• Published 25th Nov 2012
  • 18,460 Views, 382 Comments

Speech Increased To 2.5 - EdBoii

Generic Skyrim guard roams the land of Equestria, holding precious conversation with the natives.

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Hollow Shades Part 3: The Adventure Returns!

Hollow Shades Grand Finale
Speech Increased To 2.5

It's been a while, hasn't it?

Toad and Goo-Pony stood amid the foe, facing them without fear nor fright! They were brave fighters and warriors of-

"We're gonna die!"


Well, they were as brave as possible. Points for trying.

The undead army surrounding them advanced slowly but steadily towards them, leaving no escape routes for our trapped heroes. The night grew darker and the situation was most dire! Our beloved protagonists faced the worst possible situation, and there was none who could save them. This time the undead would feast.

The toad stood beside the whimpering Goo-Pony, staring ahead into the emptiness of the undead's eyes. They moved slowly and erratically, as if overwhelmed by massive amounts of alcohol in their system, but their eyes still showed the same amount of emptiness as-


The toad understood then. With precision the likes of which had never been seen before in Equestria, the glorious slimy knight executed a three-hundred-and-sixty degree jump over everyone's heads and landed behind the undead. Its shining green skin glimmered beneath the moonlight and reflected it across the entire area to cause a mesmerizing effect that momentarily blinded everyone. The Goo-Pony mare wowed in silent awe while the zombie ponies slowly turned around to face the other way.

The toad landed on its legs and a cloud of dust rose around it. Its slimy eyes were fixed on a specific spot in the nearest tree's bark, but it was obvious that its full attention was centered on the undead at all times.


"You're so brave!" Cried out the Goo-Pony mare, but the toad did not let her praise be a distraction! A toad has to do what a toad has to do always, and in this particular situation that meant kicking zombie butt.

Turning around with speeds that rivaled even a snail, the toad faced its foes and gave them its most ferocious and disinterested glare of pure bravery and might unparalleled by anything on the face of Equestria! The zombies advanced, but their own empty stares were met with that of the toad, and they found themselves sweating and feeling something they hadn't felt in a very long while:

They were nervous.

The toad kept his stare; it's invisible ray of intensity blasting at the pupils of the undead with such ferocity... No mortal equine nor man could ever hope to withstand the strength of that stare. Oh, dear reader, understand this when I tell you: the stare was more powerful than that of a highschool student in the middle of history class at the last hour before being able to leave.

The undead could not take it. For all their strength, their numbers, and their resolve to feast upon the flesh of the living; they were mere reanimated mortals. They felt the sweat building on their brows; they felt their knees grow week, and the stare pierced through theirs until they could do no more. They averted their eyes at the last moment, and the toad took his chance.

Toad stare intensified.

The Goo-Pony mare gasped, the world stood still for a moment, and the zombies felt fear for the first time in their new lives of undead-y undeadness. The toad looked ahead. The undead faltered and fell, one by one, until there were none left standing. The toad's stare tore through them all in a matter of seconds, and they collapsed by the sheer power of carelessness that irradiated from its eyes.

"You did it!" The Goo-Pony mare cried out with a giant grin adorning her face. She slid over to the toad and picked it up in her forelegs. "I knew you would save us!"


"Ohohohoho... Maybe later." She said, giggling. "But we have to find your friend first!"


"Right. Right... Hmm." She scratched her gooey head and thought long and hard. "I know! Let's follow that sign!"

Truly, a giant sign with bold words painted in red screamed from beside the pathway "THIS WAY!".


"Damn right it is convenient!"

Our heroes charged onward into the unknown!


"Could sure use a warm bed right about now..."


"Everything's in order." The guard said as furniture and doors rained down all around him from the balcony of The Ridden Mare. Our hero turned around and continued on his patrol around town. Truly, it was a beautiful night for guard duty. Although the panicking and screaming monster ponies all around sure were a strange sight, but the guard couldn't see any hostile NPCs around, so he just assumed it was like that one time the mammoths started flying.

Either way, our guard soon noticed a commotion nearby, so he decided to do his duty to the world and help out in any way he could. Our hero approached the gathering crowd of townsponies and stood to the side of them as a very angry pony covered by a heavy trench coat, shades, and a hat shouted angry pony words at the assembled crowd.

"We can't let this creature terrorize our town!" He was saying. "It has attacked the chickens, frightened the Succubi, taken a dozen of our Straw Pony farmers and locked them inside a barn, and now he's running around our streets without anyone to stop him!"

The crowd shouted in agreement and raised a large selection of crude, improvised weapons.

However, our hero would not allow such a strange creature talk of him in such a way! Our protagonist sucked in air, metaphorically, and spoke:

"Sheathe those claws, Khajiit." He said, and the entire crowd gasped.

The angry pony that had been shouting just seconds before suddenly found himself in trouble. Everyone stood aside to let the guard walk up to the pony. Both contingents stared at one another for many seconds, before the pony spoke out.

"Wh-what?! You can't tell me to shut up! I-" The pony said, angry, but unsettled by the empty gaze of our hero. It was deeply penetrating.

"Uch. Been tending your hounds? You smell like a wet dog."

The pony gasped and took a step back, while a few nervous laughs eased their way out of the crowd.

"Y-you insolent! I am Pierre du Mont Blanc! I am the most important! The most influential! The mayor of Hollow-!" The pony started to glow a deep red color, and our hero realized that the pony before him was invisible. His clothes were the only thing that made it possible for him to be seen, and still the anger flushed his emptiness until he glowed like a torch.

"You wear the armor of a brigand. Best not cause any trouble on my watch."

The crowd gasped and a few Oooohs! erupted all around. Unbeknownst for our hero, Pierre du Mont Blanc was facing charges for corruption and tax evasion. The red in Pierre's invisible body glowed hotter.

"Why you little-!" He half-shouted, but our hero was swifter.

"Hands to yourself, sneak thief." Our hero said and walked away, while the cheers of the crowd broke the silence in its entirety and drowned out the angry curses of Pierre. Our beloved guard sauntered off into the night to carry out his duty as best as he could. Meanwhile, the rising sound of a hundred ponies saying "Buuuuurn!" echoed through the night.

In the far distance of Hollow Shades' farthest crop fields, a terrified Werepony, Goo-Pony, and Anthro Pony huddled together; trembling at the memory of a guard and his lines...

Author's Note:

I'ts been a very long while now! Well, glad to be back. Going to push out more chapters sporadically, but without so much space between them.

Later, lads, and remember... "Stay out of trouble, Imperial."