gave him some of the happiest moments in his life. The least he could do was to honor those memories. The solution to his predicament sprung to his mind, something he had been deliberating in the past few months.

It was something he didn’t want to do, because he couldn’t live without Twilight, the girls, and especially without Rarity. But now that the most important reason to stay became the most compelling reason to leave...he needed time away. In his mind, he shook hands with Shining Armor, the offer accepted.

With his decision solemnly made, Spike finally felt his thoughts slowly come to an ease, and the pain began to fade out bit by bit until he slipped into a quiet slumber.

He awoke to a sudden knock on the door.

“Spike?” Two more knocks. “Hello?” came a feminine voice.

Twilight. Spike slowly peeled himself off the floor and into a sitting position. He didn’t respond, and tried to collect his bearings. Twilight was back. And he still wasn’t anywhere near being ready to see anyone.

“Spike, are you in there?” Twilight’s muffled voice called.

Spike’s eyes clenched shut. “I don’t want to talk to anyone right now.” Great, his voice cracked at several moments, now she was going to catch on. Resigned to the inevitable, he then noticed how grimy and wet his shirt felt. He must’ve only been out for a short while. With a grunt he made his way towards his wardrobe.

Right on cue, the doorknob rattled and turned just before the door opened. “Spike, I’m really sorry but you’re making me a bit worried here--” She stopped once she noticed he was in front of the mirror of his room, shirtless. Twilight blushed a bit. “Oh, sorry, uh, I didn’t know you were getting changed...”

“It’s fine,” Spike said over his shoulder, trying to keep the reflection of his flushed face and bloodshot eyes out of the mirror, “don’t worry about it.”

He could feel Twilight’s scrutiny during the tense pause that followed. Before he could pull a new shirt over his head, Twilight interjected, “Spike, what’re those on your back?”

Spike twisted around to see Twilight’s curiously concerned expression and realized she must’ve meant the twin marks over his back; two purplish spots located close to the spine, one on each side.

“Oh, those. They showed up a few weeks ago, I think.” he explained, wiping his eyes with his forearm before turning around. “I have no idea what they are.”

Twilight gave him a look. “Spike, do you mind if we talk for a bit?

Spike took a steadying breath. “No. Yeah, we can talk.” He plopped down on the bed with his arms and legs splayed to the side and stared at the ceiling without another word. A few moments later, the mattress squeaked under Twilight’s additional weight.

There was another pause before Twilight spoke, “I ran into Lyra on the way back. She said you almost bumped into her without saying hello.”

Spike breathed in deeply. “Uh-huh...”

“She also said you might’ve been crying.”

“Well, she’s wrong,” he nearly spat and cringed at his tone. He might as well have stamped ‘something is wrong’ onto his face. He felt Twilight scoot over.

“Do you mind if I take a look at your back? Just to make sure.”

Spike wordlessly flipped over, now lying prone. He felt Twilight’s hands slip under to pull the shirt up. Soon the sensation of her touch was upon the two hardened nubs and he almost flinched. He realized he wasn’t in quite the mood to be touched yet and so pulled away the moment Twilight seemed to be done with her examination. “So? What is it? With my luck, I’m probably dying from a terminal, flesh-eating disease.”

He could almost feel the frown forming. “Spike, you shouldn’t joke about things like that.”

Spike huffed and turned on his side away from Twilight, who continued, “You know, those marks are very similar to the composition of your tail’s.”

Spike blinked and cast a glimpse behind him. “Uh-huh?”

“Well, if I had to guess, I’d say your wings might finally be growing in.”

That certainly caught his attention, and for a moment all the dark and painful thoughts from before were pushed away. “Wha...really? I’m gonna get wings? For real?” He jumped off the bed and moved to the body mirror, pulling his shirt up to inspect the reflection of his back.

“It certainly looks like a distinct possibility,” Twilight said smiling, “Congratulations, Spike.”

“Wings,” Spike said to himself, imaging strong scaly appendages of flight in place of the thick purple slits.

Twilight got off the bed and walked over. “Spike, you can tell me if something’s wrong. Please, you can trust me. I’m your sister and...” She gave a small smile, scratching her head with one finger. “You’re very important to me. You know that, don’t you?”

“Yeah... “ Spike said, sighing. “Thanks, Twilight.”

“Well?” Twilight looked at him with expectant eyes.

“I’m different, Twilight,” Spike started, taking a seat on the bed. “People look at me as if I’m a freak. I’m tired of all this, Twi. And no offense, but I’m also tired of being nothing more than a librarian assistant too.”

Twilight frowned a bit. “B-but, I’ve never noticed anyone treating you badly. I mean, I know fangs and tail can raise a few eyebrows along with those unnerving, snake-like eyes and not to mention sometimes your breath smells awful..”

“Gee, Twi. I feel so much better now. You should’ve become a counselor.”

Twilight tittered. “Um, anyway, I’m sure this is all just from your exaggerating mind. Nobody thinks of you as anything less than a friend, let alone a freak. You’re respected in this town and a lot of people love you.”

“Maybe. Maybe I am just exaggerating about all this. But still, I have plans for my life, Twi.”

“What do you mean? What plans?”

“Remember the last time we saw Shining?”

Twilight nodded. “Of course I do. That was around two months ago, I think, when we went back to Canterlot for the weekends.”

“Well, he and I had a talk, and he made an offer to me.”

Twilight frowned. “An offer?”

Spike nodded. “I didn’t think much of it back then, but now that I’ve done some thinking, I’ve decided to take it. I’m leaving, Twi.”


“I’m going to join the Shining’s squad, Twilight. I’m gonna train to become a royal soldier. To stop being a boy and become a man, someone more useful than just an assistant. I want to become someone who can do more than just sit on the sidelines. And I have to move to Canterlot in order to do so.”

Sweetie Belle poked her head through the open door. “Rarity?” she asked, getting no reply.

After making sure to wipe her shoes on the mat, the teenager made her way into the Boutique. She tried calling for her sister a few more times, but silence remained her only accounted companion.

Did she already go on her lunch break? Maybe she forgot that I always visit on Mondays... again...

She checked the kitchen to see if she was there. It was tidy, but there was no sign of anyone being there recently. Not even a dish in the sink or a scrap of food in the fridge.

The young woman began to feel a pinch of worry gnawing at the back of her head. Rarity wasn’t the type of person who’d just disappear without at least leaving some sort of message. She was always very responsible with all of her commitments and prior engagements, and seldom changed her plans without notice. Deciding that the quiet shop presented an opportunity to snoop, er, look for clues, Sweetie brazenly entered Rarity’s room without, as was customary, even bothering to knock, which would definitely have earned her the ‘fashionable scowl of utter disdain’ if Rarity was still around.

Sweetie Belle froze mid-stride. She rapidly blinked in stupefaction. There, lying prone in her queen-sized fancy bed, was her sister. She seemed to be asleep, and was hugging a white pillow tightly as though it were a life raft. Her face was obscured by a curtain of messy violet hair, but from what could be seen, Sweetie noticed twin tracks trailing down her flushed cheeks and a darkened circle on the pillow where the tracks ended. It didn’t take a genius to figure out what likely had happened.

As the young singer stood there staring at her distressed sister’s state, a flurry of questions bombarded her mind.

Was Rarity crying? Duh. Why was Rarity crying? How long has she been crying? Did something happen? Duh. What happened? This isn’t about stealing her makeup, is it? Duh. Duh what? Uh...

Sure, Rarity could be overly dramatic at times, yanking her drama couch out from thin air as she wailed in overemphasized woe loudly to everyone’s eyerolls. And certainly, there were the occasional tear or two. What was melodrama without a bit of tears, after all? But this was not a typical performance done at the fancy whims of a full time seamstress and part time dramatist. This was quiet, unseen, and very much real.

What am I supposed to do now? Should I shake her? But I don’t know what I should do if she’s awake! Do I bring her soup? Chocolate? Tea? A bag of bonbons?

The flustered teenager fortunately managed to panic quietly, as the older sister still slept peacefully. Somewhere between frazzled thoughts, Sweetie Belle got another good look at the woman. The fashionista seemed to be comfortable at the moment, her distress allayed by sleep, and maybe it was best not to change that for now.

Sweetie Belle began to make her way out of her sister’s bedroom, slowly stepping backwards on her tippy toes. Before she could fully pull out from the room though, something caught Sweetie’s attention from the corner of her eyes.

It was a booklet with a purple binding laying sprawled with its pages facing down on the ground. The intriguing book was close to her sister’s bed, half hidden by the bed sheets, and had likely dropped off the bed when Rarity fell asleep. Sweetie carefully knelt down and picked it up, noticing that some of the pages had gotten crumpled. She instinctively tried to straighten out the crinkles, and in doing so unintentionally read few neatly written lines of what it was unmistakably written in her sister’s handwriting. Sweetie Belle gasped.

This is totally Rarity’s diary!

Sweetie immediately slammed the booklet shut, nervously remembering Rarity’s reaction upon discovering her personal diary had been read without permission the last time. Echoes of I will destroy yooooouuuu so much were very persuasive arguments in favor of putting the diary back in its proper place and fleeing in terror.

But just when she was about to place it upon her sister’s bedside table, a flashing realization passed through her mind. Maybe it was worth risking total obliteration if she could find out exactly what had been distressing Rarity so much that the event would leave her in the state she was in. It was a big maybe, but the potential information depot presented a bigger prize. Besides, she was here to snoop in the first place, might as well take advantage.

Sweetie Belle took a seat in the same spot where she found the diary. If Rarity were to wake up suddenly, she’d have enough time to quickly leave the little book in the same place she first found it and run like hell, with or without screaming ‘I’m sorry and I totally wasn’t here!’. With her flawless plan decided, she opened up the diary at a random page and started reading.

Twilight didn’t come to our meeting, I have no clue why. But I don’t mind, really. We’ll have a chance to spend time together another time. And it was such a delightful afternoon to complain about, to be perfectly honest. Just me and Spike... I don’t know why, but I kind of wanted to be alone with him one of these days, without any excuses such as work or gathering gemstones. Just the both of us, hanging out, together, having a nice time. Why, I wonder sometimes... if he just were just a bit older, things might’ve been very different. Oh my. Yes, Dear Diary, I know that these thoughts could be somewhat frowned upon, but I really do enjoy his company. He’s always so kind, so gentle with me. Always looking at me with those beautiful emerald eyes, that oh so lovely gaze that shower me with affection. Sometimes, I’ve wondered what it would be like if he did more than just look?

My goodness, what did I just write? But is it so dreadfully wrong, dear Diary? If you’d only seen those tender lips, and those cute little fangs... And again, I’m rambling as if I was a silly schoolgirl in love with her classmate. But no, it’s not my case. I perfectly know he’s just my friend; we can’t ever be more than that. Even if he’s the perfect gentleman I’ve always wanted, it wouldn’t be fair! And I can’t be in love with a teenager! I’m a businesswoman and have an image to keep, and he’s in the right of being with someone of his same age, not an oldie Ma'am such as myself...

“And again, what was I going to write? Oh yes, well. What did we did that afternoon. We just sat there, under the shadow of a tree, a blanket over the grass and beneath us. He brought a really nice meal for both of us; two cupcakes, some cookies, and he made them with a heart shape, can you believe it, dear? He’s always so subtle about his feelings for me. I’m still amazed of how he still keeps his little crush on me over all these years. Well, sometimes it seems to be more than just that, but I rather not think about that...”

Sweetie Belle stared wide eyed at the pages. She chanced a look over her shoulder, and upon seeing Rarity still asleep, continued to read.

(...) Once our meal was finished, the sun was already fading in the horizont. The sky looked oh so beautiful, these perfect shapes of orange and yellow, gradually taking all the blue and turquoise to later becoming a complete dark, adorned with the most sparkling stars, and that without mentioning the gorgeous Luna’s moon we had today.

“While we were looking at the wonderful twilight, I noticed he was sitting a bit away of me. I guessed it was because sometimes he just feels a bit awkward, probably because of my awareness of his feelings towards me, and the atmosphere that surrounded us that was frankly quite romantic, if someone had seen us in these moments they would have probably thought that we were a couple.

“So I invited him to come closer, and he blushed like mad, the little charmer. Still, he slyly came closer, still not enough, though, so an idea crossed my mind. I’m still a bit regretful, but I just don’t know what happened to me. I just... wanted it and did it! Yes, dear, I told him to lay his head over my lap. His reaction was so cute, just as I expected. I love to fluster him like that, I’m such a terrible lady. But I blame him for being just so adorable when he becomes all nervous around me...

“Despite his nerves, he slowly leaned over his back, resting his head on my lap. I couldn’t help but smile, and my heart started beating faster... We both continued watching the beautiful sight we had in front of our eyes, until it was completely dark, just a bit of moonlight lighting everything. I started caressing his hair, I have to admit I didn't expect it to be so soft... it was such a delight. I noticed he shivered slightly once my hand touched his head. But later he seemed to feel more relaxed. Until he suddenly put his hand over the one I was stroking his hair with...”

A sudden soft mumbling caused Sweetie Belle’s heart almost leap to her throat as she looked at Rarity, who had only moved to adjust her position and covered herself more with the blanket.

Sweetie Belle let loose a held breath of relief and went back to her reading. It was like a romantic novel; everything was just so disgustingly sweet and cheesy. But this was an account of real life events, and not only that but ones that belonged to her sister! There was a certain sense if thrill on that notion. It also made her feel bit ashamed but that was quickly brushed aside as curiosity took over and she continued sifting through the hidden secrets of her sister’s love life.

(...) ‘Rarity’, he barely whispered me with his soft and juvenile voice. ‘You know... not like I mind... please don’t take me wrong but...’ He hesitated.

‘Go ahead dear, just tell me. I don’t think anything you’d ever tell me could make me be mad at you,’ I encouraged him, with the sweeter of my voices. But contrary to anything I expected, he stood up, sitting in front of me, his deep draconic orbs looking intensely at mine, bristling with determination. It made me feel a bit flustered as I noticed it seemed to be an important matter whatever he was going to say in these moments.

‘Why do you do this to me?’ He finally said. An ambiguous question, whatever did he mean with that? I thought. I couldn’t help but get slightly annoyed by some of the multiple implications of his weird question.

‘Excuse me?’ I just asked. It seemed he noticed his question bothered me as he got more nervous and tried to made up his words.

‘I-I mean... not like it’s a bad thing, I mean I-I really like it! but sometimes I get a bit scared of my feelings and that maybe I’m just dreaming and later I’ll get all broken and our friendship will be ruined and--’

‘Darling, please, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Could you please clear your mind before keep rambling like that?’ I desperately shouted. Perhaps it sounded a bit more desperate than I’d wanted, but at least it helped him compose himself, as I noticed he took a deep breath before continuing.

‘Sorry, this is just too important for me. You are just too important for me...’

I have not the slight idea of why, but his last sentence made my heart race. Ok, I’m not being completely honest, as I actually know the reason but I’m just too afraid of admit it... Nevermind, I’m just rambling.

‘I meant, why do you insist on treating me in a very different way than any of your other friends?’

I guess my face in that moment was so funny it shames me to even imagine it. His question took me by assault as I felt as I didn't have any good answer for it. Or perhaps I did, but not one I really wanted to share with him, or at least not in that very moment.

‘Aaah... A different way?’ Oh yes, that was all my mind was able to get at the moment. How dreadful. Nervous about what, anyways? And my heart started racing faster, and I already told you, Dear Diary, that I do know the reason of all this... but I just can’t write it here, I can’t even think it aloud in my mind. How coward I am!

‘You treat me in a... special way, Rarity. If you want me to explain, you are... sweeter with me, you always ask for my help, even when others could do the work you still go after me, you even have that... silly pet name just for me, and don’t misinterpret me, I really like to feel special. But I just wanted to know why... because it has to be a reason, as all of this started just after... that incident in my birthday happened...’

‘W-well, Spike, darling... I-I...’ There, I was acting like a schoolgirl again. But I didn’t have an answer for him. ‘I treat you like that, because you are special to me...’ Oh dear, what did I just said? I have to be crazy! But yes, it just slipped out. And the worst part is that it was the truth. The poor dear opened his eyes wide, as a blush covered his face, I noticed he also got more flustered, he seemed to even be shivering as well. As I was, that’s the worst part of all this...

‘You... I...’ He gulped soundly, slightly recomposing himself. ‘You really mean that?’

No no no no, this was just too much, I had to cut this short right now, or I had no idea what other words would come out my loose mouth if that awkward conversation lasted any longer. I had to stop it. There was no way I was going to tell him the truth right there and then. I can’t actually do it, not then, not now, ever! Because this is so wrong... I can’t be... yes, ok, time to be that woman I’m so proud of being, time to admit it, after all you won’t tell anyone, now will you dear Diary? How silly I am, of course you couldn’t! Well now to stop the rambling... yes, it seems I’m falling in love for him... for Spikey-wikey. That’s why he’s so special to me, that’s why I can’t help but treat him in that different way, because he’s more than friend for me. Oh my... what am I going to do now...”

A sudden blare from the doorbell rang through like a strong wind, literally snatching the diary from Sweetie’s hands and tossing it at the sleeping Rarity. If the teenager didn’t have the grip of a spastic flailing monkey, the situation wouldn’t have occurred. As it were, though, the teenager managed to catch the diary in time and even succeeded on keeping her balance to avoid smashing into the sleeping elder sister. Breathing a sigh of relief, Sweetie Belle quickly closed the diary and placed it gently beside Rarity on the bed before clambering out the room and down the stairs to see whoever it was that interrupted her reading. If it was a client she would just tell them to come back tomorrow so she could get back to invading her sister’s privacy. For good reason, of course.

“Rare? I know you’re in there. Don’t make me kick the door down!”

“Ah... Um... Applejack, I think that might be going a little far...”

“I didn’t come here to lose my time. I have plenty of duties to do back in the farm and I only came to help a friend here, so I’m not leaving without havin’ a few words with ’er!”

Applejack and Fluttershy; Sweetie Belle thought just before unlocking and opening the door. It seemed like her real life romantic novel would have to wait.

“Rarity, is that you?” said Fluttershy, upon noticing the door creak open. “Oh , Sweetie Belle, hello. How are you doing?”

“Hi there,” Sweetie Belle said simply, “can I help you--”

“Howdy, Sweetie,” Applejack pushed on. “Is Rarity in? We kinda need to have a talkin’ with her. Important stuff. And I ain’t got much time so if you’d get her we’d be much obliged.”

Sweetie Belle now had a dilemma. She could either let her sister’s friends in and maybe help deal with the whole ‘Rarity had been crying’ issue, or she could claim non-witness status so they’d leave and allow her the much more intriguing option of continuing browsing her sister’s apparently ongoing clandestine romantic adventures, which obviously would be to Rarity’s benefit as well as--

“Why, hello, darlings!” a very familiar voice came from behind Sweetie Belle.

The teenager nearly leapt out of her skirt as she spun around. Not only was Rarity suddenly awake and apparently learned teleportation, she was also absent of her distraught state from before, appearing before everyone with her trademark perfect hair and makeup, as if the last hour was simply an illusion.

“Are you a super witch?” Sweetie Belle uttered in awe.

“Rarity,” Applejack said, only giving Sweetie Belle a cursory look of curiosity, “just the gal we wanted to see. Ya got a minute?”

“Oh, certainly,” Rarity said after a short pause. “Would you like to come in?”

Applejack frowned, and seemed about to refuse until she caught Fluttershy’s look. She scratched her head and grumbled, “Sure, why not, I guess.”

Fluttershy smiled pleasantly. “Thank you, Rarity.”

Before Applejack could follow the rest of them in, Rarity stopped her. “Ah-ah. Applejack, please wipe your shoes before entering.”

Applejack nearly bristled but did as she was asked and shuffled on the welcoming mat. “Every gosh darn apple squishing time...”

Once inside, Rarity told them to grab a seat anywhere and went straight to the kitchen to brew some tea without another word.

Once the fashionista was out of sight, Applejack whispered to Fluttershy, “I don’t know, ‘Shy, she looks just fine to me. Sure you didn’t make a mistake?”

Fluttershy looked pensive. “Maybe. It’s possible, but...”

Nearby, Sweetie Belle strained all of her potential secret agent mare skills to pretend she wasn’t listening in like an eavesdropper as best as she could.

“Besides,” Applejack began again. “Ah figured she’s peachy swell with Spike bein’ back and all. Heck, she’s plum happier than Ah’ve seen her in a while.”

At the mention of Spike, Sweetie Belle’s thoughts drifted to the revelations revealed through legal perusing of Rarity’s diary. She had the sudden urge to divulge all her ill-gotten juicy information to someone. But doing so would definitely risk imminent destruction at the hands of Rarity, who at this point could be a powerful witch with abilities unknown. So she decided to keep things to herself for now.

Applejack and Fluttershy exchanged a few more whispered lines to each other before Rarity returned with a tray carrying the tea set, and invited everyone to take a seat around the dining table.

“Pardon me for the wait, girls. So, now tell me, what is it that you needed to talk about?” Rarity said, taking a seat herself.

“Well, how’ve ya been, sugarcube? You feeling alright today?” Applejack asked after a moment.

Rarity raised a brow before sipping his tea. “I’m doing very well, dear, thank you for asking. Is that what you wanted to talk about?”

“Uh, yeah, I mean, no. It’s just, Fluttershy here was a bit worried about ya. She said you weren’t running the shop and said you might’ve been crying so she got all worried, ya know.”

Rarity looked surprised. “Oh? Well, I was just taking a rest. I felt somewhat ill this morning, so I retired a little early, that’s all. As you can see, I’m in perfect condition now.”

The three other girls looked with incredulity at Rarity, who calmly sipped on her tea.The silence continued, just until Sweetie Belle’s stomach suddenly growled like a dying mole rat. The teenager looked down at herself fin utter mortification.

“Traitor,” Sweetie Belle hissed at her abdomen, just before Rarity blinked and gasped dramatically.

“Oh, goodness! Forgive me, Sweetie Belle, you simply must be famished! What kind of sister I am, to have forgotten our monday brunch together!” she dramatized, with her forearm over her forehead. “I’m sorry girls, perhaps we should speak another time. I must tend to Sweetie’s dire needs.”

Sweetie Belle blushed. “I’m not a baby, I can take--”

“Look at her,” Rarity cried, grabbing Sweetie Belle’s cheeks and squeezing so the teenager looked like she was learning the ways of the goldfish. “She’s already beginning to shrivel down to skin and bones!”

Applejack gave Fluttershy an exasperated look before standing to her feet. “Well, alright, we’ll let you two get to chow, Ah’ve got my own stuff that needs some tendin’ to anyhow. You coming, Flutters?”

Fluttershy nodded and followed suit, but not before walking over to place a gentle hand on Rarity’s shoulder. “Rarity, I just want you to know that we’re your friends, and you can trust in us to be here for you if needed.”

Rarity blinked before smiling warmly. “Thank you, dear, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.”

“You’re welcome, Rarity. Good bye,” Fluttershy returned with a motherly smile. With a few more words of pleasantries, Applejack and Fluttershy left the shop, leaving the two sisters standing by the door.

Sweetie Belle studied her sister from behind, trying to gauge her expression. She thought about telling Rarity that she indeed saw her in a rather distraught state prior to her mysterious use of her super witchcraft, and that she should open up to her friends about the situation with Spike. But then her stomach growled again and Rarity turned to her with a teasing smirk.

Sweetie Belle blushed and smiled sheepishly. “So, uh, what’s for lunch?”

“I’ll see what sort of ingredients are lying around,” Rarity said at her sister. “It won’t be long, darling. You can tell your stomach to relax.”

Sweetie Belle grumbled under her breath as Rarity giggled and disappeared into the kitchen. As she waited, the teenager pondered about all that transpired in the last couple of hours. It was clear that Rarity likely wouldn’t be willing to divulge the truth of her woes, and with her abilities to avoid having those woes discovered it was very possible this would just drag on until something had to break.

Well, she wasn’t going to let that happen. By the low growl of her rumbling stomach, it was time for an intervention, former Cutie Mark Crusaders style!

Author's Note:

Sorry for the eternal waiting, blame Life.

Next chapter won't have any more extra sad moments, i promise! xD

And thanks to:
My editor and friend Infinite Valued who also turned this chapter into something awesome.
And to my friend Princess FFB for editing Rarity's diary, because IV can't think like a girl in a sexy way.
Finally to Alex, my friend and editor/translator/troll, although I have no idea where he was for this chapter but he still
collabored a bit xD