• Published 11th Mar 2024
  • 1,071 Views, 58 Comments

Run Filly Run - Inkquilly

Twilight Sparkle runs from home in despair after an accident

  • ...

Spark of Panic

Twilight went around the block with Rainbow Dash tagging along handing out flyers. The blue pegasus was a bit of a chatterbox at first but started to calm down a bit, which gave Twilight a bit of a break as she tried to finish.

“Sooo…what’s your cutie mark for? Stargazing?”

“Hm?” Twilight looked at Rainbow Dash, and then to her own flank and then back at Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, magic! I like to study it.” She said, then stopping to hand a flyer to a mare.

“Really? Then you must’ve done something CRAZY to get your cutie mark in magic!” Twilight felt her muscles stiffen, and it became difficult to walk forward without trembling a bit. Twilight’s mind flashed to the most recent spell she had casted. She felt her tongue dry up, and her breath became unsteady. The terror, the destruction. It was all her fault. She felt herself finally stop moving as she froze in place, her breath starting to quicken as what she had caused began to come back to her again.

“Hey, Cider? Hellooo, Earth to Sparkling Cider!” Rainbow Dash said. She was starting to get concerned as the unicorn suddenly froze with a 1000-yard stare. Not to mention her breathing was getting kinda fast.

“C’mon, snap out of it!” She said with concern as she gently shook her.

“Rainbow Dash, what’re you doin’ ta’ poor Cider?” Applejack said as she walked over. She had spotted them as she finished passing out her own flyers. She had spotted Rainbow Dash talking to her new friend who looked terrified all of a sudden, and so she came to the obvious conclusion that Rainbow Dash was messing with her.

“Hey, it wasn’t me! She just froze up all of a sudden!” The Pegasus said defensively, raising her hooves as if to show she had nothing on her that could’ve caused this.

“Sparklin’? Sparklin’! Oh lord she’s hyperventilatin’-“ Applejack said as she started to panic a bit as Twilights breathing became rapid, uneven, and louder. She tried to coach Twilight into breathing properly, but all of a sudden Twilight just screamed and took off.

“Sparklin’! Come back!”

“Where ya goin’?!” Rainbow Dash and Applejack called after her in concern. They gave chase, where Pinkie Pie spotted them and joined in. Twilight’s world was becoming dark as less air was reaching her brain, taking off running all of a sudden didn’t help. She didn’t want to be taken, she wanted to be safe, where would she be safe-

As she spiraled with an oxygen deprived mind her magic began to flow uncontained as it warped and she vanished with a loud crackle of energy.

Since she didn’t have school today Rarity was indulging in her most favorite pastime, dressmaking. Currently she is trying to put together something for Twilight. It’s not that she asked for Rarity to make her a dress, but Rarity just felt like doing it for her. After all, she might need one for some kind of surprise gala event! Rarity took a seat right in front of the dress to work on it some.

What she didn’t expect was for Twilight to suddenly warp right into her workspace. On her lap no less. The poor purple filly was haggard and terrified and was breathing like she was being deprived of air.

“D-Darling?! What is going on?! B-Breathe!” Rarity tried to help Twilight, but it was too late, as everything combined with a lack of air caused Twilight to shut down. The filly collapsed against Rarity, limp and after a few seconds blood began to drip from the fillies nose.

Rarity stared in horror at the unconscious filly in her forelegs. The ground beneath her was scorched and fused with a dirt path from outside, but that was the least of her worries at the moment. She quickly began to follow her own advice and breathe to keep herself calm, now would be an awful time for a dramatic faint. She quickly flared her horn’s magic to life and dragged an item she had recently been using for those dramatic faints. A lounge sofa, which she gently laid Twilight on and wiped her nose. She was glad Sweetie Belle was napping right now, as it would be a bad time to have to tend to her while Twilight was like this.

From what she could tell, the filly was fine physically, aside from the nosebleed that she was repeatedly having to wipe up. However what concerned Rarity is what could’ve gotten Twilight so worked up! She doesn't believe that anypony in Ponyville would try and hurt her out of the blue, so it had to be some kind of extreme stress. At least that what she told herself it had to be, it worried her to think Twilight was facing problems of trauma.

“Ah, um…d-don’t go anywhere! I’ll be right back!”

Cadance, now without a mustache at the moment, looked around the upstairs of the library. Everything had seemed fine aside from the pile of pillows on the floor. The young alicorn approached it, looking through some of the pillows. At first she thought nothing would be there until she spotted some hair. Lavender hair.

Shining was enjoying a good bit of literature that would be important for his current task.

“How to Find Missing Fillies”, he never expected a book like this to exist but he was glad it did.


He couldn’t teleport but with how fast he was there you’d think he could. Cadence was holding up a strand of hair to his face with a look of hopeful joy.

“What? It’s just a hair.” Shining Armor said, taking the strand of hair into his magic. He then recognized the color and turned to Cadance with hope in his eyes.

“She was here! She and Spike were really here!” Cadance said in joy, hugging her partner who hugged her back tightly.

“But where in town could she be now? Sh-She could’ve left again by now!” The white stallion questioned with worry.

“Shiny it’s a library, she’ll probably be coming back here for comfort!” Cadance explained, remembering how when Twilight had a bad day she’d go and hide in a book fort when Shining Armor or her parents weren’t available.

“...Maybe, but I still wanna go look around. Just to be sure, y’know?”

Cadance nodded, hugging him again.

“How about, I stay here and you go and look for Twilight. That way if she comes back here I can have her stay by me until you get back.” Cadance suggested. Shining Armor smiled and gave her a peck on the lips, making Cadance giggle. She wished him luck as he went out the door of the library, leaving Cadance in the main room. She briefly tapped her hooves idly as she just looked around. Eventually she decided to look for something to read, maybe she could catch up on Dragon Ball-



Cadance screamed, and instinctually teleported her fake mustache back on her face.

Twilight woke to something wet on her forehead over her eyes, as well as a migraine. There was also something up her nose. She was just having this wonderful dream about apples, and then everything was being engulfed in a sea of yellow and she was starting to drown.

“Darling? Are you awake?” Twilight’s ears perked up. She lifted the wet rag from her face to see Rarity entering the room she had been laid in. She had a worried smile on her face and her eyes seemed to be flicking from looking all over Twilight and back to her eyes. Twilight quickly remembered what happened. Rainbow Dash was asking her about her cutie mark, and then she freaked out, and then she…somehow got to Rarity’s boutique. Twilight sat upright fast enough to make the head pain worse, which brought rarity to her side to fuss over her.

“Darling be careful! When you appeared here you passed out and popped a nosebleed! The latter was caused by magical strain from what I read so you need to rest for the pain to subside.”

“I-I’m sorry for making you worry-”

“There’s nothing for you to apologize for. If anything, someone must owe YOU an apology for the strife you’ve suffered!” Rarity declared, now sounding a bit disgruntled.

“I-I huh?” Rarity looked at Twilight sympathetically.

“Sparkling, I can tell that you and Spikey were…abandoned.” Rarity said hesitantly, afraid to trigger anything unpleasant in Twilight. Twilight did look uncomfortable, but more because the claim was completely wrong and she knew that she might have to run with it. Rarity looked a bit awkward and decided to change the subject.

“B-But in much funnier news, you’ve seemed to have dyed yourself red and green in your sleep! Hahaha! Ehhhh…” Rarity said with a forced laugh, but cringed at the sight of Twilight’s light green mane.

“I WHAT?!” Twilight shouted.

True to Rarity’s word, Twilight was now a similar shade of red to Big Mac and had a light green mane and tail. Twilight had read about what was going on with her before, and after seeing the path from outside that was now fused into the floor in the main room of the boutique, Twilight knew what happened. She sprung a leak. She must’ve done something that not only strained her magic, but put a hole in the proverbial balloon that was her magic reserves. Meaning that use of even levitation spells would cause magic to leak and do almost anything. Lucky for her, she didn’t seem to have a big leak! Only enough to dye her fur weird colors.

“Thanks for walking me back Rarity, I must’ve scared Applejack and Rainbow Dash when I took off like that. A-Again.” Twilight said as she was escorted to Big Mac’s stand. The colt saw them coming and perked up with surprise and then looked relieved as she saw them approach.

“Again, think nothing of it! Anything for a friend!”


“This ain’t gonna be a common thing with ya’ is it?” Big Mac said as he walked out from behind the stand. It looked like he sold most of the apples and other treats for sale. He began to check her off-colored body over, tilting her head around. He took note of Twilight’s horn flickering between the grooves.

“Rainbow said you’d up an’ exploded. Glad to know for sure that was an exaggeration.” He said, patting her on the head. Twilight looked disturbed that Rainbow had said that she just blew up.

“How’s about we head on back to Granny fer’ some lunch.” Big Mac said, about to lead her by her hoof.

“Ah ah ah! Please carry her if it wouldn’t be too much Big Mac. She’s overstressed herself and needs rest!” Rarity interjected.

“Eeyup, would ya’ like ta’ join us fer’ lunch Rarity?” Big Mac asked the white unicorn as he put Twilight on his back in a smooth motion despite her protests.

“That’s quite alright Darling, I’ll be having to get back to Sweetie Belle since her nap will be ending soon. Take care!” The unicorn filly said, trotting off.

“...I’m sorry I ran off again.”

“It’s alright, yer’ goin’ through a tough time. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were worried, but Ah’m sure they’re fine.”

“Now you quit yer’ cryin’ Applejack Ah’m sure she’s fine! You’ve got the foals comfertin’ ya’ instead of the otherway around!”

“BUT WHAT IF RAINBOW’S RIGHT GRANNY? WHAT IF SPARKLIN’ DID ‘SPLODE! SHE’S GONE GRANNY, GOOONE!” The farm filly wailed on the floor as Applebloom patted her on the head and Spike rubbed her back. Neither of them really understood beyond them seeing someone crying.

“Oh u-um, please stop crying Rainbow Dash-”

“SHE BLEW UP! SHE BLEW UP AND IT’S ALL MY FAAUUULT-” Rainbow Dash continued to definitely not cry and wail on about Twilight “exploding”.

“O-Oh dear, I-I’m sure she’s fine!” Fluttershy weakly assured.

“...Maybe we should hurry back.” Big Mac said. He then bumped into a stallion.

“Sorry sir.”

“It’s fine, I wasn’t paying attention. Hey, have you seen a filly named Twilight Sparkle around?” Shining Armor asked, not paying much mind to the bug-eyed red and green filly on Big Mac’s back.

“Hm. Can’t say ah’ have sir.”

“Ah, thanks anyway.” Shining then looked at Twilight.

“Dawww, aren’t you cute. Riding on your bother’s back!” He said, patting her head as he continued on his way. Big Mac looked at her panicked expression.

“If ya’ didn’t wan’ ‘im to touch ya’ ya’ coulda said sumthin’.”