• Published 26th Oct 2012
  • 1,210 Views, 23 Comments

Graaaaaaaaaa! Physically Enchanting Psychic War Yell Of Mass Destruction! - apple short

Spike defeats the apple king that Applejack made in mistake.

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Chapter 1

Spike was locked in a battle that fruitlessly lifted him above the farm of apples and plowed him deep into the awareness of a black beating heart against the vast caresses of the slick sunlight in its condescending furry hatred of all things that refuse to acknowledge its absolotivity.
Applejack sipped the cider and was annoyed with much greatness and slippery eel like in pettiness. She assumed to be taking place with much collective fortitude among her farm as she viewed spike begin to ascend in upsetting direction of red eyed power. That claimed him as lost with much thinking and meditating and coralitve symphony to the world. “Spike yall cannot defeat the king of apples ok howdy!” She was cut off wit ha glare that sunk sunsets and perpetrated horrors with malignant indignity and mashed indesciveness. “ I am effing upset ok! Things have been going crazy and I must prove to Willis I am the effing strongest one in ponyville and better than he could assume!” His tail whipped majestically about him and flurried itself with smoke and razer edged spikes like the teeth of a shark about to destroy combined with the fortitude of a bear swiping at the chains that bind it to the circus.
Applejack rolled her eyes and let out a sigh that said ugh. “Ugh yall.” She said. She rolled her eyes and sipped the cider. “Pony howdy Spike if yall dont come down from that there tree yall will be sorry because there is no apple king I made him up to prank you and keep idiot baby ponies from destroying the crops bucking seriously.”
Spike felt the color in his eyes switch momentarily and in the mist that it created with temperal plunging he breathed his tongue out into a ball and lapped at the flames that winded through his neck and between his legs and smoke rose out of his head in a coarse and fraudulent way. He rubbed his scaled gut and shards of dragon glutony spilled out of him like flowers being stepped on in a greasy field. “I am done with being the second best killer of things!” He screeched corrective things her way and rushing down he grabbed her and they tongue kissed to calm him down. (Spike was allowed to be calmed down by everyone not just rarity because sometimes he is destructive force of violence that cannot be tamed by just any asking to be calm by any pony when he is in need to be calmed by them but refuses) Rubbing his tongue throughout her ears he snuck his fingers between her forehead and gently played with her eyebrows. “effing I saw him though.”
Applejack rolled her eyes and bucking him up onto her back she rubbed him against an apple tree and they made riding around love while at the same time bucking apples. When they had orgasmed they sat and ate apples together in the shade that was created like the calm inside of an angry mystic curse.
“Yall are so dumb sometimes Spike.” Applejack made the hug gesture and spike jumped on her belly and they rolled around in the hay of the barn.
Suddenly it was the actual apple king made of apples and bearing hate with twigs that crushed inside his wooden mouth and rainbow colored zap apple leaf eyes and a long flowing beard of crab apples and some granny smith apples and some regular apples. “Why do you continue to farm my apples evil farmer!”
Spike took note of the situation and exhaling he drew in all of his power. He grew and his claws struck out while his tail sharpened against rocks and split the air with a howl like a gryphon being attacked in the middle of the oceon by a sea monster. His shoulders collected apple power from applejack who gave him the condensed knowledge they had learned in farming.
(By the way the apple monster is a farm legend in ponyville that Applejack created. It is a monster that hates ponies and dragons and is made of wood and apples and it kills ponies when it gets the chance too. But everypony thought it was fake until spike had just discovered it real while making love to Applejack.)
“You cannot defeat me!” Laughed the beast wit hsuch jolliness it dropped apples down onto their heads. This pissed spike off to suddenly spit flames and he flung dirt into the air to be demolished under his musing gaze and shunned creature panic.
“Lol you are mad and cannot kill me I am epic and have been around forever. Since Applejack invented me when it was a magic night thanks to her imagination and the sweltering heat of a blistering spell that backfired on that stupid rhymer zebra in the middle of the everfree.” It chuckled like Angle Bunny when he gets Fluttershy to be the slave of him. “I am the boss of you and you are stupid and suck at everything and the boss of mabe one apple leaf.” It grabbed at its mountain like sides and it rippled in a fashion that caused Applejack to cry out in shame at creationing it and fear it watching it exist in madness before her.
Spike was literally on fire and his tongue shot out to grasp the beard of the Apple King with forensic anger and sly correctional power. “YOU THINK YOU ARE THE BOSS OF ME?” He was in disbelieving shock and it felt through his body in shakes as he scratched curiously with anguish. “I AM THE EFFING BOSS OF EVERYTHING! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS LOSING TO ME EFFING LOSER!”
IT rushed him like a zombie and he flew forward quite steadily to respond to its attack. “I will when it scream!” it rushed like a train headed over a cliff without tracks and prepared to destroy Spike in its flaming carnage at the floor of the valley where it is to be ruined.
It died and spike fell to earth to be revived with love by his friend applejack with a plot bump and a sexy tongue kiss all over each others bodies. “Yall saved the farm!” Applejack cheered. “Yall were right about it being real and in return you can eat as many apples as you want whenever!”
Spike nodded pleased. Applejack sipped the cider and handed him an apple to be devoured silently. Then the both went to sleep on the apple kings disgusting burning tree guts that violated the air with its stench and corrosive mulch like force. THE END OF THE APPLE KING OR IS IT TO BE AS SUCH IN THAT WAY? Maybe to be continued as a Halloween horror series.

Comments ( 22 )

I'm not sure.
I don't know how to proceed.
The pacing made me feel like an auctioneer was yelling it at me the whole time, but he didn't really remember the lines, so he just threw crap out of know where.

This author is either a troll or never learns anything.

How is it you always seem to post these when I have free periods? It's either this, or study for my Latin quiz...


The title sounds like a Japanese episode title for Dragonball Z

I don't know why I haven't stressed this more, but you need to learn what purple prose is, and avoid it. Seriously. What you're trying to do is make your writing prettier, and more interesting, but what you're really doing is making it confusing. Like this:

She was cut off wit ha [sic] glare that sunk sunsets and perpetrated horrors with malignant indignity and mashed indesciveness.

What does this even mean? Write the way you speak! And if you speak this way... :raritydespair:

Your spelling isn't as bad as it usually is. Did you have an editor help you with this? Your grammar still needs quite a bit of work. For example, every speaker needs a separate paragraph for their dialogue.

“Spike yall cannot defeat the king of apples ok howdy!”

Jesus. Never use an Applejack accent ever again.

What does the King of Apples look like? You aren't giving us any description for anything. And who is this guy?!
We need exposition, description! Use your five senses!

If the King isn't real, and AJ made him up, who was Spike fighting?!

“I am done with being the second best killer of things!” He screeched corrective things her way and rushing down he grabbed her and they tongue kissed to calm him down. (Spike was allowed to be calmed down by everyone not just rarity because sometimes he is destructive force of violence that cannot be tamed by just any asking to be calm by any pony when he is in need to be calmed by them but refuses) Rubbing his tongue throughout her ears he snuck his fingers between her forehead and gently played with her eyebrows. “effing I saw him though.”


Now they're having... "riding around sex?" And they org... No, no, this is rated teen. This is mature.

(By the way the apple monster is a farm legend in ponyville that Applejack created. It is a monster that hates ponies and dragons and is made of wood and apples and it kills ponies when it gets the chance too. But everypony thought it was fake until spike had just discovered it real while making love to Applejack.)

You know, I said you needed to use exposition. This is not how you do it. Weave it into the story naturally. Don't just throw it at us.

Jesus Christ. I've been reading Martin Willis so much that I almost forgot how to spell portal. It's "portals," not "portles."


Spike nodded pleased. Applejack sipped the cider and handed him an apple to be devoured silently. Then the both went to sleep on the apple kings disgusting burning tree guts that violated the air with its stench and corrosive mulch like force. THE END OF THE APPLE KING OR IS IT TO BE AS SUCH IN THAT WAY? Maybe to be continued as a Halloween horror series.



Final rating:

-Dubs Rewatcher, TWE Reviewer

You've been a busy bee, haven't you, apple short? This is, like, the fourth time I've seen a new story of yours in the TWE folders this week.

No time to read this now, but it looks like your mechanics have improved significantly. Good job! :twilightsmile:

Errr...Maybe you need to lay off the sugar, son... :twilightsheepish:

Hello Apple Short... good to see you again.


1510241 Appleshort always delivers.


I'm not even sure why we're here, actually. It's become less like talking to a particularly stupid brick wall and more like punching ourselves in the face. Oh well, you just keep on living your demented dream. Chase that retarded little rainbow of yours! :ajsleepy:

I think we keep coming back because the comments are the highlight of all apple shorts stories

Oh my frickin god, it's so bad its funny!

Let me sum it up in a nutshell:

You're a laughable author that probably had a rough start into this community after writing this terrible story!

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Physically Enchanting Psychic War Yell Of Mass Destruction And Celebratory Action Within The Black Claws Of Spike
When He Is Angered To The Deepest Of His Mysterious Will That Engulfs His Entirety In Serene Concrete And Volatile Sewer MadnesS!!!!!!! Or Why The Apple King Must Die!


1516698 You missed three letters. GPE (P) WYOMDACA (W) TBCO (S) WHIATTDOHMWTEHEISCAVSS!!!OWTAKMD!? But yeah that would be it completely correct if you were to shorten it to be just of the letters alone. :twilightsmile:

1516714 Oh, sorry. *rolls eyes*
Anywho, I'm probably not going to read this.

Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Physically Enchanting Psychic War Yell Of Mass Destruction And Celebratory Action Within The Black Claws Of Spike


Ah Appleshort.

Please.. go to school, or piss off.

Liked and favorited.
You truly delivered a masterpiece :pinkiehappy:

I just have to like this life changing story

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