• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,752 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

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Frightened Little Filly

Thanks to the injury to Blossom's leg, her mobility was limited while she was in the hospital. The first day after her ordeal saw her confined completely to her hospital bed. Not that Blossom was capable of getting out anyway. Even with the painkillers it still hurt like Tartarus but she was only allowed two painkillers every six hours so she just had to bite her tongue and bear it.

Her family was quick to come see her in the hospital. At least one Apple was by her side at all times, usually Apple Seed or Applejack. Some of the townsponies from around Ponyville had stopped by to visit her from time to time. Pinkie Pie was a frequent guest in her room, bringing gigantic baskets of treats from Sugarcube Corner to munch on while she sat in bed all day. But visitors couldn't be in her room all of the time so she often found herself lying in bed, bored out of her mind.

In the third day of her stay right after she had gotten her bandages changed, she was delighted to see none other than Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash walk into her room. She greeted them with a delighted grin. "Aunt Scootaloo, Aunt Rainbow Dash!" she cried. She reached out her forelegs and her two aunts quickly gave her hugs in succession.

"When we heard what happened we dropped everything to come to Ponyville right away!" said Scootaloo.

"It's a good thing that we were in Manehattan for a show otherwise it would have taken us a lot longer to get here," said Rainbow Dash.

Much to Blossom's unease the elder mare's eyes slowly traveled up to Blossom's damaged ear. Blossom uneasily flattened it to hide the deformity which seemed to snap Rainbow Dash out of her staring. The pegasus blushed and cleared her throat. "Well, we also have somepony here to see you. She..." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Whatever, forget it." Rainbow Dash turned her head. "She's fine, you can come in now!"

Blossom cocked her head curiously and looked towards the door. It burst open and the one pony that Blossom had wanted to see ran through the door, followed by two mental hospital orderlies.


A sobbing Sweetie Belle rushed up to her daughter and wrapped her in the tightest hug she could while the orderlies went to go watch the door. The mother and daughter held each other, each crying but still trying to comfort the other at the same time. "I was so scared for you when I found out!" Sweetie Belle wailed. "I... I thought you were gonna die!"

"I'm fine, Mom, really I am," Blossom reassured her. "She didn't... she didn't get to do much."

Sweetie Belle pulled away and her eyes traveled up to Blossom's ear. She shakily reached a hoof up and touched up, causing Blossom to flatten her ear and flinch back. "I'm sorry!" Sweetie Belle squeaked as she hugged her daughter again. "Does it really hurt?"

Blossom shook her head. "No it's just... a little sensitive for me. It's odd not having all of my ear there anymore."

Sweetie Belle nodded but before she could respond, the door opened once more. The four ponies in the room turned to face the newcomers and Blossom had to hold back a gasp when she saw who they were: Lilly, Rolling Thunder and Comet.

Sweetie Belle broke off the hug and stared in wide-eyed shock at Rolling Thunder. "You," she whispered.

Rolling Thunder flattened his ears and looked away uncomfortably. "Hi, Sweetie Belle," he mumbled.

Sweetie Belle's eyes hardened into a glare. "No, you don't get to 'hi, Sweetie Belle' me," she growled. "Stallions who see me as just a conquest don't get to say things like that to me."

Rolling Thunder took an uneasy step back. "Look, I'm sorry, okay? I was..." He scratched the back of his neck and closed his eyes with a sigh. "There are no excuses. All I can ask is that we try to move past that and make Blossom's life the best that we can make it."

Sweetie Belle's glare softened ever so slightly. She opened her mouth to respond but was cut off by a piercing scream from Comet. "Blossom!" she cried. The pegasus filly ran over to her sister and jumped onto the bed, throwing her forelegs around Blossom's neck as she did. "Daddy said that a bad mare hurt you a lot!"

Blossom smiled weakly at her sister and returned the hug. "Not too much," she reassured her. "She just gave me a bad cut."

"But she took off your mane and part of your ear!" the filly wailed.

Blossom gave Comet a reassuring nuzzle. "My mane and tail are gonna grow back and be just as good as new. My ear doesn't even really hurt anymore."

Comet whimpered and buried her head in Blossom's chest. "I just got a big sister, I don't want to lose you!"

"Sister?" Sweetie Belle whispered.

Rolling Thunder smiled at the pair. "Comet is my daughter, same as Blossom is." He motioned over to Lilly. "This is my wife, Lilly."

Sweetie Belle and Lilly exchanged stiff nods and refused to make much eye contact with each other. Blossom sighed as she watched her mother interact with her father. She had hoped that maybe they could get along as well as she did with Comet, but it was a fool's dream, she realized.

She lifted Comet's head up. "Hey, did you see who else is in the room with us?" she asked. Comet shook her head and Blossom's smile widened and she pointed to the corner of the room where Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were sitting. Comet turned her head her eyes widened as they landed on the two Wonderbolts in the room. She gasped quietly but to Blossom's surprise, she buried her head in her sister's chest again. Blossom frowned. "I thought that you loved the Wonderbolts. You already have their autographs."

"I was too nervous to ask for them so Daddy got them for me," Comet whispered.

Blossom chuckled and beckoned the two Wonderbolts over. They walked up next to her bed with smirks on their faces, doubtlessly used to seeing fans react this way.

Scootaloo, having been a Wonderbolt for a shorter time than her adoptive mother was gentler with nervous fans so she reached out and gently placed a hoof on Comet's shoulder. "So, Comet, is it? You like watching us fly?"

Comet tilted her head in a shy nod. "Yeah," she whispered.

A warm smile crossed Scootaloo's face. "Well then maybe we can take you to our training facility sometime to give you a grand tour. Would you like that?"

Slowly Comet turned her head towards the two smiling Wonderbolts, her eyes nearly taking up her whole head. "Really?" she whispered.

"We've taken Blossom a lot 'cause she's our niece," said Rainbow Dash. "If you're Blossom's sister then that kinda makes you our niece too."

With that declaration, Comet's jaw dropped and she fainted on the bed.

Despite everything that had happened, all of the adults in the room couldn't help but laugh.

* * * *

That night the dreams came again. It was always the same, Rarity would appear in her room and lead her to Carousel Boutique into the basement where a hornless Lilly would be strapped to the table. Each night Rarity would offer Blossom the knife and Blossom would refuse to murder her step-mother.

Tonight's dream was no different.

The elements where there. She was in Rarity's basement, staring down her aunt while her step-mother sobbed on the table beside her. Rarity had offered the knife once more and Blossom had batted it down just like always. "Why do you keep wasting your time with me?" Blossom growled. "I think I've made my feelings about what you want me to do quite clear."

Rarity chuckled and picked up the knife. "Yes, well, I think your murder of that ghastly mare Diamond Tiara says otherwise. She was about to let you go, was she not? Yes she cut off part of your ear but did you need to disembowel her for that?"

Blossom remained silent but hardened her glare. Rarity tisked and put the knife on the tray in front of her. "I should thank you, really," said Rarity. "I've wanted Diamond Tiara dead ever since she first started bullying your mother but because she was too young and I was caught too soon she never fell under my knife." Rarity idly began straightening the knives on the tray. "Pity really," she mumbled.

Blossom uneasily glanced at the floor. "I wish I could take it back," she muttered.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Do you really?" Blossom nodded sadly and Rarity scoffed. "But you did everypony such a great service!" Rarity insisted. "I mean, you single hoofedly wiped out the entire Rich line with nothing more than a rock and a sharp blade. Filthy Rich, a ghastly and manipulative stallion if I ever met one, will never have another descendant thanks to you!"

"Shut up," Blossom whispered.

"Think about it, aren't the couple who run Barnyard Bargains much nicer and more reasonable than Diamond Tiara was? Not only is a line of nasty ponies eradicated, but now prices at one of Ponyville's largest stores are down meaning that the good citizens of Ponyville have more money which in turn means that they're all better off and can afford things that they might have had to save for before!" Rarity's lips curved up into a smile. "You made the lives of an entire town much better with just a rock and a knife; doesn't that matter at all?"

"No!" Blossom snarled. "Diamond Tiara was going to be in an institution for the rest of her life anyway!"

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Oh you don't know that. She could have been deemed fit to return and once she did then it's back to outrageous prices at Barnyard Bargains. If you hadn't killed her worthless foal then her line would have continued to exploit the ponies of Ponyville forever! You prevented that."

Blossom slowly began backing away from Rarity but as she did, she noticed that the room was steadily growing larger around her. It was as if she was suddenly a filly again and the world towered over her as it once had. "She didn't deserve what I did to her!" Blossom wailed.

Rarity scoffed and pointed to Blossom's flank, still bearing the stitches that tried to heal Diamond Tiara's strike. "You will carry that as a reminder of what she did every day for the rest of your life. Ponies everywhere will look at your cutie mark, but they will also see that reminder of what that mare did to you. Every. Single. Day. Forever. You have to endure that and you tell me that she didn't deserve it?"

Blossom whimpered and shook her head. "No. S-She was gonna let me go!"

Rarity took a step forwards. "Sure she chickened out then, but what if she worked up the nerve to escape and she foalnapped you once more? She could have done a lot more damage if she had tried again. You weren't just protecting yourself there, you were protecting yourself in the future!"

"Miss Tiara I'm sorry!" Blossom cried. She began slowly backing away.

Rarity scoffed. "And how sorry do you think that she was?"

"She was gonna let me go!"

Blossom continued backing away until she hit the wall behind her. To her horror she saw that Rarity had advanced to the point where she was standing right in front of her, blocking her way to the exit. Blossom squealed in terror and covered her eyes with her hooves while trying to curl up into a ball. "Go away," she mewled. "I don't want to hurt anypony."


Blossom's ears perked up at her aunt's voice. It wasn't the gleefully evil tone that it had been, it seemed... sad now, as if she had recognized that she had hurt her niece. Slowly she looked up and saw Rarity sitting on her haunches in front of her. The fur on her face was streaked with tears and her expression was one of pure sorrow. "My dear Blossom," she whispered.

Rarity scooted a few inches closer to her niece and extended her forelegs, wrapping the filly in a warm hug. Common sense screamed to Blossom saying that she break free of her aunt's grasp, but there was a warmth and kindness in her embrace that surprised her. She tilted her head so it leaned against Rarity's shoulder and the mare began stroking Blossom's fragmented mane. "I never wanted this for you," Rarity whispered. "I...I never wanted your mother or you to become like me. It scared me even when I was still alive."

"Then why did you say those bad things to me just now?" Blossom whimpered.

Rarity paused for a brief moment before answering. "Blossom, that wasn't me."