• Published 15th Mar 2024
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Life of a Sullen Warrior - King Of The Below

a young woman with an abnormal tail is thrown into a world far removed from her own farmer life, now stuck in this new land of magic and odd folks from all walks of life what can someone do in her position? Live? fight? die by the hands of another?

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Chapter 0: New Adventure, survival of the fittest!

Chapter 0: New Adventure, survival of the fittest!

Theme song]

This tale unfolds in the distant lands of Japan, nestled within a dense forest nestled among the majestic, verdant mountains. Here, we encounter the abode of Azuka Aikawa, a spirited young woman increasingly vexed by recent events. Despite her diligent efforts, toiling long hours tending to the farm—tending to plants, sowing seeds, fetching water from a nearby well—she finds herself perturbed. Today, however, her frustration is not merely annoying; it gnaws at her consciousness, for she has been unable to devote any time to her personal training. The fluttering birds and gentle breeze of the wind did help her demeanor calm down until something peaked her interest, her praying sight.

Azuka was far from an ordinary human, although she remained uncertain about her true nature. Her parents had already been informed of her origins. Discovered late one morning amidst the wreckage of an ancient, dilapidated home belonging to a long-forgotten priest, this infant was taken in by the mature couple. For them, unable to conceive due to unfortunate birth-related complications, her arrival was nothing short of a divine blessing. Despite her initially rowdy and somewhat rough demeanor, the young girl thrived in the semi-strict, labor-intensive environment of her upbringing. She found joy in lending a hand and wholeheartedly loving her new parents, pouring her energy and affection into their care.

She wasn't the brightest girl, but she certainly wasn't a fool. Her mother diligently taught her Japanese, both speaking and writing, and instilled in her the art of proper conversation. Despite her intelligence, she struggled with social interactions, feeling uneasy around others. Nevertheless, she masked her discomfort with small acts of kindness and a tender heart.

Though her tail posed little issue, she had never experienced a full transformation under the influence of a full moon. A past incident with her father served as a close call, leading her parents to forbid her from venturing out at night. The child harbored a deep fear of the moon, despite her mother's attempts to reassure her. Consequently, she remained cautious, always avoiding direct gazes at the moon.

Much of her formative years were dedicated to toiling alongside her father, gradually assuming more responsibility on the farm as her parents aged. Their transition to overseeing the business side allowed her to devote herself fully to the farm's operations. Her diligent efforts were often rewarded with tokens of appreciation, such as gifts or special treats, and occasionally with the freedom to explore the nearby woods once her chores were complete.

However, one fateful day, she awoke to find her parents absent. Initially, she waited patiently, hoping for their return. But as time wore on, the grim reality set in: they were gone. In her young mind, she found solace in the belief that they had been called to serve a higher purpose by a higher power. In gratitude for their upbringing and sacrifices, she dutifully maintained their home and worked tirelessly on the farm, offering prayers to a cherished photograph of her family each week without fail.

Years passed, and she matured into a capable young woman, now twenty years old and the de facto leader of the farm. Surpassing the expectations of many, she astonished herself with her efficiency and effectiveness in managing the farm's affairs, a testament to her unwavering dedication and resilience.

Hurriedly setting aside her farm tools, Azuka lowered herself to her knees and bowed before the altar, adorned with a pristine, bright purple cloth. At its center rested a portrait of an elderly couple cradling a younger Azuka in their arms. With closed eyes, she murmured her prayer, "Mother, Father, I deeply apologize for failing to make time today. May my labor on our farm continue to honor and bring you joy, wherever you may be. I pray for your well-being." With hands clasped in solemn reverence, she opened her eyes, gently wiping away a tear before returning to her duties amidst the expansive plantation.

The plantation for a lack of a better term was massive, sprawling with beautifully kept rice dotting the entire land surrounded in a wooden face laced with metal wiring to keep the animals out from every angle. Humming a small tune she noticed the time on her clock and with wide-eyes grabbed as much of the harvest as she could hoisting them up into the air and burst-dashing into the air above, The plants barely hanging on as she rushed as quick as she could.

Azuka was a modest figure, standing at around 5 feet 8 inches and weighing approximately 170 pounds. Her attire consisted of a simple yet elegant ensemble: a soft light green gi tank top paired with a supportive bra underneath, all concealed beneath a deeper shade of blue undershirt. Her pants matched the hue of her undershirt, extending down to her snug-fitting light boots, which were slightly sharpened for practicality and a perfect fit. A green tarp-like cloth adorned her belt, bearing the etching for . Her arms, lightly muscled, were exposed, and a brown tail was tucked neatly around her waist.

Upon reaching the farmer's market, Azuka found herself fortunate to secure a spot alongside Mr. Cheng, a kind-hearted elder who often lent her a helping hand in times of need. He would occasionally share his earnings, especially since rice, her primary crop, wasn't always in high demand. Thankfully, she managed to sell almost her entire stock, ensuring a profitable day's end with only 10% of her produce left unsold.

The day progressed smoothly, but little did Azuka know the turmoil awaiting her upon her return home. A grim scene awaited her eyes: her once thriving plants lay trampled and decimated, courtesy of a herd of cattle that had breached the fence and ravaged her fields. Shock and dismay threatened to overwhelm her, but a fleeting aura of pure white surrounded her momentarily, snapping her back to reality. With a determined resolve, she shook herself out of her stupor, calming her racing heart and focusing her mind. Yes, she could overcome this setback. She could fix this.

As Azuka got to work, she sensed the lingering presence of the cattle, but her immediate concern was the water situation. The priority was to repair and prepare the soil for planting. Quietly, she devoted most of the remaining day to addressing this issue. Azuka was not one to engage in idle chatter or even verbalize her thoughts; it simply didn't feel right to her. Despite her deep affection for her home, she detested the eerie silence that pervaded the land. As night approached, she eagerly anticipated her most cherished hour: training.

Despite being as strong as she was, she wasn't a fool to use her tail in battle nor really in public. Her town was very superstitious and they had found Amaya and Akira harboring a demon? they would be potentially killed for this. So it was her own control of her reflexes she had to hone to never let her tail be free'd from her waist even if it meant she would be exposed due to her origin. She had her own personal gi specifically made to hide it under a belt that would house her tail instead of a real belt.

For all of her life she had become accustomed to training and fighting, it was in her blood. Her family had her study under both her grandfather a well known local fighter and a fighting dojo not far from their little village. Over time she had become more and more profound with her movements and instead of using the principles to simply fight and use it off the mat she wanted to end the fight and not let it drag out. Azuka's unique style of Jujutsu focuses on efficiency and compassion, aiming to swiftly incapacitate opponents without causing unnecessary harm. Inspired by her reverence for nature and her empathetic nature, Azuka incorporates fluid movements and precise techniques to subdue adversaries with minimal force.

Her approach emphasizes redirection of energy and strategic positioning, allowing her to neutralize threats while maintaining control and minimizing potential injury. Azuka's style prioritizes empathy and respect for her opponents, seeking to end conflicts swiftly and peacefully. Through disciplined training and a deep understanding of human anatomy, she adeptly utilizes joint locks, pressure points, and immobilization techniques to subdue adversaries with precision and finesse. This compassionate yet effective approach reflects Azuka's commitment to harmony and her desire to resolve conflicts without unnecessary suffering.

She commenced her routine with gentle stretches and precise control, steadfastly avoiding even a fleeting glance at the moon, lest it unleash the beast within her. Despite the lingering stress from earlier, she remained resolute, knowing better than to succumb to temptation, at least most of the time. Transitioning into peaceful meditation, she settled into a cross-legged position atop a nearby rock, positioned not far from the soothing cascade of a waterfall. With deliberate focus, she allowed her mind to drift, seeking to quiet her spirit. Her grandfather's teachings echoed in her thoughts; he had always emphasized that tranquility was the hallmark of a skilled worker.

For a time, she maintained this serene state, but as she rose to her feet, attempting to strike a solitary leaf, she faltered at the final moment, her thoughts returning to the farm. The attempt felt sloppy and uncoordinated—a failure. Determined to regain her focus, she shifted her attention to a nearby tree, aiming to strike its center. With a swift motion, her first strike arced like lightning, colliding with the tree's lower half—another miss. Though she was skilled in jujutsu, she yearned for a genuine challenge, something to push her beyond this current impasse.

Focusing her concentration, Azuka summoned a soft glow into her hands, her brow furrowing in concentration as the ethereal energy coalesced into a shimmering ball. With a flick of her wrist, she sent it soaring into the air, akin to a frisbee, as it attempted to track her own unique signature. This exercise had been the focus of her training for weeks now, and she was determined to master it.

As the energy ball streaked back towards her, she deftly maneuvered, narrowly evading its trajectory, though not without a slight singe grazing her skin, eliciting a wince. "Stay rooted to the rock, never forget," she reminded herself, adhering to the fundamental rule of her practice.

A second surge of energy surged towards her, this time from behind, but Azuka, utilizing her tail for balance, adeptly sidestepped the attack. The next strike emerged from below, tunneling into the ground, prompting her to leap into the air and maintain a still stance, suppressing her instincts and refraining from relying on her energy senses, in an effort to sharpen her natural awareness.

Eventually, the energy dissipated into nothingness, but Azuka found solace in the incremental progress she had made. Recollections of past frustrations flooded her mind—times when her lack of control had resulted in self-inflicted injuries, leaving her on the verge of despair. Yet, tonight, she could reflect with a sense of pride on how far she had come.

Meanwhile, the night unfolded with an unsettling atmosphere, an inexplicable tension hanging in the air. The familiar scents of the trees seemed altered, contributing to a palpable sense of unease as darkness descended. The usual symphony of nocturnal sounds was conspicuously absent, replaced by an eerie silence that seemed to pervade the surroundings. Even the hoot of an owl, a sound she had grown accustomed to, was notably absent. It was as if the very essence of nature held its breath, casting a shadow over the tranquility of the night. As Azuka's senses remained on high alert, she couldn't shake the feeling that something profound was stirring in the depths of the forest.


The trees weren't the only anomaly in this unsettling environment; a presence to her left felt distinctly unfamiliar, its Ki radiating unlike anything she had encountered before. But what unnerved her even more was the sensation of the moon at her back, its glow seeming brighter and warmer than usual. Steeling her mind against such deceptive thoughts, she focused on maintaining control.

Summoning a brief ball of light into her hand once more, she used its illumination to survey the surroundings. The landscape was unfamiliar, dense jungles teeming with vines and towering trees—nothing like her home. Had she been transported? Surely, she would have sensed some Ki activity if such a feat were possible.

As the pressure of an approaching presence grew, her tranquil state shattered. A massive, jaw-like appendage, lined with wooden teeth, lunged towards her arm. Reacting swiftly, she sidestepped the attack, delivering a powerful blow infused with her own Ki to send the creature recoiling into the underbrush. Waste no time, she sprang into action, harnessing her Ki to propel herself from the trees into the air, fleeing the area with urgency. Glancing below, she realized the enormity of the forest and the scale of the creatures within. Where had she ended up? The question hung heavy in her mind as she soared through the unfamiliar landscape, searching for answers.

As she landed on the soft grass, confusion lingered in her gaze. It was clear: if she wanted any chance of returning home, she needed to create shelter. Relying on her instincts and farming know-how, she swiftly constructed a makeshift hut from twigs, moss, leaves, and fallen wood, reinforcing it for stability. Nestling into the rudimentary bed, she gazed up at the blank green expanse that now served as her temporary refuge. Despite her efforts, a sense of guilt gnawed at her; not only was she lost, but her family's farm awaited her return. The worry weighed heavily on her chest, her breaths quickening until she forced herself to calm down. What would her grandfather think of her succumbing to fear so easily?

Attempting to find solace in sleep proved futile, hours slipping away with only fitful rest. Dreams of her family and their concern mirrored her waking fears, leaving her drained upon waking. Though she resolved to face the day with renewed determination, her anxiety lingered, a shadow over her resolve.

Setting to work, she tested the available resources, cautiously sampling the water before her. Though not unpleasant, the lingering concern over food persisted. Hunting was not her forte, and the thought of foraging for potentially poisonous berries filled her with trepidation. Opting for a safer approach, she turned to fishing, finding solace in the simplicity of the task amidst the unfamiliar surroundings. The gentle breeze and serene landscape provided a stark contrast to her inner turmoil, offering a moment of respite in an otherwise uncertain world.

As the day unfolded, she focused on survival, finding a semblance of routine amidst the wilderness. Yet, her gaze often turned skyward, a silent plea for guidance in navigating this unfamiliar realm. Drifting above the forest canopy, a halo of white energy enveloped her, casting a ethereal glow over the dense foliage below. The endless expanse of trees stretched before her, punctuated by occasional patches of jungle. It struck her as odd that such a naturalistic world seemed devoid of human presence. Surely, settlements would cluster around sources of water? The absence of civilization only added to her sense of isolation.

Returning to the ground, she resumed her quiet vigil near the humble shelter, acutely aware of the dangers lurking in the surrounding wilderness. Though determined to persevere, she treaded cautiously, ever mindful of the formidable wildlife that roamed the land.

End of Chapter 0

Author's Note:

Although strange at the beginning I rarely see people use the everfree forest as a starting point and you'll see later on akin to my previous story things are very different than normal. I do hope you guys enjoy this new tale, I do apologize about the lack of chapters and cancelling the last story. I just didn't find the time nor felt it was something I enjoyed posting about.