• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 19,704 Views, 3,317 Comments

Mass Effect: Shades of Twilight - Loyal2Luna

Following the events of Equestrian Equation, Twilight must lead her people to a new life in the Milky Way Galaxy, prevent the established races from exploiting the Herd, and prepare for the inevitable return of the Reapers. (An Interactive story)

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Arc 2 - Part 2: When it Rains...

When it Rains...

Active Log: 42 of 50 - Day 65 A.E.

Present location: Huerta Memorial Hospital, Presidium

Status: processing data

“Excuse me. I need to pass.”

*Archival browsing discontinued*

The sudden illumination of Forty-Two’s optics took only a fraction of a second, shutting out the memories and bringing his current circumstances back to the front of his processors. A quick check of his chronometer indicated that his review of the archived data thus far had taken longer than was expected as he shuffled through every detail. Nearly a full eight seconds had passed, during which time his external sensors had been all but dead to his surroundings.

This was something he regretted for a millisecond as he came to recognize that he was looking dead ahead into the midriff of a bipedal alien. He brought his head up to get a better look, and was now able to put a face to the voice that had roused him from inactivity. A quick skim of the hospital’s public employment roster immediately identified the asari.

*Identity confirmed, [Amauria Capahalo, Doctor, XB-MP, Certified Xenobiology Medical Practitioner; Huerta Memorial]*

“Excuse me,” the asari repeated, somewhat more forcefully, as if speaking louder would make the command any easier to understand.

While the mech could consider the gesture to be rude, it was not as if he expected her to show any particular concern for him. After all, in her eyes, he was just another machine, and one that was blocking her path, at that.

Without any challenge, Forty-Two side-stepped, clearing the way for the doctor to pass through. Behind him, the door’s holographic lock buzzed and disappeared, the glass panels sliding into the walls and unsealing the room beyond.

The reaction was immediate, Forty Two’s audio receptors instantly picking up the voices of several of the mares inside and identifying them.

“Oh my goodness. Doctor, is she alright?”

“Are y’all gonna tell us what the hay’s goin’ on?”

“She’s going to be okay, right? She has to be okay!”

“Girls, please don’t crowd her! Just give the doctor some space and let her talk.”

“Thank you, Director, but I understand all of your concern. This must be a trying time for all of you,” the doctor stated, her tone calm and professional. “I only wish I had better news... I’m afraid that the damage to your friend’s--”

The door suddenly slid shut behind the changeling, who wished for nothing more than to join them in hearing more of the conversation.

But unfortunately, “mere” mechs couldn’t show that level of curiosity or initiative. To do so would invite a certain level of scrutiny that he, and the Equestrians more broadly, couldn’t afford. Especially at this time.

Unable to do anything more at the moment, Forty-Two returned to his investigation, quickly tabulating the events following Dr. Hern’s reveal so that he could move on to the next day’s events.

Director Applejack had been all but heartbroken when the Madam President issued her decision to immediately inform New Ponyville’s C-Sec liaison of the situation. The ensuing argument and claims of betrayal did nothing to sway Twilight’s course of action, and while Forty-Two was glad to see his mistress committed to her decision, the pain that came along with damaging her friend’s trust in her was all too evident.

He had not been present for the quickly called meeting between Twilight, Applejack, and an agitated, sleepless Lt. Pyres, having been given the task of ensuring Dr. Hern’s continued comfort and safety while the situation was resolved. While he could only guess at the turian’s reaction to being woken in the middle of the district’s “night cycle,” he had predicted a high probability of raised voices and disparaging remarks involving the varying levels of intelligence of those involved.

While his vigil over the comatose human had been (as anticipated) uneventful, he had still not been looking forward to Twilight’s eventual summons. But in the early hours of the morning, come it had.

Her instructions to bring Dr. Hern to New Ponyville’s docking area had been more clipped than he expected, her tone bordering on exhaustion. And while he wasn’t sure what he should be expecting as he and Nine of Twelve made the repulsor lift ready, they had proceeded to cart the human out of the Administration Building and down the stairwell into New Ponyville itself.

Little did he know at the time that the Equestrians’ troubles had only just begun.


Archived Log: 42 of 50 - Day 61 A.E.

Location: New Ponyville Docks

Status: Guard Mode

The Citadel was a place filled with distraction and spectacle. Things that simply reached out and grabbed at the attention of otherwise jaded passersby with bright colors and flashing holograms. More often than not, these were advertisements used to try and market products and get those viewing to part company with their hard-earned credits.

Any individual that had been on the Citadel for even a short time quickly became accustomed to this slew of distraction and simply tuned it out, paying the adverts no mind. An enviable state of affairs, considering what Forty-Two had to deal with now.

He found himself wishing that this could be a situation in which everypony not involved would simply ignore it and go on with their daily business, paying it no more attention than they would for projectors trumpeting commercials for Fish-Dog Food Shack or Asari burial robes.

But for Equestrians, as it was with nearly every species in advanced society, few things could draw attention quite as well as a security cordon.

“Please move along,” Forty-Two repeated yet again, feeling fortunate that he could mask his growing annoyance under a layer of mechanical indifference. This was the fourth time he had logged Featherweight, a lanky young pegasus colt, approaching the cordon. Like all of the others, he turned away almost immediately, but not before stealing a peek behind the mech, a mix of concern and perplexity on his features as he was clearly trying to piece together what was going on. But as with all those other times, the scene hadn’t changed: a number of dark blue C-Sec cruisers flashing their red and blue lights amid a crowd of officers attempting to keep things orderly.

Seven changeling mechs stood sentry, maintaining a boundary line between the rest of the lower level and the cordoned portion of the Docks, more out of a desire to prevent C-Sec’s proceedings from being interrupted than out of any real security concern.

And in the center of it all were four Equestrians, including the Madam President herself and Director Applejack, and of course the unwitting cause of the unexpected disturbance: Doctor Patricia Hern. Already, rumors were rushing around the district, running the gambit from the mundane, to the macabre, to the downright comical. The current prevailing theory was that someone had again stoked the Madam President’s ire, and that the following biotic event had led to the compacting of some unfortunate soul’s expensive transportation.

While he was not currently privy to the ongoing discussion between the Equestrian leaders and the Citadel’s investigators, he did not have to have a full accounting of the details to recognize what was sure to be the first real scandal and shame of New Ponyville.

And as he took notice of a new shuttle approaching, the mech realized that the already tense situation was about to become far more volatile.



“Invalid inquiry. Please specify.”

“Get outta my way, mech!”

“Authority not recognized. Request denied.”

“Fuck you! Move over!”

“Warning: Attempts to circumvent this unit will result in discouragement measures.”

“I said, move--"



“The next discharge will contain increased voltage. You have been warned.”

Twilight Sparkle moved as quickly as she could towards the edge of the cordon as soon as she took note of the raised voices moving in their direction. While C-Sec was doing an admirable job in maintaining the peace, it was clear that none of the responding enforcement officers were interested in getting overly involved with the clearly distressed human.

"Forty-Two, enough!" The familiar voice of the Madam President came up from behind the mech, who had remained motionless throughout the incident. "Let him pass."

"Complying," the changeling stated simply, stepping aside and earning another glare from the human male who was now nursing a slight electrical burn on his hand to go with his bruised ego.

Unfortunately, the pain seemed to do little to dissuade him from his justifiable outrage as the human immediately stormed past the cordon of metallic ponies and all but charged the relatively small lavender unicorn.

"You! What the hell do you think you’re doing!?"

"Mister Hern," Twilight replied calmly, her tone astonishingly neutral in the face of the alien's wrathful one. "First things first, I want to apologize for--”

“What’s the matter with you!? You damn horses are the reason she’s like this in the first place, and then you go and snatch her right out of the goddamn hospital! You’ve done enough harm already! To her, and her family!”

"Joshua, please, I am just trying to--"

“And don’t you dare try to pull any of that cutsy sweet-talk bullshit! The Asari and those idiots in Alliance Parliament might buy that crap, but if you think your charms will work on me, you’ve got another thing coming, you cow!”

"Mister Hern!" Twilight stomped a hoof before pushing herself up, seeming to surprise the human as she put herself up to his eye level. “That is quite enough! I’m trying to resolve this situation as best I can, but I can only do that so long as everypony involved can behave like an adult!” That last word carried enough force behind it to make the human flinch just a bit. Having sufficiently made her point, Twilight snorted brusquely went back on all fours. “If you would just calm down, we can work out an arrangement that will leave all parties satisfied.”

“Oh, hell no! You’re not going to get away with this with just some half-assed apology!” Joshua Hern trembled with indignation, his hands balled into fist as he held Twilight’s intense purple glare. “And if you think for one second that I’m going to--”

“Mr. Joshua Hern, I presume. Good of you to join us," a new voice broke as the blue and black-garbed turian moved up between the human and pony. The calm, confident sense of authority he projected made it clear that he wasn’t going to be messed with.

"What the... Who the hell are you supposed to be?" Joshua started, still in a state of outrage, but of his wits enough to know that lashing out at a C-Sec officer would not be in his best interests.

"Lieutenant Taxar Pyres, C-Sec Enforcement Division, Tayseri Ward." Pyres nodded. "I've been put in charge of your wife's kidnapping case.”

“I thought Detective Westmoreland from Investigations was handling my wife’s case...” Hern’s eyes narrowed suspiciously on the turian, who was an uncomfortable departure from the slightly husky human investigator with the Bronx accent who had initially informed him of his wife’s disappearance.

“The situation has changed. Detective Westmoreland’s skills were required elsewhere, and frankly, this case didn’t require his expertise. Don’t worry, I’ve got everything under control.” Pyres nodded, the human taking note of the distasteful expression the turian cast at Twilight, who was now looking dejected.

"Then you're just the... man... I want to see." Joshua returned the nod, his eyes hard although his voice seemed to waver as he hesitated in his choice of words.

"First off, I am happy to inform you that your wife has been recovered without incident and is now being examined for signs of trauma by our precinct specialist,” Pyres explained, motioning over to one side and drawing Joshua’s attention to his wife, who was laying on a cot with a salarian in a medical uniform running an omni-tool over her. There was no mistaking the look of relief and the sudden relaxing of his posture as he saw the dark-haired woman laying there unharmed.

“The guilty party, Miss Applejack of the Equestrian Herd, has been apprehended and has issued a full written and verbal confession of the abduction. As far as Citadel Security is concerned, this investigation is closed, which just leaves one outstanding issue: Do you wish to press charges?"

"Damn right, I do!" Hern all but shouted, throwing an arm animatedly towards Applejack, who had until now tried to make herself as small and unnoticeable as possible. She was currently doing so from behind the forms of Director Rainbow Dash and another pony: a mint-green unicorn that he was utterly unfamiliar with. "I want that furry orange bitch arrested."

"Hey!" Applejack nearly reared, insult and pain clear in her eyes before a glare from Twilight set her back. "Y’all take that back, or--"

"Applejack, I thought we went over this. No talking," the green unicorn snapped, as she preemptively held a hoof up to bar the Director’s path.

"That's your prerogative, sir," Pyres said with a straight face, drawing a horrified look from Applejack while Twilight moved away from Hern and back towards her friend. The turian produced a thin datapad, tapping on it casually with one finger. "We'll get the process started. Given the nature of the confession, I believe a guilty verdict and sentencing is a guarantee. With luck, the first hearing can take place in as little as eight months."

"Good! Maybe these animals will learn that--" Hern stopped, turning his head so quickly that Twilight nearly winced just from watching it. "Wait, eight months?"

"Well, since the suspect was apprehended by her own government, that means we have to go through the extradition process. Seeing as there isn’t yet an extradition treaty between the Equestrians and Citadel government, I hope you can appreciate how much of a legal setback that is."

“But… she’s right there!” Hern’s temper started to flare again.

“And in the custody of her own government in sanctioned Equestrian territory. C-Sec doesn’t have the authority to remove her from that custody without an extradition process any more than we would be able to remove a human from an Alliance colony or an Earth city, our own personal proximity notwithstanding,” Pyres explained. “Doing so would set a dangerous precedent for alien interventionism in interspecies judiciary affairs, assuming it didn’t get the case thrown out of court entirely.”

“And you can bet that I’m going to make them fight for it,” Twilight called out as she put herself between Hern and Applejack, her tone rock hard with certainly as she managed to stand firm against the withering glare sent her way by the human.

Hern growled in his throat, sounding more than slightly predatory to Twilight’s sensitivities before he issued a single guttural statement. “Fine…”

“I’ll get started on the paperwork...” Taxar sighed loudly and began to tap the datapad. “Of course, the victim will be required to remain under Citadel Security protective custody until the hearing commences, but that shouldn't be an issue. We can have a medical professional on call around the clock in order to--”

“Wait, what?” Hern took a step back, physically reeling. “No! My wife… We have a shuttle scheduled to take her directly to Earth in less than two hours! I’m taking her home!”

“Mr. Hern, your wife has just been the victim of a heinous crime,” Taxar explained in a factual manner. “And as unfortunate as it may sound, she herself is evidence in that crime. So long as that’s true, it would be against C-Sec regulations to release her from protective custody. For any reason.”

There was a moment of utter silence and tension between the two, Pyres continuing to tap away at his datapad while his face remained a mask of professionalism and Hern’s eyes darted back and forth.

“...And if there were no pending charges?” Hern queried cautiously, a hint of desperation creeping into his voice.

“If no charges are filed, there would be no reason for the protective custody and the case would be closed for all intents and purposes.”

Joshua Hern spared Twilight, then Applejack one more dirty glare before lowering his head, mumbling under his breath.

“I’ll drop the charges.”

“I’m sorry, sir, what was that?” Taxar asked, and were it not for his demeanor, one might almost think he was making sport of the human.

“I said… I’ll drop the charges,” he repeated through clenched teeth. “As long as my wife gets to come home, I don’t care what happens to the damn horses.”

“As you wish, sir.” Pyres waved over one of the other officers, who came up to him with another datapad and traded with the turian, who pressed several keys before offering it to Hern. “This affidavit will release yourself, the Alliance, and its representatives bodies from involvement in Case File: Tayseri-Kapton-Twelve two-four-six-oh-one, leaving the suspect in the custody of her home government.”

“And then my wife will be allowed to return to Earth?” Hern leveled a suspicious glare at the turian, taking the offered datapad and looking over the contents, although his eyes were almost immediately scrambled as he tried to interpret the fine print and legalese of the document.

“She’ll be free to leave as soon as she’s cleared by our medical officer.”

“But she--” Applejack started to get up, but was quickly put back on her haunches by a hoof from Rainbow on her right and the white and teal-maned unicorn on her left, cutting her off with a look from each of them.

Hern shook his head, clearly not pleased with the alternative but seeing little other option as he pressed his thumb to the device’s pad, applying an electronic signature to the document.

“Is that it?” Joshua asked as he handed the pad back to Pyres.

“Almost. It just needs to be certified by an accredited Citadel litigator.” The turian turned towards Applejack and the other two mares. “Miss Heartstrings?”

Hearing her name, the mint-green unicorn approached, and the human could finally get a good look at her. She was wearing what appeared to be a kind of two-piece suit made out of thick, burgundy fabric over a white button-down shirt. Pinned into the suit’s fleshed-out collar was a small golden pin in the shape of a lyre.

The mare’s expression blanked for a moment before a light green aura wrapped around the datapad and brought it over to her eyes.

“And just who are you supposed to be?” Hern scoffed, unsure what this unicorn thought she was doing.

“Lyra Heartstrings, District Attorney for New Ponyville,” the mare indicated, waving a hoof as she scrolled down the document. “Everything looks to be in order, Taxar.”

“This has to be a joke, right?” Hern shook his head. “You expect me to believe this horse is a lawyer?”

“Not a horse, a pony,” Lyra corrected, a hint of her own annoyance bleeding through. “And no, it’s no joke. I was accepted to the Bar of the Citadel’s Litigation Association a week ago. As it is, Lieutenant, with this affidavit, I assume that the Herd will be given full judicial authorities in this case?”

“As far as C-Sec is concerned, the case is closed. We don’t make it a habit to tell governments how to punish their own transgressors.” Pyres folded his arms together. “Will that be everything?”

“I think so.” Lyra nodded, pressing her hoof against the datapad, which beeped condescendingly at her for a moment. “Come on, work you piece of...” She huffed before trying again with the tip of her hoof, attempting to apply a biometric signature on the proper spot, again to no avail. “Ugh!” Lyra shook her head before leaning forward, touching her horn to the screen and drawing an “X” across it.

This time, the pad flashed green and chirped acceptingly.

“Aha! I win!” Lyra beamed proudly before floating the datapad back to Pyres, who in turn handed it off to an asari that was passing by. With a few words, he sent her off in one of the C-Sec shuttles in order to bring the report to be filed at Headquarters.

“Are we done here?” Hern kept his arms crossed, tapping one finger on his bicep in an impatient manner. “My wife has a transport to catch and I still need to get my son from our hotel.”

“Of course. I’m sorry for the delay, sir, and thank you for your cooperation.” Pyres nodded before he turned towards the salarian doctor tending to Patricia, who deactivated his omni-tool upon their approach.

“It’s about time,” Hern stated, not sparing so much as a glance at the alien ponies as he turned to follow the turian, quite glad to be done dealing with the Equestrians.

“Dr. Tulsie, is your patient ready for transport?” Lt. Pyres asked, Hern quick on his heels. Then the human froze in his tracks as the salarian spoke up.

“Most certainly not, Lieutenant!” Dr. Tulsie shook his head fervently. “Interstellar travel is absolutely out of the question at this time.”

“What!?” Hern all but rounded on the smaller salarian physician, a surge of anger on the rise again. “But I signed the damn paperwork and dropped the charges! What do you mean she can’t leave!?”

“Legalities aside, Mr. Hern, this has nothing to do with your wife’s kidnapping,” the salarian explained, his frog-like eyes blinking rapidly. “As I’m sure you’re aware, she’s suffering from extensive neurological damage.”

“THAT THEY CAUSED!” The human pointed a spiteful finger back at the assembled ponies.

“If you would be so kind as to let me finish...” the salarian cut him off, running his hand along his neck. “I’ve never seen a case quite like hers before, but I have reason to suspect that close proximity to powerful mass effect fields could potentially exacerbate her condition. I cannot, in good conscience, allow her to board any ship bigger than a standard shuttle.”

“Oh, no you don’t! I have documentation straight from the Alliance Embassy superseding Huerta’s medical staff! I’ve had a specialist in human neurology personally sign off on her ability to travel, and--”

“I am not part of Huerta's staff, Mr. Hern,” the salarian declared, growing impatient. “I am a member of the Citadel Security Medical Emergency Response Corps and this is my final word on the matter. She will not be leaving this station until her condition improves. An ambulance will be here shortly to return her to her room at Huerta. If you have a complaint, file it with the Executor. My work is done here.”

“...Fucking aliens!” Hern nearly spit, his temper finally getting the better of him while Dr. Tulsie calmly walked away from the encounter. “Always thinking you know better! I’m her goddamn husband! What the hell do you know!? You’re all just working against me to...”

His eyes widened as realization set in and he turned on Pyres, who was standing unmoving, and not seeming too surprised at the way things turned out.

“The lawyer... she called you Taxar... You had the forms all ready to go-- Son of a bitch, you set me up!”

“I haven’t the faintest idea what you mean, sir.” Pyres shook his head. “All I did was notify you of the situation and present your options. It’s not my fault that everything didn’t go according to your expectations… But if you really want to press the issue, there are other avenues we could take...”

“I--” Hern started, but was cut off as Pyres took a step towards him, lowering his voice slightly but maintaining a professional tone.

“And the first step would involve getting a full and detailed background check of everyone involved.” Pyres none-too-subtly cast a glance in Patricia’s direction. “Contacts… travel itinerary… work history… known associates...”

Taxar leaned slightly closer, dropping his tone by a single octave.

“Associates that may or may not include organizations that aren’t really considered ‘accepted’ in most parts of the galaxy. Your wife strikes me as a dog person.”

For his part, Joshua Hern suddenly became very, very pale, his antagonism suddenly buried under an expression that looked an awful lot like fear.

“I assure you, Mr. Hern: C-Sec will be very thorough, should you go down this road.”

There was a tense quiet between them for a moment as a hospital shuttle lowered itself to the docks, a pair of paramedics stepping out from the opened doors and moving to assist Dr. Tulsie with ever so carefully maneuvering the listless woman.

“God damn you…” Hern managed weakly.

“Which one?” Pyres said, letting a tiny bit of humor pass through his mask of stoicism. “Anyway, seeing as you’ve decided to take the smarter route, you should consider yourself lucky.”

“...How do you figure?” The human tried to choke back the bitter bile in his throat as his fist remained clenched so tightly his nails dug into his palms.

“Because from where I’m standing, those ‘horses,’ and the very fact that they care enough about Patricia to do what they did, taking that risk, is about the only reason such an investigation isn’t already taking place.” With nothing much left to say, the turian stepped to the side to clear a path for the deflated human. “Feel free to accompany your wife back to the hospital. And please, have a nice day.”

After a moment of silence, Joshua Hern turned away, his head hanging in defeat as he started towards the ambulance and cast a glance over to the quartet of Equestrians, each of whom was eying him with concern. Particularly, his gaze fell on the orange-coated mare in the center, who had been sitting back on her haunches throughout the entire exchange.

“I hope you’re happy,” he managed in a growling tone, barely above a whisper.

“If ya really care about her...” Applejack managed, her voice sounding strained. “Then one day, you’ll thank me.”

Hern seemed to bristle at the comment, but quickly let it slide when he noticed the ambulance staff preparing to leave. Without another word, he ran over to the shuttle just in time to climb aboard and take a seat next to Patricia. The ponies watched as Joshua reached over to take his wife’s hand in his own and grasp it tightly, just as the doors slid shut.

With a slight distortion in the air, the ship took off from the docks, departing for the Presidium.

“Yeah, that’s right. You’d better just walk away--” Rainbow started, rising a meter off the floor to speak up only to be yanked painfully by the tail and back to the metal panels of the dock.

Turning with a surprised expression, Rainbow couldn’t suppress a cringe as she found herself nose to nose with Twilight, whose horn was glowing in the same aura that was now wrapped around the pegasus’ multi-colored tail. Of all of the intense emotions that were etched over the Madam President’s face “victory” was not one of them.

“What the hay, Twi?” Rainbow protested, one hoof going back to rub her rump as she started to pull herself to all fours.

“Not one word!” Twilight huffed in agitation as Pyres approached the group, Applejack immediately looking down and away from the disapproving turian while Lyra kept a supportive hoof on her shoulder.

“Is it over, then?” Lyra asked, her earlier bluff and bluster gone as her first “case” seemed to come to a defined close. Oddly enough, she also did not feel the sense of accomplishment at the outcome that she had expected.

“Yeah, it’s over.” Pyres nodded, his expression grim. “I had to cash in some pretty hefty favors, but between Hern’s affidavit to drop the criminal charges and the Director’s confession, C-Sec will officially close the case and ‘transfer’ Applejack to your charge.”

“Transfer?” Applejack tilted her head, clearly confused. “Wait, wasn’t Ah already supposed ta be under arrest? Y'all told Joshua that Ah was… uh… apprehended in Equestrian territory. What was all that talk about ‘extradition’?”

“Applejack, New Ponyville isn’t a sovereign state!” Twilight snapped, amazed how a pony with as much horse sense as AJ could have so much trouble keeping up with things. “All of this is still Citadel property, which means all crimes are under C-Sec authority. There’s nowhere for them to extradite you from. Taxar was bluffing. If it wasn’t for Lyra being accepted to the Bar, any other lawyer on the station would have blown that cover wide open!”

Applejack swallowed hard, her throat still sore from the long night and the very detailed confession she had given Pyres, going all the way back to when she first met Patricia in Equestria.

“There won’t be a trial, Director, but it’s still officially a guilty verdict on C-Sec record,” Taxar explained, although his tone was hardly relieved. “And it should go without saying that you will not be going anywhere near Doctor Hern or her family for the foreseeable future. Aside from that, Madam President, sentencing will be at your discretion as her primary authority.”

“I understand.” Twilight nodded, relief beginning to seep into her voice as the C-Sec officers in the area started moving into their cruisers and taking off from the dock, their duties done. “And thank you, Taxar.”

“Don’t thank me yet. You’re gonna owe me big for this,” Pyres stated with a humorless voice. “And just so we’re clear, Madam President, I only did this in the first place because you were so forthcoming. You get this one for free, but endangered species or not, good intentions or not, if anything like this happens again…” The turian left the implications hanging thick like a noose dangling over Twilight’s head.

“I understand.” Twilight’s ears and eyes lowered. “And it won’t, I promise.”

With a curt nod to the Madam President, and then another to Lyra, Pyres stepped away and started to leave.

“Hey, wait up, Pyres…” Rainbow moved up alongside the turian at eye level, her wings flapping lazily in the air. “The way you stared that guy down was… I mean, the whole time, all I wanted to do was stomp him into paste, with how he was talking about us.”

“Then it’s a good thing you were paying attention, Director, because that’s exactly the wrong way to handle these kinds of situations. If you’re really serious about doing this job right, one of the most important things to remember is to never let your emotions get the better of you. Got it?”

Rainbow rolled her eyes as she shot a glance behind her to the lavender mare who was watching their conversation. The look she was giving her made Rainbow harken back to the talk they’d had earlier about her reluctant attitude where the turian’s “tutoring” was concerned.

“Yeah, yeah…” Rainbow sighed, rolling over and maintaining her altitude as she moved alongside Pyres. “I hear you.”

Watching the pair move off, Twilight couldn’t help but sigh, showing her concern with Rainbow’s still flippant attitude being worn on her faux-leather sleeve. She may have heard him, but Twilight had her doubts as to whether the pegasus was really as committed as she claimed she was.

“Uh...” Applejack stepped forward, drawing Twilight’s attention. She stood with her hat held in one hoof against her chest and looked more dejected and defeated than the unicorn had ever recalled seeing the earth pony mare. “Twi, Ah…”

Twilight merely huffed, shooting an icy glare over her shoulder that caused Applejack to cringe even more before the unicorn stepped forward and away.

“Just… get back to work, Applejack.” Twilight skulked away, afraid of saying anything more to the mare as she called out to her assistant, telling him to reassign the drones that had been maintaining the cordon.

Forty-Two immediately set to doing so, but as Twilight continued on past the security line, his audio sensors picked up the choked, almost silent whisper that followed her.

“...Ah’m sorry.”

If Twilight had heard her, she gave no indication.

*Codex Update*
*Notable Individuals: Dr. Patricia Hern - updated*
*Equestrian Culture: Law in New Ponyville - updated*
*Notable Individuals: Lyra Heartstrings - updated*


Archived Log: 42 of 50 - Day 61 A.E.

Location: Office of the Madam President

Status: passive observation

Twilight had come to one conclusion over the course of the past two hours: the fact that Lieutenant Pyres had lied.

It was not over.

In fact, it had only just begun less than half an hour after the events on the dock, when Twilight had received mail on her omni-hoof directly from Captain Arlin Inastri, the head of Tayseri Ward’s C-Sec office.

The wording had been pleasant and discreet, but Twilight was intelligent enough to read between the lines and realize that she was now on thin ice with the local constabulary. Clearly, the asari captain didn’t care for the idea of a “minor” government manipulating law enforcement officers in order to get their friends out of legal hot water, and made it very clear that her department was not going to accept “we didn’t know” as a defense from this point on.

And that was just the first notification in her inbox.

Within moments of the story breaking, media groups ranging from CNN to local Tayseri news outlets descended like pack animals on a hunk of fresh meat. Twilight’s omni-hoof was constantly being updated with requests for comment; every time she deleted one without reading it, half a dozen more would pop up. It also didn’t help that in between all the junk, there were messages from her own people, either commending her for sticking up for the Herd, or expressing their belief that Applejack deserved more than a slap on the fetlock for her actions.

Twilight’s eyes were starting to sting as she quickly read over a hastily drawn up report about how Applejack was having issues keeping the press away from the work areas in Tayseri before she finally reached her breaking point. She mentally commanded her omni-hoof to shut down, becoming aware of her own body’s mounting fatigue.

“This is a nightmare...” she moaned piteously, putting her head down on her desk as she tried to ignore the slight ringing in her ears; yet another sign that she was long overdue for some shuteye.

“I agree, Twi. However, considering how last night’s and this morning’s events might have turned out, things could be far worse,” Forty-Two tried to reason, which might as well have fallen on deaf ears. “Director Applejack has returned to her duties, and the political fallout from the crime itself has been overshadowed in the news by the unfortunate events developing on the planet of Taetrus.”

“That’s true… though it’s hard to feel thankful, given the circumstances...” Twilight admitted, reminding her of the recent headline that had broken earlier that day. A turian transport had been hijacked by terrorists, who overrode the ship’s safety protocols in order to use it as a missile, ramming it into the aforementioned colony world’s capital city at near-FTL speeds.

The casualty numbers alone nearly made Twilight sick to her stomach, but what made it hit particularly close to home was the fact that Taetrus happened to be the place where Lieutenant Pyres was born. The turian himself had been understandably upset by the news.

Unable to keep a sense of melancholy out of her tone, Twilight spoke up to her assistant, already dreading what he would have to say. “What else will I have to deal with today?”

“Golden Harvest of the Agricenter wishes to speak with you about the events of this morning, and the potential damage that could be done by--”

“It can wait.” Twilight put her forelegs over her head, intuition telling her that Applejack’s most prominent rival was probably just jockeying to gain leverage over her position.

“D.A. Heartstrings has requested some time to propose a codified set of laws adapted primarily from the Systems Alliance Constitu--”

“Reschedule her.” Twilight huffed again, raising her head and glaring at the changeling, who showed no reaction to her ambivalence. “Is there anypony on the schedule that doesn’t have an issue related to Applejack? I’ll take anything. Anything, just so I can focus on something other than this!”

Forty-Two hesitated for a moment as he ran over the records, attempting to filter the recent requests for the unicorn’s attention and only coming up with one that fit her stated criteria.

“Mrs. Mallene Calis, an asari corporate representative, has made repeated attempts to set up an appointment over the last four days. My records indicate she is present in New Ponyville as we speak,” Forty-Two answered.

“Fine… Contact her and tell her that I’ll see her immediately.”

“If I may make a suggestion, wouldn’t you rather get some sleep? You look like you could use it.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow at the changeling. “Really, Forty-Two? I have serious doubts in my ability to sleep with all of this going on. At least let me focus on something that will take my mind off of Applejack.”

Forty-Two’s eyes narrowed on the unicorn, the illumination thinning. “As you wish, Madam President, as long as you promise to at least try and get some rest afterwards.”

“Or what? You’re going to shut me down again?” Twilight breathed out heavily, clearly annoyed. “I have a job to do; responsibilities to keep up with! This isn’t the first time I’ve pulled all-nighter, Forty-Two. I’m fine… Just bring in Mrs. Calis.”

Forty-Two paused, keeping a close watch of the unicorn’s vitals as her heart-rate spiked and her irritation indicated more at work on her frayed nerves than simple fatigue.

For the time being, the changeling considered that it would be best to acquiesce and began to compose an invitation for the impromptu meeting.


Twenty minutes later, Twilight was sitting back in her seat, going over the data packet that Forty-Two had prepared for her in regards to this meeting. She claimed it was because she literally had no idea who this woman was or what she could possibly have wanted to speak with her about, but it was just as much an attempt to keep her focused on something in front of her, lest she start nod off before the meeting began.

There wasn’t much to go on, other than basic biographical information. Mallene Calis was an asari businesswoman under the employ of the Armali Council, a biotics research enterprise. Over the past few days, she had been logged as visiting New Ponyville on a number of occasions, and it didn’t take much digging to find out why: Armali Council was just one of a number of R&D firms currently in talks with Fluttershy over some kind of business arrangement, the details of which were apparently private. Beyond that, there was no indication of what the asari’s intentions were, but Twilight would soon find out.

At some point while reading, Twilight’s eyes started to itch from her prolonged staring at the holographic display of her omni-hoof, and she reached up to rub them tiredly.

She shouldn’t have been this tired, Twilight thought. Sure, she was under a lot of stress at the moment, but this was similar in a lot of ways to her late-night study sessions back when she was studying in the Academy in Canterlot. Or more recently, when she would come across an intriguing piece of literature on the extranet that she absolutely could not put down until finished. She just needed to power through.

A pleasant chime from near her office door brought Twilight’s attention back to the present, and she switched off her omni-hoof while she reached down to smooth out her suit-coat.

“Come in,” she said, trying to banish her drowsiness through sheer force of will and project an alert and calm manner.

The door’s holo-lock turned green, sliding open to reveal the light blue asari woman, her outfit fully encompassing with a bright canary yellow along her sides and a thick stripe of red running down from the top of her neck to the bottom of the dress, which covered her feet.

“Good afternoon, Mrs. Calis. Welcome to New Ponyville.”

“Madam President Twilight Sparkle, the pleasure is all mine.” The asari nodded as she moved to the small chaise placed on the other side of the desk, sitting down and crossing her legs in a polite manner. “Thank you again for agreeing to speak with me. Would you by any chance know why I am here?”

Twilight gave the alien a slight sideways glance at her forwardness. “Not specifically… But I assume it has something to do with the Armali Council, and the talks they are involved in with my Director of Interspecies Relations.”

“You’ve done your research. I’m impressed…” Mallene folded her hands together on her lap, straightening her posture. “Indeed, I currently represent the Armali Council in a joint conglomerate venture between them and the Serrice Council, in regards to a possible business arrangement with the Equestrian Herd.”

“Would you care to specify what kind of business arrangement?” Twilight asked suspiciously.

“Of course. As you well know, both Armali and Serrice are big names in the field of biotics; specifically in regards to biotic amplifiers and related products. To put it simply, we want to begin a research initiative into the biotic potential and utility of your people.”

Twilight’s eyes narrowed and her expression soured a bit. “You mean you want to study us.”

“Oh, Goddess forbid,” Calis spoke up, raising her hands defensively. “Nothing so banal, I assure you. All we are asking for is to be the first to gain exclusive rights to the development, production and distribution of products tailored to your species’ unique attributes. I might also add that we are hardly alone; several of our competitors are also interested in the same.”

Twilight blinked a few times, fending off her drowsiness while attempting to sort through what it was the representative was telling her. “I… see. And I trust that Fluttershy is aware of this as well?”

“That is correct. Talks with your Director are currently ongoing.”

The Madam President shifted back in her seat, raising her chin at the asari. “Then why are you coming to me? Fluttershy should be perfectly capable of making an informed decision about who and who not to do business with.”

“Not to insult your friend’s business savvy, but I must disagree with you on that,” Mallene put bluntly. “To be perfectly frank, I believe the Director is in danger of… I believe the expression is: ‘having the wool pulled over her eyes,’ so to speak.”

“Just what are you implying?” Twilight asked, wondering what gave the asari woman the audacity to insult her friend’s diplomatic abilities.

“I’m saying that Armali-Serrice’s competitors, if you could even call them that, will no doubt resort to any number of underhanded tactics to make them seem preferable over ourselves, and each other. They are no doubt filling your friend’s head with empty promises and bluster for what will inevitably end up in an inferior product.”

Twilight crossed her hooves together. “And you aren’t?”

“There is no need. Our reputation for quality and unmatched performance speaks for itself,” Calis went on to explain, a touch of pride entering her voice. “The Asari have had centuries to perfect this sort of research. We are simply the best in the business.”

The businesswoman then looked around casually, before leaning forwards slightly and dropping her voice just a tad. “A majority of our competition are human-based firms. Not to sound speciesist, but the Humans didn’t even know what biotics were until forty years ago. Companies like Kassa Fabrication used to deal exclusively in high-end engineering and technology, only jumping on the biotics bandwagon when they thought they could corner the market on amps designed for human physiology. If you need any further convincing, take a look at their L1 and L2 model implants. You’ll see exactly what I mean. These are the sorts of things our competition will try their hardest to keep from the Director.”

The Madam President merely stared through the asari woman’s pitch, fighting the urge to yawn. “This is all very fascinating, Mrs. Calis, but what, if anything, does this have to do with me specifically?”

“The reason I’m telling you this, Madam President, is because you are in the unique position to affect the outcome of this venture,” Calis stated. “Director Fluttershy will eventually make a choice… but you are her superior; the Equestrians’ highest authority. You can help her to make the right one.”

Twilight had to resist the urge to bring her hoof to her snout as the asari’s motivation became fully apparent. “...You want an endorsement.”

“That’s not how I would have put it, but if that’s how you wish to interpret it, then yes.” Before the unicorn could say anything to follow up, Calis continued, able to sense that her initial pitch was not terribly successful. “Before you dismiss this out of hand, at least let me present my case fully. I am not looking to coerce you; simply to make sure that you have a clear view of all of your options… You have as much at stake here as Armali-Serrice does, perhaps even more so.”

The Madam President stared hard at Mallene’s practiced poker face, which not once during the encounter had faltered even in the slightest. Either she honestly believed what she was saying, or she was good. Really good.

As much as she wanted to simply end the meeting right then and there, something in the back of Twilight’s mind made her pause. She supposed… what was the harm in hearing her out?

“...Alright. You have five minutes. Talk.”

“More than I’ll need.” Calis got to her feet, and began to slowly pace back and forth in front of the desk as she went about explaining. “Should Armali-Serrice be successful in securing the contract, our finest and most qualified researchers will begin working immediately to develop Equestrian-specific biotic utilities, in conjunction with your own scientists, if you should feel so inclined. Given the resources and experience at our disposal, such research should produce tangible results far quicker than our competition.”

“True, there is a price to pay for quality, and our services do not come cheap. But rest assured, you will get what you pay for.” The representative turned to face Twilight directly, and her features lightened into a practiced, disarming smile. “In addition, the moment our efforts bear fruit, we are prepared to offer below-market rates on the resulting biotic enhancements as part of the agreement.”

That got Twilight’s attention. For all Calis’ talk about her company’s pedigree for excellence, it could be argued that they very much deserved it. Off-the-shelf biotic amps were one thing, but if it were possible to outfit the Herd with the best of the best for less than it would cost otherwise…

“We would also be willing to cover all costs related to surgical implementation and recovery for those inclined to participate,” Mallene added. “As a courtesy, of course.”

Twilight held a hoof to her chin. She couldn’t deny the potential gain here, but she still bore some apprehension. Something about all of this still made her uneasy. “And you’re going to do all of that… as long as I agree to give Fluttershy my recommendation?”

“Whether or not you do so has no bearing on the terms of the contract; everything I’ve just told you is already part of the agreement. I am not here to try and bribe you, Madam President.” The asari turned around, facing the desk and leaning slightly forward as she lowered her voice. “Everyone else will be making similar offers, but we are the only ones that can make good on it. With so much at stake… are you truly prepared to make an unwise choice?”

The asari’s question struck a chord with the unicorn, causing her to tense as she looked away. The simple answer was no.

The Reapers were coming. Weeks, months, perhaps years down the line, but Twilight had no doubts about the fact that the clock was ticking. When that day arrived, the very survival of her ponies could hinge on them getting every advantage they could get their hooves on. And augmenting their already prodigious biotic abilities with top-tier technology had the potential to make a major difference.

But it couldn’t just be that simple. Nothing about this world was. One thing was for sure, though: She was definitely going to give this some serious consideration.

“You’ve given me a lot to think about...” Twilight said, taking a breath as she struck a fine balance between denial and acceptance of the proposal. If the blue woman was feeling any sense of victory, she kept it well hidden behind a straight face. “I think that will conclude this meeting. I appreciate you coming to meet with me, and I’ll be sure to look into the matter further.”

“Of course, Madam President.” The asari bowed her head slightly to the unicorn. “Thank you for your time, and I hope that you will be willing to give the situation the proper consideration it deserves.”

Without another word, the asari swept out of the room, the door admitting her before closing and sealing itself behind her.

Forty-Two, who had stood mute and still as a statue at the side of Twilight’s desk throughout the entire exchange, suddenly blinked and turned towards the unicorn, who was now laying back on her chaise lounge on her back, her forelegs folded up against her chest.

“That was… unexpected,” Forty-Two started, his tone hesitant and unsure. “Regardless, will you be heading back to your apartment shortly?”

“Forty-Two, get me everything we have in regards to these biotic research proposals.”

“I’ll prepare an information packet for your perusal tomorrow morning, once you’ve gotten some proper--”

“As soon as possible, Forty-Two. I’m not going to sleep yet.” Twilight shook her head, again forcing the gnawing exhaustion down. “This is important.”

“I…” Forty-Two paused, taking note of the determination in his mistress’ eyes and the sudden spike in her vitals. In particular, the sudden off-kilter surge in her adrenal levels, which indicated she wasn’t going to be sleeping any time soon. “...As you wish, Madam President.”


Archived log: 42 of 50 - Day 61 A. E.

Location: outside the Madam President's apartment

Status: idle

At some point later in the day, Twilight eventually conceded that her lack of sleep might have been affecting her cognitive faculties, and Forty-Two was more than relieved to see his mistress to her apartment suite for a well-deserved break. He bid her goodnight, then assumed his dutiful guard position outside her door as it closed shut.

Some time later, he was in the exact same position, waiting. But much like Twilight herself, Forty-Two found himself having a hard time getting away from the strain of the day. Just like Twilight, he couldn’t help but be preoccupied by the status of the Herd as a whole, and how comparatively little he could do on his own to better the situation.

And as he usually did in order to escape the pressures of his position (as long as it was safe to do so), Forty-Two turned his attention inward. To an archived memory file that never failed to cheer him up whenever the need arose…

“What are you doing out here this early, filly?” a familiar, deep and authoritative tone spoke out with some amusement. “You should be in bed.”

“I’m not sleepy. I want it to be tomorrow faster.” Another voice. Pure, innocent, and with a slight lisp. “So I’m pushin’ the moon with my bioticals!”

Forty-Two’s vision turned to the side, looking upon the cerulean-coated filly who was standing with her hooves on the balcony rim.

“The effective range of a five year-old equine’s developing biotics is one-point-five meters. Such an action is impossible for you, Mistress Astrolia,” he remembered saying. His tone so jagged, so certain…

So wrong.

“Nuh-uh! Watch!” the little one shot back. She clenched her eyes shut as the tiny spiral poking out between her mane glowed weakly with an azure light. “Unnnngh… See? It moved!”

“This unit recommends you not strain yourself over--”

“It’s fine, Unit Forty-Two...” The elder tone tapped the mech on the side, indicating for it to cease, which the changeling obeyed without hesitation. “Well now, Little Moon… Do you really think you can push that big ol’ rock across the sky before dawn comes?”

“Sure can!” the filly responded enthusiastically.

“And all of the stars too?”

“And all a’ the stars too!”

The changeling stood mutely, its astrometric sensors trained on the planet’s moon to ensure that, despite its mistress’ declarations to the contrary, the satellite was still orbiting at its normal velocity within a .0000003% margin of error. Yet, as it was bidden, the mech said nothing.

And as the night went on... the changeling watched over the pair as the little filly’s horn continued to glow, and slowly but surely, the moon and stars--

*Archival browsing discontinued*

Forty-Two was shaken from the long since archived video log by a series of alerts that asserted themselves into his priorities. After a second to review what had so suddenly ended his playback, he found that the alerts had been sent via a program that he himself had designed and inserted onto the extranet.

Specifically, it was a benign autonomous function, created to monitor the Equestrians’ public extranet site for unusual activity. Most of the time it served its purpose in thwarting run-of-the-mill viral attacks and deleting the occasional inflammatory comment on the site’s message boards, but a quick review of the current situation revealed it as anything but “run-of-the-mill.”

Right now, as he skimmed through hundreds upon hundreds of threads and comments made over the past half hour, the mech found himself shocked by the sudden increase in negative feedback and irrational statements. The sheer volume of activity alone was taxing Forty-Two’s logical matrices, and it took longer than it should have for him to narrow down the root cause of all of it.

A few pages of navigation later, and Forty-Two came across what it was that had stirred up the extranet into a frenzy: some kind of documentary that had just finished airing on multiple sources across the Citadel and beyond.

After finding and downloading a bootlegged video-link, and playing the first five minutes of content, Forty-Two was aghast at what he was seeing. And the longer it played, the more his eyes would have widened, had they not been fixed in place.

With reluctance, he realized that this was something Twilight had to be made aware of… regardless of its unsavory nature and the fact that he very much doubted her ability to sleep afterwards.

“Madam President--” Forty-Two stated over an audio-link to the Madam President’s omni-hoof. He was not surprised when he was immediately interrupted.

“For the love of Celestia… WHAT!?” the disgruntled, rudely awakened unicorn on the other end shouted with such vigor that the changeling could hear it through the plastisteel door.

“We have a new problem.”


Two hours later, the video feed downloaded off the extranet was playing on the modestly large holographic vid-screen inside the Madam President’s apartment. Sitting in front of the screen were three mares, each in various states of dishevelment and none of whom having had the time to dress properly when they received the urgent summons. Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rarity all remained stock-still as they watched the video play on with all of the horror and fascination of a trainwreck.

A well-made and very sharply edited trainwreck, at that. The video took on the premise of a documentary; one that focused almost exclusively on the Equestrians as a species. But it was soon clear that being informative was on the lower end of this broadcast’s priorities, as just the first few minutes of the video revealed it to be a shameless, blatantly critical series of conspiracy theories and dubious “facts” pertaining to the Equestrians’ origins and motives.

But while there had indeed been radical theories posited before, in the dark corners of the extranet where such ideas were given voice and acceptance, this was the first time that such ideas were meant to be seen and heard by major populations. It had all the hallmarks of a typical documentary; interviews with experts, presentations of evidence, and video mockups of “how it could have happened.” But while it was all disgusting and inflamatory on its face, the assembled ponies couldn’t deny that it was at the very least convincing.

“And in the end, what you must ask yourself is…” a mockingly serene asari voice announced as the vid drew to a close, the final images fading to black. “...is it worth the Cost of Grazing?”

There were no production credits, as the vid simply ended right there. The silence in the Madam President’s apartment was deafening for several moments before the first of the three mares managed to find her voice.

“I am going to destroy them!” Rarity declared, trembling from tail to withers with sheer indignation.

“Get in line, Rarity. You can have what’s left of them when I’m done.” Twilight’s glower was nearly the same intensity as it had been the night before about this time, when Forty-Two had brought the issue with Dr. Hern to her attention. Of course, the fact that she had had a grand total of seventy-one minutes of sleep in that timeframe likely didn’t help, and it was beginning to show.

“Just what in Celestia’s name was that supposed to be? Was that what passes for journalism in this galaxy?” Fluttershy stomped her hoof, her own agitation just as apparent, but more muted than her friends as she shook her head, as if trying to dislodge some of what she had just watched from of her brain. “This is fiction! How was this even made? Who could do such a thing?”

“Good question. Forty-Two?” Twilight turned to the mech, who had been waiting for the inevitable request. “Please tell me you have something.”

“Data compiled,” the changeling chirped, trying to retain a neutral tone.

“Okay. First off, what is this?” Twilight asked him as he stepped forward and into the impromptu meeting that was being held near Twilight’s bed.

“Aside from a complete and total insult to our entire species,” Rarity added, as if expecting that to be the mech’s first observation.

The Cost of Grazing was produced by a turian-volus centric media outlet known as Hard-Press Media, which operates out of Aroch Ward on the other side of the Citadel. Their portfolio and previous works indicates an excessively conservative-aggressive viewpoint on the vast majority of galactic political subjects.”

“Previous works? You mean they’ve made other things like this?” Fluttershy asked, disgust clear in her voice.

“Previous works attributed to the studio’s production centers include Relay 319: The True Story, which appears to be a historically inaccurate reimagining of the Human First Contact War; The Coup, which offers circumstantial evidence indicating that Saren Arterius was a patsy, and the Systems Alliance purposefully instigated the Battle of the Citadel in order to seize power from the Council ‘appeasers’; and Locusts, a three hour feature detailing the threat posed to the galaxy’s working class by quarian migrant workers.”

“Well, nice to know we’re not the first species to get this treatment,” Twilight all but sneered.

“So they’re just a bunch of xenophobic conspiracy mongers...” Rarity seemed relieved. “Good. With that kind of reputation, I find it hard to believe that anypony would take them seriously.”

“Hard-Press Media is counted among the top ten highest-rated media production outlets in Citadel Space,” Forty-Two informed the mare, whose head snapped towards him at the announcement. “And among the top six in Turian Hierarchy-controlled territories. Locusts premiered ten years ago, going on to win multiple awards from the Irune Cinematic Society.”

At this news, the Director of Culture let out a gagging, disgusted sort of sound. “How could those responsible for this manure possibly find an audience, much less win awards for it?”

“It’s repulsive, is what it is.” Fluttershy shook her head, bitterness clear in her tone.

“I have to agree, Fluttershy.” Twilight closed her eyes, her voice surprisingly calm. “And the worst part about it is… it carries just enough truth to make the rest of it seem plausible.”

Rarity did a double-take. “W-what was that? Twilight, do you have any idea what you’re saying?” The unicorn cast her hoof at the dormant display screen that had hosted the vile imagery. “That was nothing but two hours of lies! Lies and slander!”

“It was, don’t get me wrong,” Twilight put her hooves up defensively. “But almost everything they mentioned is related, however lightly, to some very real facts about us.”

“They claimed we were genetically engineered in a lab!” Rarity pointed out, drawing on the rumor that the Equestrians were the result of a secret human biotic super-weapon initiative.

“But… we are genetically engineered,” Fluttershy pointed out demurely. “...Kind of.”

“They said we were placed on the Citadel in order to infiltrate galactic society!” the mare went on, breathlessly turning to her pegasus friend. “That we are nothing more than part of a human plot to supplant the Council and take over the government!”

“Rarity, we came to the Citadel on a Cerberus ship,” Twilight spoke up. “It also doesn’t help that we share common DNA with Earth species, and that the system we originated from was ‘conveniently’ destroyed by the explosion of the Harmony Core. As it stands, there’s plenty for these people to use as ammunition against us, even if their take on the situation is an outright fabrication.”

“Bu… but…” Rarity stammered, looking between her two friends as she inevitably conceded that they indeed had a point. She sighed, her ears drooping down. “It’s still not fair…”

“You’re right, it isn’t,” Twilight said consolingly, placing a hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “But it’s done, and it’s out there on the extranet. There’s no stopping it now.”

“What I want to know…” Fluttershy started. “...is why? Why do all of this? What could anyone possibly stand to gain from stirring up fear and suspicion about us?”

“Based on available information, this unit has formulated a hypothesis,” Forty-Two answered the Director, making it seem like he was interpreting a command instead of speaking of his own volition. “Hard-Press Media is a publicly owned enterprise, and a majority of its financial backers are businesses originating from Hierarchy and volus territories.”

“Wait, don’t tell me…” Twilight’s expression soured, and she grit her teeth together.

“Among these, Expanding Reaches is the largest, with a fourteen percent stake in the company,” Forty-Two confirmed in spite of Twilight’s explicit desire for him not to do so.

“Jex Kailer.” Fluttershy gave a disgusted huff that easily matched Twilight’s expression. “It seems so obvious now.”

“I’m sorry, who?” Rarity looked between her two friends, clearly in the dark.

“Long story. Let’s just say that Jex is a volus big-shot with a lot of money and a particular dislike for the Herd.” Twilight shook her head again. “Do you remember the grand opening? There was that salarian we caught trying to smuggle in monitoring equipment.”

“Oh, yes… Something about corporate espionage, wasn’t it? Rainbow and Lt. Pyres arrested him.”

“And that’s not the worst of it,” Fluttershy mentioned. “It seems like every other day, Expanding Reaches is harassing me. Either asserting that we’ve gotten ahold of their employee roster and are discriminating against their employees, or filing legal notices and trying to evict us from the district.”

“Seriously?” Rarity levelled a surprised glance at the pegasus. “Based on what?”

“Everything from asserting that animals can’t own property, to something about habitat requirements for herbivorous quadrupeds, and some sort of tax issue I didn’t really understand.” Fluttershy shrugged. “Nothing they’ve tried to levy against us has stood up in court so far, especially since Lyra’s been helping me sort things out on the legal end. I’m not surprised that Kailer’s resorted to a smear campaign.”

“But none of that really matters at this point,” Twilight interjected, trying to shift the issue back to the present. “What we need to figure out is how we’re going to respond.”

“Do we really need to respond to something like this?” Fluttershy suggested, which drew ire in her direction from both mares. “I mean, maybe we should just wait and see what happens.”

“It isn’t that simple, Fluttershy,” Twilight countered, slightly disappointed yet not terribly surprised by the pegasus’ suggestion. “Sitting back and watching everything play out wouldn’t have worked with the krogan a few weeks ago, and it’s not going to work here.”

“This is different.” The Director of Interspecies Relations shook her head. “And it calls for a different approach. This video wasn’t meant for us, it was made for a very specific audience.”

“Idiots and bigots?” Rarity crinkled her nose in disgust.

“The ignorant and the spiteful,” Fluttershy corrected, although in her currently fuming mood, Twilight couldn’t say she saw much difference. “Do we really want to dignify this with a response?”

“But we have to respond,” Rarity stated immediately. “I’m not about to just let these hate-mongers sully our good names! I won’t stand for it!”

“So what do you suggest we do?” Twilight asked, trying to keep her expression neutral in an effort to hide her exhaustion.

“I say we call a press conference in response. Get ahead of the story, as it were,” Rarity continued as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “Fight fire with facts. We’ll route them off at every lie. If they think they can get away with this outlandish scheme, they have another thing coming!”

“I admire your passion, Rarity, but I don’t think that’s the best way to handle this,” Twilight cut in, halting her friend’s momentum. “A lot of the things we would need to clear up reach into some… sensitive topics.”

“You mean like our need to clothe ourselves in public? We’ve been down this road before, darling.”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Not that kind of sensitive… I’m talking about our origins, the reason we’re here in the first place, the reason behind a lot of our admittedly porous history. The Council’s warned us about making too much of our “claims” public knowledge, even if it is the truth.”

“So you’re going to agree with Fluttershy, then?” Rarity sneered, clearly not pleased with the idea. “You can’t honestly be suggesting we simply let this go, are you?”

The Madam President’s eyes narrowed aggressively, making the tired lines around their edges even more pronounced. “Buck no… I say we sue them.”

Rarity, Fluttershy, and even Forty-Two turned to look at the lavender unicorn, who was strangely calm in spite of the malice in her tone.

Sue? As in… take Hard-Press to court over this?” Fluttershy tilted her head worriedly. “Do you really think that’s a good idea?”

“Of course it is. You all saw what they said! If that isn’t outright slander, then I don’t know the definition of the word.” Twilight pointedly folded her forelegs across her chest. “At the very least, they’re guilty of incitement! They pretty much stopped just short of calling for an armed insurrection to oust us from the Wards!”

“Twilight,” Rarity cautioned, able to tell that the lavender unicorn was starting to sound a little sensational. “You really should think this through. Hard-Press Media is a large corporation that no doubt has an army of lawyers at their disposal.”

“Your point?” Twilight snapped.

“To put it bluntly, all we have is Lyra, unless we can find the credits to hire someone else.”

Twilight was about to retort, but Rarity was right. It just took her a few seconds to realize it. Her bravado sufficiently punctured, her tone shifted to a more somber one. “Yeah… I guess you’re right…” she sighed, rubbing her face with a hoof.

Both Rarity and Fluttershy gave each other a worried look, apparently coming to the same conclusion.

“Are… you feeling okay, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Of course I’m okay,” Twilight said defensively. “What makes you think I’m not?”

“Twilight…” Rarity started, worry apparent in her eyes. “When was the last time you slept? Really slept I mean, not that ‘study-time’ power napping you used to do.”

“I… It doesn’t matter. Look, maybe sueing isn’t the answer, but perhaps a public denouncement… Come at them aggressively and show that we aren’t going to--”

“Twilight, you're starting to ramble.” Fluttershy moved up to Twilight’s side. “We’ll still wait on you before making a decision, but right now, you’re not thinking clearly.”

“You know that you don’t always make the best decisions when you’re emotional, Twilight,” Rarity continued. “Adding on top of that everything you’ve had to handle today regarding Applejack...”

Twilight’s ears flattened as she fixed the other unicorn with a stern look. “Yeah, thanks, Rarity. Because I really needed to be reminded of that.”

“This can wait until morning, Twilight. Please, try to get some sleep,” Fluttershy implored, getting to her hooves. “As it is, I think I’m going to turn in as well.”


“In the morning, darling. Clearer heads will prevail, and all that.” Rarity yawned daintily into her hoof.

“I…” Twilight sighed, feeling her body relax, joints burning painfully as she did so and her head feeling like it was full of cobwebs again. “A-alright. I’ll see you girls in the morning, first thing… so we can address this issue.”

“We’ll wait for your call.” Fluttershy nodded as she turned and moved to the door, which slid open immediately.

“And don’t worry, Twilight,” Rarity assured her friend. “Tomorrow will be a better day.”

The two ponies, having bid their goodnights, proceeded home to their own apartments, leaving Twilight alone with her assistant. The silence was nearly deafening, but it did nothing to help quell the maelstrom of thoughts in her head, demanding her attention.

“Twilight, perhaps I should--” Forty-Two started.

“Outside, Forty-Two,” the unicorn said blankly, picking up her heavy hooves and making her way to her bed.


“Please…” The Madam President dragged herself on the bed, drawing the sheets tightly around her and curling up with her legs against her chest. “I want to be alone.”

Forty-Two spent a number of seconds searching for the right words, but he came up with nothing. He lowered his head, the illumination in his eyes dimming.

“Complying, Madam President.” He stated simply, turning and moving out the doors himself. The moment he passed the threshold, they snapped shut, the red hologram lock buzzing as it went into place.

As he stood vigil that night, Forty-Two kept a constant watch on his Mistress’ vitals, disturbed by the fact that, in spite of her blatantly obvious exhaustion, it was plainly obvious that she wasn’t resting. Clearly, the events of the day and other heavily weighing burdens had pushed the unicorn harder than anypony had realized.

Tomorrow will be a better day.

If Forty-Two didn’t know any better, Rarity’s words sounded an awful lot like tempting fate.

Author's Note:

Directive Decision
The Deal with Biotics

It has been brought to the Madam President’s attention that a number of corporate biotics research interests have propositioned Director Fluttershy as of late. Specifically at issue is the potential of Equestrian biotics, or rather, their untapped potential. Firms such as ExoGeni Corp, Kassa Fabrications, and the Armali and Serrice Councils have expressed interest in studying members of the Herd, researching the specifics of their physiology and assessing their physical limitations. The end result of this research: biotic amplification implants being made available for the Equestrian market.

As Mrs. Calis so bluntly put it in her meeting with the Madam President, Armali-Serrice has a great deal more experience, larger budgets, and experts with centuries of biotic study behind them. She has made the assertion that Armali-Serrice is the only company amidst the dozen or so that can back up their offer, and that they are the obvious choice. She has, however, expressed doubt that Fluttershy will see it the same way, as other companies may attempt to match their offer, yet few will be able to follow through with the same degree of reliability.

For example, Kassa Fabrication’s Biotics Research Division manages barely a fraction of what Armali-Serrice can provide, but they are willing to offer a sizable portion of all proceeds resulting from patents, rights, and royalties attributed to both the research garnered from Equestrians and its potential applications. A generous offer, to be sure, but there is no guarantee that results beyond Equestrian-specific products can be expected. Other companies in the same situation will likely be making similar pitches, and it is impossible to accurately judge which ones are sincere, and which ones are simply wishful thinking.

As it seems, there are three possible options:

Option A: Endorse the Armali-Serrice Deal - Mrs. Calis was undeniably right about one thing: Director Fluttershy holds the Madam President’s opinion in high regard. There is a high likeliness that, should Twilight voice a recommendation for their offer, Fluttershy will agree. This will result in Armali-Serrice obtaining the contract, and with it, the Equestrian Herd can expect their sizable resources to begin right away. In a relatively short time, we are expected to have access to high-quality amps and associated products produced by the firm for a discounted, yet still substantial, cost.

Option B: Inform Fluttershy - While no attempts were made at bribery or coercion, Mrs. Calis’ attempt to sway the Madam President personally might be a sign of desperation. It is clear that Armali-Serrice wants this deal and wants the exclusive rights to the Herd’s biotic potential as much, perhaps more so, than their competition. Informing the Director of the attempted appeal to her higher authority will likely sour her own view of Armali-Serrice’s offer. While the effort is not morally questionable in and of itself, Fluttershy might not see it that way, and will likely find it grounds for immediate rejection.

Option C: Do Not Interfere - The Madam President can simply decide not to act on this information. As a result, Fluttershy will make her decision given her own understanding of the situation and purely on her own judgment. All offers will be given equal consideration, regardless of their specifics.

Directive Decision
The Mudslingers

It seems we have become a bit too complacent in regards to Jex Kalier’s continuing crusade to claim New Ponyville as his own. In spite of the continued success of the Herd’s business interests (or perhaps because of it) the volus has instigated a smear campaign against the Equestrians. Hard-Press Media, which caters to an ultra-conservative galactic audience, has released a “documentary” on the Herd, entitled: “The Cost of Grazing.” The seeming objective of the piece is to paint the Herd in a wholly malicious light, playing on the public’s wariness and general mistrust of humanity and shining a spotlight on the connections between the two, while entertaining a host of wild and inflammatory theories. While a majority of the presentation consists of outright fabrication, there are just enough tiny splinters of truth buried inside to be taken seriously by the Citadel’s public.

To say the Madam President is upset would be a gross understatement.

The negative impact, coupled with the still fresh scandal involving Director Applejack (The timing of this release is far too convenient for this to be a coincidence.) is already having an effect on the New Ponyville extranet site that will likely soon spill into New Ponyville itself.

In spite of Directors Fluttershy and Rarity both insisting that Twilight rest and not take any rash action until morning, it is clear that this issue has kept her awake throughout the night. Although what conclusion she has come to after her ample time to think over the problem, one can only speculate.

Running predictive model of Madam President’s reaction...

Public Awareness Campaign: “The only way to fight ignorance is with facts!”
Aggressive Approach:“We won’t take this lying down. They had better be ready for a fight.”
Do Nothing: “We’re not even going to dignify this garbage with a response.”

::New Option Available::
:: Option presented by Silent-Judge::

A new option has become available following review of the situation. Some weeks ago, before the Grand Opening of New Ponyville, the option was presented to officially open the district for media perusal. As per the Citadel's Wildlife Protection Laws under which New Ponyville was granted to the Equestrian Herd, the area is currently off limits to reporters and film-maker. At the time, the option to lift the ban was passed over in favor of the Director's Interview and has remained intact until now.
By lifting this embargo and inviting Ms. Wong back to the district to perform her 'District' Interviews, it may give a less defined measure of answers without adhering to a 'unified' governmental response to the 'Cost of Grazing' video. Earlier concerns of security leaks should be negligable as all Equestrians have been informed of the situation regarding sharing information related to the Reapers and Equestria, although the chance of such slips of the tongue remain.

The largest downside is that once the Media ban is lifted, that means that New Ponyville security will not be able to turn away reporters, filmmakers, and press at the docks as they have in the past. This means that members of the press less than friendly to our cause may also 'snipe in' for interviews or to gain footage of New Ponyville.
Given the circumstances, this is a risk that we may have to take.

Open Media Access to New Ponyville: "Forty-Two, get me Emily Wong at Citadel News Net."



The Deal with Biotics


Endorse Amali-Serrice Deal: 22.9%
Inform Fluttershy: 18.8%
Do Not Interfere: 55.3%


The Mudslingers

Public Awareness Campaign: 19.2%
Aggressive Approach: 6.9%
Do Nothing: 10.1%

Calculation Error: 63.8% unaccounted for.
Attempting to recalibrate predictive algorithms to find source of error.

Standby: Incoming transmission from M.P. Sparkle.

"Forty-Two, get me Emily Wong at Citadel News Network"

The Madam President has quite enough on her docket, and in spite of her own misgivings, will leave this matter in Fluttershy's hooves.

Apparently, the Madam President has come up with a new solution.

(Additional option provided by Silent-Judge. Thank you for your addition to the story.)