• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 1,381 Views, 14 Comments

Spiritual Renewal - SadisticFluttershy

A unknown evil take's place in one of our own Twilight sparkle's place, and plans to take over all of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 4- A Mysterious disappearance

**A Mysterious disappearance**

****Ponyville Hospital the next morning****

The sun rose upon the horizon, and all were eagerly awaiting Twilight's awakening. Departing from their respective abodes; Pinkie, Rarity and Fluttershy were waiting outside the hospital ward. Rainbow Dash and AppleJack were finishing up on work in which they had missed in the last couple days.

"I wonder what caused Twilight to flip out," Pinkie blurted.

"No pony knows Pinkie," Rarity commented.

"I do hope she isn't badly hurt," Fluttershy whimpered.

"Oh, I'm sure she's alright Fluttershy," Rarity said, laying a hoof upon her shoulder. "This is Twilight we are talking about!"

"I guess you're right"

Shining Armour and Princess Cadence arrived minutes later to see the trio hugging.

"I hope you save enough hugs for Twilight," Cadence commented.

"Oh, You betcha!" Pinkie shouted.

"Me and Cadence are going to go check and see if Twilight is awake," Armour responded. "Where is Rainbow and AppleJack?"

"Those two will be here in a while," Rarity replied. "They have a few errands that they need to tie up, we will wait here for them to arrive"

Armour and Cadence nodded and proceeded to enter the hospital.

The couple trotted up to the reception.

"Hi, my name is Shining Armour and this is my wife Princess Cadence," Armour began.

"We were wondering if we were able to see Twilight Sparkle," Cadence continued. The receptionist looked up and blinked.

"O-of course," the pony said in shock. "Let me just call a nurse to escort you to her room, Please wait here."

Moments passed and a nurse came towards the couple.

"Prince Shining Armour and Princess Cadence, is it?"

"Yes" both replied.

"Please, follow me."

Following the nurse they arrived at Twilight's ward.

"Thank you" Cadence said gesturing towards the nurse. She opened the door and their jaws dropped, looking upon a bomb site. They entered the room to find that the bed sheets had been stripped, furniture toppled and the window smashed. Searching the room they found no trace of their relative anywhere.

"Shining, where is she?" Cadence questioned, Armour looked petrified.

"Nurse!" he shouted, the nurse slowly entered.

"Y-Yes?” upon seeing the state of the room she gasped. Her horn lit up and then dimmed, "I have just sent out an alert across the hospital in search of her."

"Thank you," Armour nodded. "In the mean time we shall search for her elsewhere"

Armour and Cadence then exited the hospital to tell the bad news to the others.

Pinkie was bouncing around AppleJack and Rainbow Dash, who had just returned. Noticing the returning couple, the group galloped over to hear the news.

"So how is Twilight doing?" AppleJack asked.

"We have some bad news," Amour replied. A stream of fear filtered through the five friends.

"W-What is it?" Fluttershy spoke.

"Well, firstly to pick up everyone's spirits," Cadence said, walking besides the friends. "The potion seems to have done the trick and she is awake." A look of relief flustered through all the ponies.

"But what of the bad news?" Rainbow questioned.


"Yes?" the group said simultaneously.

"Twilight has disappeared", when these words hit their ear drums, their eye ducts began to swell. Fluttershy began to cry and was comforted by Rarity.

"Any idea to where she might have gone?" AppleJack asked.

"We hoped you might know," Cadence replied.

"I say we check out the library," Rainbow blurted. Everypony nodded and they headed off.

****Twilight's Library 5 minutes later****

The group arrived at the library, hoping to find their friend in a normal state. They knocked on the oak door, to no answer. Louder they knocked, but still to no prevail.
"Step out of the way everypony" Rainbow shouted. The ponies stepped aside just as she crashed through; stepping through the door remains everypony looked around the tree dome, finding nothing.
"Twilight! you in here?" Pinkie pie shouted, to no response. A cool chill descended upon the inhabitants of the library,
"Twilight?" Applejack called out, shivering, “Ye' here?" Still no response.
"Okay, so Twilight isn't here" Rainbow Dash said, "What now?"

A loud noise echoed through the structure and a voice was heard from the upper levels,
"Ow!" a familiar voice yelled,
"Who's in here?!" Applejack asked with a higher tone in her voice,
"It's Spike!" Spike replied, as if he was being arrested, "What brings you here?"
"Oh" Fluttershy sighed, "We thought you were somepony else"
"May I ask who exactly?" Spike enquired,
"We are looking for Twilight, have you seen her?" Rarity asked,
"No, why?"
"Well, Twilight has disappeared" Pinkie Pie explained, "We thought she might have come here"
"Sorry guys" Spike replied, shrugging, "I have no clue where Twilight might have gone, but she sure isn't here"

Everypony looked up at each other with concerned looks on their faces.
"Well, where could she be?" Shining Armour asked.
"Not sure sugar, but we'll find her eventually" AppleJack said reassuringly, "Let's not just rush to any conclusions, this is Twilight we are on about"
"Yes, I guess you're right AJ" Shining Armour replied.
"I think the logical thing to do is wait here" AppleJack continued, "Maybe she'll return?"
"Sounds good to me" Rainbow Dash replied.
Hours passed and the tension became so thin that you could cut it with a knife. The group seemed to get more and more worried about their friend.

"Dear lord, where is that girl?" Rarity said in a huff,
"Rarity, please" Fluttershy reasoned, "I'm sure Twilight will return in due time"
"That's right!" Rainbow agreed, "Twilight can be very stubborn"
"No Rainbow, that's just you" AppleJack laughed,
"No, Twilight can be very stubborn" Shining said entering the conversation, "When we were younger she never once asked for help and always found it upon herself to fix her problems"
"Well, while we wait maybe we can immerse ourselves into a board game?" Cadence suggested, Pinkie gasped,
"A game?!"
"Yes a game might lift our spirits" AppleJack continued.
All of the ponies began to group together when Fluttershy noticed a bulge in Pinkie's saddlebag,
"Umm Pinkie?"
"Yes Fluttershy?"
"What is in your bag?"
"OH!" Pinkie exclaimed, "I almost forgot that I brought cupcakes..." saddened at the thought, "...to give to Twilight after waking up"
"Don't worry Pinkie" AppleJack said reassuringly, "Twilight will be fine".
"Well if it's all the same to you ponies, I'm going to stay here until she returns" Rainbow announced,
"Rainbow is right, I am going to stay here also" Fluttershy said.
"Yes, after all we know Twilight" AppleJack spoke up, "When she puts her mind to something is nothing to stop her"
"Like that time she locked herself up for two days?" Pinkie questioned,
"...To read all those books from Celestia?" Rarity continued.
Rainbow and AppleJack nodded,
"I still don't understand why she doesn't confide in us" Fluttershy alleged,
"Well it's probably because she thinks that you may not think it was serious, like last time" Spike sniggered, all the ponies scowled at the young dragon and then looked down depressed and continued to play the game.

The next morning.
Twilight was still nowhere to be found and her friends were worried sick by this.
"Spike, can you send a message to the princess and find out where she is?" Applejack asked.
"Sure AJ can do!" Spike replied, grabbing a quill and some ink, "Okay, shoot"

"Dear Princess Celestia," AppleJack began, "Twilight has recently undertaken a strange transformation"
"She was checked into hospital" Rainbow continued, "Having been put into a coma"
"We contacted Zecora for a cure" Pinkie maintained, "She gave us one which would wake her"
"She awoke" Rarity pressed, "But has disappeared"
"She hasn't returned and we are all worried" Fluttershy ventured, "We were wondering if you could lend a hoof in helping us locate her"
"Your faithful subjects..." All the ponies simultaneously spoke, signing the letter.

Once the letter was complete, Spike rolled up the parchment and set it aflame. As the fire burned the parchment it gave off a green flare and the smoke drifted off out the window. They slowly waited for a response from the princess, however nothing came. The group began to grow in anxiety and panic, Applejack let out a heavy sigh
"Why hasn't the princess wrote us back yet?"
"Maybe she's busy?" Rarity replied,
"Yea, okay, 'busy'" AppleJack replied, in a huff "That term that a lot of ponies use"
"Don't worry AJ, she'll reply when she gets the chance" Rainbow added.
Shining Armour and Cadence looked at each other with worried looks on their faces,
"The Princess will reply back" Shining spoke, “Cadence and I think she is still looking for her"
"But it's taking for-" Pinkie Pie said only to be cut off by Spike burping up a response.

Noticing what Spike had just received caused the group to surround the poor dragon,
"Calm down guys, jeez" Spike mumbled, feeling a little claustrophobic,
"READ IT READ IT READ IT!" The group shouted,
"Okay okay, you ponies are so nosey" Spike said annoyed, clearing his throat,

Dear friends of Twilight,
I have some good news; I have located my student Twilight. She is currently residing in the Crystal Empire. However I must speak with all of you urgently. That includes you Shining Armour and Cadence.

"Oh that's a relief!" AppleJack shouted, "She's just there to visit"
"Hold on AJ" Spike continued, "I don't like the sounds of her needing to speak with us urgently"
"And how does she know we are here" Shining Armour responded.
"Yes that is very peculiar" Applejack responded with a sad face.
"We should hurry" Rainbow said, "The next train to Canterlot is leaving soon, with this knowledge the group left the library and rushed over to the station catching the next train to Canterlot.

****Canterlot Castle 1 hour later****

The train pulled into Canterlot station, and the ponies could see a lot of commotion outside their carriage.
"I wonder what this is about" AppleJack pondered,
"Maybe this is why Celestia wanted us to come quickly" Armour answered. The group nodded and stepped out onto the platform. They pushed past the crowds and confronted with violence, Cadence lifted her wings and sent a beam of love towards the violent ponies, causing them to seize their actions.

Minutes pass and the ponies ventured deeper into the labyrinth that was the Canterlot marketplace. Going deeper and deeper, they reached the castle gates, pushing them open and stepping inside. They made their way Princess Celestia’s throne, bowing their heads upon sight.
"Thank you for coming quickly" Celestia began,
“Princess, what’s going on?” Applejack asked. Looking worried, the Princess continued to keep eye contact with the group,
“You okay princess?" Pinkie Pie continued "You seem upset”, Celestia sighed,
“It’s because I am Pinkie”
“Why is that darling?” Rarity asked. The Princess let out a long exhale.
“Your friend Twilight Sparkle was found at the Crystal Empire" The Princess explained, "But it seems she has started a reign of chaos over the inhabitants". Everypony gasped in fright,
"Wh-What do you mean?!" Shining sobbed, "She wouldn't do anything like this!"
“I’m sorry Shining Armor, but it’s the truth”
“What do we do Princess?” Rainbow Dash asked. There was a long silence in which the Princess needed to think before she spoke. Minutes passed, and the princess broke the silence with her answer.
“Well my little ponies" She began, "I will need you to go the empire and stop Twilight from taking over”
“And how are we going to do that?” Rarity asked with a confused look.
“Princess Luna is going to go with you" The Princess explained "Using the elements will be useless without the sixth element”
“May I ask who’s the one responsible for Twilight’s sudden change?” Applejack asked.
The Princess shook her head. “No, sorry Applejack, I do not"
“But we can find out fast right?” Applejack continued.
“It depends AJ” Celestia started “It just depends”
“Sounds good to me!” Pinkie pie said
“Cometh quickly!" Luna bellowed, "We must venture forwards quickly!”
“Yeah!" Rainbow shouted, "We’ll found out who the little feather causing all this and tear it up!”
“Okay sugar, calm down” Applejack began, “C’mon princess, let’s go”
The group headed out the twin doors towards the empire.

****The Crystal Empire****

The ponies arrived at the empire within a roaring blizzard, stepping out with a intimidating shiver.
“Oh my, it’s cold!” Rarity complained “Some pony get my scarf!”
Rainbow Dash, irritated by her whiny friend and the blistering cold began arguing, “Oh boo hoo rarity, get over it!”
“Don’t tell me such thing Rainbow Dash!" Rarity protested, "That’s abruptly rude!”
“Will you two hush your traps!?” Applejack yelled. “There is no time for fussing, we need to get inside the empire, find Twilight, and fix this mess”
Rainbow and Rarity looked down in shame and said “Sorry Applejack”. After a short hug they continued their trek east to the empire. Arriving at the gates, they saw their friend standing defensively, with her horn glowing bright purple. She stretched out a wretched grin and fired a bolt of energy towards to the group.
“STOP!” the group shouted at their friend, dodging the bolt.
“What in Celestia’s name are you doing?!” Shining Armor asked.
No response.
“Twilight Sparkle, answer me RIGHT NOW!” Shining Armor yelled slamming his hoof on the ground.

For a split second, Twilight snapped out of her trance and spoke two words.
Upon speaking these words caused something to snap in her brain, which in turn, caused her to writhe in pain. She gripped at her skull in agony, seeing their friend in turmoil the group stepped forward.
"STEP BACK!" Twilight shouted with a deeper voice, stomping on the ground, producing a large shockwave knocking the ponies backwards. Leaning forward she could feel her spine cracking as it elongated,
*Crack, Crack, Crack*
The Unicorn's legs widened and her jaw shifted. Her horn curvetted upwards and dark magic began to spew from its tip. The dark energy seeped into her hair and coat causing them to change further. Her coat grew smoother and darkened to a shade of Byzantium, whilst her hair grew blacker and blacker, with a streak of Cardinal Red, along with the hatred in her heart.

The group of ponies looked on in trepidation, fearing for their friends safety. Twilight lifted her head and gave the group a crimson glare. Her horn brightened and she blasted multiple streams of energy towards the group, causing the ground to begin cracking around each of them. The cracks grew out of control and lifted each individual pony off on different crystalline pillars. All of them looked down in fear, whilst the fliers amongst them stared down Twilight, who had also risen up.

"Twilight!" Rainbow shouted, "What are you doing?!", Twilight gave a smug look towards the cyan Pegasus and laughed,
"Uhm, Twilight?" Fluttershy asked,
"I'm sensing a large amount of Dark energy originating from Twilight's mind" Luna spoke, "Such an energy I haven't felt in over a millennia"
“Twilight?" Sombra sniggered, "I’m afraid your friend's mind has been disposed of. And there is NOTHING you can do to save her!”

“What have you done to Twilight?!” Shining Armor yelled.

“Oh nothing really," The king replied, looking at his enthralled hooves. "I've only taken domain within this poor souls mind. Such domain has granted me control over her body, which I shall use to enact my revenge upon all of Equestria."

The group looked amongst themselves puzzled. Shining stood between the group pondering on the information his supposed sister had just told him.

Sombra pulled on the strings of his puppet, causing Twilight to lift her front legs one by one and turn around. Using his enhanced vision he pinpointed his HVT. A plum shade illuminated from his thrall's horn as he began to conjure a spell.

“Revenge? What are you talking about? Who are you?!” Shining Armour belted.

The sudden interruption caused the king to curse inwardly. "Are you really that naive? I don't see what the royal family sees in you!" He snarled. The puppets' head turned, its gaze set upon the white stallion over yonder. A slight grin spread across his familiars face, as he commanded Twilight's limbs to turn towards Shining, keeping his minds' eye set upon his target.

AppleJack and Rainbow Dash sniggered behind Shining's back before being silenced by the two princesses. Shining looked at Twilight's seemingly lifeless body puzzled. Cadence trotted over to Shining's side.

"Shining, dear?" She asked. Shining snapped from his confusion.

"Huh, what?" He looked up and saw Cadence with a concerned look on her face, "I'm fine".

Luna stepped forward presenting herself before Sombra's thrall.

"My name is Princess Luna of the night, sister to Princess Celestia of the sun," she roared, "Who is it that I am addressing?"

Sombra turned Twilight's attention towards the secondary speaker. "Ah, Princess Luna of the night, It is a pleasure to see you again. How long has it been? One thousand and two years? It has been too long"

Luna looked on blankly, completely speechless.

"Oh don't remember me? Pity. I sure remember you and how you banished me away in the ice. Now I am back for a third time..."

Whilst distracting the group, Sombra materialized a phantom specter out the back of Twilight's head. The horn protruded through her skull and a beam of pure ghastly energy shot down its line of sight.

"...After your sister sent Twilight and her friends to stop me from retaking my rightful place upon the crystal throne, I had to come up with a contingency plan, for the off chance that they would restore the crystal heart back to its original position." Twilight's body began to pace up and down the plinth in which she stood.

"Wait...Is that you Sombra?" Luna quivered.

"Very clever Luna, you were always the smarter one out of the two of you. And it's King Sombra now."

"Oh we are very sorry, Your Majesty," Cadence replied sarcastically, looking up from her enraged husband.

Sombra stopped Twilight in her tracks and raised an eyebrow, looking upon the third individual. "Ah, Cadence of Love. The one who my subjects believe to be their new benevolent leader."

As the conversation continued on, the group were still none the wiser on what Sombra had planned. The beam continued along its trajectory penetrating the Empire's shields without much loss of momentum.

"Once you returned that tainted heart upon its pedestal, the oncoming shockwave completely obliterated my physical being. All that was left of my soul was saved within my horn," Sombra explained. "There I waited, lost and forgotten. Until Twilight here stepped upon the horn which provided the perfect opportunity to find a new host."

Shining picked up enough strength to tackle Sombra's silver tongue. Wincing, he questioned Sombra's target. "Twilight is one of the strongest unicorns in all of Equestria! How could you overpower her so easily?"

Sombra began to laugh manically, his laughs echoing throughout the chasm below them. "It was actually quite easy. The foal misunderstood the magic which she tried to conjure. She openly allowed me to navigate my way through her subconscious and completely take hold of her while she slept."

A soft ringing echoed throughout the valley. All the ponies wreathed in pain, all except King Sombra. For he knew what the ringing signalized. Twilight turned, and the plinths in which the group were residing began to descend. Noticing this, Shining readied himself for a charge.

"You won't get away with this," Shining roared.

"You really don't see it, do you? For I already have!" Sombra replied as his thrall began to hastily retreat back towards the Empire.

Shining looked upon his seven friends, who all nodded. They began to charge forward. Sensing the tremor beneath his hooves, he hit on the brakes causing Twilight to slid 180 degrees. A louder ringing steered its way through the mountain tops, and upon hearing Twilight's subconscious was given a slight jolt.

"Stop..." She whispered, tears trickling down her cheek. "I SAID STOP!" She slammed her hooves down upon the ground causing a massive shock wave, cracking the ground into an uneven mess. Only Shining Armour and The Princess of the night were left in any fighting form. The bodies of the others lay injured upon the earth.

Shining looked upon the thrall to see her tears pat against the ground. "Twilight..." He murmured. Her pupils then blotted and Sombra regained control, who gave Shining an evil smirk.

Luna and Shining charged forward as Sombra lifted Twilight's front hooves upwards.

"Behold!" Sombra bellowed.

A final screeching sound boomed from the centre of the Empire. A dark violet beam shot into the night sky showering the adjacent landscape with its intense glow. The Crystal Heart rose up, centralizing itself within the beam.

"The true power of the Crystal Heart".

Upon arriving at the top the Crystal Heart refracted the dark violet beam into multiple rays of light.

Shining and Luna edged closer towards Sombra whilst the others slowly began picking themselves up from the crash. Sombra spun Twilight's hind legs across the ground as he bolted further into the Empire, forcing gravel into Shining's face. The white stallion became enraged and picked up his acceleration, sure of the capture of his sister's captor.

"You won't get away from me!" Shining exploded.

Sombra looked down his line of sight and noticed a beam of light strike up against some pendulous rocks. 'Almost there...I'd better pick up the pace...' he thought.

The beam struck against a golden switch in the shape of an eye. As it entered the eye it was deflected by a series of mirrors and was sent skyward as a mist descended around the rocks.

The beams travelled along the mist line and re-centered within the Crystal Heart. The mist began to thicken as Twilight launched herself past the pendulous rocks, causing the mist barrier to solidify.

Noticing the sudden solidification of the mist, Luna stretched out her wings to reduce her velocity. Shining picked up the pace witnessing Sombra's sudden yet passive halt. Unwavering he leapt forward only for the mist to fully harden. He struck hard against the crystalline bubble which now encased the entire Empire. A surge of current began to flow up through the unicorns' body into his brain. He pushed with all his strength, finally grasping freedom. A small explosion detonated, blasting the unicorn over fifty feet.

Shining drifted through the air, plummeting upon the ground. Cadence rushed over to her husband, eyes drenched with tears.

“Shining Armor!” she yelled.

The group of ponies ran towards to where Shining laid, gasping upon finding him unconscious. Cadence tried to grasp Shining and hold him in her arms, but was given a shock. Tears began to flow from Cadence’s eyes.

“No!! This can’t be!”

Cadence lay distraught next to her half scorched husband. Rarity and Fluttershy trotted over to comfort her. Whilst Rainbow Dash and AppleJack joined Princess Luna in surveying the barrier now blocking their path.

"What are you thinking Princess?" Rainbow asked.

Luna's gaze fixated upon the Crystal Heart, now circling the centre of the Empire.

"Princess?" AppleJack questioned.

Luna snapped from her trance and beckoned the two ponies whom joined her.

"I was thinking about somepony"

"Who?" Rainbow and AppleJack asked simultaneously, slightly confused.

"Sombra...or "King" Sombra" Luna replied.

Shining’s eyes opened slightly, and began to speak softly.


The soft echo of Shining's voice drifted towards Cadence over yonder. Her ears perked upon the vibrations collided with her ear drum.

"Shining?" Cadence looked over towards her husband, who was writhing in agonizing pain. She trotted over towards him, tears dripping upon the swollen earth. “Shining! You’re going to be fine! Let me help!” Cadence sobbed.

“No” Shining spoke, clutching Cadence by the hooves.

The Princess’s eyes widened “Wha- What do you mean Shining?”

“I took too much damage from that dome, I’m dy...” Shining struggled to spit out his words, taking a gulp he continued. "I'm dying..."

“No! don’t say that!” Cadence said, struggling to speak.

Shining wrapped his hooves around his wife and spoke softly “Shh, it’s okay Cadence, I’ve done my work here, I’ve had a great life, and I’m glad I lived it with you and my sister and her friends."

He gazed upon the barrier in which had forced this burden upon him, "I’m very grateful, listen honey, I know for sure you can stop King Sombra from destroying all of Equestria."

Shining howled out in excruciating pain. Cadence noticed a small crystalline shard sticking from his side in which she carefully extracted. Shining took a deep breath and continued.

"Twilight is still in there Cadence, I've seen it," Shining explained. "Sombra must be stopped at all costs. Free Twilight from his wrath, with my spirit with you all, together, we can defeat Sombra and save this world...I love you“ Shining's hooves slid from Cadence and hit back down upon the ground, his eyes slowly started to close and finally, the warm breath of the unicorn, stopped.

Cadence could only close her eyes, as her tears splashed upon the ground. She could hear the pounding of her heartbeat boom within her skull. She looked towards the heavens and noticed Shining's spirit ascend. Delicately, she spoke six words.
“I love you too Shining Armor”

Author's Note:

Hello everypony, I'm sorry that it took so long to release this chapter! But i got it done didn't i? :D

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, I had the feels writing it when i hit the bottom.


Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by SadisticFluttershy deleted Mar 26th, 2013

You realise deleting the negative comments will just backfire upon you? But regardless ;) Epic :P Obviously

Comment posted by Theater Critic deleted Apr 1st, 2013

Then don't delete them!

Hello everyone, I know you've been expecting an update. But, I lost interest in writing long stories.. therefore, I have cancelled this story and am now writing short stories. As for, The Wish. One of the other stories I was working on. I'm not sure if I want to continue that either.

Sorry for any sad faces I may have profound on you.


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