• Published 10th Feb 2024
  • 1,380 Views, 19 Comments

Alicorn Awakening: Lost and confused - Akuma

What if four siblings and a horse were isekai'd to the show? What if it wasn't the first time for them?

  • ...

Chapter 3 - Ponyville: Names and First Encounters (EDITED)

Abbaddon sipped on his coffee that he grasped with his hoof, reading a newspaper just outside of a cafe, his feet— hindlegs? Up on the table.

Him and his siblings, along with his friend, did some experiments on their bodies before they slept (the fact he had to tackle Bellona just to get the bits out of her hands just so she wouldn't spend it on a bed they can literally create themselves). Oddly enough, they still felt the same, it was just that the ears, tail, and legs were new instincts now, he even managed to master how to move his cow tail like a drama queen of sorts.

"Thankfully our new bodies can read their language.." He muttered to himself inaudibly, ignoring the way some mares looked at him like he was a hunk— he used to be a fucking cold northern duke! One that says "interesting.." like it's his favorite word!

He glanced away from his newspaper, thinking of something. 'The Pink One should've been at our faces, or at least made us go to a party... how come she hasn't appeared yet? No Pinkie Sense this week?' He thought, before he drank the last droplets of his coffee, he rolled up his newspaper before throwing the styrofoam cup into a nearby trashcan, he then got up and walked away.

He clicked his tongue, 'Alright, Bellona already checked the date, and tomorrow is the summer sun celebration, Vel is creating as much spells as he could for future episodes, like avoiding turning into stone by a cockatrice. Rowan is in the Game Dungeons, completing as much rooms as she could so we can have a lot of money, and Solarius is trying to make sure we're getting breaks and thinking straight.' He thought, he's a bit glad he looks scary and hot at the same time, but it's becoming a bit of an annoyance, seeing that some ponies are slowing down their walking just to gaze at him.

He quickened his walk towards a certain direction. 'First stop: Applejack. It should be easy, compliment her apples, buy some and say one of your siblings really likes fruits, apples especially. Simple plan. Just don't swear like you're going to curse a family member into an ugly toad.'


He stopped a dozen feet away from a simple shop — which was just a stand — and looked at the long line of buyers before grabbing multiple apples and lining up too.

He found himself in line at the apple stand, waiting to purchase some apples he grabbed. The aroma of freshly baked goods and the chatter of ponies filled the air. He could see familiar faces; Lyra, Ms. Cake (she's on break, right?), and a few more he saw in the background repeatedly.

'Hmm.. Fluttershy... Vel said she's obviously shy, and you need to have trained ears for her voice.. Rarity is obsessed with fashion, I need to think of a way to hide my wings to not wear my cloak, I should tell Vel to make an illusion spell. Pinkie is the problem, she hasn't appeared ye—'

Lost in his thoughts, he was jolted back to reality as a rude pegasus stallion cut in front of him in line, a cocky smirk on his face. The stallion had a short grey mane, blue fur, and an air of arrogance about him. Abbaddon's acidic green eyes narrowed as he examined him. This wasn't just a simple mistake; the stallion had purposefully disregarded the line. 'The fuck is this guy's problem?' He thought, his eye twitching.

"Excuse me, sir," He firmly said, his voice carrying an unexpected weight that resonated with authority, "but there's a line." He stated, pointing behind him, a line of ponies looking right at the stallion who just cut the line, most of them appeared agitated after seeing the pegasus.

The stallion turned to him with a haughty sneer, clearly unimpressed by his words. "So? I don't care dude." he scoffed, dismissing the black furred unicorn with a flick of his tail.

"Hey! Just go back to the end of the line! The newcomer hasn't exactly adjusted to Ponyville, give him some slack!" A green pegasus exclaimed, the blue one just ignored them along with everyone else.

Abbaddon's jaw clenched, his patience wearing thin. He knows he has anger issues, but the damn pegasus was making things difficult just by his tone of voice and his shitty personality. With a subtle flick of his magic, Abbaddon's horn emitted red electricity and made the (surprisingly shorter) stallion face him

"I suggest you heed my words and go to the damn back, you pest." Abbaddon said, his voice low and agitated, pointing a hoof at his chest after the last word. "I fucking hate those who cut in line." He snarled, the pegasus froze before he audibly gulped.

"Y-Yes sir!" He exclaimed, quickly backpedalling to the back of the line, some of the ponies in the line were looking at the unicorn in surprise, shock, and curiosity— and a tiny bit of fear on the words.

Abbaddon huffed, the line infront of him was short now, so all he had to do was wait— oh, nevermind, it's his turn now.

Applejack looked up at him, a friendly smile on her face as she turned to the newcomer. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise after realizing the stallion was the reason a line cutter went behind the line when he was still far away. "Woah! So 'yer the reason why that line cutter ran like angry bulls were after 'im?" At her question, he nodded. "Yeah, I'm actually surprised he backpedalled so quickly because of my anger."

Apple chuckled at his response, "Thanks 'fer that, he was being a rude one. Ah haven't seen ya 'round these parts before. New in town?" She asked as Abbaddon handed her the payment for the apples.

He nodded, his expression guarded. "Yep, just moved in with my siblings and friend. We bought a house on the outskirts of Ponyville. We don't like attention very well." He responded before moving to the right, letting the next pony in line finally pay for apples.

Applejack raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued. "Oh really? — that'd be twelve bits, thanks — Well, welcome to Ponyville then! Name's Applejack, — that'd be four bits ma'am, thank ya — and this here's Sweet Apple Acres, ah'd be glad to introduce you to mah family, but ah'm a bit preoccupied right now partner." She gestured to the sprawling apple orchard behind her and the apple stand she was managing, handing a hoof towards Abbaddon.

He shook the hoof quickly, before realizing it was Applejack that was shaking it in an energetic manner. "Ah, my name is—"


"Trigger Shot." He replied simply, adjusting his black coat.

"Clothes, clothes, how on earth do I get clothes? Wait— Rowan can already loot the Game Dungeons for clothes, since there are Game Dungeons just for that.. fabric, maybe? I mean, that can also..." Vel shook his head, a clipboard in his magic as he walked in random directions, unconsciously memorizing the roads as he muttered to himself.

He looked up, 'Wait... meat! We need meat! I mean of course we need it, we still have our original digestive system of sorts, so we can technically eat anything.' he looked around, trying to find the directions to the marketplace of sorts.

He walked left, yeah this was definitely the marketplace, he's sure of it.

He looked at his clipboard, which had a paper that was a checklist.

  • Clothes (Taken care of by Row)
  • Money (Taken care of by Row)
  • Fruits (Half taken care of by Abbaddon, Game Dungeons and Ponyville)
  • Vegetables (Half taken care of by Abbaddon, Game Dungeons and Ponyville)
  • Meat
  • Horseshoes, our hooves are different than everyone else for some odd reason.
  • Armor (Row)
  • Weapons (Row)
  • Loopholes? Sol is worried we'll get mauled in the forest, why not use a shield spe
  • Nevermind, Sol is actually a genius when she's worried for us holy sh

As Vel walked towards the direction of the marketplace, he suddenly bumped into something, both of them falling to their butts— or flanks, and a small surprised squeak was heard. "Oh sh—" he stopped his cursing once he realized who he bumped into.

It was a lanky pegasus mare, with a yellow coat and a long pink mane and tail, her cutie mark had three pink butterflies.

And he made her accidentally let go of the basket she was holding, which was full of carrots.

'OH FUCK OH FUCK OH FUCK IT'S HER—' "I-I'm so sorry!" "I'm so sorry!" Both Vel and and the yellow pegasus said at the same time, with the mare making a small squeaking sound once she realized he also talked. Vel looked surprised that she actually said sorry.

"I apologize miss! I truly am! I'll make it up to you by buying you new carrots— these are probably dirty now and— oh wait I can just cast a spell to clean it." Vel exclaimed before he realized it, casting a cleaning spell to the carrots as he levitated it back to the mare's basket. He's quite glad he knew how to cast it, since in one of the universe's he was transported in, it was dirty as hell.

"I-It's actually o-okay sir, a-accidents happen.." The mare mumbled, hiding behind her mane. She was on the ground, not standing up, embarrassment, maybe? Also, why was there a small pair of rabbit ears in her mane?

Vel blinked, trying his best to do his old blank face expression once again. "No— it's not okay. I apologize, I should have looked at where I was going." He apologized again, lending out a hoof to help her get up.

The pegasus mare slowly grabbed his hoof and pulled herself up. "T-Thank you.." she mumbled, her voice was louder.

"Don't mention it!" He stated as he nervously laughed, scratching thr back of his neck with a hoof, "but uh... I have a question, do you know where to get meat in this town? Not that I eat meat! I-I have a friend who eats meat! Half reptilian, part of the diet!" He exclaimed. 'Bellona is half reptile right? She had a lizard tail, although it was spiky.' He thought.

Her ears perked up, "H-Huh? O-Oh. There's one foodstall that sells different kinds of meat, j-just, erm, g-go left a-after the house w-with a pink door.. eep!" she trailed off, she was more confident now, but she was still hiding in her mane. A rabbit popped up from her mane, squeaking at him, it looked a bit frustrated before its expression relaxed.

Vel just blinked, "Oh, okay! Thank you for the directions, cool rabbit, by the way! miss..?" He asked. The mare nodded, a bit happy that he liked the rabbit, perhaps he was an animal lover just like her too? "F-Fluttershy, I'm Fluttershy.. Thank you for complimenting Angel, he's my friend."

He smiled, "No worries! I'm—" he slightly hesitated.

Veliomoure, he can't just say his name, right?

"—Glyph Spell! But you can just call me Glyph."

'Oh fuck, I am so dead once the four hear my fake name.'

Peaceful, it was absolutely peaceful. Resting under a tree, birds chirping nearby (one was even ontop of her! How adorable!) And the sounds of the pond infront of her. The day was absolutely glorious, if you remove the fact she was worried for the four siblings, that is.

Solarius sighed as she closed her eyes, she only occassionally saw the four of them when something eventful was going to happen in the world they were currently in. And half of their backstories in those worlds they kept getting reincarnated and isekai'd in (she'd rather call the latter "transmigration") with sad traumatizing backstories! They even went insane in one of them! Who could blame her for trying to take care of her—


Oh for hells sake, who is it now?

A small — medium? — pink ball of fluff enveloped her vision, startling her as she opened her eyes. The pink ball had blue orbs— no wait those were eyes, and a excited smile on its face, standing on its tippy.. hooves?

"Hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm super duper excited to welcome you to Ponyville! It's the bestest place ever, filled with parties, cupcakes, and friendship galore! I couldn't find you when you came to the town for some odd reason so I looked everywhere but then Mayor Mare told me someponies — plural! There's more of you! — bought a large house on the outskirts of town but she didn't tell me so— ooh! We should totally throw a welcome party for all of you! It'll be so much fun!" as the Pink Menace kept rambling, Solarius' eye twitched in irritation.

Thank you for the odd... introduction, Pink Menace, but I love my personal space, so please get away from my face right now, also, us five — yes there are five of us — really don't want a party this week, unfortunately. Just give us a cupcake for now. she thought, pushing Pinkie away from her with a hoof on her chest. Pinkie Pie just kept smiling (dear goodness make it stop it's becoming scary—) even as she stopped pushing her, a bit uncomfortable at the sudden intrusion.

Pinkie just nodded rapidly, (what the hell? Her head is becoming a blur!), "Okie-dokie! Welcome to Ponyville though! I really want to meet you all because it's so obvious you talk for all of them which means you're friends with all of them!" She suddenly pulled out a confetti popper from her mane and twisted it, making confetti explode infront of her. ...What. Solarius stared, her eyes wide and her pupils as small as pinpricks. Wait, how did you even know what I'm saying when I don't even—

A blue aura enveloped Pinkie Pie, dragging her away from the large horse. "Pinkie! How rude! Isn't it obvious that you're slowly scaring her?" A sophisticated and refined voice interrupted them both, it was a white unicorn mare with purple mane with blue eyes.

"Oops! Sorry! I didn't realize that!" Pinkie exclaimed, making Rarity huff.

She looked at Solarius, "I'm sorry about her antics, she has a way of getting carried away.. My name is Rarity, I'm the fashionista of Ponyville. You certainly stand out in Ponyville with your unique and beautiful appearance dearie, is it alright if I take your measurements for future events?" She stated, complimenting Solarius.

Solarius just nodded. A-Ah.. thank you, and sure, I'm uh... Solarius, pleasure to meet you. And Pinkie's enthusiasm is quite refreshing, actually. It's nice to meet ponies who are so, uh, welcoming. she said, unfortunately, her voice wouldn't come out, so all she was doing was speaking without a voice. Literally.

Rarity tilted her head in confusion until Pinkie Pie relayed her the sentence with a happy expression. The unicorn mare's eyes glanced towards her as she listened to Pinkie Pie, an eyebrow raised.

She took a moment to study the mare before her better, noting the scars that were on her snout and chest and the way she carried herself with a quiet confidence, although the confidence was just confusion now because of of a certain pink earth pony.

"You know, Solarius, your manestyle reminds me of a character from a famous book for fillies and colts that I once read," Rarity said, her eyes lit up with recognition. "She was a brave and noble warrior, much like yourself. I must say, you have a certain... regal air about you."

Solarius's ears flicked in interest at Rarity's words, a faint blush coloring her cheeks beneath her dark fur. You flatter me, Rarity. I'm simply trying to find my place here in Ponyville.. Also, who do I remind you of? she stated thought, Pinkie Pie relaying her sentence once again. It was actually quite helpful, although she won't question how Pinkie knows. It might hurt her brain.

"Oh, of course— You remind me of.. hmm.. what was her name again? Ah, yes, her name was Phantasia, you could probably act as her if there was a roleplay of the Mare In The Moon!"

Oh, this is new. Her eyes wide. This time, Pinkie didn't repeat her sentence because she knew it was for herself, not meant to be said (possibly also because she doesn't know what she thought of). I apologize but I forgot about Phantasia's role in the story. I read too many stories, but I know the two main characters.

Rarity softly lauged, "It's alright, darling, she's just a side character after all." She stated before continuing, seeing the unfamiliarity in Solarius' eyes, "Phantasia is the best friend of both the eldest sister and Nightmare Moon. Why, I remember that in my old school, there was an argument if Phantasia was loyal one of them more than the other!" She chuckled. Solarius just rose an eyebrow because she joined the chuckling.

Ah, so that's why I always loved the manestyle I had, all I remember is that I wanted it after reading a story. she lied, Pinkie Pie repeating her sentence while laughing along with them. She had to change her manestyle very quickly.

Well, at least there won't be a welcome party this week. She even befriended Pinkie Pie and Rarity, so yay. The history of this Equestria is oddly different, though, she thought it'd only be personalities, not the history.


Oh shit the history is actually different now.

"Heya! Is this cloud taken?"

"Nope, you can have that cloud." Rainbow Dash stated, simply lying down on her own cloud, sunglasses on her face as she rest.

"Alright, thanks! My day has been busy." Bellona replied, flopping belly-first onto the cloud, the rainbow-maned pegasus just rose an eyebrow, "Dude, you're a thestral, how come you don't look like the sun is annoying you?" She asked, thestrals had sensitive skin from the sunlight.

"Sunblock!" Bellona happily exclaimed, and lied. "And because I'm half-dragon. My name is Nightfall, by the way." She stated, showing her front forelegs, which had claws, and her tail, which had spikes like an alligator's. She held out a claw towards Rainbow Dash.

The rainbow pegasus shook the claw, "I'm Rainbow Dash! Sooo does this mean you can breathe fire? Do you have a cool treasure hoard like the other dragons I've heard about?" "Yeah, but I don't have a hoard—" as Bellona started chatting, Rainbow Dash did the same. This was surprisingly the most normal interaction amongst the three siblings, their second oldest excluded because of looting stuff.

Author's Note:

No Beta-read.

Unfortunately, no Twilight this chapter, but she'll actually appear the next chapter.

The ending is rushed, so I'll probably edit it once I have the chance.

Also, I tried making Abbaddon speak like Sombra, I think I made him into a professor instead lmao

EDIT: Changed the scene on how Solarius realizes history is different, idk how to make Celestia and Luna a lover so I just changed it best friend instead.

Comments ( 4 )

"I suggest you heed my words and go to the damn back, you pest ." Abbaddon said, his voice low and agitated, pointing a hoof at his chest after the last word. "I detest those who dare to cut in line." He snarled, the pegasus froze before he audibly gulped.

I couldn't help but read that out loud in a British accent. The words "Heed, Detest, and Dare to" just scream Britain to me.:rainbowlaugh:

Rarity tilted her head in confusion until Pinkie Pie relayed her the sentence with a happy expression. The unicorn mare's eyes glanced towards her as she listened to Pinkie Pie, an eyebrow raised.

Well, pinkie can interpret Maud so I can see how she understands her

This story seems run from childhood dream as the same interesting,innocent……
This story give me a chance to recall those in my brain but yet can't remembered memories.So,thank for you work,hope you can keep this writing sytle and continue

The context behind the litRPG elements is not explained. The "system" is a thing I only know about from encountering it outside of fimfiction, but I'm still new to the genre. I feel like the litRPG elements need better explanation and context in the story. They're just there, and the reader is expected to understand them. I've never heard of this game dungeon thing, what does it do and how does it play into the story, other than giving the characters convenient access to whatever stuff they want.
Earlier, the characters were upgrading stuff in the castle. It is mentioned that the upgrades are conveniently free, but this is not expanded upon.
Additionally, the characters can conveniently make stuff like beds and stuff and have access to some kind of external funds.
They have all these abilities that come out of nowhere, are not explained and conveniently solve all their problems.

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