• Published 9th May 2024
  • 152 Views, 21 Comments

Captain Underpants and The Crazy Chaos of Cozy Glow - Big Imagination E

George and Harold were about to take Lyra and Bon Bon out for their anniversary but have to stop Cozy Glow first.

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Chapter 5: Gaining Power and A Change of Heart?

When the sun began to set in Equestria we see Rarity locking up her shop and leaving to head home. But little did she realize that Cozy Glow was still in there and she smirked and came out of her hiding spot and quickly made a cloak so that way no one would recognize her. Then she snuck out of the shop and flew to the School of Friendship and snuck in through the window and then had to go quiet so no guards would attract attention.

"Ok. I'm in. Now there's gotta be something around here that I can use to bring this helmet up to full power. But what can I use exactly?" Cozy thought as she looked in the comic again. "Hmm. Says that a charge of energy can bring it to full power. But what can I use that has that some kind of energy?"

As she was thinking she didn't see a water puddle on the floor and slipped on it! She screamed as she went sliding across the hall and landed onto a machine that was mysteriously placed there. The clamps locked her in and she struggled trying to get free.

"What the?! How did this crazy contraption even get out here in the first place!? I bet one the students left it here!" Cozy yelled.

Then it started moving it's gears and the circuitry was being actived. Then Cozy saw some lightning sparking from it and it also shocked her. But while it was doing that the helmet started to charge up to full power! After a few minutes the machine jumped and began rolling with Cozy Glow on it! She tried and tried to get free but the clamps were too tight. Then suddenly she screamed seeing that she was about to crash into the trophy case. Then she slammed right into it and exploded! Smoke came out and a few guards were alerted and went to see what caused it.

"Alright! Who's there? Come on out!" A guard demanded.

The smoke was still up but they heard something. Cozy's hoof began to crack with each movement she made and she growled. She then got up and groaned a little. But she gained the crown, the necklace and a cape that represents the school. But when she opened her eyes they became a red color and the guards were a little nervous seeing her in this new power form. Then something unexpected happened she blasted red energy from her hooves and knocked them out cold.

Cozy Glow was surprised. "Whoa! Look at me! I suddenly gained a lot of power! Looks like that stupid contraption wasn't really so bad after all!! But if it gave me powers then I wonder..."

She decided to test it out by summoning something. The ruby in the helmet starting glowing and multiple portals appeared and saw different villains coming out. First was a mythical Mexican beast called the Poopacabra. Next was a massive sock-based monster that brought nothing but destruction and chaos. The Sockopus. Third was a queen Zombee. The forth was a half robot and half boy of someone that George and Harold knew well: Melvinborg. The fifth was a giant toilet and a bunch of smaller toilets like him but don't have arms and legs like the big one. The Turbo Toilet 2000 is strong, fast, powerful, and durable. If that's not enough, he also has an army of talking toilets just like him. And finally we see someone with a HUGE butt come out. This is Flabby Flabulous. But the only difference on everyone is that they have Cozy's cutie mark on their right arm and have red glowing eyes. And Cozy Glow smiled in glee seeing these villains she summoned.

"Ooh! Look at all of you! Tell me. Do you remember a certain superhero that defeated you like Captain Underpants?" Cozy asked.

The villains growled as Melvinborg answered. "Oh we remember that bozo. He along with my younger self defeated me and the others after he betrayed me!"

"Ahh so you do remember Captain Underpants. Ok I have a task for you all. I'm in need of revenge against the ponies named Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rarity. I want you to destroy Ponyville and I will see that this Captain Underpants goes down as well." Cozy said.

"Yes Cozy Glow." The villains said in unison as they crashed through the entrance and ran off into Ponyville but Melvinborg decided to pay someone a visit first. Then Cozy came out of the school and grinned evily seem g that her chaos is about to begin.

Meanwhile in Tartarus Melvin was still sitting in his cell starting to have second thoughts about his life in Ohio and actually have a few regrets. See he may have been the smartest kid in the school and was a tattletale, which is a source of irritation to other pupils but their were two things he never gained in his life: friends and a lover. He had a few flashbacks and sighed sadly.

"Maybe George and Harold were right. I don't have friends or a lover. That's why I ended in here for eight years. All because of my stupid need for success. Maybe I should have gotten a sense of humor and actually tried to see what's funny and what's not." Melvin said sadly.

"Oh I think it's too late for that." A voice said.

Melvin came to the bars and saw none other than Melvinborg coming towards him. He gasped in surprise and growled at him.

"You. What are you doing here? I thought I erased you from existence!" Melvin growled.

"Oh you did. But Cozy managed to revive me and a few other villains here. And I see you quite changed a lot. Locked up here in prison like an animal. Should have stuck with me when I first arrived from the future and you should have kept the Melvinized school making everyone obey you." Melvinborg said.

"You know why I choose to betray you!! I refused to be the monster you are when I grew up! In fact I regret everything I did in the past now! Teaming with you, always being a tattle-tale, and not caring to make friends or get a sense of humor! My choices only got me locked in here!" Melvin yelled.

Melvinborg was stunned at this but smirked. "So, you decided to throw all your success away now? And for what? A few friends and maybe a lover that you never earned in your whole life? Wow you're more pathetic than I thought. No wonder why George and Harold always humiliated you."

"HEY! They may have humiliated me a few times in the past but...." Melvin said.

"But what?" Melvinborg interrupted. "So they can get a laugh out and make a joke of you? Psh. If you didn't betray me and actually done what I said then you wouldn't be stuck in here 'stupid'."

Melvin was stunned at what he called him. And then Melvinborg laughed. "Well this was quite a memorable visit. But I'm afraid I have more matters to attend. And once George and Harold are defeated along with Captain Underpants then all of Equestria will be no longer filled with harmony and hope."

"NO! You can't do this! They have families! Don't you dare hurt them!" Melvin said enraged.

"And since when did you started caring for them? Bah it doesn't matter anyway. So long loser." Melvinborg said as he left and laughed evily.

Melvin was now for the first time in his life scared to hear what Melvinborg is gonna do to George and Harold and ruin their lives. "No. He can't do that. If he hurts and defeats George and Harold along with Captain Underpants then all hope will be lost. I can't image the future."

Then we flash backed into what could happen if Melvinborg succeed.

"Families enslaved by him. And Cozy taking over everything. And George and Harold promising their wives and kids that they will remain a family. But within months they will change and divorce them and gain new husbands. George might have a weird haircut, and Harold will wear a suit for some reason. And their ex-fiances wouldn't even want to talk to them and before they know it separate marriages lead to separate lives and gloomy futures!" Melvin thought.

He then screamed as we cut back to the present.

"Ok this is seriously bad! Like REALLY bad! If Cozy Glow really summoned that creep along with other villains to destroy them then it's the end of the world as I know it!" Melvin worried. Then suddenly the look on his face became a determined look. "I know what I have to do. I need to escape and find George and Harold. Then I gotta help them stop future me and Cozy before it's too late. It's my only hope."

So using his brawn he managed to rip the door off his cell and threw it aside. Then he ran off and busted down the entrance gates and looked in the far distance seeing Ponyville.

"You may have tried to change the future once future me, but I will not let you change their future! George! Harold! Hang tight. Help is on the way." Melvin said with bravery.

And with that said he ran off away from Tartarus and went straight to Ponyville in hopes of gaining their trust so he can help them stop Cozy and his future self.

Author's Note:

Cozy Glow gained power! And Melvin started having second thoughts about everything he did. Is he really starting to have a change of heart? I guess we'll find out.