• Published 17th Apr 2024
  • 2,580 Views, 58 Comments

My Mother ( Rewrite) - Dragonfan101

Spike ventures to the Dragon Lands to learn more about his kind during the migration, but instead of meeting Garble and his crew, he meets a kind dragon who helps him around, and he finally meet's someone he's always wanted too..

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4: Exploring The Lands

After Spike and Skystar left the village, they took off to explore they're home, it wasn't just a way Spike and Skystar could bond more, but also for Spike to learn a bit more of the Dragons, while he did learn a more from seeing the Migration and what the village held, he was eager to see more of the Dragon Lands, especially with his mother with him.

Skystar flew through the skies of the dragon lands really calmly, Spike could feel the winds brushing past him as they flew over the area, it was a feeling Spike loved a lot, and he hoped that when he gets his wings, she'll do this way more with him too, Spike looked down and looked amazed with what he saw.

He could see the previous areas he was at before when he arrived, while the lands didn't look as populated as they were before, they were still having a large number of dragons, and Spike was really interested to see what more there is to this place, while he did always like Ponyville, he rarely knew about what his kind was like, other then them kinda being brutes with selfish desires, it was the only thing dragons were known for to the ponies, but that's because they didn't get that many chances to learn about them.

Spike took in the sight he was seeing with awe, while this was mainly a baron and extremely large volcanic land, there were some cool sights Spike was able to see, and he couldn't help but admire it, he's only seen a small part of the dragon lands, and was hoping to more about their religion and race.

As they kept flying through the sky's together, Skystar looked up at him to make sure he's okay.
"You okay son? You haven't spoken for a bit?" Skystar asked which took him out of his thoughts, he peaked his way down to his mom while still holding onto her back, and smiled looking at her.
"I'm okay mom, I'm just really amazed with what I'm seeing, I've never seen something this high up, even if the lands are pretty volcanic.. this is still something amazing to me.." Spike said looking back at the lands, Skystar chuckled hearing that, and could understand his thoughts.
"That's understandable son, we've barely scratched the surface of what these lands hold, and believe me when I say, there is a lot more to our home then meets the eye son, it's far more then a volcanic land, this is only a small part of it." Skystar explained which interested Spike hearing it.

"What more is there? There's only some volcanic lands from what I'm seeing right now." Spike asked looking back down once again.
"That lies beyond these parts of the land son, and our history goes further, just watch son." Skystar said while she continued to fly through the dragon lands, while Spike only thought they were exploring what's currently known for the dragon lands, to his surprise, he saw Skystar was heading towards the sea that wasn't to far away.
"Where are we going mom?" Spike asked while she was flying over the border that led to the ocean.
"A place where our kind is more then meets the eye, there are tons of islands out from the main lands, and that is where the really interesting parts comes in." Skystar explained which surprised Spike hearing that.
"Well, let's see what lies beyond I guess.." Spike said already looking out into the sea.
"Believe me son, you've barely seen anything.." Skystar said before she flew even faster across the ocean while Spike held onto her.

Spike kept flying with Skystar for what felt like half an hour, they were pretty much flying over the sea at this point, and the main lands Spike's known are far away now, Skystar kept flying calmly as the sun was high above them by now, if he's right, then Celestia must've had it by mid day, so they had a lot more time to explore. While Spike didn't think they'd come across something for a while, something did.

In the distance, Spike could barely make out what looks like large islands in the distance, they were small from where they are right now, but the closer they got, Spike was looking more amazed as they got closer, it was like they're own section of the dragon lands despite how far off it is.
"Whoa.. what is this place?" Spike asked in awe as they were coming to the islands by now.
"These are the Divided Islands son, they are a large group of islands that go far off from the main lands, and this is where we see more variety in terms of dragon kind.." Skystar explained as they were coming across one of the largest ones, it looked like a tropical jungle of sorts, there were large waterfalls in multiple areas, mountains that were extremely tall, and Spike could see some dragons within the trees of the jungle.
"What kind of dragons live here?" Spike asked while they were coming closer to the jungle.
"These dragons are known as wind dragons, they prefer to stay in environments that is more habitable then where we're from, unlike me and you, they've learned to fly on they're own, as they're name implies, they manipulate the wind currents around them to help them fly without trouble." Skystar explained as Spike could finally see what these dragons looked like.

These dragons were pretty different compared to him and Skystar, they're body's were a lot more noodle like and not a single one of them had wings, they had strange horns on they're heads and spines that went down they're long body's, and Spike could even see some of them breath lightning!
"How can dragons breath different breaths?! I thought we were only limited to fire and the different colors we have from it?" Spike asked really surprised while Skystar flew over the area.
"It depends on the environment and adapting to it, when some dragons like these grow up in places that have more bizarre weather effects, they can learn to adapt to their harsh force, and learn to use that as they're own breath, this place does often get a lot of storms and harsh winds, so the dragons living on this island adjusted to it, and made homes and learned to move through it without much trouble, unlike us where it would be way harder if that happened." Skystar explained proudly while Spike just couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Have any dragons learned to breath more then just fire? Maybe even be able to use both fire or lightning?" Spike asked wondering if that's true.
"That could be learned by dragons who are extremely determined, while I learned to use the fire around me like I showed you, I haven't learned lightning or ice, but I prefer it that way, it's places like these that make each dragon type stand out, and I think knowing how to use my fire is enough to make me stand out." Skystar said forming fire in her hands again while Spike tried processing this.
"I never thought there was so much to learn, and we're only on the first island.." Spike said looking over the tropical area while Skystar was just leaving the place.
"There is a lot to learn son, and the next island will show you just how much more advanced we are." Skystar said as they finally left that large island, she flew over it pretty easily, and the residents didn't seem to mind them flying by.

Spike continued to hold onto his mother while she flew over to the next island which was quite a distance away, it took another 30 minutes to reach it which did bore him a little, but what he saw next was just as amazing. Skystar now was entering what looked like a more rock like island, it was extremely large and looked more like they're village, but there was a lot different compared to it, Spike could see what looked like houses and temples made within the mountains and caves themselves, Skystar flew a lot lower then normal so Spike could see it in more detail, Spike could see a lot of hotsprings around the area, followed by a lot of towns and places that looked like Canterlot or Ponyville, there were dragon statues in the cenetr of all these towns, but it was really amazing to see what more there is to this place.

"This is one of the most ancient parts of our lands son, these dragons are Earth dragons like us, they've learned to carve the walls and mountains around them to make they're own homes, they are strong and tough, but they are far more civilized then any dragon you'll see in the main lands, aside from Nathen maybe." Skystar explained as Spike could see so many ancient structures that looked thousands of years old, this kind of information could drive Twilight crazy with how much there is..
"Mom, I have to ask, how much have you explored from these places? What more is there to see here?" Spike asked really amazed with what he was seeing.
"I've explored almost all there is to see, there's a reason I have such an impressive pile of gems and gold, along with the other books and collectables I've hoarded, it's exploring places like these that rewards you with what you find, and for me, learning all about our culture and kind is the best of all for me." Skystar explained smiling at that.
"Totally agree on that.. but I should also ask.. where did you find that book that taught you those spells anyway? I don't think it would be easy to find something like that right?" Spike asked interested with how she got it which did give her a little concern.
"That's something more complex, but I do remember the temple I found it at, it's on this island, and I think I'm the only one who knows where it is, we'll be there shortly." Skystar declared before she suddenly flew even faster and began heading towards the mountains.

Spike once again waited as Skystar flew to these mountains that were just ahead, he has to admit his mom is a really interesting person, being able to know such things even most dragons wouldn't be able to is certainly something special, but with what she knows, it's honestly like she's a history teacher more then anything, but Spike wasn't minding that at all, he's glad to learn more about her and his kind.

Eventually, Skystar had made her way to the mountains, and was heading to an open hole that looked like a tunnel.
"Hold on tight son." Skystar warned as she flew even faster, Spike gripped her neck tightly and he braced himself as they were inches away from the hole. Skystar formed her fire in her hands and the fire began to spiral around them, the fire somehow was able to cover both of they're bodies in an instant, Skystar and Spike's body's were mainly a green flame right now, but something tells me it's for the best.

Skystar flew as fast as she could till she finally made it to the hole, and she flew directly into it. they entered what looked like a really complex cave, there were tons of crystals on the walls and different paths to go through, but Skystar was going in a specific path that shows she's been here before. Spike could feel the fire shielding them from something, he didn't know what it was at first, but that was until he felt a large chill fly past him, that's when he realized. The temperature in this place must be really cold, which explains the fire shields.

Skystar continued flying through the place as fast as she can, she knew the tunnels of this place, and was making it through with ease, she kept flying through the place for a while until she finally reached a light at the end, Spike closed his eyes as they flew directly into it, and Spike suddenly felt the chill around him vanish, when Spike opened his eyes, he immediately looked shocked to see where they were.

They were in a huge cave that was so large, it would look like it's own underground village, there were tons of ancient columns and structures with dragons of different types carved in, and the place was lit in a strange emerald green color that matched both they're eyes and fire breath.
"Whoa.. what is this place?!" Spike asked amazed while Skystar finally landed on the ground, the floors were decorated with these strange green tiles, but that should help with this place and how ancient it is.
"A really old place, a place that I don't think has a name, it's been well hidden from what I know, and I think me and you are the first dragons to visit this place in a long.. long time.." Skystar explained looking around the cave with awe as well.
"How.. how did you know we needed those fire shields?" Spike asked as the fire had left by now which left them to look normal again.
"The first time I came across this place, I felt a really cold chill when entering the place, a place that would make a dragon pass out or even die if they stayed in it for too long. Our kind is mainly cold blooded, and something tells me the strange freezing winds from those tunnels were intentional. But I don't know who made this place honestly.." Skystar said while they started to walk around the strange place.

"How.. did you ever come across this place?" Spike asked really interested with all of this.
"It was sometime when I was alone.. after you were taken from me.. I needed some time away from home for a bit, I traveled to this island to try and process what was happening, I was flying across these mountains until I saw that entrance at that spot in the mountain, while I had a lot of trial and error when going through those tunnels, I finally found the proper path that led me here." Skystar explained even more recalling her first time coming here.
"But how did you push past those freezing tunnels? I don't think I would make it past them if it wasn't for those shields?" Spike asked again with curiosity.
"I am way more durable then most dragons when it comes to temperatures that are freezing, I did have struggles when moving through them, but I soon pushed past it all and made it here, it was a tough trial, but my will to keep going, and to find you again is what allowed me to push through it." Skystar said with a loving smile looking at him which made Spike chuckle hearing that.
"I'm happy to know how strong my own mom's will is.." Spike replied with a smile while the two continued making they're way through this place.

This place felt strangely ominous as they walked through it, despite how ancient it is.. Spike couldn't help but get a strange feeling from this place, the strange emerald color illuminating from the cave thanks to the crystals around them, the strange dragon statues carved into the walls that looked like they were watching over him, and he just felt.. strange when they moved through this place.
"Do you.. think these Dragon Lords knew about this place?" Spike asked hoping she knew, but she looked concerned and weary when they moved through here too.
"I don't know honestly, but it might be. I don't think any other dragon has been to this place before, and It just fascinates me when I visit this place, it's so.. ominous.." Skystar said looking around the place too, even on the ceiling, they could see what looked like stars and constellations carved into the ceiling, this would definitely be a place Celestia and Luna would be really interested with.

"You said you found that book here right? Where exactly did you find it?" Spike asked again feeling a bit uneasy even more.
"There's an open room just up ahead, it should be just around this corner." Skystar said as they turned another green column and saw a door just ahead, the two continued to walk through this ancient place and looked around in case of any dangerous stuff here.

They soon entered the room, and now they came into a strange purple room that looked to be the same color of they're own scales, the more Spike went through here, the more uncomfortable he felt, it was like he was going through a place he never should be in, and something tells him he shouldn't come here again..
"What.. is this place?" Spike asked again having no idea what it is.
"I don't know son, I looked through all our history books, and found nothing on this place, but this is where I found that ancient book, it was so special looking, and different from any book I've seen, I knew I had to see what it held.." Skystar said as they were near a large pillar now, there was an empty space at the very top, but it must've been where the book previously was..
"Who do you think made this book? Is there more to this place and that book then we think? Just.. what reason is there for this temple to be here?" Spike asked looking at the empty space with her.
"No clue son, but after I picked the book up, I noticed something really strange on one of these walls.." Skystar said turning to a nearby wall.

"W.. what would that be mom?" Spike asked turning in her direction.
"This.." Skystar said as they walked up to another ancient structure, Spike had a look of confusion for what he was seeing, he saw what looked like a huge carved tree in the wall, there was one large line that went directly upwards, but this was followed by strange branches that went off from the main line, and the top of the wall showed a lot of twists and turns with the lines, was it meant to represent the Tree of Harmony and the Elements?
"What does this mean?" Spike asked walking up to it with her.
"I don't know, especially with what these symbols are.." Skystar said dragging a claw to the end of one, this showed a weird symbol of what looked like a tornado, and it was above one of the branches across.
"There's one of these symbols at the end of each branch, but I have no idea what they could mean.." Skystar said confused herself while they looked at each one.

While they couldn't make out what they meant, Spike saw a few that interested him, one had what looked like a black and white symbol at the end, and another had a strange sword with a purple hilt near the very top of the tree, and another branch had what looked like elemental symbols over it, they all circled around that one, and Spike juts couldn't figure it out what it meant.
"Who do you think made this place mom? Do you think it was the.. ponies who made it?" Spike asked interested, but he heard her make a slight growl hearing that word.
"I highly doubt it son, while they have they're own history, I doubt they could've made it in a place that belongs to us dragons, especially when we look above us.." Skystar said before Spike looked above them too, Spike looked more surprised with what he saw, he saw two huge dragons carved into the ceiling, but what was even weirder was that they were in a green and purple color, and had highly advanced armor around them, and now that Spike takes a closer look, he could barely make out these dragons were looking over the branches.. like they were watching over them all.. Spike's felt he was getting more tense the more time he was here, and he think's it's time they go.

"Mom.. I think it's best we go.. while it's cool we saw this place, I don't think I'm ready to know more about it.." Spike said really wanting to leave.
"Your right son, I shouldn't have brought us here, while the books origin is unknown, it is certainly something far different, let's head back to the main lands, there's a lot more I'd like to show you." Skystar said picking him up again.
"Yeah.. good call.." Spike said as they left the room finally, he looked back at it one more time with interest, he didn't know what they meant, but something tells him that it ties into something far larger..
Skystar had finally made it back out of that mountain after taking off again, Spike sighed in relief as they saw that place becoming smaller and smaller the further they get away from it.
"That place was really strange mom.. I don't think any dragon will ever know what that place means." Spike said still fascinated by that place.
"Me neither son, it's best we stay away from that place for a long time, there's something I just don't like about it, even with the book I got from it.." Skystar said suspicious of it.

"I hear that mom.. so.. what do you wanna do next?" Spike asked wondering where they're going.
"It's best we head back to the main lands like I said, while I do wish to show you more of the Divided Islands, that can wait for a bit longer, especially after we just went through that place, I have a few errands I need to run, some shopping and small stuff like that, but there's a hatching ground where I know you'll be safe, while leaving you by yourself is something I don't ever want to do again, it'll only be for a few minutes, and that should be enough time for us both, right?" Skystar asked hopefully as they were finally leaving the island.
"Yeah, that sounds fine, and we're gonna explore more of the lands together after that right?" Spike asked hopefully.
"Of course, there's more to our kind then those.. pony's think.. and showing you it all is something I'm more then happy to do." Skystar said flinching at the thought of them which concerned Spike a little.
"Just know, whatever we're gonna see next, I'm here for you mom.. I promise.." Spike assured rubbing her head which made her calm down a lot.
"Thank you my child, I promise I'll show you more of these lands soon." Skystar assured which did make him eager to know more.
"I look forward to it mom.." Spike said with a smile as they finally headed back to the main lands, Spike was just glad to have learned more about his kind, even with if it was small, it gave him something he won't ever forget, and hoped things get better from here on..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know this chapter is a bit shorter then the last 3, but I could only come up with so much when it comes to fleshing out the dragons, this is the first time I've tried giving a lot of detail into something like them, and I think I'm doing a good job, I also wanted to add something like that temple to show just where Skystar got that book, while the temple will only be seen and talked about in this chapter.

I think trying to explain it where it came from, and it tying into something else is the best call right now, even if it won't come up again in this story, sorry if some may not like it, but this is the first original story I've done in a while, even if it's just a rewrite, but I hope you liked what I had for this chapter.

I know the mane 6 hasn't appeared in this story yet, but I want to focus on Spike bonding with his mom and Nathen more, and I think chapter 7 or 8 is when I bring them into the story, depending on how far I get into it, so I hope you don't mind thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!