• Published 5th Apr 2024
  • 376 Views, 25 Comments

A Dazzling Flower Under the Moonlight - Sandbar0227

Caught between royalty and true love, Rainbow Dash embarks on a journey of personal transformation where she must discern her values and priorities. Along this path, she will discover the inner strength that defines her and the destiny she truly long

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A Royal Visit

The throne room of Princess Celestia exuded a majestic atmosphere as sunlight caressed the stained glass windows. The esteemed ruler of Equestria, with her shimmering mane, carefully examined the royal letter resting on her polished desk, the distinctive seal of the royal family heralded an event that would change the dynamics of the kingdom.

With her characteristic grace, Celestia took the letter between her hooves, noting the sender and carefully extracted the letter from the manila envelope.

"Dear Princess Celestia,

With great pleasure in greeting you, I address you in the best possible manner in these busy times, to discuss a matter of utmost importance, and at the same time, of great excitement for me and my family. As you well know, my eldest son, Prince Aster, is in the final stage of his preparation as an apprentice, so that in the future, he may assume the throne and the responsibilities that come with guiding our subjects with wisdom and righteousness.

However, a recent event has highlighted the urgent need for Prince Aster to find a worthy companion who can become his future wife and co-regent. I regret to inform you that during the royal succession ritual, a group of 3 ponies made an appearance, interrupting the ceremony.

Led by an imposing unicorn of dark appearance and straight hair, they employed their powers to invoke a terrible curse upon Aster, forcing him to come into contact with an ancient desecrated talisman. The effects have already manifested in the form of a mysterious and debilitating spell that threatens to consume the life forces not only of my son but also of the entire kingdom to which he is magically bound as the future sovereign.

Before disappearing into the shadows, the sorceress declared the terrible conditions for breaking this millennial curse: Aster must find his destined partner through the unbreakable bond of true love and seal an ancestral pact of union through marriage, or alternatively, face the witch mare if he found her. Otherwise, neither he nor I will be able to transfer the mantle of leadership as is tradition in the kingdom.

It is for this reason, with urgent insistence, that I respectfully request your permission to use the magnificent facilities of the royal palace of Canterlot and the relevant means of communication to organize a gala aimed at finding the right mare who can become Prince Aster's life companion. We believe that this event of vital importance deserves to be held in one of the most emblematic places of Equestria, witness to the birth of many of the most virtuous and beautiful mares that have ever existed.

If your response is positive, tomorrow morning my three children will be departing for Canterlot, trusting in your wise guidance and support, this gala will be the beginning of a new era of prosperity for our kingdom.

We thank you in advance for your consideration and eagerly await your response.


King Chrysanthemum"

An expression of deep concern crossed Celestia's face as she read the chilling details of the letter, shaking her head with regret, lamenting that such dark forces had dared to threaten the life of the young prince and the stability of her veteran colleague's kingdom.

However, her violet eyes reflected a spark of renewed determination; she could help, of course. She took quill and parchment and began to draft her response with a renewed sense of urgency:

"Dear King Chrysanthemum,

The news brought by your missive fills me with great anguish and concern; it is truly abhorrent that such evil beings have perpetrated such an act of villainy against your family and your kingdom.

However, I assure you that I will put all my influence, resources, and knowledge at your disposal to confront this threat. I will not rest until you are free from this curse that afflicts you.

Therefore, I wholeheartedly accept your request to organize this transcendental gala in the halls of Canterlot Palace. Count on my total and unconditional support in the preparations and development of the event. Nothing will oppose to ensure the success in the search for the mare destined to break the curse through the sacred bond of true love.

I will immediately send my best royal guards and most capable ponies to reinforce security and safeguard the discretion of the details of this process.

I await with hope the arrival of your children and will receive them with the due honors that royalty deserves in these delicate times.

Fraternally yours,

Princess Celestia"

There was no time to lose; she had to prepare for the arrival and welcome of the three royal siblings to receive them early the next morning, with her magical spell, she sent the letter immediately to Prince Chrysanthemum, and instantly, the room filled with her soft voice as she dictated her instructions to her assistants.

The orders echoed in the palace, starting the preparations for the royal gala. The palace, the invitations, the guests, the banquet, the attire, the publication of the event in the newspaper, a Wonderbolts show, among others. While she had done this many times before and the list always required the same preparations, she had to have a proposal for when the siblings arrived, and as she always accustomed, things had to go perfectly.

As the news spread, the kingdom prepared for the arrival of the royal siblings and the imminent royal gala that could change the destiny of more than one in Equestria.

- "A gala! Seriously, father?" - Blooming Rose looked at his parent with concern at such an announcement.

King Chrysanthemum approached with a grave expression. - "Yes, my children. As I have already informed you, the situation with the curse on Aster is extremely urgent, this gala in Canterlot is our best and perhaps only chance to find the destined mare to break the curse." - Blooming Rose frowned, understanding the gravity of the situation.

He knew that her outgoing daughter didn't really like those events where she wasn't the center of attention, but she is a princess and she must get used to it in any way. - "That's why Princess Celestia's positive response and her support for holding this transcendental event at the Royal Palace are so vital to our purposes."

- "I hope the mares of Canterlot are up to it then" - scoffed Shining Marigold with a hint of sarcasm, earning a knowing nudge from his sister.

Aster remained silent, his appearance a mixture of apprehension and longing, he knew that finding a partner was no longer a mere whim but a matter of life or death, both for him and for the entire kingdom.

Quickly, Blooming Rose turned to her brother Aster with a teasing smile - "What should my future sister-in-law be like, Aster? Any preferences?"

Aster simply smiled and rolled his eyes, his sisters had been teasing him a lot about that topic since he couldn't find a suitable mare in his hometown, resorting to Canterlot and its surroundings was the solution his father had proposed, though somewhat embarrassing, and his sisters were not going to let him forget about it.

-"Hahaha" - he said as sarcastically as he could - "at least I'll get someone faster than you could. It's impossible to bear you both."

His father smiled and watched his children tease each other. They've always had that kind of close relationship, and he was proud of them. - "Well, very well, you three are insufferable" - he said with a brief laugh - "now, go prepare your things, you will leave early tomorrow to Canterlot."

And so it was...

Prince Aster

Princess Blooming Rose

Princess Shinning Marigold

- "Wake uuuuuuuup!" - Blooming Rose's voice echoed with enthusiasm and joy, like a whirlwind of energy in the quiet morning, as she pounded on the main doors of her two brothers' rooms.

The prince, with a sleepy yet charming smile, rubbed his eyes with his hooves. - "Why always so early, Blooming?" - he managed to say loud enough for her to hear through the door.

- "Because love waits for no one, Aster" - Blooming Rose's response was quick and full of excitement.

- "Yeah well, I really don't want to keep the horses waiting for us in the carriage too long" - Shining Marigold chimed in with a calm and lazy voice, positioned behind his sister.

The siblings hurried to get ready for the trip to Canterlot, knowing they had to be ready to represent their family.

Aster got out of bed and got ready properly - "look, we have to make sure to make a good impression" - he said as he adjusted a casual suit for the journey. - "this is an important event for the kingdom, and we must live up to expectations."

Shining Marigold nodded. - "Exactly! We have to look impeccable and behave with the dignity expected of us as noble unicorns."

Blooming Rose joined in the effort. - "Yes, yes, I get it. I just hope all this is worth it."

'Hope all this is worth it' Aster repeated in his mind with apprehension. While he felt excited about the opportunity the gala represented, he was also extremely nervous; the burden on his shoulders was immense – finding true love to break the terrible curse before it was too late, he didn’t even know if he had a defined time.

He reflected on the mares in his hometown whom he had courted unsuccessfully. Most seemed only interested in his status as a prince and what he could offer them materially, without really caring about his feelings or getting to know his true self.

While he hated to generalize, Aster couldn't help but fear that the same pattern would repeat itself in Canterlot or blindly believe that all the mares he would go out with are the same. The change of scenery to Canterlot, a place where he wasn't so well known, could be good for him to find that girl who would make him feel complete without having to pretend, a destined companion to break the spell.

The royal palace of Canterlot was imbued with an atmosphere of anticipation and excitement. The rooms were bustling with activity as servants rushed back and forth, preparing everything for the imminent journey; the news of the gala spread like wildfire and had attracted a lot of attention, and preparations were in full swing.

At the Wonderbolts' headquarters, news of the royal gala soon arrived; Celestia had requested a show from them. The recruits were already leaving the academy; it had been a long morning of training. however, Rainbow Dash, who had over time earned a friendly spot among the Wonderbolts group, stayed longer to chat with them, she was taking a sip from her water bottle when she stopped to listen to Spitfire's exciting revelation.

-"Attention, Wonderbolts! We have a show to give tonight; there will be a royal gala in Canterlot, and as we know, the princess is looking for a special touch" - she said with her authoritative tone to her team - "and we are going to give them an unforgettable spectacle! is it clear?" - she didn’t lower her voice tone at any moment.

- "Does this mean we'll have to stay longer to practice the routine we're going to present?" - asked Misty Fly, a question that everyone had in mind but no one wanted to say because they already knew the answer; the other Wonderbolts exhaustedly looked at her with daggers in their eyes when she finished.

-"Yes, of course, even though it was a last-minute event by Princess Celestia, they also tell me that the hosts of the gala are requesting us for after the royal ball, so we have all afternoon to practice" - Spitfire proudly announced. All the others gasped in response.

-"No complaints! now go get ready, now!" - At that moment, everyone went to their respective lockers, Spitfire signaled Dash to follow her.

-"Rainbow Dash, you're our best recruit, so I leave the decision in your wings" - she looked at her with familiar determination - "would you like to join us in tonight's show at the gala, or would you prefer to stay?"

Rainbow Dash's eyes lit up with a mix of excitement and pride, although she wasn't thrilled about elegant events, she couldn't deny the possibility of flying alongside the team she had always dreamed of being a part of. This increased her chances of being named a Wonderbolt much sooner than she thought, and the prospect of showcasing her skills at a real event excited her.

- "Of course, count me in!" - she said jumping with excitement like a filly, which elicited some small laughs from Spitfire - "I couldn't be more grateful that you're considering me for this."

-"Take it as compensation for your hard work here" - she placed a hoof on her shoulder as they entered the lockers - "besides, you get along very well with all of us, so it won't be difficult for you to adapt to tonight's routine."

Dash approached her, smiling in response. She saw Spitfire walking away towards her office and joined the other Wonderbolts.

-"Rainbow Dash, you'll be a Wonderbolt for one night! Do you realize how cool that sounds?" - Fleetfoot, infected by the enthusiasm, hugged her with energy as she expressed her joy at having her as part of the show.

At that moment, a dark blue-maned pegasus approached from behind and passed a hoof around Dash's neck in a friendly gesture -"Wow, our little recruit is taking the big leap tonight!" - Soarin's playful yet manly voice echoed next to her ear, causing a slight shiver to run down her spine.

She looked up into those hypnotic emerald eyes that watched her with a mixture of pride and mischief. - “Of course I'm ready Clipper” - She answered with her usual confidence, however, her curiosity led her to ask a question that revealed her lack of knowledge about social events. - “By the way, Gala of what, I haven't heard anything?”

The next thing she heard was an exaggerated sigh from Surprise, full of disbelief as she shook Rainbow Dash by the shoulders. - “Do you live on a rock farm? How could you possibly not be aware of tonight's Royal Gala?”
-"Spitfire only mentioned that it would be a last-minute event, she didn't give any more details" - Rainbow Dash defended herself - "you know I don't usually follow much of the royal press."

Fire Streak handed the morning newspaper to Rainbow - "here you go, the headline says it all: 'Prince Aster heads to Canterlot in search of partner at Royal Gala.' - Intrigued, Rainbow Dash takes the newspaper and begin to reading the details of the extravagant celebration. As she read on, her brow furrowed more and more, until she finally burst into a defiant laugh.

-"An entire gala just to find a mare? What nonsense!" - she commented amidst laughter, finding the situation more comical than she had expected.

High Winds, next to her, shared the irony with a slight smile. - "Well, certainly not the most original idea the nobles have come up with."

- "Aw, come on, Dash. It can't be that boring, just imagine the excitement of witnessing a prince choose his future wife!” - the characteristic emerald-eyed boy commented.

Rainbow arched an eyebrow skeptically. - "Oh sure how exciting, I'm dying to attend" - she replied sarcastically, eliciting laughter from her fellow Wonderbolts.

Soarin chuckled lightly, not removing his hoof from Rainbow's shoulders. - “Well, maybe not as thrilling as flying in our air shows, but having an entire gala to look for a wife is something…” - He paused, searching for the right word.

-"Desperate? Precipitated? Risky, maybe?" - offered Thunderlane, completing the sentence for him. The room filled with nods and shared laughter, agreeing with the peculiar nature of the royal event.

-"Hey, maybe the prince just wants a little excitement in his love life!" - said Fleetfoot before turning to Rainbow Dash. -"Anyway, we'd better go practice the routine before Spitfire comes out and starts yelling as she usually does" - she handed Dash her Wonderbolt uniform.

The light comment and quick transition to practical preparation emphasized the unique blend of humor and professional focus that characterized the Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash accepted the uniform with a smile, ready to dive into practicing the routine they would prepare for the royal gala.

-"Yes, of course," - Soarin commented as the rest of the team went out to practice, his hoof still casually resting on Rainbow's shoulders. They advanced towards the training track located in the back part of the barracks, he gave her a warm smile before removing his hoof, to Dash's disappointment, and joined the others to start practice.

Author's Note:

hello everyone

I hope you are well, I am very excited about this story, I am infinitely grateful to JBlaser for the idea, I really hope you like the following chapters.

:heart::twilightsmile:see you :twilightsmile::heart: