• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 6,810 Views, 203 Comments

Kinetics - Habanc

On behalf of her sister, Princess Luna tries to elevate the studies of her new student, Twilight Sparkle. However, when their plans backfire, they find themselves in a new world where magic is lost, and then have to survive the turmoil in its place.

  • ...

Book 1: Chapter 15

Return of the Empress

“ ...the more I think about it, the more I see I'm wrong. No, you're hiding from something. You pretend you're all that, but in reality, you're just afraid.”

Princess Luna, Diarch of Equestria and Empress of the Night, was wading through her own destruction, a grin on her face.

It was before the rising dust of dawn, with the sun barely turning the horizon green and yellow. A cold wind whipped in from the north, bringing with it a flurry of snow that accumulated between patches of grass.

The hillside was smoldering as a whole, wooden skeletons billowing smoke and ember into the sky. Craters had torn up the earth as pockets of blood and bile surrounded them, chewing up what had once been pristine Equestrian countryside.

Her guard was at work, piling the bodies and arranging fires to be built. It had only taken a day to discover and catch King Rasmus. An hour more to decimate those loyal to him, under the fire of bolt and magic. They had hardly put up a fight, more like sheep herded to the slaughter, as mortar upon mortar crashed down. The stragglers, often crawling away or sobbing to themselves, were being put down quickly.

Out from the artwork came a group of her guard, dragging something between them. Luna paused in her musing and waited for them. It was Arkein Starling at the fore, leading his personal group of four behind him.

"What hath thou discovered, Pomarius?"

"Tis the Ipernian king, Empress. I doth humbly present King Rasmus, fool pretender and coward." He shoved the old stallion to the ground, who was blackened and glazed, a gash along his forehead still bleeding.

Luna leaned over and inspected him with a smile. She caught his eyes and shook her head slowly. Looking to her lieutenant, she said, "Tarry not on semantics, Starling. We know of him dearly, and need not the introductions. As thou shalt learn, a Lunar Guard is efficient in his or her own actions. Do not forget this."

Turning back to the Ipernian king, Luna put her smile back on. "May the morning greet thee kindly, Rasmus. Wouldst thou prefer to become Our prisoner? No doubt thy nation would offer a most high ransom for thy safe return."

At Rasmus' nod, her grin grew. "We are afraid thou shalt not get as far. A bounty was placed upon Our sister's head from thy court. Like thee, We do not find a fault in the killing of kings, and Ipernia must watch as its order is returned in due kind. Thy head shall do."

Before Rasmus could translate the terror in his eyes, Regolith flashed into the air and skewered the king in the stomach. A dulled gasp of air was all he gave out, his expression wide and shocked as his body trembled.

Luna looked from him to Starling. "Ready thy blade, Pomerius. The guard demands a sacrifice from thee, if thou art to ascend. We shall read him his last rites, and then thou wilt become his executioner."

The blood drained from Starling's face. He remained mute for a moment, his eyes never once leaving his Empress. Then, with his face cast in dark determination, he nodded.

"Excellent," Luna confirmed, her voice growing cold.

Kneeling down with King Rasmus, Luna took his hooves in hers and put them together, over his chest. His whole body was quaking, as he gurgled and sputtered on his own blood.

"Rasmus, thou hast been found guilty of a most abominable sin. Thine attempted destruction of the sun's champion hath earned thee the contempt of not only ponies everywhere, but of even the stars and the moon. Creation itself frowns upon thy grievous deed. We have no choice but to forsake thee."

She scowled at him. "Know thy place." Rising to her hooves, she took a couple steps back.

Arkein Starling's blade rang out as he unsheathed it, and then, taking a moment to steel himself, the fallen paragon swung true.


"Then I told him, 'Yer can go stick it in the mud, 'cause no way in hell a pony's gonna want that!'"

Sky, Donevyn, and Iron Braar descended into a fit of laughter as the group wandered down the wide forest trail.

Further back, Twilight held Sreax's mysterious, glowing gem, continuing to tinker with it.

"Well? Is there anything of note within? Or are we to be stymied yet again?" Luna asked. Frustration was roiling within her, both from being kept in the dark over the gem's mystical properties, and not having enough magic to search it herself. It wasn't that she didn't trust Twilight, but it wasn't every day that she discovered something like this.

"Not much yet," Twilight admitted with a sigh. "As we've gone over, the magical signature itself is woven into many levels, and changes too frequently for me to decrypt."

Luna echoed her sigh. This type of magical complexity was new to her, barring the elements, which was something else entirely. This gem held raw, common magic, but used and manipulated it like never before. Worse, they didn't have the time or the instruments to investigate it further.

"If anything, I'm beginning to speculate that this doesn't hold a magical core, like most gems do." Twilight began to wrap it up. "Again, just an initial theory with little more than educated guesses, but the further and further I dig for the core, the more magic I find."

"And? What do you think this means?" Luna asked.

"I could be very wrong, of course, but I think this is just a relay. A very strong relay, but nothing more. It's moving magic from an enormous source, but what exactly that is, I can't possibly guess at the moment."

"That is peculiar," Luna mused. "You are right, though, we should avoid jumping to conclusions." After a moment's deliberation, she added, "And, perhaps keep quiet about it around other ponies."

"Of course." Twilight nodded and slipped the gem back into Luna's bags.

Luna picked up her pace, breathing heavily under the newfound weight of her armor, and arrived beside her companions. Twilight was not far behind, coming along the opposite side.

"Luna, there you are!" Donevyn proclaimed. "Here, help me out, would you? These two keep saying I'm wrong, but I'm so sure of it! Aren't beards attractive on a stallion?"

Luna sputtered. Again with the romantic, personal confidence? Why– why me? Why not ask anypony else?

"I... I cannot say for certain," she mumbled. "I'm not one for admiring the look of a stallion's face."

"Okay, come on!" Donevyn shook his head. "Just, pretend, okay? So, let's say a guy was already good-looking. Would a beard make him look better or worse?"

Behind him, Luna watched Twilight snicker. The grin on her face told everything, and the look she shot made it worse.

"Well, there is much more to it than whether one has a beard or not. Besides, it's– it's a trivial question, anyway. Why are you so concerned with this?"

"He wants to grow one," Sky chirped in. "I told him he couldn't grow one if he tried, and Irons over here thinks it wouldn't look good on him anyway."

"I can grow a beard!" Donevyn huffed. "I– I just wanted some extra opinions, that's all?"

"Why not ask Twilight?" Luna asked, pointing across to her. The unicorn in question gasped, but she carried on, "I would think she spends more of her time looking at stallions, so her opinion would be better."

"Me?" Twilight cried out in shock. "Me? What makes you think that?"

"Oh, please. Must I bring up memories of you and Elector Dermecles?" She switched to a woeful attempt at mimicking the Erhanos monarch, "Lady Twilight, are you hurt? I promise you that nothing will ever happen like that again, if you would only accompany me–"

"Shut up, you hay-brain!" Twilight threw a slight wave of telekinesis at her, shoving Luna until she stumbled on her hooves. "He was... ugh, completely awful. I don't think he heard you for the first half of that conversation. Like, he kept looking at me, not the other way around!"

On the verge of laughter, Luna admitted, "Oh, fine. Yes, he was quite dreadful." With that, chuckles and giggles enraptured the group.

"Eh, what's this?" Iron Braar interrupted, stopping where he stood. "Honest to tides, what do we got here?"

The group abandoned their laughter, with Luna trotting to the fore. "I– I do not believe it."

Before them, the path opened up to reveal the plains of Hurras, and the city of Konik in the distance.

Between them and Konik, tents, campfires, and banners rolled like a sea, rising, falling, and unending. Ponies scuttled about like ants, as cries and the clanging of metal rang out. Coats of arms stood affixed to high-staffed poles, while wagons rolled in and out by the second. What had once been golden farmland was now a brown, grimy, overcrowded encampment.


Luna wrinkled her nose as she trotted through the camps, doing her best to ignore the smell of latrines and questionable rations. It was, at its barest form, the smell of campaign, the lifeblood that ponies marched on. A storm was beginning to brew in her gut, and it was from more than the wretched scent.

Ponies worked and talked and slept around them, polishing armor and sharpening spears as they sat at small fires. Tents seemed to cluster around the high-flying banners, although they had only passed two or three of the dozens in attendance. They had been walking for twenty minutes, and barely cleared the first few groups of ponies.

The levies were of all sizes, shapes, and ages. Mares both grim and innocent worked their hoofspikes, colts sat beside feeble elders to watch them properly dig a latrine. A young stallion was sparring with a muscled brute nearly three times his size. What was common through them all was the dirt. Even now, at rest, nopony was completely clean. From blackened faces and yellow teeth to a patch of dried mud, not one went unscathed. Even those in gilded armors and heraldic tabards were tainted one way or another.

"Moonguider!" A voice called.

Luna froze. She prayed to anything, the stars, the moon, even the sun, that her intuition was wrong.

"Moonguider! It is a wonder to see you at last!"

Luna looked in the direction of the voice. Her stomach sunk. Her beloved moon had failed her in the end. Indigo Sands Avoir, cape and all, was cantering over to her, his amethyst eyes catching Twilight as he grew closer.

"Ah, and you as well, Starpainter! I humbly introduce myself before you, delighted that you both have returned to us." He bowed deeply, nearly putting his snout in the mud.

"Eh, this a loony?" Iron Braar asked.

"Hello again, Indigo," Twilight greeted him. "How are you?"

"I am well, especially at your return! Have you been here long? I must admit I have been preoccupied with the needs of the following–" Luna groaned, "–and have not been available to keep my eyes open for either of you."

Luna looked around herself, and found some of the levies watching. No doubt Indigo's over-abundance of volume and piety had alerted more believers. Positively wonderful.

"No, we've just returned from Erhanos. Why?" Twilight asked.

"Your flock has grown," Indigo proclaimed. "Steadily, ponies from across Hurras and the Lowlands have heeded our call. If you so wish, our camp is just beyond to the north. Twelve-hundred of us are waiting to meet you both."

Luna had caught glimpses of the campsite to the north. It was in shambles, with only lean-tos made of sweeping, tattered, sagging lengths of cloth, serving as nothing more than a source of shade. They could not keep a pony protected in the coming cold, nor keep out the rain. Whatever drivel Indigo had once claimed to support his little fanaticism, it clearly wasn't enough.

"Twelve-hundred?" Luna sighed. Rubbing her face, she dug through her saddlebags and fished out a couple large sapphires. "I don't know why I'm doing this," she muttered.

"Here," she continued. "Take these, and buy your ponies proper blankets and canvas, along with any extra food you can acquire. I don't want a pony dying over some nonsensical devotion to me."

Indigo brightened. "You are as generous as you are wise, Moonguider! Truly, a beacon for all other ponies to follow! I promise you, everypony will be warmed by the tales of your charity."

"And the blankets," Luna put in.

"Of course! Are you headed to Konik? I will trade these at once, and perhaps I may humbly accompany you on your trip?"

She stepped aside to allow a group of ponies past, in the process getting splashed with mud. Her lip curled. "I think it would be best if you waited here for an hour."

"As you wish, sigilbearer. I can tell you are eager to continue traveling, so don't let me keep you waiting." He bowed again. "May the winds guide you both!"

"Right." Luna composed herself and started to trot off. "Let's go."

Twilight watched her go, but stayed and turned back to him. "I’m sorry, Indigo. She’s just a bit overwhelmed.”

Their voices faded away as Luna continued her trek onward, knowing full well that Twilight would rejoin them if they got far enough.

"Hey, so who is that loony?" Iron Braar asked as they caught up to Luna. "I know some of them ponies in the Domelle got their beliefs – heck I sometimes even say a quick somethin' to the tide – but makin' yer up to be some sorta god is givin' me the jitters."

Sky pushed her hood back, shaking out her ruby mane. "He's a noble, very passionate believer. I don't think he's doing anything wrong. The winds have talked about Luna and Twilight, and so we must listen."

"No, they rustled scraps of metal and morons like him took it as salvation," Luna retorted.

"Hey!" Sky snarled. She surged forward, trying to get at Luna from the back of the pack. Donevyn grabbed and held her close under his wing, while she struggled to break free. "I'm one of those 'morons' you're talking about! Yeah, maybe he's going a little farther than most ponies would, but that doesn't mean you have to treat everypony like they're the dirt you piss on!"

Luna kept looking on ahead, although her wings bristled at her sides. "Hundreds of ponies have left their homes and their families to squat in adverse conditions and be subject to cold, disease, and hunger. Do you think I enjoy being the heart of this? It was all you and your chime-hailing buffoons at blame."

"Chime-hailing! Oh, now you've done it!" Sky tore free of Donevyn, galloping up beside her and sticking her face right in Luna's. "Alright, let's forget for a moment I wear the cloak. Just who in the blazes do you think you are, huh? The most I've ever seen you do is mope and whine when somepony does something you don't like. Dermecles wouldn't give in, so you have to drag us all the way across the fucking kingdom to look in some insignificant, dead, burnt-out mining village, and we all almost died! Then he says a few words and you blow up and have a hissy fit for half the day!"

Luna stared down the path, blinking only as the spittle hit her face. She could see ponies along both sides of the road watch them in quiet interest. Her breathing was escalating, grinding her teeth so loud she could hear it.

"That doesn't make sense in the slightest," Luna murmured, but Sky didn't notice.

"And now look at what we got here, huh? A bunch of ponies show up, looking up to you for one scrap of hope and happiness, and you're about to slam it right back in their faces? Some pony you are! You're treating them like shit, just like everypony else." Sky got in close to her ear. "You know what, maybe I'm wrong. I used to think you were brave and confident, but the more I think about it, the more I see I'm wrong. No, you're hiding from something. You pretend you're all that, but in reality, you're just afraid."

Sky leaned back. "You're a coward! And everypony is–"

"You know nothing!" Luna whipped around, advancing on her. "Could you realize how heavy expectation is, when it is absent from your shoulders? Do you understand the ways in which a ruler can bend, pick, and whittle away at you until you're but putty in their hooves? Can you comprehend the lives of a thousand ponies, like brittle grass that would die at the first cold night?"

Luna forced her back, bearing over her and roaring in her face, "You are nothing but a naïve, impatient, ignorant whelp! You dare question a mare who has allowed you to accompany her and take notes, defended you from harm, and won you more gold then you are likely to see in your lifetime? You are a fool!"

Her eyes glinted with murder as she growled through her teeth, "I can remove you from your precious tempestry if I so desire. I know how your kind works. If I so much as mention your doubt and disrespect to me, your Archsage will personally eviscerate you from your temple.

"Know your place."

Luna froze. She clenched her jaw to avoid vomiting. Images and memories returned from her dream.

“What’s going on?!” Twilight’s cry rose into the air, the sounds of hurried hoofsteps growing closer. “I was barely gone for a minute, and then I start hearing a bunch of yelling, and–” she was cut short as she pushed through the group, her eyes falling on the scene before her.

Luna was leaning forward, menace still worn plainly over her face, as Sky had sunk back. Amidst the acolyte’s astonished, hurt features, her open jaw and wide eyes, hot tears were brimming along her eyelids. Donevyn and Iron Braar were petrified like statues, rooted to the mud beneath them. Silence hung like a guillotine. It was there, over their heads, ready to come crashing down at any moment.

Standing up straight, Luna ignored the horrified looks from her party, their frozen, broken expressions. She rejected the vibrant emotions Twilight wore, a mix of disappointment and boiling anger. She knew there would be a price to pay. But not now. Not yet.

A more pressing issue had reared its head, and it took all of her willpower to keep from disintegrating.

Luna spun back around, resuming her trot.

We are not the same, she snarled.

Her body was quaking. Her blood had turned to ice. Her mind had emptied like a cavern, and from deep within, she heard herself laugh.

Author's Note:

That's Book 1. Huh.

Book 2 should be back around the seonc week of February. If I'm not, spam me like all hell on PM's. In the meantime, it'll be a bit of self-evaluation over the first book, and some reflection on how I'm going to move forward. My production was quite awful for the first 120,000 words, and I'm looking to be more on top of my game going forward.

There also might be some revisions on earlier chapter. December 2012 was a long time ago, and I think I've progressed as a writer since then. As the first chapter in particular no longer is up to standards, I will likely re-write it, mostly for technique reasons. Nothing will change story-wise, but the narration itself will be redone so it's less of a headache to read. I'd hate for new readers to have to slog through it as it is now.

As always, TheLastBrunnenG was a on-point in his proofreading.

I encourage everyone and anyone to leave a comment, if it isn't a bother. Thanks!

Comments ( 21 )

I was wondering what had become of those sapphires.

And poor Luna, still beset by nightmares of more than one shade, and not taking the loss of her status or magic well at all. Can't help but notice that they're carrying around a seemingly bottomless well of magic. Relevant? Maybe.

Gonna have to go back and reread some of those early chapters. It's been long enough that the nature of their reception back here has largely slipped my mind.

i shall spam you to tarturus if i dont get a chapter by 14 of feb

5516266 Woah. You just face-tanked all 115,000 words in a day? Props to you, dude!

5517042 Aw, thanks, Willsons!

5514900 Yup! There are three books in total.

5514335 Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

5518099 A bit of practical monetary value. But don't worry, Luna has a plan for them :P

5518124 Please do!

WOOOO that was fun.

Twilight dear please do talk some sense into our poor Lulu!

Now on to other things.....
That gem... a relay for a long forgotten and trapped Alicorn of this world?
Or Perhaps this relay is part of the system that sucked Luna dry? xD

2 more books like this

ơ̷̸̠͙̜͌̃h̢͈̘̟͇̏̒̄̏̆͂ ̛̝̬̘̤͂̀ͫ̉̂̀f̰͉̲͈ͦ̈̋ͭ̾̈́ͦ̀ͅu̴̞͙̜͇͕ͪ̊̍̓͆̌̒̓̚ͅc̱͈̟̞ͯ̏̿ͭ̈́͒̚̕͟k̉͏̶͖͓̼̜̭͇̙̺̪i͇̘̠̺̺͈̅͑ͮͦ̄ͩͪͅn̜̤͊̓ͭ͛̔̏ͫ̎̋͘ǧ͍̮̻̯̙̮͇͛̒̅̎̂̉ͤ͜ͅ ̸̖̖̬̦̺̤͓͕̃̇̈͢y̩̟̳͚͚͍̑ͫͤ͑͟͡e̶͔̼͈̻̹͗̉ͮ́ͦ̕͢s̢̺̳͕͔̬̥̫̑̈́̅ͬͧ́ ̸̢̝̝̼͍͈̙͉̠̟͐̀̚ṯ̷̟̦͍͖̦͂̆̊́̈́̊̈ͨ̀͠h̴͔̱̤̤̹̤ͫ͑̐͋̕a̵̯̺͚̿̄̿̂̋ͫ̊͠t̬͇͈͈̪̟̖̎ͭͪͣ͒̌͝ͅs̛͎͕ͣ̽͊̈́̀ ̠͚͎͂̑̒͂ͩ́p̧̥̼̱̞̿̐̄̚ǫ̵̛͎̣̻͌̈́̇͐͐n͈͕̥̹̖̥ͭ̕̕ỳ̴̭̙̱̲̬ͭ̏̍r͎̹͇͚̦̣̻̜ͤ͘ͅȋ͎̳̣͂̽̔̄̅͑͟f̵̱͖̙̲̾ͨ̓͜f̸̽͐̀̈̑͐ͯ͏̟͔̼͠ḭ̡̧̋̔́̍͂̊̈̇̂c̨̝͚̞̞̟ͣ͑͛ͬ̿ͧͮ͝

sorry the news was so great my soul escaped out of shear excitment

its back now so no worries:twilightblush:

Awesome writing man, I'm definitely looking forward to reading more of this story, been a while since I tanked like this. :P Now I can let my eyes recover.

Woooooooooo! First book is done. Now you better stick to that date, I just can't wait to read more.

What an explosive end to Book 1. Congratulation on finishing the first Book of this epic Adventure Story cannot wait for it to continue.

:twilightangry2: Twilight is pissed, advanced Friendship lessons for Luna in the future. But I can't really blame Luna for reacting this way.Magic and crown has been taken from her and the preassure keeps pilling up, now she has to deal with the lives and well being of this growing following.

I wonder what role the flashbacks play? They are showing a different Luna from the past. One one side they are showing War hardened General Luna being "heroic" but on the other side from descriptions I gather some of her actions are very cruel.

I am Interested how Book 2 will start off.


The people called Romans they go the house?

No no not at all!
I'm really enjoying this.

Luna is less wise, twilight more snide etc than cannon but it -works-. You don't have time for a full novel of development, but the fact your taking your time with their friendship and dealing with issues, learning about the kingdom, and that things aren't 'easy' is great.

Habanc... I love your writing.. But god damnit, man, it's 2am in the morning. Your fic was too good for me to handle. T_T Oh yea, and seeing that nightmarish (see what I did there?) war general side of Luna is really interesting. Can't wait for book two!

5593838 I was taking chemistry when I was writing that part. I thought I could be cool and smart there.

Let's just say there's a reason I'm at an arts school right now. :P

Finally caught up on this story.

By god, I forgot how compelling this story was. Maybe it's just the adventure kick I'm on at the moment, but these last few chapters have been awesome to read. Excellent work Bonky :D

you promised us book 2 by second week of febuary it is now the first week of march let the spamming commence

Geez, that sounded like Nightmare.

Love this. Also Bumpity bump. Hope the hiatus ends in time.

This fic was, and still is, so damn good. To me it stands out as one of the first 'epics' I ever read on this site, and I really hope Kinetics gets development one day.

rip story you shall be missed

I do wish they were here to finish this story, it was well on it's way to being Epic. :raritydespair:

I found this WAY back when it first started, and lost track of it...found it again this weekend and got cauht up through the current end. Love your storytelling ability and world building, Habanc!
If you ever feel like continuing, I'll devour it all. If not, it was still worth the ride.
Thank you!

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