• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


This story is a sequel to Lightning to the nations

After a tiring day tying up loose ends as ruler of a planet and princess to a people, Twilight returns to find Jack having started an inadvisable hobby. The reasoning beyond this hobby becomes clear to her fairly quickly.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

Woo new fic!
This probably means another re-read of In From The Cold is coming up and then going forward from there.
Thanks, Cakeling!

Once again soft pony hugs keep British Cthulhu from going spare. Poor man gets to thinking too hard sometimes, so he does.

Ayyy! Love to see! Great stuff:twilightsmile:

I too enjoy the idea of a mortal mind being subjected to experiences that we likely couldn’t (and hopefully) comprehend. To then have an anchor in the whirlwind that is his mind. Curious if we’re ever gonna see what ol Jack looks like under that mountain.

I swear I am going to make a Stellaris mod with Jack in it. I'll name it something silly, too, like "Cackling Moron's Jack on Equestria".

Also, random thought, if Jack's mind permiates Equestria and he can sense people from miles away, doesn't that mean he is aware of everyone's bowel movements as well? Is his existence the equivalent of being in an eternal public restroom? Surely, over hundreds of years, Jack had a 'moment' and then was like "Oh, thank Jack, I am not alone, someone just dropped a massive stinker" and then cried tears of joy? Is this why eldritch horrors usually hate life?

Hard to say, but at least we know I read this on the toilet.

Funnily enough, Stellaris informed a surprising amount of this whole series of stories, if you can believe it. The gorf - mentioned a while ago - were just some dudes I rolled up in it, and I originally had a whole idea where they were going to have avoid some invading force by manouvering the planet again but I eventually decided I didn't have the energy for that and that's not what these stories are for. If they can be said to be for anything.

And I mean, he could be, probably? He's likely so happy not to be alone anyone he doesn't care all that much.

The mountain remains one of several nascent ideas I keep in my back pocket as regards all of these ones.

What else is in my back pocket? Rubbish that I put in there because I don't have easy access to a bin.

Don't we all...

And we don't have ponies.

I had to re-read one of these to double-check something. For a lot of these it is getting to the point where the people reading them probably remember better what happened than I do.

Should probably make notes...

Your answer to my rhetorical questions has left me suffering from success. That being said, and I don't remember if this is explicitly mentioned, but I recall a specific moment when the Hegemony was first mentioned that made me do a double take and realize this was set in a Stellaris-like universe.

Cool that you added your own custom race into your story though, I love little self-easter eggs like that. Actually, given the number of jokes the characters in your stories tell that are obviously just for themselves, very on brand.

Nova is dead? :applecry: How many years have passed in the meantime? Poor Jack, poor Twilight (and the latter probably has had more time and experience to come to terms with the downsides of ageless immortality...)
And I somewhat worry what would happen if the real Jack were to ever truly awaken again - the Jack we now know is the product of a partially lucid dream, and his abilities are already mindboggling.

Ooh, another entry in this, and so soon after my last reread.
Yeah, I can definitely imagine death being an issue for Jack, especially given how powerful he is. Would be too easy to want to just fix it. Twilight would have a LOT of practice by now, but Jack only dealt with it once really.
Also, poor Nova. Hopefully it was just a long life with natural causes.
All around, greatly enjoyed this once again.

Existential dread story that actually has a happy ending. Rollercoaster of emotions really, seeing how everything changed entirely and yet it managed to stay the same. Its kind of comforting that even at the end of time, and space, Jack and Twilight will still be happy together.

Now i need to go back and favorite the entirety of the saga.

Very Good. Got Feels. Vaguely surprised this is so long after that Nova is gone, but makes sense. These Stories really lend themselves to time jumps. Given how crucial an element they've been throughout.

You know, the one thing that worries me about this situation is that Celestia and Luna both died in this universe and they were alicorns. Sure, the Sun and Moon are finite and friendship isn't but it's still a worrying precedent

Real Jack is basically Cthulhu now.

As much as I love these, they give me both a happy wholesome feeling, and a horrible sadness. Like, it's so far in time does Twilight even remember her friends? As well as it being a large time jump between each installment. I was hoping for more between Jack and Nova, or him interacting with the new ponies and whatnot, (although I understand if that's not the point). Love the stories, great work as always.

In a weird way, I think this series does a good job of putting you in an immortal's shoes, with lots of characters that we meet and learn about before they die in a metaphorical blink of an eye. Like Nova, or that changeling from the beginning.

But speaking of immortals, I kind of want to see what Cadance thinks of their relationship.

Cadence, who despite surely also suffering the same yawning gulf of time, has never so much as appeared.

Hope someone got fired for that blunder.

Oh wait...



I just imagine that at some point, Twilight has some important business off world but doesn't want to leave Jack alone, and so calls on the galaxy's best babysitter...

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