• Published 11th Mar 2024
  • 253 Views, 27 Comments

Boast Busters - TheKing2001

When a rival of Trixie's shows up in town and tries to one up her duirng a magic show, Trixie and her friends fight back.

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Raindrops Is Terrifying When She's Angry

“He did what?!”

Derpy and Roseluck gulped as Raindrops kicked a cloud with an enraged expression before she spun around to face them. Above them, Raindrops co workers on the weather team hid in the clouds in fear, excluding Cloudkicker who watched, hovering idly next to a terrified looking Milky Way.

“And Trixie did nothing?” Raindrops continued her tirade as Derpy hugged Roseluck.

“N-no she didn’t,” Roseluck muttered as she went pale.

“Where is Trixie?” Raindrops demanded as she hovered in front of the two.

“Her wagon,” Derpy answered quickly and pointed a shaky hoof back where they had came from.

Raindrops took off, breaking some clouds and leaving the two mares spinning, the sound of thunder echoing as they gave each other confused looks.

“I didn’t know she was fast enough to break the sound barrier like that.”

“I’m more surprised we can still freaking hear,” Derpy muttered as the other ponies came out of the clouds. “Hey, do you think telling Drops was a bad idea?”

“Maybe so.”

Raindrops hovered in front of Trixie’s wagon as the mare inhaled before slamming her hind legs into the door.

“Sweet Celestia!” Trixie yelped and ducked as the door flew over her head. “What the fuck are you doing, Dropsi?”

“We are going to have a conversation and there is zero room for arguing about this. Clear?” Raindrops said as she trotted over the splintered door. “I’ll buy you a new door.”

“Why in Equestria would you break my door to have a conversation? Why wouldn’t you not knock?” Trixie demanded angrily as she glared at the pegasus. “It’s hard to get doors for this model of wagon!”

“I said sorry!”

“You actually didn’t but go off I suppose.”

“Fine, I am sorry. Now you are going to come with me, we are going to this annoying motherfucker and kick him the fuck out,” Raindrops announced and slammed a hoof on the wooden surface. “No arguing.”

“Yes arguing. We aren’t doing that. Wild will get bored eventually and leave town on his own then Trixie and her friends will be free again,” Trixie shot back as she shifted her weight slightly.

“I don’t care. I didn’t spend all of middle school standing up for you just so you can freaking go back to your old, shy self.”

“And you can’t make me,” Trixie said as Raindrops spread her wings.

“Wanna bet? You may have magic but I can fly and I’m stronger than you. Now let’s move on,” Raindrops pointed a hoof out the door. “Please?”

Trixie nodded and Raindrops sighed in relief, reaching out with a hoof as Trixie’s horn glowed brightly.

“Trixie what are you-?” Raindrops started to ask as Trixie disappeared with a pop. “The hell? When did she learn to teleport?”

Trixie tumbled to the ground with smoke rising off her body, shakily forcing herself up as she made eye contact with a confused looking Roseluck.

“When did you learn how to teleport?” Roseluck asked as she moved some rosebushes aside. “And why are you in my rosebushes?”

“Because-ow! Because Raindrops was doing her normal encouragement of trying to get me to stand up to Wild but she wasn’t there so. I don’t really know much about teleportion, just basics. All I know is to pick a area and boom. Now hide me,” Trixie begged as she flung her forelegs around Roseluck.

“I would but Raindrops is scary when angry. I saw her angry earlier this morning and well, it isn’t something I’m too keen on seeing again.”

Trixie couldn’t necessarily argue with that. Raindrops anger issues was pretty well known by well, anypony who knew her even remotely well.

“Fine, come on,” Roseluck sighed as she wrapped a hoof around Trixie’s neck. “But if she catches us, you better run for Luna’s sake because Raindrops is fast as hell and I can’t outrun her. I don’t even think I’m stronger than her and I’m an earth pony.”

“More hiding, less talking. She broke the wagon door and everything! Shit was insane. And I thought Comet was the destructive pony in town considering how often he kicks down doors. Oh and can I stay the night? I refuse to sleep anywhere that has no door.”

Roseluck scuffed a hoof on her welcome mat in front of her door as she bit her lip.

“Yeah sure. Just don’t be upset is Lily isn’t enthused to see you. Lily hates guest as you know.”

“I’m well aware, don’t worry. I got peanut butter crackers so don’t worry about making dinner or anything for me.”

Roseluck waved a hoof with a dismissive snort.

“Element of generosity, remember? We always make a plate for when our friends are here. No exceptions.”

Trixie opened her mouth to argue as Roseluck closed her mouth.

”No exceptions, Trixie.”

Raindrops flopped onto her couch with a frustrated sigh, a beer in her hoof.

“What’s with you?” Bright Ideas asked as he sat next to her.

“Oh hey big brother. Just ya know, upset about Trixie. Love her like a sister but Celestia above is she getting on my nerves. It’s not like I can force her to defend herself but damn man,” Raindrops sighed as she drank from the can before setting it down.

“Well, I’d say just make whoever or whatever is bothering her know that you don’t mess around,” Bright shrugged as he placed a wing around her. “You are the scariest pony I know but pretty damn caring too.”

“Think I’m a bit too scary at times. You should have seen how afraid Derpy and Roseluck looked this morning when they talked to me about Trixie. All my co workers minus Cloudkicker hid from me all day,” Raindrops leaned into the hug. “It is nice to see you. You should have told me you were visiting.”

“Meh, I enjoy surprising you. Just in the area for work and decided to drop by for a few days,” Bright Ideas shrugged and waved a hoof. “And you’re scary sure, but only about the ponies you care about. Any of your friends would be lucky to have ya.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I know I’m right,” he countered with a faint smile. “I brought your favorite food as well. It’s in your fridge. Or well, the one in the kitchen. Not the one out here with your alcohol. Now go eat, I assume you’ve been running around all day like a bat out of Tartarus.”

“Even Trixie?” Raindrops pressed and flicked a ear slightly as he nodded. “She seemed pretty passed earlier. I may have also broken her door down in a rage so I have to fix that some how. Might try to convince Shoeshine and Fix It to well, help me fix it.”

”Especially Trixie.”