• Published 13th May 2024
  • 209 Views, 2 Comments

Sunset firework run - Savant 123

After a accident cause by Trixie caused all the fireworks for the Fourth of July celebration to be let out early.It is now up to sunset to fix the problem.

  • ...

The only chapter.

It was the Fourth of July in Canterlot City, and Canterlot School is planning on celebrating the special day with a classic firework show. Hence why the front yard of the school currently has fireworks set up. However, fireworks weren’t the only thing in the front yard. On the front yard of the school were Trixie, Wallflower, and Flash Sentry. The reason they are in the yard is because Trixie wants to show a firework trick she learned.

“There is no way you're going to pull this off.” Flash Sentry, who was standing next to Wallflower, said to Trixie.

“How dare you doubt the great and powerful Trixie.” Trixie said. ”Trixie shall show you.”

Trixie then lights up two gun lighters and lights up two fireworks. The two fireworks shoot up in the air; they bump and explode.

“ Wow.” Wallflower said. “That is amazing.”

“Of course.” Trixie said. ”You shouldn’t expect anything less from the great and powerful Trixie.”

Everyone looks in awe of the fireworks, but as they watch, one of the tiny sparks from the fireworks itself lights up all the fireworks. They look back, and then the fireworks explode. All of the fireworks go up and explode at the same time. Everyone stares at the fireworks in shock while all of this is going on. Sunset, snipe, and snail, as well as the rest of rainbooms came out from the front door of the school.

“Oh,hey guys.” Sunset said greeting them. However, when she saw fireworks exploding and the grand finale exploding with the words "HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!" Her face turns red in anger.

“WHAT THE HECK DID YOU GUYS DO?” Sunset shouted.

Trixie, Wallflower, and Flash look at sunset sheepishly.
“I can’t believe you guys.” Sunset said. Currently, everyone is in the band room. Sunset herself was pacing in the room, beyond angry, while Trixie, Wallflower, and Flash were sitting down on the chairs in front of her. The rest of the rainbooms, snipe, and snails were standing not far, looking at sunset in worry. ”You know those fireworks are supposed to be used for the school celebration of the Fourth of July.” She then stopped and looked over them. ”What more I was in charge of the fireworks. If there isn’t a fireworks show by evening, I will be the one their blamed. “

Twilight placed a hand on sunset shoulder. “Please calm down, sunset,” Twilight said.

Sunset took a deep breath before speaking to the three again.

“Look guys, I am sorry for yelling at you.” Sunset said. "It is just that this is very important since I have been giving an important duty that I cannot mess up. I already messed up the fall formal with the whole demon thing, and I cannot mess up again. Especially since I am still trying to show people I have changed since those days.

Hearing that the three look down in shame at what they did.

"Trixie, apologize,“ Trixie said. ”Trixie didn’t mean it to happen.”

“I know Trixie,“ Sunset said as she sighed. ”Look, let’s just replace the fireworks, and we can just pretend this never happened.”

Sunset, then turn to look at Pinkie.

“Pinkie, do you have any fireworks we can use?” Sunset asks the pink-haired girl, hopefully. Pinkie, however, just shook her head.

“Sorry, I gave my last one to bulk bicep.” Pinkie said. Sunset just sighed hearing that.

“I guess this means we need to get more.” Sunset said.

“Uh, I hate to break it to you, but how?" Rainbow Dash asked. "It's the 4th of July!"

"There's got to be someone in town that's selling them," Twilight said.

“Actually, I think I know where we can get some more.” Sunset said. ”I know a guy who can hook us up with cheap fireworks.”

“And you're sure that his fireworks are good?" Rarity ask.

"Trust me. His stuff is of good quality," Sunset said.

“In that case, let us help.” Flash said. "You are in this mess because of us, and the least we can do is help.”

“No,” Sunset said bluntly. ”I do this myself.” She then turned to her friends and snipe and snail.”While I get the fireworks, you guys will stall for time until I get back.”

“Um how?” Rainbow Dash asks.

“Just do whatever you can think of to stall till I get back.” Sunset said. She then turned her attention to Trixie. ”Trixie, I need to borrow your van since my car is in the shop.”

Trixie handed over the keys to her van to sunset.

"Sunset," wallflower said. ”Please let us help.”

“Look guys, I know you are sorry.” Sunset said softly, “But this is something I need to do by myself.”

Sunset and the rainbooms, along with snipe and snails, left the room, leaving the three alone.
After getting into Trixie van, Sunset drove until she was out of town and heading down south for a few miles. She drove until she entered a vast desert. There was nothing but miles and miles of sand and rocks.

As sunset drove, however, she heard a sound coming from behind her. She looked behind her and nearly drove the van off the road in shock when she saw Trixie, Wallflower, and flash at the back of the van.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sunset said in shock.

“We want to help,” Wallflower said.

“It is our fault you are in this mess.” Flash said. ”The least we can do is to help you.”

Sunset opened her mouth to talk but was interrupted by flash.

“I also like to point out that if you try to drive back to drop us off, you be wasting precious time and probably won’t make it back with the fireworks.” Flash said.

Sunset sight, knowing he is right.

"Fine,"Sunset said as she continued to drive to their destination. It took awhile, but they managed to reach their destination. Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie looked out of the window of the van and saw they were parked not far from a large building. The building has a sign that reads SOUTH OF THE LINE." It also featured a mascot of a chili pepper dressed like a cowboy eating a chile rellenos.

Flash eyes wide when he saw the building. This was mirrored by the other two girls. "Dude, no way! Is this where they make South of the Line chile rellenos? The really spicy ones, right?" He asked, having only heard about the chile rellenos.

"Yeah, Hector, an old association of my runs this place," Sunset said as she set the vehicle to park.

"So the guy you know sells fireworks here?" Trixie asked.

"Yeah, but it's just a little business he's got going on inside. So keep it under the down low," Sunset said as she grabbed an envelope and put it in her pocket. She then turned to the three teens with a look of anxiety in her eyes. "Alright, you just stay put and don't go anywhere! I'll be right back."

"What?" Flash asked, surprised. "But we want to help you.”

“I know.” Sunset said. ”But it is important you listen to what I say when I say you three need to stay here. No matter what happened, do I make myself clear?”

The three look at her in shock as they can see the serious look in her eyes.

“Fine,“ Trixie said.

“ Good.” Sunset said as she opened the door of the van and began walking up to the door to the warehouse. She was really nervous. Why did they have to follow her? She didn’t want anyone to get involved, as she knew this could get dangerous. Hence why , she wants to go alone. But if Sunset could get this over with as quickly as possible, she, Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie could get out of there as quickly as possible and into a safe distance.

Stepping up to the door, Sunset hesitantly knocked on the door and whistled. The peephole slid open, and the man on the other side looked through it.

"Are you lookin' for somethin', friend?" He asked in a gruff Spanish accent.

"Um, I'm here to see Hector," Sunset said nervously. The man glared at her and then closed the peephole. The metal door opened, and then Sunset was grabbed by him. "Sweet celestia." Sunset yelled as she was dragged inside.

"Sunset !" Flash, Trixie, and Wallflower yelled, seeing sunset getting pulled into the warehouse. They opened the door and stepped out of the van. "Sunset, what's-" Suddenly, three other men came up behind the three teens and grabbed them by the hair.

"Not the hair.” Flash yelled as he, Trixie, and Wallflower were carried to the warehouse.

The three were brought into the warehouse, where two men were standing on both sides of an even more anxious sunset.

"Sunset, what the heck is going on?" Wallflower asked the former unicorn.

"Just keep your mouth shut!" Sunset spoke through her teeth as Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie were set on their feet. The three look at sunset and immediately notice the look of fear in her eyes. This actually shocks the three greatly, as they know sunset is not the kind of person to get scared easily. Before another word could be said, a garage door opened behind them. Lifting up to reveal three men. Two of them were big and muscular, while the other looked like their boss. The man had a brown jacket with a white T-shirt under it, black pants, a belt, a black beard, and several tattoos all over his arms and chest. He also had a gash across his right eyebrow.

The man and his employees walked up to the three teenagers with his gaze fixed on the former unicorn.

"Hey, Hector," Sunset said nervously.

With an enraged glare and his teeth gritting, Hector cracked his neck from side to side. He then turned back to Sunset and started laughing. "Shimmer!" Hector exclaimed happily before pulling Sunset into a bone-crushing hug. "It's good to see you, Mi Hermano! Why don't you ever come to visit me, huh?"

"I…" Sunset was about to start talking when Hector saw the three teens.

"Who are those three?" He asked, pointing at the three teens.

"Oh, ah...this is my friends Wallflower, Flash, and Trixie," Sunset said, still nervous.

“ Friends.” Hector said in shock. He had a look of genuine surprise. ”Since when do you have friends? I thought you said that things like friends are worthless.?”

“Well, many things have changed.” Sunset said simply.

"Well, welcome, sunset friends," Hector said before laughing again. One of his employees brought over a wooden chair, and the tattooed man sat down on it as he talked to the former unicorn. "So, tell me. To what do I owe this pleasure? Ah, let me guess! You're here for some of the world's spiciest chile rellenos!"

"Oh, thanks, Hector. But we were actually wondering if we could get some..." With a scared and nervous expression, Sunset gulped. Praying to Celestia and any other higher power that he wouldn't be angry. "...fireworks."

At that moment, Hector's smile turned upside down. "Some...what?" He asked, believing that he had misheard what sunset said.

"Um...just some fireworks." Sunset nervously repeated.

Hector stood up and turned to talk to his employees. "I don't think I heard her correctly. Did you hear what she just said?" he asked.

"She said fireworks," said the one with the flannel shirt.

"Oh, fireworks," Hector said, seeming all calm. But then he screamed in anger as he grabbed and threw the chair at the wall. He then turned to Sunset and got in her face as he started yelling at her. "YOU COME HERE ASKIN' ME FOR FIREWORKS?! ON THE FOURTH OF JULY?!"

This action scares the four teenagers, as Trixie , Wallflower, and Flash back up a bit in fear.

"Look, we screwed up and blew all of our fireworks by accident," Sunset said, scared of Hector. Hector was one of the few people who could genuinely frighten Sunset during her bully days, as she knew what he was capable of. It was due to her fear of him that she never thought of double-crossing him like she did with so many others before, as the constant fear of what he would do to her prevented her from betraying him.

"So you think you can just come to your uncle Hector and he'll bail you out, huh?!" Hector said angrily before calming down and backing off. "I understand. People make mistakes, and I'm a reasonable man. Enrique!"

With the snap of his fingers, a forklift came driving out of the warehouse with a crate. The driver placed the crate in front of the four teens as one of Hector's men gave him a crowbar. With the tool, Hector opened the top of the crate, revealing a lot of fireworks inside.

"Does this please you?" He asked, holding out his arms.

"Oh yeah," Flash said with a smile.

"That's perfect. Thank you, Hector," Sunset said with a tone of relief in her voice.

"Then hand it over." Hector rubbed his figures together, asking for the money. Sunset handed him an envelope, and the man opened it. He looked in it, but then asked, "Where is the rest?"

"What do you mean? It's all there," Sunset said in confusion.

"But these are last-minute fireworks; it's going to cost you double!"

"What?" Trixie exclaimed.

"But that is all I have!" Sunset told Hector.

"It's one box minimum. You can't afford it, then get out of my place of business!" Hector informed the four teens.

"How 'bout you just give us that one big one over there?" Wallflower said, pointing to something behind Hector.

Hector looked to see that she was pointing at a large firework missile that was displayed in a glass case. It was black and red, with flaming words El Diablo written on it.

Hector turned back to Wallflower and laughed. "You want to buy El Diablo? Let me tell you a little story about El Diablo. It has been prophesied that if it is ever lit, it will kill me. So no, it is not for sale!"

In desperation, Sunset jumped onto Hector's leg. "C'mon, Hector, please, you gotta hook us up with the fireworks! We'll do anything!" Sunset begged.

Hector let out an angry yell, trying to shake the former unicorn off his leg. He succeeded by kicking Sunset in the face. "Get off of me, you filthy dog!" He yelled before calming down and readjusting his jacket. "Alright! You want the fireworks so bad! Here!" Hector took out a package from his pocket and tossed it to Sunset. "You're going to be doing one last job for me, Shimmer. If you deliver this package with no questions asked, I will give you that box of fireworks."

"Oh, thank you, Hector! Thank you!" Sunset cried, hugging the package to her chest.

When Hector allowed them to go, sunset quickly ushered the others back outside in the hot sun and towards the van. Once they got into the van, the three turned to sunset.

"Okay, Sunset, what the hell was that?! How do you even know that guy?" Flash asked Sunset as she started the van and started driving.

“And most importantly, why were you scared of that guy?” Wallflower ask.

Sunset just sighed, knowing she had a lot of explaining to do. "Alright, look. As you know, I have done a lot of things that I regret, and one of those things was working with Hector. As you know, when I first arrived to this world, I brought in some bits which are worth a lot in this world, and using the money I gain from selling them, I managed to afford a fake ID, an apartment, and many other necessities I needed to survive in this world. However, they weren’t enough. As time goes on, my money was slowly depleting, and I needed a way to make more. It so happens that the guy who I pay to make my fake ID knows some people who manage to get me a job with Hector. He mostly made money from selling his chile rellenos, but for some reason he ran his business like a drug cartel. Which was something that I always found strange. However, I never bother to try to investigate why, since, if I am being honest, that guy literally frightened me.”

“Wait, what do you mean, frighten you?“ Trixie asks.

“There was always something about him that frightened me. Which was made more so when I saw what happened when he was mad. Believe me when I said this, even in my most arrogant days, I never considered provoking this guy, as I see what he does when he's angry.” Sunset said as memories flashed through her mind.

“How bad was it?” Flash asks.

“Well, I won’t say much, but all you need to know is that he is the kind of person who isn’t above breaking people's thumbs just to send a message.” Sunset said. Hearing what she said caused the three to shudder hearing that.”Anyhow, when I worked with him, my job was mostly comprised of delivering his chile rellenos to customers and delivering packages to his association. Of course, he also gives me the job of getting and selling fireworks. And when I said getting, I didn’t mean buy.”

“Wait, you mean you stole fireworks for this guy?“ Flash asks.

“Yeah,” Sunset said. ”From shops, carnivals, events, and even from the school. The pay was good too. However, after the fall formal, I decided to cut ties with Hector as I couldn’t get involved with him anymore.” Sunset sighed before turning her attention to them. ”Hector is another moment in my past I try to forget. I didn’t want you guys to get involved due to how dangerous it could have been.”

“Trixie, apologize.” Trixie said with a voice full of guilt. ”If Trixie hadn’t set off the fireworks, you wouldn’t have to deal with Hector now.”

Sunset just sighed again.

“Look, I know it was an accident, so let's just get this over with, as the sooner we get the fireworks, the sooner we don’t have to deal with Hector.” Sunset said. ” Agree.”

Everyone nodded in agreement with sunset. They were silent for a while as sunset drove the van to another part of the desert. It was a small building with a few men outside sitting at a table. Sunset parked the car and grabbed the package. All four of them got out of the van, gaining the attention of the men outside.

One of the men with an eyepatch stood up with a shotgun. "Can I help you?" He inquired, pumping the gun.

"We're here to deliver a package for Armando," Sunset said to the man. The gang member nodded and walked back to the table. With their way clear, the four walked up to the door and knocked on it.

"What's the matter with you?! I got a quota here! You're costing me money!" Yelled a man from inside before the door slammed open. Revealing a hairy man wearing a brown bathrobe holding a half-eaten chile relleno "What?!" He yelled with steam coming out of his mouth.

"Armando?" Sunset asked.


"Package delivery from Hector."

"Oh!" Armando took the package from Sunset. "Well, come on in!" The man stepped aside to let the four teenagers into the rundown room. "Just wait here for a minute. I got something for you to deliver to Hector."

Armando closed the door behind him and started walking towards the back door.

"Uh... we kind of have to get going," Flash said.

"Yeah, have a seat!" Armando told them. Giving each other a glance, the four sat down on the couch. "Yeah, have a seat." He then opened the door and closed it behind him before yelling at someone. "Keep going! What's the matter with you?! You're so lazy?!"

A dog walked up to the four with a chile relleno in his mouth sat in front of Wallflower. The dog glared at her and growled, making Wallflower laugh nervously. "Nice doggy!"

Getting impatient, Trixie got up and walked towards the back door. "Forget this; Trixie is going to find this jerk.” She said.

"Trixie, wait! Don't!" Sunset exclaimed as she, Wallflower, and Flash went after Trixie, who opened the door.

"Whoa!" Trixie said in shock. When the other three saw what was behind the door, they too were shocked.

There was an entire working factory with workers on an assembly line making the 'South of the Line' chile rellenos. With the minutes having gone by without a death at 45, among the chaos of workers, the group spotted Armando at the end of one of the assembly lines. The hairy man ripped the paper on the side of the package, revealing the words gunpowder on the box inside it. One of the works held a chile relleno as Armando poured gunpowder into it. He then closed it up and put it within the south of the Line Chile Rellenos.

"Oh my Celestia," Sunset gasped, now understanding why Hector always acts like he is running a drug cartel.

"They're putting gunpowder in the south of the line, chile rellenos!" Flash exclaimed.

"I told you to wait!" Armando yelled, pointing at the teens. He then whistled before his employees bagged the four by their heads.

The four visions went dark, and they felt like their hands were being tied behind their backs and being dragged out of the building. They were suddenly thrown out onto something hard and something metal, and the sound of metal closing and car engine starting and their feel like they were moving. It didn’t take long for them to realize that they were in the trunk of a car.

“What's going to happen to us?” Wallflower asks scare like everyone else.

“I don’t know,” Sunset said, genuinely afraid.
When the car came to a stop, the employee with the eyepatch got out and opened the trunk. Pulling them out, he handed them off to four other men, who then started dragging them into Hector's warehouse.

The four teens heads were unbagged after they were chained to a bench. In front of them sat Hector and his two goons.

"Tisk, Tisk, Tisk! Looks like somebody stuffed their noses somewhere they don't belong!" Hector said with a smile.

"Hector, we can explain!" Sunset said, trying to reason with the man.

"No! Let me explain something to you, amigo." Hector cut him off. "The FDA allows 0% gunpowder in each chile relleno. Do you know how much gunpowder is in each South of the Line chile relleno? 500%!"

The four teens gasped in total shock. "But that's just like eating nothing but gunpowder!" Flash exclaimed.

"We're not going to tell the FDA, Hector!" Sunset pleaded with the tattooed man while sweating nervously.

"I know you're not going to tell the FDA," said Hector, as he took out a bunch of chile rellenos that were taped together with their stems tied into one. "'Cuz we're going to blow you into a million little Sunset pieces!" He laughed maniacally.

"Hector, you don't have to do this!" Tirxie pleaded.

"Oh, don't worry! It's no trouble, really!" Hector laughed again as he set the chile rellenos in front of the four teens. He then lit up the chile rellenos's stem with a gun lighter. The stem lit on fire like a dynamite fuse. "Happy Fourth of July!"

Hector laughed as he and his employees walked back into the other room, where they watched the four teens through a window. Hector watched with amusement as Trixie, Sunset, Flash,and Wallflower struggled to break free of the chains, but it was no use.

"Oh no, what are we going to do?!" Flash yelled, still trying to get out of his chains.

Sunset looked at the chile rellenos that were about to go off, and then she looked at the window. Hector was still watching through the window while eating a chile relleno and chuckling evilly. Getting an idea that might just save their lives,sunset turn to the others.

"I got an idea. Follow my lead! Stand up!" Sunset said, and together, all four stood up with the bench. "Now turn around!"

Together, all four turned around to have the bench facing the chile rellenos and walked away from it. Hoping it would be enough to shield them from the blast. When Hector saw what they were doing, he was enraged. "Let's stop them!" He yelled at his employees. They ran to the door, where one of his employees was trying to find the right key to the door. Much to their bosses ire. "C'mon! C'mon!

The four continued moving as fast as they could away from the chile rellenos when they suddenly exploded. The blast shatters the bench into pieces, unchaining all four in the process.

"I'll grab the fireworks!" Flash exclaimed.

"Give me the keys!" Hector snatched the keys from his employee and tried to open the door. But he struggled to unlock the door. "AAAHH!"

After breaking the glass case, Flash grabbed El Diablo and ran out of the door.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Sunset exclaimed near the door, with Trixie and Wallflower standing next to her. But when Flash made it outside with El Diablo, Hector finally unlocked the door.

"Get them!" He yelled, chasing after Sunset with his employees. Seeing her old boss coming, Sunset picked up one of the chile relleno and ran out of the warehouse. She slammed the door shut and locked it. Using a broom to jam the handles. Seeing the window to her left, Sunset took out the chile relleno before throwing it through the glass.

Inside the warehouse, Hector tried to get the doors open when the window broke and the chile relleno landed on the other chile rellenos.In that instant, all Hector could do was express a look of horror. The South of the Line warehouse exploded as the four drove away in Trixie van.

“How did Trixie van get here?” Trixie asked.

“They might have tow it here when they brought us here.” Sunset said.

“Anyway, we got the firework, so let get the heck out of here.” Flash said showing them El Diablo.

“But will we make it on time?” Wallflower asked as she saw the sun beginning to set over the horizon.

“We will make it.” Sunset said as she put the pedal to the metal. Stepping on the accelerator, and the car speeded away through the desert.
Back at Canterlot High, there was a group of people ranging from teens, kids, parents,and other people who came for the fireworks show. Currently right now both Snipe and Snails are on a podium dressed as rappers and trying to rap. However, it is obvious the crowd is getting annoyed.

“You stink.” One of them said:.

“Get off the stage.” Another said.

“Man, this isn’t good.” Rainbow Dash said worriedly. They've been trying to get the crowd distracted and buy sunset some time, but eventually they ran out of ideals and got desperate enough that their let Snipe and Snail do their rap.

Luna got on the stage, and after telling them to get off it, she walked to the to the podium with the microphone. "I'm going to ask you to please remain patient. The fireworks show will commence shortly," she told everyone before quickly running off the stage to the rainbooms, snipe, and snails. ”Where is sunset already?”

"We don't know. We haven't been able to call her all day, and I'm starting to get worried," Rainbow Dash said, glancing at the others with concern. Before Luna could say anything else, they heard the sound of tires shrieking. They turned their heads to see Tirxie van racing down the street towards them with its roof on fire. The van pulled up to them, and the four teens jumped out.

Sunset placed El Diablo on the ground as the others ran over to them.

"Where have you been?! Luna asks them.

"Sorry it took so long," Sunset said to Luna.

"We're good to go! Rack 'em and stack 'em!" Flash exclaimed.

"Wait, there is only one fireworks.” Luna said.

“Don’t worry, this one is more than enough,“ Sunset said. ”This here isn’t just any fireworks.”

Before Luna can say anything, Hector, who now has a horrific burn on the left side of his body, suddenly shows up in front of everyone and aims a gun at everyone.

"Ah-Ah-Ahhh...! If you know what good for you and everyone, stay where you are,"Hector said.

"What?” Luna said in shock, like everyone else. ”Who are you?”

“I am the guy whose business you students destroyed, “Hector said. ”That's why I'm going to kill each and every one of you!" Hector said with a big, sadistic grin that made everyone scared. Hector then looked up and turned to Sunset. "Starting with you, Shimmer."

He aimed at Sunset, making everyone gasp in shock. Flash looked around, trying to think of a way to save her. Suddenly, a clever idea came to him, making him smirk.

Just as Hector was about to pull the trigger, Flash called out to him. "Hey, Hector!" Everyone turns to look at flash.”I like to say something about you, Chile Rellenos.”

Hector now had his complete focused on him after hearing that.

“And that it is the least spiciest chiller ever.” Flash said, causing Hector to gasp before looking at him in anger.

“What was that?” Hector said through clenched teeth.

“You heard me.” Flash said. ”I bet it is probably the least spiciest Chile to ever exist. No wonder they aren't world-renowned!" Flash continued mocking Hector by making fun of his chile rellenos. "Nobody's even heard about them, Hector! And I bet those who have heard about them don't even think they're spicy. I bet a Newt could make something spicier than this."

As his fury built, Hector started to talk slowly at first. "South of the Line, Chile Rellenos... are the spiciest, most world-renowned... CHILE RELLENOS... IN THE WORLD!" He then aimed his gun at the teenager and fired.

"Flash !" Everyone yelled after seeing Hector fire at him. But at the last possible millisecond, Flash managed to jumped out of the way. Revealing El Diablo behind him. When the bullets hit it, it created a spark that caused El Diablo to be set off.


The El Diablo rocket shot up into the sky at blistering speed. Once it was high enough in the air, it exploded, and a firework version of the South of the Line mascot appeared in the sky above. Everyone cheered as the mascot started to spangle and sparkle. Everyone looked up and stared at El Diablo in total amazement.

"She's even more beautiful than I could have ever imagined," the crime boss said with a tear in his eye.

The mascot in the sky drew his revolvers and twirled them around. Throwing them to the opposite hand and then firing, shooting out fireworks. Everyone cheered as he repeatedly fired his revolvers like a gunslinger from a western film.
But then El Diablo turned toward Hector.

"Hector!"it said.

"NOOOOO!" Hector yelled in terror before running away as fast as he could.

But El Diablo wasn't going to let him get away that easily. As Hector retreated, the mascot dropped his revolvers and then pulled out not one, but two Model 1887 shotguns. Cocking both guns with a flip of the leaves, El Diablo fired one at Hector. As Hector continued running away, the firework sent him flying up in the air, screaming.

The mascot then repeatedly fired his shotgun. One at a time, sending fireworks at Hector. The mascot then cocked both Model 1887s and shot them at once. Firing the last fireworks at Hector. The last fireworks exploded behind them and sent Hector back, flying into the desert. As he fell towards the South of the Line warehouse, Hector screamed again before his body hit the South of the Line sign. Causing an explosion that killed him and destroyed the warehouse as fireworks started to spangle high into the sky.

The spectators didn't know what they just saw, but they cheered with delight at what they saw as the best Fourth of July fireworks show. The rainbooms, flash, Trixie, wallflower,snipe,snails and Luna all cheered together.

Luna then walked up to them. "Alright, I will admit, somehow you managed to top last year's firework show," she said with an impressed look on her face. "But there is still the issue with the glass of the school being burned.”

Everyone looked around and saw that some of the school glass was on fire.

“Oh, don’t worry, I got that cover.” Sunset assures her.

“Well, ok, if you said so.” Luna said as she walked away.

“So you can replace the glass,” Twilight asks.

“Yeah, I know a guy who's got the hook up on real cheap sod." Sunset said, causing Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie to sight.

“Is this guy like Hector?“ Wallflower asks.

“No, this guy is snipe uncle.” Sunset said, causing Flash, Wallflower, and Trixie to sight in relief.

“Snipe, please call you uncle.” Sunset said.

“ Got it “ snipe said pulling out his phone and dialing his uncle's number.
The end.

Author's Note:

Leave a comment on what you think of my story and don’t forget to check on my other story.

Comments ( 2 )

Definitely not a "Regular" fanfic.

Good story by the way.

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