• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen May 10th

Gabriel LaVedier

Just another University-edicated fanfiction writer who prefers the cheers and laughter of ponies to madness and sorrow.



The pets of Ponyville are back again, with something a bit more substantial.

The pets of the Mane Six exjoy a fairly carefree existence, with relationships that satisfy and caretakers that give lots of love. They quite enjoy getting up to harmless mischief, usually at the urging of Angel or Opal, even in the grand city of Canterlot. Then they accidentally come across something they were not meant to, and the consequences must be dealt with in a very intentional manner.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 57 )

A...pet romance?
New, to say the least.


Not quite. This is pretty much a sequel to my story "Pets of Ponyville", which is also a pet romance.

Jesus, had a lot of time to write this week or did all four just happen to take a while?

Will read by tomorrow night.

2681488 Why doesn't it say that in the description?

coming form. coming from. That's the third time this week.

speaking you herself. speaking to herself.

languidly savors. languidly savored.

Cameos galore!

So is the offspring of the lagomorph and feline going to be able to turn into a spaceship?

What the hell is the other going to even look like, some early mammal/ late dinosaur?


Probably because those who are likely to read this already know that.


I found my groove after wasting a lot of writing time while housesitting for my aunt. I spent most of my time watching Doctor Who and Littlest Pet Shop. Yea, I did it. It's good. All those familiar voices in new ways. And maybe that added to the impetus to get this done.

As for your comments above, while I may not be dyslexic, my fingers seem to be. And spellcheck misses them. As well as a casual pass.

You know... Figuring out what Gumnona babies look like will be tough. I have no idea. I'm not even sure if there will be eggs involved. Angopal is easy, cabbits aren't a difficult mix. But gatordogs are a real headscratcher.


LPS isn't bad, it just doesn't grab me as easily. The human characters have a tendency to be stereotypes that are more disruptive than those of the animals.


For what it's worth I ignore the humans and focus on the pets. Hard to say who I think is best but I really like Sunil. And I agree with one of the WMGs on TVTropes, Russel could be formally voted as "Most likely to fall in love with Blythe."

Well......you get points for BraeHeart. And a straight Big Mac. Wonder who he might be shipped with.


You can find the answer to that question in Gabriel's other works, in this case The Plaything, and The Hero's Journey.


It's deep in my story archive. Fun fact: that's one of my "EqD posted" stories.


Not right now. I'm on my phone. Browsing is a mess of slowness. How hard is it to go you my stories and check the last or penultimate page? Presumably you are on a computer which is much faster and does not waste a data plan.


The spell Celestia cast in chapter one.

I love that Lady Rainicorn image.

I know, and sorry. I haven't been paying as much attention to this fic as I want to.
In truth I skimmed lot of the first part of the chapter because...of well, of all the pairings involved. I only really payed attention when I say the vet announced something.


That's half the comedy! You have to read those parts.

barbecuing those baked apples. Does not compute.

Iit. It.

I skipped the quotation capitalization issues this time, but they are there a bit.

Girls, you are at the vet, stop flirting.

It's a good thing Owlowicious is around, now we don't need the pet version of Maury.


May I ask why you are even bothering to half-ass your reading if you have issues with the subject?

2749994 It's not the subject but the multiple other pairings that bother me. The subject is fine (and pretty interesting) in my opinion.


I make baked apples in a barbecue grill (coat them in either molasses, corn syrup or brown sugar plus spices, then wrap them in foil and lay them on the coals.) It's the country-style way to do it.

But I actually LOVE to write their flirting, especially Twinkie and Appledash. It comes so naturally.


Barbequing needs smoke, otherwise you are grilling. Anyway, my point was more the conflicting words sound awkward.

Not saying the flirting is bad, just that they have no discretion. Though I guess it shows how worried Rarity is that she does not scold their bad manners.


Meant to say subjects, as in the characters.

2751434 Oh, I meant subject, as in the matter and incidents that are happening in the story.


No, I meant subjects when I typed my response to your initial post. Though my question is still open: why are you reading this if you hate the pairings so much that you skip most of it?

2752115 Because of the story, which is interesting.


Yet you skipped half the story by your own admission.

2757177 I only skipped the part with the unnecessary flirting. That is all.


You skipped THE main plot point.

2759471 Not the part that announced that Winona and Opal are pregnant. I read that part.

There's a big plothole here. How in the world is Fluttershy clueless about all this? In the show she cares for a lot of animals in various states and stages - an animal pregnancy is something she as an animal caretaker could probably figure out with a small mental checklist. You see her in the show taking stock of multiplying rabbits, for instance. Her colossal derp with the phoenix aside (Which can be chalked up to not being familiar with such a rare creature) she probably knows as much about animal physiology as the vet does.


This is true. I needed the vet there for the machine and formal tests which would let the others know about the interspecies nature of the babies before birth. I chalk it up to her attention being absorbed by taking care of Rarity's histrionics.


Glad Angel and Opal aren't killing each other?

2859585 More, glad this chapter is solely on the pets.


That ludicrous line is really starting to wear a little thin. How old are you, seriously? I mean emotionally. You're acting like a three-year-old dismissing 'icky' things. Grow up.

I have ship preferences too. But I've read very long stories with those not there, or the characters paired otherwise. Damn, I WROTE three super long clop-centered stories that particularly broke apart some favored ships and did it for the sake of art.

Act like a grown up or stop making these childish comments.

2859688 But this story is about the mane-6 pets and their problems. Honestly I'm not a big fan of stories where some parts are meant solely to any secondary ships involved. And that includes hetero secondary ships as well.

You do well for yourself, gummy. Owlowicious.

endevor. endeavor.

Cue soap opera music stinger!


This next chapter is one I have been carefully planning and was in some sense the impetus for the story. I hope it isn't cheesy.

A vet X Diamond Dog?

Now THIS ship I wanna see.


I confess, it was shamelessly inspired by a very old (and slightly unpleasant) joke about a doctor walking out of his office thinking "Calm down, Bob. You're not the first doctor to ever have an affair with a patient" and then thinking "But Bob, you're a veterinarian." I wanted something more socially responsible, more sweet, and something that let me show off that Rarity isn't a flaming bigot.


I should do something with that.Maybe showing them dating or getting married.

Rarity turned to the doctor bounced her coif. Rarity turned to the doctor and bounced her coiffure. Coiffure fits better.

Dash is closer than either can realize, though sad tank does make me sad as well.


Good inspiration.


I'm glad I could reach you. The emotions are meant to be felt and I'm glad they came through.

across t Twilight. across to Twilight.

may be know. may be known.

her could only. she could only.

Even I they. Even if they?

you, my, you, me,

neat Twilight. near Twilight.

pressure dar. pressure dear.

It'd be nice to have even a space between ponies and pets perspectives, it got a little confused at those points.

And lo, the cabbits were born, and Dash was allowed cider, and it was good.

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