• Published 11th Mar 2024
  • 1,132 Views, 58 Comments

Run Filly Run - Inkquilly

Twilight Sparkle runs from home in despair after an accident

  • ...

Plans Awry

“Found ‘er. She was with Rarity.” Big Mac said, opening the door to the main house. Spike cooed happily at the sight of the red-dyed Twilight. Apple Bloom giggled at the sight of Twilight as she was let down from Big Mac’s back, though she was cut off from the action by Applejack hugging her.

“Ya’ scared me! Why d’ya run off like that again!” Applejack questioned, trying her hardest to not look like she was just crying over her exploding. Twilight’s face turned apologetic.

“Sorry…I was just a bit overwhelmed for a moment.”

“”Overwhelmed" is an understatement from what Ah’ saw. If you really are okay though, then Ah’m glad!” Applejack said as she gave Twilight a heavy pat on the back. She walked to the living room, and let Spike crawl his way over to nuzzle her.

“You should work on that runnin’ habit of yours Sparklin’. It ain’t gonna help ya’ with all yer’ problems’!” Granny Smith said as she got up from her rocking chair. Twilight just muttered to herself as Granny went into the kitchen to start on lunch. She played with Spike, happy to see him again after all the panic she just put herself through. She just hoped they would be able to sleep in the library again, they might have books on magic! After all, she needed some way to keep up with her studies.

After being treated to some lunch by Granny Smith, Twilight decided to depart and look for the other filly that thought she blew up to clear the air. Although it was a bit harder since unlike Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, she didn’t know where she commonly hung around or where she lived. Which meant she had to put herself at risk of being found by her brother. Who was DEFINITELY looking for her because now she was wanted in Canterlot dead or alive and he’s a part of the royal guard and-

Her vision was suddenly obscured by Spike's little hands. He began to make cute babbles that vaguely sounded like numbers, but she understood what he was trying to do. She took a deep breath in, and let Spike count to ten. Or at least five before Twilight took over counting. She let her breath out.

“Thank you Spike. Not as good as Cadance’s but it works.” She returned back to her task, finding Rainbow Dash. Now that she wasn’t panicking, she realized that she could ask Pinkie Pie if she knew! Man, she should also find some way to thank Pinkie for throwing her a party. She skipped over to Sugarcube Corner happily, and bumped into someone coming out of the door. It was a pink pegasus with a fedora and a mustache.


“It’s fine, I’ve gotta get back to the library!” “Carl” said in a fake-dep voice, rushing off to said tree. A cake also floated behind her for some reason. It appeared neither party recognized each other through their disguises.

“W-Wait was that magi-”

“Sparkling!” She was suddenly hugged by the pink earth filly tightly. She patted Pinkie on the back.

“You met Carl just now right? He’s new in Ponyville too! Ooh, I’ve gotta throw another welcome party, this is amazing! So many new friends are popping up, I wonder who’ll come to town tomorrow at this rate!” Pinkie Pie spoke rapidly as she bounced around Twilight. Twilight’s eyes followed Pinkie as she moved. It must’ve been difficult putting together the party for Twilight, maybe she could help Pinkie today?

“Maybe I can help? I’d love to do it as a thanks!” Twilight offered. The party pony halted mid air and smoothly drifted to the ground, doing an exaggerated “hmmmm” as she thought it over. Twilight stood smiling awkwardly until Pinkie proceeded to say:

“Okay! First things first, cake!” The earth filly said starting to lead Twilight into the kitchens of Sugarcube Corner.

Back at the library now, Cadance gleefully indulged in a piece of cake. She didn’t have a borderline need for it like Celestia but it was still nice to try, especially from such a nice town. It was going to take a while for Shining Armor to search the whole town, and hopefully he wouldn’t forget he’s supposed to search only the town.

Shining Armor pushed aside a bush as he scavenged through the forest. His baby sister HAD to be somewhere here…

So while she waited it would do her some good to at least enjoy her stay while she waited for Twilight to come to her. She just wished she could fake being a librarian better until Twilight eventually came here. She only got in one bite of her cake before she had to start faking her job again.


“E-Excuse me, M-Mr, can you help me f-find a book…” Fluttershy mumbled, somehow barely audible over Rainbow Dash’s totally-not-wailings. Cadance blinked bewildered and gave a small nod.

After a short explanation about why the multicolor filly was crying, Cadance gave a snort.

“Well Rainbow Dash, I think you’ll be happy to know that it doesn’t sound like your friend has ‘gone kablooey’, more like she panic-teleported. And honestly, that sounds really impressive! Sounds like she’s got some real power to her!” The alicorn said to the prismacolor filly. Fluttershy gave Rainbow a hug of reassurance before she turned back to her book about shed construction. But why does it recommend a shovel?

“R-Really?” Rainbow Dash sniffed. “W-Well y-yeah of course she isn’t dead! She said that she likes m-magic and stuff so of course she knows what she’s doing!” Rainbow Dash said, still trying to pretend she wasn’t just sobbing on the floor a moment ago.

“The only problem is where she ended up, but in these situations a pony is likely to end up where they feel safe.” Cadance added. Rainbow Dash thought hard on what she knew about ‘Sparkling Cider’, aside from the fact that she thought her coat was a pretty color, and that her magic was pretty cool, and that she was handing out flyers.

“Well, she did come from Applejack’s farm and was with her. Maybe she’s at Sweet Apple Acres!” She said triumphantly, fluttering into the air. She was quick to zip off to said farmland with a quick “Thanks!” Echoing behind her. Cadance got up.

“Maybe I should go with her. Will you be coming along sweetie or are you okay here?” The alicorn said, turning to Fluttershy.

“Oh, that’s okay. I’ll stay here, I’m really enjoying this book.” She responded. Cadance nodded and turned to leave.

“Oh um, one question Mr. Carl, if it isn’t too much to ask.”


“Why do you sound like, um, a girl?”

Well, Twilight now knows that she couldn’t bake to save her life. The worst part was that SPIKE COULD!

“Wow Sparkling! Spike’s a natural, and he’s just a hatchling!” Pinkie Pie commented. Spike had managed to make a decent looking little cake, it was a little misshapen, it was decorated in a crude image of Twilight and the word “Mama”.

Twilight was both proud and touched.

“You may not be good with the baking part, but your measurements are on point! I’ve already got the cake done!” Pinkie said to Twilight, presenting her with the two layer cake with a little figure of Carl that Pinkie somehow had made already.

“That looks amazing! Sooo…guessing by what happened when you threw a welcome party for me, we have to decorate this place now?” Pinkie shook her head.

“Nope! We aren’t having it here!”

“What? Then why was my party here?”

“Because you’re homeless!” Twilight grumbled to herself at that.

“But Carl isn’t from what I can tell, I’m pretty sure she lives at the library now! So we’re gonna set this all up over there!” Pinkie explained. Twilight nodded.

“I guess we’ll have to stop by the supply store on the way then-“

“Nah I got it.” Pinkie said, pulling a ton of streamers out of her mane. Twilight stared at Pinkie. Then took a hoof and lifted her mane so it didn’t cover her forehead. She let her mane drop.


“I dunno! C’mon Spike!” The hatchling babbled as Pinkie put him on her back.

Twilight was careful as she carried the box all the way back to the library. She was honestly happy they were coming back here. Once they did the invites, she might have time to read a little! The door was opened, Fluttershy eeped from the noise.

“Oh, hi Fluttershy! I didn’t know you wanted to throw a party for Carl too!” Pinkie bounced over and grabbed her hoof.

“O-Oh no, I wasn’t I-I-I was just-“

Pinkie dragged the poor Pegasus to help her decorate. Twilight found herself giggling at the pink pony’s antics. Twilight decided that she could get started on the invites, and even let Spike help! Maybe he had more hidden talents. Once she had made the first card, her first instinct was to try a duplication spell. By the time she stopped herself, she had casted it and made one extra invitation. However now Twilight was gone, and Spike was alone.

“Oh! Sparkling Cider, can you run and ask Carl if he would like blue or red hearts better- hey Spike where’d Sparkling go?”

Author's Note:

aw man, and she was doing so good not using magic so far too!