• Published 10th Feb 2024
  • 1,381 Views, 19 Comments

Alicorn Awakening: Lost and confused - Akuma

What if four siblings and a horse were isekai'd to the show? What if it wasn't the first time for them?

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Prologue - Four siblings and a horse that followed

There was a deafening roar in the distance, several buildings were torn apart, and projectiles thrown around the area.

"Shit— Vel! How many are there in total!?" A man yelled, his deep voice vibrating throughout the area. He was tanned, tall, and wearing a black coat and holding two pistols, pulling the trigger multiple times towards charging enemies.

A man— paler than the other man and noticably shorter— was rapidly casting spells over and over again, visibly sweating. "Uh— two hundred and seven? They don't have their mages. We're not super soldiers like our two sisters, Abbaddon!" He yelled before there was a loud splat, a large body on the ground, headless.

"Free headless anyone? Oh—! take it!" One of their sisters yelled, noticably taller than them. Tanned skin, more buff and wearing black armor with gold streaks. She was throwing the enemies around like simple ragdolls, but every now and then she would get hit.

"I wonder if Rowan is handling herself well?" She muttered.

BANG! A loud swear could be heard after the noise, before dozens of bodies were split into two.

"Nevermind! She can handle herself as if she's the threat!" She yelled to herself, roundhousing two soldiers who were wearing medieval armor— scratch that, all of the enemies were wearing medieval armor, fantasy, to be exact. They were all adorning a symbol on their chestplate; it was that of a scarred lion with black reptile wings, possibly dragon wings.

The four siblings wore their own symbols; a single eye with a hand curled into a fist below it, yet it was pointing its index finger towards the eyes, as if it was saying to look and not speak.

"Capture them! Dead or alive, it doesn't matter! The emperor wants their heads!" The enemy commander yelled, his companions charging towards them as their archers readied their bow to shoot.

"Vel", as Abbaddon called, brought up his hand, purple light with black streaks illuminating around it, his eyes glowing purple.

He quickly brought it towards himself before acting out a reverse slap of sorts, instead of the enemy being slapped by the palm, it was the knuckles, although it never touched them at all.

The "slap" pushed the enemy soldiers away, their body parts that were touched by the wind of his hand were having internal injuries that was created by the attack, half of them even accidentally blocking their own allies' attacks and pushing others away.

"Woe is me, thou hath been vanquished!" Vel exclaimed, grinning like a child. His brother rolled his eyes as he elbowed a knight before shooting them in the mouth.

"The fuck are you saying? Why are you speaking in old english?" "Sorry, it's a habit I formed from the previous realm we reinCARNATED IN— DUCK!" Vel yelled, his brother ducking in time just before he was about to become meat-on-a-stick from a knight riding a horse and aiming an odd spear-weapon towards him.

There was a fast blur of silver before the head of the enemy knight was cleanly sliced off, and another person pushing the headless body off the horse before quickly riding it. "Looks like Rowan's pissed off for some odd reason.." Vel muttered to himself.

Another horse appeared, it was noticably larger than any other horse and light cream colored, putting a target on it's back. It looked like a shire breed, yet it galloped as fast as a thoroughbred, it actually looked like it had the best abilities of certain horse breeds, like shires with size, belgian drafts with strength, and so on.

If horses ever had the unique ability to grin, this one would absolutely be grinning like a madman as it kept thrashing around while screeching like it's having a tantrum despite it not actually.

"Haha! Looks like Solarius joined the battle! Where's Duke Felix, you meatbag!?" Vel's brother joked, before pulling a grenade and throwing it to a large area of enemy knights, damaging their armor and most cernainly their legs.

The horse— Solarius— seems to shrug as she can, before bucking another horse behind herself and biting off a knights helmet.

Vel's brother just swore again before seeing his older sister punched a knight's head, bursting their face off before throwing the body to another knight, who promptly just dashed left and tried to kick her head off.

"Wow—" the oldest sister exclaimed as she dodged the kick, "they also know martial arts! Not just melee stuff—" she dodged another kick and did an unceremonious backflip, and then proceeded to swipe the floor with her leg, making two knights fall face-first to the ground.

"Where are their archers anyway? Don't they have them?" Vel asked, before seeing his oldest brother point at a certain direction of trees, seeing multiple archers fall onto the floor, their arms cut off as they scream or their neck cleanly sliced to seperate the head and body.

ah, he thought, so that's why Rowan is just a blur right now.

He ignored the man in a noble clothing far away from him, who was battling the knight commander. He was their friend, but they knew he was going to die, they'll bury his body properly after the battle.

"Sol! Five o' clock!" The oldest sister screamed, before the horse kicked someone behind.

It wasn't even a normal battle anymore, it was like someone ordered the knights to just kill four siblings and a horse. Well, judging by the failed assassination attempts from the greedy emperor, it was probably the only way to kill them.

Rowan grumbled as she stabbed two archers at their spinal cords, you'd think being reincarnated into a manhwa would be difficult, but I think it depends on the manhwa now. She thought.

She blinked, realizing that there was something odd.

The archers weren't exactly shooting any of them in critical points, they were just leaning a gash on their clothes, or just shooting enough to leave a stinging pain.

Rowan's expression darkened, before grabbing a small reloaded crossbow from her hip, and pulling the trigger to shoot the nearest archer.

"Vel, how many mages are there." She demanded, talking to her communicator attached to her ear, catching an arrow.

"None, as far as my detector spell can sense!" He exclaimed, before pointing his index finger at a random enemy knight. "I cast Heat Metal!"

A blood-curling scream was heard afterwards, making Rowan wince at the sound in her ear. She threw an arrow towards an archer, not even bothering to use her crossbow or short bow.

Fuck. The emperor always sends at least one mage for the knights, did they not have back-up today? Or is it because this world is a manhwa and—

"They sent one of the top five mages!" Rowan screamed at the top of her lungs, before spinning her body at 180 degrees as she cut three enemy knights through her dao sword.

"Oh! That's the plot twist? Here's another! Where is the main character!? The male lead!? The female lead!?" The oldest sister exclaimed, running away from a knight before jumping towards a tree, pushing herself away from it, making her do a backflip, and then punching the knight with her spiked gauntlets.

"Maybe we're the main ones now! Which is bad because there are hundreds of enemies after us—" Solarius just pulled Vel collar from the back and threw him ontop of her before he can finish his sentence.

"Fucking hell, and I thought Bellona was the dumb one for jinxing us most of the time." Abbaddon muttered, earning a 'hey!' from the oldest sister. He was currenly shooting at the hidden mage in a dark robe, who was trying his best to dodge the bullets— how was it a he? Easy, it was the fucking face of the damn Number One evil mage in the realm they were in.

There were only a dozen enemy knights left, and all of them were slowly dying in agony.

"Should we fire an arrow at the dark mage?" Rowan asked, aiming her crossbow at the unknown figure.

"Yeah, be ready just in case the guy creates thorny vines or chains." Vel stated, changing his stance into one of battle, a glowing rune circle below him while Bellona picked up a boxing stance.

"Fuckin— HELL!" Abbaddon yelled, aiming at the chest and shooting at the dark mage as he rode their horse friend, the bullet going through the chest as blood splattered, the body falling to the ground.


"I thought there was supposed to be a plot twist?" Bellona asked, squinting her eyes. Rowan shot at the dead body, just to make sure.

The corpse just started pulsating purple and black electricity, gaining a grunt from Rowan. "Well, that's probably a suicide spell, similar to a suicide pill but it activates once killed, and the electricity is enlarging." She explained, before quickly sprinted off, the others loudly swore and followed suit.

The corpse was still pulsating electricity, but it was slowly emminating more and more of it to the point it was five times bigger than the corpse.

"RUN FOR IT!" "WE LITERALLY ARE ABBADDON! YOU'RE ONTOP OF A HORSE!" Vel yelled at him, casting up a teleportation spell while running.

Crack— BOOM!

The forest was in shock

Animals were panicking, monsters froze in confusion, and the earth moved. The leaves of trees were being blown by strong wind, and the moving wood were being scattered into literal branches, never reforming into wolves.

In a castle far away, a pony with wings and a unicorn horn stood in shock, their eyes widening for a split second before returning back to normal.

They looked towards the nearest window, gazing towards a forest.

"Princess? Is everything alright?" A grey pegasus with armor asked, being smaller than the winged unicorn.

"Hm? Oh, yes, everything's alright, I just sensed something odd." She replied, softly smiling at the pegasus.

In the heart of the Everfree, four unconscious alicorns appeared, along with a very sturdy and panicky horse that was trying to drop all of them on its back to quickly run off to a safer place of the forest.

As much as Solarius wanted her human-turned-odd-equine friends to stay at the abandoned castle, it just screamed danger. Maybe being next to the abandoned castle is safer? Well, she also gained wings and a horn but it looked larger and longer than her human friends, she also knew unicorn horns means magic, right?


Yeah, being next to the castle was definitely safer than the scary throne room she just saw.

Author's Note:

Didn't have any beta reader, and this is my first proper fanfic after two years. Although I'm just writing/typing it because its stuck in my head.

'bouta create the most confusing fanfic I've ever written that has no direction lmao—