• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 4,645 Views, 673 Comments

Buck My Life - JasontheDemon

Yes, I am a brony... the rare kind that DOESN'T WANT TO BE STUCK IN EQUESTRIA! This story is one about me, my life, and my overwhelming desire to return back to where I belong. But the longer I stay, the more my resolve weakens.

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Parental issues

Parental issues

It was only five days after Hearts and Hooves day, but Twilight had insisted we leave for Canterlot early. She never explained why and I didn’t care enough to push the subject. We took the ‘Friendship Express’ (I gagged upon hearing the name) at 8 O’clock sharp. I spent most of my time with my arms crossed, leaning against the window, looking out at the scenery as it passed by. I did the same things on all the long trips I had to take to the special hospital back on Earth, so this felt natural. Occasionally, I would shift my attention to Twilight seated across from me... she would just smile sweetly in response to my soulless stare.

The previous few days before we left were spent mainly on playing with Vlad and hanging around with Gilda. Vlad was proving to be quite promising in his abilities as a partner as well as a pet. We had made a special spell that I called ‘Sonic Sync’. Basically I could blindfold myself or go into an area of pitch darkness and still see in a sense. Vlad would perch himself on my head and use echolocation, then I would connect my mind to the special area in his brain that interpreted the sound waves so I could see what he did. Not only did it make it possible to see in pure darkness, but it also gave me a way to see what was around corners or behind trees.It was a fun little spell but as of right now there was no purpose to using it.

As for Gilda, she had shown dramatic improvement in the short time she had gone back to anger management. There were a few moments where she had snapped but she quickly caught herself. However I noticed that when a few jerks were seeing how far they could push her, she was shaking while digging her talons into the dirt. She wasn’t being herself and forcing a change that was taking a great toll on her. After stepping in and telling her taunters that if they didn’t stop I would ‘rip out their eyes and shove them so far down their throats that they would be able to see what they had for breakfast’, I told Gilda that it was okay to stand up for herself as long as it was for a good reason. Other than that, she was a perfectly balanced citizen in my book. She even liked my dark sense of humor that would slip out from time to time. She told me that I was ‘one wicked dude’, but I didn’t know if she meant that in a good way or not.

The train ride was a long one, but I suppose that I should have expected it would have been. The only reason why they didn’t show how long the ride was in any of the episodes was probably because watching a bunch of ponies ride on a train for three to four hours would be boring, and heaven forbid we get bored! Still, I was not pleased with this mode of transportation. It felt so slow compared to cars. I would have made it easier on myself by meditating but my thoughts wandered too much when I did, so that was out of the question. I could have listened to music, but then Twilight would probably want to know what I was listening to or another pony could pass by and start asking questions and I didn’t want to be bothered. So in the end I just sat there... looking out the window... bored as hell... for three hours straight. Twilight did the smart thing by bringing a book, but when she woke me up so we could leave I was too out of it to think of bringing one myself. I guess boredom will be the least of my worries by tomorrow though. With Princess Celestia being the one to judge me, I should have been terrified, but instead I felt like it was going to be okay. If she sends me to the moon, oh well, I had a nice run; if she decides that I am not a bad guy and lets me go without doing anything, great. Really, I just didn’t care. Who knows, I might have just been too tired to care anymore. One thing was certain though, there was no going back now... it was now my fate to face her.

Once the train had stopped, Twilight closed her book and got up to leave the train. I followed her off into the train station. I was surprised at how little she had talked during the trip. I had a feeling that she had planned something but couldn’t tell what it was. Her silence made it impossible for me to gather any information that she was hiding. The bright side was that she wasn’t at all dangerous and whatever her plan was couldn’t hurt me even if she tried... or so I thought. She searched the station platform for a few moments before finding what she was looking for.

“Mom! Dad! I missed you so much!” She shouted rushing to her parents.

Twilight's mother nuzzled her and replied, “We missed you too dear. You really should come to visit more often... now where is this mystery stallion you were going on about?”.

Twilight pointed straight at me and they headed over. Was this what she got me up early for? To meet her parents?! Deep down I was upset with her, but also nervous for some odd reason. I couldn’t put my finger on it, but something about her parents made me recall the feeling of being a child. I felt so small and insignificant within their gaze, but kept a straight face.

“So you are the ‘amazing discovery’ our daughter spoke of in her letter... put ‘er there!” Her father said holding up his hoof. I politely returned the gesture and shook his hoof.

“Pleasure to meet you sir. So exactly how much did she tell you about me?” I inquired, praying that Twilight hadn’t told them too much.

“Well she only told us that you were a unicorn with a few problems. We didn’t even get a name! Can you believe our little silly filly forgot to mention that?!” Her mother said, roughly rubbing Twilights head in a loving manner. “So would you mind telling us so we can speak to you properly?”

“Uh, my name is...”

Twilight quickly placed her hoof over my mouth and blurted, “DUSK! His name is Dusk! He hit his head and sometimes has a hard time remembering things!”

Her parents looked at each other suspiciously and Twilight just laughed nervously in a way that should have made it obvious she was hiding something, but to my surprise, they fell for it and introduced themselves. After the touching reunion and introductions were out of the way, Twilight said she was going to show me around while her parents went back to their Canterlot home. We walked the streets of Canterlot for a bit and Twilight showed me all the places she remembered from her childhood... which meant everything. I seriously didn’t care where she went to get ice cream after acing a test or the park she would go to with Cadence, but I tagged along because I had nothing better to do.

The ponies that passed us were all snobs who had their noses so high in the air that I was surprised that they didn’t have neck problems... or maybe they did and I couldn’t tell, who can say? Their stuck up demeanor made me want to do something to make them at least a little humble. Seeing anyone believe that being wealthy mean that you were better than another was despicable. To me, wealth was the last thing you should be concerned about, and I was always poor so that should mean something. In my eyes you were only as rich as the experiences you had. Living a life of stinginess means nothing if you never do anything of importance... and by importance, I mean helping others, making friends, and having fun with those you care about, no matter how they rank in society.

While Twilight and I continued to walk through the moderately busy streets, we happened to bump into the biggest piece of crap in all of Equestria... Prince Blueblood. He strolled by us and mumbled something. I knew whatever he said was an insult so I decided to confront him.

“What was that?” I asked bitterly, looking back at him.

“Hmph, I said... 'I had no idea Celestia was letting commoner filth walk our streets freely’. Your vulgar kind have no right to be among us higher class. Even if that unicorn beside you was once one of nobility, she should go back to that filthy village where she now belongs!”

Oh, no he did not just talk crap about Twilight. That was the final straw, he was going to feel my wrath!

“Don’t you DARE speak ill of her! I am one thing, but she is the pony who saved not just yours, but everyones rear end on multiple occasions! Not ONCE did she ever ask for thanks or recognition! You on the other hoof, are a sad, egotistical, jerk with no talent other than having a way of making others hate you! You got it all wrong you pompous piece of trash! It is you who has no right to be among us! You are, and will forever remain, nothing but a stuck up, cowardly, self-centered loser with only your precious money to keep you company! Sure we may be poor, but we have more character in our left ear than you do in your whole body, you pathetic excuse for a stallion! Now you had better get out of here before I stain your pearly white coat with your own blood... because you know how violent us villagers can get.” I snarled, giving him a ‘death stare’ to send him running. After he was long gone I turned around to see nearly every pony looking directly at me with shocked expressions, including Twilight. Feeling as though I had frightened them, I nudged Twilight to snap her out of her flabbergasted state and motioned for her to follow me. I had never openly acted like I had to Blueblood on earth, so I felt rather embarrassed by my outburst. The awkward situation forced me to flee with Twilight following closely behind. Once we were alone I sighed and looked back on everything I had said. I was too close to my dark side... the side of me that I was afraid of.

“Jason? What was that?” Twilight asked, the sound of worry in her voice.

“I’m sorry... I know I shouldn’t have been so defensive and lashed out like that, but guys like him just... get to me. I hope we can just forget about it and move on. I never meant to get that close...”

“What are you talking about? That was the first time I saw somepony stand up to Blueblood like that! It was amazing!” Twilight said before pausing for a moment. “Hey, what did you mean you ‘never meant to get that close’?”

I faced away from her as I explained, “I have a problem with getting angry... and not like normal peo- I mean ponies. Normally I can bottle up my rage and keep it locked away, but there are a few cases where I suddenly snap, releasing all of it at once. It’s a side of me that has even brought my best friend to tears at one point. I believe it stems from my self discipline mixed with my family’s tendency of having a short fuse. I struggle to keep my anger from hurting others, but when I can't hold on anymore, I can become more terrifying than anything you have ever witnessed... I pray that you never see me like that. Even though it may only last a brief moment... it is something I would not wish on my worst enemy.”

As Twilight listened, her concerned expression returned. “Why didn’t you tell anypony? I thought we were past hiding things from each other...” She said, resting her hoof on my shoulder.

“Because there are some things that are better left unsaid. If I were to reveal everything... lets just say it’s better you not know what I do. I envy you Twilight, really I do. You have an innocence that makes you pure and kind. You are surrounded by many friends that truly care for you and come from a loving family. I come from a much darker place and it would be cruel of me to expose you to it. If I don’t tell you something, it is for your own good.”

“Look, I know you had it rough but you are with me now, and the first thing you have to do is let us help you!” Twilight shouted.


“Yes! Applejack, Rarity... Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy... Rainbow Dash and even Spike! We are all your friends! We support each other when we are having a hard time and keep each other safe! You aren’t alone and you never will be... now let us help.”

“You want to help?” I asked rigidly. Twilight nodded in response.

“Then stop trying to help... I hate it when you help me.”


“Don't you remember what I said when I first started to learn magic? Nobody helped me before and it bothers me to see you go out of your way for me.”

“Well then why don’t I just help you in exchange for what you do for me?” Twilight asked with a kind smile.

“What are you talking about? I never do anything for anyone.” I said, wondering how she was going to pay me back for doing nothing but lounging around.

“That’s not necessarily true... do you recall the night of Hearts and Hooves day? I was a wreck but you cheered me up.”

“Alert the media, I said a few words to keep a girl from crying!” I said sarcastically, putting my wrist to my forehead and batting my eyes like Rarity did in her drama queen act.

“Okay well what about when you painted that picture for me?”

“Picture? What pic-? Ohhh... I see. You thought that doodle was a gift because you were in it... sorry to burst your bubble but I was just bored and I thought ‘Twilight at twilight’ would be a cool, if a bit unoriginal, idea so I went for it. If you want it though you can have it, I don’t care about it that much. I have made better stuff before and that was only a spur of the moment thing.” I said, waving it off as the uninspired mess that it was.

“Well I think it is definitely worthy of at least one favor, so stop being so stubborn and take it!” Twilight said, getting annoyed.

“Fine, but can I take a raincheck on that? I am in no need of a favor right now, and I think we should get back to your parents before they start worrying... I know my dad would never allow me to leave for this long.” I said, looking at the late afternoon sun as it approached sunset.

“Now that you mention it... I don't think you ever told us about your parents.” Twilight said, her eyes darting back and forth along the ground in thought.

“I didn’t? Okay well how about I tell you tonight?”

Twilight nodded and led the way to her old family home.

* * * * * *

Upon arrival to the amazingly huge house that bordered on being a mansion (because apparently Twilights parents were loaded from their successful jobs), Twilight Velvet welcomed us home and gave me a freshly baked cookie. I was slightly disturbed by her kindness to me. We had barely gotten to know each others names and she was already treating me like I was part of the family. I had run across a few other people like this back home but for some reason I felt like I was taking advantage of their overwhelming generosity. They told me that I was free to sleep in Twilight's bed since it was fit for two fully grown ponies and if I needed anything all I had to do was ask. Night Light was less upfront about being friendly but he seemed just as happy as Velvet. He was like the calm and controlled father figure that I never had... and I felt safe just to be around him. Twilight lead me up a staircase to her old bedroom. I noticed that everything was organized and clean. There were a few tall bookcases that held not only books but a few magical trinkets such as a crystal ball. I didn’t know if there was a purpose to any of them or if they were just for show, but it was clear that Twilight had been a magic fanatic for a long time. There were also a few sculptures scattered around in between the empty areas not filled by bookcases. However, the thing that had me speechless from the moment of entering the room was the enormity of it. The ceiling was at least fifteen feet above us and the walls were so far apart that it could have fit my old home inside of it! I walked around slowly taking it all in.

“Could your room be any bigger?” I asked rhetorically.

“I know... I always thought it was too much.” Twilight said as she got on the queen sized bed. Her bed had a headboard with an engraving similar to her cutie mark. The covers were purple and the pillows were hot pink, nearly matching the streaks in her hair exactly. She soon made herself comfortable on it and started staring at me. I was about to ask what she was looking at but she beat me to it.

“So? Aren’t you going to tell me about your parents now?”

“Actually I was hoping you would have forgot about that before we got here...” I admitted.

“Please, like I wouldn’t remember you giving me your word to tell me more about you! You hardly tell me enough as it is so your not going to get off that easy mister!” She laughed, knowing she was going to get it her way whether I liked it or not. I sighed in defeat and began to speak of the ones I called my parents.

“As you already know, I had a pretty crappy life. Most people are normally grateful to have family to support them in times of need, but I have never had a true loving family. My parents did raise me to know right from wrong pretty well and have kept me fairly safe throughout the years. They fed me and kept a roof over my head so I wouldn’t say they are the worst parents in history... but they aren’t nearly as nice as yours seem to be. My biological father actually didn’t stay in my life too long after I was born... the stories I heard about him vary but he was supposed to be a pretty decent guy. I dont remember him because I was only about two years old when he left. The one I called dad took over from there and raised me as his own. I never spent too much time with him and we never had anything in common so we mostly kept our distance. After I got sick I rarely saw him even though we lived under the same roof. He did continue to take care of me when I was in dire need, but other than that, he didn’t seem to care. Our personalities were too different for us to bond so we never really knew each other.”

I wanted to end the story there, but Twilight asked me the one question I really didn’t want to answer.

“Okay... what about your mother?”

“I don't want to talk about it...” I said quietly, trying my best to contain my feelings about it.

“Come on, it will make you feel better! What is it? Get it off your chest. Let it all flow ou-”

Getting irritated with her persistent pushing of the subject, I snapped, “I HATE HER, OKAY?! She was NEVER there for me! Even when I was admitted into a hospital, fighting for my life, all she could do was talk to her ex-husband on the phone and cry about her problems, which weren’t even real! Her ex was a manipulative criminal jerk who played my mother like a violin in order to get what he wanted, and my so called ‘mom’, LET HIM! Even after I was able to come home after the surgery was over, she just left me to get drugged up! She never cared for any of her children, but right when I thought she could prove she loved me, she abandoned her TERMINAL SON for a douchebag who just abused her! She may be my mother... but she will never again be my mom.”

Once I was through, I was breathing heavily from my rage fueled rant. I don't know why I told Twilight what I had. That was something I had never revealed to anyone before... but oddly enough, I felt like I could talk openly to her more than anyone else I had encountered. I waited for Twilight to call me horrible and slap me for hating my mother... I knew deserved it and I wouldn’t hold it against her. Suddenly I felt Twilights arms wrap around me and squeeze me tight. Much to my surprise she was crying.

“I’m SO sorry... I didn’t know. You must have felt so alone!” She sobbed, squeezing me even tighter. I was going to tell her to get off me, but I changed my mind and decided to let her do as she wanted this one time. After all... this could be her last chance. I would be seeing Celestia in the morning and for all I knew, this could be my last day before being banished...