• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 402 Views, 2 Comments

Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Twilight and her friends got a message from somebody they went on a mission to stop an unknown god but just when they did they got trapped in some blocks and most of them lost their memories except for Twilight and splitted off

  • ...

Episode 9: Barbatos and the Holy Lyre der Himmel Part 1

While the trio were back in their hotel room they were waiting until Rainbow rushed in

"What's going on girls? I got a letter saying you needed me!" Rainbow said

"We didn't---" Lumine started before turning to Twilight "Did you send her a letter?" Lumine asked

"Yes, and for a good idea" Twilight said

"Is there something I'm missing right now?" Rainbow asked

"No, well, there is something you missed and it is a little weird and terrible" Twilight explained

"Did you get under attack again?! Did somebody get hurt?!" Rainbow asked

"No! Nobody did! But we do need help with something you won't like" Twilight said

"Oh... Just tell me what it is" Rainbow suggested

"We're about to break in the Cathedral to get the Holy Lyre der Himmel for Barbatos" Twilight explained

"No, just no! I won't let it happen! And besides gods stay in the clouds! They never come here!" Rainbow reminded

"But---" Twilight started

"Let me guess, it's that green guy you saw before?" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, I didn't want to do it but Lumine and Paimon wanted to so that's why I joined in" Twilight said

"And you didn't give them your thoughts about it?!" Rainbow asked

"I tried to but all they thought about was I'm gonna help this 'god'" Twilight explained

Rainbow then sighed in disbelief

"I would have to tell the Knights of Favonius about the trouble you're in but since you're sure this is a god with good reasons I'll allow it" Rainbow said

"Thanks Rainbow" Twilight said

"No worries but if something goes wrong, you're to blame!" Rainbow said angrily

"That's why I wanted you to guard the outside of the cathedral" Twilight explained

"But are you sure you won't get caught?" Rainbow asked

"I won't, I promise, now it's almost time so we should go" Twilight said

"Alright then, let's giddy up!" Rainbow said

The two then met back up with Paimon and Lumine as the four rushed to the Cathedral where they met with Venti

"Alright, we'll be going, Rainbow, you'll keep watch" Venti suggested

"Aye, aye captain!" Rainbow called out

"Alright then, let's get going" Twilight said

Afterwards the duo went through the spinning door to the basement and when they arrived below they got to the other side

"Okay, let's be sneaky, no one make any sound" Lumine suggested

The group then nodded before they sneaked their way over to the other side of the room and when they arrived at the other side they reached the Holy Lyre but when they were about to grab it somebody rushed by causing the four to gasp in shock

"Who're you?!" Paimon asked

"You got some nerve for sneaking in to steal the Holy Lyre without a reason!" Twilight reminded

"No, it is you who does" The person said

After saying that Twilight gasped in shock before she blushed in nervousness

"Ignore that, just get her!" Lumine ordered

Afterwards the trio rushed to the person who teleported away before they could get him causing them to land to the ground with a spin as Paimon looked around in shock and worry

"She... Disappeared?!" Paimon gasped in shock

"Oh no, no, no! This can't be good! Quick, we gotta go before they---" Twilight started

Just then somebody rushed by and called out

"Freeze!" A Knight of Favonius called out

"Caught us" Twilight said in disbelief

Lumine then turned to Twilight

"Leave it to us" Lumine suggested

The duo then stepped forward

"What are you doing here?!" The Knight of Favonius asked angrily

Paimon then gasped in shock as she knew the plan they were gonna use wasn't gonna work

"Oh no! Run!" Paimon called out

Lumine, Paimon and Twilight then ran off in fright

Meanwhile Rainbow and Venti were sitting on the railing and talkingtalking

"So uh... What were you up to when they went to get me?" Rainbow asked

"Well, you see---" Venti started

Just then Twilight, Lumine and Paimon were heard running off in fright

"Oh nooooo..." Paimon called out

After calling that out Venti and Rainbow turned around to see them running

"What happened?!" Rainbow asked

"We're busted! Run!" Paimon called out

After calling that out Rainbow and Venti jumped up as they turned to their friends

"What?! Follow me!" Venti ordered

Venti then led the group towards the tavern

Meanwhile the bartender talking to a guy with a white blouse with yellow buttons and a black and brown jacket on top which also had a black and red pin of sorts on top, dark gray pants with a black belt on one leg and black boots

"Master Diluc, this is this week's accounts" The bartender explained

The guy named Diluc then began thinking

"Hmm... The disaster has greatly affected business" Diluc thought

"Well, let's hope it all ends soon" The bartender suggested

Just then the group entered as Diluc and the bartender turned to them

"Hi, we'd like a seat at your, uhh... Least conspicuous table" Venti suggested

"Umm... The second floor has fewer customers, you'd be less conspicuous up there..." Diluc explained

"Thanks mister... Uh..." Twilight started

"Diluc" Diluc answered as the five went towards the table only for Diluc to call out to them "But aren't you a bard Venti? Why not sit front and center?" Diluc asked

Venti then chuckled nervously

"Hahaha, let's save the paid performance for next time, we'll be heading up now, see you in a bit" Venti waved

The five then rushed upstairs as Diluc then turned to the guy at the bar

"Keep an eye on them, there's something strange about that bard, I'll go ask around" Diluc ordered

"Ask who exactly?" The guy at the bar asked

"The 'protectors' of Mondstadt..." Diluc answered

But just then two Knights of Favonius guards walked into the room

"Ah, Master Diluc, have you seen two thieves around?" A Knight of Favonius guard asked

"What happened? Why have you mobilized so many guards?" Diluc asked

"Haven't you heard master Diluc? Two thieves were trying to steal the Holy Lyre!" A Knight of Favonius guard reminded

"Oh? How odd" Diluc thought

"Isn't it? The Holy Lyre is a treasure that was played by the God of Anemo themselves, such a precious piece of cultural heritage" A Knight of Favonius guard explained

"Why would one want to steal something they can't sell off? It would pay better to steal from my cellars..." Diluc reminded

"Huh?" A Knight of Favonius guard asked in confusion

"Sorry, off topic" Diluc apologized before leading them outside "I believe they headed that way" Diluc explained while pointing to a side outside

"Understood, thank you master Diluc!" A Knight of Favonius guard thanked

The two guards then walked off and when the five heard the door close they went back to master Diluc as they sighed in relief

"Thanks for the help master Diluc" Rainbow thanked

Venti meanwhile stole a bottle from the counter which Diluc noticed

"Today, I think I'll have a glass of---" Venti started

"You can put down that bottle you stole from behind the counter" Diluc ordered

"---Something cold" Venti finished in defeat

"Right" Diluc said before turning to the group "Now that, that's out of the way, I want answers" Diluc ordered

"Lemme finish my drink first? I'll pay you--- well, with a performance" Venti explained

Diluc then turned to Venti angrily

"It's not about money, you seem too young to be drinking" Diluc reminded

"No need to worry, when I started drinking you were still---" Venti started

"Actually, who's that..." Lumine explained

"Yeah, we'd like to know" Twilight agreed

"He is Master Diluc, the boss of... Ah, the owner of this tavern, he's very famous, by the way, his dandelion wine is one of my favorites though most of the time I can only afford a bottle or two..." Venti explained

"Yeesh, that's horrible" Twilight said sadly

"Let's ignore that for now, I just heard about some thieves from the guards" Diluc reminded in disbelief before giving a smile "For the record I like your guts for trying to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel" Diluc said

"Really?!" Rainbow asked in shock

"Of course, even if you are fools... But we don't often get to see people and ponies like you" Diluc explained

"It wasn't us that stole it! The real thief is still out there!" Paimon reminded

"Yeah, they are the hotshots of the Knights of Favonius, why would someone so aspiring steal Mondstadt's sacred treasure?" Venti asked

"Hotshot...? Oh, so it's you?" Diluc asked

"Yes we are" Twilight answered

"So you and the bard are close friends?" Diluc asked

"We're not close actually" Lumine reminded

"Yeah, we've only heard him play once" Twilight agreed

"Well... Despite only being a passing traveler you still offered your helpto Mondstadt in its time of need" Diluc reminded

"Well, true" Twilight said

"Well, it's a shame you joined the Knights" Diluc said in defeat

"What do you mean with that?! I'm a Knight of Favonius remember?!" Rainbow reminded angrily

After Rainbow reminded Diluc of it he sighed in disbelief

"The Knights of Favonius... Inefficient right from beginning to end" Diluc said in disbelief

"Excuse me!" Rainbow gasped in shock and anger

"Calm down Rainbow, you'll irritate him more" Twilight said

"Right, sorry" Rainbow apologized

"Are you going to react to that towards the Fatui? Weak and conservative" Diluc reminded angrily

"Are you trying to test me?! A Knight of Favonius?!" Rainbow asked

"Forget it, I don't feel like arguing about it" Diluc said in disbelief

"Well, I do!" Rainbow reminded

"Paimon, do something to distract Rainbow" Twilight whispered to Paimon

"Okay, give me some money, I have an idea" Paimon whispered back

"Alright" Twilight said

Twilight then gave Paimon some money

"Hey Rainbow, are you interested in some apple cider?" Paimon asked

"Apple cider?! I'm in!" Rainbow said

The duo then rushed over to the bar as they prepared to drink as Twilight sighed in relief

"Thanks for distracting Rainbow, twilight" Lumine thanked

"No worries, I couldn't let a fight start in the bar" Twilight said

"Still, it seems you don't really like the Knights of Favonius" Venti said

"Yeah, why's that?" Twilight asked

"Just differences in approach is all" Diluc answered

"Really? Why?" Lumine asked

"I have my own hopes for this city" Diluc explained

"Oh okay" Twilight said

"Now, answers, why did you steal the Holy Lyre?" Diluc asked

"You sure you want to know? It could implicate you in the affairs of the Knights of Favonius" Venti reminded

"That's fine, I somehow always end up implicated in their affairs" Diluc explained

"If I tell you the story with a performance will you believe me?" Venti asked

"It depends, I'll make my own judgement" Diluc reminded

"Then will I get paid?" Venti asked

"Your reward will range from anywhere between five Mora and the Holy Lyre, it all depends on your story" Diluc reminded

"Very well, let me put on a show..." Venti suggested before he began his story "The story I want to tell starts at... The sky dragon heeding his grave calls... A brutal battle with the wicked dragon... Where he ingested venomous blood and fell into a slumber... Only to awaken to be expelled in abhor..." Venti explained

After finishing Diluc could only look in awe and disbelief

"What did I just witness...?" Diluc asked in disbelief

"That sounds... Horrible" Twilight said in shock, worry and disbelief

"Yeah, this is confidential information, why did you let me know?" Diluc asked

"Why? Hmm... Perhaps the winds are changing" Venti thought out loud before turning to Diluc "So, what say you master Diluc?" Venti asked

"Interesting" Diluc thought out loud before turning to the group "Give me some time, I'll organize some contacts" Diluc said before turning to Twilight, Lumine, Rainbow and Paimon "Outlanders, Rainbow, as one of the knights it seems you are not a suspect" Diluc said

"Says the person who speaks to the Knights of Favonius like that" Rainbow said angrily

Twilight then turned to Rainbow with a glare before back at Diluc

"Ignore her Diluc, she can get a bit cocky at times" Twilight explained

"How would you know that? As far as I know, she doesn't remember you" Diluc reminded

"Yeah but let's just say she lost her memories of where she lived and such so she's taken in by the knights" Twilight explained

"Oh okay but still, blonde is the only description on the wanted poster, you should be safe" Diluc said before turning to Venti "As for the bard however it'd be better if you stayed in the tavern" Diluc suggested

"Haha, no problem! I like taverns" Venti said

"You can't say that like he's taking this easily, I mean, you were the one who forced us to steal the Holy Lyre" Twilight said

"She's right you know!" Rainbow reminded

"..." Diluc groaned before turning to the group "Okay, let's meet here after the tavern closes" Diluc suggested

The group then nodded as they walked out of the tavern

"Now what?! Thanks to that bard we're in danger!" Rainbow reminded

"I know Rainbow but for now I suggest we go to our hotel room, it's the least likely place they'll be looking" Twilight explained

"Good idea Twilight" Lumine said

The group then went to the hotel where they sat down on a table while Paimon floated next to Lumine as Rainbow turned to her friends

"Okay, now tell me, what happened in there?! Where did the Holy Lyre go?! And why were you planning on stealing the Holy Lyre?!" Rainbow asked

Twilight then sighed in defeat

"I know you won't be happy, especially with your new memories" Twilight said

"New memories?! Are you secretly thieves in the outside world or in Equestria?!" Rainbow asked angrily

"No we're not, we were just forced by Venti!" Lumine reminded

"Yeah, we weren't planning on stealing or anything like that" Paimon explained

"Are you serious right now?! I don't remember anything and just became friends with you! Are you saying we were also thieves in our own world?!" Rainbow asked angrily

"What?! Of course not Rainbow! I would never do that!" Twilight answered

"Are you serious right now?! I can now see why nobody cared about you, you're just some useless bitchy THIEF!!!" Rainbow reminded angrily

After Twilight heard that she gasped in shock and disbelief at what Rainbow said as tears ran down her cheeks

"Twilight, it's---" Lumine started

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Twilight shouted

Twilight then rushed into her room in sadness and when she got inside sobs were heard

"Way to go Rainbow! You made her sad!" Paimon said

"What?! It's true! She planned to steal the Holy Lyre der Himmel!" Rainbow said

"No she didn't! Neither did we! I know you might have forgotten Twilight existed but that doesn't mean she's a thief! After all! I called her for help alongside you and your friends!" Lumine reminded

"So what?! What does that have to do with you?!" Rainbow asked

"When we were on a mission to go stop that evil goddess from destroying the world you and your friends told me a ton of your adventures!" Lumine reminded

"Wait, are you serious?! I wouldn't even tell that! Even with Twilight being a thief!" Rainbow reminded angrily

"You won't listen! You see..." Lumine started

[Flashback Start]

The screen changed to Lumine, Aether, the Mane Six, Spike and Starlight in some kind of field as they were walking to the source of their flight

"Alright girls, I know this is gonna be a tough fight so I suggest you stay close by us!" Aether said

"Of course! Anything you say! I mean this is your world after all" Applejack said

"Wait hold on! I know it's their world but aren't we supposed to be heroes, I mean we've been saving Equestria day in and day out, always, remember" Rainbow explained

"Yeah, that's true but we don't know where we're supposed to go, even I didn't when I got to the human world" Twilight explained

"Are you sure? I mean, we don't even know them" Fluttershy said

"You see Rainbow, when we were on a mission to stop the god but Fluttershy was a little frightened since she didn't know me and Aether but it was Twilight who helped her calm down thanks to her knowledge she learned from Princess Celestia" Lumine narrated

"Calm down Fluttershy, according to the princess Lumine and Aether are travellers who go from world to world, they don't age but despite not being a god they're actually super friendly, I know they might look weird but they know just the way to save each and every world" Twilight explained

"Are you sure?" Fluttershy asked

"Of course, I mean, a few thousand years ago they helped the Princesses with one of their fellow enemies, the Smooze who rampaged the land a long time ago" Twilight explained

"Yeah and if it weren't for us Equestria wouldn't have been what it is today" Aether explained

"Wow, that must've been tough" Fluttershy said

"Of course it was" Lumine said

"So you see, we knew Celestia and Luna for a while, we even knew about you and your friends' adventures, we just didn't have the time to thank you guys" Lumine narrated

[Flashback End]

"So, Twilight isn't a thief according to the princess?" Rainbow asked

"Of course, you wouldn't believe her though thanks to Venti" Lumine explained

"Oh geez, now I feel so horrible, I'd better apologize" Rainbow said

Rainbow then rushed to Twilight's room and entered only to see Twilight laying in bed and sobbing

"Twilight, can we talk?" Rainbow asked

"Why?! You don't trust me! I knew I was wrong with friends like you!" Twilight explained

"Are you serious?! No, I was wrong! I shouldn't have been this rude!" Rainbow explained

"Wait? Really?!" Twilight asked

"Yeah, Lumine reminded me that even though I lost my memories, I shouldn't judge a book by its cover, I did take it the wrong way, I'm sorry" Rainbow apologized

"So, you don't hate me?" Twilight asked

"Of course, and I'll pay for what I did by having you lead the way and suggest what we should do" Rainbow answered

Twilight then hugged Rainbow

"I too am sorry, I shouldn't have trusted Venti in any way, you were right" Twilight explained

Paimon then flew into the room

"So girls, are you done with this argument or does Paimon have to eat our dinner all by herself?" Paimon asked

"What do you say Rainbow? Shall we eat dinner?" Twilight asked

"Sure" Rainbow answered

The group then began eating dinner and after they finished they went to the tavern where they entered as soon as the banner changed to 'closed' and when they arrived Venti turned to them

"You're all here" Venti said in relief

"Ugh! It's you again" Rainbow said in disbelief

"Wait, you're... The thieves?" Somebody then called out

The group then turned to the source only to see Acting Grand Master Jean in the room

"Jean?!" The four gasped in shock

Twilight then turned to Diluc in confusion

"Why is the Acting Grand Master here?" Twilight asked

"Well, first of all, I contacted more than one person" Diluc explained

"Huh?" Twilight asked in confusion

"Secondly she came here as 'Jean' herself, not as the Acting Grand Master" Diluc explained

"That's better than a mouthful of a name" Rainbow whispered to Paimon as Paimon nodded

"Still, what kind of Jean is she for now?" Lumine asked

"A Jean you would never see, even as an Honorary Knight" Diluc explained

"That explains the situation" Twilight explained

"What a surprise" Jean said

"Yeah but for the record we didn't do a single thing wrong, okay?" Rainbow asked

"Hehe, calm down, I'll be lenient to you all for once" Jean said

"Really? So you knew?" Paimon asked

"Well, I heard about the Holy Lyre but I never suspected it was you" Jean explained

"It definitely wasn't us!" Rainbow reminded

"Calm down Rainbow, I get it but..." Jean started before turning to Diluc "The sound of the Holy Lyre that can purify Stormterror and return it to normal... Is that true?" Jean asked

"That's right! Twilight and Lumine are putting themselves on the front lines to try and resolve this Stormterror issue" Venti explained

"Speak for yourself" Twilight said in disbelief

"Now those are the hotshots of the Knights of Favonius I was talking about" Venti said happily while turning to them

"Yeah, it feels like we're breaking the law though..." Paimon reminded

"I understand this kind of absurd explanation is hard to believe but we can ask the bard to play the song again to try and persuade---" Diluc started

"I believe you" Jean explained

"Huh?!" The group called out in shock and confusion

"To persuade our stubborn comman--- Wait what?" Diluc gasped in shock and confusion

"I can't think of any reason for Dvalin's betrayal given it was once one of the Four Winds, however if it was poisoned in the battle over Mondstadt all those years ago... And then conrrupted by the Abyss Mage after it woke up we can't really blame it but as the Acting Grand Master I obviously cannot make such a statement publicly, diplomatic pressure from the Fatui makes it hard for us to seek a peaceful resolution to the Stormterror issue, people would think I've lost grip on the gravity of the situation that's why I can only do this in private" Jean explained

"Hmph" Diluc groaned in disbelief

"What's wrong Diluc?" Twilight asked

"Nothing, it's just... That's one of the reasons I don't like the Knights of Favonius" Diluc answered

"Really? I mean, she does have a good reason" Lumine reminded

"Then what surprises me is that you would believe an outlander so easily" Diluc reminded

"My cautious and meticulous superior, even you trust them, don't you sir?" Jean reminded

"I already told you not to call me sir... Nevermind, we don't often get to work together after all" Diluc reminded

"Sir?" Lumine asked in confusion

"..." Jean thought sadly

"..." Diluc thought sadly while looking away

"I think they were once lovebirds but that's just speculation" Twilight whispered to Lumine

"Oh" Lumine realized

"Still... Um... This is really awkward..." Paimon said

"True, we should do something" Rainbow said

"I have a rough idea of where the Holy Lyre der Himmel is" Jean explained

"Nice recovery! She's really talented at changing the subject..." Venti thought

"Really?! You do?!" Twilight asked in shock

"Yeah, the conflict between Mondstadt and Snezhnaya stems from the conflict between the seven nations and their respective gods, the Cryo God's Fatui seem to be after the Anemo God's power" Jean explained

"..." Venti thought

Twilight then turned to Venti in confusion

"You alright Venti?" Twilight asked

Venti then turned to Twilight

"Yeah I'm fine, don't worry" Venti said

Lumine then turned to Jean in confusion

"So they want to kill Dvalin?" Lumine asked

"Right, if the Knights of Favonius publicly prevented an attempt on Dvalin's head then... The only other way to affect the Anemo God's power is to take the Holy Lyre" Jean explained

"The number of Fatui that have come to Mondstadt is far from limited, I've already managed to... Coerce a few reports out of them" Diluc explained

"What do you mean with that?" Rainbow asked

"Diluc has determined that the Holy Lyre is not being held in the Goth Grand Hotel" Jean explained

"Really?" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, I imagine they don't want to leave something stolen in a place where it could be so easily found" Jean answered

"Paimon gets it, if too much of a scene gets made then it becomes a big diplomatic issue" Paimon explained

"I have to agree with you there Paimon, this sounds too serious even for them" Twilight explained

"Hmph, such is the diplomacy between the seven nations" Diluc said in disbelief before turning to the group "Outlanders, Rainbow, ready to go?" Diluc asked

"Yes we are!" Lumine answered

The group then began walking to where Jean thought the Holy Lyre was as Venti turned to his friends

"Jean just said the Fatui are trying to take Dvalin's power for the Cyro God... I fear this might fall short of their true intentions" Venti explained

"Really?" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, I think they intend to use Barbatos' connection to the wind to draw him out just like Lisa traced the source of the storm to the temples" Venti explained

"Now that you mention it that does seem accurate to what the Fatui would do" Twilight explained

Diluc then turned to the group who were talking

"The God of Anemo? ...He hasn't been seen for more than a thousand years, what makes you think that's their intention?" Diluc asked

"Oh... Ah..." Venti stuttered nervously

"..." Diluc thought in disbelief "Forget it, I don't like having to pry, Lumine here, take this" Diluc suggested

Diluc then gave Twilight, Rainbow and Lumine some masks

"What is it?" Paimon asked

"A disguise to protect your identity, put it on before you run into the Fatui" Diluc suggested

"Are you sure?" Twilight asked

"Yes, unfortunately they are still one of Mondstadt's allies, at least that's the facade we're maintaining..." Diluc explained

"That sounds the least comfortable" Rainbow said

"Don't worry, I'm sure it'll be alright, besides, we've got each other" Lumine said

"True" Twilight said

"Our actions are going to get them stirred up, better to not implicate yourself on a personal level" Diluc suggested

"We'll try" Rainbow said

The group soon arrived at the Fatui's hideout as Paimon turned to her friends

"Wait a minute!" Paimon said

"Hurry up Paimon!" Twilight ordered

Paimon then went close to the mud and began drawing a mustache and some glasses before turning to her friends

"Ready?!" Paimon asked

"I doubt that's gonna work but if you're willing to wear this then suit yourself" Diluc said

Afterwards the group went inside the hideout as they went further in before they noticed a guard standing in front of them as they approached him which he noticed

"No, NO! Don't eat me!" A Fatui guard called out before he realized what they are "Ah? You're... You're a human and a horse?" A Fatui guard asked

"First of all, please don't say that to our little pixie and second of all, I'm a pony" Twilight reminded

"The entire floor's defenses... Have been broken, I thought it was the Abyss Order attacking..." The person said in worry

"Really?" Lumine asked

"Yeah, could you check on it for me?" The Fatui guard asked

"Very well and then could we also get the Holy Lyre der Himmel?" Twilight asked

"H-How did you girls know the lyre's here?" The Fatui guard asked in shock and suspiciousness

"Er, well... Your boss told us" Lumine answered

"Very well but the place is being locked up tight, if you're after the key keep going further into the ruins but d-don't come after me!" The Fatui guard pleaded

"We won't, we promise" Twilight said with a smile

"Now tell us, where's the key?" Paimon asked

"Well, a guard has it but I don't know which one but I'm sure you can find the guard and find out for yourselves" The Fatui guard explained

Paimon then whispered to Diluc

"This guy looks like he's about to wet himself..." Paimon whispered

"Alright, we'll go check just stay here and watch out for any suspicious person" Lumine suggested

"Alright, y-you just worry about yourselves! One of the Harbingers is already in Mondstadt" The Fatui guard explained

"This is troublesome" Twilight thought

"Who is the Harbinger you're speaking of?" Diluc asked

"Signora, when she gets her hands on you she's going to string you up and torture you, when that time comes don't you dare say a word about me" The Fatui guard pleaded

The Fatui guard then ran off as Paimon turned to her friends

"Did he say Signora? What a strange name..." Paimon thought out loud

"No. 8 of the Eleven Harbingers, goes by the name Signora" Diluc explained

"That explains the weird name" Twilight said

"The fact that the Fatui can run amok across the seven nations like they do is entirely because of the Eleven Harbingers" Diluc explained

"Then what do we do?" Rainbow asked

"Well, we need to act quickly before she gets wind of what's going on" Diluc suggested

The five then rushed to one of the guards who then turned to the group

"W-Who are you? How'd you get in here?!" The Fatui guard asked in anger and worry

"We're followers of Signora" Twilight answered

"Never heard of Signora's followers before..." The Fatui guard explained before turning to them in confusion "What are you lot doing here?" The Fatui guard asked

"We wish to borrow the Holy Lyre der Himmel" Lumine answered

"That lie's way too obvious, you really haven't got anything better?" The Fatui guard asked

"It's not a lie! We're sure of it!" Diluc answered

"We'll recommend you to the Association" Twilight said

"Hmm, so you're here for the Lyre aren't you?" The Fatui guard asked

"Yes, we just told you!" Paimon answered

"Hehe..." The Fatui guard said

"Uh oh, this can't be good" Twilight said worriedly

"Think you can look down your nose at me huh?" The Fatui guard asked

"What?! That's not what we're doing! We just wished for something!" Rainbow reminded

"The will of Snezhnaya is as solid as the permafrost! I will not yield!" The Fatui guard said

The Fatui guard then shot a laser at the group who dodged

"If you're not gonna listen then we'll make you!" Diluc said

"Try as you might! It will never work!" The Fatui guard said

"Quick! Attack!" Rainbow called out

Rainbow then rushed to the Fatui guard with her sword raised but due to not using her speed her sword got electrified causing her to drop it as she tried to blow the electricity away

"Don't worry! Allow me!" Twilight called out

Twilight then rushed to the Fatui guard as she shot a few lasers at him as the Fatui guard began dodging before shooting some lasers at Twilight who dodged while using a swipe with her horn before she teleported to behind the Fatui guard and kicked him in the back sending him to the ground as Lumine used his Anemo powers to send a gust of wind flying towards him which caused him to fly against the wall

"Tell us where the key is or else..." Diluc ordered

"N-No! I will not yield!" The Fatui guard said

Rainbow then jumped up to give a hard slash at the Fatui guard before he teleported to the other side of the room

"Hah! Got you there!" The Fatui guard laughed

Rainbow then turned around angrily

"Ugh! Stupid bitch! Just stand still!" Rainbow said

Twilight then began thinking before she had an idea

"Rainbow, you used that spell before didn't you? Back when you rescued us from the nightmare realms?" Twilight asked

"What are you--- Oh! I got it!" Rainbow said

Rainbow then flapped her wings in preparation before she zapped as fast as she could towards the Fatui guard who noticed her rushing towards him as he teleported away in the nick of tme causing her to hit the wall

"What's wrong with you?! I thought you were friends with Twilight!" Diluc reminded

"Yeah I am, I just wanted to take things easy!" Rainbow said

"Speaking of easy...!" The Fatui guard started

Just then a large cage appeared in front of the group trapping them in as they rushed towards one of the poles

"Hey! Let us out!" Lumine ordered

"Not until Signora comes back!" The Fatui guard said

The Fatui guard then walked off as Twilight turned to her friends

"What happened to you guys?! You do realize we're supposed to be saving the world, right?! What happened to that?! I expected way better!" Twilight reminded

"But Twilight---" Rainbow started

"You too Rainbow! Why did you want to take baby steps when there's danger?!" Twilight asked

"Twilight listen, it's not their fault, they tried their best!" Paimon reminded

"Then why don't you phase through?!" Twilight asked angrily

"I tried but there's an electric forcefield blocking my path!" Paimon said

"Great, just great! Thank you for making my adventure worse! You all should be ashamed of yourself! Thanks to you we got no way out or no way to stop Stormterror! You are all dumb bitches!" Twilight said

"Twilight, what happened to our teamwork?!" Rainbow asked

"Teamwork might not work now thanks to this cage so unless you have an idea that doesn't mean frying ourselves tell me!" Twilight ordered

Rainbow then backed off in shock as she knew she didn't have an idea

"Twilight, you didn't have to say that to her, you know she lost her memories" Lumine said

"And I DON'T CARE! I JUST WANT TO SOLVE THIS OKAY?!" Twilight asked angrily

Rainbow then sniffed as she walked off to a corner of the wall and sat down in sadness as Twilight, Lumine and Diluc did so while Paimon turned to each of them in sadness

[Rainbow Dash:]

"Went and blew it"

"Here's where it ends"


"Wish she knew that we're still her friends"

[Twilight Sparkle:]

"Guess I lost my groove somehow"


"Wonder what..."

"We'll do now"

[Diluc, Lumine, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle:]

"Our adventures"

"Ripped at the seams"


Paimon then began sobbing a bit at her failure

[Diluc, Lumine, Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle:]

"Those adventures..."

Just then Venti slid into the room while onto his knees as somebody was dropping to the ground


"Are saaaaved!"

Just then everybody turned to see Venti rush over to the button as the cage flew up as the group rushed to Venti

"How'd you find us?!" Twilight asked

"I have my ways" Venti said

"Really?!" Twilight asked

"Yep, also that was the wrong guy" Venti said

"Huh?" Rainbow asked

[A few minutes earlier]

Venti who was waiting heard a crash as he knew his friends were in danger as she picked up a mask Paimon was supposed to wear, wore it and ran after her friends and only to see the same Fatui guard runn off as Venti turned to him

"Hey you! Stop being so rude to them! They just had a question!" Venti explained

"Another one of you?! What do you want?!" The Fatui guard asked

"I'll give you an apple if you allow me to get my rude friends out!" Venti suggested

"Alright, if you say so" The Fatui guard said

"Here you go" Venti said

Venti then gave the Fatui guard an apple as he smiled before turning to Venti

"Oh and tell your friends I don't have the key and that they'll have to ask the next guard they come across" The Fatui guard suggested

"Will do" Venti said


After explaining the group chuckled nervously

"Sorry for your troubles" Twilight said

"No worries but now that I'm here let's go ask the next guard we see" Venti suggested

The group then went to the next guard and when they got close he turned around in fright

"Wh-Who are you? Wh-What are you doing here? Argh!" The Fatui guard gasped in fright

"Give up, no one's coming to rescue you" Lumine said in anger

"What are you doing Lumine?!" Twilight whispered angrily

"The last thing didn't work so I'm trying a different method" Lumine whispered back

"Did you already beat all the other guards?" The Fatui guard asked

"Yep pretty much!" Rainbow answered

"What?! I-I'm not scared of you, an agent will come to my aid!" The Fatui guard reminded

"Oh but we've already dealt with him on the way" Twilight explained

"Wow... Ah... Fine, not like I have a choice anyway, alright, you're free to go" The Fatui guard said in defeat before showing the key to the group "I have the key here, you can head in from the hall outside but don't tell anyone that it was me who gave you the key" The Fatui guard pleaded

"We won't we promise" Lumine said

The Fatui guard then ran off as the group went to search for the Holy Lyre while Twilight turned to Lumine

"How'd you do that?" Rainbow asked

"Well, on one of the Princess' letters she told me about Fluttershy's ability so I trained to use it on my brother" Lumine explained

"Oh okay" Twilight said

The group then arrived as Diluc used the key to open up the gate

"Sweet! Now we can go get the Holy Lyre!" Lumine cheered

"Don't cheer too loudly Lumine, there could still be dangers up ahead!" Rainbow reminded

"Rainbow's right, we might not have seen the last of the Fatui" Twilight explained

"I know, I know but I'm just relieved that we can now save Dvalin" Lumine explained

"True, now let's go before more dangers arrive!" Diluc said

The group then rushed towards the Holy Lyre and when they arrived the cage lowered over the Holy Lyre

"Oh no!" Lumine called out

"Told you so!" Twilight said

Just then somebody teleported into the room

"Where did you rats scurry out from...? Signora is not going to tolerate this kind of interference in our affairs" The guy asked

"Not if we have anything to say about it!" Rainbow said angrily

"Oh yeah, well, I'll be the one to take care of you all, save her the trouble of having to deal with you herself" The guy reminded

"Oh yeah, we'll see about that!" Rainbow said

Rainbow then prepared her wings to fly towards the guy only for the guy to teleport to another side

"Oh come on! Let me at least catch you!" Rainbow suggested

Just then Paimon felt a force in the wind

"Duck!" Paimon called out

The group then ducked as a slash was heard as the guy was seen slashing at the group with his sword

"He's too powerful for us to handle on our own!" Diluc said

"If only we had someone with a duplication spell!" Twilight said

Just then Lumine noticed something

"What's this?!" Lumine asked

Lumine then rushed towards the thing only for her to be kicked towards the group

"I won't let you tough my partner!" The guy said

It was then the group realized that it was not a partner he was talking about, he had trapped her in a piece of paper making the person unable to escape

"What if that person's us?" Rainbow asked in worry

Twilight then got worried as she backed off with her friends in worry

"It seems you guys will not get the Holy Lyre now, you've lost!" The guy said

"N-No! This can't be!" Venti said

"We're doomed!" Paimon called out in shock and defeat

Afterwards the group gasped as the guy charged towards them as they had no chance to escape nor dodge his attack