• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,645 Views, 673 Comments

Buck My Life - JasontheDemon

Yes, I am a brony... the rare kind that DOESN'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN EQUESTRIA! This story is one about me, my life, and my overwhelming desire to return back to where I belong. But the longer I stay, the more my resolve weakens.

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Hell hath no fury like a 'Demon' enraged

Hell Hath No Fury Like a ‘Demon' enraged

You know the saying, ‘You don't know what you've got till it's gone’? I never believed it... then again I never believed that I would love anything either. Twilight was gone and I was to blame. Some of you out there are probably saying it wasn’t my fault or it wasn’t really me... but I knew that if it weren’t for me, she would still be in her bed at home, smiling in her sleep as she always did.

I knew I had ended a life. The thought of killing alone always made me feel sick, but now I had done it. I spent about half an hour crying... that may not seem like a long time but to go without a single tear for so long and then do something like that was gruelling. I had no more tears that I could shed, so I just sat there with my world famous vacant expression. My chest ached like before... I now knew it was the feeling of a broken heart.

I had not only broken my number one rule of ‘no killing’... I had also killed one that I cared for. It sounds strange hearing me say that, but I finally found someone I cared for. Even if that someone happened to be a pony, it didn’t matter... I would have cared if she was a human, pony, fish, or even a plant. She was who she was and that’s all that I needed her to be... well I guess having her alive was something I also needed, but I couldn’t change that now. There was no way to bring the dead back, even with magic it was hopeless.

I know all this talk about her death and my feelings is pathetic... I know that my depressing attitude is getting me nowhere... and I know I should do something about it, but what? Take on a being that had untold power and could remake reality itself to suit his every whim? Attack the one who got me here and used me as if I was his puppet? Fight the god of chaos himself?! I mean come on! The odds are not in my favor... and as you know, that’s just the way I like them.

Discord brought me to Equestria which took everything from me, but as soon as I found a reason to enjoy it here, the very moment I discovered a new reason to live... he took that from me as well. The more this thought circled around in my mind, the more I felt my inner demons lash out. His betrayal did more than make me angry... it threatened to unleash my dark side; the part of me that I had always locked away in the deepest part of my soul.

‘Is this finally the time where I can let go and release it without fear of losing myself?’ I thought.

I felt like I was obligated to contain my fierce nature because the world around me was too fragile to let it out, but now that I was going against Discord I could unleash what I held back for so many years. They say ‘hell hath no fury like a woman scorned’... but they never met me. I believe I told you how I showed no mercy in games and how ruthless I was when angered. Now consider how pissed I was at that demented abomination.

I made it perfectly clear that I was going to destroy four of his senses if he double crossed me, yet he passed that up to do something even worse. You know what that means! I was going to make him pay... even if it meant taking another life, he was not going unpunished for his actions. The only thing I needed to stop him was a plan. Not just any plan either, it had to be flawless.

It is said that the perfect plan that is free of any weak points is an impossible feat because there is always something that you leave out... something you fail to think of. This wasn’t an issue though since I still had command over my cutie mark. It was odd, but now that I knew what it stood for, it felt like I could keep using the effect it had without any trouble. I was coming up with things that would have taken me weeks of planning in mere seconds. The ideas I was coming up with were extremely complex and I doubt that I could explain any of them in less than a thousand words so I will just let you imagine what was going through my head to save you from reading more than you need to.

Since my brain was on hyper drive it only took a few minutes to come up with a plan I was pleased with. It didn’t cover every base but I believed it was good enough to overcome Discord. There was one last thing I wanted to do before leaving though. I placed Twilight on her back and put her hooves over her chest as was customary to do with the deceased... then I made a puddle by converting the nearby dust into H2O. I raised the water and made a decent sized bubble around her. Next I quickly changed the water into graphite (a very pure form of carbon), applied massive amounts of heat to the outside layer (while keeping the inside perfectly cool) and compressed the super heated graphite into a rounded shield of diamond. I just wanted to make sure that she would stay safe from now on... especially since what I was about to do could very well bring the whole castle crashing down.

As I walked down the hall I tried to come to terms with who I was and what I would become for killing Twilight then defeating Discord. I didn’t believe it would be nearly enough to redeem my actions, but it was better than nothing. Also as far as I could tell, I was the only one who was able to stop him now. Discord already told me that Celetia and Luna were basically powerless to do anything to him now, and because Twilight was... gone, the Elements of Harmony would no longer be able to work without her. So in the end I was this worlds only hope, although this was only because my previous actions made it so. If there actually was a hell I knew I was going there... I wasn’t worthy of going anywhere like heaven, and to tell you the truth I didn’t want to go. Heaven to me was a place of constant everlasting peace... that’s too boring for my preference. Although I didn’t wish to go there, I wished for Twilight to... she did everything in her power to save me and she deserved nothing less than eternal happiness, even if it was far away from me.

This was what I believed the best approach would be to bringing Equestria back to the peace it had before I arrived. I would be killing two birds with one stone. I finally arrived at the door to where Discord was most likely soaking in what he believed was his victory... too bad I had to crash his private party. I blew the doors off their hinges with a powerful kinetic blast. I thought I might as well make an entrance big enough to get his attention, and get his attention I did.

“What is the meaning of this?!” I heard him shout as I casually walked into the room through the left over dust cloud made by the force of the spell. When he finally was able to see me through the haze he relaxed and broke another small piece off of the candy throne he created for himself. “Ah, it’s only you, my faithful student... wow that feels good to say! No wonder Celestia always called Twilight that! By the way, how did it go? Did you have fun?”

I looked him dead in the eyes with a hardened glare and replied, “Bite me...” Discord reeled back in shock. “Your ‘student’ died over an hour ago. And you are the next to go...”

Discord sighed and shook his head. “I was wondering why you took down the spell... Oh well, at least you managed to get rid of the Element of Magic. Now Equestria has no way to stop me and I can rule free of anypony to stand in my way.”

“Did you not hear me? I said I was going to stop you.”, I quickly reminded him, my cold glare still locked on his being.

Discord smiled and began to laugh, “I heard you alright, but that doesn’t mean I think you can do it! Or did you forget, I am immortal?! I can’t die! Not even from you! There is also no way of imprisoning me without giving me a way to escape. No matter what you do, I will still be the ruler of this world again whether you like it or not!”

I saw this coming and had planned for his little immortality speech. He thought just because he couldn’t die he couldn’t be stopped, but I gave it a bit of thought (which in hindsight would be a lot of thought I suppose) and knew one thing that could lead to his downfall. Technically he would be alive but he would never be able to do anything ever again. I wasn’t going to imprison him because as he said, he would just be able to escape. No, what I had in store was much more extreme.

I laughed darkly, thinking of how simple his weakness really was, how easy it was to incapacitate him for the remainder of all time. The one I feared fighting seemed so foolish now that I knew something he didn’t... and I just couldn’t stop laughing at his naivety and flagrant stupidity to his own undoing. Fed up with my laughing he shouted “And what is so funny?!”

I held back my laughter and spoke through the chuckles that seeped out, “Oh it’s just so funny, you know?! All powerful godlike being thinks he can’t be stopped but really the key to his defeat is common knowledge, and he just can’t see it because he fails to look at the big picture! Hillarious, is it not?!”

“WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” He yelled furiously.

A wicked smile formed on my face and I responded, “Pain... I am talking about the simple sensation of pain! I know you must feel it because you react the same as anyone would towards physical harm. You may not die from it, but you still feel the sensation... and what is the key to using magic? RULE NUMBER ONE! FOCUSED THOUGHT! That was the first thing Twilight ever taught me about magic! You need to be in the right state of mind to perform it! Now if you were to experience ungodly amounts of pain in which a normal person would die, how would you be able to focus on anything but that pain? Short answer... you wouldn’t.”

Discord was finally seeing the faint idea of my master plan. Traces of fear began to show itself on his face. “S-so I wouldn’t be able to use magic to escape, so what? I can always just break free without it.”

“Ah, but what if you weren’t constrained by anything that you could break? What if you were just locked in a ‘space’ where you felt pain but could do nothing to flee or cut yourself loose?” I asked leading him to the truth of my plan.


The dark smile I had widened, “Here’s a question for you; have you ever experienced what its like to be hurtling through space without any form of protection? I heard that it’s the most horrible pain in existence... no air, massive radiation, unbearable cold, and a perfect vacuum that feels like someone is ripping you apart from the inside out.”

“Phew, I was worried there for a second... there is no way you can send me far enough into space to keep me from returning instantly. I can still teleport even in the harsh conditions beyond our atmosphere.”

I then took on a British accent to mimic the Doctor because what I was about to lay down totally called for me to sound like him, “Well, that WOULD be true if you hadn’t given me this cutie mark and gotten my magic to godlike proportion. Because of you I can feel the turn of the universe... did you know magic is only limited by what you can imagine? And guess what? I can imagine the thousands of galaxies spinning in the universe, the billions of solar systems turning in the galaxies, and this very planet rotating in the midst of it all. You may not realize this but we are traveling at a phenomenal speed through the universe, the only reason why we can’t feel it is because we move at the same rate on this galactic mudball. Now IMAGINE, what would happen if someone like, oooh, I dont know... lets say you, were to stop moving along with the rest of the of the known universe... what do you think would happen?”

Discords pupils first dilated, then shrunk to no more than little red dots. He now understood and realized that I would not be relying on my own strength as much as I would be momentarily borrowing the power of the very universe itself. I would only have to hold him in space for a fraction of a second, however even that would be pushing the limits of my capabilities. I knew I was massively powerful but locking a being into a point in space while letting everything else move without him was hard to imagine alone so performing it would take everything I had... and then some. Discord seemed to know that as well.

“But th-that would be suicide! Even for you! YOU WOULD NEVER COMMIT SUICIDE! IT'S ONE OF YOUR RULES!” He shouted desperate to change my mind.

I walked a few steps to the left until I was right in front of a window, then I began to explain once more, “You’re right, I would never commit to something as petty as suicide... sacrificing my life in order to save the ones I care for on the other hand... I would do that in a heartbeat!”

“That is it! I won't have you get in the way now! I am the mastermind here and this is my world!” He yelled while spreading his arms, opening portals in space revealing what appeared to be guns from Earth. He was using his magic to bring things from our dimension here, and apparently bullets were not that hard to bring. I dashed around the room and focused on remaining calm and alert to summon up all the magic I had. It would take some time to gather enough focus and cast the spell so in the meantime I resorted to dodging bullets and hiding behind pillars when I could. The portals were able to move and Discord swapped what was shot by creating another portal on earth at a different spot. I suspected that most of the guns fired were shot by experts from a warzone or firing range, but that didn’t really matter because Discord was the one who was aiming the portals and (lucky for me) he had terrible aim.

I wasn’t too worried until he started making more portals and upgrading the guns to RPG’s and assault rifles. His aim didn’t matter if what was shot could explode so I changed tactics in order to hold off just a little longer, I could feel that my magic was almost at it’s peak and so could Discord. I ran out of pillars to hide behind and all portals were colliding on my position.


All weapons simultaneously fired and created a large plume of dust and smoke.

YES!!!” Discord hissed in happiness.

“Sorry to ruin your celebration twice in one day but... oh who am I kidding? I'm never sorry for upsetting assholes like you!” I swore, which was a first for me since I always thought there was no point in spewing profanity.

The smog settled and a black wall separated me from Discords sight. I changed the laws of physics in that plane of space to cause maximum velocity to be equal to zero, meaning that nothing could move faster than a standstill through that wall. That was the reason why it was black, because even light couldn’t penetrate it.

Enraged, Discord dismissed all of his portals and began to float towards me. I could see a fire in his eyes. I could tell by the look on his face that he was finally going to pull out all the stops and do his best to kill me right there.

“Do you think you can really hide behind that!?! I have been bending the rules to reality since before your twentieth great grandfather was born! I can rip through this without even trying!” And he proved himself capable of doing so by swiping at it with his glowing eagle talon and shattering it into millions of fading fragments. I fell back from the force of it. “THIS IS WHERE YOU FALL! YOU HAVE BEEN A THORN IN MY SIDE LONG ENOUGH! NOW DIE!!!”

He shot his clawed appendage forward like a spear and stuck his arm straight through my head... but his victory was still not met. He pulled his hand back and looked at it, then at me. My image let off a quick shimmer and wavered. I let go of the illusion I had made at the beginning of the fight to reveal that the ‘me’ he just defeated was nothing more than a hologram that I had made like I did with Gilda, but much more advanced. I made it seem like it was really me by projecting my voice to make the sound come from its mouth. I also used small telekinetic bursts of air where it placed its hoofs to kick up trace amounts of dust and then I created the sound of hooves hitting the stone floor wherever it moved to keep up the illusion that I was really running around and dodging his attacks. I even put up a shield to reinforce the charade. However, I was never in any danger and I was free to build up my magic the whole time.

“What...?” Discord said looking at me, his voice cracking from sheer confusion. I could feel and see green energy swirling around me. My hair was lifting up into the air and my jacket was flapping in a non existent breeze by my magical aura alone.

Discord shook his head stared at me yet again in astonishment, “Wait, WHAT!?!”

“Discord...” my voice echoed and wavered from the power consuming me, making me sound like an actual god. “You have committed unspeakable crimes and set in motion the plan for murder. Your punishment will be swift and just!”

Hearing this, Discord fell to his knees and began to plead for mercy, “I’m sorry! Won't do it again I promise!”

Begging for mercy when he refused to show any. That was strike one...

“It is too late for promises. You made me a god and now I will be the one to pass judgement on your soul...” I said as the building began to shake from the might of my spell while I started picturing the universe in its entirety, slowly focusing my attention on the very spot we were standing. It was odd but I could see all there was in a sense now that I was starting the spell. The entire cosmos was being contorted to my will.

Discord then tried to convince me that I was wrong and the punishment was too severe. “I know you are mad... and I understand! But will trapping me in space forever be right?! I mean it was just one life! It wasn’t worth endless agony, right?!”

I knew that the taking of even one innocent life was inexcusable therefore his argument was invalid. That was strike two...

“You can not talk your way out of your sins. You made me kill the only one I ever truly loved and you WILL pay for the tragedies you caused.” I was finally done with the spell and it was ready to send us both to where we belonged. I surrounded him with my magic and was getting ready to cut his tie to the universe, but he interrupted me with a mention of a deal when he began to float up.

“Wait, wait wait! I can make everything better! I can give you back what you want the most!” He shouted desperately, looking at the bright green aura with dread.

I softened my expression a bit and let him speak, as I was curious as to if he was really capable of doing what he said on his own. He let go of his held breath and wiped his forehead free of sweat.

“That’s right, I can give you the one thing that matters most to you...”

I raised an eyebrow in interest. “Go on...” I said, lowering him a little closer to the floor.

He smiled contently and said, “I can send you back to Earth!”

And that was strike three.

My expression hardened into a death stare and I mentally screamed, ‘Stop!’. Discord bashed against the ceiling and made a few cracks from the impact. The whole castle trembled from the outpouring of magic.

I didn’t perform it correctly and tried again, ‘STOP!’. He slammed against the same spot and let out a moan, showing that he indeed felt pain. The cracks were bigger that time and the castle shook even more than before... I was getting really close. I could attempt it one more time before my mind gave out from the strain.

I summoned every ounce of energy I had left in my now levitating pain wracked body and let out a loud scream that I swore could have tore through the fabric of space and time itself. “STOOOOP!!!

Discord seemed to blink out of existence along with a good chunk of the ceiling. It wasn’t until a few moments later that I realized I won... I defeated a god of chaos by myself. Never did I imagine I could actually become so formidable... but I also never imagined growing a horn, being sent to a land of cartoon ponies, me using magic, meeting two princesses, and basically all the other stuff that I was involved with in the past two months.

Suddenly I was hit with the backlash of my magical outburst and fell to the floor, landing on my back.

This time was different from the others though. I wasn’t instantly knocked out, instead I was slowly being drained of all my energy... down to the last drop that sustained my life. I knew this was going to happen and I not only accepted it, but also craved it. My view on the matter was that I was no better than Discord. Whether I wanted to or not, I was responsible for the death of another and my sacrifice was the only means of redemption I saw available. At least this way I wouldn’t be able to cause anymore trouble.

The morning had come and the light of the new day was shining down on me from the hole Discord made. I couldn’t move and felt totally out of it. I guessed that the expression on my face made me look like I was half dead already. I could feel the warmth of my blood seeping out my nose. That proved it... I was as good as gone.

As my breathing got weaker I slowly reflected back on my life. My greatest achievements, my favorite memories, my learning experiences... stuff like that. I was sizing up my life as a whole, trying to see how much meaning it really had. Sadly as I looked at all I had done, I stumbled across the fact that I had done next to nothing before meeting Twilight. My entire life was filled with me waiting for a reason I did not know. I always felt like I was waiting for something to happen back on Earth, and now that something did, I threw it away for a chance to go back to my pointless existence. What was wrong with me? I had it all and I couldn’t see it was right in front of me the whole time I was here. I may have been the dumbest genius to ever live...

My sight began to blur and fade. I was down to my final few moments of life. I was no longer plagued by the storm of thoughts that usually bombarded my mind and my decreasing heart rate was all I could hear anymore. Before I blacked out completely, I saw a figure come into view. It was shrouded in a bright light and had wings.

The last thing I remember was the simple thought, ‘An Angel is coming to take me to heaven? Well it's too late to save me, I'm already falling into the dark. I can't earn wings after what I did...’


Author's Note:

Well there you have it, the epic climax to the story. I hope you enjoyed it (because A LOT of work went into it). With only one chapter left I am feeling pretty good. I believe that when it is finished everyone will be fairly pleased at the end, so all of you who are freaking out... don't. I have been getting messages about Twilights death and let me just say I'm disappointed. Seriously have a little faith! (says the guy who believes faith is a bunch of crap...)..

Okay, until next time, keep being awesome!