• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 291 Views, 5 Comments

Life of a Sullen Warrior - King Of The Below

a young woman with an abnormal tail is thrown into a world far removed from her own farmer life, now stuck in this new land of magic and odd folks from all walks of life what can someone do in her position? Live? fight? die by the hands of another?

  • ...

Book 1: Chapter 3 Part 2: Hardship or budding friendship?

Book 1: Chapter 3 Part 2: Hardship or budding friendship?

Sazuka could feel her limbs creak with every stretch, despite the morning's shinning sun she knew better than to let her body get weaker. Keeping her legs and arms loosened was one of the first lessons her grandfather taught her. The nurse entered the room quickly sizing up her standing patient and hurried her back into bed with a tiny glare.

"Miss Sazuka, though I am your nurse I am only going to repeat myself one time, please, by the queen please remain in bed, this is the fourth time I've caught you out of bed. I won't repeat myself again Ok?"

Although not apparent to the human she stood tall at those words, it was like her mother all over again! She nodded at the terrifying glare from this mare, how one mare could possess such a power was something she'd never understand. Although brief it had been a quick 2 day further recovery, although not surprised doctor whooves upon a secondary x-ray had found that strangely her body began to quickly reinforce parts of her body, pieces of muscle and bone reinforced like a soldier with a healing spell. That was virtually impossible by most mages even the queens allegedly, but this creature healed at an explosive pace in just the short week she'd been here.

Though the doctor was rather concerned for her mentally, sure she was just another patient in a long list but this was something alien to them entirely, she showed signs of paranoia and depression, often going quiet or being found crying by the nurse. He couldn't in good conscious recommend that she remain, after all no patient would be given treatment unless they wished.

Through all his life, he never had imagined that someone like this would come along. Her bone structure, the power she displayed all showed signs of something alien yet calming. In his mind, maybe it was the stress of the job but even he couldn't help but feel at ease knowing at least one patient recovered physically. Though he was rather curious of this supposed glare, miss Fluttershy had been an animal doctor before being hired to the job personally by the queens for the kindness she showed even to the smallest of ponies.

Though he wasn't sure if she would make a good nurse, he was proven wrong when even the most downtrodden and hopeless patients, some who were terminal and had only so long smiled, wept, laughed all because of nurse Fluttershy. In his heart, he was glad to have her along and for this patient? He was sure she'd be no different. He still wished to aid her mentally but she showed no real signs of trusting them, often ignoring food to what he imagined as meditation or was found last night fighting what looked to be ghosts to the point several guards had to restrain her back to bed, only for her 10 minutes later to fall asleep, not speaking even to himself or the nurse.

In retrospect, he shouldn't have asked for the queens advice or aid on this, he was sure he could handle it alongside nurse fluttershy on the matter but the prospect of an alien was all too foreign in his mind.


Deep in the Everfree Forest was the broken remains of an old castle, the first castle of the two sisters, no matter where they tread this forest was still home in its early days. For one filly it was a reminder of a grander time, one that all she wished could return. This filly was unnamed but her form resembled two sides of the same coin, the burning sun and the emotionless moon a shadowy flaming mass of metal and magic. Barely sustainable but just there, long enough to remain in her physical form.

With The past of pony kind, there relayed two sisters one who became the moon and the other the sun, both loved each other dearly so much so they refused every sutor in favor remaining pure and kind to the ponies they ruled over. The realm they ruled in their eyes deserved nothing but the best of their efforts even if it meant they were lonely. This love between sisters began as all things with time, to fade, soon this love turned to a middling annyoance and then to resentment the other blaming the other for their issues. They once had a teacher, a bright unicorn by the name of Starswirl he helped them into their roles and even aided in their genuine efforts to improve and become the best rulers the could be.

Such was the reality of ruling a massive realm I suppose. This divide became greater and greater over time, to the degree one nearly turned on the other out of jealously and hatred, this could not be allowed to pass. In a desperate attempt to avoid this fate their teacher with his last strength alongside his allies imprisoned their darkness, each sister as pure as the could be in his eyes. A deal had to be made, such was that never again the two sisters vowed to banish all darkness from this great world of theirs, even if meant staining their souls with the blood of darkness.

What they didn't know, even to their horror was the state of teacher and his friends. Imprisoned in a dimension of pure darkness for so long, In order to seal such a powerful magic away the proper method required would take their pure souls, untainted by dark magic or alicorn lifespans. The two sister's wept for what the considered a second father even as their parents had long since left this realm, never did the believe he would be the hardest loss in life.

From this darkness, taking form was no simple task. At one time it assumed the form of a hybrid of sorts, golden encrusted armor lighten by pure shadows, it deemed it time to strike this world free of their purity, return it to its former glory by any means necessary. This promise even led her sisters to find her again, afraid of their choice and wishing it not on anyone but themselves, even as the queen's most promising student and five mares restored the elements of harmony. Tools long lost to the sands of time, thought to be a myth even by them for their use against a chaos god.

Even as the colors swirled and the energy flared and "purified" the darkness what was left was nothing but a filly, although no one knew of her much less this state. This child purified into it weakest state, loss of magic and the ability to reform into a proper adult it cursed them deeming them unfit to the heavens even as she wept at this tragedy. All she wanted was to be one, restore them to the balance that they once had, unify sisters in an eternal bond befitting the gods.

For a time, all she could register was the feelings of hunger, the rumblings of her stomach and her need to become whole once again. The hunger wasn't an issue, using some illusion magic she was able to scrounge up the means to keep herself together but as her magic dwindled she couldn't help but second guess her intentions, would restoring them really help her? Would becoming one unify their bond or simply drive them apart again?

This power, this magic was all she had yet she couldn't shake the feeling of an impending event, whatever it was it would change things that much she was sure of. Until one day she sensed them, another broken soul. They carried the power of a beast in a barely controllable state, like herself, they were of kin in this manner. She wished to aid them even at the cost of herself, her goal was all that mattered but saving another could be useful.

The princess of the Eclipse's haphazard attempt to survive was nigh for naught until she found that camp, she had run low and while she wished to regain her full power the hatred and will is what drove her forward. All for the good of their bond. As she inspected the camp she was fortunate to find sustenance and a nice bed, considering the dirt she was used to.

As the page turned on this chapter so did her strength, she felt it grow, little by little as she consumed what was around even applying the method of stealing from the beasts to satiate her hunger. The very spell used to seal her had long ince faded, though she loved her teacher as they did she couldn't help but resent the old fool. Attempting such magic was unheard and to seal them away was unheard of even by their power.

Soon hunger turned to power but this feeling, this other soul wished for home and so did she. They were of kin in that regard and she prayed for their safe journey even if she knew her sisters to be watching such a pony, not one feather fell without their knowing their council and parliament made it their mission to dutifully server their rulers. She could feel her sisters but could they feel her? what would they say after she had been spared from the elements? These questions boggled her mind although she would rather rest and regain her strength than waste precious thoughts.


The Sun shined down brightly upon the Apple Farm, bright and early the apple family quick go to work, Bright-mac and his wife Pear butter, two bright ponies upon the small town and while their in-laws often distaste for the other for a lack of a better word, they loved one another deeply and with their three children they did their best on their little farm.

The farm ponies despite their age knew better than to waste a wink of sunlight, from the brightest dawn shined their three children, Applejack, Big mac and the latest addition from a few years ago, Applebloom. The three ponies worked hard on the farm never giving in even in the face of those horrid brothers who attempted to steal their buisness, even as a family they remained strong.

From the crack of dawn there was plenty of work to be done but what confused them was Applebloom looking rather in thought, not that they didn't expect that she just worked hard and was rarely out of pace with her siblings. Applejack softly poked her sister's side for the filly to jump back and give a little eep, turning to her sister and sheepishly smiling "Oh hey Sis, what's up?"

Her sister's eyebrow raised at her smaller sister "Ya know Applebloom, you've been working hard lately but you been spacing out, you doing alright?"

"O-oh Yea! sorry just been thinking a lot lately about some things is all...."

"Wanna tell me what it is? you do know you can come to be about anything."

"Oh no its ok! its just something about scootaloo, she's been worried about someone she knows is all!"

The older mare once more looked confused, she was sure that filly was ok but who could she be worried about that much to affect applebloom? rather strange but her sister's words is what drew her annoyance, it wasn't just worry there was something these fillies were talking about. She would never make her tell her but if this was important she hoped that she would come to her about it.

Big-Mac soflty nudged his sister who smiled in return, soon the three went back to work with their ma and Pa peacefully watching from the porch although Bright-mac had noticed this in Applebloom he wasn't going to pressure the child himself, never big on talking about emotions least not with others. His wife only nuzzled him and giggled at his deep thought "Hun I'm sure she's fine its probably just one of their little crusades alright? I doubt its anything that important to be worrying over, she's a growing kid after all."


Back in Ponyville it was of notice now to the great Fashionista that her sister was beginning to confuse her, first she was going more out to her little crusades with her friends and she didn't see scootaloo as often, not that she wasn't worried for the dear but her sister knew something. She had to, it began to concern her little by little.

Turning to the bright filly she noticed much like Applebloom she seemed in thought more than usual, sure the kid was usually trying to think of new crusades like martial arts or even bowling to get into but they often failed but she admired her little sister's determination sometimes wishing she had some of that when designing new outfits.

Giving the filly a light tap on the shoulder she chuckled "Now sweetie I appreciate thinking of new ideas for dresses's but we musn't falter after all, we've got some big orders to fill out alright? I would be more interested if you told me what you are in such deep thought over hm? maybe that cute dragon you had your eye on perhaps?"

The fillies face instantly went red and heated with a steaming heat in her face as she quickly shook her head "No no no! I've just been thinking about Scootaloo really, I always wondered where she lives, she never tells us and I respect her choice but I'd like to see her family sometime, might be fun you know?"

As much as the mare loved gossip she couldn't help but wonder the same thing herself, wondering if the filly even had family to speak of, she rarely ever talked about home and never seemed to mention anyone, she didn't want to assume home life might not be faint for the heart but the worry was still there even if this was her sister's friend.

Turning back to the canvass that was her studio, she looked to her sister and smiled to which the filly smiled in return. The dress before was just one of many designs she had prepared, the queens were holding another gala quite soon and she wanted to invite those mares again and possibly even the girls along. It would be a fun night for them all to get away from the city even if that ruffian Rainbow dash would be the subject of many headache, that girl couldn't even sit still for a doctor!


As the moon falls, the sun rise and on this day the sun wished a word with her sister. She was very much interested in this other worlder, her sister had failed to enter her dreams and even she knew her sister was no stallions fool in this manner. Heading down the hall she looked upon the glass, upon it laid the rememberences of her teacher, his allies and their wish to seal that darkness away. Upon entering her sister's room she noted her form, messy mane and having left her armor on it stand, with a small snicker she tread upon her and poked her shoulder, for her siter to jump with a eep most unroyl giving her a small glare in return.

"Why dear sister I didn't think you were still a filly, must be my age, oh my poor sister still a baby even our ten thousand years later~" The bright mare smiled at her sister to which she got a light shove in return.

"Sister while we doubt the accuracy of Thy statement I wish to implore something, this other worlder, do you believe they are safe? who knows what they harbor if they cannot be seen even in dreams. What troubles is me the contents of such a dream, blood and fire a conflicted soul harboring both hatred and light. Much like us....."

"Well Sister if their dreams are anything to go off of, I think they could be probably scared. Another being from a world not our own being thrown into the chaos that is Eques and on their own? I would say in such a position, without you I would be afraid but do not fret. I'm sure twilight will handle the situation if such an issue arises."

"I fear sometimes you put too much faith in our student, yes she is talented and a gifted mage but could she be up to the task of handling someone of another world? Should we not intervene in this, I would hope so, I have my doubts that she truly understands friendship and its lessons dear sister."

Her sister nodded, with a smile as she laid upon the bed next to her sister. "While I agree to some extent, I wish that not all matters be settled by us and us alone, we may be rulers but we are not gods, though the power of the sun and moon bend to us at a whim we cannot forget they are this world's life, even the other worlder is of such respect as this. I do hope I am correct in my decision not to find them the first time they arrived to this world but I would hope my student can learn, she must."

The smaller Alicorn nodded and sighed at this, nothing like this had ever befell her perview, a creature of another world refusing dreams and refusing her? nothing had ever done so and while she trusted her sister she couldn't help but wonder if this creature was a hostile, that ape, the ferocity and might it displayed while miniscule to herself or her sister even Cadence, it didn't bode well if such a power was unleashed.

"Now on the topic of today, you've tried getting into their dreams right? how has that been going for you? I would guess its a bit exciting going into the dreams of something unknown."

"As of yet not really, using much of my dream magic is used just to see the mind of the pony and view their dreams that much you know but their mind is like a maze, trying to unlock such a place has become an annoyance for me, more so that if your assumption is to be believed then why does their dream not open to the mistress of dreams? I have not since been able to view it although I've gotten small flashes, a roaring beast, a golden aura and the power of a mortal all on display, she's powerful, with the right training she could be a good knight for this kingdom sister."

"Oh come now luna, I doubt myself that such a being is this powerful, if anything it might be a worthy trip to see them in person no? The summons from a doctor whooves tell us little of them but by the crown they have requested aid in this manner." Glowing brightly was a piece of paper with a cursive dialect not unlike some nobles and officials/members, the doctor was a good one, even by most professions he was at home treating others.

"That could be a fun trip Tia but what of your student and those who brought the elements out of hiding? should they be alerted of this matter? You said so yourself that they deserve to handle the affairs of friendship but if this creature poses any risk it would be best to have them ready." The mare getting a weird look from her sister, sure it was logical to think this way but they couldn't do the same with every intruder to their land. If they did then the dragons would not be as charming nor as kind as they can be with stocks of gold.

The bright mare nodded "While that is true sister as another kind has entered our world not native to this realm, we have a duty to at least find them if possible and seek them out. It is best to establish grounds for some level of co-operation, you know this better than I, you're the better diplomat after all~" Her sister only rolled her eyes at the comment.

"By better diplomat you mean playing a word game and trying my best not to be annoyed by the gifts, flowers, admissions of love and so on by gently telling them no, then yes sister." The mare gave a snort of laughter at this and smiled hugging her sister to which the sun mare returned in full.


From the hospital we see a bright and restless human, balancing and attempting to a push-up while hand-standing trying to remain as balanced as she could, from the door opening the women paid it no mind hearing the clatter of a fresh plate of food and liquids, keeping her mind as focused as she could with the gentle mare sighing at this. She shook her head as the woman stood up and cracked her limbs before sitting in the bed and quickly devouring the food.

"I have to ask you if that's ok but why do you insist on pushing yourself physically? you can't fully recover if you waste your energy doing all this exercise miss Sazuka..." The shy mare gave a tiny glare and though the human gave a sheepish smile she swallowed the load of food before responding.

"Well that's easy miss fluttershy, I have to keep up my training even if their is no immediate threat its always best to stay in shape to always be prepared and that means even when its my last day here."

The mare cocked and eyebrow at the words before smiling "If you don't mind me asking, why put yourself through more training like this? it can't be good to do nothing but one thing all day or all the time you have in a day, when I go home I take time to help the animals but I try my best I suppose...."

"I guess its a manner of work ethics here, I choose to keep pushing and you choose another path, I respect that. I just feel better doing something than sitting around doing nothing at all, never really questioned why I love the thrill of pushing myself to my limit but I do." From the doorway a soft glow eminated as the door opened to Doctor whooves, bright smile and all as he did a quick check of the patients body, hearing, heart rate, general things.

The stallion noted the human's odd healing and with the mentions of this training, he supposed she was some sort of thrill seeker no one would willingly break their body just for more power even if they had some ultimate goal. "While I'm no expert I would hope next time you don't end up worse than when you were found in, your outfit has been ready for some time, I sent my thanks to your friend miss Fluttershy, nice pony that mare. If nothing else changes you appear find you'll be released by the end of the work day today, just to be sure of any possible lingering pain."

The human nodded and not long after the time came, wishing the staff well she was sure to keep a low profile using her speed in brief bursts to head out through the back and directly to the woods. When arriving she couldn't help but feel a bit happy at the scent of the woods, felt like home if anything.


Not long after the two queens made a quick visit not alerting their student, the bright doctor Whooves couldn't help but feel silly for asking for their aid but informed them of the patients departure, he reccomended they could wait for another possible visit but the mares looked rather annoyed, not at him but at the patients vanishing.

The queen of dreams shook her head before turning to the sky above, the two mares taking their leave as the mare in the moon looked above "Sister, do you mind if I search for them? I know it to be odd but if this other worlder is to be found then I think it best the mistress of night do so right?"

The older mare look to her sister with a bit of surprise "While I'm not opposed are you sure you wish to go alone? I'm no expert in alien cultures but wouldn't it be more prudent if we both go? I do not wish harm to come to you sister." The mare's bright eyes shinning with concern.

"Sister I apologize for any issue but I must see to it, if we are to make contact then it is best one of the rulers make a first attempt at communication, besides you forget we are not frail rulers, I'm sure I will be ok this I promise." She smiled gently, nuzzling her sister lovingly who did so in return.

The two mares smiled as the sun began to dim, her elder sister's bright horn glowing as it lowered further down and into the night, the mare gave a nod once more as she vanished into the night searching for such a beast. In the Everfree despite her former castle being here the land respect the two sisters and no creature dared oppose the gods of the sun and moon. With a glow of her horn the darkness gave way to light with a bright passage dug fresh in fact from something stepping on it. This must be a sign!

The darkness brimming from her shadow-like visage shinning into the world below as she trekked further and further into the depths. From the darkness a small campfire light gently in the silent night, shinning before her as her senses kicked into gear, smiling gleefully the mare burst forth with incredible speed towards the camp.


The bright fire was one of the few things that kept her warm besides the little hut she had made for herself, she felt like a bum if anything but it wasn't all bad. Meeting some friendly nurse and doctor, meeting Scootaloo to which she hoped the kid wasn't terribly worried she could just say that she had been out gathering supplies although when she made her way back to her camp she found it disturbed.

The little hut had been slept in and some of her caught fish was gone, half of the load in fact! whatever came by was very hungry although something didn't feel right, felt too neat if anything but she wasn't going to spend all night worrying about some animal eating some of her food. Then a gust of wind, that wasn't natural something was closing in and quick, though she wasn't ready for a fight if need be she would defend herself.

The shimmering light of her aura gently flowed as energy flew into her hand, before crushing it and trying to hone it. She could vaguely see it, it was there, that sense of energy but something was just wrong here. Using what tiny bits of energy she could she weaved past a glow of energy, the bright light singing past her as the dark mares large wings created a shadow of pure black over the fire even as the cat-like eyes peered into her soul she remained steadfast.

Battle theme

"Not Sure if you can understand me....thing. I wish not to battle but if you come any close you leave me no choice but to battle, please walk away, I am but a hermit looking for a way home." The creature didn't seem to know her words but could hear them, the creature gave no response. Even as its own energy flared and charged forth she could only narrowly avoid the blast as it came smacking it away with heavy effort, that felt like the oozaru but even greater! what was this thing!?

The beast soared into the air before attempting with its horn to try and cut her off from escape, the notably high raise energy couple with this intense pressure, it could make her knees buckle if she wasn't trying her best right now, she had more than enough to hold it off but that didn't mean she could knock it out. Her best hope was to try and do any amount of damage she could, the alicorn soared above as its energy raised, unknowingly triggering the battle instincts of the saiyan woman as the blast smashed into her, trying to force it into the air the woman barely kicked the blast up into the air where it harmlessly exploded.

From the right a single strike swept her off her feet followed by a light strike down near her head, this thing had the same idea huh. She could block the first hit but the second smashed into her arm creating a shockwave, she could feel every inch of her scream out to get away but her own instincts kicking in, her energy flowed as a white aura shined around her, then around the Alicorn. She hadn't perfect it but if this Ki bind was anything she could freeze her for a moment!

"Hey hey! I don't want to fight you, I just wanna be left alone can't you understand me!?"

To her shock the thing chuckled "Of course warrior, I know this but seeing you use such power that my sister and I thought to just be tall tales intrigues me, you and I will battle. If you can manage that long that is, your body betrays your thoughts you know, you shake with excitement even as your control fade."

Shit, she wasn't wrong but what else could she do here? this thing was clearly just toying with her, on cue the mare simply flapped her wings and broke free of the bind as the ki shattered like glass, another strike this time a horn full of energy right at the chest with her just barely able to hold it as she was slammed against a tree with intense force. She had to think but this was getting too dangerous! If she was going to test her she might be dead when this over! If only....She grunted with effort as the blast singed to a halt her hands burning slightly with the singe of heat fresh on them.

"You look excited yet you do not fight back warrior, am I wrong to assume you are just a hermit? maybe this is all a game for you, maybe you're truly hiding your power for fear. I must commend you, this has been fun but if this is all you can offer me then you will be the one to lose this game my friend."

As a light drop of sweat fell down the human's face she couldn't help but feel excited, her blood pumping and her heart racing, this was a real fight! If this was going to be a test then she'd put all her effort in, she wouldn't dishonor her opponent like this. The aura burst from her body as her energy soared, crackling with electricity, the first strike was immediate this time aimed at the mare's side with one kick smashing right on target although to her surprise the mare barely moved or even showed an ounce of pain.

Her eyes widened, for a brief moment her hair shot up with her energy rising and manigingly to slightly push the mare out of the way with the power deflate a second later. The second blow was a fist to the chest, just like before despite the energy pushed in and out the mare barely showed a thing, what was this thing made of?! no doubt she was just playing with her now but, she couldn't run away. not now.

The higher her energy climbed the more she wore herself down, the forest became a crackling of magic and Ki while the warrior ziped, using her terrain to attempt a sneaky strike only to be swung down to the ground, she couldn't feel much energy from this thing, the pressure grew and so did her own instincts kicking in with her energy sparkling.

"You're strange other worlder, you hold the power within and release it but your mind betrays you, you're trying to avoid me yet your strikes lack any real technique or power behind them. This is disapointing, if this is what you offer other worlder then I suppose this was a failed test." The mare sighed, shaking her head with the pressure vanishing.

Though to her surprise and excitement the warrior's energy only grew, shooting up for a brief moment "No....I'm not done just yet, I've got enough in the tank to go for long but this....I want to escape but my body...won't let me. I'm too excited by this thrill, pushing myself against a wall this much? I wouldn't give this up for the world!"

"I fear you misunderstand, you have no chance of winning. Even at your level you wouldn't even win against our student and you choose to continue? Warriors like yourself are one in a million, you push yourself so hard yet you can't attain victory. You choose defeat and learn with haste, truly an interesting challenge, I will take you on warrior, if you lose then I would ask that you answer my questions. In return if I lose, then you will be rid of me." The mare smiled at the woman's nod as she wiped the light blood dripping, her magic flaring s the woman's aura rose to the occasion.

The two would battle to the ends of this world if they could, their energies rising rapidly as Luna smashed her hoof into the woman's stomach getting her to cough some spit only to get a blow in return to her face somewhat cracking a tiny piece of her armor, comendable if pointless.

Crashing into the earth, Sazuka takes a step back quickly tearing off the weighted bands trying to improve her speed even f just a smidge, the two went blow for blow although Sazuka knew better than to assume she could win. The blow from before felt like hell, the second was the encasing of magic as she was thrown about like a toy, attempting to use it to her advantage she force a large portion of energy into her hand and as the sphere faded for the third blow, she released the blast burning hotter than the beats in her chest a move she called the Burning Attack, the sphere held intense heat fused with pure Ki to burn the opponent though as the blast exploded and brimmed with heat she could see the mare simply walk free from it with her only chuckling and dusting herself off. "Is this all you are capable of? such gusto yet no result."

She couldn't get why but this mare took enjoyment in this game, she narrowly avoided a blast of pure magic that fizzled upon contact "Oh my, if you hadn't been quicker that would've knocked you out, most soldiers can't even handle one blow but you show promise young one, what an interesting battle this is."

Sazka's heart beat skyrocketed, her blood pumping as the beast was let loose, forming a black aura around her she forced herself under control using only a tiny bit of this power, her hair spiking as her eyes turned a brilliant mix of golds and brown. The energy swirled and amassed to the mare's amusement, her own energy sizzling with brimming magic just waiting to be unleashed, sazuka knew it was risky but she needed that power! The energy soared as her eyes shined with brimming light, the visage of the Oozaru shinning behind her like a shadow.

The mare charged and slammed her hoof forward punching right into the woman's side and dealing a nasty blow, the human barely able to stand even in this state. Her energy seared with heat as her body steamed with pure energy so hot it felt like fire.

"What an odd power, forcing the control and infusing your pure instincts into this state. I'm sure you could control it in time but this manner is poor, unruly!" Her hoof once more slammed forward as the aura vanished from Sazuka her body barely able to handle even moving.

"Y-yet...I still stand....I'm barely able to raise my ki anymore, she's strong...stronger than anything I've ever seen before. I can't feel her energy....when I met those ponies I could feel them but her? this is just insane its like I'm fighting the moon itself!" Those words echoed through the forest with the mare chuckling, wizzing past her as Sazuka powered one final trick. Pushing herself once again into that state and under control the energy rocketed higher with her own output exceeding what she could previously pull off.. "Wrathful I think I'll call it....my last ace in the hole...."

The energy bled into her hand as a ball of pure light shined as a firey ring shone around it "One more...that's all I need....if I'm out cold then I'm toast but I'm not giving in....just one more.....one last try!" The blast shined brightly as the ball expanded into a fiery implosion of energy, this time aimed right at the mare. The fiery ki scorched the earth below as the energy plume exploded into a pillar of light. As the energy faded from her body she could feel her own sleep drawing near...little by little even as she was gently laid on the ground with the mare smiling from above.

"Well met warrior, hopefully one day you can provide me some fun but this time you have proven your worth. When you wake I expect some answers but for the time being young one, you may rest..." Those gentle words sounded just like a dream really, couldn't help but feel the drowziness overtake her even as her body ached for more battle.

Book 1: Chapter 3 part 2: End!

Author's Note:

Poor Sazuka fighting even when she couldn't win and just got out recovery, though stronger I suppose trying to fight a being that controls a celestial object wasn't the smartest idea huh? I hope you guys liked this chapter, still trying to flesh out things but worry not! I hope you guys like this and if you guys have any suggestions or critiques I'd love to hear them.