• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 674 Views, 64 Comments

Princess Spike - Daelyx Len Auphydas

One day, Spike wakes up as an Alicorn, and nopony seems to remember what happened last night to cause this.

  • ...

Magic Kindergarten

"Spike, this is amazing!" Twilight announces, frantically looking through the produced body of research material that her laboratory provided her with. She'd set up a new laboratory in the castle of friendship in one of the many empty rooms, far from the library; The lab was one of the most accident prone rooms in the entire building and if there was an explosion, she would prefer if it didn't destroy all of her books.

Spike shivers a little, looking around the once familiar laboratory. he was currently hooked up to a variety of high-tech looking doodads with Celestia-knows what purpose. Somehow, the laboratory felt very different when he was the current object of Twilight's fascination. It felt almost, deponyizing somehow. "Uh, what's amazing?" Spike asks unsurely.

Twilight of course was entirely oblivious as she looks up at Spike excitedly. "Your anatomy seems completely novel! I've never seen anything like it. You seem like an Alicorn but, you have a higher body temperature than any pony I've ever seen, even with a fever. And these scans would seem to show some organs I've never seen before attached to your digestive tract!" Twilight exclaims, poring over a magical device that appeared somewhat similar to a camera, but with three symmetrical crystals in place of a lens.

Spike rubs his forelegs uncomfortably. "Twilight, is this really necessary..?" Spike asks.

Twilight blinks at him as though startled. "Huh? Is what necessary?"

"All... This." Spike motions at all the gear hooked up to them. "I thought you were going to teach me how to keep my magic under control."

Twilight nods. "Well, of course I am. But first I need to figure out what kind of magic you're even producing and how much there is, and..." Twilight trails off, as Spike crosses his forelegs, raising his brow.

"Are you sure about that? Because it seems to me like you're just going off on one of your crazy research projects, with me as your guinea pig." Spike retorts, giving Twilight pause.

Twilight blinks at him, looking lost for a long moment. "I... That's not true, I just..." She starts, crestfallen. There is a long pause, before she sighs unhappily. "I... Your right, Spike, I'm sorry. Let me run one more battery of tests and we'll get to practicing, alright? I promise, just whats absolutely necessary. I just want to make sure that you're healthy and that I establish a baseline for you, so I know what to look for if anything goes wrong. Ok?" Twilight asks, pleadingly.

Spike looks hesitant, but relents. "Ok. One more set of tests. Then you're going to show me how to get this thing under control." Spike motions at his horn. Although it was a very precarious, confusing situation, it also feels a little exciting; He'd spent his entire life around unicorns but, he'd never had a chance to actually experience what it was like to be one. And now not only would he get to do that, but discover what being a pegasus was like, too. It really was something new; in that way, he could somewhat understand why Twilight was so excitable about the situation.

"Alright, let me just get a blood sample and take some magical readings and that will suffice for now." Twilight promises.

As soon as Twilight gets the data logged and properly recorded- Without her assistant's help for once, given that he was busy being the subject- she helps Spike out of all the equipment and back onto his feet. It takes him a second to get a feel for it once again, but after stumbling in place he is able to stand upright, like a normal pony who wasn't inexplicably transformed overnight. Twilight's heart glows a little with pride seeing how quickly he'd gotten used to his temporary form.

"Alright Spike, I hope you're ready for magic kindergarten, courtesy of Twilight Sparkle!" Twilight announces. Spike looks down, a little ashamed- Even though he was brand new to this whole magic thing, it still felt a little humiliating to be referred to as a kindergartner, especially with how much Twilight herself seemed to dread the thought of being sent back to magic kindergarten.

Of course, the title wasn't entirely accurate; spending as much time as he had around Twilight without picking up at least the basics of magical theory by osmosis was quite simply impossible, so he was well ahead of a magic kindergartner. Which was convenient; It meant that Twilight could jump straight to the point. "So, Spike. Do you remember at all what it felt like when you started using magic?" She starts. Spike nods hesitantly.

"Um, I guess so." Spike rubs the back of his head unsurely. He sort of could, but it was wrapped up in other thoughts and feelings from when it had happened- panic, mostly. "Well... The first time, I just felt trapped and wanted out, and... Then I felt something growling inside me, like I had just eaten too many rubies and was belching fire. Only, it wasn't in my stomach, or anywhere, really. I just felt that the fire wanted out, then... It just kind of happened. Spike struggles to explain the feelings, which defied any attempt to summarize them in words. It was like straining a muscle, only the muscle didn't have any physical location and wasn't part of his body.

Twilight nods. "That's the most basic form of unicorn magic, will to power. When you get into more complicated spells, alot more work, focus, and understanding goes into it, but for most reflexive spells its just a matter of wanting something to happen and pouring magic into that want. But it might be a bit tricky to get a feeling for when you're pouring magic into something or not- Even I can make that mistake sometimes, remember that one time I cast Starswirl's spell by reading it aloud without understanding it first?" Spike nods- That had been quite the day, he didn't think he'd be forgetting it anytime soon.

"Well, that should help show how its important to keep a handle on your magic. Once you've had some practice it'll become second nature, but for now you will probably need to focus. Try closing your eyes and feeling every part of yourself." Twilight continues, instructing Spike. "Maybe try clenching your muscles one at a time to focus on each part of yourself.

Spike squeezes his eyelids tightly shut and does as Twilight requested- It wasn't hard to feel how different everything was now that he was focusing on it, pretty much every part of his body was different and some were even entirely new. He could feel his wings- somehow despite being new, they feel more natural than alot of the rest of his body, since at least they were scaly still. The fuzzy mane that felt like Twilight's, that was the really unusual part. But steadily, as he progresses through each part like Twilight had instructed, he finds a few things that were unusual.

Firstly, a couple things he had expected to find were conspicuously missing. But more to the point at the moment, there was one... thing he could feel, could tense up sort of, yet couldn't actually feel where on his body it was or what it was at all. Spike blinks his eyes open, confused, and notices with some shock that sparks were pulsing through his horn.

"Huh!?" He yelps, alarmed. Twilight placed a small shield over the surface of his horn to make sure there wasn't another eruption of green fire, and soothingly laid one wing over him.

"Careful, now. You feel that, right? That's your magic." Twilight explains to him. "Its not a part of your body, but its still a part of you. Try to focus on that and get used to how it feels. That will help you understand how to control it." Twilight gently guides, wishing she could do more than give instructions.

Spike looks overwhelmed and grasps at his horn as if trying to keep it under control with his hooves. "Why does it keep sparking on its own?" He wails. "I don't remember it ever doing that for you!"

Twilight holds him a little tighter with her wing, and responds patiently. "You have alot more magic than I did when I was a filly, and haven't had any time to get used to it. So its pretty hard to control right now. Just try to focus. Do you feel it?" Twilight asks in a gentle tone. Slowly, Spike closes his eyes and focuses, and the sparks from his horn stop.

"Ok, I... I think I got it." Spike replies unsurely.

Twilight claps her hooves together excitedly. "Good! You're getting the hang of this quickly! Now, try and focus on it and just let it all out!" Twilight instructs

Spike looks at Twilight skeptically. "Are you sure that's a good idea? What if I burn something down again?" Spike asks, worriedly.

Twilight pulls him in a bit closer and offers him a brief, reassuring nuzzle. "Don't worry about that. I'll be right here, and I'll keep everything contained if something goes wrong." Silently, she wishes Shining Armor were there... His shield spells were still a higher class than her own, and would be a more reliable containment measure. But Shining Armor was, as usual, half of Equus away, so she would have to suffice.

Spike nods after a moment, and settles into a fierce stance, taking a deep breathe before closing his eyes. A moment later, a jet of green flame shoots from his horn, almost striking the wall before Twilight hastily conjures up a cooling barrier to absorb the heat. It's so powerful! I'm actually having to exert myself quite a bit to keep it under control! Twilight thinks, as she cools and dissipates the green fire so it cant do any damage. Then, she erupts in a cheer.

"That's amazing, Spike! You've got a handle on it so quickly!" She announces, elated.

Spike blushes a little at the praise, self consciously. "Well, you did raise me... It'd be hard to be around the most magically gifted unicorn Equestria has ever seen this long without picking up something."

Now it was Twilight's turn to blush at the praise. "I don't know if I'm all that amazing..."

"Not that amazing? Twi, you're so good at magic that you turned yourself into an Alicorn, defeated several existential threats to Equestria, and hatched me. If that's not amazing, I don't know what is." Spike announces in a deadpan tone- Less an exclamation, more a snarky rebuttal to the outlandish claim that Twilight "Wasn't all that amazing."

Twilight can't help but giggle, blushing even more. Knowing Spike believed in her so much always made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. But she snaps back to attention, excitedly- Really, there was something truly amazing about this scenario, that she was only just now fully wrapping her head around. She could share one of her great passions in life- magic- with her lifelong companion, when she never could before! "Enough about me, Spike. I want to see what you can do." She announces, manifesting a quill and paper and handwriting a letter- much messier than Spike's flawless claw-writing, but Spike was otherwise indisposed right now.

"See if you can send this to Princess Celestia." Twilight requests, levitating the message over to him. Spike blinks.

"Huh? But how?" Spike asks. "I'm not a dragon anymore, at least not right now."

Twilight shakes her head. "But you are still producing dragonfire, and you can see it on your cutie mark! I'm sure you can do it!" She affirms, filled with faith in her longtime companion.

Spike hesitates, unsurely, then takes a deep breathe. "Alright, I can try..." He closes his eyes and steadies himself, focusing on his magic, while also trying to visualize the letters destination just like he usually did, and then... Let it loose. A small spurt of green fire quickly devours the message, and Twilight claps her hooves together in delight.

"That's amazing, Spike!" Twilight announces, ecstatically. "Not only did you get a grasp on Alicorn magic, but you've managed to integrate your dragon magic into it, too! I've never heard of anything like this before!" Twilight sounds positively enchanted, enraptured by the possibilities.

"Twi, you're doing the thing again." Spike points out in a deadpan tone.

Twilight blinks, and rubs the back of her head with her hoof. "Eheh... Sorry." Twilight smiles at him sheepishly. He was right; it was more important to focus on practice and control right now, than getting lost in the research possibilities. "Well, let's do some more practice to make sure you've got it under control. Then maybe we can have something to eat- You'll have to tell me if things taste differently with Alicorn taste buds." Twilight nudges Spike. "Alright, next let's try..."