• Published 25th May 2013
  • 1,378 Views, 34 Comments

Wings on a Cross and Arrow - Lonely Shadow

Clay and Firefly are teleported to an alternate universe and meet their gender swapped alter egos.

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The bright morning sun shone through a clear window and landed onto a mares shut eyes. As it hit, the mare shifted under her bed sheets. She hadn’t been a morning pony since she was a filly when she had to get up and help her uncles. The same could not be said however for her fiancée, who was already up and stretching his wings. The pink stallion looked over to his beloved and smiled as he saw her still sleeping.

“Come on Terra. It’s time to get up!” He nuzzled her face.

“Leave me alone Lightning Bug!” Terra groaned in annoyance.

Lightning Bug simply rolled his eyes and hopped out of bed making his way to the bathroom with a loud yawn. While Lightning Bug freshened up, Terra remained in her bed, determined to stay under the comfy warm blankets. She just couldn’t bring herself to get up, despite what her brain was telling her. As Terra continued to sleep, Lighting Bug emerged looking fresh and ready for the new day. When he saw Terra still the way he left her, he shook his head. This had been the fifth day in a row she had refused to wake up and decided to sleep until late in the afternoon. And when it came to meals, she would always ask for them to be brought up to their room. He was starting to get a little concerned.

“Come on sweetie. You’re not really going to sleep the whole day away again are you?”

“I just might. This bed is so comfy.” She buried her face into the pillow.

“Terra... I didn’t want to say anything but all this sleeping is… well… it’s making you a little chubby.” Terra opened one eye and glared at him, “Just a little.” He emphasized. Terra simply glared at him, burning a hole in Lightning Bugs head, “Please sweetie… for me?” He said in the gentlest tone he could muster.

“Fine… if it’ll get you off my back.” Terra forced herself out of the bed and stood on all four hooves. Her mane and tail were disheveled, and her eyes were half opened making herself look rather untidy. Terra notices Lightning Bugs expression, “What? You didn’t say I had to look good when I got up.” Lightning Bug raised an eyebrow, “Fine…” Terra pushed past Lightning Bug and shut the bathroom door behind her.

“I’ll meet you downstairs!” He called after her.

Terra rubbed her eyes as she looked at herself in the mirror. She had a light gold coat; her eyes, mane and tail were the same color brown. She was in her late twenties, same age as Lightning Bug. She gave a slight sniff as she took a brush in her mouth and began to brush her mane and tail out. She kept them long, but not so long that they were a nuisance. As she combed herself, her eyes fell upon her flank which bore her cutie mark. A rainbow bolt circling a flaming Comet. It wasn’t exactly unique since both belonged to her relatives, the bolt belonging to her father Rainbow Blitz, and the comet belonging to her aunt Asteroid Flame. Still no other pony had her exact Cutie mark. And she admired both of them, so she loved her cutie mark.

When she felt that she looked presentable, she headed downstairs to meet up with Lightning Bug. He had already started breakfast, and the whole floor smelled of hay bacon strips and toast. Terra took her spot at the table just as Lightning Bug was bringing their plates. He set Terra’s down first, and then his, before taking his spot at the table across from her. Lightning Bug had a look of excitement on his face and despite how tired she was Terra had a small smile on her face too. Today was the day they started their vacation. No Wonderbolt training or tours. No Apple bucking, or helping at the library. Just the two of them somewhere away from Ponyville where they could express their love however they wanted.

“So… Any ideas for where we can spend our vacation?” Terra asked as she took a bite out of her toast.

“A few; I’ve always wanted to see the Crystal Empire.” Lightning Bug suggested.

“I don’t know… that kind of a trip can be expensive.” Terra replied.

“Maybe we could take a trip to Manehatten? See your relatives?”

“They aren’t there. They’re taking tours for the wonderbolts and won't be back for a while. Besides Manehatten isn’t the…friendliest of places to visit.” Lightning Bug snorted slightly in frustration and tapped a hoof on the table, “Look, let’s not worry about it. We have plenty of time to think of something. Let’s just enjoy your time off.” Terra smiled at Lightning Bug warmly.

“Yeah… I guess you’re right.” Lightning Bug finished his food and got up, while Terra got a second helping “Hey, do you mind if I get some flying time in? I want to clear my head.”

“Sure. Go right ahead; just don’t be gone too long.” Terra gave him a light kiss on the cheek.

“Thanks sweetie. I’ll be back soon.” Lightning exited from the front door and expanded his wings and took off in the air only to stop in midflight, “As your old man would say, back in a dash!” He then took off higher into the sky and vanished amongst the clouds.

“Great… now he’s starting to talk like my dad.” Terra groaned as she went back to her breakfast.

When Terra finished eating she left her house to enjoy the bright and sunny day that was scheduled. She trotted around town greeting the various ponies that she had known all her life growing up. Eventually her wandering had brought her to the carousel boutique, where her uncle Elusive designed the fanciest suits and dresses in Ponyville. She decided to say hi while she was there, and made her way inside causing a bell to ring as she entered.

“Uncle Elusive, are you here?” Terra called out.

“Terra, is that you?” A White earth pony mare with a neatly kept black mane revealed to be Elusive’s copartner and girlfriend entered the lobby.

“Oh. Hi Germania! It’s good to see you!” Terra said smiling, “Is Elusive here?”

“Likewise Terra and yes he is here, but you might want to come at another time, he’s a bit on edge.” Germania warned.

“What? Why?”

“Because we are expecting a very important pony client from Canterlot soon. And you know how he gets around important ponies.”

“Oh. Well maybe I should come back later then? But can you tell him that I said hi?”

“Of course dear. But while you’re here is there something I can help you with?” The mare offered.

“Oh no I’m fine. I just stopped by to say hello.”

“Very well. It was nice seeing you again Terra.” Germania said warmly as Terra exited.

“Well so much for that…” Terra frowned as she tried to think of something to do in her spare time until Lightning Bug returned, “Maybe Uncle Dusk Shine is free? I’m sure he isn’t expecting any-.” Terra was cut off as the face of a familiar pink stallion popped in front of her face rather closely and suddenly.

“Boo!” The pink pony whispered.

“Gah!” Terra screamed falling onto her back from the shock. She shook her head and looked up to be greeted by the one who had frightened her “Hello Uncle Bubble Barry.” Terra groaned as she got up.

“Did it work?” Barry asked excitedly as he hopped up and down.

“Huh?” Terra raised an eyebrow in confusion.

“You looked bored so I decided to surprise you! Did it work?” He smiled widely as he continued bouncing joyfully.

“Uh… yeah… sure.” Terra replied.

“Oki dokie Loki! I’ve got to go Terra! Catch you later!” Barry replied energeticly.

“Go? Go where?”

“Well my tail started twitching, so that means something is going to fall! I need to tell Lightning Bug to look out!” Barry replied still upbeat.

“Wait… what?”

“Sorry Terra, gotta go!” Before Terra could say another word Bubble Barry began hopping away in his traditional happy manner. Terra simply looked on in confusion.

“I could live to be a hundred and never figure that stallion out.” Shaking her head Terra began making her way through Ponyville, “So. No talking with Elusive, no need to talk with Uncle Applejack, Uncle Butter Scotch is too far, no idea where Dad is, and Uncle Bubble Barry is… being Bubble Barry.”

As Terra was in thought there was a sudden loud bang in the distance. At first Terra was startled, but her fear was soon quelled.

“Dad must be working on his sonic rainbooms again. If that’s the case I shouldn't bother him, so… I guess that means I’ll go see what Uncle Dusk Shine is up too. Terra began making her way to the library, which was easy to spot since it was a large tree in the middle of town.


Terra approached the front door and knocked several times before waiting. After a few seconds, the door opened to reveal a purple female teenaged dragon.

“Terra! Didn't expect to see you here today.” The dragon replied.

“Hey Barb! Is Uncle Dusk Shine around?”

“Yeah he’s here. Got himself buried in one of his books.” Barb remarked.

“What for?”

“I don’t know. He heard that explosion a few minutes ago and then he started flipping through his books. Said something about an imbalance.” Barb muttered, “Go ask him. I couldn’t understand half of what he said.”

Terra shrugged and made her way to the main library where she found a purple unicorn stallion busy flipping the pages of a rather large book. He flipped each page at a rapid pace unblinking as he did. Occasionally he would mutter something, but Terra couldn’t make it out. She was a little hesitant to interrupt her uncle as it seemed as if he was deep in thought.

“Um… hello? Uncle Dusk Shine?” Dusk Shine stopped flipping through the pages and then turned his attention to Terra.

“Wha… who? Oh… hello Terra.” He smiled warmly.

“You look pretty… busy.”

“Oh… yes. Well after that explosion went off I felt something strange. I felt an imbalance in the universe.” He returned to his book.

“An imbalance in the universe?” Terra raised an eyebrow.

“I can’t be certain, but I think something came through to our world. Something that didn’t belong.” Terra looked at her uncle with utter confusion.

“I’m sure it was just dad practicing his sonic rainbooms again. You know how he likes to perfect them.” Terra suggested trying to calm Dusk Shine down.

“No. It wasn’t Rainbow. When the bang went off I detected some traces of magic… very strong magic.” Dusk Shine looked as though a dark thought had entered his mind as he continued searching in his book for answers.

“If it has you so worried then maybe you should send a letter to Prince Solaris?”

“No! He has enough to deal with. Besides I’m his star pupil, what would he think if I couldn’t handle a situation like this?” He turned back to Terra, “I mean, he might make me his replacement one day! Make me prince Dusk Shine and I need to show him that I’m ready!” He returned to his book again.

“Uncle… you becoming a prince is as likely as me adopting a unicorn.” Terra snickered.

“Scoff if you must Terra. But something isn’t right. You don’t dabble in magic as long as me without learning when something is wrong. However, I still think that you must be careful. Just… keep your eyes open. I don’t know what caused the explosion or how, or even if it’s friendly. But until then I have to assume the worse.”

“Alright uncle.” She rolled her eyes, “Listen I’m going to head back home and see if Lightning Bug is back yet. So good luck with… whatever it is you’re doing.” Terra turned and started to leave, “Later Barb!”

“Later Terra!” Barb closed the door behind the yellow mare as she exited.


Terra made her way back home. Everything looked the same when she left it and even though she hadn’t really done anything productive, it was still nice to see it again. She got to the front door and searched under the welcome mat for the front door key, when suddenly she noticed that the front door was open just ever so slightly.

“That’s strange… I could have sworn I closed and locked it when I left.” This disturbed her at first, but she rationalized that Lightning Bug must have returned and simply didn’t close the door all the way.

She pushed past the door, and made her way into the living room.

“Lightning! I’m home!” No sooner had she spoken, that a slight thud was heard upstairs, “Lightning? You ok?” There was no answer, “Lightning?” Growing concerned she started making her way up the stairs to their bedroom. She listened carefully for any sign that Lightning was around. But it was eerily quiet until… *Clank* at that moment Terra knew that she wasn’t alone, and whoever it wasn’t Lightning, “No Bucking way is someone breaking into my home without a few broken bones.” Terra muttered to herself as she slowly made her way down the hall. Her heart raced as her eyes scanned for any trace of the intruder; she made her way into the bedroom but saw nothing, her eyes scanning for anything strange. She was about to leave when she heard a noise from the closet, “There you are…” She had located the intruder, but rather than confront him directly she decided on something more deceiving. She left the room making her hooves clop loudly so the intruder could hear her exiting. She then started trotting down the stairs to make it sound as if she had moved onto the first floor. Then she quickly and quietly ran back to the bedroom door and waited.

At first nothing happened, until Terra heard the closet door begin to creak. She smirked as she realized that she had fooled the intruder. The sound of hoofsteps were heard as the intruder began to leave the closet and make his way to the bedroom door.

“That’s right… just a little closer…” Terra stood perfectly still as the intruder drew closer… and closer… until finally she saw the head of a yellow stallion emerge.

Almost instantly she brought her right foreleg down on the stallion’s head causing him to hit the floor hard and dazing him. Wasting no time she grabbed the stallion with her mouth and tossed him across the hall causing him to crash into the stair railing with a loud bang. As he tried to get up and rub his head, she bolted down the hall and roundhouse kicked him in the side of the head sending the stallion painfully down the steps.

“Mother… Buck!” The stallion groaned as he tried to stand up.

Terra ran down the stairs as fast as she could, and jumped on top of the stallion pinning him to the ground.

“You picked the wrong mares’ house to rob Chump!” Terra declared as she punched the back of his head. Getting a satisfying groan of pain from the stallion she lifted him up and prepared to punch him again, “Say goodnight thug.” She spun him around ready to nail him in the face. But as she finally got a good look at the stallion she froze. The stallion… looked eerily familiar, he had a light gold coat, brown mane and tail, and his eyes were brown. He was almost identical to her, but that was impossible. Until she looked at his flank and saw something that made her heart jump in her throat. His cutie mark was a rainbow colored bolt that circled with a flaming comet. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, and she especially couldn’t believe what she was thinking. That this stallion… was her.

Author's Note:

Disclaimer: This is a first rough draft until my proofreader is able to make the corrections and changes. Please do not count any spelling or punctuation errors you may come across. Try to enjoy the story.

Comments ( 34 )

Bless you child~ :heart::heart:


2629179 I'm not a child! I'm a man!

But thank you.

2629180 Can't believe somepony looked at it that quick.




Bless you man for this fic

Well, for me the annotation will be enough. And since I read your works, I know that this wouldn't be bad. :twilightblush:

Dayum! As much as I love your work a cliffhanger? That's like a slap upside the head now I'm gonna be wondering what's gonna happen! Ahhhhhhhhh I don't like cliffhangers where the next chapter isn't uploaded yet! Imma go punch a tree now.

You have almost the exact same, if not same title to another story and similar story playout.(I dont use big words, nerds:facehoof:)
Anywho I don't realy care.
I shall read.

Whoops didn't read the Desc.
I shall smash my skull on the wall.
*smashes head on the wall*
Fuck that hurt.
*sees hole in wall*
Damn I'm a hardhead.



Sweet it's here, but this once again reminds me what do you think Zelda is doing?

"don't know, don't care. That mare gave me the creeps"

But she was you?

"case and point"

Holy Celestia, I love where this is going :)


What's the relation of Terra and Barb ? And Clay's and Spike ? Friends or cousins ?

2642384 Cousins, due to them living with their aunt/ uncle.



So Spike/Barbs is the adoptive son/daughter of Twilight/Dusk ?

Please remind me who is the pink pegasi? Pegasuses? on the cover .

Comment posted by Riz deleted May 29th, 2013

2645960 Yes. And the pink Pegasi are Firefly and her gender swap Lightning Bug.

Nice beginning. I hope this story gets updated soon.

3836752 I'll try. Sorry my lack of updating.

3838259 I understand. Not many people have responded for awhile, but I think this story has great potential. Best of luck.

Can I please do a spelling mistake because it has really been peeving me. You spell my last name as Barry. It's Berry. Ask me! It is! Other than that excellent set-up and I hope to read the next chapter.:pinkiehappy:

Hay stop being on highatuse mode and get back teh getting chapters finish I hate teh be rude but I don't like teh work but I still fin do it (pays in gold) ordeal so get back up and start writing

6050628 Soon hopefully. Rest assured it is next on my agenda.

6051617 Wait you said it was next on your agenda did you mean after the wings for a pony 2 update?

6053346 Yes. That is the plan.

why did I just find this story? its so good I just wish there was more

“Uncle… you becoming a prince is as likely as me adopting a unicorn.” Terra snickered.

Very likely.

Publish date: May 26 2013
Reading date: May 10 2021

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