• Published 11th Mar 2024
  • 253 Views, 27 Comments

Boast Busters - TheKing2001

When a rival of Trixie's shows up in town and tries to one up her duirng a magic show, Trixie and her friends fight back.

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Door Companies Are Evil

Raindrops mouth went dry as she stared down at the wagon door catalog. True to her word, she was buying Trixie a new wagon door but she had no idea they were this expensive like sweet Celestia it was damn near an entire check of bits. It was no her opinion that dppr companies were evil and she truly hated them.

“Yeah it’s expensive,” Trixie agreed as she looked over the blue unicorn sitting next to her with a coffee in front of her. “I’m well aware. I’ll throw some bits in too so you don’t go entirely broke. I don’t want that, I just want to sleep in peace again.”

“Where are you even sleeping Trixie? I got a spare bed if needed.”

“With Roseluck. She offered Trixie a spot on the couch,” Trixie answered with a shrug before drinking from her cup. “I’m not sleeping on the floor for the record. Not a bed, it’s the couch because they only have three rooms.”

“I’m insisting you stay here. My brother leaves for Cloudsdale in a few days and honestly, I think he likes you still,” Raindrops tossed Trixie a tired smirk as Trixie rolled her eyes.

“Trixie is flattered but she is happy single at the moment. And besides, Trixie dated him for a couple years in middle school, remember?”

“Did more than date him,” Raindrops snorted as she glared at Trixie.

“That was your idea!”

“I suggested dating him, not sleeping with him Trixie,” Raindrops rolled her eyes. “And it was kinda weird you asked me permission first to let him.”

“Girl code.”

“Not even gonna ask what that is,” Raindrops shook her head. “Now which door do you like?”

“That one!” Trixie proclaimed and jabbed a hoof at a door on the catalog. “That is the exact same one Trixie had before it was destroyed in a Raindropsnado!”

Raindrops snorted and shook her head with a faint smile. She really hoped that the term “Raindropsnado” wouldn’t stick. The last she needed was her co workers hearing about it.

“I guess I can stay with you as long as we s
don’t argue about Wild Card again,” Trixie said as Raindrops gave her a frustrated look followed by an equally frustrated sigh.

“I only yell because I care,” Raindrops answered as she leaned back on her cushion. “You know this. You’re like the sister I never had. And we’re gonna argue about it till you do something.”

“Maybe yelling at each other isn’t the best option,” Bright Ideas commented as he trotted into the room and flung himself on the couch. “Hey, Trixie. Been a while.”

“H-hey Bright,” Trixie said as she blushed and shifted her weight. “Indeed it has. How’s your business in Cloudsdale going?”

“Pretty decent. How’s the whole traveling magician life style?”

“Eh. Haven’t been doing much traveling these past few months but this town makes Trixie a decent amount of bits. As long as fillies and colts adore her magic shows, Trixie will be fine,” Trixie shrugged with a smile.

“I just realized it’s been a long time since the three of us have been in the same room together,” Raindrops said as she rubbed her chin with a hoof.

“About six years I’d say,” Bright commented as the light blue pegasus folded his wings. “We should go somewhere tonight, the three of us.”

“Trixie is down. As long as it’s somewhere with alcohol and loud music,” Trixie said with a grin as the two pegasi snickered.

“You haven’t changed a bit Trixie,” Bright shook his head as Trixie grinned.

“Why bother changing perfection? Is Trixie not the greatest pony you’ve ever seen?”

“I can’t argue with that,” Raindrops said after a moment. “Nor do I really have the energy to do so.”

Trixie rolled her eyes in response.

Trixie, Raindrops and Bright Idea trotted down the road as the three gave confused looks at a large stage with a few ponies as Trixie tilted her head to the side.

“What’s that?” Raindrops jabbed a hoof. “That wasn’t there earlier, was it?’

“No, it wasn’t,” Trixie said slowly as she raised an eyebrow slightly. “I’m intrigued.”

The two warily followed Trixie as the mare trotted closer to the stage as Wild pulled a rabbit from a hat.

“Is he doing your tricks?” Bright Ideas asked with a stunned expression.

“Yes,” Trixie huffed as she shifted her weight. “All of those are my tricks.”

Raindrops gritted her teeth as the three got closer.

“Let’s go,” Trixie pulled her hat over her eyes. “Before he sees us.”

The three snuck out the way they came, Raindrops turning on Trixie the moment they were a good distance away.

“How the hay does that not enrage you?” Raindrops snapped as she flared her wings and flung a hoof.

“I’m very enraged,” Trixie shot back as she glared at the jasmine pegasus. “What do you want Trixie to do? Start a riot, get the pitchforks and run him out of town? You know as well as I do how illegal that is. Ponies tried to do that once to me and I’d be no better than them if I did that here.”

“There’s a difference between running a pony out and standing up for yourself, Trixie!” Raindrops shouted as the two stepped closer.

“Okay let’s not,” Bright Ideas cut in as he nervously stood between the two. “I don’t really have any interest in seeing my sister and a colt hood friend have a hoof fight in the street. We’re all friends here, the Unicorn-Pegasi war ended over a millenia ago.”

Trixie’s horn glowed a light pink as she narrowed her eyes and Bright bit his lip nervously as Raindrops shifted her weight.

“You’re right,” Trixie muttered as her horn slowly quit glowing. “About the war thing. Trixie has better things than going to jail, especially with her reputation as a hero after Nightmare Moon. Trixie is going to bed now. Night.”

The mare turned around and started trotting off towards Raindrops house as the two gave her stunned looks.

“That was unexpected,” Raindrops admitted as she folded her wings. “Trixie almost never backs down when she is about to fight a pony.”

“Nor do you come to think of it,” Bright commented as Raindrops gave him a flat look and he laughed. “You’re always the hot headed one in the family, always trying to punch your way out of a problem.”

“If it works, don’t change it. But something tells me I won’t be punching my way out of this problem,” Raindrops muttered and shook her head as she leaned against her brother and he wrapped a wing around her.

“You will find a way to help her. You always have. I remember all the times you fixed her problems in school when you two were just fillies.”

“Yeah me too,” Raindrops said with unreadable expression. “I’m going for a flight, I’ll be back tonight. Goodnight.”

Raindrops took off into the sky as Bright scuffed a hoof with a sigh on the dirt road.

Raindrops watched from her cloud as Wild Card trotted up to a motel room, putting in the key as Raindrops jumped off the cloud and stood behind him silently before clearing her throat.

“You will never be Trixie, just so you know that. Trixie will always be the better magician and a better pony,” Raindrops narrowed her eyes as he watched with a bored expression. “You’re lucky I promised not to kill or seriously maim you.”

“I don’t think you could seriously hurt me,” Wild chuckled as he examined the mare. “But go off. Trixie is not the better pony and she isnt good in general. You may say you know her but you don’t truly spend every waking moment with her like I did.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Raindrops corrected as she slowly trotted around him. “I’ve known Trixie for years since we were fillies and she’s damn near my sister after all we’ve been. You mess with her, you mess with me.”

“And me too,” Raindrops jumped and looked back at an angry looking Bright followed by Lyra and Derpy. “You should know better than think we wouldn’t follow you Rainy.”

“I hate you some nights Bright,” Raindrops grumbled as she turned to face Wild with the other angry looking ponies. “Just leave her alone.”


Raindrops turned to leave with the others before stopping.

“Oh and Wild?” Raindrops called out as she faced him again.

“What?” Wild grumbled as he raised an eyebrow.

Raindrops slammed her hoof into his throat and his eyes widened followed by a gagging sound as he collapsed on the doorstep.

“That was for Trixie. Have a goodnight.”

With that, Raindrops turned around and trotted into the night with the other three stunned ponies, leaving a gasping Wild Card on the ground.

Hitting ponies isn’t always helpful but damn does it feel therapeutic.