• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 19,704 Views, 3,317 Comments

Mass Effect: Shades of Twilight - Loyal2Luna

Following the events of Equestrian Equation, Twilight must lead her people to a new life in the Milky Way Galaxy, prevent the established races from exploiting the Herd, and prepare for the inevitable return of the Reapers. (An Interactive story)

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Arc 1 - Part 3: Sowing Seeds

Sowing Seeds

Active Log: 42 of 50 - Day 9 A.E

Present location: New Ponyville, Third Level Observation Balcony

Status: facilitating two-way communications

M.P. Sparkle in conference call with Citadel News Net Reporter, Emily Wong

Madam President Twilight Sparkle took a breath, nodding as she came to her decision after a few moments of silent contemplation.

“I don’t think most ponies are ready for the spotlight just yet,” the mare stated. “However, I would be more than happy to have the Directors sit down with you for an extended interview.”

“Alright, can you give me a moment to contact my producer and set it up?” came Emily’s voice from Forty-Two, her inflection pleasant.

“By all means,” Twilight said before drawing a hoof across her throat, a motion which Forty-Two immediately interpreted and executed as a signal to cut the connection, his eyes returning to full illumination. “Forty-Two, can you send a directive to the mechs to contact all of the Directors, with the exception of Pinkie Pie, and inform them of the situation? If they are available, we’ll likely be needing their assistance immediately.”

“I have already done so,” the mech assured her immediately upon re-establishing his own vocals, before voicing a concern. “I have to ask: Are you really sure about this, Twilight?”

“Of course I’m sure.” Twilight nodded. “I have faith that the others can conduct themselves in a respectable manner.”

“With all due respect to the Directors, Madam President, Applejack is honest to the point of embarrassment, Rainbow Dash tends to be brash and easily excitable, Rarity is an unrepentant show-pony, and I fear what the pressure of an audience will do for Fluttershy’s psyche,” Forty-Two pointed out bluntly. “And you would be asking them to answer unfielded questions in front of a live viewership of millions… potentially billions of sentients.”

“Well, I wouldn’t consider Pinkie Pie to be entirely ‘stable,’” Twilight countered, shuddering just slightly at remembering the experience in Sugar³. “And she managed just fine with Miss Wong. Besides, the alternative would leave the reputation of the entire Herd open to the reactions of a random sample of ponies. Can you imagine her interviewing the Crusaders?” The unicorn gave a tired chuckle. “Speaking of which, we really should set up some sort of town meeting or something to get everypony on the same page. I’ve been so busy, it hadn’t occurred to me to lay some ground rules out for everypony.”

“I’ll set some time aside to organize it, Twilight. But couldn’t we have simply rescheduled the media access until after addressing the Herd?”

“Maybe, but that would’ve likely put Emily, or more likely her employers, off,” Twilight defended herself and her decision. “If we are going to do this, then I want to present our best to the galactic audience. Emily’s a good person, but she’s also a journalist. There’s no doubt she would investigate if she thought we were hiding things.”

“But Madam President…” Forty-Two’s tone was flat. “…we are hiding things.”

“Details.” Twilight waved a hoof at the mech playfully as his antennae lit up, indicating he was receiving some new data.

“Miss Wong is addressing Seventeen of Twenty. Shall I re-establish contact?”

Twilight nodded, permitting the reopening of communications as Forty-Two’s eyes again turned to lines of audio feedback.

“Yes, Miss Wong?” Twilight asked, keeping her tone pleasant.

“Good news, Madam President,” Emily informed the mare. “My producer has given the green light and I’ve also been authorized to offer some monetary compensation for your time. With your permission, and if the Directors approve, we can set up a group interview at the Zakera Ward News Net Studio and have it all put together in under an hour.”

“A studio?” Twilight tilted her head, a little confused. “I thought you were going to perform the interviews on the spot here in New Ponyville.”

“Well, for the random streetside interviews I was originally aiming for, that would have been the plan, but this is a different animal altogether. Something of this nature involving cultural and diplomatic VIPs calls for a professional, high quality approach. My camera drone could do the job, but they have all the equipment and facilities at the studio to give the Directors’ interview the level of quality and attention it deserves. The controlled environment would also add to the professional setting and atmosphere and prevent unforeseen ‘interruptions’ during a live broadcast.”

“I can see your point... As long as they’re comfortable with it, I approve.” Twilight nodded to herself before a thought occurred to her. “Can you provide transport?”

“Of course. News Net can dispatch another shuttle to ‘discreetly’ bring the Directors to the studio and return them home when it’s done. No need to draw undue attention.”

“That would be appreciated, but I also have to insist that they are accompanied by their personal changeling drones at all times.”

“I don’t think that would be an issue,” Emily quickly agreed. “Having celebrities accompanied by bodyguards is nothing new.”

“And I would like the mechs to be kept strictly off camera,” Twilight added as a sudden afterthought, realizing that she had a responsibility to also work the angles to protect certain assets of the Herd.

There was a moment of silence from Forty-Two as it was clear the request had taken the reporter by surprise.

“May I ask why, Madam President?”

“They are an Equestrian-exclusive technology and I would rather they not be observed and visually analyzed in high definition by outside parties,” Twilight explained, which she noted elicited an approving nod from Forty-Two. “I’m sure you can understand.”

“Of course. Don’t worry, they will be kept out of the interview,” Emily replied before Forty-Two’s eyes lit up again, the mech retaking control of his vocal units.

“Madam President: The Directors have been notified of the situation and all four have accepted the proposal. They are standing by with the drones for further instructions.”

“Alright,” Twilight set her hooves together on the table in front of her. “Let’s get this show on the road.”


Active Log: 42 of 50 - Day 9 A.E

Present location: M.P. Twilight Sparkle’s apartment

Status: observing Citadel News Net’s live extranet feed

“Welcome to Citadel News Net. I’m Emily Wong, here with a special extranet broadcast, live from our Zakera Ward studio.”

Twilight tapped her hooves together in a clearly nervous manner as she lay on her bed, watching the holographic projection of the two-dimensional display on the wall of her modest apartment. Emily Wong’s disarming smile and well-versed introduction spoke of her flair and experience despite being watched by an untold number of sentient beings that were in easy broadcast range on the enormous space station.

As Emily proceeded to speak, pleasantly introducing the four ponies that she was interviewing to the audience as their names scrolled by along the bottom of the screen, Forty-Two took a moment to look about and take in their surroundings, this being his first time actually inside his mistress’ “private sanctuary.”

The single room studio apartment of the Madam President (while quite spacious) remained utterly undecorated, with an unpainted grey bulkhead surrounding them, the serial numbers stamped into the prefab material still clearly visible. While a standard human style foam bed had been set up for her comfort against one side wall opposite of the projection, it seemed to be the only thing inside the apartment that had seen any real use. An empty kitchenette stood at the back of the apartment, and off to the side was a sliding doorway that led to the washroom.

However, far more interesting than the apartment itself, was the company that Twilight had invited to watch the interview with her on her surprisingly large extranet projection screen. At the foot of Twilight’s bed, the four young foals known as the “Cutie Mark Crusaders” (at least, until they could come up with a new name for their group) made their presence known as they cheered on the four mares now sharing the galactic spotlight.

“AJ looks awesome!” Apple Bloom commented, reaching over to the communal bowl of popcorn the four had been offered (which was quite a treat after days of hay and alfalfa) and taking note of the clever angling of the mobile camera as it panned over the stetson-wearing earth pony.

“Rarity’s been working on that outfit for days,” Sweetie informed her compatriots as the shot panned over Rarity, the only one of the four who had actually dressed for the occasion. To Twilight, the clothing somewhat resembled the ensemble worn by Commander Shepard’s XO back aboard the Normandy, the woman who called herself Miranda.

As she watched Rarity subtly angle herself so that the camera caught a full view of the outfit, the Madam President couldn’t help but be impressed (and slightly put off) by what the fashionista had decided to spend her small amount of discretionary funds on.

“Check out Rainbow, she looks like she’s ready to kick some flank and take some names!” Scootaloo grinned as the mare she still idolized stood at attention like a trained Royal Guard, nodding gruffly as if trying to project a sense of authority and aloofness.

“Aww, Fluttershy looks so sweet,” said Silver Spoon, who had joined her new friends for this little get-together while her mother had stated she had “real work” to do at her office in the neighboring Administration Building. “Did they put makeup on her or is that the camera doing that?”

“I’m pretty sure that’s real blush on her cheeks.” Apple Bloom shrugged.

“Nah... That’s definitely the camera.” Sweetie tapped her chin thoughtfully as she squinted at the image of Fluttershy.

As the four amateur political commentators lounged on the floor, Forty-Two considered the last of the figures in the room, who was standing stoically on the opposite side of Twilight’s bed. Big Macintosh watched with a silent, contemplative expression as the various pleasantries were exchanged between the Directors of the Equestrian Herd and their human interviewer.

“Ya’ll okay, Twi?” Big Mac asked in his usual slow-paced, heavily drawled manner, taking note of Twilight’s anxiety as the interview began in earnest.

“Of course I’m okay!” Twilight responded quickly, rubbing her hooves together with a forced grin. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“The Madam President’s current level of stress is likely due to a combination of second thoughts concerning allowing the interview, a sense of helplessness at being so far removed from them that she is now unable to intervene, and social anxiety from putting herself into a non-professional setting with other ponies.”

Twilight glared at the mech, who did not even bother to turn his eyes to her as he seemed to be paying total attention to the unfolding interview.

“Thanks, Forty-Two,” Twilight managed through gritted teeth as her sarcasm kicked in. “I sorely needed to have that thrown out in the open.”

“You’re welcome, Madam President,” The mech answered in his flat, artificial voice which showed no reaction to her clear discomfort.

“There’s no reason ta be so nervous,” Big Mac observed, a simple statement that made the unicorn’s posture slump. “Ya’ll know ya can let yer mane down with us, Twi. We’re your friends. Hay, we’re practically family.”

Twilight looked to the large red stallion, letting go of a breath as she deflated in response to his slightly pleading tone.

“I know, Big Macintosh. And you’re right. I need to relax. I just… It’s weird to shift gears from having to be ‘Madam President’ to just being ‘Twilight,’” the unicorn confided in the stallion. “And besides, it’s not like we’re simply watching a vid. What’s happening right now could have all sorts of ramifications on--”

“Twi, shush!” Apple Bloom looked up over the lip of the bed glaring at the two adult ponies. “It’s startin’!”

Forty-Two had to actively suppress a mechanical snicker, as the filly scolding the two adults and asking for quiet set off his irony-detection subroutines. This reaction only took a fraction of a second before the room grew silent again, all eyes (both organic and mechanical) focused on the projected screen as the mech committed the events unfolding before him to memory.


Active Log: 42 of 50 - Day 10 A.E

Present location: New Ponyville, Administration Level

Status: idle

Currently reviewing archived footage of CNN’s interview with the Board of Directors

“How would you describe your reception after coming aboard the Citadel?” Emily Wong asked, her tone pleasant as the four mares looked to one another.

Forty-Two paused the playback, analyzing the facial cues of the four mares… that slight unspoken agreement between them that delegated the task of answering to the most approachable among them: the demure yellow pegasus who hesitated for one-point-zero-eight seconds before responding.

Forty-Two resumed playback.

“Oh, everypony has been just amazing,” Fluttershy answered, her soft smile rating a twelve on a one to ten “cuteness rating” (or so Sweetie had described in her commentary). “When we first arrived, many of us were so scared… lost… and afraid of what was to come. To think that the galaxy would be so generous as to take us in. Well, I know that we are all quite eager to prove ourselves worthy of the kindness that we’ve been shown.”

Forty-Two paused the image.

There it was again; the slight, commanding undertone she projected while maintaining a perfectly soft voice. The passive-assertive manner in which it was said made absolutely certain to the audience that the Herd had no intention of freeloading.

Considering this in conjunction with a later point in the interview, the mech fast-forwarded his playback and came to a particularly memorable scene about twenty minutes later, when Emily Wong had started to use screened questions from viewers commenting on the extranet.

“Director Applejack, this one is for you. IntrepidDuty4731 from Palaven asks: ‘With your species displaying so many incompatibilities with technology available on the galactic market, how can you expect to compete in said market?'”

“So what he’s askin’ is: ‘How are we supposed ta get by if we’re so different from ya’ll?’” Applejack chuckled at the question before her expression turned more serious. “Well, ta tell the truth, it ain’t been easy. We’ve already been tryin’ since we came here ta get our hooves wet in the jobs market, and there ain’t no shortage of desire ta put in some hard work. Most folk’ll say it’s on account of us lackin’ any real experience, but if ya ask me, the real problem we’ve been havin’ is because a’ these.” Applejack raised a forehoof to illustrate her point. “Just because we can’t so much as type on a dang keyboard, most folk don’t think we’re fit for the kinda jobs you bipeds can do.”

While this may have been Applejack’s personal belief, Forty-Two didn’t think it was entirely accurate. The real issue that the Herd had been dealing with was a matter of liability. The companies that were rebuilding Tayseri didn’t want to risk being held accountable if a member of their “endangered” species was injured on their watch.

“But them same folks are forgettin’ somethin’ important.”

“And that would be?” Emily asked, clearly intrigued.

“Deep down, we’re just like everyone else on this station. When trouble comes a-knockin’, we find a way to do it.” Applejack nodded, firmly rooted in her beliefs. “Life is all about overcomin’ all sorts of obstacles.”

“Yeah, just think of the Hanar,” the Director of Defense interrupted brusquely. “I mean, flying jellyfish! That’s way weirder than a pony if you ask me. If you go by the ‘incapable due to being different’ theory that we keep hearing, then don’t you think they should be stuck in an aquarium somewhere? And yet here they are on the Citadel, putting up shops and starring in entertainment vids. I mean, you have one right over there…” Rainbow pointed off camera, presumably to a hanar employee of Citadel News Net. “…who is making this awesome vid of us.”

What Ah’m sayin’ is…” Applejack took the scene back, nudging her friend in the ribs to bring the point back around. “All we’re askin’ fer is the chance ta prove we’re just as capable as anyone else.”

While Forty-Two would have grimaced internally at the less-than-flattering depiction of the Hanar, the message as a whole at least had been well-delivered. That made a total of six separate instances attempting to put forward the idea that the Herd was eager and willing to integrate into Citadel society. Hopefully enough to get the point across to the general public and engender the Herd’s public image.

Forty-Two let the playback continue.

“Alright. This next one is from CerulianInspired writing from all the way on Cyone: ‘Directors, as an aspiring anthropologist, I find myself wondering how a people that has been so isolated from galactic society could so quickly have their spoken language integrated into standard translation models without requiring so much as a minor patch. Can you explain this?’”

“Oh! I can take this one.” Rarity raised a hoof, quickly cutting off the other three Directors as she cleared her throat and making grand gestures as if she were addressing the crowd in person. “I had the very same question when we first encountered the Systems Alliance. As I understand it, the reason you can understand us, darling, is because we are already speaking a variation of standard Earth English, which is recognized by all translation software available in the galaxy.”

Emily gave the white unicorn a thoughtful look.

“So you were speaking in a human language before you even met your first human?” she queried, putting forward the obvious question.

“Why, yes. As Fluttershy explained earlier, we were raised in suspended animation; our interactions taking place in a virtual setting until we were rescued. The programs in charge of that world made it a point to introduce us to different languages common in the galaxy for when we might be able to communicate with our rescuers once we were found. Earth English was most recently chosen due to being the most likely we would encounter, given our former home’s proximity to Alliance Space. Before they came onto the galactic stage, I’m quite sure we were all speaking in an asari, or perhaps even a salarian dialect. But to us, it’s simply a native tongue. I suppose that the best way to describe our usage of the language would be ‘Equestrian English.’”

Forty-Two couldn’t help but huff in an electronic snort of amusement. This was only partly true.

Honestly, the human language had supplanted the galactic “trade tongue” dialect (which had long been determined to be the most commonly spoken language in the galaxy) as the Equestrian “default” for one simple reason: His former mistress had adored human culture. In particular, the works of human poets and writers of the English language, such as Twain, Asimov, and Frost. Particularly Shakespeare; Astrolia loved Shakespeare.

“I see...” Miss Wong offered, not needing to ask about how Equestria was aware of such things, as the issue had already been addressed. “And here is another question for you, Rarity. ImpeccablyDressed from Bekenstein asks: ‘Director Rarity, I and many of my colleagues have noticed with some disconcertion that your people tend to walk around completely unadorned, and yet, in this broadcast you are sporting what looks like a redesigned rendition of an asari-made Sasali suit. Is the nudity of your fellows a matter of tradition, choice, or simple practicality?’”

Forty-Two couldn’t help but be amused as he watched the replay of Rarity’s eyes lighting up like a foal in a candy shop, and was prepared to replay Twilight’s reaction to Rarity’s response side by side with the interview footage.

He could appreciate a good laugh as much as any flesh-and-blood pony.


All memory files were put on hold as Forty-Two’s eyes resumed their normal illumination, turning to quickly identify the surprisingly loud electronic sound that had echoed through the door he was guarding.





Forty-Two instantly sprang into action, hacking the lock to the Madam President’s apartment in a few milliseconds so that it slid open as he brought his body around, quickly analyzing the situation.

The mechanical chirping kept repeating with an almost earsplitting volume as the changeling realized the Madam President was now splayed out on the floor, having clearly fallen out of the bed in a tangle of blankets. She was looking around with a frantic, spooked expression for the source of the sound.

“WHAT’S GOING ON!?” Twilight shouted, more out of her need to hear herself over the blasted chirping than out of any need for Forty-Two’s sensitive audio-receptors to hear her. All it took was to notice the blinking orange light centered on the unicorn’s front left hoof, and the changeling drone was made instantly aware of the situation.

If Forty-Two had a mouth, he would have grinned.

“You have an incoming call, Madam President,” Forty-Two informed her, his volume intentionally low.


“You have a call,” Forty-Two tried again, increasing his volume levels.




Twilight’s questioning response was cut off with a startled gasp as her foreleg suddenly lit up in brilliant orange, causing her to recoil again as the transmitter at the base of her neck interpreted the proper command.

From the top of her fetlock, a screen expanded outwards, showing the pixelated image of a wide awake and still-damp Pinkie Pie, who had clearly just stepped out from a vapor shower, grinning broadly.

“Hey, Twilight! I got the two-way comm software working!” the Director of Technology informed the Madam President as the unicorn tried to catch her breath. Unfortunately, the volume of her omni-hoof was still apparently set to the maximum and it caused Twilight to cringe as she flattened her ears back in a vain attempt to protect her hearing.

“HOW DO I TURN IT DOWN!?” Twilight all but shouted at the screen.

“Oh, you think it, just like everything else,” Pinkie explained. Focusing her will with supreme determination, Twilight then thought hard about reducing the sound coming from her implanted tool, and what Pinkie said next, mercifully, came through at a much more reasonable volume. “Sorry about that... I forgot I had all the settings maxed out for testing purposes before I gave it to you.”

“My ears,” Twilight moaned piteously, rubbing the sides of her head. “My poor eee-he-hears…”

“Sorry, Twi, I thought you would already be up. And I really didn’t think it would be that loud...” the pink scientist apologized, now keeping her tone down as if speaking softly would matter at this point. “Vinyl just told me about your plan to meet up, and I wanted to know where we were gonna do that, then I figured I needed to get in touch with you and that would be the perfect chance to test out the omni-hoof’s communications suite, and then I realized I needed to clean up before I worked on getting the program just right in order to call you, so I--”

“Pinkie… I can’t hear a word you are saying,” Twilight deadpanned, clearly intending to cut the rambling earth pony off as Forty-Two chuckled to himself. “Give me a minute to recover my eardrums. I think they flew somewhere over by the kitchen.”

“Sure thing, Twilight. Again, I’m super sorry,” Pinkie offered, grinning sheepishly.

Meanwhile, Forty-Two’s earlier amusement faded as he analyzed Twilight’s body language while she tried to shake the ringing out of her ears.

Her fur had a pale, damp quality to it, indicating her body was slick with sweat, and his chemical sensors could detect a decent amount of anxiety-related hormones saturating the air.

A rude awakening wasn’t the only thing bothering his mistress, of that, Forty-Two was certain.

“I just need to fully wake up and get ready. Grab Vinyl and meet me at the balcony on the third level. I’ll be along in a little bit after I take a shower.”

“Sure. I’ll go ahead and bring some containers of tea, since it looks like you could use a real pick-me-up. I would bring some coffee, but...” Pinkie’s face took on a sour, but playful expression as she regarded Twilight through the interface. “...somepony converted my coffee machine into a puddle of omni-gel...”

The screen closed as Twilight mentally commanded the omni-hoof to hang up on the call and enter sleep mode, shaking her head as she looked up to her assistant through bleary, red-rimmed eyes.

The mech’s expressive optic lenses were alight with worry. “Twilight, what’s wrong?”

Twilight’s ears flattened again as her eyes narrowed.

“Nothing. I just need a shower. Please wait outside, Forty-Two.”

“Twilight, I--”

“Outside, Forty-Two… please,” the unicorn reiterated.

The mech, although hesitant, obeyed. Nonetheless, he filed this event along with other, similar observations for further investigation.


The Sugar³ meeting had taken a couple of hours longer than Twilight really wanted it to, as Pinkie Pie and Vinyl laid out their options in extensive detail, as well as providing a list of possible recruits for the fledgling technology firm.

After they were finished, and Twilight had spent a little extra time with Pinkie to further elaborate on the omni-hoof’s functions, Forty-Two then presented the Madam President with some new information. Information that left no alternative than to propel her headlong into another important situation she had been dreading to face ever since the conclusion of Miss Wong’s interview.

This led her back in front of an enclosed storefront she’d paid a visit to once before, on the second level of New Ponyville, as she hesitated at the automatic door that led inside.

“I have sooooo not been looking forward to this,” Twilight sighed, shifting on her hooves uneasily and feeling like an absolute foal.

“I am sure that Director Rarity will be fairly amenable.”

“It’s not that. It’s just... Look, Forty-Two. We don’t have to tell her about those new reports, do we?” Twilight gave her assistant a hopeful, pleading expression. “I mean, maybe we can hold off a little while until--”

“The Director has already been made aware of the situation, Madam President,” Forty-Two informed his mistress, his expression flat as she slumped in reaction to this news.

“Why did you have to go and do that?”

“Because it was highly relevant to her position as Director of Culture,” Forty-Two answered, his mechanical tone taking on an undercurrent of annoyance as he checked to make sure there was nopony in earshot. “With all due respect, Twilight, shouldn’t you just go in and get it over with?”

“I’m the Madam President. If I want to stand around and postpone an awkward and embarrassing conversation with one of my friends, then I am going to--”

The door to the new “Equestrian Essentials” clothiers slid open suddenly as Twilight stood motionless before them, and a pleasant-sounding chime went off, immediately drawing the attention of the two mares inside.

Standing to the left, an absolute icon to Equestrian beauty, was Rarity herself, still wearing the white and black suit that she had sported during the interview the day before. Her violet mane was perfectly groomed and curled as it usually was, and several small instruments were floating around her, each held gingerly in a blue swirl of light.

To the unicorn’s right stood a grey mare sporting a darker grey mane whom Twilight was not immediately familiar with. Her mulberry eyes glanced up towards the Madam President with surprise before she took an awkward step back, as if unsure how to react, and the strange earth pony was wearing an evidently incomplete outfit which Rarity seemed to be in the midst of working on before they had been interrupted.

Twilight turned for half a moment to glare at the changeling, who stared stoically ahead in a mechanical fashion, showing no signs of guilt for prematurely opening the door.

“Oh! Oh... uhhh, Twilight... Er, I mean...” the grey mare started up, her tone bespoken of the sophisticated and upper class, as opposed to the more neutral accents most of her fellow Equestrian’s spoke with. Come to think of it, she sounded more in line with Rarity’s speech styles than anypony else that Twilight knew. “Madam President, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be... uhhh...”

“It’s quite alright, Octavia.” Rarity turned away from Twilight, smiling warmly as her various tailor’s tools floated over to a desk. “Fancy titles aside, she doesn’t bite.”

“I didn’t mean to imply that she would, I just... uhh... eheh...” The mare called Octavia looked to Twilight for a moment, then back at the half-finished outfit she wore which seemed to drape over her backside in a cape-like fashion, leaving her belly and hind legs exposed underneath while forming like a suit around her front legs and chest. “I’ll just... go take this off while you two attend to business.”

Octavia nodded as she backed away from Twilight, who now found herself begrudgingly walking into the store with Forty-Two at her side, the metal doors closing softly behind her.

“Good morning, Rarity,” Twilight said sheepishly, attempting to straddle the issue that had brought her here. “So... friend of yours?”

“Humph.” The white unicorn turned her nose up in the air, turning away from Twilight with as she projected an aura of indignation, causing the Madam President’s sheepish expression to melt into annoyance.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me, Rarity. Don’t tell me that you’re seriously going to--”

“Say it.”

“Rarity, we’re not foals here! I have to talk to you about--”

Saaaaaay it.”

“Oh, for the love of...!” Twilight let out a grunt of aggravation as she stomped a hind hoof to the metal floor so hard it sent a painful jolt up her spine. “Fine! You were right!” The purple unicorn grimaced, shouting slightly as she admitted what she had been saying for the better part of the last five days had been in error. “There, happy!?”

“Quite.” Rarity nodded as she turned back towards Twilight, a pleased smile on her face.

“For a mare who’s always claimed to be so mature,” Twilight huffed in agitation. “You sure can act foalish sometimes.”

“There’s no point in being grown up if you can’t act a little foalish every now and then. Although, I am not so petty as to start saying ‘I told you so.’”

Twilight felt her upper lip curl in a half-sneer. “You just did...”

“Did I? Oh, I hadn’t noticed.” Rarity waved a foreleg dismissively before proceeding with the matter at hoof. “I assume you’ve seen the same reports that I have.”

“I didn’t have to see the reports to realize that you caused what amounted to a complete cross-cultural catastrophe in a matter of minutes!” Twilight scolded, getting to the heart of the matter. “And while we’re on that subject, what were you thinking!?”

“I was asked a serious question during a professional interview. I answered to the best of my abilities, and when Miss Wong requested that I elaborate, I told the truth,” Rarity defended herself, keeping her tone aloof as if she failed to understand the alarm in Twilight’s tone.

‘And yet many ponies fail to consider that in spite of our own comfort among our fellow equines, most sentients are unable to avert their eyes in the same manner in which we have been brought up since birth, allowing something as simple as a flick of the tail to leave us scandalously exposed.’” Twilight quoted word for word, a flush running over her face as she recalled how the subject made even Big Mac turn redder than usual, and made all four fillies in the room very self conscious as they pulled Twilight’s blanket down over themselves. “Allow me to ask again, Rarity... What were you thinking!?”

“I was addressing a very real concern which you have been pointedly ignoring ever since we arrived on the Citadel, dear,” Rarity pointed out, her own smile fading as her tone grew more defensive. “And at the risk of sounding blunt, ‘Madam President,’ perhaps you’ve been too busy to notice that other species refuse to so much as walk behind us.”

“What I’ve noticed since I’ve been out and about today is that I have more than half of New Ponyville waddling around with their tails tucked firmly between their legs out of shame, when yesterday they didn’t have any problem at all being furclad! You did not have to embarrass our entire species in front of an audience of billions just to make your point!”

“Well, you’re here now, so it must have worked, did it not?”


“Look, I’m sorry if the truth makes you feel a little uncomfortable, Twilight!” Rarity huffed. “But you know quite well that I’m right. We are not in Equestria anymore! If we are going to be dealing with other species on a daily basis, we have to account for their sensitivities, which in this case, means we have to adhere to a different cultural standard, at least in public!”

Twilight found herself gritting her teeth as she looked away, letting out a primal snort before her expression started to soften, her ears flattening in a subconscious admission of defeat.

“Besides...” Rarity likewise began to cool off, as her friend’s body language indicated that the tense portion of this discussion was over. “It is better we get a little embarrassed and start developing a sense of modesty now while we can still claim ignorance, rather than a few months down the line when our reputations would be set as improper, naked beasts.”

Twilight looked up to the sometimes overly dramatic fashion pony, who was now speaking in a lighter tone.

“I took on this role for a reason, Twilight. Not just because I happen to be your friend and thus need to have a fancy ‘Director’ title, but because when it comes to these sorts of issues, I happen to know what I’m talking about.”

“When you said you wanted to open a boutique... I assumed it was just because you wanted to sell clothes like you did before all of this,” Twilight offered.

“I’ll admit, that’s not... entirely inaccurate,” the ivory pony had to concede the point. “But at the same time, it’s a ready solution to an issue that simply needs to be resolved. I’m just glad you’re finally seeing things from my point of view, darling.”

“Um... Rarity, I hope I am not interrupting.” Rarity’s guest, Octavia, drew attention to herself, tentatively moving out from the makeshift changing room in the back of the shop with the outfit she had been wearing folded over one foreleg as she moved to set it on the counter.

“It’s no trouble, Octavia.” Rarity nodded to the earth mare. “Twilight and I just have to go over a few things.”

“You two seem rather busy, though. Perhaps I should come back later?” Octavia queried, although she still seemed nervous with Twilight standing right there.

Twilight recognized that expression in the eyes of dozens of ponies who were in awe of the authority of her former Princess.

It was a sign of deference.

She found the sight of it put a bitter taste in her mouth.

“If you must, dear. I’ll meet you later for lunch, then.”

The grey pony mare nodded as she strolled casually out of the shop, clearly eager to leave the two to their own devices.

“Your new assistant?” Twilight asked, trying to regain her hoofing, pointing out something that she had noticed was becoming a pattern as each of the Directors seemed to be picking out like-minded individuals to help them in their endeavors.

“Oh, hardly anything so... ‘official.’ Octavia and I are just good friends that happen to share a few common interests. She used to be a classical musician in Canterlot, and we’d often get the chance to meet up whenever I happened to stop by on business,” Rarity explained. “As it happens, I was actually one of the only real ponies she knew, as much of the upper-crust of Canterlot were simply management programs. I must say, it’s rather refreshing to know at least somepony familiar with class and decorum.”

“Why would that matter?” Twilight inquired, honestly curious what point there was to emulate the ways and manners of high society when such distinctions were meaningless, given their low numbers.

“It’s a matter of maintaining our culture, Twilight. There is nothing wrong with being casual, and I don’t mean to act like I’m better than anypony else. But we also need to preserve our higher etiquette for the day when we move beyond our status as an endangered hooffull of refugees. In that case, I prefer to lead by example.”

“If we may come back to the matter at hoof, Madam President... Director Rarity,” Forty-Two interrupted the casual talk, all too well aware that there were other meetings to be had after this one.

“Oh, but of course. Business. Here I am babbling on like a brook and taking up your time,” Rarity huffed in amusement, nodding to the black mech. “By all means, continue, dear.”

“As you were both made aware, the new poll conducted at Director Rarity’s request following the interview indicates that eighty-seven percent of Equestrians now agree that it is absolutely vital to acquire some form of attire when dealing with other species,” Forty-Two stated dryly, bringing the facts to the front. “Also, since the interview aired nine hours ago, New Ponyville’s extranet information site has seen a dramatic rise in page hits, and numerous feeds across multiple social commentary sites have seen questions regarding when the district will be made accessible to the public at large.”

“Which needs to be soon.” Twilight nodded. “What are our options in the clothing department?”

“Well, of course you know I am more than happy to design and fabricate custom outfits for the Herd. I already have quite a few design ideas that will be both comfortable to us and acceptable to alien sensibilities,” Rarity stated with certainty, her horn again alight as she lifted a datapad from the nearby counter and brought it in front of Twilight.

Sitting back on her haunches, Twilight waved her left leg, which lit up in an array of shifting orange panels as the information was copied from the floating datapad to her omni-hoof.

Rarity’s eyes widened, a sparkle coming to her eyes as she realized what it was.

“Oh, my... Is that what I think it is? Where can I get one of those?”

“Pinkie’s working on making more of them as we speak. Hopefully, we’ll get one in the hooves of every pony by the end of the week,” Twilight informed Rarity as she accessed the datafile, going through the sketches of various styles of dress. It was clear to Twilight what Rarity had been working on since their exodus from Equestria, and while she was no expert by any means, she had to admit... they looked good. Better than good; amazing. Adapting various alien styles into Equestrian attire for some, while others were purely original concepts.

Then, of course, the reality of the situation had to present itself.

“...How much?”

“I have already used my share of the allowance you gave out to us to purchase materials and some basic machinery, which is how I put this little number together.” Rarity stood and waved a hoof in a presenting fashion over herself before gesturing to the half-finished outfit on the counter. “I’ve already started work on my next project, as you can see, and Octavia’s been essential in helping me get the proportions just right. The fabric is not exactly the Citadel’s finest, but I have a few tricks I can apply to compensate for that. For mass production, however, I’ve already given that list to your changeling over there.”

Twilight turned to the mech, who was bringing up the files and running the numbers.

“Processing.” Forty-Two’s eyes flickered. “Insufficient funds available.”

Rarity drooped as Twilight drew a sharp breath through her teeth. She knew this was coming.

Between food, amenities, Applejack’s still-lacking efforts in finding paying work, so many eager business startups, and Pinkie’s unanticipated splurge, their funds were being strained to the breaking point. And now they were nearing the bottom of the barrel.

“What about if we just bought off-the-rack prefabs and did alterations to make them fit? That way we can cloth everypony, and it would be cheaper, right?” Twilight suggested, which made Rarity take on a very sour expression.

“Well, I suppose… I could do that. But the result would hardly be ideal. Can you imagine everypony walking around in the exact same cheap, mass-produced, one-tone outfits? Oh, just the thought of it...” Rarity grimaced, making it clear she was not exactly thrilled at the prospect. “Besides, alterations can be just as time-consuming as original designs. I mean, it would probably be less expensive due to the savings in raw materials, but--”

“But you would rather be able to say: ‘Yes, we made that,’” Twilight finished for her, already seeing where Rarity was going. “I know, Rarity. I get it.”

“It’s not that, Twilight,” the Director of Culture explained. “Clothing is not just for covering our... ‘unmentionables.’ It is also a form of artistic expression. It’s a way of stating who we are to the outside galaxy and that is something of an imperative. The Herd has to reclaim its identity and this is one way we can go about doing it.”

Twilight sighed, having to grudgingly admit that the mare did have a point.

“Madam President, there is another Equestrian endeavor that has credits earmarked but has not yet been approved for spending. Diversion of these funds would release adequate resources for Director Rarity’s project,” Forty-Two spoke up suddenly.

Twilight turned, her heart sinking a little as Rarity’s eyes lit up hopefully. Not for the first time, the purple unicorn found herself wishing that her assistant could learn when to keep his speakers turned off.

“Which one?” Twilight asked, realizing that at the very least she had to look at her options.

“The Agricenter’s Greenhouse Project,” Forty-Two answered plainly.

Twilight cringed.

Golden is not going to like this.

*Updating Codex*

*Director Rarity: updated*


I hate it when I’m right.

“Madam President! I can’t believe what you’re suggesting!” shouted the yellow-coated, bright orange-maned earth mare as she stomped a back hoof in indignation.

“Calm down, Golden Harvest,” Twilight attempted to sooth the forepony of what had come to be known as the “Agricenter”: a small group of former food providers that had banded together to form a lobby of nearly a dozen agricultural, floral, and green grocer specialists.

“You come out here and tell me that you’re going to cut off our funding before we even have the chance to get started and you want me to calm down!?”

“I haven’t made my decision yet,” Twilight defended, trying to keep a calm demeanor in the face of the earth pony’s clear displeasure. “That’s what I’m here, right now, to discuss with you! I wanted to talk about the possibility of delaying the Greenhouse’s startup until we’ve managed to stabilize.”

“The Greenhouse Project is exactly what New Ponyville needs right now!”

“We have food,” Twilight fired back, crossing her forelegs as she sat back on her haunches and tried to play devil’s advocate. “And after reviewing the specifics, I can’t help but think it’s far more ambitious than we were previously led to believe. I had no idea it would cost that much just to provide a proper growing environment.”

“We have dry hay, grains, and oats, all imported from human colonies. That’s not food, it’s ‘feed.’ There is a difference.” Golden shook her head in mild disgust. “I am talking about carrots, fresh flowers, apples... Real fruits and vegetables. It’s supposed to be ambitious, Twilight! We are trying to make New Ponyville self-sufficient. Think about it! If the ground doesn’t grow anything, we don’t have an economy.”

“Golden... We live on a space station.” Twilight made her point by clicking a back hoof on the floor, eliciting a metallic ring. “I know you’re proposal is for an enclosed hydroponic greenhouse, but that presents its own problems. One month of running the UV lights alone would cost enough credits to buy a luxury shuttlecraft!”

“That’s not the-- Are you gonna start getting technical with me, Twilight?”

“All I’m saying is that the cost of all of that equipment is enough to not only fund Rarity’s boutique, but there would be enough leftover from that to buy food--”


“Fine... Feed enough for everypony for over six months!” Twilight was starting to get frustrated from having to hammer the point home so many times. “Look, I love fresh greens and veggies as much as anypony, but it’s something that we can start pushing towards after we get our hooves dug in. I’m just saying, we can stand to wait a few months.”

Golden growled, clearly agitated.

“And what are we supposed to do in the meantime? Join Applejack’s imaginary work detail? Yeah, that’s been a real upstart proposition so far.”

“Now, hold on just a moment--" Twilight objected, but was sidelined as Golden continued to vent.

"Just because Rarity went on the extranet and made a few mares feel a little awkward about our rumps showing, you're going to derail the entire Agricenter and have us standing around doing nothing? Do you think I don't see what's going on here? Favoritism, that's what this is! One of your friends wants to do something and you push the rest of us aside to--"

"ENOUGH!" Twilight's shout echoed across the first level of Ponyville, causing more than a few ponies to turn their heads before they quickly returned to their own business.

Golden took a sudden step back, her eyes wide and face pale, realizing she had gone a step too far as Twilight's eyes narrowed on her.

"As I keep trying to tell you, I haven’t decided yet. I’m here for your input on the situation and to inform you of the possibility that the Greenhouse might be temporarily set back,” Twilight fumed, her tone dangerously edged. "I have to consider the benefits to the Herd as a whole, not cater to any single group, be it my friends, the Agricenter, or anypony else. And I am most certainly not about to change my mind on any situation because somepony wants to throw a tantrum like a week-old foal!"

Golden, a strong-willed and stubborn mare in her own right, kept her eyes on the unicorn, refusing to look away as the two stared one another down, their snouts mere inches away from one another.

“Is there a problem here?”

Golden looked away first as the reverberating, alien voice cut in, retreating from the silent battle of wills and allowing Twilight a moment of relief as she realized the fur on the back of her neck had risen. Releasing a held breath before she looked to the source of the voice, she couldn't help but appreciate Golden's shocked reaction.

"I beg your pardon!? Who--" Golden turned, then had to crane her neck up as she took in the blue and black armor-encased frame of New Ponyville’s security liaison.

"Lieutenant Pyres?" Twilight tilted her head as she took a good look at the district's turian C-Sec representative.

Now in uniform, the turian certainly cut a more impressive figure than before, standing comfortably in his armor with a remarkably relaxed posture. And while she couldn’t be certain, on account of his scaled, plated face, Twilight got the feeling that Pyres was actually grinning.

“Who do you think you are? This is a private discussion between me and the Madam President!” Golden balked, only slightly intimidated by the alien’s overbearing presence and authoritative demeanor.

“I happen to be the one in charge of settling disputes in this district before laws end up getting broken,” Pyres stated matter-of-factly, his voice turning sour. “And to be honest, if you two ladies don’t start playing nice, I won’t hesitate to forcefully separate you two until you cool off... Understood?”

Golden cringed, unsure of herself now as she was faced with an unknown quantity. This hesitation allowed Twilight to step forward.

"That won't be necessary, Lieutenant," Twilight stated calmly. "Miss Harvest and I were just having a heated discussion. We were hardly about to come to blows over it. Right, Golden?"

"Do me a favor and try not to have them out in the open, would you?" The turian nodded, folding his arms. "I don't claim to know how you ponies settle your differences, but I’ve seen milder arguments end in someone getting shot, and I’m not about to let any of that crap happen on my watch."

"But we..." Golden shivered, unnerved by Lt. Pyres' hawkish eyes as he glared at the two of them, and her tone instantly shifted to be more apologetic. "I... think I've taken up enough of your time, Madam President. I hope that this... unpleasantness won't influence--"

"I'll contact you once I've made my decision, Golden," Twilight stated bluntly.

The yellow mare’s shoulders rose at this, but another sideways look to the turian took whatever she had to say out of her breath and ended the confrontation with her turning to head back into the warehouse she and her fellows had claimed for their project.

Twilight shook her head as she felt a pounding pressure behind her eyes, and tried to preempt it by rubbing her temples with either hoof.

"Forty-Two, could you--"

Information summarized. Projections phrased. Prepping asset comparison report between “Greenhouse” project and “Equestrian Essentials” project. Analysis comparison complete. File ready for review.

"--put together one of those reports for me?"

"Complying. Please stand by," Forty-Two chirped in a purposefully neutral mechanical voice, having already processed the request in the course of a few milliseconds before going silent and observing. He wasn’t willing to give the turian a good understanding of his capabilities just yet.

The C-Sec officer and unicorn quiet for a few moments as the black mech watched the two of them, trying to puzzle out this unexpected interaction.

"Lt. Pyres... I..." Twilight started before she took a breath. "Thank you."

"I’m not asking for your thanks, I’m just doing my job. Speaking of which, don't start screaming like that unless there's a real emergency. This armor's not made for sprinting, you know."

"Yeah, sorry about that. That got a little more tense than I expected."

"That was tense?" Pyres huffed in an amused fashion, his inflection sarcastic. "Well then, I’d hate to see what happens when you lose your temper."

"Yeah..." Twilight ran a hoof over the back of her neck, flashing back on a recent memory she always tried to keep far from her thoughts. "Uh... Lieutenant, I admit we didn't exactly get off on the right hoof. And seeing as how we're going to be working together for a while--"

"Yeah, just stop right there, Madam President." Pyres shook his head. "Like I've been telling these ponies all morning, I'm not interested in being friends. I’m just here to do my job until I get reassigned to more important work."

Twilight gave the turian a blank expression before something occurred to her.

Cultural sensitivities.

"I was going to suggest we have a meeting so that we can go over the ground rules in New Ponyville," Twilight improvised, shifting gears as she put on a mask of professionalism. "I got my hooves on a copy of your record and if you can keep in line with that, then I'm not going to fire you."

"...Damn," The turian swore, although his inflection sounded amused, at least.

"Your personal quirks notwithstanding, I like to think that your superiors know what they are doing."

"You haven't been in politics for very long, have you?"

"Like it or not, we're stuck together. Deal with it." Twilight shrugged. "Now, if we’re going to do this, then let's at least make sure it's done efficiently. Make it clear what either of us can do so that you don't step on my tail and I don't interfere in your procedures."

"That..." The turian seemed to consider for a moment before nodding. "Yeah, I can work with that."

"I was about to take lunch. Care to join me?"

*Updating Codex*

*The Agricenter: updated*
*Intraspecies Conflicts: updated*


“It’s not something we think of consciously,” Twilight explained as Pyres nodded, paying very close attention as the unicorn briefed him on pony body language. “It’s one of those old, primal instincts, the kind we never quite evolved out of. If you see a pony dig their forehoof into the ground and keep it raised, that’s the important part, keeping it raised, then you know we are past words and somepony is about to get hurt. It’s very rare that it happens, but that’s the signal you want to look for before intervening.”

“And until you reach that point, it’s just a staring contest?” Pyres sounded shocked. “Not even the Hanar are afraid to get physical when the situation calls for it. And have you seen two hanar fight? That’s the kind of stuff the extranet was made for.”

“We’re not an inherently violent species, but we do have our disagreements. This works as a sort of way to determine who has the greater conviction. The first to flinch away tends to back down completely, admitting they’re wrong,” Twilight answered, setting her hooves together as she leaned forward in her seat. “It’s not something we do with aliens. No offense, but if one of us gets mad with you, don’t expect the same sort of warning.”

“So I should shoot first. Good to know.”

“That’s not what I’m saying at all!” Twilight huffed.

“...I was joking,” Pyres told the unicorn flatly. “Looks like you still have plenty to learn yourself, Madam President. Besides, could you imagine the paperwork I would have to deal with if something like that actually happened to one of you ponies?”

“So I trust you’ll use this knowledge to keep the peace...?” Twilight asked, not amused by the turian’s twisted sense of humor.

“Hey, I am all for letting you ponies take care of your own little problems. Hell, I wish other species did the same; Headquarters wouldn’t be so packed with people complaining all the time. In any case, just consider me window dressing, patrolling the district or at my station until some real issue comes up.”

Twilight nodded understandingly, having taken more than an hour longer than she usually did for her lunch and postponing a few less urgent meetings in order to brief the turian on what he might expect from New Ponyville. She also paid close attention to his thoughts on the district in regards to security, and how they would be best able to handle the (hopefully large) influx of visitors once the district was “officially” opened for business.

They didn’t agree on everything, and the turian’s offbeat way of talking sometimes made the pony want to groan, but as Twilight continued to speak with him, she found herself more convinced that Forty-Two had made the right call by preventing her from immediately calling for his dismissal when they had met the day before.

“Alright, is there anything else?” Twilight asked, keeping her tone even and professional.

“Just one other thing: your ‘Director of Defense,’” Pyres offered, jumping into the subject quickly and getting straight to his point. “I know that you are friends with her, but you have to understand that she really has no idea what she’s doing. It’s not biotics keeping her flying, it’s hot air. She couldn’t handle herself in a combat situation with a waste-disposal drone.”

“I wouldn’t underestimate her...” Twilight stated testily. “Rainbow may come off as hot-headed, but she won’t stop at anything to try and protect the Herd.”

Twilight wanted to further refute the lieutenant in regards to Rainbow’s lack of training and discipline, but found that she really couldn’t argue much further without undermining her own argument.

“Yeah, emphasis on ‘try.’ Don’t get me wrong, she’s passionate about what she’s doing, I’ll give her that,” Pyres continued. “And maybe where you come from that was enough. But in the Wards, that’s just not going to cut it. If she just rushes into troublesome situations like she did yesterday, she is going to get hurt. If she wants to claim any kind of authority over security around here, she needs the formal training to back it up.”

“Could you help her with that?” Twilight asked.

“...Maybe. But I seriously doubt she’ll listen. Besides, I think she’s still upset about yesterday. Didn’t say much to me at the security station this morning except for pointing out that most of the office was ‘her’ side and that I could only walk around on ‘my’ side.”

Twilight shook her head.

“Yeah, she can be a little foalish sometimes. Don’t worry, she’ll listen to me,” Twilight assured the turian.

“Oh, Twilight!”

The unicorn’s eyes snapped open as a familiar voice came from her left. Pyres also seemed to notice this and was for some reason shocked seeing as how to the left of the table was an open, empty space where the balcony on the third level of New Ponyville ended.

“There you are. I’m so glad I found you.” Fluttershy drew her fetlock over her brow, having clearly worked up a sweat as she hovered effortlessly in place over thin air, something that the turian sitting across from the unicorn was watching with a still-amazed expression. “I’ve been looking all over New Ponyville for you.”

“Uhh, Shy?” Twilight started, clearly having no issue with what she was seeing. “You do realize that you can contact me by talking to any changeling unit we have, right?”

“Oh, we can? I didn’t know that...” Fluttershy drew back, lowering her eyes demurely before she turned to look at Taxar. “Oh... Hello, Lt. Pyres. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Uh... Hi.” The turian was unsure of himself at first before recognizing the yellow pony. “Director... Fluttershy, right? Interspecies Relations? From the interview last night.”

“Yes, that’s me. Um, I know this may not be the best time, but have you had that looked at?”

The turian drew back. “Excuse me?”

“It looks like a mild case of plate ostrea dermis, the turian equivalent of psoriasis.” Fluttershy motioned to the side of her face, drawing Twilight’s attention to a very minor discoloration along the turian’s jawline. “Right there. Have you tried any dextro-amino balms?”

“How did...” Pyers turned away from Fluttershy, actually off guard as the pony diagnosed a very minor issue that he had dealt with since childhood, but most aliens, even those with xeno-medical training, were unaware of.

“She does that,” Twilight explained swiftly. “Part of that specialized Equestrian training I was talking about. Fluttershy is very good at observing things about other species.”

She turned to the pegasus, who was nodding in agreement.

“Anyways, you needed to see me Fluttershy?”

“Oh, yes, that’s right. I think we may have a teensy little problem,” Fluttershy said, moving up over the railing and landing gracefully on the balcony next to the table, a very faint yellow glow dissipating from around her body as she folded her wings against her back. “We have some visitors.”

Twilight huffed in annoyance at this new “problem.”

“You too, Fluttershy? I had this talk with Rainbow yesterday. We are not turning away everypony that comes to our door just because--”

“Oh, no, it’s not that. I let them in,” Fluttershy quickly admitted, although she cringed a moment later. “I’m... kind of regretting that now, because they don’t seem to want to leave.”

Twilight gave the pegasus a curious look.

“Okay, Fluttershy. What exactly is the problem here?”

The yellow pegasus gulped slightly. “...Krogan.”

“And so much for being window dressing.” Pyres’ mandibles clicked, a motion that Twilight was starting to connect to either nervousness or frustration.

She wasn’t surprised to see his reaction, at least, if what she had found out upon reading up on the conflict-prone species was anything to go by. Close to two meters tall, armor-plated, incredibly long-lived, and with a penchant for violence, krogan often meant bad news in any situation they were involved in.

“You let a bunch of krogan just waltz right into the district!?”

“Well, they were yelling at the drones near the elevator and I was worried that they might be labeled as hostile, so I offered a tour as compromise,” Fluttershy explained. “From what I can tell, they’re young for krogan. I don’t think any of them are over a hundred. They seemed genuinely interested in seeing us and learning about Equestrians, so I didn’t think there would be a problem.”

“I have a feeling I know where this is going.” Pyres shook his head.

“I showed them around the lower levels and they seemed interested enough. But now they’re refusing to leave. I tried asking nicely and reasoning with them, but they won’t listen to me.”

“How many?” Pyres asked before Twilight could.

“There’s four of them, Lt. Pyres,” the pegasus offered.


“Oh! Of course not! I would never have let aliens into New Ponyville if they had weapons with them.” Fluttershy put a hoof in front of her mouth, as if she found the very thought detestable. “I know krogan don’t have the best reputations, but I didn’t see anything wrong with letting them take a look around.”

“Have they done anything yet?”

“Um, no,” Fluttershy answered a bit meekly. “Not anything bad. They just didn’t want to leave. Maybe you could say something to them?”

Lt. Pyres sat back in his seat, his three-fingered hands folded together as he considered.

“Well, if they haven’t done anything illegal yet, there’s not much I can do. The district is a protected habitat, but it’s not eminent domain.”

“But, krogan are dangerous aren't they?” Twilight objected, shocked that the turian was not rushing to perform his duty.

“Definitely.” Pyres nodded. “But even they know the rules on the Citadel. I can’t take action until they’re about to actually try something.”

Twilight clenched her eyes shut in realization as she remembered something that the turian had told her just a little while ago during their meeting.

“And it falls to the local conclave leader to set forward preventative measures in their individual districts,” Twilight sighed.

“That’s right,” Pyres confirmed with a nod.

“Wait, what does that mean, exactly?” Fluttershy tilted her head, unsure of herself.

“It means that unless a crime is actually committed, I’m the one who has to deal with our new krogan guests,” Twilight explained.

“Well, to be fair, most conclave leaders delegate that responsibility,” the turian suggested.

Twilight seemed unamused at the suggestion. “I would have to delegate it to Rainbow.”

“...Point taken. You should handle this yourself,” Pyres agreed.

“I’m within my rights to throw them out of the district, right?” Twilight asked.

“On paper you are, but the issue there is enforcing it,” the C-Sec officer explained. “It’s entirely possible they’ll just get bored and leave after long enough. Krogan may be long-lived, but they have the attention span of a space hamster when they aren’t busy shooting at anything.”

“Well, I’m not just going to wait around until something manages to provoke them,” the unicorn countered. “I should at least try to convince them to go before that happens.”

“But, Twilight, what if somepony gets hurt?” Fluttershy looked worried, as the Lieutenant got up from his seat.

“I can be there on standby in case things get out of hand. But until someone crosses a line, I can’t do much more than glare at them. Which, me being turian, would likely just egg them on. Keep in mind, krogan usually don’t respect anything except brute force. You can try talking them into leave peacefully, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.”

Forty-Two, who had remained silent off to the side as the events unfolded before him, watched as Twilight took a breath, trying to weigh her options.


Log Entry: 42 of 50 - Day 10 A.E

Assets Acquired:

+15: New Ponyville - Following the live broadcast of CNN’s interview with the four remaining members of the Equestrian Board of Directors, the public of the Citadel has gained a firmer understanding of the Equestrians as a people. This has led to increased awareness of the Herd’s difficulties and interest in pony-based goods and culture.

Codex Update: Director Rarity, The Agricenter, Intraspecies Conflict

Author's Note:

Directive Decision
To Clothe or To Feed

With initial credit funds at a premium, there comes a time when sacrifices must be made. In this case, the recently reassessed necessity to provide suitable garments for everypony must be weighed against the prospect of higher quality foodstuffs. Projections suggest that both ventures could become equally profitable in time, and that either could be given later consideration should the credits become available. The question becomes which project should be our initial focus.

Option A: Invest in Equestrian Essentials - Director Rarity has been attempting to plead her case since first arriving in New Ponyville. Last night’s interview with Miss Wong merely brought her issues front and center, confirming via the reaction from the galactic public that her fears of Equestrian nudity is indeed a major factor in how the Herd is perceived. The Director also argues that the artistic and cultural expression through fashion may help the Equestrian Herd gain a sense of identity, something that she seems to believe we have a serious risk of losing in a sea of new cultures and alien philosophies. Rarity has offered to use her “knack” for creativity to produce custom designs and outfits for everypony, but the equipment needed to make this cost-effective is an expensive initial investment.

If declined, a minor consideration fund can be used to purchase bulk and second-hoof clothing that can be altered to fit most Equestrians. While not as fancy or expressive as the custom works promise to be, these would do the job of protecting our newly developing modesty, at least.

Option B: Invest in the Greenhouse - Golden Harvest has made her feelings of our current food stocks very clear: She finds them woefully inadequate. Without a planet of our own to develop an agricultural base, the Agricenter, a team of pony farmers and agricultural specialists which Golden represents, have proposed building a new form of hydroponic greenhouse that can sustain a high yield of plant life in the artificial setting of the Citadel.

Although at first presented as a simple matter, closer scrutiny has revealed the Greenhouse to be a major undertaking, as the completely original system would have to be built from scratch. If successful (and judging from the complexity of the untested system, that is a very large “if”) the Greenhouse could well provide not only sustenance for the Herd, but a new source of income in the selling of fresh surplus to other levi-amino species on the Citadel.

If declined, the leftover funds following the purchase of equipment for Equestrian Essentials will be more than adequate to sustain our food stocks in the same manner we have been doing so for the foreseeable future. While ponies would be able to purchase higher quality foods from other vendors using personal funds, the staple Equestrian diet would remain basic.

The Worst Kind of Company

This was unexpected.

Following the interview last night, it seems that a group of curious visitors have decided to pay a visit to New Ponyville to see the sights. The only problem is that these visitors happen to be krogan adolescents, a highly aggressive and volatile reptile species with which we are not yet entirely familiar. Given the reputation of krogan in Citadel Space, it is uncertain what they want or why they are showing any interest in the Equestrians, but apparently after being invited into the District by Director Fluttershy, they are refusing to leave.

Lt. Pyres is not pleased with this development, but maintains that his hands are unfortunately tied unless the krogan commit an illegal act, something they have not yet done. At the same time, our turian C-Sec representative has informed the Director that she is within her legal rights to bar and deny the krogan entry to the district, but would be responsible for doing so herself. Lacking in any form of private security, that leaves the Madam President to personally see to the matter.

It has been suggested that the krogan will eventually leave on their own accord, but there’s no telling how long it will be before that happens, or what might occur in the meantime. Twilight could also attempt to confront them and learn more about their intentions. If she isn't satisfied, she can try to get them to leave, but at the same time, their reputation for violence and unpredictability makes such a course of action to be a risky endeavor.

Running predictive model of Madam President’s reaction.

Leave the Krogan Be: “I don’t think we should risk antagonizing them.”
Confront the Krogan: “As long as they’re here, they’re a threat. Fluttershy, where are they?”



To Clothe or to Feed


Invest in Equestrian Essentials: 66%

Invest in the Greenhouse: 34%


The Worst Kind of Company


Leave the Krogan Be: 23.9%

Confront the Krogan: 76.1%

The Madam President agrees with Director Rarity in that more high-quality garments would be more immediately beneficial than Golden Harvest's agricultural project.

The Madam President is convinced that the krogan loiterers present a threat, and is intent on both discovering their intentions, and convincing them to vacate the district.