• Published 24th Feb 2024
  • 417 Views, 2 Comments

Twilight Sparkle gets a Genshin Impact Season 1 - MLPandMiraculousFanatic

After Twilight and her friends got a message from somebody they went on a mission to stop an unknown god but just when they did they got trapped in some blocks and most of them lost their memories except for Twilight and splitted off

  • ...

Episode 6: The Return of the Overdue Books Part 1

Author's Note:

Despite this being a lighthearted series this Episode and the following one will have some graphic mentions or scenes in Lisa's and Paimon's nightmare, going from creepy pumpkins with flesh mentioned and the other one being a mention of cannibalism, if any of these two triggers any of you guys I suggest skipping this and the next Episode and as always, stay safe)

The next day the trio went back to the headquarters where they noticed Lisa was reading some books in boredom

"Good morning miss librarian" Twilight said

Lisa then turned around with a yawn

"If you're borrowing a book, please register it in the log, the restricted section is currently not lending any books..." Lisa explained

"Lisa silly, it's us! The saviors of Mondstadt!" Paimon reminded

Lisa then realized who she was talking to making her not bored anymore

"Oh, it's you, the saviors of Mondstadt, it's good to see you three! More refreshing than a strong cup of tea in the afternoon" Lisa said in relief

"Clearly you're meant to be working but you don't seem to have your heart in it at all..." Paimon said in disbelief

"Yeah, I mean, you always love to be around books as much as the pony next to me" Lumine reminded

"Hey!" Twilight called out

"I mean, other than Jean who really works that earnestly anyway" Lisa reminded

"I mean, she's right!" Twilight said

"But others work hard too!" Lumine reminded

"So did you three have something you needed or did you just come to see me?" Lisa asked

"Ah... No, I don't remember if I had anything specific in mind..." Lumine answered

"Nothing specific? You must just be here to see me then..." Lisa realized in relief before she noticed her teammembers glaring making her chuckle a bit "Okay, I won't tease you any further" Lisa said

"So Miss Librarian, got any books to recommend?" Paimon asked

"Hmm... Recommended books..." Lisa thought before sighing in defeat "Sadly, everything I'd normally recommend is all in the restricted section which we're not currently lending out" Lisa explained sadly

"What's with her ominous tone?" Paimon asked

Lisa then realized something

"Oh right, would you three be interested in checking out the Teyvat Travel Guide?" Lisa asked

"Right! That's what we came here for, we forgot about that!" Twilight explained in realization

"Yeah, I think it would be quite helpful for you as travelers here" Lisa explained

"Ooh! Sounds like it could be helpful! Do you think we could take a peek?" Paimon asked in awe

Lisa then sighed in happiness

"I suppose I can try to find you a copy from the list..." Lisa said happily

Paimon then whispered to her friends

"Isn't this Lisa's job? What does she mean by 'I suppose'...?" Paimon asked in a whispering tone

Lisa then began searching before she sighed in defeat

"Oh dear... That's unfortunate, our current copy is currently being borrowed, that said, it is now overdue... Come to think of it, quite a few of our books are now overdue,, I REALLY wish people would just return their books on time!" Lisa said in disbelief and anger

"Trust me, I had a book that was overdue for a while but fortunately I brought it back, it just caused me to lose my title as Book-borrower but it didn't mind since I saw the best mare in Canterlot again" Twilight explained

"Well, that's good to hear" Lisa said

Paimon then turned to her friends with a few goosebumps

"Whoa! Is Paimon imagining things or does the air in here suddenly feel a lot more... Electrified?!" Paimon asked worriedly

"I feel it too" Twilight agreed

"Same, it's giving me goosebumps!" Lumine explained

Lisa then groaned in disbelief

"Such a pain, I'm going out to bring those unreturned books back" Lisa explained before turning to the trio "If you'd rather get your hands on that copy of the Teyvat Travel Guide sooner, you'd better come with me" Lisa suggested

Paimon then turned to the two in fright

"Lisa seems really scary right now, Paimon thinks it would be best if you answer her...?" Paimon suggested

"We'll go and help you" Twilight explained

"You really are considerate friends, let's see, first we can go to..." Lisa started before she began thinking until she had an idea "The souvenir shop, it's called 'With Wind Comes Glory' so let's go there as soon as possible" Lisa said

"Alright, let's go girls!" Lumine called out

The four then began running to the souvenir shop where they then stopped

"Girls, we're here! Let's begin, shall we?" Lisa asked

"Sure, you go ahead and talk" Twilight suggested while turning to Lumine

"Hi miss, regarding the book you borrowed---" Lumine started

"Hello Marjorie, any exciting new new items in stock?" Lisa asked shocking her friends "Why so surprised? Today is such a special day, it's only natural that I'd want a souvenir to remember it by" Lisa explained

"...So this is a date now?" Twilight asked

"Ooh, is that how you see it?" Lisa asked as the trio nodded "I suppose there's nothing wrong with that... At your age these kinds of fleeting fantasies are normal" Lisa said happily

Marjorie then began chuckling a bit

"Well, if it's a souvenir you're after you're in the right place, I'm sure you'll find something that strikes you fancy Lisa or you could let your friend pick something out for you... Make it more of an occasion" Marjorie suggested

"Yes, yes! Let us pick!" Paimon suggested

"Alright then" Marjorie said before motioning at the stuff around"Take a look around, there's sure to be something she'll love" Marjorie suggested

The group then began looking around before they found a ragged old scroll

"This is something she'll like" Twilight suggested, pointing at the scroll

"This is a historical relic retrieved from some ruins by one of the Adventurers' Guild, sure there's a bit of wear and tear but this thing in the painting must be well over a thousand years old... Though it doesn't make much sense to me" Marjorie explained

"My goodness... This is one of the three lost scrolls that make up the 'Northern Border Wind Investigations...' What is it doing here?!" Lisa asked in shock and disbelief

"You sure you wanna pick the ragged old scroll? Can't change again once you've made your mind up!" Paimon reminded

"Yes, at least it's to make Lisa happy" Twilight answered

"My, my, you clearly know a treasure when you see it, this is a work of unparalleled unsignificance for the research of ancient people's understanding of the elements, I will gladly accept it" Lisa said happily before she checked her watch before gasping in shock "Goodness, is that the time?" Lisa asked making her friends confused before Lisa turned to Marjorie "Marjorie, one last thing, about 'The Legend of Venessa'...?" Lisa explained

"Oh, so you're a fan of the gallant Lady Venessa too? Why didn't you say so? I have all sorts of items I could recommend... For example this lion's tooth pendant with Venessa's name carved into it, it was once a medal awarded to a knight by the great Lady herself!" Marjorie explained in happiness

"..." Lisa thought in disbelief

"The library book you borrowed" Lumine reminded

After saying that Marjorie gasped in shock

"Oh my goodness! I do apologize, I got so excited when you mentioned Venessa, I didn't know that book was overdue even though I take it with me everywhere... I can't believe I didn't put two and two together as soon as I saw you four here" Marjorie apologized before laughing and when she was done she gave Lisa the book "Here you go" Marjorie said

Lisa then sighed in relief

"Well, since you look up to Lady Venessa so very much... Please be more punctual next time" Lisa suggested

"Yes Lisa, I will be Lisa" Marjorie said

"Alright, well see you later then" Twilight explained

"Let's go and find the next overdue book" Lisa suggested

The four then began walking to the food stand where they then went to stand in front

"Welcome to Good Hunter, table for three?" The girl asked

"FOUR!" Paimon called out

"Oh!" The girl said before chuckling a bit "My apologies... Please sit wherever you like and call me over once you're ready to order" The girl suggested

Paimon then turned to Lisa in excitement

"So we're gonna eat first and bring up the book situation later?" Paimon asked

"Why of course, the stress of work really takes the pleasure out of eating don't you think?" Lisa asked

"Work is that bad huh?" Paimon asked

"Paimon!" Twilight called out angrily

"I thought you two had a discussion about it before!" Lumine reminded

"Hehe, my bad" Paimon apologized

Lisa then walked towards the table she wanted to sit at with Paimon flying after her while Twilight and Lumine turned back to the girl

"Do you know what Lisa likes to eat?" Twilight asked

"What does Lisa like to eat? Hmm? Well, she's been here a few times with Master Jean for some afternoon tea before though I think she normally orders something vegeterian, a lady tends to eat cautiously on account of her physique after all!" The girl explained before she realized something" On that note, I should probably be watching my own diet a bit more..." The girl suggested

Lumine and Twilight then approached the duo and when they arrived they took and after a while the girl came

"So what do you want to eat?" The girl asked

Lisa then yawned in boredom

"Why don't you order us something Lumine? I'm ever so curious to know what your tastes are" Lisa suggested

Lumine then turned around

"For Lisa and Twilight a Radish Veggie Soup and for me and Paimon some Northern Smoked Chicken" Lumine explained

Lisa then smiled before turning to the girl

"I imagine that making a good vegetable soup takes good quality ingredients cooked in the right order at the right heat for the right length of time, at least, those are the principles that apply when one is making potions but from what I've heard soup-making was a popular pastime among the witches of the past" Lisa explained

"Alright, I'll go prepare it for you girls" The girl explained

After a while the girl came back with the food

"Thank you miss, I'll give you the paycheck later" Lisa explained before the girl left before Lisa turned to her friends "If you're ready let's dine together" Lisa suggested as the four then began eating and when Lisa tasted the food she could only turn to her friends "A fine choice! I'm pleasantly surprised, a truly enchanting dish, certainly a good fit for a witch, I am simply brimming with elemental energy after that" Lisa said in shock and awe

"Thanks miss" Twilight thanked

Paimon then began groaning

"Oof... Paimon's so full..." Paimon groaned in pain

"If you're full you should stop eating, I'll eat the rest" Lumine said

"But how?! I mean, there's a lot still remaining!" Paimon reminded

"She's right though Lumine" Twilight sighed

"Don't worry girls, I can handle it myself" Lumine said

After a while they were done eating as Lisa turned to her friends

"Time is getting on, I suppose I should carry on with this ghastly thing called work" Lisa explained

Lumine then grunted a bit while pulling up her finger

"Told you, you should've been careful" Twilight reminded

Twilight then teleported a barf bag allowing Lumine to barf in the bag before wiping his mouth off

"Maybe you're right, sorry about that girls" Lumine apologized

"No worries Lumine, just learn your lesson for next time" Paimon suggested

"Anyways, let's have a little chat with Sara about her library book" Lisa suggested

The group then went back to the stand as Lisa turned to the girl named Sara

"Would you like to order something else?" Sara asked

"No, I think Lumine needs some rest" Twilight suggested

While suggesting that Twilight accidentally slammed her hoof on Lumine's chest making her barf in the barf bag again making Twilight grunt

"I'll get some pills to help you in a bit" Lisa suggested

"That'll do" Lumine said

Lisa then turned to Sara again

"Still, we are quite satisfied but I'm afraid I must ask you about 'The Boar Princess'" Lisa explained

"The Boar Brisket? I'm sorry, I think we took that off the menu" Sara apologized

"..." Lisa sighed in disbelief again

"She means the book you borrowed!" Paimon reminded

"Oh! Of course! I came straight to the restaurant after I borrowed it and completely forgot that I even had it" Sara realized

"No worries Sara, do you still have it?" Twilight asked

Sara then turned to Lisa and puts her hands in a begging position while apologizing

"I'm so sorry Lisa, I will bring it to the library myself as soon as I finish work" Sara apologized

"Mm... Okay then but make sure you don't forget this time" Lisa suggested

"Will do, I'll see you later" Sara waved

"Right" Lisa said before turning to her friends "Onto our next stop then girls" Lisa said

The trio then walked towards the final shop as Lisa saw the person by the shop making her relieved

"This is our final call for the day" Lisa explained

The four then approached the girl who then turned to the group

"Welcome...! Uh... C-Couples are our specialty! Let me know what you'd all like and I'll wrap them up nicely for you girls" The girl explained nervously

"Ah yes..." Lisa started before turning to Lumine "Now which book was it that has the line 'a date without flowers is a date without romance'?" Lisa asked

Paimon who got confused then turned to Lisa

"Would you by any chance care for some flowers miss?" Paimon asked

"Why, it just so happens that I would my kindest friend" Lisa said

Twilight and Lumine groaned a bit in disbelief before Twilight turned to Lisa

"What about us? aren't we kind too?!" Twilight asked

"Yes, you all are my kindest friends!" Lisa answered

"That's a relief" Lumine said

"Some flowers for Miss Lisa? What would you like to give her Paimon?" The girl asked

Paimon then looked at the selection of flowers she has before pointing at one

"The dandelion" Paimon answered while doing so

"Dandelions are one of our classics and a personal favorite of miss Flora the shop owner" The girl explained making Paimon worried "I know what you're thinking: Most flower shops don't sell dandelions, they're a nuisance to care for..." The girl explained

"Yeah, that's why I wanted to give them away to Lisa" Paimon explained

"Well, perhaps miss Flora likes the sense of them floating away to a faraway land that the dandelion evokes" The girl explained

"Really?!" Paimon asked

"Well, come to think of it miss Flora herself gives people the same impression" The girl explained

"So Paimon, as revenge for what you asked us before, are you sure you wanna pick the dandelion? Can't change again once you've made your mind up" Twilight reminded

"Of course I do, I mean, I have a feeling Lisa likes it" Paimon explained

Lisa then smiled in awe

"Dandelions? They actually sell dandelions?" Lisa asked in awe and excitement

"Yeah, what's wrong with that?" Lumine asked

"They have a refreshing scent, similar to the one Jean wears" Lisa explained before turning to Paimon "Thank you" Lisa thanked

"No worries miss Lisa!" Paimon said

"Okay, time to get back to business, Donna, do you know why we're here?" Lisa asked

The girl named Donna then got worried

"Back to business? My business is selling flowers!" Donna reminded worriedly

Lisa then began sighing in disbelief

"Once again, we see a total lack of respect for literature..." Lisa explained in disbelief "The Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies, ring a bell?" Lisa asked

Donna then gasped in shock and worry

"Ahh, yes, well, what happened was... Was..." Donna started worriedly before looking down in fright "Oh no, what am I gonna do?" Donna asked worriedly

"She seems frantic" Lumine explained

"Don't worry, just tell us what happened, maybe we can help" Twilight suggested

"I... I lost the book" Donna explained sadly

"..." Lisa sighed in disbelief

"Normally I don't mind but HOW DO YOU LOSE A BOOK SO EASILY?!" Twilight asked in anger and disbelief

"A while back I realized it was almost due and I was getting ready to bring it back to the library but I couldn't find it anywhere, I looked for days but nothing" Donna explained

"Maybe you misplaced it" Twilight reminded

"I don't so, I mean, it's like somebody stole it... It should have been there on my bedside table where I left it" Donna explained sadly

"Uh oh... Bet Lisa does some crazy things when she gets mad!" Paimon said worriedly

"Bet!" Twilight and Lumine called out in worry

Lisa then turned around in anger

"I heard that!" Lisa called out angrily

The trio then turned around in shock and worry

"Eek!" Paimon called out in shock and worry

"Sorry Lisa, we just got distracted for the moment!" Twilight apologized worriedly

"No worries" Lisa said before she turned back to Donna "Well, if it really was stolen Donna's done nothing wrong, the blame lies with the book thief and their punishment will be three, no, ten times worse than stealing my book" Lisa explained angrily

"Like Paimon said! Totally crazy!" Paimon reminded

Twilight then turned to Paimon angrily while Lumine turned to Lisa in worry

"How do we find the lost book though?" Lumine asked in confusion and worry

Lisa then turned back to Lumine

"Oh don't worry about that, as long as I remain librarian not a single book will go missing for good" Lisa answered

Twilight then turned to Lisa in confusion

"How if you don't mind me asking?" Twilight asked

"Well, I've put an unique elemental marker on each book, our thief will have left a nice set of clues for us to follow" Lisa explained

"When did Lisa start taking her job so seriously?! Paimon always thought she was a total slacker" Paimon asked in confusion

"Then you may have thought wrong, there's always a hidden shell beneath each person which can only burst out if absolutely needed" Twilight answered

Lisa then turned to the group

"Hey girls, I've heard your elemental sensitivity is very strong... Why not see what you can do" Lisa suggested

"Elemental sensitivity?" Paimon asked before she realized what Lisa meant "Oh! Paimon's got it!" Paimon realized before she turned to Lumine and Twilight "Girls, use your Elemental Sight to look for clues!" Paimon suggested

The two then nodded before they investigated until they found something near the gate making them approach it

"Looking at the elemental traces it does seem likely that the book was stolen" Lisa realized

"So Donna didn't do anything wrong after all" Paimon said in realization

"It's not from the restricted section so it's hardly a book worth stealing" Lisa reminded

"True but why did they steal it then?" Twilight asked

"Well, whoever wanted this book so badly had a strange fixation indeed" Lisa explained

Paimon then began thinking

"Hmm... So what do we do now?" Paimon asked

"The elemental traces are very faint but I can tell that the thief took it beyond the city walls" Lisa explained before turning to Lumine "You must see it too, right?" Lisa asked

"Yes I do" Lumine answered

"Then let's follow the trail and have a little look on where our thief was headed, shall we?" Lisa asked

"Of course, let's go girls!" Twilight called out

The four then began running until they saw a kind of glitch in the matrix by a cliff in the distance

"What's that?!" Paimon asked in shock and confusion

"I don't know and I thought it was just me" Lumine explained

"We'd best check there" Twilight suggested

"Agreed!" Paimon agreed as the four then rushed towards the cave before they stopped in front of it "The thief lives inside ruins? Mondstadt people do have some strange quirks" ¨Paimon said in disbelief

Lisa then turned to Paimon strictly

"Please do not jump to such a preposterous conclusion about the living habits of Mondstadt residents" Lisa ordered

"Yeah and besides I don't think it's someone from Mondstadt" Twilight explained

"You don't?!" Paimon asked in shock and confusion

"I have to agree, this seems far more likely to be the work of some none too friendly troublemakers" Lisa explained

"Are you speaking of hilichurls?" Lumine asked

"Stealing books is hardly the hilichurls' style, all they would use books for is to keep their campfire going anyway" Lisa reminded before turning to Lumine "This is more likely to be the Abyss Order's doing, they do seem to have a way of slipping in and out of places like ghosts after all" Lisa explained before turning to the glitch in the matrix kind of cave "Also... There is an elemental seal at the entrance, it looks like the result of an Abyss Mage's magic" Lisa explained

"A seal? How are we gonna break it? Is this gonna turn into another huge ordeal?" Paimon asked

"Not to worry, if you think a little magic can keep me out, think again!" Lisa suggested

"Why is that?" Paimon asked

Lisa then shot a powerful lightning spell causing the glitch in the matrix kind of seal to explode and an entrance to appear making the group gasp while Twilight stopped her shield magic

"Never make seals in Lisa's way Paimon or else you'd get in danger" Lisa said in chuckle

Paimon then glared while saying...

"I wasn't planning on doing that!" Paimon reminded angrily

Lisa and Twilight then turned to the duo from near the ruin

"Come on girls!" Lisa ordered

Lisa then walked off with Twilight right behind her while Lumine walked after them

"So this is what Lisa's like when she's hard at work..." Paimon said before following the trio into the ruin only to see it was bigger than the outside "Whoa! It's so much bigger in here than Paimon thought..." Paimon said in awe

"Come on girls we have a long way to go, especially if Lumine's gonna be using her elemental sight" Lisa said

The trio then began walking while Paimon got worried

"Uh... Do we really have to go all the way inside?" Paimon asked

"Yeah, what are you? A chicken?" Twilight asked

Twilight then stood on her rear hooves while cackling like a chicken and moving her free hooves in a chicken way before stopping

"Haha, very funny" Paimon said sarcastically

"Still, Twilight's right, if you borrow a book you have to return it, there will be no exceptions" Lisa reminded

The four then began walking all the way through the cave in search for the book thief as Lumine walked in front of them before they got to the final stage where they noticed an Abyss Mage

"Girls, be quiet, we don't want to divert it's attention" Twilight whispered

The four then tried to sneak past the abyss mage only for Lumine to step on a ground trap causing a spike to appear with a loud thud making the group duck to not get hit before theu noticef the abyss mage had turn around and see the four

"Okay, I did not expect that" Lumine said

Just then the abyss mage flew towards Lisa who began shooting lasers which the abyss mage began dodging

"Okay girls, I'd suggest you run! I can handle it!" Lisa said

"No! I'll handle it!" Lumine said

"Why?! It's dangerous!" Paimon said

"Don't worry, you four go get the book, I'll handle them!" Lumine said

The abyss mage then chuckled a bit before she sent a spell which Lumine dodged while her friends ran

"Why did you enter, there's no reason for you to go and steal the book!" The abyss mage reminded

"No you're right, there's no reason but you stole it didn't you?!" Lumine asked

The abyss mage then sent some bones down causing Lumine to dodge them

"There's no way for you to steal it and this time you don't have your friends to protect you!" The abyss mage reminded

"Yes I do! And they're about to get the book!" Lumine explained

Meanwhile the three friends were running around and searching for the book

"Come on, come on, where's the book?!" Twilight asked

"This'll be tougher without Lumine" Lisa said

"I doubt we'll find it!" Paimon said

The three then continued to run before they stepped on a trap causing the floor to split and the three friends to fall down with screams of fright before they landed on the ground with grunts as they then fell

Back with Lumine she kept fighting the abyss mage as they both dodged everytime

"Seriously! You're getting on my nerves!" The abyss mage said

"No, I'm not! You are! Now give me back the book!" Lumine said

"Never!" The abyss mage called out

"I'll show you!" Lumine said

Lumine then teleported upwards without any reason and slammed her sword towards the abyss mage who teleported causing Lumine to fall straight into a hole she made with a large scream

[Twilight Sparkle's POV]

After a while Twilight had finally landed on the ground and when she woke up she found herself in the grasslands of Equestria

"Home!" Twilight called out in happiness

Twilight then trotted around the place in excitement until she heard some screams

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!" Somepony called out

"What was that all about?!" Twilight called out

Soon enough Twilight got to Ponyville and when she got there she saw something cute but scary in her eyes as it began shooting lasers from it's ears as somepony rushed towards her

"You need to save the citizens, now!" The pony called out

"I... I can't!" Twilight called out in fright

"Why not?! Are you frightened! They can kill you with their lasers!" The pony reminded

Twilight then turned back to the creature which was a ladybug and when she did she could only scream loudly in fright

[Lisa's POV]

A little while later Lisa fell on the ground and after the fall as she found herself on the grass near Mondstadt where Amber woke her up

"Come on Lisa! Halloween's about to start!" Amber said

Lisa then went to stand up

"But you know I don't like Halloween and Autumn" Lisa reminded

"Silly Lisa, you're a witch which means you have to love Halloween, don't you?" Amber asked

"I know but there's these scary pumpkins that even I---" Lisa started

"Come on Lisa, those pumpkins can never harm you, I mean they're all food!" Amber reminded

While they were talking Lisa couldn't help but notice a pumpkin teleporting in and out of her sight

"B-But I was supposed to get the books" Lisa explained

"Forget the books, it's time for a party!" Amber reminded

"But the books are overdue!" Lisa reminded

"You always think books are overdue, I know, but don't worry" Amber explained

Amber then dragged Lisa towards the party where she saw a monstrous sight, a lot of pumpkins were on everyone's heads and they had creepy claws and the pony pumpkins even had a ragged shape or had sharp wings

"I-I'm sorry, I-I can't!" Lisa said

Lisa then turned around and saw Amber with a pumpkin head alongside her green body making her look down and saw the nails piercing into her flesh making her really frightened as she struggled to move out of Amber's grip while Amber turned to Lisa creepily

"Come on, this is a fun party" Amber explained in a distorted voice

After Lisa heard this she could only scream in fright as she was being forced into the party

[Paimon's POV]

After a while Paimon grunted as she looked up and when she did she noticed she was back in Mondstadt as she flew to Lumine

"Hey Lumine, are the books back? Paimon's sure Paimon's forgotten it as Paimon passed out" Paimon asked

"Books?" Lumine asked before having a laugh "Oh don't worry my sweet emergency food, how could I ever forget the amazing words of the book?" Lumine asked

"True, but hey, where's Twilight?" Paimon asked

Lumine then turned to the plate in front of her with a piece of meat

"Why? Don't you remember her? She'll be so sad" Lumine said sadly

Paimon then gasped in shock and disbelief

"Wait what?! Why are you doing this?! When has this started?!" Paimon asked angrily

"A few days ago, why, aren't you hungry? I thought you always were" Lumine reminded

"Wh-What?! O-Of course I am but I'm not gonna eat her or anyone else for that matter! I'm gonna tell Rainbow!" Paimon said

Paimon then flew out of the room as Lumine could only chuckle

"Poor girl, she doesn't know that she's the emergency food" Lumine said

Paimon meanwhile flew as fast as she could to find Rainbow only to get tired as she went to Lisa

"Hey Lisa! Where's Rainbow?!" Paimon asked

"She's with me, don't you see?" Lisa asked

"No, where's she?!" Paimon asked

"Right here" Lisa answered

While answering Lisa pointed to her belly making Paimon scared as she flew as fast as she could to the beach to wash her face only to see a reflection of her as a chicken wing making her scream in fright

"No, no, no, this can't be! I'm not emergency food!" Paimon called out

Paimon then turned around and saw a few people cornering her with some forks and knives making her turn to herself only to see she looked like a chicken wing making her scared and try to fly off only to fall to the ground where she backed off in fright

"Somebody! Help me!" Paimon called out in fright

[Lumine's POV:]

Meanwhile Lumine fell to the ground where she grunted before standing up

"Ugh! I'm coming to get you!" Lumine said

Just then Lumine found herself back in the forest near Mondstadt making her groan a bit

"This can't be happening" Lumine said

Just then Lumine heard a familiar word

"Hello sis" A familiar voice called out

Lumine then gasped in shock as she turned around only to see a familiar guy with orange hair, a brown t-shirt with a white scarf on top, black pants, a black vest hanging around the waist and black and white shoes

"Brother!" Lumine called out

Lumine then rushed to her brother as they both hugged while Lumine sobbed a bit in happines

"Shh, it's okay, I'm back" Lumine's brother said

"Yeah, I'm so happy you're back, what happened while I was gone?" Lumine asked

"It's quite a long story but I can tell you that you're gonna have amazing adventures right now" Lumine's brother said

"B-But brother, where are we?!" Lumine asked

"Why? Don't you remember? This is where you went to pay respects for me? Remember, you found me on the ground passed away, you even checked my pulse and I was not there anymore" Lumine's brother reminded

"Of course I don't remember, I was just on a mission to come find you!" Lumine said

Lumine and her brother then broke the hug as her brother could only get confused

"I'm sorry but I was absolutely sure you paid respects to me because if you didn't then who did?" Lumine's brother asked

"I did!" A sudden voice called out

The trio then turned around and saw 'Paimon'

"Who's that?" Lumine's brother asked

"That's Paimon, my best friend and travel companion" Lumine answered

"No, I'm not!" 'Paimon' corrected

The duo then gasped as 'Paimon' began turning bigger as her outfit became more god like until she transformed into the unknown god

"It's her!" Lumine's brother called out

"Wait, but how?! Are you the one who stole Twilight's memories?!" Lumine asked angrily

"No, you did" The unknown god corrected

"No, that's not true, I was sure you did!" Lumine corrected

"Then you thought wrong, right bestie?" The unknown god asked

"Yes ma'am!" Lumine's brother answered

Lumine then gasped as his brother went to the unknown god

"Hold on a second, you were working together all along?!" Lumine asked in shock and disbelief

"Yes and to be fair we're dating right now, right my dearie?" The unknown god asked

"Yes miss and I'm almost ready to propose to you!" Lumine's brother answered

"Wait! You can't propose to him! You definitely can't! And I'll stop you!" Lumine called out

"Go ahead and try, I'm sure the chains to your grave can help" The unknown god answered

Lumine then turned around in shock when she did she noticed the gravestone had her name as a 'dun dun duuuun' sound effect played before she crouched down on her knees and cried while the unknown god and Lumine's brother laughed while playing husband and wife in front of her

[Rainbow Dash's POV]

While our heroes were on their mission their best friend Rainbow was walking around in the Knights of Favonius Headquarters until she noticed Sara approaching her

"Hey, could you open the door to the library for me? I'm sure Lisa's just forgotten to do it" Sara said

"Sure, I'm on it!" Rainbow said

Rainbow then approached the headquarters' library and when she arrived she unlocked the door and when she did she and Sara noticed Lisa's not there

"Hey, where's Lisa?" Sara asked

"I'm not sure" Rainbow answered

The duo then entered until she heard a throat clearing making them turn around in shock

"What are you doing here Jean?!" Sara asked

"Yeah, we just wanted to talk with Lisa but she's not here" Rainbow explained

"I know but did you seriously need to unlock the door so rapidly Rainbow?" Jean asked

"No, my apologies" Rainbow apologized

"It's alright, I was about to meet up with Lisa for our afternoon tea again" Jean explained

"Sure, you go do your thing and I'll let you know if I see her" Rainbow said

"Alright then, I'll be waiting for your news" Jean said

Jean then walked off as Sara turned to Rainbow in worry

"Sorry for making Jean angry" Sara said

"Nah, it's fine, now what did you want to do?" Rainbow asked

"Well, I wanted to give back the book that was overdue" Sara explained

"Really? Show me, I'll finish the documents for it" Rainbow said

"Alright" Sara said

The duo then went to the desk as Sara gave Rainbow the book which she then begins checking back in before sighing in relief

"There, that's done, now did you want some new books?" Rainbow asked

"No thanks, I had enough mistakes for one week but I'll let you know if I want something" Sara said

"Okay, then you may go and next time don't forget" Rainbow said

"I promise" Sara said

Sara then left and when she was gone Rainbow sighed in disbelief

"Now where is Lisa?" Rainbow asked

Just then a sound came out

"Rain... Ow" Somepony called out

"What's going on? Am I hearing something?" Rainbow asked

"Go to the nearest mirror, immediately!" The voice said

"I don't know who you are but okay" Rainbow said

Rainbow then rushed to the girls' bathroom and when she did she noticed the mirror flashing before changing into a pony with dark purple coat, dark blue mane and tail with slightly lighter parts and a black crown with a half moon icon in the center

"Hi Rainbow" The pony said

"Who are you?" Rainbow asked

"You don't remember, I'm the princess of the night, you saved me when I was Nightmare Moon, remember?" The pony reminded

"No I don't, all I remember was waking up here without memories of anything, don't tell me you're another one of those ponies from this so called 'Equestria', are you?" Rainbow asked angrily

"First of all Equestria exists and second of all your friends in the world you're in are in danger!" The pony reminded

"You're joking aren't you?" Rainbow asked

"No I'm not you just didn't know it but your friends really are in danger, they're in what is called 'the Nightmare Realm' where they think their nightmares had come true" The pony explained

"What?! Is Lisa there too?!" Rainbow asked

"Yeah, she is and they need you to rescue them so please get into the ruin according to this image and save your friends" The pony suggested

"But what if I get caught too?!" Rainbow asked

"You won't, I'm sure of it" The pony explained

"But I'm no super duper hero that you claim me to be, I was just their last hope for the last two times!" Rainbow reminded

"I know but even though you don't remember in Equestria you were a very fast hero who has an eye for detail on the ground, you can always figure out where things went wrong so I'm sure you can do it too right now" The pony explained

"Really?!" Rainbow asked

"Yeah and don't worry as soon as I manage to get you and your friends out of this situation I can use my magic to help you remember stuff" The pony explained

"So, what you're saying is, is that I'm so fast I can break the sound barrier?" Rainbow asked

"Exactly" The pony answered

"But isn't that dangerous? What if I hurt myself or my friends there? How do I even escape that?!" Rainbow asked

"It is kinda a long story ms. Dash but all I can tell is that you learned this yourself even if you don't remember, you just need to focus if you want to activate it" The pony explained

"Okay but how did you figure out they were in trouble?" Rainbow asked

"I have my ways, now go Rainbow before your friends think that world's the only one that exists" The pony ordered

Rainbow then saluted the pony before a picture appeared of how the cave's entrance looked like which made Rainbow inspect it carefully before she rushed out of the girls' bathroom only to see Jean

"Are you alright Rainbow, you've been staying in that bathroom for too long" Jean explained

"Yeah but now I have to, um, do my guard duties so I'll see you later" Rainbow explained nervously

Rainbow then ran off as Jean watched her leave before chuckling nervously before she heard some things loud flash which made her gasp in fright as she rushed outside only to see an unexpected sight...