• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 8,638 Views, 36 Comments

Lady On The Streets / Freak Between The Sheets - ShotgunNeko

. After a disappointing date with Fancy Pants, Rarity finds herself longing for a rough, physical encounter. Hot and bothered, she sets off to find somepony who can fulfill her every desire. Will she succeed? A lady doesn’t kiss and tell;) R

  • ...

Chapter 1

Rarity took a deep breath, the door closing behind her with a loud thud. She closed her eyes and counted to three slowly, before letting her back slump against the door. Hoofsteps could be heard in the hallway of the small posh hotel. She listened carefully until she was absolutely certain he was gone, before exhaling loudly. Her hoof slipped down to lock the door for good measure. Slowly she began to walk forward towards the lavish bed in her luxury suite. She had just said goodnight to her date for the evening, Fancy Pants. She had been good friends with Fancy Pants for quite some time now, and so they had ventured together to Manehattan for a business trip, regarding buyers for Rarity’s wonderful clothing line. Rarity had been overjoyed and ecstatic to travel to Manehattan, especially as Fancy Pants’ guest.

Unfortunately for the mare with the flawless purple mane, romance was not in the cards. Although Fancy Pants was a complete gentlecolt and a wonderful friend, there was just no spark between them. Rarity had found herself becoming increasingly frustrated with the situation. Yes she was a lady and loved to be treated as such during the day, but during the night, she had an undeniable, insatiable urge to be held down and loved hard by somepony.

Rarity looked at the clock on the wall. It was only ten. She imagined Fancy Pants had retired to his room. They had a business meeting early tomorrow with a large investor and each of them was eager to impress. Rarity looked down at her dress. It was a deep lavender color that matched her mane beautifully. She had made the dress specifically for a night like tonight. If she had her way, the night would have ended in the throes of passion, her body being held down and dominated by a strong lover, and the dress thrown haphazardly in a pile on the floor. The funny thing was that in every scenario she imagined, it was never Fancy Pants she had envisioned. In fact she wasn’t even sure who she was envisioning. But the pony in her fantasies was always strong enough to pin her to the bed, or buck her wildly against a wall, and then have their way with her body over and over again.

As Rarity closed her eyes to replay the fantasies in her head, she also began to feel warmth between her hind legs. Resisting the urge to tear her handmade dress from her hindquarters, she instead grabbed the glass of water that was on the nightstand. The cool liquid against her throat was still not enough to calm the hot and bothered mare down. Again she glanced at the clock, the wheels in her head now turning. It was still early enough to venture downstairs to the lounge. Her itch just had to be scratched. It had been way too long since she had taken a lover and now was her perfect chance. Nobody in Manehattan knew who she was –YET! If all went well tomorrow, her fashions could become the next big thing in this city. As Rarity continued to think about it, it seemed to make more and more sense. Maybe a discreet, no strings attached, don’t ask don’t tell romp was exactly what she needed to satisfy the heat that grew between her legs.

Reaching for her purse, she made her decision.

One night of un-lady like behavior wouldn’t kill her. Would it?

An uneventful hour later, Rarity daintily sipped her drink, as her eyes scanned the crowded lounge. She was looking for her fantasy lover. So far though, nobody was to her liking. She was beginning to think this was a futile effort, and was just about to pay and leave, when suddenly something golden struck her eye. She wasn’t sure if it was the lighting or the few drinks she had already, but suddenly the room seem to light up with a golden hue. Rarity shielded her eyes, whilst trying to get a glimpse of what it was that was causing her temporary blindness. It turned out it was not a what, but instead a who.

Rarity’s mouth dropped open as she realized the golden light was emanating from a single pony on the dance floor. What a glorious sight! The mare’s sun streaked mane glowed brightly, her hair hung loose covering the side of her face, so Rarity was unable to catch a glimpse. Her build was athletic and toned, her muscles seeming to flex every time she moved her hooves. The unicorn couldn’t help but stare as her interest was piqued. She felt that warm familiar feeling down below as she imagined herself tugging that pony’s gorgeous mane, while being bucked hard all night long.

With that last thought fresh in her head, she quickly downed the rest of her drink and made her way through the crowd of ponies on the dance floor. Her liquid courage was kicking in and she knew with the bat of her eyelids, she could probably seduce almost anypony. She continued to move closer, her eyes never leaving the magnificent mare’s body. The more she thought about it, the more she wanted it. Just as she was about to approach her prey, the golden haired pony turned slightly, and Rarity was met with familiar green eyes.

Her mouth dropped wide open for the second time that night.

“A-Applejack?” she heard a voice that sounded like her own ask.

It couldn’t have been her own though, because her voice seemed to be stuck in her throat. Applejack looked stunning. Her mane was loose and wavy, and the hat Rarity always despised was nowhere to be seen. Her skin was deeply tanned, something Rarity hadn’t noticed before, probably from days of working under the summer sun. When had Applejack become so sexy? And why hadn’t she noticed this sooner?

“Rarity?” Applejack looked up and their eyes met.

Without skipping a beat, Rarity regained her composure.

“Darling! What are you doing here in Manehattan? ” She rattled off, while leading her friend to a corner table so they could talk privately.

“Ah reckon you didn’t expect to see me here now did ya Sugarcube?” Applejack drawled.

Rarity felt a shiver run up and down her spine as even Applejack’s voice seemed incredibly smooth tonight. She had always found her friend’s southern drawl amusing, but tonight, even a simple word like “sugarcube” was making her flustered.

“You are absolutely right darling. You are one of the last ponies I expected to see here tonight. But I am feeling rather lonely so it’s perfect. You can keep me company. Drinks are on me.” Rarity exclaimed, while flagging down a server.

Before Applejack could protest, rounds began to fill the table, and Rarity entertained her with the story of failed romance between herself and Fancy Pants. Applejack was sympathetic, always the gentle and caring friend, and then went on to explain that she had accompanied her cousin Braeburn to the city for the weekend as a favor. It seemed he had met somepony down in Apploosa from the city, and she had invited him to come and visit. He had never had a marefriend before and he had asked his cousin to come for the moral support. It seemed though that he did not need that support because as soon as he had set his eyes on that little filly, those two were inseparable. Not wanting to be the third wheel, Applejack had excused herself and began wandering the city, where purely by coincidence she had wandered into the lounge.

As Applejack continued to chatter on, Rarity nodded her every few minutes even though she wasn’t listening to a word of it. She was too busy figuring out how she could get Applejack to her hotel suite. Although one of the most outgoing and friendly ponies in ponyville, she knew that when it came to things like intimacy, her friend would probably clam up.

“Darling?” Rarity cocked her head. “I have the most utterly luxurious suite upstairs. Why don’t we continue up there? This music is dreadfully loud and I can’t focus on a word your saying.”

Well it was partly true.

Applejack shook her head.

“Ah don’t think so Rarity. Braeburn is probably looking for me. Ah reckon I should be getting on back now before he worries.”

“Nonsense, I simply won’t hear another word about it. You know how stubborn I am darling. A lady always gets what she wants.” Rarity declared, taking Applejack by the hoof. “Besides, Braeburn and his filly friend are probably still wanting alone time. “ She added, winking to drive the point home.

Applejack’s mouth began to move, but no sound came out. She scratched her head as if thinking. Then she blinked as she was pulled to a standing position, with her friend still holding tightly to her hoof. It would have been natural to let go, but Rarity held on tight, weaving her way through the crowd and to the elevator.

Applejack worried that Braeburn would be upset, but Rarity had this way about her that you couldn’t say no to. Not only that, but up until she had seen Rarity she had been absolutely out of her element. The city life was not at all for her, but she had tried to put her best hoof forward and enjoy the night anyways.

The two friends rode the elevator in silence, both noticing that neither one of them had let go of the other’s hoof. Applejack’s mind was now racing as the alcohol she had consumed earlier was causing her cheeks to flush a bright red color. It was the alcohol wasn’t it? She knew she should have stopped after the third Appletini. And what was it Rarity has been drinking? Something called a Bloody Mare-y? Applejack had never even heard of such fancy drinks, but it was Manehattan after all, and it wasn’t so bad to try something different from Granny Smith’s “special” adult only cider.

Rarity’s mind was also racing. How was she going to seduce her friend? Would AppleJack think she was crazy? Should she try to trick her? Take advantage of the alcohol? Make it seem like it was all Applejack’s idea in the morning? Could she really do that to her friend that represented the element of honesty?

As Rarity’s inner struggle continued, it may have been the Bloody Mare-ys taking effect, but she could have sworn she saw the angelic vision of Princess Celestia on her right shoulder, while the other shoulder held the mischievous Princess Luna. Rarity watched amused as the two chibified sisters, each representing her thoughts, fought amongst themselves until finally Luna pulled out her pitch fork and stabbed Celestia in the rear, causing the angelic mare to fall. Luna then looked up at Rarity and flashed her the “hooves up, before disappearing in a cloud of black smoke.


Rarity shook her head. They had reached the floor her suite was on. She turned and was surprised to see Applejack’s deep green eyes staring a hole into her. When green eyes met violet, it was as if an invisible electric charge filled the air. Applejack was suddenly embarrassed and took a step backwards, letting go of Rarity’s hoof.

Rarity knew if she didn’t act fast, the moment would be lost, and so without thinking she did the only rational thing a lady would do in a situation like this. Which was throw herself into Applejack’s body, bat her eyelashes, and whisper in an overly dramatic tone.

“You simply must take me NOW.”

Caught off guard, Applejack just barely managed to catch her friend.

“Ah Ponyfeathers! That was close.” she exclaimed as she wrapped her arms tightly around the gorgeous unicorn, instinctively pulling her closer.

This was the last straw for Rarity. She could feel Applejack’s warm breath on the side of her face. The handsome blonde’s lips were just inches away. She closed her eyes, and decided it was time to just let her body talk for her. Rarity dug her hooves into Applejack’s sides roughly and came down on her lips hard. The southern mare was absolutely shocked as her eyes went wide. Rarity was also taken back by her own actions, but too far gone to care. She was even more surprised when Applejack’s lips brushed against her own, and the strong orange mare lifted her up off the ground. Both sets of Rarity’s legs were wrapped tightly around Applejack’s torso and Applejack had thrust Rarity backwards hard, pinning her up against the elevator door.

“Oh yes...darling yes...my...goodness...” Rarity panted between each rough, lust filled kiss.

Applejack couldn’t get enough of Rarity. Her lips were soft and sensual, her mane smelled of the most amazing rose scented shampoo. She was intoxicating in every sense of the word.

Harder...” Rarity rasped, grinding hard against Applejack.

Pushing her tongue into Rarity’s mouth, she began to dominate the unicorn, kissing her over and over again, not getting enough of her sweetness. All those days lifting barrels of apples in the fields came in handy as she pulled Rarity from the elevator, thrusting her hips against her, letting her tongue trail from the unicorn’s lips to her neck, burying her face there as Rarity lifted her head and moaned, pointing to the direction of her room.

Applejack rammed Rarity against the door of her suite. Rarity’s hooves were entangled in her mane, yanking hard.

“Use...your...teeth....” Rarity whimpered.

Applejack had no problem obliging as she bit down on her friend’s soft neck. Rarity was in such a state of ecstasy that she didn’t even notice they were at the wrong door. She was too busy getting lost in Applejack’s amazing body. She could feel Applejack’s teeth as they bruised her skin, marking her, letting her know who she belonged too. She could feel herself becoming warmer, and the only thing that was turning her on more, was imagining the adorable scarf she could wear tomorrow to cover up the love bites.

Rarity managed to gain enough composure to motion to the next door down. Applejack once again lifted her new lover, and while doing so lifted her dress, digging her hooves into Rarity’s flank. Rarity’s eyes went wide.


Rarity was unable to finish her sentence, silenced by Applejack’s wandering lips. The two ponies managed to stay completely entwined as Applejack pushed Rarity through the door to her suite, and the two ponies toppled to the ground. Applejack fell on top of Rarity.

Rarity couldn’t believe it. It was just like her fantasy. She reached up and lovingly stroked the side of Applejack’s face. Applejack was stunned for a moment at the gentleness in which Rarity touched her. So far, their encounter had been strictly physical, a primal urge each had succumb to. Could it be that Rarity wanted something more from her?

Rarity could see the puzzled look on her friend’s face. She didn’t want to ruin the moment. They could talk this out later, whatever it was between them, but for now she needed a good, long, rough bucking.

“I’m yours darling.” She said softly.

Applejack didn’t need an invitation. She grabbed Rarity’s hips and pulled her close. She was going to enjoy this. She was going to love Rarity like she had never been loved before.


Early the next morning, Fancy Pants awoke. He had an incredibly painful headache caused by some sort of commotion in the room beside his. If he were to guess, why it sounded like somepony was trashing the suite. He had called the hotel manager and shortly after things had seemed to calm down. It was odd though, because he could have sworn that was the room he had dropped Rarity off to the night before, but he knew there was no way she could have been causing all that noise. He had actually gotten up after being so rudely awakened by somepony or ponies thrashing loudly against his door. He wasn’t sure what that was about, but clearly it had involved some young ruffians. He began to get dressed, hoping Rarity had managed to at least get some sleep, so one of them would be fresh for the meeting.

Back in Rarity's room, Applejack looked up at the ceiling. She was replaying last night’s events over and over in her head. She couldn’t believe she had slept with one of her best friends. Everything would have seemed surreal except for the fact that Rarity was cuddled up under her arm, sleeping peacefully.

“Applejack.” She had pouted. “A lady needs to be held and comforted after a night of passion.”

Applejack looked down at the mare on her chest. Rarity’s usually flawless skin was covered in love bites and dark bruises. She couldn’t help but feel a little guilty seeing what a number she had done on the unicorn. Her eyes then scanned the room.

Uh oh.

She had not only done a number on Rarity, but the room itself. Rarity’s luggage was scattered all over the floor, her dress from last night had been ripped off, chairs were flipped over, the table was broken in two pieces, the mini bar had been emptied, the door in the bathroom was off its hinges, and for the life of her she couldn’t remember why there was a gigantic hole in the wall.

Then it hit her.

“Ponyfeathers...” she murmured, remembering how Rarity’s horn had glowed brightly when she came, letting loose a jolt of energy that had destroyed the wall.

She looked down at the sleeping Rarity. She was so incredibly beautiful. Applejack couldn’t help herself as she leaned in to kiss the top of her forehead, right below her horn. Squeezing her new lover tightly she decided she should probably try to get some rest before she had to meet up with Braeburn to catch the train.

Unbeknownst to her, Rarity wasn’t sleeping. Rarity was taking it all in. What a fantastic night it had been. She had been dominated on the table, roughed up on the floor, rammed in the bathroom, and she had come so hard that she had put a hole in the wall.

Thank goodness for charge cards.

So yes, Rarity wasn’t sleeping. In fact, her mind was already working overtime. She knew she had missed her meeting with Fancy Pants. Oh well. Some things just couldn’t be helped and she knew he would understand and take care of it for her.

Rarity continued to think while she enjoyed the soft breathing coming from Applejack’s chest. The blonde pony was a magnificent lover, even better than she had hoped. Applejack was rough and dominant, but gentle and sweet all rolled into one.

She whispered softly, into Applejack’s mane.

“Oh darling, you have no idea what I have planned for you today. Let me just say, that you haven’t seen a thing yet.”

Applejack’s ears perked, and twitched.

Rarity rolled over, swinging her hind leg up and over Applejack, straddling her.

Applejack whimpered, rolling her eyes.



Somewhere in ponyville, Rainbow Dash was slumbering peacefully on her cloud, when suddenly she felt a twitch.

Twitch. Twitch. Twitchy Twitch Twitch.

“What the-?” she asked groggily, looking down to see what was going on.

Pinkie Pie was fast asleep underneath her arm. She had forgotten Pinkie had stayed the night. She had been so excited to sleep on the cloud, it had been hard to settle the partying pony down.

“Pinkie!” she whispered.

No response, except for the fact that Pinkie’s body was continuing to twitch.

“Pinkie wake up! You’re twitching!” Rainbow yelled, becoming irritated.

Without a word, Pinkie Pie’s body turned right side up, and her eyes opened, she blinked twice before blurting out.

“Twitch. Twitch. Twitchy Twitch Twitch.”

"What does it mean Pinkie?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s Rarity and Applejack. Or as I shall call them, RariJack.”

“RariJack? “ Rainbow Dash scoffed. "That's like calling us RainbowPie."

Pinkie gasped."WE.SOUND.DELICIOUS."

After waiting a few more moments for the twitching to die down, she spoke again,

“They’re having twenty percent more sex then you and I. BEST.SHIPPING.EVER.!!!!!!"

Pinkie’s body then stopped twitching and she fell back down to the cloud, into Rainbow Dash’s arms.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes bugged out of her head.

She was going to pretend she hadn’t heard that.

The End

Author's Note:

Out of the mane six, I'd say these two were my least favorite to begin with, but hey they grew on me. Thanx for reading and reviewing! Also thank you to all the wonderful authors, proofreaders, and fans who make this a great site we can all enjoy.

p.s. I considered making this a clopfic but I don't know if I can handle that just yet. Maybe in time.

p.p.s You know you are addicted to mlp fim when you find a stray cat on your doorstep and name it rainbow dash. LOL

Comments ( 34 )

I was gonna say, okay, but rushed. But then I got to the end and lost it.
Gah, my sides hurt. :pinkiehappy:

p.p.s You know you are addicted to mlp fim when you find a stray cat on your doorstep and name it rainbow dash. LOL

You. What. I don't even.

Got to agree with TrevorLaneRay, it was kinda rushed and I was hoping for a story with several parts due to the description, but it was great and well written. Thumbs up for me and keep on writing.

why to totaly shatter the freaking fourth world pinkie kudos

I would have liked this to be a multi-chapter fic, but as a one shot it's still pretty good. Though I must agree with the others it does feel rushed. Thankfully it's still good regardless.

i have only read the name and its awsome. :rainbowderp:

I... I enjoyed this a lot...

2095425 thank u very much :ajsmug: I am glad u enjoyed it

2028930 hehe glad i could make you laugh....working on my pacing of stories with my new multi chap twiluna fic
2029480 there are no words for this lol
2030607 i agree with both of u that i probably could have paced it better...it started out as so many ideas lol and should have been a multi chap fic...i am glad u enjoyed it regardless of that fact!
2030791 haha thats pinkie for u:pinkiehappy:
2036631thanx for the kind words....i realized from the comments i do need to work on the pacing of mys tories and maybe multi chapter fics are the way to go:twilightsheepish:

Best title ever.

If this is a complete fic and there is only one part, why is it titled "chapter 1"?

I really enjoyed this :rainbowlaugh: Made me laugh a couple of times which is pretty good.

fantastic story, i give it a 10 out 10 :ajsmug::heart::raritywink:

2096243 haha thanx ;) i can honestly say that wasn't the original title and just as i was about to post...the title came to me:pinkiehappy:

2098796 lol hmm i dunno..the site said it could just be called chapter one so i went with it:rainbowlaugh:

2098833 im happy u enjoyed the fic...nothing makes me happier than knowing i made readers laugh!:twilightsmile:

2107300 wow! thanx so much! as an author that makes all the hard work worth it :ajsmug:

This was sweet and steamy at the same time. Totally random ending. :pinkiehappy:

2114921 hahaha thank u! i like a bit of randomness or "crack" as they call it in my fanfics....:moustache:

I will know think of chibi princesses when I have a moral dilemma involving choosing between right and wrong. That and Pinkie having a shipping sense is awesome.
Ciao darling :raritywink:

2166873 lol chibi princesses rule! luna will always win out on my shoulders hahaha thank you for the review! glad u enjoyed!:raritystarry:

This one is definitely my fav RariJack:raritystarry:
I love your writing style and that “You simply must take me NOW.”-part.? HILARIOUS!
Go on with the good work and keep this RariJack-gold coming! :ajsmug: :heart: :raritywink:

Oh and thumbs up for all funny parts,too :pinkiehappy:

2269922wow thank you so much for your praise! You made my day lol I feel another rarijack fic in my future :raritystarry::pinkiesmile:

can't believe this was the first RariJack story I have EVER read,now I'm gonna go read more XD

"That's like calling us RainbowPie."

Pinkie gasped."WE.SOUND.DELICIOUS."

That killed me, lmfao. :rainbowlaugh:
Nice story, though. :heart:

Why did you have to skip that clop?
Anyway, I really enjoyed this. Hope you write a sequel/clop of this n the future.


2652591 I am working on some RariJack clop as we speak! The world needs more lol :) thanx for the kind words!

Aint nothing but a chicken wang.

That last part with Rainbow Pie was great. :rainbowlaugh:

3228856 thank u for the kind words on my fanfics u have read! It's readers like u that make it worth all the time and effort we put into writing! :) I am working on a new chapter of tangled up in blue...hopefully out ASAP! (But no promises as life has been getting in the way)

P.s lol I never planned to keep the cat but guess who stayed? Lol I call her "my little dashie" :)

This story cracks me up!!! I usually don't like Rarijack, but damn, when you put some work to it, you have quite an interesting piece!!


I do hope that you do eventually try to attempt clop, at some point. As good as your work is with the SFW, sometimes one needs to go through something that is completely uncomfortable or different from normal. The reason would be because you definitely know what you want, or at least a more concrete idea of what you want. Challenge your limits!

4019437 thank u thank u! One day soon I may attempt a rarijack clop! I get messed up with aj's dialogue tho hehe!

Kudos for pushing that "T" rating as hard as you could. If this were a clopfic, you had the verbal firepower to easily steal a like, a favorite, and possibly even my lunch money from me. As things are it isn't, and the comedy couldn't win me over. As a consolation prize, take second-best flower pony.


Lord knows I would.

Great story love. Adding it to my favorites. :)

I have always found it to be amusing that the people who write like they know how sex between adults actually happens (with few words, at the spur of the moment, following a dangerous number of panty-droppers, with barely a moment of drunken moralizing, and with all practical concerns put aside for the next day) tend to abstain from writing porn. The story did not miss the porn, though. There was enough dry humor to make it amusing in that right.

Rainbowpie spoiled ending a bit

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