• Published 3rd Feb 2013
  • 10,330 Views, 207 Comments

The Wonders of Time - Pia-chan

After living in Canterlot during two years, Spike is back in Ponyville, as Rarity is stunned by what she sees. What happened before he left and what will happen now?

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Dreaming Blues

Dreaming Blues

Once back inside his bedroom, Spike dragged himself to the bed and sat down, slouching over as he stared at his bare feet. Luckily for him, Twilight was not at home, so he wouldn’t have to explain why he was heading to bed instead of cleaning the library or cooking something for lunch.

Now finally alone with nothing but his own thoughts, Spike took out the picture he had hidden under his pillow, the very same picture he admired virtually every single day; it was the only photo he had of her, and she looked oh so beautiful.

Rarity had given it to him as a memento, right when they just started dating. It was a peculiar photograph, as it didn’t feature her in some extravagant ensemble or even some fashionable dress. Instead, she wore a strikingly simple pink blouse and a deep blue yoke skirt, smiling so charmingly as she tipped her cowgirl hat, posing with a teasing glint in her eyes as her luscious violet hair pooled around her shoulders, tied in an elegant red ribbon. She was breathtaking. On the back of the photograph was a pink lip print along with the following writing: For Your Eyes Only. And it had been. For so very long.

To Spike, the photograph was more of a symbol; a sign that everything that had happened between them, hadn’t been just a dream of an overly active imagination. Their relationship had been so wonderful at times that it was hard to believe it had really happened, especially given how things had ended, and the photo was the only physical proof that remained.

It all felt so real though, the kisses they shared were indescribably amazing. Those times when they just laid on the bed, him caressing her hair or she stroked his. Those intense days of non-stop hard work, he had always helped her and she always repaid him with the best thing in the world: a bunch of kisses and hugs, love. Maybe a couple of gems for dinner too, but that was just a plus.

Why did it all have to just...stop? It was plain torture to remember that fatidic day, the day when she had told him that it was over. That they were over, and that their relationship had to end, that they had to go back to being no more than good friends. As if that would ever be remotely possible, after all that they had shared.

He slid the photo back under the pillow and cradled his head with his crossed forearms as he plopped onto the bed.

But what if she still felt something for him? What if she had lied to him, about the reason for them breaking up? His heart skipped a beat, as he felt some form of hope return to him. A careful analysis of what had occurred since his return to Ponyville showed that he had some points in his favour.

Being around Twilight for most of his life had made him very good at analyzing things in a clear and objective way, and that analytical part of him that wanted to elaborate upon theories had struggled to take over ever since he and Sweetie Belle witnessed Rarity’s suggestive mumblings in her sleep, and that was after the nosebleed and the fainting.

Considering these observations, it could be concluded that she wasn’t being completely honest with what had happened to her. But what kind of gentleman accuses a lady of being a liar? And yet, the possibility was still there, if he added in the weird behavior of avoidance and her blushing at the sight of his bare chest during gem hunting.

But then again, if he saw any woman take her shirt off, he would also probably blush, so it could be derived that the same applied to any woman who saw a shirtless guy. That said, Rarity was a fashionista, seeing men and women in underwear had to be something completely normal and routine for her, so why was she blushing at him then? Now what other explanations could he formulate for her nosebleed? If she had injured her nose when they previously collided, shouldn’t the bleeding have started at that exact moment? But it had not been so. She had first caressed his chest and abs, and only later when he took his towel off did her nose start bleeding.

Suddenly a kind of parallel came to his mind. It was of the morning when he first witnessed the embodiment of feminine beauty. He smiled, thinking about how stunningly sexy she had looked...

About two years ago…

It was around 7:00 in the morning, and Rarity was taking her beauty shower, using a special hair treatment that Fluttershy told her about a few days ago. Once finished, she stepped out the bathtub, searching for her beauty hair towel. She used to hold up her hair with magic, but apparently this special treatment needed her hair to be left to dry up alone. After brushing it, of course.

So she wrapped her body up with a large towel before unlocking the bathroom door to look for her hair towel that she had most likely left upon the bed. Just as she opened the door, the bell ringed, making her jump and almost slip.

“Oh my gosh, that has to be Spike! He’s really early today. Didn’t I tell him to come at eight?” Rarity said to herself, a bit angry. No, no just a bit. Very angry! She had made the effort to wake early to be punctual, but he came before the agreed time and interrupted her morning beautifying ritual! How dare he!

Then, without realizing that the only garments she was wearing consisted of a towel, she marched downstairs. Her mind went over what she’d say to him to let him know just how thoughtless he was being. She wouldn’t have cared if it had been anyone else, but this was Spike; she was used to appearing fabulous before everyone else, but the dragon was such a close friend that she just thought of him as one of the girls. Thus, she didn’t stop to think just how thoughtless she would be if she showed up, half naked, in front of the drake. Her mind was set on scolding him.

Spike was waiting for the door to open or the typical “comiiiiing” singsong greeting by the angelical and melodic voice from none other than the Element of Generosity, the most beautiful creature he’d ever known. No, the most beautiful creature ever known to anybody. His expectations were not met, however.

“Why, good morning, Sir!” The angelical voice, which wasn’t quite singsong at all, cried out once its owner opened the door to glower at him. When he didn’t make any move other than a hoarse choking noise, the purple haired girl crossed her arms over her rather exposed bosom and continued to reprimand, “Spike, you have to know it is not polite to arrive at a time different than the one agreed upon. I’m so disappointed in you, darling,” she said, with a more subdued tone of voice, as part of her exasperation was quickly vented.

Spike’s eyes were beginning to feel dry.

“So, Spike, aren’t you going to apologize at least?” she said, but still not getting an answer.

Spike felt paralyzed. The girl he spent every waking moment thinking about, the very same girl he dreamed about every single night was standing before in a way he had not expected. She was wet, remarkably so, her body covered only with a towel in such a way that he could appreciate her long legs, even part of her cutie mark was being displayed, taunting him. And if that wasn’t enough, he could also see her breasts, only half covered, drops of water trailing through the valley between them.

And her hair. He had never seen her without her usual, perfectly shaped style. Now, however, her glistening hair fell around her body, like a luscious violet waterfall made out of pure silk. A few wayward bangs covered parts of her face, that oh so freaking lovely face, making her look cute even when she was angry.

All that, coupled with the glittering droplets of water that clung to her skin, made her look otherworldly. Stunning, hot, sexy, sensual, breathtaking, and a bunch of other words that were simply not enough to describe the goddess before his so bucking lucky eyes in this very moment. The only other muscles apart of his eyes that were still working now were the ones in his heart, which was beating heavily inside his chest, threatening to explode out at any moment.

Seeing his wide-eyed gaping, Rarity finally realized just what had him frozen like that. Almost instantly, her annoyance and exasperation vanished as she blushed in utter embarrassment.

“Oh my Celestia, I’m so sorry, Spike!!” she started to apologize, trying to cover her exposed chest with one of her hands while the other tried pulling the towel down, as if that was going to be useful in hiding her bare legs at least a bit more. “I w-was so distracted when I heard the doorbell that I just came to open it and…” Then she became speechless. The situation was so awkward, she couldn’t even begin to explain. Her skin took an even brighter shade of red, matching Spike’s own colorful cheeks. And in less than a second, she disappeared at a speed that would have impressed Pinkie Pie, practically teleporting back to her room.

Spike remained staring and gaping in front of the open door, almost seemingly mindless until an ear-to-ear grin split across his face. “Being early is awesome.”

Spike shook his head, trying to dislodge the images of his goddess. He had to keep thinking, he couldn’t afford to get distracted just as everything began to fall into place and make sense. He recalled just how stunned he had been upon seeing her, and it dawned on him. It was easy to draw a parallel between both experiences. After all, hadn’t he been wet and nearly naked when she ran into him in the hallway? It couldn’t be a coincidence that her hand had just happened to slid down his chest the way it did.

And then she had gotten a nosebleed and fainted. That had only happened when he took off his towel. Maybe his nakedness had played a part in it? That would also explain her mumbling. Maybe she was having one of those dreams, like the ones he used to have about her? Did she really want him to...to... no way! She’s a lady for Celestia’s sake! Do girls even have that kind of dreams like boys do? He certainly didn’t know much about that particular aspect of female nature, after all.

He couldn’t exactly blame her for having such fantasies, though. He had definitely spent some time recalling the memory of the freshly bathed Rarity, standing in front of him practically in the nude, her cutie mark peeking out of the bottom of the towel, her breasts barely concealed, with glistening water slowly sliding down those wondrous mounds of heaven. Oh, how much he wanted to hold and caress those nice soft, marshmallow-like, voluptuous breasts...

Spike slapped himself out of his fantasy, his cheeks burning red. He felt guilty for thinking about Rarity in such a dirty way. He couldn’t control his dreams, but now he was fully conscious, so he really shouldn’t.

Suddenly a faint knocking came from the door. Is Twilight back? he thought. Before he had a chance to react, there was a blue aura around the door handle as it opened, with curly purple locks peeking inside the doorway, followed shortly by the face of an angel.

Spike pulled his sheets over his body on instinct, as Rarity made her way to his bed, smiling at him. That pretty, wonderful smile. She sat on the edge of his bed, placing a hand on his shoulder, and locked eyes with him.

“R-Rarity? What are you doing--”

She shushed him with a finger. “Hush, darling. I just wanted to thank you again for worrying about me.” She smiled tenderly, removing her finger from his lips. “And I also wanted to apologize for... my previous behavior... as well as come clean with a small lie I may have made.”

“Rarity, wh--”

“A gentleman does not interrupt a lady, Spike,” she said, giving a small pout. “As I said, I want to apologize for ruining anything... special... we might have had before you went off to Canterlot. Is there anyway you could forgive me, and possibly let us have that something special, again? Perhaps, even go a step further?” she asked, taking his hand in hers, pulling it into her lap.

What does she mean by a step further? “O-of course! Anything for you, milady,” he said breathlessly, captivated by her beautiful smile and gorgeous, twinkling eyes.

“That’s marvelous, darling, and it brings me to my next point. I wasn’t completely honest about why I fainted, or why my nose started bleeding...” She trailed off, avoiding direct eye contact.

“Then, what was the real reason?” he whispered, squeezing her hand gently.

Rarity took a deep breath and shifted around on his bed. “The real reason, Spike, is because I couldn’t help myself.” She leaned in closer to him. “I was in the presence of a big, handsome, charming, sexy gentleman just fresh out of the shower.” Her face was now mere inches from his. “Just being around such a stunning physique is enough to cause me to shiver. And being pressed against such a toned figure in such a state... well, you can imagine how much pleasurable distress it might induce in a lady.” She batted her eyelids at him, and Spike couldn’t help but gulp as he nodded. “And when I noticed you had taken your towel off, I couldn’t help myself.” She closed the distance and gave him a kiss.

Spike’s body froze up. His eyes went wide while hers closed in passion. His hand flew out from hers and hovered above, mere inches from her shoulder. His body started to relax as he slowly returned the kiss. The soft moan from the unicorn encouraged him, as his hand finally came to rest on her shoulder, caressing it softly as he deepened the kiss.

After what felt like an eon of forgotten pleasures, Rarity pulled away, her eyes fluttering open with an emotional smile.“How I could ever have left such a wonderful... hot, sexy, charming, gentleman behind is beyond me, Spikey,” she said, punctuating her words with small kisses peppered upon his lips. She crawled up beside him, leaning her body against his. “I don’t know how I have kept myself from you ever since you came back. It has been so trying. I don’t deserve such a wonderful drake such as you... but right now, I just don’t care.” She launched another affectionate assault on his lips, drawing him into another passionate kiss.

Spike readily returned it, closing his eyes as he felt her soft breasts being pressed and rubbing against his chest. His hand slowly slid down her back, caressing sensually as her tongue probed his lips. His lips parted, and her tongue deftly invaded his mouth, flicking across his sharp fangs. His own tongue invaded her mouth, coiling around hers, receiving a small moan in return. Rarity’s hand rested on his chest after having slid it by under his shirt, slowly rubbing up and down his toned muscles.

Rarity pulled away for air, gasping out, “Oh, you’re such a darling, Spikey-Wikey,” before resuming another lip-lock, her tongue quickly attacking his. Spike’s hand slowly drifted down to her hips, causing the unicorn to moan into his mouth. Daringly, his hand went down further, slowly caressing her cutie mark, causing her to pull away with a gasp. “No, Spike, not my cutie mark,” she panted.

“But Rarity,” Spike whispered against her lips, “they are so soft. As soft and foamy as marshmallows.”

“Mmmm.” She kissed him quickly. “Okay. Just, be gentle,” she whispered back, blushing.

“Of course, my lovely Marshmallow Princess,” he said, leaning forward for another kiss. His long serpentine tongue invaded her mouth, running across her pearly white teeth and tickling her tongue. His hand slowly squeezed her rear, massaging her cutie mark, causing her to moan slightly, as well as her hand to start sliding down his abs and even further... when a knock came from the door.

Spike almost jumped. Who the hell came to win the world’s worst timing award!? Flustered, he looked at his surroundings. Wait, where is Rarity? She was not there! He took a look under his bed. No one there, either. Then he realised what had just happened. He had fallen asleep and everything had been just a dream. He sighed. Yeah...it was way too good to be true. Silly lizard.

A familiar voice interrupted his mental self-smacking.“Spike, are you alright?” Twilight’s concerned voice came from outside.

Spike sighed before replying, “Yeah, I just wanted to take a little nap, that’s all.”

“You’re back from Rarity’s sooner than I thought. Did something happen?”

“No, Twilight. I’m fine. Everything is fine. Just let me take a little nap, okay?”

“A nap? It’s almost noon, and you want to take a nap? What about lunch?”

The doorknob began to rattle and Spike panicked. No, please, if you enter you’ll see my... oh no. No way. Not happening!

“Ok, Twi, just...just give me a moment! I’ll be in the kitchen within a few minutes, just don’t enter, okay?” Oh wait, that’ll just spur her mother hen mode on.

“What’s wrong Spike? What are you hiding from me? I’m coming in!”

Oh, Twilight, you have no idea... let’s keep it that way!

“Twilight, please, can I have some privacy in my own room!? You don’t see me knocking down your door and invading your privacy!”

The door stopped rattling. “Okay, okay! I got it! So, will you cook or should I make something for the both of us? I learned some cooking while you were living in Canterlot.”

That didn’t sound like good idea at all. He kind of wanted a kitchen not on fire. “No, Twi! I mean, I’ll cook today. Just... wait a few minutes, please?”


Spike patiently waited for the footsteps to go away, before sighing and sitting up on his bed. He waited for a few minutes until he was ready to leave his room to hopefully avoid another awkward moment with his almost-sister. Next time, lets just hope it’s not just a dream. He sighed again, and began heading toward the kitchen.

A girl with long, pink hair was crouched down near the entrance of the Carousel Boutique, speaking to a little bunny, of all things. “So, little Angel, you better wait for me right here, okay? If you don’t mind, that is...” The girl had light yellow skin and graceful wings, and her voice was gentle and demure as she addressed the fluffy white rodent, also known as Angel. However, the name was rather contradictory to his actual personality, as could be seen from the way the critter pitter-pattered one of its hind legs against the grass, with a belligerent frown on his tiny face, as it huffed in annoyance at the request from his companion.

The bunny’s owner, the pink-haired, kind pegasus named Fluttershy, didn’t seem to notice the bunny’s complaints. She just headed toward the entrance of the colorfully decorated shop, ringing the doorbell once. It was just then that something caught the Element of Kindness’ attention. Something was off, the door bore a placard that read: “CLOSED”. The timid pegasus gasped at the sight in front of her, as her heart started fluttering inside her chest.

“Oh no, it’s already past the noon, and today is monday. Why is Rarity’s boutique closed?” She started looking around curiously, until the little bunny, now at her side, started patting the floor, drawing his owner’s gaze. He started making a series of grimaces and gestures, given its inability to speak, until the girl in front of him seemed to somewhat understand what he was trying to tell her.

“Oh, you are right.” Fluttershy closed her eyes and counted to ten, steadying her breathing. “Okay, I’m calmer now. Thank you, Angel.” She opened her eyes again and looked at her friend’s door with determined eyes. “I’ll just go in. It must be her day off.”

After taking the key hidden behind one of the plants in the front porch, a secret location only known to Rarity’s most trusted friends (and which she had established was only to be used in the direst of emergencies), Fluttershy opened the door slowly. “Well, this must be an emergency since I panicked and one is supposed to panic in an emergency, isn’t that right Ang--?”

Before she could finish, a feline shriek stunned her, quickly followed by a white blur zoomed past her, chasing after the bunny.

“Oh, it was just Opal.” The winged young girl tiptoed into the boutique, ignoring the two now scurrying pets. She noted that the curtains were wide open. This is strange, if the curtains are open, then that means Rarity is up. But I can’t hear anyone. Maybe she left?

What was strange was that the boutique looked as if it were open for business, save for the ‘closed’ sign outside. Realizing that made a shiver go down Fluttershy’s spine. But instead of letting her fears take over her, she decided to go onwards, worried about her friend.

After making sure Rarity wasn’t on the ground floor, Fluttershy decided to check the second floor. All logic told the girl that her friend was to be found in her room. Maybe she was making sketches for a new design?

Once on the stairwell, the pegasus finally heard something. A familiar voice. She breathed a sigh of relief. But as she climbed the stairs further, the voice became more loud and clear, but also came with it a sense of distress. Fluttershy sped up her pace, soon reaching her friend’s door.

“R-Rarity? It’s me... Fluttershy...” she called, not daring check if the door was locked or not. Her greeting was only met with no other response other than sobbing coming from within. Naturally, this only made the kind girl start to panic.

“Rarity, are you okay? Please say something!” The sobbing calmed down a bit. “If that’s okay, of course...” I’m starting to get really worried...

“I’m...I’m okay, darling!” Rarity’s finally spoke, her voice sounding a little forced. The pegasus heard a couple of sniffs before the designer spoke again, this time with a more normal tone. “Excuse me for not letting you in, it’s just that I’m a mess at the moment.”

“Oh, what happened? Why haven’t you opened your store yet? Why are you crying?” Fluttershy forgot her nerves, finding out what was wrong with her friend was more important than feeling afraid, especially if she could find a way to make her feel better.

“No, Fluttershy, I’m not crying. It’s just that this is my day off and I decided to rest a bit, that’s why I didn’t even get ready to receive you or anyone for that matter...”

To the kind hearted pegasus, that answer wasn’t convincing enough. Rarity still sounded a bit shaky, a clear sign of the fact that she had spent some time crying.


“Anyway, what brings you here, darling? Is there anything I may help you with?”

“Oh, n-no, Rarity, never mind. I just wanted to know if you were okay.”

“Well, now you know everything is fine. So... a pleasure talking to you. Now, if you’ll excuse me, talking through a door is not exactly what I’d call comfortable, and it’s rather un-lady like.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Well, if you need someone to talk to, I’ll be at home...”

“I already told you not to worry, I haven’t been crying at all,” The fashionista stated, sounding a bit miffed.

“I’ll see you then,” Fluttershy bade her goodbye, timid as ever.

“Goodbye, darling. Have a nice day!”

“Goodbye, Rarity.” The defeated pegasus bore an expression of extreme sadness as she slowly headed for the door. I'm sorry, Rarity. I’m not sure how to make you feel better, but at least I know someone who can.

Author's Note:

Now, the real brains here are:
Racko -> special help with Spike's dream xD (it basically came from his mind)
And my editors:
Imaginary Valued
Sgt. Alex -> also translator

Thanks a bunch guys for all your generous help. I really appreciate it.
And thanks to everyone for reading me.
Oh and if you liked the drawing, I'll upload more, just be alert to my blog entries ; )