• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 376 Views, 25 Comments

A Dazzling Flower Under the Moonlight - Sandbar0227

Caught between royalty and true love, Rainbow Dash embarks on a journey of personal transformation where she must discern her values and priorities. Along this path, she will discover the inner strength that defines her and the destiny she truly long

  • ...

Camouflaged Encounters

- "I wonder what secrets these ancient walls hide?" - commented Aster with a tone of intrigue, his gaze wandering over the shadows that stretched between the trees in the garden - "I imagine every detail has a story to tell."

The silver moonlight slipped through the branches of the fruit trees, casting an intricate lacework of shadows over the small clearing. Aster breathed in deeply, letting the scents of the night fill her lungs, the fragrance was almost intoxicating, a mixture of night flowers, fresh grass and a hint of silent honey permeating everything.

- "Everything has a story to tell, doesn't it?" - she continued, turning to Moonflower - "Tell me lady Moonflower, where are you from? I've never seen a mare as beautiful as you around here before." - what a good question, Dash replied to herself, eager to hear Moonflower's creative answer. Her magenta eyes met Aster's, as serene and naive as a lake after a long storm.

Marigold and Blooming, observing everything from the shadows of the vineyard exchanged brief glances, of course Aster would eventually inquire into the background of "Moonflower" that had captured her interest, they needed to come up with a convincing origin already.

-"There you are, Your Highnesses. We found you at last" - declared Silverstone with a weary sigh. - "The Wonderbolts, they have arrived and are waiting for their formal reception, I also inform you that there are already several guests waiting for them in the main hall."

- "The Wonderbolts?" - Blooming Rose frowned quizzically. - "Are you talking about the entertainment team Princess Celestia recommended to us? They were supposed to arrive after the royal ball."

- "And what do you mean they're already waiting for the guests in the royal ballroom?" - Marigold demanded to know in an incredulous tone. - "What's going on?"

- "That's right, Princesses" - stated Silver Storm regretfully - "there has been a delay in the event due to your failure to show up at any time." - He shook his head in ill-concealed disappointment.

But of course, the gala, how come they pushed it aside like that, they have been so immersed in their game that they forgot all about it, what disrespect for the ponies of Canterlot and for Princess Celestia.

-"That is why, your majesties, I recommend you to start right away, we will see to it that the ponies are not bored, but you must make your pronouncements immediately." - Silver said as she glanced briefly over the sisters' shoulder toward the back garden, where Aster and Moonflower were conversing privately.

- Moonflower, are you there?"- Aster's voice sounded somewhat puzzled by her companion's sudden silence, as she waved a helmet in front of her. - "Why aren't you saying anything?"

Rainbow Dash had a bad feeling at that forced silence. She could do nothing but wait static for some word to come out of her costume's mouth.

- "Was it something I said?" - Aster questioned herself if perhaps her question had too complicated an undertone for the mare. He would never know, at least not for now.

- "Sorry to interrupt..." - that voice, Marigold's voice echoed in her head, so that's why she wasn't responding said Rainbow to herself -" ... but we have received important news. The entertainment team has arrived and we must receive them, as well as the guests, we are late Aster" - informed Shinning Marigold hurriedly, while Blooming nodded in agreement at her side. They crossed glances with Moonflower who of course was still silent.

The prince was startled by the urgency in his sister's tone. The Royal Gala! For a moment he forgot his obligations to the event he himself had called.

- "Oh no, the gala is certain, we must go at once" - he answered at once, beginning to stride forward in hasty strides - "tell the stewards to get the hall ready for the royal dance, while we go to meet the show ponies at the entrance."

Without another word, he took Moonflower's arm somewhat roughly, urging her to follow him hastily out of the castle's back gardens.

- "You escort them, Blooming" - Shining's voice rose once again calmly and complicitly, as he made a slight gesture to his sister - "I'll take care of the guests, meet me in the main room."

The corridors of the castle seemed endless as Aster, Blooming and Moonflower hurried their pace. The echo of their hooves echoed off the stone walls, accompanied by the clinking of the armor of the guards escorting them.

From the corner of his eye, he could see the rainbow-haired Pegasus practically running beside him. Her expression denoted a storm of emotions that Aster could not decipher, and that he should not decipher, Dash did not know what to think, she only knew that she had to find a way to flee, to break Blooming's concentration and run, fight for her freedom or whatever, but she did not want to stay there anymore.

Soon, the impressive arch of the entrance gate loomed before them. The carved oak doors and golden hardware stood wide open, letting in the lights and murmurs of the elite, elite Dash knew all too well.

It didn't take them long to stand at the front door in front of the group of elite pegasus awaiting the hosts' arrival. At the sight of them they turned with wings outstretched in a formation that gave away their identity: the Wonderbolts themselves in all their awesome glory.

Aster swallowed horribly, feeling a pang of guilt as he remembered the main reason he had summoned them that night. He shook those thoughts away, pulling himself together. This was his chance to vindicate himself after all those embarrassing oversights and make up for his night.

The Wonderbolts, with the professionalism that characterizes them, made a brief bow in the presence of Prince Aster and Princess Blooming Rose, Moonflower was just another expectant one being held by Aster's helmet and Dash wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow her up and spit her into a black hole. She was in trouble, trouble that could cost her the dream of a lifetime, that only increased her rage.

Just imagining the disappointment on the faces of Spitfire, Soarin and the others on the team who trusted her turned her insides inside out. Losing everything and everyone, her dream of flying with the elite...it was too much, her legs threatened to fail her at any moment, she broke out in a cold sweat and started to hold back the urge to vomit. How could she do then, would asking for help with her controlled eyes work, how could she explain it if she got out of that spell, would they believe her if she said it was all an elaborate mockery by the princesses that she had hopelessly fallen into?

- "Good evening, honored flyers" - Aster's voice echoed throughout the hall, powerful yet warm at the same time - "welcome to Canterlot Castle on this special occasion, we hope you are prepared to put on a show that will leave an indelible impression this gala evening."

Spitfire recomposed her posture and approached the royal group, Aster leading the march with his head held high, his princely bearing commanding instant respect. To his left, the delicate figure of Blooming Rose advanced with elegance worthy of a princess, but her eyes betrayed a certain uneasiness before the expectant crowd of atrovata pegasus, and to his right, standing out like a wild flower among the greenhouse roses, was Moonflower, a pegasus with a rainbow mane, who watched her pale with her body tense, no doubt the third one impressed her, she had never seen her before although she would swear she had, there was something of familiarity that she decided to quickly ignore.

-"Your Highnesses, it is an honor for me and my team to be here" - spitfire told them shaking hooves with Aster in the process - "I can assure you that we will leave everything in the air tonight. A show worthy of a Royal Gala just as you requested" - Spitfire declared in her best captain's tone.

-Excellent, I am pleased to hear those words" - Aster smiled broadly - "allow me first to introduce my sister here, Princess Blooming Rose."

-" it's a pleasure" - Blooming replied with a forced smile, trying to keep her composure, the Bolts had slowly approached and attended as soon as she introduced herself, shaking helmets with their leader.

-And my other companion here, Lady Moonflower" - they all turned to see her, Dash was begging for help and Moonflower was smiling, pleased by the attention her presence was generating.

-"It's a pleasure to meet you" - Spitfire said politely as they shook hooves in the same way she had done with Aster and Blooming. Rainbow hoped for a miracle, but the look and smile that Spitfire gave her only reaffirmed that Moonflower was a simple stranger to them. Her hope was beginning to fade.

- "The pleasure is entirely mine" - Moonflower replied sweetly, letting her gaze wander with an air of sophisticated curiosity over each of the Wonderbolts.

- "Well, my dears" - Aster's voice echoed imposing attention upon him again - "seeing that you arrived ahead of schedule, I cordially invite you to enjoy the gala and the royal dance"- he turned toward the center of the main room with an almost youthful enthusiasm reflected in his countenance - "I am sure this evening will be memorable for all."

After nodding to Blooming, he leaned over to his sister to whisper some directions - "Blooming, please take the flying team to their rooms to unpack whatever they brought, instruct them to head to the main room after they do that" - without waiting for a response, he prepared to lead the way down the halls to the ballroom taking Moonflower's helmet again.

Before he could continue, Blooming's voice stopped him - "wait Aster, allow me a moment with Moonflower, please. I'll take her to you in the main room later."

That request made the prince raise a quizzical eyebrow at his sister, why would Blooming need to pull Moonflower aside if, as far as he knew, they didn't know each other? Blooming seemed to read his mind, for he was quick to respond before he asked the question - "I know it is with her that you intend to dance the opening piece and I must instruct her on the protocols she must follow for the ceremony."

Aster watched his sister with manifest confusion at her request to take Moonflower aside. It was true that she intended to court the enigmatic mare during the inaugural dance, but he saw no reason why Blooming needed to instruct her in the protocols. He left it aside, he was running late - "Very well, I trust you" -with this said, he made a brief farewell gesture to Moonflower and headed towards the main room through the castle's corridors.

-"This way please" - without further ado, Blooming began to lead the way to the castle suits where she would leave the Wonderbolts and chat with Rainbow Dash, her mind was between good and evil, she hadn't told Shinning that she was going to do this, but she couldn't take it any longer, she had to risk it, she knew it wasn't right, but she also couldn't back down at this point or everything would be ruined for her brother, she needed to find a way to handle it and come to an agreement with Dash, who most likely was angry enough as the Tartar herself. If Dash wanted to yell at her, insult her or more, she was aware that she had to put up with it, she deserved it for everything they had put her through, and what they were going to put her through later on.

- "I'm not surprised they 'invited' us to the gala during their mismanagement march" - Fleetfoot leaned over to whisper to Soarin in annoyance.

The light blue steed nodded with a snort, sneaking a furtive glance to the front where Blooming Rose and Moonflower were leading the march - "nor me. Had it been up to my pride alone, I would never have agreed" - Soarin admitted through chuckles - "but I understand that we must maintain a good image before them regardless."

A few strides further back, High Winds and Spitfire exchanged glances at the murmurs of their companions, although the royal brothers tried their best to make a good impression in front of them, they did not quite succeed.

- "Hey Spit, have you heard from Rainbow Dash?" -Anguished High Winds asked in a low voice, risking raising the question that was on everyone's minds. - "Did Silver say anything to you?"

The captain slowly shook her head, her brow furrowed in frustration - "No, unfortunately. He told me he'd keep an eye out and let me know of any movement. But so far..." She let the sentence hang in the air with an evasive movement of her helmet.

- "And why don't you ask Princess Blooming?" - suggested Thunderlane in a barely audible whisper - "maybe she knows something no?"

Spitfire glared at him in warning. - "Of course not. That question would only indicate to them that we missed the parade of one of our team and give them the impression that we didn't come one hundred percent prepared for the show."

- "So..." - Thunderlane averted his gaze to Moonflower almost imperceptibly. - "how about asking her? She doesn't seem to be part of the hosts, maybe she's seen something."

- "What a good excuse to approach her" - Fleetfoot joked holding back his trademark teasing laugh - "She captivated you that quickly?"

- "No excuse" - Thunderlane defended, his tone denoting slight nervousness - "besides, don't give me any crap that you guys didn't catch your eye." - The furtive glances the team was casting toward Moonflower's slender figure did not go unnoticed.

Misty Fly shook her mane with a derisive snort - "of course she caught our eye" - she admitted with her characteristic frankness - "a mare like that captivates anyone's eyes."

- "Come on guys, behave yourselves. You wouldn't want Miss Moonflower to think we're a bunch of drooling foals, would you?" - Spitfire gave them a sly grin in a scolding tone.

-"Please, how could she think that of us? I doubt she'd listen to us" ...

- "Of course I hear you Thunderlane" - Dash mentally replied as if they could read her. Out of the corner of her eye, she could perfectly distinguish the looks and comments thrown in her direction, despite the dissimulation of her companions, who were not known for being the most discreet in Equestria. It was only in that situation that she was grateful for whatever spell made her unrecognizable, at least then she could avoid the utter mortification that would consume them if they knew they were talking about her.

So immersed was Rainbow in her inner turmoil that she did not notice the speculative glance that Blooming was giving her, the princess gave a slight enigmatic smile as she noticed the blush that colored the smooth cheeks of the late Moonflower.

If so, she heard and saw the same things Moonflower's eyes could see, this way she could know what to tell her to say or do, and if she understood correctly, these acrobatic pegasus knew Rainbow Dash and were looking for her for the show. Blooming had an idea.

They were finishing up the stairs, Blooming watched everyone stand neatly in front of her and Dash follow her body orders as Moonflower, no doubt it would be a very long and torturous night for the colorful pegasus.

- "All right, Wonderbolts..." - the voice of Blooming Rose cut through the silence like a bolt of lightning. - "...You may prepare here for as long as you need before the show. Moonflower will assist you with the technical and prop preparations for you to attend the gala, then another team will take you backstage for your show." - The words were like a bucket of ice water to Dash.

The pegasus entered the huge suit. With a mischievous twinkle in her eye, the Princess added - "Oh, and Moonflower dear" - as she was starting to get annoyed with that name Dash said to herself - "when you're done here, I kindly ask you to give me a few minutes of your time before the dance, I need to talk to you about something very important" - with that last one the unicorn apparently left, apparently because Dash knew she would be controlling her behind those walls. Blooming Rose was definitely up to something and Rainbow was beginning to understand her game and of course, if she wanted to talk about the rules of this one Dash planned to let her know what he thought and would set his rules as well.

The room assigned to the Wonderbolts was adorned with full-length mirrors and hangers ready for their flight suits. As the team members dispersed to get ready for their flight suits, the team was getting ready for the show.

- "Remember, tonight is not just about the stunts" - Spitfire reminded them, adjusting his helmet with steely determination. - "It's about showing the grace and strength of the team, we need to take advantage of the hosts' carelessness to stand out."

The Wonderbolts nodded, each lost in their own thoughts about the night ahead. Some were mentally going over routines, while others were adjusting their costumes, making sure every feather was in place, and others were casting brief glances at Moonflower, who was just there walking slowly through the suit.

Fleetfoot was holding Rainbow Dash's flight suit with the utmost delicacy, gazing at it almost reverently. Her light blue mane fluttered as she approached to -" Spitfire what do I do with Dash's suit?" - He asked, holding out the garment with his hooves.

Spitfire looked at the suit with a look full of determination and a frown - "we'll take it with us"- answered the flaming mane pegasus - " I keep hoping it's in the main room" - hope is the last thing you lose, they say, and her persistence did not allow her to accept the idea that Rainbow had abandoned them even though the probability was becoming more obvious with every minute.

She had to be sure so... -"Skies, go and start a search immediately through the main room, have High Wings escort you through the main room. I know Silver will have already mobilized his guards and comarades, but it doesn't hurt to double your efforts. and .."

-" Pardon my intrusion, but may I ask who you are looking for?" - interrupted Moonflower's voice to the captain of the Bolts, A heavy silence fell over the Wonderbolts. by now Dash was already beginning to say goodbye to his dream.

Spitfire, with a mixture of surprise and suspicion, looked at Moonflower with a slight hesitation and at her team before answering, there was nothing to lose after all - "We are looking for one of our flight mates, her name is Rainbow Dash, we haven't seen her since this afternoon and we are concerned due to the fact that it is not her essence to be lost from the face of Equestria in these types of engagements" - she explained cautiously.

Moonflower nodded understandingly, though Dash could sense the underlying tension in the atmosphere. - "I can imagine the anguish you must be going through not being able to locate her. Please describe her to me a little more, perhaps I've seen her too and can help you." - what do you intend by this Blooming, Dash wondered.

Spitfire took a sidelong glance at the elegant mare in front of her and couldn't help a slight frown - "She's a pegasus with an athletic build but small, what stands out the most is her mane and rainbow tail, plus her cutie mark, a cloud with a colorful lightning bolt..." - he paused for a moment and looked at the mare in front of her - "... excuse the comparison, clearly I'm not trying to offend you, but she has a certain resemblance to you, although obviously with a very different demeanor than yours" - Dash had to make an over-equal effort not to roll his eyes. "this situation was bordering on the absurd!" She had literally just described her and she is talking to her.

She was stressed, very stressed, she was beginning to get the idea that the spell was efficient enough that those who had known her most of her life could not recognize her, giving her to understand that getting out of that spell was nearly impossible. But a part of her being and essence refused to think that it was so, refused to accept that there was no way out, but which one?

Which reader, you managed to find the answer, which is the essence of a pony?

The Cutie Mark, that unique symbol that represents the talents and special destiny of each pony, are not simple marks or badges, they are physical manifestations of the unbreakable bond between a pony and her purpose in life. This acts as an "anchor" that binds her to her true self, no matter how much they try to hide it under illusory disguises. It is literally the magical representation of their essence.

Because of this close connection with the essence of each pony, the Cutie Marks emanate a kind of invisible but powerful "magical aura", therefore, removing them implies detaching them from who they are and their purpose for being.

So yes, as you are thinking, the spell of unrecognition does not literally modify Rainbow Dash's cutie mark, therefore, if someone manages to catch even a slight glimpse of the unmistakable cyan lightning cloud on Dash's flank, they are unconsciously "tuning in" to the inner aura emanating from her Cutie Mark, and that resonance is what breaks the spell of unrecognition of the sorceresses, making them see that who they are seeing is actually Dash.

It's as if the aura of a Cutie Mark acts as an "anti-shock wave" that dispels any camouflage or manipulation, dispelling the ramification of the unrecognition spell on the ponies who see Moonflower and can see Dash.

It's a pity that our protagonist is far from reaching that conclusion, or is she...?

- "Oh, don't apologize" - replied Moonflower with a faint smile. Rather, I am pleased to be able to reassure you a little" - her comment attracted the attention of everyone in the suit - "yes, I have seen that pegasus you tell me about strolling around the castle grounds." - oh don't tell me, and where did you see her, in the hall of mirrors in the castle maybe. Yes, arguing with Moonflower's answers was Dash's new form of entertainment and venting.

A murmur of anticipation ran through the group. Spitfire, in a measured but urgent tone. - "tell us please, Miss Moonflower, where exactly did you see that pegasus? Any details may be vital in locating her."

All the Wonderbolts held their breath in anxious anticipation.

- "Moonflower..." - a serene but firm voice interrupted them - "oh how I am sorry to interfere, but it is time for us to prepare for the royal dance." - Blooming Rose, whose sudden appearance made everyone present startle, and who didn't hesitate to quickly grab Moonflower by the helmet and carry her off through the castle corridors.

- "Princess, wait! We need...!" - Spitfire's claims were muffled as the doors closed behind Blooming Rose.

The Wonderbolts exchanged looks of dismay. Soarin was the first to react - "well what are we waiting for, let's go after them! We can't lose Dash's trail now that we're so close." - with that said more than one Bolt ran out of the suit after the pegasus and the unicorn.

Blooming Rose knew exactly what she had provoked by interrupting the conversation and taking "Moonflower" away in that abrupt manner. She did it on purpose, of course, but even so she was aware that the Wonderbolts would not stand hoofed crusaders. She could feel their gazes on her back and their swift wings following them.
Controlling Moonflower's hurried steps with silent commands, the princess quickened her pace through the wide corridors of the castle, her eyes fell on Dash's folded wings. If she was part of the aerial squadron of pegasus, she had to be fast in flight, right? She risked mentally urging her to unfold them and advance by air, apparently she was ready but the adrenaline and stress of the situation betrayed her, failing to coordinate the movement of Dash's wings in her favor, causing Moonflower to stumble as she tried to take flight.

Dash slipped, she felt it, a fleeting shudder ran through her body, like lightning tearing through the darkness. The momentary stumble had allowed her to free herself for a split second from Blooming Rose's mind control, when her iron will weakened.

The Wonderbolts were speeding down the corridor, their hooves echoing on the stone floor with a frantic pace, behind them and she must act now before she was caught in the spell again.