• Published 4th Feb 2013
  • 10,771 Views, 1,789 Comments

Broken Blossom - BronyWriter

Sweetie Belle's daughter must decide if she is to admit her guilt in the events of The Public Life of Sweetie Belle

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Talking to Thought Process

The next week saw Blossom in her room, waiting for the psychologist to arrive. Princess Celestia had asked her if she would mind going to his office near the palace to talk to him, but she had said that she didn't want to do that. So, Princess Luna suggested that they hold their conferences in Blossom's room, somewhere she felt safer. Blossom had agreed and the princesses had scheduled the appointment not long after.

Over the course of the week, Blossom had been allowed to see her mother one more time before the psychologist visited. Sweetie Belle had been quite pleased to hear that Blossom was getting help, telling Blossom that she had seen somepony about things in her life that were going wrong and that he had helped her overcome her sad feelings about Rarity's death. Blossom had relaxed upon hearing her mother confirm that seeing a psychologist wasn't a bad thing, though Sweetie Belle had reminded her more than once to keep their secret.

Now Blossom was in her room, once more changing the colors of various objects as she often did when she was bored or uneasy. She had gotten to the point where she could even change the appearance of certain objects to make them look completely different from what they had started as while still keeping traces of the original object left.

She was in the process of turning a red rubber ball into a bright blue orange when she heard a knock on the door. She froze and the orange splattered on the ground, causing the spell to break and the orange to revert to its original form.

Blossom looked nervously at the door but managed to muster the little bit of courage that she had to call out. "Come in."

The door to her room opened and a chipper looking gray pegasus pony with a salt and pepper mane and tail walked in. he flashed her a warm smile. "Hello, Blossom, my name is Thought Process." The pony walked in front of her and extended a hoof that she nervously shook. Thought Process sat on his haunches in front of her and put the saddlebag he had been wearing down on the floor. "Princess Celestia asked me to come talk to you about everything that's been happening lately, is that okay?"

Blossom's head retreated back into her mane, but she tilted her head in a slight nod.

Thought Process cocked his head and frowned. "Is there something wrong?" he asked. "Do I scare you?"

Blossom retreated farther into her mane. "Yes," she whispered.

Thought Process thought about putting a hoof on her shoulder but thought better of it and shook his head. "Why is that, Blossom?"

Blossom shrugged. "I..." She sighed. "I guess it's because ponies like you took Mommy away and took her horn off. They think she's sick in the head so they took her away."

"Ponies like me? Blossom, I assure you that I did not take your mother away and I have no intention of doing anything remotely like that to you. I just want to talk to you about how you're feeling, that's all."

Blossom took a deep breath and poked her head out of her mane slightly. "I know, that's what Princess Celestia said, but it's still scary just because of what happened to Mommy."

Thought Process nodded understandingly. "I can see why somepony like me could be scary because of that, but I promise that I will not hurt you. If I ever bring something up that you don't want to talk about, you be sure to tell me right away and I'll stop talking about it at once, is that okay?"

Blossom nodded and moved her head out of her mane. "Okay," she said again.

Thought Process smiled warmly and took a quill and notebook out of his saddlebag. "I need to take some notes about our talks to better help you and understand what you're going through, is that fine?" Blossom nodded. "Good. Now why don't you tell me a little about yourself, Blossom."

"What do you want to know?" she asked.

Thought Process shrugged. "I don't know, whatever you feel up to telling me."

Blossom cocked her head and frowned thoughtfully. "Um... well I'm from Ponyville, I have two aunts in the Wonderbolts, uh... I'm really good at magic; I really like changing the looks of a lot of things."

Thought Process cocked his head. "What do you mean by that?"

Blossom thought for a moment then looked down at the red rubber ball that was still at her hooves. She raised it into the air with her magic and focused on it. With a flash the ball turned into what appeared to be a Zap Apple. Thought Process raised his eyebrow. "That's quite impressive there, Blossom. I've never seen a unicorn who could do something like that."

A small smile formed on Blossom's face for the first time. "Yeah it's what I do whenever I'm bored or nervous. I pick an object in the room and start changing its colors and appearances. I can even change how ponies look too."

Thought Process' eyes widened and he nodded, impressed. "Can you really? I've only heard of a few unicorns who could do something like that."

Blossom's smile widened and she fired up her horn. Instantly she was encased in a bright purple glow for a minute. When the glow faded, Thought Process gasped at what he saw in front of him. Instead of the alabaster filly with a light purple mane, there was now a bright yellow filly with a red mane. The filly smiled. "This is what my aunt Apple Bloom looked like when she was as old as I am now," said Blossom proudly. She looked up at her forehead from which a yellow horn protruded. "I still can't make it look like I don't have a horn, though."

Thought Process spouted of a few gibberish words, his mind blown at the filly's capabilities. Blossom smirked at him and fired up her horn again. In an instant she was back to her normal appearance. Thought Process' mind went back to something resembling his namesake when Blossom changed back and he took a deep breath. "Blossom that was incredible. I've never seen something like that before. When did you find out that you could achieve things like this?"

Blossom shrugged. "I dunno. At first it was just basic color changing but once I got good at that I tried to do different stuff with it." Blossom looked down at the zap apple. "It's just an illusion, though. This isn't actually a zap apple. It's still a ball."

"Well I think it's impressive nonetheless," said Thought Process. "You're very gifted."

Blossom smiled and nodded. "I think I'm good at it." She continued her grin for a moment before cocking her head. "Is there anything else you wanna know about me?"

Thought Process tapped his chin with his hoof, contemplating her question. "Well you've told me where you're from, some bits about your family, and you've clearly demonstrated what you're good at. How about we get started on some of the questions I want to ask you and you tell me anything relevant when it comes up, whaddya say?"

Blossom's grin faded but she nodded nonetheless.

Thought Process nodded and glanced down at his notebook. "Okay, the first thing I want to ask you is how you're doing in this new setting. I know that this is not quite your home in Ponyville, how are you dealing with the transition?"

Blossom's gaze turned to the floor and she shrugged. "Like you said it's a lot different," she said quietly. "I guess for a lot of ponies it would be really nice since I have ponies who get me whatever I want and I have a good room here, but I'd rather be back at Carousel Boutique."

"That was the name of your home in Ponyville?" Thought Process questioned.

Blossom nodded. "Yeah. It's where Mommy and I lived before I came here. She got it from..." Blossom's words were cut short and a shiver ran up her spine. "My aunt Rarity," she mumbled.

Thought Process studied the filly silently for a second before he started up the questioning again. "If you don't want to answer this then by all means don't, but how does that make you feel, knowing what your aunt did?"

"Mommy walled off the basement so I never have to think about what happened. I don't like thinking about it. I didn't even know until..." Blossom's eyes filled with tears and she sniffled slightly. "Until Golden Necklace and Fire Ruby put that newspaper article on my desk."

Thought Process jotted down a few notes before rooting through his saddlebag and pulling out a packet of tissues that he slid over to Blossom. Blossom opened the pack with her magic and dabbed at her eyes with one of the tissues. "We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to, Blossom. We can talk about something else."

Blossom's head shot up and she looked at Thought Process with wide eyes. "Like what? Isn't that what you're here to talk about: that day and how it affected my life? Everything that's happened happened because of that!"

Thought Process held up a hoof to calm her down. "Blossom we don't have to talk about that if you don't want to," he said gently. "We can talk about whatever you want to talk about."

Blossom's tears were falling harder now. "Why did they do that?" she wailed. "Why did they have to put the newspaper on my desk like that?"

"I don't know," said Thought Process sadly. "I don't know why they thought that was okay. Some ponies can be very cruel sometimes."

Blossom buried her head in her hooves. "But now they're dead because of it!" she cried. "T-They didn't really deserve that!"

Thought Process looked sadly at the crying filly in front of him and took a deep breath. "Blossom I'm going to tell you something, but you have to promise to keep it a secret." Blossom nodded and wiped her eyes with a tissue. "I know that what your aunt Rarity did hurt you and your mom a lot. If she hadn't done what she did you wouldn't be here."

"I don't hate her for that," mumbled Blossom. "She was a sad pony who did bad things."

Thought Process slowly nodded. "Yes, I know. One of the bad things that she did hurt me too." Blossom's eyes widened and she looked up at Thought Process. The psychologist continued on. "I had a cousin named Krissy. She was a psychologist like me and she disappeared one day on her way to a psychology convention."

"Aunt Rarity killed her?" Blossom whispered.

Thought Process nodded. "My parents were very sad when they heard the news. Even if they didn't know her that well, nopony wanted to hear that their family members had been victims. I was only ten at the time, but I immediately knew that I wanted to be a psychologist to help ponies who were hurt by that." Thought Process looked down at his flank and smiled. "I've been told it was similar to hers." Blossom glanced over at his cutie mark and saw that it was a question mark but instead of a dot at the bottom it was a tear drop.

"What's the tear for?" she asked.

Thought Process smiled. "It represents my talent for making ponies who have been hurt feel better." He turned back to Blossom. "It's why I want to help you feel better. I know what it's like to have a family member hurt because of what Rarity did. I think you have it worse off than I do because you have to live it down. I want to help you through that, to make you realize that it's going to be okay in the end and you can live your life separate from what your aunt did. You don't have to be hurt by this."

Blossom took a deep breath and nodded. "I don't want to be sad."

Thought Process put a hoof on Blossom's shoulder. "And I don't want you to be sad. I want to help you. Forget the princesses, forget what other ponies think, I just don't want to see you sad." Thought Process smiled kindly at her and for the first time in a while, Blossom smiled back. Thought Process then took a deep breath and stood up. "I think this is a good place to end it for today. I'll see you Friday, okay?"

Blossom nodded. "Okay, I think I'd like that."

Thought Process widened his smile. "I'll see you then." Thought Process put his saddlebag on his back and began turning around to walk out of the room. Before he did, he stopped and looked back at Blossom. "By the way, that really was impressive, what you did with changing your appearance and all."

Blossom giggled. "Yeah, I think I'm getting pretty good at it."

Thought Process smirked. "Yeah you certainly are. About that, though, you might want to look yourself over; you know, just to make sure nothing's changed permanently."

Blossom cocked her head and Thought Process gave her a knowing smile. "I have to go now. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Okay," said Blossom. Thought Process waved goodbye and exited the room.

After the door had closed, Blossom mulled over his words about looking herself over to see if something had changed. She was usually pretty good about making sure she changed completely back to normal whenever she powered down the spell, but there was the possibility that there had been something she missed. She began looking over her body to see if something was different and...

She spotted it at once and leaped into the air with a squeal of joy.

* * * *

Sweetie Belle was sitting on her bed; leafing through a book she had been given. It was some trashy pulp novel, but it was something to do to while away the hours. She suddenly saw her door open and she put her book down. It was one of her guards. "You have a visitor," he said simply and beckoned her forward.

Sweetie Belle's ears perked up. A visitor? Her friends weren't scheduled to come again until that Saturday so she was unsure of who it could be. She jumped off of her bed and followed the guard to the visitation room.

When he opened the door she immediately saw who had come to see her. a wide smile split her face. "Blossom!" she said happily.

The two ponies ran over to each other and embraced. Blossom was excited beyond belief, more so than she usually was when she saw her mother. "Mommy, the greatest thing just happened!"

Sweetie Belle broke off the hug and smiled at her daughter. "What's that?"

Blossom turned so her mother could see her side. Sweetie Belle gasped.

"I got my cutie mark!" squeed Blossom.

Indeed she had. Where previously there was nothing on her flank, there was now the image of a blue unicorn horn with red sparks flying out of it. The upper half of the horn was bright orange. "It represents my talent for changing the appearance of things!" she said happily. "I got my cutie mark!"

Sweetie Belle's eyes filled with tears of joy and she embraced her daughter again. "Mommy's so proud of you," she whispered. "Mommy's very proud of you, Blossom."