• Published 30th Dec 2011
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Human - DannyJ

The Human of legend has been released, and the Brotherhood makes its move.

  • ...

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Chapter 32: Captain Cometson's Lunacy Adventure

"Quotes! A random, out of context quote! It is framed as if from an in-universe book, and is there at the beginning of each chapter to give the illusion that everything is much deeper than it actually is. Except when it isn't. Because sometimes we have a flashback instead. Sometimes two. And very occasionally, they'll even have some actual relevance to the chapter about to follow. Of course, even that is but a legend..."

-Passenger 46B, extract from a conversation that occurred on a plane sometime last March.


Nathan's eyes scanned the document for what must have been the fiftieth time that night. The bags under his eyes grew ever more noticeable, and the aging writer could only sigh and clutch his own head in his hands, out of coffee as he was. He banged his head on the desk, but there was nobody to hear him in the dark room. He pulled at his own skin, as if trying to tear the mask off, but he couldn't. Because it was his face. Nathan was dumb.

"Fuuuuuuuuuck it." He sat up in his chair and pushed himself back from the computer. "I'm done."

He got up from his chair and headed through the darkened hallway in search of the kitchen. He stepped into the other room and turned on the light, revealing another man leaning against the refridgerator. Nathan ignored him as he prepared another cup of coffee.

"That's it?" asked Howard. "You're giving up?"

"Sure am."

"So if you were just going to giving up halfway, then what was the point of all this?"

Nathan didn't answer at first, instead keeping his full attention on the coffee. There was silence in the kitchen, aside from the gentle clink of a teaspoon as Nathan stirred it. When he was done, he looked back to his brother.

"If there was ever a point, I think I lost it. This bullshit just got too complicated, and I think that trying to keep this whole endeavour going is a lost cause. Seriously, Howie, what the fuck am I doing with my life? Look at me! I haven't slept in days! I've created a monster! I'm hallucinating that you're here, and holding a fucking conversation with you, and all the while that abomination is sitting out there on my computer, plotting to take even more of my sanity with it."

He stared down into his coffee with the haunted eyes of a shell-shocked veteran.

"I can't let this go on anymore, Howard. This story is evil and it needs to be stopped."

The coffee mug shattered into pieces as Nathan slammed it down on the kitchen counter, having not even taken a single sip of it. He scalded his hand in the process, but he didn't seem to care. Instead, he dashed into the other room, throwing on the lights and leaping into his computer seat. The hallucination of his brother followed in after him.

"Nathan, come on, let's not do anything crazy here... You're sleep deprived. You're not rational. Let's think things through."

"No, I am rational!" Nathan said with a manic grin. "I think I'm thinking clearly for the first time in years!"

"...Nathan, what are you doing?"

"I'm writing the ending. Everybody fucking dies."


Soft Spoken, in all his fanged and frail glory, stood before his friends in the Harmonite temple. The other new Elements of Harmony, the spider monks, and Princess Luna could all only stare at him, none of them quite sure how to respond to this latest revelation.

"It's... a long story..." Softy began. "But how it basically goes is—"

At that moment, they were all interrupted by a big glowing green orb that suddenly appeared in the room. It popped up out of nowhere, just between Soft Spoken and the rest of the ponies, and from it emerged two very serious ponies with visored helmets and blue full-body armour. They stepped out into the temple, and the portal vanished behind them.

"...And who might you ponies be?" asked Princess Luna.

"Space police," said one. "Super serious time travel division."

"We're here to cleanse this timeline. The Codex Gravis empowers us to police the space-time continuum and enforce the rule of seriousness in the face of the mad and deranged."

"Your timeline is in violation of laws of seriousness. It's just too silly."

"In fact, you have beached maximum silliness restrictions several times. This would be fine if you were a silly universe, you understand, but since so many serious things happen here, we are forced to conclude that this is a serious timeline that you have somehow perverted."

The remaining ponies all looked to each other.

"So... what happens now?" asked Gold Coin.

The space police exchanged a look.

"Now we sterilise."

And then they pulled their laser guns and shot everybody.


"Ohohoho! Quite amusing!" Lord Second chuckled. "Why, I can't believe I was almost about to kill you all!"

Celestia, Jekyll and Hyde all laughed with him as they sipped their tea in the lounge.

"You know," Second said with a sigh, "I'm glad that we all finally sat down and had this talk. All this time I've just been a mass-murdering crazy person with a deranged sense of humour, no empathy for other living things, and a tragic backstory which causes me to angst all the time and provides a sort of excuse for my actions but not really, when all I needed this whole time a good sit down and talk with some friends to get it out of my system! Whew! I wish we'd done this earlier so that all those ponies could still be alive! Oh well, you win some, you lose some!"

"Haha! Murder! I love it!" said Hyde, taking a bite out of a crumpet.

"I'm just happy that we were finally able to reach a peaceful resolution," Celestia agreed.

"You know, I think everything's going to turn out just great," said Jekyll, giving not one shit about tempting the irony gods.

There was a knock. The four of them all turned their heads as one to see Thug Lyfe open the door and poke his head inside.

"Yo, LS, my nigga, there's some cracker with all mismatched limbs here for ya."

Second raised an eyebrow. "Send him in."

Thug Lyfe stepped aside, admitting an angry draconequus into the room, covered in stone dust. Celestia's eyes widened.

"D-Discord!" she stuttered, "How did you—?"

"Zip it, Celestia," he interrupted, creating an actual zip to close her mouth up.

Discord turned on the three humans.

"You have been stealing my thunder for far too long," he said, point an accusatory claw at Second.

"Me? What did I do?"

"Oh, 'what did I do?' he asks! Like you don't know!"

Discord wiped the remaining stone dust off of himself and grabbed a pinch of it as it fell from his shoulders. He held it out to show Second.

"Turning into a statue? Godlike powers? Mysterious past that is never elaborated on before your defeat? Lord Second, while I am flattered that you chose to model yourself off of me, I'm afraid I must protest this shameless unoriginality that surrounds you and everything involved with you."

Second became indignant.

"Are you accusing me of being derivative, sir?"

With a flash of magic, one of the helmets of the Secopolis power armour appeared in Discord's talon. He thrust it into Second's face and glared at him.

"You tell me!" he hissed.

Second's eyes darted between the power helmet, Celestia, and his two clones. Finally, he looked Discord in the eye again.

"Okay, point taken. But look, we don't have to be this way! I've always been a fan of yours, Discord! I was thinking—"

"Stop. Just stop."

Discord floated over to Celestia and removed her mouth zip. He put an arm around her and used the other to gesture to her for second.

"Look at this poor mare here! Look at what you've put her through!" He then gestured to the room in general. "In fact, look at all of this!"

Second did so.

"I'm not seeing what you want me to see."

A loud sigh preceded Discord snapping his talons and suddenly teleporting all of them to the castle roof. From up here, they had a view of the twisted remains of Canterlot.

"Look at this! It's a mess! Fitting for a man with no creativity, you're not a creator, but a destroyer. This is all utterly pointless. Who on Earth goes into a land like Equestria, stuffy and full of pompous idiot ponies though it may be, and thinks, 'Yeah, I'll just kill everything here! Won't that be great!' I'd ask if you were mentally deficient, but I'm not sure where it'd get me."

Second appeared to struggle for words.

"...Wuh... well... I can always fix it. Y'know. With my powers."

"I don't care," Discord replied. "That you can fix it isn't the point. I can fix it too. That's not the important part. The important part is that despite the fact that you reduced Equestria to an anarchy, you are an affront to the chaos I represent. Creative chaos. You're an avatar of entropy and decay. Your existence offends me. And I will not stand for it!"

The draconequus folded his arms in a gesture of finality, floating out away from the castle with his back to the horizon, so that he could face them all. Second's expression darkened at the obvious challenge.

"Very well, Discord. If you really want to fight me, then—"

"Oh, I don't. I can't win in a fight with you. But this is why a god needs to have brains to back up their power."

There was a roar and a burst of blue and purple. All of Second's bravado disappeared, while Discord grew a wide grin and held his arms wide. A portal opened behind him, a gaping maw that sucked in the buildings of Canterlot into a vortex of colour and sound.

"What did you do?!" Second yelled.

"System restore!" Discord shouted back. "I'm returning Equestria to factory settings! No more humans!"

Even for all his magnificent powers, Lord Second and his clones could not help but be sucked into the void, Celestia and Thug Lyfe following after. Soon, Discord was pulled inside too, laughing all the way. The portal continued to grow, and expand outwards.


"Oh boy! What a sweet-looking planet!" said Captain Cometson, Eater of Worlds, as his gigantic body drifted by a small sun. "I think I will eat it and the souls of all its inhabitants!"

The yellow space god cheerfully plucked the planet out of its orbit and tossed it down his gullet, swallowing it whole.

"Mmmm! That hit the spot!"

But Captain Cometson felt an odd feeling in his stomach. In response to his terrible tummy ache, he pulled back his many slick yellow tentacles from the distant corners of time and rubbed his belly mournfully.


That planet had had a matter-consuming portal on it. And now Captain Cometson would be absorbed into it from the inside out, which would cause it to expands to all points in space and time and effectively end reality.

"My horoscope came true!" he gasped.

And then he died, along with everything else ever.


All matter was condensed into a single point. A new Big Bang occurred. Billions of years passed, great and powerful entities rose and fell, and eventually a planet would form which gave rise to life. This life came in the shape of ponies, as well as many other creatures. And it just so happened that one of those ponies was named Twilight Sparkle, and she had a series of wonderful adventures with her friends that resulted in some bullshit involving a magic crystal castle-tree, which she partially had thanks to her good friend named Discord.

And that, dear readers, is where I come in.


"Nathan, what in the fucking motherfuck are you fucking doing?"

"Shush, Howie," said Nathan. "I am concluding the meta bullshit."


For you see, children, the end of the universe was not truly the end of Lord Second! You did not think that, did you? No! Because in fact, he visited me! As a hallucination! And he helped me through my many tough times in my life. He gave me good advice, such as telling me to set people on fire when they caused me trouble, and life became easier. And I was happy again, because my dear brother never disappeared at all, but instead became the god-ghost of ponies who lives inside my head. And everything was perfect always and forever.

At least until the night terrors came. At least until the fucking endless screams in the night, where they won't leave me alone, and all they ever fucking do is remind me that I'm still writing this fucking shit because it's the nightmares that always inspired the story, and I don't know what I'm doing with my life, because this wasn't how it was supposed to go, and I have no idea how I turned out a product this mediocre and GODDAMN IT I JUST WANT IT TO END WHY WON'T IT END WHY AM I STILL WRITING THIS PIECE OF SHIT I JUST WANT SOME FUCKING PEACEFUL SLEEP


Shortly afterwards, Nathan started crying and drinking heavily. He send off the final chapter to his publisher, left the house the next morning, assaulted a vagrant, got arrested, and eventually he found his way to a decent psychiatric hospital where he stayed for several months and got the pills he needed to cope with life. After that, he returned home, hallucination free, and now with a carer. His dear brother, Brian, was there to take care of him from then on. And Nathan lived a life of happiness, never writing metafiction about overpowered humans in a world of cartoon ponies ever again.

And as for Hasbro? Well, they never did make Future Imperfect. It was a little too imperfect. But instead, they took the lessons to heart, now knowing the depths to which a brand can sink, and thanking their lucky stars that however terrible the adaptations of their properties might become, at least it will never be as bad as fanfiction written on a dare by a teenager who doesn't know shit about good writing.


With a light chuckle, DannyJ closed the book and removed the pipe from his mouth. He leaned forward on his rocking chair, smiling to the circle of children sat by the fireplace in front of him.

"And the moral of the story is that you cannot apologise for bad fiction. You can only apologise for yourself."

He stopped smiling at them.

"And really. I am sorry. I am so, so sorry for me."

Danny tossed the book in the fire.

"Well, at least that disaster is over with." He looked back at the surprised children. "And nobody will ever adopt any of you!"

And to a chorus of crying children, DannyJ smashed the window, climbed out, and escaped into the night, long gone by the time security arrived.

Such is the way of the maverick writer.


Author's Note:


Yeah, but that's it. Story's over. Go home.

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