• Published 15th Mar 2024
  • 269 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: My Little Dragon - RobtheMorpherPony

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Chapter 2 (Easter Madness 2024)

Pre-A/N: Just so no one comments about it, just know that I won't bother saying things like "Dragon Spike" or "Dragon Rainbow Dash" from here on out. There's a reason why the first chapter exists.

Spike stretched out on his new bed in the world of Brimstone. He had been provided this bed by the dragon version of Twilight Sparkle. He had to give the Magic Dragon some credit: Some things just did not change with her. Not even the fact she was staying in a library changed. The only big change was the name of the town was Dragon's Vale. Spike had to admit that it was a pretty creative name. Still, it was a little on the nose. Though, the purple dragon had to admit that the Equestrian world's Ponyville was very much the same thing.

"Some things really don't change that much huh?" Spike said to himself as she got up and started getting ready for the day. He was a bit surprised to find that the shower spewed out lava droplets, and in this universe, it basically worked like water. For the most part that is. "Huh. That's strange." Spike said as he quickly showered himself and then got into the kitchen.

That's when Twilight Sparkle came down. "Gee, you got up early." Twilight said. "I can tell you've discovered the Lava Shower."

"That is different, I will admit. But I suppose I'll have to get used to it." Spike said.

Smolder soon came down too. "Heh heh, yeah. I guess you would be unfamiliar to something like that. Thing is, only the homes of Water Dragons are equipped with the kind of shower your probably familiar with. That's because Sky and Magic dragons can't stand the feel of water against their scales. At least normally." She mentioned. "But I bet since you came from the alternate world of Equestria, you'd be like the only non-Water Dragon that's also not a Nova Dragon who can stand water against their skin."

"Guess I better start getting breakfast ready." Twilight said.

"Oh no! I'm not letting you in that kitchen. I'll handle breakfast." Spike said and quickly headed into the kitchen to start whipping something up.

"...Well no offense, but you don't really cook that well, Twilight." Smolder said.

"None taken. It's really hard to get my magic to do what I want when it comes to cooking. And it seems this Spike is just as much of a cook as his counterpart." Twilight said.

Smolder giggled. "Sounds like for you, the more things change, the more they stay the same huh?" She asked.

"You could say that." Twilight said.

It wasn't much longer before Spike had prepared a breakfast the likes not even Smolder had seen before. The orange dragoness was practically salvating over the spread. "Oh...oh my. I'm so sorry. This is...well...I can't really put it into words. It just looks and smells so good." Smolder said.

"Honestly...I don't blame that. Because that is a true statement that it smells just as good as it looks." Twilight said.

"Yeah. Honestly I'm surprised there was so much meat in the pantries. Do...do dragons hunt this?" Spike asked.

"Oh if you're a little thrown off by that, don't be. In fact, it's a common curtesy for dragons to never take from the land then they can actually afford to eat for their daily intake. There are even special farms and stuff that breed livestock that exist in Dragon's Vale so that there's no need to hunt around here. I know that Rock Apple Quarry run by the local Apple Family is one of those farms." Smolder said.

Spike couldn't help but catch that name of "Rock Apple Quarry". "...Huh. Seems even in Dragon's Vale, there's an Apple Family farm. Because there was one for apples in Equestria." The purple dragon said.

"Well, they do more than just breed live stock. They also grow special apples that grow out of the stone too. For being fruit, those special apples they grow are great tasting." Smolder said.

"Tell me about it. The stuff I ate during my first day here was great tasting." Twilight said.

Spike just laughed as the trio began eating together. The more things change, the more they stay the same indeed.

After Breakfast, the trio were now outside. "Even if your familiar with some things, I doubt Dragon's Vale is structred the same as this Ponyville place. So a tour would be in order. Sadly, there's a few things I need to pick up at the shops around Dragon's Vale." Twilight said.

"I'll handle the tour Twilight. In fact, I'd be more then happy to do so." Smolder said.

Twilight smirked. "You just want to have an excuse to have more time with Spike huh?" She asked.

"Well there's that, and I want to be sure I have the layout down pat myself. After all, mom wouldn't be glad if she found out I got lost around here." Smolder said.

Twilight just laughed. She knew Smolder wasn't going to get lost. Not now. Smolder was just saying that last bit as an extra excuse for doing this, but she wasn't fooling Twilight. She's the daughter of the Dragon Lord alright. She thought to herself. "Well, I suppose it would be nice to let Consort Celestia know that her daughter is doing very well for herself~" Twilight said aloud before heading off.

"What was that about?" Spike asked.

"You'll learn later Spike. For now, I should show you around." Smolder said as she began to dragon the purple dragon around Dragon's Vale.

The first place they came across was called "Sugery Sweets Corner" which Spike couldn't help but draw the parallels to "Sugarcube Corner". "A sweets bakery here in Dragon's Vale?" Spike asked.

"Hey, we may like meat, with the occasional fruit here and there, but sweets are something else we dragons like as a side thing." Smolder said and entered the place with Spike.

"Oh! Hello Smolder. Is this a new dragon?" The owner of the place asked.

"Hello Mr. Carrot cake. Or...should I call you Mr. Cake from now on since you're wedding with Chiffon Swirls now Mrs. Cake was the week before Nightmare Moon returned?" Smolder asked.

Mr. Cake laughed. "I won't mind if you call me Carrot Cake here and there and drop the Mr. unless you're talking to me and my wife as a pair. You've been a very good friend to us both; both before and after the wedding."

"I'm always willing to do what's right by my fellow dragons, Carrot Cake!" Smolder said sharing a laugh with Mr. Cake.

That's when Mrs. Cake came in. Spike couldn't help but notice that the cakes were both Water Dragons. From what I've seen so far, it seems the Earth Pony equivalent here in Brimstone is Water Dragons. Though to be fair, that's just conformation outside of process of elimination considering Magic & Sky Dragon comparisons are obvious. Spike thought to himself.

Mid A/N: While I know its obvious which dragon race in Brimstone corresponds with which Pony race from Equestria, it should be known that Spike is experiencing this like an outsider even if he's been welcomed with open arms. So please don't leave comments about how Spike is making the connection between Water Dragons and Earth Ponies.

"Ah, speaking of your wife Mr. Cake; here's Mrs. Cake." Smolder said.

"It's nice to see you too Smolder. And is this a new dragon? Has ah...has Pinkie Pie given him his 'welcome to Dragon's Vale' party yet?" Mrs. Cake asked.

Suddenly nearby the water dragon just mentioned popped out of the dresser. "OH MY GOSH; I TOTALLY FORGOT THAT I HAVEN'T DONE THAT YET! LATER!" Pinkie Pie said before she sped out of the building.

"...Wh-what?" Spike was flabbergasted to say the least.

The other three dragons in the room chuckled. "That's Pinkie Pie for you. Seriously Spike, save yourself the trouble and don't question anything she manages to do. It's for your own mental health & saftey that you never question Pinkie Pie." Mr. Cake said.

Spike shook his head some more. "I'll keep that in mind." Though Spike couldn't help but once again think to himself that the more things change, the more they stay the same.

"I suppose we better get back to the tour now. Come along Spike." Smolder said she started dragging Spike out of the bakery.

"Come by and shop anytime!" Mr. and Mrs. Cake said at the same time which made it sound like it was said in stereo.

The next place the two dragons went to was Rarity's Boutique. The one place Spike noticed that so far had the same name in Brimstone as it did in Equestria. And just like in Equestria, there were quite a few dresses on mannequin displays. Though the dresses were obviously made for dragons in mind.

Speaking of Rarity, the white Magic Dragon was busy at work on a new costume. It looked kind of fancy looking; almost like a princess dress. "Oh! Smolder I wasn't expecting you. I'm still working on the order you gave me."

"...You like dresses?" Spike asked Smolder.

Smolder suddenly blushed out of embarrassment. "Well...well so what if I do?" Smolder asked, trying to sound intimidating and failing. Hard.

"I think it's neat that you have a guilty pleasure like that." Spike said.

That only made Smolder blush more, but for different reasons. "...Honestly, I'm surprised you're okay with something like that." Smolder said.

"Hey, you should be allowed to like what you like; don't let a single dragon tell you otherwise." Spike said.

It took all the willpower Smolder had to not faint into a collection of hearts right then and there. "...Th-that's very nice of you to say Spike." Smolder said. Guess he's not that much of a dweeb after all. And what's more, he says all the right things. Hoo boy. If he keeps this up, I might not be able to stop myself from just kissing him on the lips here and now... The orange dragoness thought to herself.

But the two were interuppted when Garble showed up out of nowhere. But as soon as he saw Spike, he suddenly started sweating buckets. "Um...I'll come back later..." Garble said and then left the building.

"...Okay. He must've really gotten spooked by you when you went Spikezilla on his ass." Smolder said.

"...Did you really just say Spikezilla? That's the last thing I want to call whatever it is I did when I stood up to Garble." Spike said.

"Too late, it's already trending around Dragon's Vale as EVERY drake saw you when you did that." Smolder admitted.

Spike couldn't help but groan at this. Great...just great. That's something that's not fun to think about. Now every dragon in Dragon's vale is going to call my little giant dragon form "Spikezilla" because why not?

"Well on a brighter note, Spike would you like me to make you a tuxedo at some point? I garentee, you won't be disappointed." Rarity suddenly broke the awkwardness.

Though it did suddenly make Smolder blush. Uh oh. Spike in a tuxedo? I don't know if I could handle that potential amount of handsomeness right now... The orange dragoness thought to herself.

"Maybe some time down the road; but I think I need to get used to living here now. That is, if you don't mind that I do that." Spike said.

"Oh that's perfectly understandable. How rude of me to forget that." Rarity said.

"But I'm sure that the dress your making for Smolder right now will be very great looking on her. And honestly, I would love to see how it looks on her." Spike said.

Smolder was back to nearing the point where she'd faint into the collection of hearts again. Okay, I don't know how things are in Eqeustria, but this drake is one smooth operator. We haven't even gone out on a true date yet and I'm already falling for this guy like crazy. I really need to pull myself together before he says something that'll just swoon me instantly. The orange dragoness thought to herself. "I think it's best if we continue the tour now. Don't you agree Spike?" Smolder asked.

"Oh right. Yeah we were busy doing that. I'm sure I'll come by for that tuxedo another time." Spike said.

Stop. Please...my heart can't take much more... Smolder thought to herself as she quickly got Spike out of there without another word.

"Well do come again." Rarity said as the two dragons left her store. "Hmm...I wonder if I should add some gold trim (D2) to Smolder's dress? Or would that be too much?"

The tour was concluding as Sunset approached the day, with the two dragons coming back to Volcanic Ash Library. "Well this was one whirlwind of a tour. But to be honest, things are more or less in the same places here in Dragon's Vale that they were in Ponyville just with mostly different names." Spike said.

"...Guess the tour was a waste then huh? If the town's got the same layout, no where your going to get lost around here." Smolder said.

"Still, it was very nice to suggest all the same on the off chance things were different. So that was still a good thought." Spike said. "Besides, I did enjoy your company while we double checked that."

Smolder felt herself starting to swoon again. Seriously, this guy must have like a mega-high chrisma stat or something. How none of the ponies were falling for this guy back in Equestria is beyond my understanding. Smolder said as she opened the door to the library. "...Hey wait a second, who turned out the lights?"

"...Uh oh..." Spike said, realizing very quickly what this meant. He had encountered it before after all, and there was only one thing this could be.

Sure enough, as soon as Smolder got the lights, a bunch of dragons suddenly shouted "SURPRISE!" at the purple dragon.

"So, did you like your surprise Spike? Did you? Did you?!" Pinkie Pie pestered.

"Very surprised." Spike said. And that's despite the fact that I encountered this same exact scenario before back in Equestria.

Suddenly Pinkie Pie started whispering to Spike. "Between you and me, I already knew you'd recognize the signs of a surprise party because of your experinces in Equestria." Is what she whispered to the purple dragon.

"...What the...how did you even..." Spike said before he shook his head. No. Best not to question this. Better take Mr. Cake's advice on not questioning Pinkie Pie right here and now, or I might start going loony. The purple dragon thought to himself.

"So, are you ready for your cake Spike?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"Eh...I suppose I haven't eaten anything since breakfast to be fair." Spike said.

"...Oh. Whoops. I knew there was something I did forget about while on the tour." Smolder said. "Heh heh. That is to say, my bad..."

"It's fine Smolder. I still had fun." Spike said.

And on that note, Smolder fainted into a collection of hearts; no longer able to hold herself back from doing so.

Author's Note:

Hey wait...how did that Golden Egg get there when my trap activated? I open up the trap that activated during the mid A/N to find a frog in the trap ...Well this obviously isn't the rascal that's been leaving behind the golden eggs. Looks like that rascal got lucky. However, they seemed to have left behind clues that point towards them being a rabbit. Well, now that I know the rascal is a rabbit, I'll prepare the appropriate bait for such a thing. While I'm going to get the appropriate bait for the trap, would you mind grabbing that Golden Egg for me? Thanks in advance.

Comments ( 8 )

Another really good job on the dialogue, characterizations and future chapter set-up. Most certainly liked Spike reflecting on both the similarities and differences between Angel Vale and Ponyville (one of the differences including lava showers) as well as Smolder and Spike's interactions concerning such things as the "Spikezilla" deal and outfit discussions. Also liked the "don't question Pinkie Pie" advice Dragon Cup Cake provided (as well as the reflection concerning "process of elimination concerning Water Dragons").

Definitely looking forward to more of this.

Whoa, Spike getting Ember AND Smolder? Who's next?

Wait what? What are you talking about?

Remember the Big Switcheroo?

Yeah, but I still don't see what you are talking about (and I rather doubt Rob does either). This is NOT a harem story. Spike only gets Smolder. Besides that, Ember has not even been mentioned yet.

Sequel to the Big Switcheroo, 'member?

As Comickook as pointed out, Ember was never mentioned in the prequel story, so I really, really don't have any idea where your drawing Ember from.

The only logical explanation is that your getting things mixed up because in the universe of Brimstone, it's Smolder whose the daughter of Torch, not Ember.

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