• Published 27th Mar 2024
  • 674 Views, 64 Comments

Princess Spike - Daelyx Len Auphydas

One day, Spike wakes up as an Alicorn, and nopony seems to remember what happened last night to cause this.

  • ...

Bathy bathy

"So, where are we headed, Spike?" Twilight asks her worn out companion. "You wanna take Rainbow's suggestion and head to the spa?"

Spike shakes his head. "I think I'll pass on that. I've had enough of everypony staring at me for today, somehow I think the reactions I'd get would make it kinda hard to relax. Let's just head home."

Twilight shrugs. Spike does have a point. "Alright, suite yourself." Twilight smiles at Spike. "We'd better get a move on, I'm sure everypony will want to see you before the sun goes down." Twilight glances back at her brother. "What did you want to talk to them about, anyways?"

Spike stands upright as he leads the way back. "I realized that I've been keeping my feelings in too much. Talking to Starlight earlier made me realize that." Spike sighs, and closes his eyes for a moment before setting his jaw with a determined look. "I want to tell everypony how I feel. I want everypony to know how I see them and how I want them to see me."

Twilight beams with pride. "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Spike. I can't wait."

The pair pass through the gates into the castle and trot down the hallways until they arrive at the bathroom. "Well, I guess I'll leave you to it." Twilight states. "I'll uh, see you in the throne room with everypony else when you're done?"

"Wait!" Spike calls out, taking Twilight's hoof. "Um. I don't... I've never had to wash a mane or tail before." Spike blushes, looking down. "Do you um. Do you think you could help?"

Twilight smiles dotingly. It had only been about a year since she had stopped bathing Spike personally to let him have independence anyways, so the request doesn't strike her as particularly strange. "Of course, Spike. I'd be happy to. You know you don't need to be embarrassed around me, right?"

Spike nods, gratefully, and hops into the bathroom, turning on the water and sitting outside of the bathtub testing the water until it has warmed up sufficiently. Since he wouldn't exactly want to sit around in a puddle of muddy water from everything sticking to his coat and mane, he leaves the stopper out and turns on the showerhead.

It's definitely a bit cramped, but the bath is large enough that its not too hard for Twilight to climb in after Spike, sitting in front of him. "Wet your mane." Twilight instructs. "I'll help wash it out."

Spike dips his head into the stream of water, grunting quietly. This feels... considerably different than he is used to! Scales didn't really let anything get soaked, so water had only ever felt warm or cold to him before. Now... This is quite different. He can feel all of his fur, his mane, his tail, all getting thoroughly saturated, hanging down with weight from the water and clinging to his skin. It becomes kind of hard to see pretty quickly, as his wet mane, previously flared upwards like a tongue of fire, is instead draping over his eyes.

But however uncomfortable the wet hair might feel, as soon as Twilight places her hooves in his mane with shampoo and starts massaging it into his scalp, Spike lets out a low, droning sound of comfort. That felt nice, very nice. A satisfied smile drifts across his face, basking in the feeling until he almost forgets why he was even there, his posture slouching as he grows increasingly more relaxed.

"Alright, I think I'm done. Go ahead and rinse out your mane and I'll see what I can do about your tail." Twilight's voice in his ear startles Spike back to awareness.

"H-huh? Oh, uh, right." Spike ducks his mane back under the water. "Ow!" Spike reaches up to rub his eyes as the shampoo gets in them, but Twilight takes his hoof and stops him.

"Don't rub your eyes, it'll just damage them more!" Twilight quickly states. "Wash them out with water!" She instructs, tilting Spike's head up into the stream.

That is not comfortable. But if Twilight is telling him to do it, Spike knows its for the best, so he struggles to keep his eyes open even while water pours over them. "Urgh, that stings." Spike drones, grimacing.

"Sorry, I guess I should've warned you. I didn't think about how you'd never had to shampoo your head before. You need to keep your eyes shut when rinsing or it can get in your eyes." Twilight explains, scooting as far back in the bath as she can. "Try and give me some more room to work now, so I can get at your tail."

Spike does his best, scooting to the front edge of the tub, so that Twilight can do her best to massage shampoo into his tail. As she works, the soap and dirt together washing down the drain slowly fades to just soapy bubbles as Spike approaches proper cleanliness. The tail fibers are... A little odd to say the least, given that the actual meat-and-bone part of the tail is thicker and more muscular than in a normal pony, with a few odd spines mixed in with the hairs that prick her hooves.

To add on to that, it has the same character as his mane, poofing out into flame shaped curls naturally, and with an odd feeling of warmth to the touch. Twilight gets the odd feeling that, while at the moment what she is touching might be hair, it could change at a moments notice, just like she had seen the previous day.

"Alright, I think you're all clean now!" Twilight announces, triggering Spike to turn around and stretch, placing the cover over the drain so that the water could start filling up.

"Well I certainly feel alot more clean, now. Thanks a million, Twi." Spike giggles, giving a sly half-smile. "It might have taken something out of the sincerity of talking to our friends if I looked like some kinda swamp creature while I did."

Twilight giggles in turn at the mental image, and splashes Spike playfully. "Oh, you." Spike grins and splashes her back, and soon enough their bath has descended into a battle fought entirely with waves of water, spilling over the edge of the tub and countering any attempt by the water to fill up.

Spike drapes his forelegs over the edge of the tub and looks over it, snickering. "Well, there goes the bathwater." He looks over at Twilight, suddenly curious. "...How do ponies normally clean their tails anyways, without help? It doesn't seem like you'd be able to reach them."

Twilight shrugs. "Well, its not too hard for me, I have unicorn magic to brush it out with. Though, that is a bit less precise than doing it by hoof. I'm not really sure how earth ponies or pegasi manage." Twilight strokes her chin, thoughtfully. "I guess even as an Alicorn, there's some things about being a different type of pony I don't really understand. You could probably ask AJ or Rainbow Dash."

Spike looks skeptically at Twilight. Brushing and washing a body part behind them entirely through the use of telekinesis sounded... Difficult. With that in mind, Spike pulls his forelegs back into the tub, which was just starting to accumulate a new reservoir of bathwater. "Want me to help, then? I mean, I'd just be returning the favor." Spike offers.

Twilight smiles at her little brother encouragingly. "Sure, why not? I transformed too, after all, I wouldn't mind getting some special treatment."

Author's Note:

Nopony take anything weirdly now. Ponies are a nudist society in the first place, there's nothing suggestive about taking a bath together, its just a display of emotional intimacy without any further implications.

Also, my cousin insisted I name it this, so blame them for that.