• Published 27th Jun 2013
  • 9,911 Views, 417 Comments

Pet Peeves - TheApexSovereign

The pets and their owners have swapped roles, making them ponies and their masters pets. Now the Sidekicks must travel across Equestria, go on the adventure of a lifetime, and discover their inner hero. Are they up to the task?

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Chapter One: The Waking Nightmare of a Dream Come True (pt. 1)

‘Pet Peeves’

by: TheApexSovereign

Chapter One: The Waking Nightmare of a Dream Come True (pt. 1)

The sun melted behind the Everfree Mountains of which Canterlot Castle’s foundations were built upon, casting the sky in a mystical orange splendor and dazzling it with hundreds upon hundreds of stars twinkling in the sky like little diamonds. The sense of life and purpose that permeated Ponyville gradually subsided as its residents turned in for a good night’s rest. The only prominent source of liveliness radiated from the little, cupcake-shaped tower at the apex of Sugarcube Corner, near the center of town.

“Whee! Come on, Gummy!” Pinkie giggled as she hopped into her darkened bedroom; the alligator remained with its jaws clamped at the end of her poofy tail, flopping to and fro accordingly with her spry bounces.

When Pinkie lit the candy cane-patterned lamp on her nightstand, Gummy released his grip and landed on the floor with a sludgy “thunk.”

“C’mon,” she chirped, “let’s go brush our teeth, Gummy!”

With no more recognition than a blank stare, he followed Pinkie Pie into the bathroom. Upon entering, she immediately assaulted the baby alligator with a thread of dental floss on the upper row of gums; Gummy made a little chirrup in delirium with every stroke of floss gently gliding across at his sensitive gums.

After discarding the piece of dental floss, Pinkie swiped her hoof across the floor and snatched Gummy up off the ground. She planted an affectionate kiss on his long, flat snout and nuzzled him against her cheek. “Oh, Gummy,” she whispered in bliss, “you’re the bestest-best alligator-pet a pony could ever have.”

The corners of Gummy’s mouth lifted ever so slightly.

Pinkie Pie set him aside and began brushing her own teeth: with a cupcake in hoof, she smiled wide and scrubbed it down with the treat’s icy-blue frosting. Her lips caked blue, Pinkie poured herself a glass of ginger ale, took a big sip and gargled. She spat the foamy mixture of soda and frosting into the sink and grinned at the mirror; her glowing, white smile beamed back.

Pinkie turned and looked down at Gummy; he gave her the usual, voided stare. “What?” she asked. Following Gummy’s wall-eyed gaze, Pinkie was led to the cupcake deprived of its frosting sitting on the floor by her hoof.

“Oh, that?” she giggled, scooping it up into her giant maw like a python and swallowing it whole. “That’s just from a catering order that was never picked up! So now we’ve got lots and lots of free cupcakes!”

The tiny slits of black in Gummy’s eyes parted, even more so than usual.

“No need to worry, Gummy my man, your Momma Pinkie’s gotcha covered!” Pinkie Pie reached behind her back and pulled out another cupcake with pale-blue frosting; she set it atop Gummy’s head. “C’mon, Gummy! Eat up-up-up!”

The alligator stood perfectly still, like a statue; not a twinge of movement was to be found in his posture, and Pinkie Pie is very observant.

Her discouraged frown quickly brightened up, as her upbeat attitude always enforced. “Oh, I see!” she gushed. “You don’t want your pretty, pretty gums getting all yucky-mucky from eating a cupcake, especially after flossing!” Gummy blinked, unsynchronized. “Say no more! I’ll just let you keep that as a midnight snack in case you get the munchies! How’s that sound?”

The gaze of his left eye shifted from the cupcake on the floor, to Pinkie Pie, to the cobwebs growing in the corner of the bathroom.

“Great!” Pinkie began springing her way out the door, only stopping to scratch Gummy’s rigid back. “I’ll let you go to bed when you’re ready. G’night, Gummy!”

He remained still for what felt like an hour, unmoving, until he heard the rustling of blankets behind him, across the bedroom, and light produced by the lamp abruptly cutting off with a defining “click.”

Even after that, Gummy himself remained in the bathroom for several moments, but felt it was safe enough to stretch his legs and flex his claws.

Safe from Pinkie Pie and her misguided (but well-meant) attempts at being fun, at least.

Finally, after sitting in the darkness for a good ten minutes, Gummy did something he rarely ever did: he frowned. Though, this wasn’t like his routine, vacant expression many have grown accustomed to; no, this was a frown formed by the contempt and disgust for the sugary, inedible treat sitting on top of his head. Gummy cocked it to the side, allowing the cupcake to fall off and land on its’ topping, remaining that way thanks to the thick concentration of frosting glueing it into the pink, frilly carpet. Just as Gummy waddled his way out of the bathroom, a cruel swat of his tail knocked the cupcake over with a considerable dent in its’ side.

Despite crawling through total darkness, Gummy’s blessed night-vision allowed him to navigate the room as if it were daytime. To his left, in the corner on a princess-sized bed, he found a sleeping Pinkie Pie wrapped up in her blanket like a cocoon, giggling every now and then as she snored.

Skittering around some balloons, and butting one aside with his snout, Gummy arrived at his own corner of Pinkie’s bedroom: The Pond. He felt a smile coming on in realizing that Pinkie Pie was thoughtful enough to turn the jet pumps and water heater on. Mixing with the cool springtime air pouring in through the window, a thick layer of frosty smoke shrouded the little jacuzzi, managing to obscure the plastic rocks walling the back and artificial foliage encircling it.

Without a second thought, Gummy belly-flopped into the Pond, creating a splash so small that many wouldn’t even consider it as one. His snout and eyes being the only things seen amongst the lukewarm churning water, and the jet pump on the pool’s floor massaging his underbelly, Gummy effortlessly slipped into a lazy, crosseyed slumber.

Golden Oaks Library came into view as a foreboding shadow against the dazzling azure heavens of dusk, peppered with a ceaseless profusion of pale, white stars. Though not completely darkened, the elusive sun painted a fine line of gold along the border of the western horizon, which just so happened to be established behind said treehouse.

A dark shadow tore through the scenery, making way for the library as if it were its home; the silhouette landed on the second floor windowsill and rapped at the glass.

“Hoo,” it said.

The window opened and out emerged a pleasantly surprised baby dragon. “Owlowiscious!” Spike proclaimed, extending his arm for the bird to hop on. “How was the Pony Pet Playdate?”

“Hoo!” said Owlowiscious, performing a small hop onto Spike’s forearm and wrapping his talons around it; the dragon’s scales were naturally thick, so it didn’t affect him in the slightest as his companion’s claws dug in to secure their hold.

Spike put his arm down and shut the window; Owlowiscious fluttered up to the tallest fin on the dragon’s head and perched himself on top. “So, I take it that you had a good time?” he asked; Owlowiscious nodded. “Where’s Twilight?”

“Hoo.” Owlowiscious pointed to the front door, down at the first floor of the library.

As if on cue, there was a knocking on the other side. “Spike?” called Princess Twilight, as the door opened on its own with a flash of her horn. “Spike? I’m home! Is Owlowiscious here?”

“Yup!” Spike ran to the top of the staircase and gestured to the owl balanced on his fin. He raised a single claw and gently scratched the bird under his chin.

Twilight kicked the door shut behind her, wings folding tightly at her sides. “Sorry it took me a bit to get here, guys. I was just seeing Rainbow, Applejack, and Rarity off,” she explained, tiredly propping her hooves on the circular table decorated with the bust of a stallion. “We were just having the most interesting conversations today.”

“Conversations?” echoed Spike, no longer scratching his owl friend’s neck and started making a descent down the stairs. “You guys were having conversations at a Pony Pet Playdate?”

Confused, Twilight met Spike at the bottom of the stairs. “Of course,” she said. “We always do. Why? Is there something wrong with that?”

As if his mistress's ignorance truly bothered him, Owlowiscious narrowed his eyes and turned his head round so that it wasn't facing her.

“Well,” began Spike, rubbing the back of his neck, “just sayin’, if I were a pet, I’d rather spend the Playdate actually, y’know, playing with you guys. What did the pets do, exactly?”

Twilight performed a single beat of her wings, achieving a tall leap over Spike and her pet owl and landing at the top of the stairs; Owlowiscious turned his head once more. “Well...” she explained, biting her tongue as she entered the bedroom area, “...I guess they kinda just kept to themselves, chatted a little. They seemed to just enjoy each other’s company, nowadays. Rarity claims the pets are just getting old. Rainbow scoffed at the idea, of course.” Spike, who was following her up the stairs, stopped in his tracks for a spell and shook his head.

“Don’t worry, Spike,” she assured him with a certifying wink. “We still spend time with our pets at home, don’t we, Owlowiscious?”

“Hoot,” he chirped rather dully. The insincerity of Owlowiscious’ distinctive tweet was lost not only on Twilight, but Spike as well. Realizing this, he rolled his eyes.

Spike admitted with uncertainty, “Uh, well, I guess you’re right, Twilight.”

She trotted into the bathroom and removed a slogged washcloth from a bucket full of cold water. Owlowiscious had flown ahead and was hovering beside her with a bottle of soap clutched in between his talons.

"Thanks Owlowiscious," said Twilight, looking up to the silhouette with a smile.

After scrubbing her face, she exited the bathroom. Twilight brushed past Spike, who hoisted himself up on her back as she walked by. Unbeknownst to him, Owlowiscious stayed in the bathroom with his bushy brows furrowed.

He watched with beady black eyes as Twilight, while tucking herself in, told Spike, “We’re going to the Crystal Fair tomorrow, so it’ll be an early start in the morning.”

Disgruntled with this unfavorable news, Spike nodded before piling into his basket next to Twilight’s bed. “Good night, Spike.”

“G’night, Twi."

With that, Twilight’s horn sheathed itself in a winding rosy glow; smiling, she had to nod only once and every light in the library went dark, save for the magically-powered one of her horn illuminating the entire bedroom, which was promptly dispersed. She didn’t even say goodnight to Owlowiscious, as exhaustion and a burdened mind got the better of her.

The horned owl simply shook his head, not in resent, but disappointment, as if he expected more from his mistress. Owlowiscious took flight, exiting the bathroom and making a winding descent to the first floor.

For the first time ever, with today’s thought-provoking Pony Pet Playdate still lingering heavily in his mind, Owlowiscious wasn’t at all prepared for the long night shift ahead. The only thing that motivated him were thoughts of sleeping all day tomorrow, like he naturally should be, with not a crazy adventure or vengeful adversary in sight to muck it up.

At one point during the night, while Owlowiscious dusted the bookshelves with a feather duster clutched in his talons, he failed to notice the pale glow emitting from the Elements of Harmony’s display case in the corner of the main archives. They were like flickering lights, altering into every varied shade of the rainbow until each gemstone was rendered a deathlike black; a cruel, sinister laugh danced around the air, rattling off into an unnatural echo and then silence.

At the exact same time that happened, Owlowiscious dropped out of the air like dead weight. Alive, but out cold.

Angel Bunny loved sleeping. He could safely say that it was one of his favorite pastimes, coming to a close second or third with picnics and running. But if there’s one thing he loved more than all of those things combined, it would definitely have to be sleeping in. Living with Fluttershy, the quietest pony (let alone sleeper) in all of Equestria, this was an activity Angel practiced regularly.

So to most, it would be understandable that he’d be less than pleased when someone, whether it'd be pony or animal alike, tries waking him up on one such morning.

Angel felt a light prodding at his elbow. Assuming it was one of the other local rabbits, he groggily swatted it away. “Go ‘way,” he murmured, burying his face into the lime green sofa. The poking and prodding ensued once again. “I said ‘go away,’ ya little rodent.” Despite his efforts at intimidating the meddler, the jabbing continued with added vigor. Whoever this was, they needed to speak with Angel whether he wanted to or not. Of course, he did not. Trying to blot out the incessant nudging, Angel peered over the white fur of his forelegs and looked out the window; from his spot on the couch, he got a perfect view of the nine-thirty time displayed on the Ponyville Clocktower.

Taking in the whole outside picture, Angel discovered that there was a dark sky hanging over Ponyville today, threatening to rain on it with heavy black thunderclouds.

‘I love sleeping in on rainy days,’ Angel thought. ‘Every chump from here to Canterlot knows that. So whoever’s waking me up at this hour had better have a good reason.’

Still looking at the wasted morning outside, Angel hissed through gritted teeth, “Whadda you want, troglodyte? Am I gonna have to get Flutters over here?”

The unseen intruder released a series of chirps and squeaks.

“Wha?” Angel’s ears twitched; confused, he batted them a little. Slowly turning, wincing as his cramped, stiff neck popped and cracked, he asked, “Sorry, can you repeat that? And perhaps speak a lil’... more...” Angel’s voice trailed off, as he was met with a most unexpected sight: the living room was smaller.

At least to him it was. Eyes darting around the room, everything looked a little bit smaller to him, as if he’d grown overnight. ‘But that’d be crazy!’ he assured himself.

Looking down at his own person, Angel erupted into a girlish shriek at the top of his lungs. In fact, he did grow over night, but he was no longer a rabbit; he was a pony, or more specifically, a colt. Angel placed his forehooves in front of his face, gazing upon them in jaw-dropped horror. He ran them along his soft, pudgy belly and gagged a little, stopping to ogle at the buttercream lock of wavy hair protruding from his hindquarters and falling over the edge of the couch.

‘My tail...’ he thought, his vision blurring with tears, ‘...my beautiful, fluffy tail.’

That’s when an all new terror dawned on him: “Where’re my ears?” he whispered, voice quaked with trepidation.

Angel frantically waved his forelegs in the air, attempting to feel around for his prized possessions; all he felt were short, velvety points on either side of his head. “My ears!” he sobbed. “My beautiful ears!

In his fit of rage, Angel felt a little pair of wings flutter at his sides in hyperactive sequence. “Great,” he muttered, slowly curling up into a ball, “I’m a pegasus, too... Flutters!” No response. “Fluttershy! Fluttershy, I’m a pony! Fulfill your duty and help your bunny brother in his time of need!”

At that, Angel felt the unseen foe who woke him up pursuing its efforts once again by nudging a paw against his flank. “What do you want?” he bitterly mumbled.

Realizing that the intruder wouldn’t show himself, Angel sat up with furrowed brows and bared teeth. “Look, I dunno what sick game you’re playin’, but I’m sure as sugar that this is some sort of sick revenge for all those times I picked on...” Angel’s eyes widened to such a size that they covered most of his face, “...Fluttershy!?

Before Angel sat another rabbit. Its fur was tinted an unnatural yellow, as was a tuft of pink hair falling from between her ears down the left half of her face and concealing one of two little turquoise beads for eyes. It had to have been Fluttershy; there was no doubt in Angel’s mind that it was. The little rabbit, who seemed a lot smaller than Angel originally was when he was one, twiddled her paws in an insecure, almost embarrassed manner.

Angel was at a complete loss for words: “I... but... you... you’re a rabbit!” he wildly gestured to Fluttershy. “And I’m a pony!” With gleeful amazement, Angel maneuvered his body in a variety of bends and twists to ensure that he saw every inch of it. “I need a mirror! Flutters, get me a mirror!”

Fluttershy squeaked in defiance, jumping up and down in an urgent, riled fashion.

“Oh, that’s right,” breathed Angel, nodding slowly. “You can’t even do that anymore, can ya?” To that, Fluttershy winced back, attempting to hide behind her paws and hair. “Yeah, you’re just a weak and defenseless bunny rabbit now, aren’t ya?”

She took another step back, tears threatening to spill out of her eyes; a cruel smirk was splayed across Angel’s lips. “And now...” he hissed, “...I’m gonna do something I’ve been wanting to do for a long time.”

Angel leaned over across the sofa and opened the drawer of a little side table next to it; the drawer itself had a little sticky note that said, “Angel Bunny’s! Do not touch!” Inside was a plethora of fresh, golden carrots, most of which were picked just yesterday by Fluttershy herself.

Angel took one such carrot and handed it to his master. “Eat it,” he said with a grin. Fluttershy gave an appreciative smile and graciously took the carrot in her paws, as if she’s been asking for that all along. Struggling to lift it, as it was almost as big as her, she laid the carrot across her lap and ate a small morsel from the base.

“I’m free!” Angel cheered, shooting his hooves up into the air; Fluttershy shuddered a little as she daintily nibbled her meal. “Look at you!” he laughed in disbelief, jabbing his former owner in the chest and knocking her down. “No longer do I have to play charades with you when I want a drink of water, or if your own life is just so busy and hectic that you can’t even keep track of one measly luncheon! Haha! Freedom!”

Twenty minutes later and Fluttershy was still working at her carrot with only five bites taken. “Well,” Angel began, scratching the back of his neck, “I would tell you to ‘eat slowly’ every ten seconds, but you’ve, uh, kinda got that covered already.” With bored, tired eyes, he watched Fluttershy take a few more bites of her carrot before putting it down, unfinished.

“Ha!” Angel laughed, whipping a hoof in front of Fluttershy’s cringing face. “You didn’t finish! You can’t play or anything until you finish!” To that, Fluttershy looked up at Angel with bright, blue eyes and a glowing little smile; she nodded, accepting her “punishment,” and laid back against the sofa with paws on her belly.

“You don’t wanna play?” asked Angel, a single brow raised; Fluttershy, still smiling, shook her head. Angel knew what she was doing: she was playing the “I’m perfectly fine with your company” card.

“Well, I won’t give you the satisfaction!” he sneered, sliding off from the couch and ignoring the puzzled look on the rabbit’s face. “You know what I’m gonna do?” His mistress shrugged. “I’m gonna go down to... to...” Angel searched the floor, thinking of an answer, “...to Sweet Apple Acres! Yeah! And I’m gonna see the look on Winona’s stupid face when she sees that I’m a bonafide full-grown pony!”

Angel trotted out the door, ignoring the flurries of shrills and cries coming from Fluttershy. “And there’s nothing you can do to stop me!” he added with his hoof on the knob. With wide, fear-stricken eyes, Fluttershy hopped down from the couch and made a beeline for the open door.

Just as she thought she would make it out, Angel slammed the door shut. Fluttershy ran right into it, face first. She rubbed her little pink nose, trying to quell the thick pain pulsating throughout her face. Despite being trapped in her own cottage, Fluttershy could hear everything outside: from Angel’s cynical laughter tearing through the tranquil tenor of her gardens, followed by the crushing of her favorite patch of wild daisies, which she knew Angel hated.

With a big, goofy smile, Angel jovially trotted down the scenic green path along the Everfree Forest, taking his time in getting to Sweet Apple Acres. Looking up, he found the morning sun breaking through the dark sky and beaming its rays onto the rolling hills outskirting Ponyville.

“Guess it won’t be a cloudy day after all,” he told himself, nonchalantly. In fact, it seemed that the clouds already did their work overnight, as the grass all around him was covered with a blanket of refreshing dew, and the dirt path he tramped over was damp and packed like wet sand.

When Angel passed by the Ponyville Schoolhouse, a building that marked the border of the town itself, the voice of an angry mare ripped through the tranquility like a gunshot and nearly gave him a heart attack: “You, young stallion, what do you think you’re doing out here!?”

Angel froze in his tracks and swiftly turned to face the speaker: an earth pony whose coat was cerise in color and her mane a pale rose; her greyish-green eyes blazed with severity. “What do you think you’re doing?” she asked again.

Glancing at the landscape around him, and the little village in the distance, Angel responded, “Uh... walking, I guess.”

‘Crud!’ he thought. ‘Does she recognize me?’

“You should be in school!” said the pony, gesturing at the building behind her. Eyes widened, Angel took a few steps back as the earth mare took a few towards him.

“No,” he said sharply, “I don’t go here! I don’t go to this school!”

“Likely story,” the mare sneered with a roll of her eyes. “Every young filly and colt should be in school at this hour. Whether you’re new here or not, that’s the rule in Equestria. In this day and age? I’m honestly shocked to find somepony playing hooky. Education is the most important tool a pony can utilize, after all.”

With the speed of a cobra, the earth pony whipped out her foreleg and wrapped it tightly around Angel’s torso. “Lemme go!” he cried, waving his stubby legs around in defiance. “I mean it! I’ve got friends in high places!”

Cheerilee ignored the colt’s pleas when locking the gate behind her and crossing the schoolyard.

“I know this guy, Harry, and he’s a bear! A bear! You really wanna go there? Schoolteacher versus a bear: who’ll win?” Cheerilee rolled her eyes and gave a dismissive grunt. “Yeah, that’s what I thought!”

Before entering the school itself, Cheerilee glared down at Angel with a stern gaze. "We'll just wait and see what your parents have to say when I write a letter telling them that their colt has been skipping class, let alone without an adult. Just seems fishy, don't you agree?"

To that, Angel simply laughed. "Ha! Good luck with that!"

Cheerilee sighed and pushed the door open with her shoulder. “Class,” she announced to the herd of chattering young ponies, “we have a new student here with us today!”

Comments ( 184 )

And away we go! Let's see what the rest have become...

~Skeeter The Lurker

poor angel.....
ah, who am I kidding! he got what he deserved!

Oh Angel.

Max #5 · Jul 5th, 2013 · · ·


2827805 This takes place after season 3.

Kinda wanna see that fight. Cheerilee vs. Bear who would win.

Hey, you can have tortoise Rainbow race bunny Fluttershy for a nice little 'Tortoise vs Hare' role reversal, :rainbowderp::fluttershyouch:

I demand Winona! Now! Bet the Apples will be tickled pink to have another pony helping around the farm.


A journey across Equesrtia is mentioned, who is to say they don't run into him along the way.

Awwww Crap Fine Gentleman!

Geez, is Angel petty or what?
Hopefully Fluttershy won't be too lonely once her other animals start waking up...

This is... very purple.

Might want to tone down the descriptors a bit.

Angel thought being a pony was going to be fun and games...GUESS NOT!!!
The little bastard got what he deserved. Let's see what kind of wake-up calls the pets and their owners are going to have?

2827827 What does that have to do with anything?

2827945 No Peewee

I know. :fluttershyouch: I asked my editors, but they thought it was fine. Could you perhaps give me a few suggestions on how to fix it via PM?

So now looking to the aftermath of what happens when the other pets wake hip and see what happened then and, than see what happens when reality sets in as well. Also was that Sombre we saw messing with the Elements of Harmony or someone else altogether?

Wait. Is Opal a crystal pony?

2827844 Cheerilee, hands down

2827805 according to cannon peewee was given back to his parents, but IF he makes an appearance we'd have an orange dragon and a purple phoenix :pinkiehappy:

Absolutely. Give me a bit to knock something together for you. :yay:


We know, we just don't care. D: Author! Rewrite time and space! Undo the events as they were set down by your forebears! Peewee is too fuskin' adorable! The adorableness!

Update faster!

2827981:applejackconfused:From what episode is that screenshot from?

So far this is promising to be very funny in a 'laugh until you get a hernia' kind of way ... I'm looking forward to it!

Ha take that Angel! Serves you right for being such a jerk! :ajsmug:

Would it be heresy to say that, now, Angel is the best pony?

He's a bit...jerkier here than my head cannon of him (For me he acts like Fluttershy older brother. Abusive, a jerk and all, but also capable of defending the younger brother with his life. More than once in the show he fought to defend the yellow pony, or made an efford of her helping herself) still, I am loving the way he is shown here.

Very enjoyable update.

So, Angel is a colt, an uderage pony... Still has Geoff Ramsey as VA :pinkiehappy: (go ahead, look him up). Also, just had the though, of having Hellena Taylor (Bayonetta) as Opal.

This chapter was fun to read, and it's just getting started! I'm eager to see what kind of crazy and hilarious antics the pets-turned-ponies (and one griffon?) get into. Calling that Winona and Opal start a girl fight:trollestia:!

2828088 Just for Sidekicks. The very beginning.

2828044 While waiting, I guess it's safe to say that I did a bit of research of purple prose. I'm not dismissing what you're saying, but the articles I read both stated that purple prose is when you describe something, sometimes using big fancy words, that is completely irrelevant to the plot. If they're descriptions of places that the scene will take place in, then that's fine (being descriptive). I dunno. Just puttin' that out there.

2828088 I believe its from the episode just for sidekicks.

You gotta think about the fact that Flutters became a bunny when Angel became a pony, it wouldn't be very suprising if Applejack became a dog, so in turn, it wouldn't be more help, it would be more of a replacement when we get to Winowa.

2828368 Considering Winona, though a big help to Applejack, has the attention span of a squirrel, I don't see much work being done.

Besides, we've got an ADVENTURE!

This is a fact...Eli, I blame you for getting me caught up in the philisophical part of that statment.
You can't blame me!
Yes I can, and you're going to sit there and take it.
I'll teach you what I'll take you little...
What was that?
I thought so.
~Sylpheed and Eli

Ha! This looks fun! Can't wait to see what comes next!

HA take that you ironically named lagomorphic pony!:yay:

Okay, I should have said this last chapter but Sweet and Elite showed when Opal was soaked she was not fat but her fur is poofy. Good job on this one though. Even if Angel wasn't nabbed by Cheerilee as soon as he saw Winnona was a pony too it would shut him up.

Sorry but it looks like Applejack would become a dog so it would be about the same.

2828377 Adventure, Charlie! Charlie! We're going on an adventure!

Wait a second this means that Rainbow dash will be a turtle... oh my goodness YES!!:pinkiehappy:

i think Cheerilee will win against a bear who i with me:eeyup::pinkiehappy::rainbowhuh:

This can only mean good things

Interesting that it isn't like the prologue where we see a bit from each pet's perspective. I really like that we're gonna see each ponified pet one by one. Can't wait till we see the gryphon/owl hybrid Owlowiscious.

Welp, I love this. I wasn't quite sure about it at first, but I loved everything about this chapter.

Hoping that Gummy is essentially the hero of this story, but I enjoyed Angel a lot more than I thought I would. Nice, so far.

Tortoise Rainbow Dash is going to be so very, very miserable. But I suspect loyal Tank will be far more helpful than Angel... and might also have a much more friendly relationship, if Dash is able to learn to use the magic gyrocopter and then help Tank learn to use his new wings. The copter does seem to be the simpler thing to learn, seeing as how Tank was able to master it (or at least start using it inexpertly) in a hurry, while pegasi have to learn to fly over the course of years...

Karma is a bitch aint it?

Karma, thou art a clever bitch. Got what's comin' to ya, huh Angel?

So Cheerilee just picks children up off the streets and forces them to go to school?

Yeah, I've seen this done before, and I still don't buy it.

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