• Published 30th Dec 2011
  • 36,022 Views, 2,638 Comments

Human - DannyJ

The Human of legend has been released, and the Brotherhood makes its move.

  • ...

When All is Dead and Still and Forever Unchanging

"Did you really think it would be that easy? Did you think you were just going to get away like that? You of all people should know, some stories never really end..."

In the void that was once the universe, Second breathed a deep sigh.

"Well then..." he said, trying to muster one last smile. "Only one thing for it, I suppose..."

He raised a trembling hand and closed his eyes, cringing. Time to die.

With great trepidation, Lord Second snapped his fingers, and the sound echoed throughout the darkness.

"Let there be light."

Author's Note:

You know what? I can't run away from my mistakes forever. Let's write some sequels. Neo-Elements fans, look out for The Universe is Doughnut-Shaped. Second and Silver fans, look out for The King Machine. ETA whenever. Harass me more to make them go faster.

Comments ( 57 )

"The Universe is Doughnut-Shaped"

:pinkiegasp: You used the silly name!


Tell nobody what you know.

6635331 :ajbemused: No really. Still excited that it's that name.

A donut-shaped universe? Why not the planet?

The Universe is Donut Shaped?

If you give it a twist, so the inside becomes the outside, you turn it into a Klien Donut.:pinkiegasp:

Of course, the Really crazy thing occurs when you then make a deep fried Klien on Klien Donut Sandwhich.

Well whaddya know. Fred Hoyle was right. And so is Inflation. :twilightoops:

This story got updated? What? Is it Christmas?

if the story is canceled, but resulted in sequels which are meant to conclude the work satisfactorily from the current moment in the story...
shouldn't you mark the story as complete instead of canceled?
well, I mean, once the sequel is out, anyway

the sudden implosion of the previous universe could even be re-framed as the prior "author"'s interest ending for the very same reasons that your interest ended, those being whatever huge, numerous story flaws you hate which were worsening over time. If you did that, all the bad parts of your story would be an important plot point! Story retroactively saved! (but not really saved in any important way, since the experience of getting to this point is still the same)

Who would be the new author, though? Maybe second, but at the cost of his possibility of freedom?

...wait, if the story being to long and to bad killed the story, that would mean that the story was no longer in the hands of the board of directors or whatever they were called! The main villeins of the prior world would have been defeated by the convoluted, ass-backward, inefficiencies of first!(first was the dad, right?)

oooooooo, this would leave first, with his eventual freedom from a dying universe full of illusions of people, sitting at a desk in the real world, desperately trying to write his son back to life. It would never work. It wouldn't be enough. In his mind, he would never be able to write it right or write it good enough, or write enough of it.

Another nice thought: that the last thing the degrading creatures of equestria, our heros, do it let him go, because equestria isn't from a horror story. It is from a story about friendship, and peaceful disputes, and teaching the young and the ignorant how to be good people.

I seem to have speculated all over the page again.

edit: with much misremembering too!

Imma not crying, there is just something in my eyes. :pinkiesad2:

Well... even if I just began to read it I give u your 1500 like, so there. Hope for ur success man.


If I marked it as complete, then that might as well be putting up a big sign saying, "Hey, reviewers, I'm done! Come have a go if you think you're hard enough!"

I don't think my ego could take the resulting beatdown.

Omagahds! I've been religiously following this story since I've first joined the fandom! Even if it was cancelled several months earlier, I wasn't disappointed because you showed us you planned for the whole thing and gave us a blog covering the rest of the story. I was really happy and satisfied with this madness (I enjoy insanity; Discord is best pony <3).

I've since enjoyed all your work, and any promised addition brings me joy. Good luck, sir. You've made a really happy fangirl with this news! EEEEEEE! :rainbowkiss::heart:

Well, that's a reference to Akira right there

but you already know that it's shit where it's shit and fuckin good in some spots where it's not shit.

any negative opinions they give you would just be extra noise, and some of the reviewers might even have an original thought to share.

regardless, if you don't want to mark it complete for that reason in particular, I guess wait until you are proud of a sequal so you can point at it and say "see?!? it gets better again later! stop judging me! That's ignoraaant!"

To clarify, I still liked the story and have slogged through far worse, far longer, for smaller chunks of lower quality gold.

As far as non-snarky, not rampantly speculative, actual advice, making both "beating around the bush" and "no plan survives first contact(because extream bullshit always pops out of nowhere)" two actual themes of the same story was probably a mistake. You can't really get rid of them, since they were the whole point, but view them as unwanted house-guests to be begrudgingly dealt with in the least difficult manner possible and otherwise worked around. Everyone's reversal of fortune could also be blamed on the author character.(unless this paragraph is gibberish to you, in which case shrug and do something else)

Speculation commence
OH! you introduced yourself as a character AFTER the prior author killed the universe. The new author could be "the maverick writer" version of you who makes up stuff about universal planet eaters being used as factory resets.

Sooo this story is dead, but not entirely. Kinda. So a semi-undead story... what is this even? But insane ramblings aside, i am SO FU++ING HAPPY THERE WILL BE MORE OH MY FUCKING GOD WHAT FFFFYEAAAAAAH.

My exact thoughts. :D

What the fuck?
Oh well.

I only have like, 12 harrassments on me right now.
How much time does that buy me?

Well here we are again my friend. Here we are with something of a mystery. But there is only one way to solve mysteries, my friend, only one way...

Lets delve into this thing again. I'm sure it'll be fun, but it might also be hard to remember the characters after so long. It's hard to believe that it's been over a year since the last chapter.


Well, colour me excited! For all of Human's flaws, I still really enjoyed all of its characters, and look forward to seeing them again.

YES! It must be my birthday!

Think I'm going to re-read this. I'm feeling fully positive about the projects you mentioned

The overwhelming radiant faggotry is back.


This story in particular is back, but my faggotry never went away.

6655783 Oh you beautiful man, you.


What's happening? Is it real? I saw an update for Human! Then I saw the word length :trixieshiftleft:

6655783 Still says canceled. Did you change your mind?


Human itself is still cancelled, but the story will continue in sequels.

6919526 Ah. Thanks for clearing that up. I look forward to seeing them.

Well. That was certainly a fun read, and since it made up 10% of my Read for Later word count it'll also be nice to have finally knocked it off.

I've seen multiple of your comments where you beat yourself up over the story for technical issues, but from a plot point, this is the sort of thing that 'regular' fiction really can't achieve. As a story, Human relies on it being fanfiction, emphasis 'fan' for all its delicious meta, and the sheer insanity is what drives the story forward rather than any actual drama. Despite this, I certainly did come to recognise and love most of the OCs. If Celestia is anything like 'Writes inconvenient stuff out of history' Celestia, however, then 1000 years from the time of Human the new Elements of Harmony will be forgotten and the Mane 6 will be the only 'Elements of Harmony' history has known. Those six (seven?) certainly aren't prime examples of equinity.

I'm mildly surprised that Sliske's subplot was only very lightly touched upon in your blog notes. Given her last appearance in Human is being rejected by the wife of her first host, that would call for more character development. I honestly would expect to see her ending up with Mystic as opposed to Chain Mail in a romantic sense, though Mystic would have to grow up first, and Sliske might be immortal, but hey, who knows - the Pantheon may have given Mystic alicornication/unaging status that he retains even with the death of DC later in the story. Since lots of people still think Twilight is immortal since the one Word of God fudged pretty hard, the Pantheon may have decided to copy off of fanon bullshit in this alternate meta-universe. But that would be giving somepony a happy ending so probably one of them would die and the other would suffer immortality blues for all of eternity.

Poor Silver Vein, though. I guess that means she never scores with a human (outside of the one non-canon ending where she goes to Earth, where she might have Anthony). Then again, there's always the possibility of that 20 million word sex story entirely about her :trollestia:. But reading her arc in the sequel notes, her and Meticulous Planning are both sort of the Littlepip of Human: they get crapped on entirely by life but they still manage to trudge on.


There probably would have been more with Sliske, yes. I didn't have anything in the notes either way, though, because character development in Human tended to be more fluid than that. I planned out the actual plot, but most of the character arcs were things that just happened. One has to give themselves space as a writer, particularly for something as big as this, where I could have a new idea for something to put into the story every day. I swear, the plan for the ending must've changed at least three times. Probably no shipping with Mystic, though. His age makes that kind of iffy no matter how it would be done, and immortality was definitely off the cards for him. This was written pre-Twilicorn, so we're in a world where not even Twilight earned that right. There's no way that any of these losers had a chance.

And Silver Vein's misery was a source of endless amusement to me, it's true.

Thank you for all your comments on this. It's nice to still have people enjoying this story and sharing their thoughts on it, regardless of my own opinion of the work.

7040608 Sorry, but I think you interpreted my comment differently from how I meant. Megan McCarthy said once 'Twilight won't outlive her friends' in response to questions about if Twilicorn was immortal. It's fudging, but despite the implication that she'll have a regular lifespan, a large plurality of the fandom still thinks she'll be immortal and indeed, the larger portion of 'future' fics written today have her as immortal.

In the alternate universe of Human, Twilicorn never happened, but despite that there's still the massive fandom that will still have written her as an alicorn Princess in their fanfics. What I was saying is that Pantheon B, given their subpar writing talent and ham-handing things through, might have looked at the large number of fans saying 'Wahh the main character should have gotten wings' and said 'Great idea'. While Mystic doesn't even come close to being 'THE' main character, he's still (part of) the Element of Magic, and so a continuation of Twilight Sparkle, who assertedly was 'THE' main character even above the rest of the Mane 6.

Getting into deeper layers of meta would be exhausting, but what I was trying to say was that if Pantheon B had intended for Mystic and/or Sliske to be immortal/an alicorn later in the future, Dramatic Convenience would've been smacked down before that could happen, but the POTENTIAL would still be there since their characters would have been conceived with that as a future possibility, even if it never happens.

Even with no actual super-gods that are pushing events into play in the background left, the Equestria that remains is still a product of the history conceived by the showrunners of MLP. Even with complete free will, by simple law of inertia any plans the Pantheon had that didn't involve shoehorning in complete bullshit leaps of logic or cause and effect is still more likely to occur than not. I guess an analogy I would use is if say the Pantheon had created increased tensions between ponies and griffons as a set-up for a war arc. The defeat of the final boss before the war arc could be started means the war might be averted, but it'd still be more likely than not to happen because the tensions still exist, even without any direction from above

Moving away from that point, something I was meaning to mention in my last comment but neglected to was the effect the passage of time had on memories of the immortals or the regular population over the original Elements of Harmony. When Spike in an early chapter raged against the Brotherhood members for dishonoring their ancestors I had to roll at my eyes over that because "Oh yeah, they were great, casting a mind-control spell on a doll, stealing a friend's spotlight, etc.". However, it's been 1000 years since Season 1/2, 900 years since all the EoH died, so Spike likely doesn't even remember those moments, he would've blanked out all the negative moments. Same with Celestia and Luna, and Chrysalis as well.

Also, I'm curious as to whatever happened to Cadance. She gets mentioned a couple of times, most notably when Anthony goes on a rant about how he dislikes Shining Armor because of his sudden inexplicable appearance at the end of Season 2 with no forewarning that Twilight had a brother, but her complete lack of presence seems odd. This is a big story so there might've been a throwaway line about how she wasn't immortal unlike Celestia and Luna, but for a past Princess she gets a curious lack of mention

And on a final note, I've been brainstorming a Human in Equestria fic for a while now, long before I even read this thing. Whether it'll ever come to fruition is up in the air. I mention it because it has some plot elements curiously similar to yours: while the main character doesn't have knowledge of DC or meta like Second does, he suspects it's more likely there was some universal narrative that brought him into Equestria rather than sheer random chance. He gets stupidly powerful over time but also gets paranoid, constantly expecting the narrative to throw crap at him any second, and at one point despairs about whether every action he takes is predetermined by a possible universal narrative


Can't say that what you propose was ever in the cards for me either way. That's just not an idea I ever had while planning the story.

Cadance appears twice in the story. She's at Celestia's funeral, although I don't think the narrative explicitly identifies her because the neo-Elements have never seen her before. And she would have also later appeared at the Crystal Empire when Spike goes to get the crystal ponies' help in retaking Canterlot. She spends most of the fic in the Crystal Empire, trying to keep it safe and under control, even through the apocalypse going on around her.

This being prior to season 4, my vision of Cadance was that she is constantly busy, and not much of a fighter, so throughout the fic, she deftly avoids getting involved in the action and is probably always doing something important. This is as opposed to canon Cadance, who eventually turned out to have a free enough schedule to make trips to Ponyville out of the blue, and who could handle herself just fine against random monster attacks.

7044541 Yeah, that was kinda my thought process.

On one last note unless I think of anything else (I drove 7 hours today. My mind wanders to weird places when I'm not constantly stimulating it with spicy food, reading or video games), did you, and by proxy Second, ever consider the possible creation of female dragons? There's multiple mentions of the 19/18 all being male, and therefore they'll be extinct whenever they die of old, old, old age (or if they're truly unaging, killed). It occurs to me if Second had thought of it, he could have created said female dragons to convince some of the male dragons over to his side. He could have made them be barren too just to be a real right bastard, and by actually plotting out their backstories and limits to their powers he could keep them bound tight to him, instead of having it backfire on him like what occurred with Explodey. Unless he was really wary after Explodey and didn't dare risk ANY super-powerful creature turning against him (then again he was gonna spawn thousands of OC alicorns).


No, I never did think of that. Neat idea, though.

Someone should write a spin off fic explaining to the characters that this was a fanfiction and it got canceled. It would be hilarious.

Well, I finally finished this.

This story is delightfully metafictional. The writing drew me in and never once did I get bored with it. Every time I had peeled away one layer it turned out that there was another beneath it. I will admit, there were plenty of times where I had my doubts about the direction the story was taking, only for for them to be dispelled a few chapters later. For example seeing the hell that First had created, was rather off-putting, until we were given the opportunity to see things from his point of view. Another thing I liked was just how dysfunctional new new bearers were, it made a darkly humorous contrast to the original six.

A major positive trait is that while Human is one of the great many "Equestria is real" stories, it is also one of the few with the courage and honesty to admit that FiM has no great cosmic significance. It's a show like any other, and hardly immune from the meddling of executives. The bit about how the "new generation" of Studio B personnel who were to work on the new planned trilogy had absolutely no idea what what made the original so great, and I read it as a sly commentary on similar "reboots" (does anyone remember Loonatics Unleashed?).

By all means I should have been frustrated and angry at the ending, yet it is a testament to the author's skill that I was not. There had been some foreshadowing of it, including the massively self deprecating chapter 32. Can one really blame an author for canceling a story because they looked at it and said, "Wow, this is horrible?" I would say no.

In the end, I would say that in spite of what the author might think of this work, it is still better then most of what's on this site. All in all, a job well done.


I don't look back on Human with the kind of pride I used to anymore, but I'm always glad when others are able to get something out of it. Thanks for taking the time to comment. Not many would do so on a fic that's been dead for years.


I'm not going to defend the story from most of those criticisms, since this was my first fanfiction, and I'm well aware now that it's rife with flaws (part of the reason it was cancelled in the first place).

HOWEVER, I take umbrage with Chain Mail being called a Shining Armor clone, due to the fact that Shining Armor did not exist at the time of writing. Contrary to the date FimFiction puts on the first chapter, Human actually started in 2011. That's why in the flasback scenes, the Captain of the Royal Guard is a random OC called Blade Edge (though, this did get retconned later).

The concept itself is to be applauded: a humans-plus-superpowers insert into the MLP world, a concept that Draven Ecplise has oh-so-wonderfully replicated. I applaud you for that.
The writing itself is somewhat interesting, with a smattering of cringe-y or dull moments, but the plot was what held everything together.
Still, I respect your choice to cancel this fic. I have fail-written many different fics on different platforms as well.
Kudos to you, sir!

still lit mah dood

still lit

Just damn. Was not expecting the rapid cut off, but i can understand why it happened, it was turning into a puss filld boil towards the end. Though it's sad to imagine Anthony being nothing more then a slave to studio B.


Well, that wasn't where his story ended. First was intended to be alive and free again by the end of the story, if you read the follow-up blogs.

Damn. Well considering how old this story is i didn't really feel like combining through all your blogs just for the extra details but it's nice to know he would have been saved.


The blog in question is linked in the author's notes of chapter 32, if you're interested. When I ended the story, links from story texts or author's notes were bright blue on FimFiction, but a site update a while back changed it so that all links by default were the same colour as the rest of the text, so now people miss them on my old stories (I should probably go back and fix that sometime). Most chapters also had a song link at the end, if you weren't aware.

Ya i did know bout the music.

NmB #50 · Jan 14th, 2020 · · 1 ·

I’m just tired of the same things again and again. Maybe Is should have phrase myself better or stated an actual argument but in my opinion we have more than enough white knights. I just want someone “human” we as a species are not pacifist, we are not pure of heart. We are balance. Everyone has good and bad in them. And our drive to survive is more often than not stronger than any kind of morality or ideals we have. I just want to see a flawed character with realistic approaches to dangerous situations.

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