• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 1,381 Views, 14 Comments

Spiritual Renewal - SadisticFluttershy

A unknown evil take's place in one of our own Twilight sparkle's place, and plans to take over all of Equestria.

  • ...

Chapter 2

****Zecora's Hut****

"Zecora, is there anything you can do to help me?" asked Twilight
"I am not sure Twilight Sparkle as I have never seen anything like this before" Zecora replied with a sigh,
"Well there has to be something that you can do!" Twilight looked down at her hooves, "I am not sure this is going to get better or worse"
"Ah that I can try to find, but please keep in mind, for a cure you see, I cannot guarantee"
"I trust you Zecora, please help me and find a cure as quickly as possible!"

****Twilight's Library 1 hour later****

Twilight requested for her friends to come to the library to see if they could help her. The door opened and all of her friends walked in to assist her.
"What's the big hurry Twilight?" asked Rainbow Dash, hovering above the rest,
"I need all of your help, I don't know what's going on, but my horn is red can't you see it?" Twilight panicked.
As Twilight revealed her horn, the group gasped.
"Twilight, your horn..It's..." Fluttershy whimpered,
"Sharper Pinkie sense" Applejack exclaimed,
"Oooo, can I touch it? Huh? Can I? Can I?" Pinkie said ecstatically, hovering her hoof over the razor-sharp horn,
"If you must" Twilight groaned, Pinkie proceeded to place her hoof on top of the point, piercing her skin,
"Y'ouch!" Pinkie screamed, glaring at her swollen hoof, a single stream of blood pouring from her wound.
"Something is terribly wrong with my horn, but I can't seem to know what!" Twilight explained "I have never seen anything like it before" she continues to explain her experiences upon her return from the crystal empire.
Rarity tried to comfort Twilight, "Oh darling, It doesn't look that bad", giving her friend a hug "I'm sure it'll heal up in no time".
"I'm not sure about that Rarity, as each hour passes it only seems to get worse"
"If it gets any worse sugarcube, we are here if you need us" AppleJack proceeded,
"Okay, I will keep that in mind" Twilight nodded
The group agreed with AppleJack and left Twilight alone in the dark.

****Sugarcube Corner****

"I am worried about Twilight Y'all, she seemed in a lot of pain" AppleJack said concerningly,
"There must be something we can do to help her" said Fluttershy,
"Will cupcakes help her?" asked Pinkie, "You know everything can be fixed with cupcakes"
"Pinkie Pie, this is mighty serious, she needs us to help her but I'm not sure how" AppleJack responded.
"Well, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Rainbow exclaimed "Come on, I got an idea!"
"And what is this idea of yours Rainbow?" Applejack asked
"You guys know that Shining Armour and Princess Cadence live in Crystal Empire right?"
"Well, maybe we should call them to come down here and see if they can help Twilight"
"I like your thinking" AppleJack responded "Alright guys, we need to send a message to the Crystal Empire"

****1 hour later****

"Thank you so much for coming down, it means a lot to us, we are very worried about Twilight" Applejack said looking down at the ground,
"Well when we were called, we both could tell that something was not right" replied Shining Armour,
"Well duhhhhh, we wouldn't call you unless there was something wrong with her, I mean after all you are her brother" Pinkie said giggling
"Of course dear, we care about Twilight, she's the closest thing to us and we love her a lot" Cadence said "We did whatever it took to come down here as quickly as possible"
"So what seems to be the problem?" Shining Armour asked,
"Twilight looks very different than before, her horn has seemed to change shape, it is now curvy and sharp, we don't know what's wrong with her" AppleJack looked up into Shining Armour's eyes, "So we thought we could get you to find out what's wrong with her and fix it if possible"
"Applejack is right guys, I mean I touched her horn and it made my hoof bleed" Pinkie pie added.
"Alright then, what are we sitting here for? Let's go help Twilight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

****Twilight's Library 10 minutes later****

As all of her friends arrived, they saw that no lights were on and the place looked deserted. Slowly a hoof opened the door and stepped in the dark and cold library.
"Ohhhhh Twilight!!" Pinkie called out "You in here?" But all she could hear was her own voice, "Hehe, Echo...ECHO..."
"Now is not the time for games Pinkie" Rainbow snapped,
"Twilight, you here?" Applejack in a worried tone,
Still no sound was heard from their friend.
"Hmmm, maybe she's not here" said Pinkie Pie.
"Well, where could she be?" Rainbow Dash asked.
"She could be anywhere" Rarity added.
"Well we can't just sit here and wait for her to come back, we need to go find her" Applejack hurried.
The group nodded in agreement.

****Central Ponyville****

Every-pony were worried about finding their friend, as they figured she could be anywhere in Equestria. As each minute passed the anxiety grew, and every place they looked led to a dead end. Hours passed and the ponies regrouped,
"Any luck?" AppleJack asked,
"My furry friends haven't seen her anywhere" Fluttershy replied,
"She's not the market" Rarity continued
"Oooo, we are never going to find her!" Pinkie Shouted,
"We will find her Pinkie, it's just a matter of time" AppleJack replied hugging her friend, "Has anyone seen Rainbow?"
"Oh she's still scouring the skies for any sign of Twilight" Fluttershy said, upon finishing Rainbow came crashing down,
"Guys, come quick!" she panted "I think I've found her"
"WHERE?!?" the rest shouted,
"Follow me" Rainbow said pointing her hoof towards Twilight's location. The group followed Rainbow through the town to where their friend lay lifeless on the ground, all of Twilight's friends were in relief as they found her, but when they try to wake her, she didn't move.
"Twilight!" AppleJack shouted, "Wake up!" a trickle fell from her eye,
"Come on Twilight you have to wake up!" Pinkie said as she began to tear up, no response came.
"We got to take her back to the library" Rarity responded "Maybe Shining Armour and Princess Cadence can help her"
"I'll carry her" AppleJack said, holding back her tears "Some-pony help me lift her", Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie lifted Twilight's limp body onto her back and they proceeded to walk back to the library as quickly as possible.

****Twilight's Library 5 minutes later****

As the group arrived at the library, they headed upstairs and put their friend gently into bed and called Shining Armour and Princess Cadence to come help. The two headed into the library and AppleJack called them upstairs to where the group surrounded Twilight in her bed.
"What's going on dear?" Princess Cadence asked with concern,
"I'm not sure Princess, she's not looking too good that's for sure" AppleJack said with a worried tone,
"How so?" Shining Armour asked,
"Well for one, her horn is a different shape, I mean look!" AppleJack pointed at Twilight's horn and they both looked,
"It's all curved, sharp and Redder than usual" Applejack explained,
"We also can't seem to wake her" Fluttershy continued,
"Hmm, I'll see what I can do for her" Cadence said "Step back", the group stepped back to allow the princess to work her magic. She lowered her horn towards Twilight's head and a bright glow occurred.
"Hmm, I have good news and bad news" she said, shaking her head, "Which would you like to hear first?"
"Give us the good news" Rainbow said,
"Well she is alive, but is unconscious" she explained, "The bad news is that I am unable to find a cause to her current condition",
Pinkie jumped up on the bed and shouted "What can we do to help?"
"That won't be necessary Pinkie, thank you" Cadence replied, "I will be able to revive her using a conscious spell", the princess conjoined their horns and Twilight began to awake.
"Look! She's waking up" Fluttershy said happily,
Twilight slowly open her eyes, revealing them to be slightly blood shot,
"You okay Twilight?" Applejack asked with concern,
Twilight rubbed her head, "I'm not sure, I was walking around town when all of a sudden I blacked out" Twilight explained "I don't remember much after that"
"Well the important thing is, is that your safe here, when we saw you on the grass, we tried to wake you, but you didn't wake up so we all got worried and decided to take you home so that you could rest up" Applejack explained.
"I have a feeling that Twilight may have broken her promise that she made to me and Cadence" Shining Armour said in a stern voice, Twilight's ears perked down,
"Twilight? Did y..?"
"Yes, I did, I am so sorry!" Twilight said, wiping the tears from her eyes, "I was just so anxious to do spells, I know I promised to not do them but I did them anyway",
"I told you it was full of dark tricks and lies!" Princess Cadence said in a angry tone,
"But I.."
"I am very disappointed in you Twilight, I mean look at you!" Shining Armour turned away from her, "Your body is changing because you were so anxious to use dark magic, or should I call it 'Forbidden Magic', these are the consequences when you don't listen to me, Cadence or any-pony that tells you something bad WILL happen"
"I know big brother, and I am really sorry!" Twilight said crying,
"I know you are, But all I can say for right now is to get some rest and maybe that'll help, if it doesn't we will get Princess Celestia and Luna to come down and help you, okay kiddo?" Shining Armour replied giving her a hug to calm her down,
"Okay Big brother" Twilight said wiping her tears away,
"I think it's time for you to head off to bed, it's 10:30 at night" Shining Armour said looking at the clock,
"And also, you need to rest up Twilight, it's important that you do so cause that's all we can really do right now" Cadence added.
"You both are right, I do need sleep and I am quite worn out myself" Twilight replied,
"Well, good night Kiddo" Shining Armour and Princess Cadence both said while giving her a hug goodnight,
"Just remember, If you need us we will be right down stairs okay?" Shining Armour said with a smile,
"Okay" Twilight Replied,
All of the ponies nodded and then went downstairs to go to sleep, Shining armour was the last one to come downstairs only to look back at his little sister sound asleep and then had a smile across his cheeks.

Author's Note:

Quite a chapter isn't it?

The good stuff happens in Chapter 3 (: i promise. *Pinkie Promises*

Anyway about Zecora? She will come back in Chapter 3 with her answers of finding a cure for her current state, but again S*** will get real in the next chapter, i hope you guys are enjoying it as much as I am! (: