• Published 17th Apr 2024
  • 2,580 Views, 58 Comments

My Mother ( Rewrite) - Dragonfan101

Spike ventures to the Dragon Lands to learn more about his kind during the migration, but instead of meeting Garble and his crew, he meets a kind dragon who helps him around, and he finally meet's someone he's always wanted too..

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3: The Dragon Village

Spike had followed his mom to the exit of her cave, while this morning was already a lot for him, what Spike's in for next is something else, he still couldn't believe he's actually with his mother, his real mom. And she's really interesting to see with her fire magic, it made him just wonder what else she knows, and what she can do with it.

After their little agreement, Skystar led the way out of her cave, which was pretty large and open, it was a place where one could get lost without proper knowledge of the layout, and Skystar knew every inch of it. After they're little walk, Skystar led them to the exit, which was a door that was finely decorated in gold and red colored wood, and she opened the door with a simple turn or the knob, and the door opened which greeted Spike with a light that blinded his vision for a moment.

But once his vision came back, he saw his mother looking down on him, and made a little motion with a smile to see the view. Spike smiled back at her and walked out with her, and what Spike was greeted with was pretty amazing. While the Badlands he went through were mainly baron, full of nothing but smoke, ash and lava rivers, this place was pretty different.

Here he actually saw the sun was in a bright blue sky with no clouds in sight, Skystar's cave looked like it was the tallest in the mountains around the village, and just below, he could see a large town that seemed to be full of dragons, Spike could see some of them flying out of they're caves to get their day started, he could see staples that sold food, more then just meat and gems, he could see what looked like stores and schools for the hatchlings, and saw a large dragon statue within the very center of the village which was surrounded by a beautifully carved circle with water in it, it looked super ancient, and Spike was just in complete awe of what he was seeing.

"Whoa..." Spike said in awe looking over the view, Skystar chuckled at this reaction and looked down too.
"It's beautiful, isn't it son?" Skystar asked starting up another talk.
"It's.. amazing.. i never thought the Dragon Lands would have culture like this from what i saw earlier.." Spike said really amazed at this sight, he can only imagine how Twilight is gonna react to this.
"Yes, it is something else. While most of the Dragon Lands are baron and don't have much to see, places like this are where more civilized dragons come to live. Dragons like me and you, we prefer to be more thoughtful of our actions, while other dragons living around don't think before they attack, or take something from others." Skystar said sounding a little disgusted at the thought of brutes.

"What do you mean by that mom?" Spike asked looking up to her again curiously.
"What i mean is, there are people like me and you who don't wanna do rash actions to others, while most of the dragons in our lands don't care about it, and they just take what they want, even if they don't know who or what they're taking from. I was always cautious of where i got all my treasure and possessions, but the dragons i'm talking about just like to do whatever they want without thought of the consequences. It's places like these that help our kind grow more naturally, and learn about our history, religion, and culture." Skystar said having her claw move to the village.
"Wow.. that's.. really interesting to know.." Spike said really interested with this explanation.

After a few more minutes of looking over the view as the sun rises above Skystar's own cave, Skystar was feeling ready to go.
"Well, you ready to see your home son?" Skystar asked again while he was lost in his thoughts, but soon regained focus being asked that.
"Of course mom, let's see what there is." Spike said looking to a long path that led down her mountain, it did have hand rails on it for some reason, but it was most likely for safety for anyone who wanted to climb up and not fly here.
"Believe me son, there is a lot to see." Skystar said leading him down the path carefully, Spike had a look of surprise when following her, and was just wondering what else there was to see in this village.

The two made they're way down the path which didn't take much time, Spike was already impressed with this village from the sight of it alone, he didn't think the dragons could make living spaces that reminded him of his own home. But when they got down to the village, Spike was even more impressed. Spike could see very well that a ton of the houses and homes were mostly made from carved stone and organized decoration. He could see dozens of staples with items being sold from them, not just food, but other stuff made for a living space. From basic foods, to some furniture, and even some more pots and pans for cooking and other things like that.

Spike looked around more and saw other places in this village while walking besides her, he could see what looked like a small school that had dozens of parents and hatchlings going inside for the morning, if made him wonder what they taught at a dragon school. To his left he saw what looked like a river that went out of the village and towards the west of the village, and he could see some dragons fishing in it and getting stuff for dinner. Looking around a bit more, he could see dozens of lanterns hung around most of the houses, and they had different colored flames lit in them to help bring more color to it. It was honestly just as impressive as Ponyville, he never thought he'd see another village like this since he's been so used to the stuff he's seen with Twilight, but this is something amazing.

"Wow..." Spike said in complete amazement looking around the place while Skystar chuckled at his reaction.
"Impressive isn't it son? Wanna know something interesting? This village is over 200 years old, it was one of the first ever built to help give our kind some proper education and help us learn and move past our brute ways. While there aren't that many in the Dragon Lands right now, lord Torch has ordered for some more to be made, he's getting tired of the constant fights and bickering that the dragons get into for the most pitiful reasons, so pretty soon, we're gonna be seeing more villages like this, it's to help us move to a better future in hopes of being seen more as rude beasts." Skystar explained looking around as well. While Spike was fascinated with this info, he was wondering who this Torch was, and wanted more info on him too.

"That's amazing.. and.. who's this Torch? Is he like.. the leader of our kind right now?" Spike asked looking back up at her.
"He's one of the leaders of our lands, there are different areas that are ruled by different dragons all over this land son, and they are meant to represent they're respective dragon type, for example, you and me can be considered Earth Dragons, while there are other dragons who like to stay within the water's, or icy mountains, it makes them live and grow differently compared to us here. Torch is the Dragon Lord, and whoever has that position commands the Earth Dragons, and when the Dragon Lord is ready to step down, the way to become the next is to go through a series of challenges to get a special item called the Bloodstone Scepter. It will give you the authority to command all the dragons of your respective kingdom, while the other rulers have they're own ways of ruling they're territory. It's a tradition that's been passed down for generations." Skystar explained some more while they came in front of the large dragon statue in the center of town, and Spike was in complete awe hearing all of this.
"Wow.. to think.. you can just make whatever rules you want with it.." Spike said amazed at this.

"It is something else son, but there is also something you should know. The Bloodstone Scepter chooses who's worthy, and whoever try's to use it's power, it's dependent on what the wielder does with it. But, if the wielder try's to abuse his power, by initiating attacks on innocent villages, or even trying to start a war with the rest of Equestria, the Bloodstone Scepter will no longer obey it's master, and the wielder will suffer the more and more they try to wield it's power, but if the wielder goes too far with it, the scepter will drain the user's life from him, and kill the one who's used it's power. Leaving another to try and prove himself if they're worthy of it's power, and makes sure that kind of incident doesn't happen again." Skystar said sounding upset at the thought of it, while Spike was fascinated by this still, it made him wonder how she knew it, was it because this happened with a previous wielder, or it's a well known thing for her kind?

"Wow mom.. that's.. a lot to take in, so much dragon history, and i haven't even been here a few hours yet.." Spike said chuckling nervously at this news.
"I'm sorry if that was overwhelming son, but it's something critical that all dragons should know, because if they don't, using such a position of power for they're own selfish purposes, would get them killed from it. I'm telling you this because i don't want this to happen to you if you ever wield that scepter one day son, Lord Torch won't hold onto his position forever, and to me, when that day comes, I have to make sure that no one uses that power to cause harm to others, and if they try.. I'll rip them apart for trying to destroy our kinds legacy.." Skystar said with a scary growl which was worrying Spike a bit, but he could see it's just for their safety, and it helped him understand a bit more.
"Don't worry mom, that won't happen, and I promise we'll stop it from happening." Spike assured while he rubbed her arm which helped calm her down a bit.

"Thank you son, forgive me for that. I just hope you understand how important this is to know, even if it's a bit much for your age." Skystar said hopefully while Spike understood it completely.
"Don't worry mom, i do, why won't we just explore this village a bit more? I'm sure there's more interesting stuff to find here?" Spike asked looking around the place.
"Of course, follow me son, there's a lot i think you'd like from this place." Skystar said walking ahead a bit which made Spike follow next to her once again.

Spike continued to follow his mother closely, all the while he just kept looking around the village, to think that there would be places like Ponyville in the Dragon Lands wasn't on his mind, but with how little they know about the dragons, something like this is helping a lot. Not to mention that he did just learn some important history from his mother, and this would definitely be important to remember for the future.

As Spike followed his mother, he couldn't help but notice some dragons were turning they're attention to the two, they all were seemingly surprised to see Spike with Skystar, but that made him realize something, she did say that these dragons supported her after he was "Taken" away from her, and they must be surprised to see that Skystar found her child again. Skystar had started to notice this too and kept her son a bit closer then usual.
"It's alright son, if you remember what I told you earlier, these dragons are really kind and helped me through my grief when i lost you." Skystar said softly which calmed Spike down a little.
"Right, that's good to know. I'm glad to see that they were here for you when you needed it most." Spike said smiling at the dragons who were walking to them with interest.

The dragons began to surround the two and they could hear small conversations about who Spike is, one of the dragons went up to Skystar with interest while wondering who Spike is.
"Morning Skystar, You seem in a much more positive mood then we last saw you." The dragon greeted which made her shake her head a bit, but she understood why.
"Morning Ash, I'm glad you noticed. I'm just showing my long lost son, around the village, I finally found him just yesterday, and I had to take him back home." Skystar replied looking down at Spike who was a bit nervous while the other dragons were surprised to hear that.
"Wait.. your.. her son?!" Ash asked shocked looking down at him too, he was a bit gray with his scale color, but also had red eyes that were like a ruby, and a little scar going over his eye, but he seemed friendly after this moment.
"Um.. yeah.. my name is.. Spike, or Flamestar as my mother named me. It's.. nice to meet you?" Spike asked a bit nervous on how he would respond.

But his expression soon turned to one of happiness and relief, and the same was with the other dragons too since they know this.
"Skystar actually found her son! This is.. this is amazing news!" Ash said with amazement while the dragons were going all around the two wondering how this happened.
"How did you find him Skystar?" A pink dragon asked amazed seeing him.
"He's so cute! He really resembles you!" A Sapphire blue dragon said next looking at Spike with an adorable face.
"You actually found him! It's a miracle!" A scarlet dragoness said amazed as well seeing him while Skystar smiled at all of them.
"I know, i still can't believe it either, I was just showing him around our home, and his new home too. It's a nice way for mother and son to bond after years of being separated.." Skystar said moving Spike to her with her tail while he chuckled nervously at that.
"Yeah, it's something we both thought would be really fun together.." Spike said still nervous on how far this is gonna go.

"Oh this is so great to hear! We need to let the elder know about this!" Ash said quickly running off to somewhere which confused Spike.
"The elder?" Spike asked looking at his mother who wasn't that worried about it.
"It's nothing to worry about son, our elder has had dragons search for you since you were taken from me, and now that your here, it's best he greets you." Skystar explained with a hint of aggression when she mentioned him being taken from her.
"Okay but.. WHO took me from you mom? Was it another dragon?" Spike asked really wondering what happened to him.
"No.. another dragon stealing ones egg would be a death sentence if it was found out, no dragon steals ones child from the other, unless that dragon has permission to be a guardian, if one steals from a parent, that will have them be forever shames and hated by his own kind and family. So no, it wasn't a dragon, and I do not want to go more into about it right now son, it's just too soon for me, when I'm ready to tell you, I'll let you know, okay?" Skystar asked a bit worried for him, but Spike could understand this, but was still worried about what happened with him.
"O.. okay mom, sorry for asking that again.." Spike said while Skystar hugged him again suddenly.
"It's okay son, let's just enjoy this moment together okay?" Skystar asked holding him close, Spike didn't really want to do anything to make her upset again, so he just leaned into her hug hoping for the best.

After a little bit of waiting, they saw Ash come out of an old large house not to far from them, but behind him, was a really large dragon who was twice Skystar's size, he had black scales with purple eyes, and he looked extremely tough and strong with the battle scars he's showing, and the fact his tail looks like a blade, but he also had a calm look to him when moving to them, like one that was both wise and strong.
"Son, this is our village elder, Scorch. He's one of the strongest elders alive right now, and has been watching over the village since it's founding." Skystar introduced while Scorch smiled respectfully at them.
"Skystar, it is great to see your out of your cave today, I heard the news from Ash, did you really find your son?" Scorch asked hoping this was true, Skystar smiled at that question and held Spike up in one of her claws.
"Yes, I really did. This is my son, Flamestar, or Spike as he calls himself. He was able to find his way to the Dragon Lands, and had help from a kind drake who helped him find me. And since then, i haven't let him out of my sight.." Skystar said nuzzling Spike lovingly again while he chuckled at that.
"It's nice to meet you, it's a huge honor to be meeting someone like you sir." Spike said respectfully looking up at him.

"I'd say the same for you Flamestar, Skystar has been in such a state after what happened, and she rarely came out of her home, with you here now, I hope this is a sign you two will be spending more time out here together, we have plenty of places that would be great for you two to bond." Scorch said looking around the village proudly while Spike was interested too.
"Thank you, that's really great to know. I'm sure me and mom would love to spend some time around here right?" Spike asked again looking at her.
"Like you need to ask son." Skystar said hugging him to her chest again which made Spike a little embarrassed while Scorch chuckled at the sight.
"I'm really happy you managed to find your son Skystar, and with what you know with your fire magic, I know you'll be able to keep him safe. A strong mother like you, will be able to raise her child the best she can." Scorch said looking down at her who smiled at that.
"Thank you Scorch, I learned plenty of skills, and no one will dare threaten me or my son, if they do, they will regret it.." Skystar said with a bit of a growl while forming more fire in one of her claws while the dragons watching were amazed at the sight.

"Calm down mom, no one's gonna try that, and when I'm old enough, I'll be able to learn it too, we'll be able to protect eachother together." Spike said positively which calmed her once again, while she was NOT wanting her son to get into any fights, it's something that may inevitably happen.
"That won't be for a long time son, but I'll make sure to never let a thing hurt an adorable child like you.." Skystar said again nuzzling him once again.
"I'm glad to hear that Skystar, I hope this will mean you'll be up for more training soon, with you in a better state now, I think it will be a great time for you to learn some important lessons again." Scorch said hopefully while she was a bit worried hearing that.
"What lessons mom?" Spike asked again looking at her.
"He's.. meaning lessons on leadership, since I'm the strongest dragon in this village next to Scorch with my fire skills and ability's, he's been wanting to teach me more stuff about leading others. In case he ever steps down or passes, he's wanting me to take his place as the village elder, since what I know is so different compared to what the other dragons know.." Skystar said nervous when explaining it which worried Spike a bit.

"I'm.. sure you'd do a great job if you took that position mom, and I promise i'll be there to help you when you need it." Spike said trying to comfort her.
"Thanks son, but I feel like it's way too soon, I just found you after so long, and I'm wanting to spend at least a few months with you before doing something like this. I don't want to get too busy to the point we won't get to spend time in other places around the Dragon Lands. I want to show you what we know, and teach you the ways of our kind, so you can grow to be a strong dragon that will be a great drake when fully grown. I just want to make up all the time I've lost with you.." Skystar said sounding sad again while holding him close, Scorch felt a bit bad seeing this, and figured it was too soon to ask this.
"Forgive me Skystar, but I clearly see you need your time with him. You don't have to worry about anything, spend as much time as you need with him, and when your ready for more lessons, I'll gladly help teach you." Scorch said respectfully while giving her a bow.
"Thanks Scorch, I'm glad you understand. And if you don't mind, I'd like to spend some more time with my son right now, but I'll let you know when I'm ready." Skystar said bowing respectfully too.
"Of course Skystar, please take all the time you need, have fun you two." Scorch said while he turned away from them and went back to his house, the other dragons saw they needed they're time too and left them to give them time.

Skystar sighed in relief after they left, and she put Spike back down so they can talk properly.
"You okay mom, you seem a bit uneasy right now?" Spike asked seeing her expression, but she soon regained her focus and looked happy again when looking at him.
"I'm perfectly fine son, I'm just trying to think of what we can do next. We have all day ahead of us, and I'm trying to think of something we can do together.." Skystar said rubbing her chin while thinking of something, Spike decided to do the same thing and tried getting an idea.
"What if.. we go explore more of the Dragon Lands together? I saw just a bit of it yesterday, but seeing more with you would be a great time, does that sound nice?" Spike suggested which made her smile hearing that.

"My son has a bright mind, just like his father. I love the sound that son." Skystar said sweetly which made him smile again hearing that, especially with hearing about his father.
"I'm glad to hear that mom, you ready to go now?" Spike asked looking up at the sky's.
"Of course, it's still early, but it's best we get some air." Skystar said before she picked him up with her claw again and put him on the back of her neck, Spike hugged it tightly while Skystar spread open her large wings again.
"You ready to go my son?" Skystar asked making sure he's up for this.
"Of course mom, let's have some fun together." Spike said confidently, Skystar smiled hearing that and with one quick motion, she took off into the sky's at fast speeds again while Spike held on tightly, the other dragons watched them leave with smiles and hoped they had a great time together, knowing that Skystar has her son back..

Author's Note:

Hey guys thanks for reading this! I know this was a bit shorter compared to the last two, but i think simply giving the Dragon Village some time to help explain the history of Dragons and how it works can help move things along nicely. I will have them do more stuff at the village later, but for now I'm gonna have the two explore what interesting things I could make with the Dragon Lands, while this mainly was just expedition and explaining stuff instead of Spike and Skystar bonding, i think this could help flesh out the Dragons a bit more, and I'll do more with them in future chapters so i hope you don't mind. Thank you all for reading this and hope you look forward to more!