• Published 9th Oct 2012
  • 675 Views, 8 Comments

The Trials of the Elements - SigmatheAwesome

Six Elements. Six mares. Six trials.

  • ...



One must sometimes stop giving small in order to give greater.

"Aaaaand..." The white unicorn poked the sharpened point of the needle into the fabric, then pulled gingerly, a purple thread following it through the puncture. The fabric pulled itself together, the thread locking them in place. Rarity cut the string with a blade of magic, sealing the act. "Done. Now, all that's left is to wash the fabric."

The pleased fashionista drifted her newest creation to the washroom, where her cleaning board sat calmly in its bucket. These days ponies had access to automatic washing machines, but Rarity firmly believed that her clothing would be of higher quality if it were washed with the care of her work.

It seemed to work, at least.

Rarity slowly cleaned her artwork, removing any imperfections and dirt from its surface. After an hour of careful washing, she hung the piece out to dry.

"Hey sis!" A familiar voice called out. Rarity turned to face her sister.

"Hello, Sweetie Belle." She flicked the fabric out in an attempt to straighten it. "How was school?"

"Really good." She chimed, trotting up. "We learnt something about pony bodies." She paused, looking at the limp fabric. "Ooh, that looks pretty."

"Why thank you. I just made it this afternoon." She turned her attention to the filly beside her. "What sort of thing did you learn about ponies?"

"Lots of things!" Sweetie Belle bounced happily. "Like, how the heart pumps blood around and there's, like, five litres of the stuff in there."

"A lesson on the circulatory system?"

"Yeah!" She looked at her flank. "Hey, maybe I could get a cutie mark in circul... circulararoty?"


"That! Something to do with that!"

Cutie Mark Crusader Open Heart Surgeon. Rarity thought with horror. "Perhaps..."

"Hey, sis?"

"Mm?" Rarity tilted her head.

"You said you were making a dress for me for the dance that's coming up." She recalled. "It's in a week, have you started it yet?"

Rarity sighed. "No, I haven't. I give you my word, I will have one ready for you."

"And... What if you don't?"

The fashionista cringed.

"I mean, I know you're busy and all, so you might not have time."

She's being very perceptive. Rarity thought. "Nonsense, Sweetie, I'll have a dress for you in no time."

Sweetie Belle immediately beamed, and hugged her older sister. "Thanks a bunch, sis!" She immediately ran off. Rarity swore she could barely hear servos as she galloped, but dismissed the thought.

I've been reading too much science-fiction. She chuckled. But now, I need to check my inventory.

On her bed lay a pile of fabric that would be suitable for Sweetie Belle. Her sister had asked for something simple and flexible, as it was not a formal event like she was used to catering for. But that wasn't on her mind.

"I'm down on my quota." She said, immediately recognising the slight lack of bits in her safe. "Curse this summer, nopony buys clothing."

Rarity pulled the bits out and counted. "879 bits. While that's more than enough for me to live and restock..." She looked at the pile, sighing. "I still have the other thing. And it's five days until I have to contribute..." She moaned.

"Rarity?" Sweetie Belle poked her head in. "Are you ok?"

The fashionista glanced up. "Oh, yes, yes, perfectly fine. I'm just a little short on bits."

Sweetie Belle nodded. "How much do you need?"

"About 121 bits."

The filly's eyes widened. "That's a lot. Is it going to come out of my pocket money?"

"Sweetie, don't worry, your money is safe. I need it in five days and your ten-bits-a-week won't cut it."

She sighed. "Well, I've got a sleepover at Applejack's today, so I'll see you later."

Rarity waved her off with a hoof. As soon as the door slammed shut, she sighed loudly. "How am I going to fill my quota?"

Day 5

The sun beat down on the fashionista's home and work location. Today was a particularly hot day, though the Weather Patrol said some storms were rolling in that afternoon.

Heat soaked through the window, slowly cooking the room. Rarity stood in the middle, sweating as sunlight hit her alabaster coat. Her mane was looking frazzled from stress, which the heat and said mane weren't helping with.

She was just about to give up when a customer walked through the door, the bell jingling. She immediately raced up, and flashed a smile.

"Hello, and welcome to Carousel Boutique, where everything is Unique, Chique and Magnifique." She repeated from habit. "How can I help you?"

Her hot and bothered mind finally recognised the stallion who had entered. It was the wealthiest pony in Ponyville, Filthy Rich. "You can, actually." He replied with slight self-importance.

"Do tell." She could barely contain her excitement.

"My little daughter, Diamond Tiara, needs a dress for a dance event that's coming up." Behind the stallion, a small pink filly wearing a tiara slid out. She wore a greater air of importance.

"Well, lucky for you I have some stock out-" She was interrupted by a sharp noise and a raised hoof from the filly.

"Daddy means a custom dress. I need to look better than everypony else, especially those Cutie Mark Crusaders." She said the name of the rag-tag team of adventurers with venom.

Rarity's blood simmered. This was the filly that Sweetie Belle, her own little sister, told her had teased her about her lack of Cutie Mark, and had effectively forced her to reprint her diary in the Foal Free Press.

Though, it didn't seem that Diamond could draw a comparison between the two.

"Well, that requires fitting, planning, customer input-"

"Just do it." The filly demanded.

Rarity scoffed. "Well, if you're going to behave like that, I shan't make you a custom dress."

Both customers levelled a glare. Rarity didn't falter.

"And I'll have you know that custom dresses take time and cost extra."

"Price is no issue." The stallion replied. "I just want my Diamond to be happy."

"Well, as long as she can behave, I'll gladly create a magnificent dress for her." Rarity said with a smile.


The three most exhausting hours of her life passed, barely.

The filly had a custom dress that looked stunning on her. This both pleased Rarity and sickened her.

"Well, what do you think?"

Diamond shot a few different poses. "I thought I'd never say this, but this looks good."

Rarity smiled, and turned to Filthy Rich. "Now, about payment."

"As I said, it is no issue."

"Eighty bits."

Filthy's eyes widened slightly. "Eighty bits? That's a little steep for just a dress."

"Filly-sized dresses are normally 50% of the materials, but for custom dresses I factor in the full cost of the material and a set 20-bit fee for working on them."

"Perhaps a discount for distinguished customers?" He said, pointing to a rarely-seen sign.

"While I'd love to give you a discount, Mr Rich," Rarity continued. "I have a quota to fill, and I'm afraid I cannot spare one."

Filthy rolled the information in his mind. "And what is this... quota you have to fill?"

"That is private information of Carousel Boutique, I'm afraid. But anyway, payment is required."

"I'm afraid I won't pay so much for this dress." He said sternly.

Rarity sighed. Time to play my moves. "Then you leave me no choice." She turned to the filly, horn glowing. In a flash of light the dress teleported to the air above the filly. The fashionista lifted the dress out of range.

"Hey, what are you doing to my dress?!" The filly protested.

"Your father refuses to pay, so therefore this is no longer your dress."


"Now now, don't worry, I'm sure your father could happily buy you another, less-expensive dress from my standard line." She looked at the dress in her magic, and stroked a hand along the fabric. "And I'm sure another filly could happily fill out this dress. Everyone wins."

"Daddy!" Diamond moaned. "You said you'd get me a special dress! You promised!"

"You Pinkie Promised!" Pinkie said from out of a bucket of fabric.

For a whole three seconds they watched the pink pony in utter shock as she lowered herself back through the bucket. Filthy snapped back to reality first.

"Well, unless I want cake raining down on the pool again..." He sighed, and pulled out a large sack. "Here you go, Miss Rarity."

Rarity opened the sack and counted the bits. "Exactly eighty." She handed the dress back. "Pleasure doing business with you."

Diamond snatched the dress from its magic aura greedily. "I can't wait to show those blank-flanks this."

"I recommend saving the surprise until the dance." Rarity said. "One will make a larger impact that way." And it gives me time to make Sweetie Belle's dress even better.

The filly pondered. "You know, that's a good idea." She smiled rather... menacingly. "Let's go." She trotted off happily.

Rich turned to Rarity. "Pleasure doing business with you." He added with a little venom.

"See you again." Rarity replied with equal venom as he left.

She smiled, then grabbed the bits. "Only 41 more to go."

"Consorting with the enemy?" A rather irritated, all-too-familiar voice shot out. "Great, now even my sister's against me."

She snapped her head back. Sweetie Belle was slowly trotting up, glaring daggers at her. "Sweetie, I can-"

"You haven't even designed my dress, and yet you spent the past three hours making a really nice one for the pony that bullies me!" She yelled, pointing to the workroom. "What sort of sister are you?"

"This was business." Rarity replied. "I really need to fill this quota."

"Can you forget about your stupid quota and focus on your own sister for once?"


"I don't want to hear another lame excuse for helping Diamond Tiara." Sweetie Belle turned. "When you want to admit the truth, I'll be in my room." She turned and walked away, her gait reflecting the sour mood she was in.

"Oh, what have I done?" Rarity said to herself with despair. "I've been so caught up with my quota, I let it get the better of me." She fell to the ground, sobbing dramatically. A second later, she shot up, gasping. "From now on, the quota can wait until I have finished my sister's dress!" She smiled. "And as Celestia is my witness, I will not betray my sister again!"

Day 3

Rarity collapsed on the couch she had dragged across the floor in an overly-dramatic fashion. She sighed with sheer exhaustion, the two-day's toll of working finally catching up with her.

"Finally, it is complete..." She said quietly to herself. She scanned her latest work, a dress that perfectly matched her sister's colours and form, built with practicality in mind. In a short story, it both looked better than what Diamond had, but it its own elegant way. And the chances of Sweetie Belle destroying it were slim. It was, to say the least, perfect.

It was late at night, having been working for at least 12 hours or more that day and the day before, but she had finally completed it.

"Sis?" Sweetie Belle's voice snapped her mind to reality. Rarity flailed and fell of the couch, immediately picking herself up afterwards.

"Sweetie Belle, hi, how can I help?"

"Umm..." Sweetie Belle scuffed the ground with her hoof, looking down, embarrassed. This gave Rarity a chance to hide the dress quickly, as to keep the surprise. "I just wanna apologise for yelling at you earlier. It was mean of me."

"Apology accepted." Rarity smiled. "I'm sorry, but I'm a little busy at the moment, and once I'm done I'll be heading straight to bed. But that's what tomorrow's for."

Sweetie Belle looked up, a mix of joy and disappointment in her eyes. "Oh, ok. Um..." She looked around nervously, then bolted up and wrapped her hooves around the mare, before running with equal speed out of the room. "Good night, Rarity!"

"Good night!" Rarity waved her off with her hoof. "And now..." She turned to her pile of bits. "I need to figure how to deal with this." She smacked her hoof. "41 bits..."

Day 2

Rarity had a terrible morning.

Her back was sore, it was too warm, and the constant worry about the quota prevented her from getting enough sleep.

And Sweetie Belle made breakfast again.

Now, she was strolling through the market, looking for any place that she could sell anything at. She found none.

Her walking eventually led her to a nearby park bench, where she fell on and sighed. She shut her eyes for a moment, but they burst open at the sound of wings tearing through the sky. Her gaze followed the familiar spectral trail of her pegasus friend, Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow seemed to notice the white unicorn, as she dived down and landed hard, kicking up dirt. Rarity got a lungful of dust, and coughed violently.

"Hey Rarity." Rainbow greeted her cheerily. "What's up?"

"Hello Rainbow-" Rarity coughed again. "-Dash." She finished coughing, and then faced her friend. "I'm not doing too well I'm afraid."

"Darn." Rainbow folded her wings and walked over. "Dealt with an annoying pony at work?"

"Amongst other things, yes." She sighed. "I'm a little short on money at the moment."

"Darn. Do you need any? I've got some bits to spare."

"I need about 41 bits."

Rainbow backpedalled. "Woah woah woah, did you say forty?"

Rarity nodded slowly. "I'd normally be able to cover it, but I'm afraid the summer is driving business away."

"Forty bits is, like, a toaster or something. You could sell your toaster."

"Trust me, nopony would want to buy it after what Sweetie Belle tried to do."

"Tried cooking eggs with it?"

Rarity blinked, looking at her friend in confusion. "How-"

"I've done it before."

"... Well, anyway, I need forty-one bits in a short amount of time."

"How long are we talking here?"

"Tomorrow night."

The pegasus' mouth gaped open. "You're kidding me."

"I wish I was." Rarity said quietly. "How much can you spare?"

"About ten bits, tops." Rainbow dug into the bad she was wearing and pulled out a little sack of bits. "I don't get payed as much as you do, remember." She handed the unicorn the sack, which drifted away from her mouth.

"Thank you." Rarity slid the sack into her own bags. "Say, do you know where Twilight is?"


Twilight was, as to be expected, studying.

Rarity rapped on the door, which was greeted by her dragon friend.

"Hey Rarity!" He greeted merrily. "Come on in."

Rarity hummed thanks and entered. She expected the sound of magic and pages turning, which were present. What she didn't expect was to be hit with a blast of cold air, a rare thing on hot summer days. She reflexively shivered.

"You alright, Rarity?" Spike asked with a hint of concern.

"Fine, fine, I just wasn't expecting... Cold. Is Twilight studying cryoarcanum these days?"

"Nah, it's our new Air Conditioner." He pointed to a metal box on the roof. "It basically produces an area-of-affect spell which changes the temperature of the area around it."

"So that's how they work..." Rarity mused to herself. "If I could afford one, it would be the most divine thing ever."

The two walked over to Twilight, who was hunched over a desk, scribbling a note. She glanced at the book next to her, but froze as her eyes tracked the white unicorn. In an instant Twilight turned to face them.

"Hello Rarity!" She greeted happily.

"Hello Twilight." Rarity greeted back, looking at what she was doing. "What are you researching?"

"Lightning magic." She turned to her notes. "I'm trying to work out how Spark-Cells operate, and looking for a way to recharge one."

Rarity chuckled. "Well, good luck with that. Twilight, I need a favour."

Twilight turned again. "What is it?"

"I need to borrow some money."

Twilight blinked. "Why?"

"I have a very important quota to fill."

"How much do you need?"

"I need exactly 31 bits." Rarity looked away.

Twilight stuttered in shock. "Thirty-one?! You need thirty-one bits?"

"I do, sadly."

"I-I don't have that much. I spent my savings on the Air Conditioner up there."

"Relax, I don't need it all from you, Twilight." Rarity sighed. "Just... If you can spare any-"

"I can't spare any!" It was too late, Twilight was in panic mode. "I only have seventy spare, and-"

Spike covered her mouth. "Twi, relax." He turned to Rarity. "I can spare some myself."

"Oh, you're a life-saver, Spike." She brought the dragon into a hug, feeling his tensing under her grasp.

Spike sighed dreamily, only to have the dream stop shortly when Rarity put him back on the ground. "Uh... Let me check how much I have."

Spike dashed off. A second later the dragon returned, carrying a small sack.

"I can spare fifteen bits. I know it's not much, but I don't get payed like Twilight does."

Twilight shot up, flailing "Spike! Don't tell her! She might get jealous!"

"Why would she?"

Twilight grabbed the dragon and whispered something that the white mare couldn't hear. After a moment, the two turned back. "Sorry about that. Here's your bits."

Rarity grabbed the floating sack, the aura shifting from violet to blue. "Thank y-"

"Now, if you excuse me, I'm very busy, so goodbye!" Twilight pushed the mare out of the library and slammed the door.

"Jeez, I just don't understand why anypony would get mad at the fact that you get 1500 a month from Celestia."

Twilight sighed. "Some ponies don't like hearing that they get payed less than me."

Spike thought it over. "Like Rarity, who works hard on her dresses just to earn her pay, while you get more than her just for being Celestia's student?" Something in his mind snapped. "Oh, right. Now I see why."

The unicorn facehoofed.


Rarity was, for a lack of better words, much taken back by Twilight's behaviour.

What was worse was that she once again emerged in the hot sun of Equestria after being inside a marvellously cold room.

Still, she had a mission, and it would not wait for long.

Due to the small size of Ponyville, Rarity was able to make it to Sweet Apple Acres in a matter of minutes. The journey was taxing to her feminine physique, she reckoned, and she stopped short of the house.

She felt something cool radiating near her horn, and she looked up to see a cold beverage being held in an orange hoof.

"Y'alright, sugarcube?"

Rarity took the drink in her magic and had a sip. Apple juice. "It could be worse, I suppose."

"You look a might tired, come on in." Applejack turned inside, and the unicorn swiftly followed.

"Thank you, darling." She set the drink down and faced Applejack.

"So, what can Ah help you with?" Applejack poured her own drink and walked up.

"I'm short on money." She fired off. "By about 16 bits."

"Dang, Ah'm mighty sorry. When do you need it by?"


Applejack raised an eyebrow. "That soon?"

"Unfortunately. Would you happen to have any spare bits?"

Applejack looked around. "Uh... Don't think so. We need all the money we have to keep the farm running."

"Oh, please!" Rarity pleaded. "You know Pinkie's out of town and Fluttershy can't pay..."

"What about Dash and Twilight?"

"I've already seen them." Rarity continued. "Oh, if I don't get the money in on time-"

"Hold on a dang minute." Applejack said grumpily. "Lemme see what I can spare."

After the long minute that Applejack spent searching, she returned to her unicorn friend. "Ah can spare only ten bits, but that's it fer th' season."

Rarity grabbed the money quickly, giggling a little unladylike. "Oh, thank you, Applejack! You don't know how much this means to me." Without another word, Rarity departed, seemingly overjoyed.

Applejack frowned. "And Ah thought she was the Element of Generosity... Ah'll have some words with her later."


Rarity sighed. "I only have six bits left to fill. I could use my own funds to pay for the quota, but I've already done my restock inventory." She groaned, rubbing her temples. "I can't borrow any money, and the markets are closed. Maybe they can go without six bits? No, don't be ridiculous. I seem to be the only one paying. They need their quota filled, and therefore I need my own to be filled."

"Rarity, you're talking to yourself again."

Rarity froze, and turned to face Sweetie Belle. The filly was looking a little confused. "Hello, Sweetie Belle. I'm just thinking, that's all."

"How many bits do you need?"

"Six, but I have no way to fill that important gap."

"So I heard..." Sweetie thought for a moment. "Hey, Rarity, listen. I'll cover it."

"What?" Rarity looked confused. "Why?"

"I haven't spent my pocket money this week, so maybe I could help you."

Rarity blinked. A smile started forming slowly. "That's wonderful, Sweetie."

"But," The filly started. "I want to find out what you need this much money for."


"Oh, and if you haven't done my dress yet, could you please work on it tomorrow?"

Rarity suppressed a smirk. "Do not worry, I have the situation under control."

Day 1

Today was the night of the School Dance. There was an option to have a 'date', but because Scootaloo had asked Rumble, and all the other colts were either uninterested or already asked out, Sweetie Belle decided to ask Applebloom as friends. Nopony seemed to mind, least of all their sisters.

With Applejack, it was because she was assured that the two of them would keep each other safe.

With Rarity, it was because she was too focussed on making sure that the dress was absolutely perfect.

Rarity specifically made sure that her sister couldn't see what she was working on, even when washing and drying. This only made Sweetie Belle more excited as the day went on.

When Rarity finished she folded the dress up neatly in one of her saddlebags, and the mass of bits in the other.

"Sweetie Belle!" She called out, and waited for a reply.

"Almost done!" A tiny voice replied, as the filly walked down the stairs drying her hair. "Do you have a brush?"

Rarity scoffed at the notion that she even needed to ask, grabbing and then running a brush through the filly's mane. "There. You look fabulous."

Sweetie blushed. "Aww, thanks." She sped to the door. "Ready to go?"

"I am ready."

"Then let's go!" The filly pushed the door open and the cold night air greeted them.

Rarity shivered. "First, let's go to where I need to be, and then we'll head straight to the Dance, alright?"

Sweetie nodded. "After you."


A few minutes of walking later, the two paused in front of a run-down building on the edge of town. The structure was about three stories high, a lot more squarely built than the other buildings in Ponyville

"What is this place?" Sweetie Belle drew closer to her sister, feeling a little intimidated.

"You'll see." Rarity smirked and walked to the door. She pushed it open gently, smiling as she entered.

The room they entered was looking a little worse for wear, with an old desk seated in the middle. The mare at the desk brightened up when Rarity entered.

"Miss Rarity, good to see you again."

Rarity nodded a greeting. "Likewise, Hoof."

The mare peered over Rarity's shoulder. "And who's this little filly?"

"Ah, let me get to introductions." She took a step, revealing the filly. "Helping Hoof, this is my sister, Sweetie Belle."

"H-hi..." Sweetie Belle said nervously.

"Hello dear." Helping smiled warmly.

"Helping Hoof runs the Ponyville Orphanage. It's... Not as well-funded as it could be."

Helping nodded. "Ponies in Ponyville tend to have good families, but some unlucky foals tend to have their parents... pass on. So that's why I've set up an orphanage."

"And that's why I need to supply them with money. I can't let any foals go homeless." She looked around, eyeing the building. "Even if it is in a drab place like this."

One of the doors creaked open. A little pegasus colt the age of Sweetie Belle poked his head out, then smiled when he saw Rarity.

Rarity turned to face the colt and smiled equally. "Hello, Distance."

"Hey Miss Rarity!" The colt bounced up, followed by a swarm of similarly-aged foals. Sweetie Belle tried to hide in her sister's tail from the sheer rush of ponies.

"Hello all." Rarity greeted the mass of foals. "How are you all doing?"

A mass of positive replies washed over the crowd. A little earth pony filly, younger than Sweetie Belle, pointed at the fashionista's sister. "Hoo's dat?"

"This, Harvest, is my sister Sweetie Belle." She turned to face the filly in question. "Say hello, Sweetie."

"H-hi, everypony." She shyly waved her hoof.

"Hey, I've heard about you." Distance shouted. "My cousin Scootaloo's a friend of yours."

"Your... Cousin?"

"Hey guys, what's going on in this-" A familiar colt-like filly's voice called from the same room, before being silenced. "Oh. Uh..."

"Scootaloo? What are you doing here? Are you an orphan too?"

"What?" Scootaloo shook her head. "No no no no, of course not. I'm just working here part-time."


"Why not? It's something to do while my parents are travelling so much. Besides, my cousin Distance is here."

Sweetie Belle pondered for a second. "Oh. That makes much more sense."

"So... What are you doing here, anyway?"

"My sister's doing something and I'm just following along."

"Technically," Rarity started. "You helped me fill my quota on the promise that you saw what I was doing with this much money."

Scootaloo walked to the counter. "I've gotta go, Hoof. School Dance and all that."

"Sure. See you Tuesday."

"Well, see you two there. I don't wanna keep Rumble waiting." She grabbed her scooter from a locker near the door and sped off.

"Which reminds me, we need to get going too." Rarity added, and placed a sack on the counter. "Here's 300."

Hoof looked at the sack. "Yep, that'll cover costs. Thank you very much for your generosity."

Rarity smiled. "It's what I'm known for." She turned to leave. "Now, I believe you have a dance, Sweetie?"


"Hey Sis?"

"Hm?" Rarity hummed as she turned to face the filly.

"Are you really the only one funding the orphanage?"

She sighed. "To the best of my knowledge, I am." She looked to the sky. "It's sad, really."

"Maybe you should let your friends know?"

"It's a possibility that I'll consider." Rarity turned to face the filly. "And when you become a famous and successful pony you can help."

Sweetie Belle beamed. "Yeah! I'm totally gonna do that now."

Rarity paused walking, the filly slowing down and glancing behind.


"I'm just thinking how lucky I am to have a sister like you." Rarity smiled, and then opened one of her saddlebags. "And I have something for you."

The filly galloped up. "Ooh! What is it?"

Rarity flicked the dress open, making a show of it. "This is your dress." Her horn glowed brighter, and the dress flashed onto the filly's body.

Sweetie Belle looked over herself. "It's perfect!" She ran up and hugged the older mare. "Thanks a bunch, Rarity."

"Now, unlike Diamond's dress, which was made with money, this one is made with love." She paused. "Also stain-resistant and tough material so that you won't break it as easily."

Sweetie smirked. "You thought of everything, didn't you?"

"Of course I did." She started walking, the filly bouncing up behind her.

Within a few minutes the two arrived at the schoolhouse, where two ponies were outside waiting. The smaller of the two smiled when she saw the two walking up, and she bolted to greet the filly.

"Heya Sweetie Belle!"

"Hi, Applebloom!"

"Nice dress. It looks gorgeous on you."

"Aww, thanks."

Applebloom beckoned Applejack over, despite the fact that the orange mare was already making her way to them.

"Rarity." Applejack greeted, slightly annoyed.

"Hello, Applejack." Rarity smiled, ignoring the venom in the farmer's voice. "I'm very sorry I had to borrow money from you, even just a little amount. Unfortunately an orphanage would've closed down if I didn't fill that quota."

Applejack blinked, and smiled. "Aw shucks, Rare. If y'all had told me Ah would've been more than happy t' help."

Rarity mentally facehoofed. Of course I should've mentioned it... "I don't know why I didn't. That was stupid of me."

"Hey, we all make stupid mistakes from time t' time." The farmer replied.

"You know, you're very quick to forgive."

"Heh, Ah get that a lot."

Rarity was about to reply when she felt a poking on her leg. "Yes?"

"Um... We're gonna head in now, is that ok with you?"

"Absolutely fine, darling."

The two fillies glanced at each other, grinned, and galloped away.

"Look at 'em go."

"It is rather cute."

"To be honest, Ah'd think they'd make a cute couple."

Rarity blinked and turned her head slowly to face the farmer. Applejack picked up on that after a second.


Comments ( 6 )

And here's Generosity.

This is more experimental than Loyalty, and hints at a few things.
- Distance will be making an appearance in one of my future stories.
- There's another hint of another future story near the start.
- I will be writing the party scene as a one-shot called Generosity: Party.

On another note I need to draw some art for this.

I can relate to helping out kids...
Every year, I participate in the Toy Run, and whenever the Marine Corps has a Toys for Tots function in my area, I do what I can to donate.

When I was in college, me and another student spent a lot of time and money one November on making over 100 Thanksgiving dinners for a homeless youth shelter in Bangor.

I guess what I am trying to say is thank you for this story. It touched a chord inside of my heart.:twilightsmile:

That was a pretty cute story.

1442173 I'm glad to have done that, and thanks for the :twilightsmile:.

1442192 Danke.

1442372 I like ending on a silly note.


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