• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


The girl with the big hair who's meant to be helping out in the shop is kind of abrasive sometimes and pretty lazy, Thom feels, but she makes the work more interesting, at least.

She has her own thoughts on the subject.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 38 )
Orrm #1 · Aug 30th, 2019 · · · One ·

On the spur of the moment - for no reason that she could put her finger on had anyone been in the mood to ask her - she decided to get up and move from her seat, settling herself across Thom’s lap instead. This caught him somewhat off-guard. Adagio told herself that this had been the point. Good to keep people off-guard.

So basically, Thom has a pet human-cat.

Thom has a girl who doesn't respect his personal space.

...so yes, I suppose.

In practise she didn’t do a whole lot other than show up late and sit around doing things entirely unrelated to what she was meant to do and things kept ticking over nicely anyway because, really, the place wasn’t that complicated. So things were working out perfectly fine more despite her than because of her.

It's really quite simple. The point of her being there wasn't the practical help, not unless an emergency struck. The point was keeping him company and his sanity intact. Boredom kills.

So everything is proceeding exactly as planned.

I must say, jealous tsundere Adagio is pretty great.

This whole thing was basically an extended exercise in me trying to get that characterisation working properly.

Long walk round the houses...

Competition when you refuse to contemplate why they might be competition makes things hard.

“You know, I’ve never kissed a human before…”

Yeah, it would have taken Thom a while to catch up with and process that statement, but luckily he was interrupted before he managed to.

Now that's what I call a healthy ego.

Rahl #9 · Aug 31st, 2019 · · · One ·

Haven't started reading the story yet, but I read something that immediately distracted me.

"Never have found a proper use for Adagio,"

Truly, CM? What of 'Beans on Toast and Hot Showers'? I found that story to be wonderful. WONDERFUL! I loved Dagi. Still do, really.

.....Anyway, I'll get to actually reading this one then.


This whole thing was basically an extended exercise in me trying to get that characterisation working properly.

It certainly seems to be working well to me. The story's pretty great so far.

Oh yeah...

Should probably finish that sometime.

An abundance of self-assurance

Yess, Love me some strange definitively-not-romance, yup none at all.

They're just friends! She said so!


This is a the best non-romance involving Adagio ever.

You know, I'm struggling to like you, Cackling - I've found myself putting off reading your new releases because I know now that after reading them, whatever I was interested in prior becomes kind of boring. You're contributing to my habit of churning through hobbies now.

Naturally, I'm not serious, and think you're brilliant. Have a good one mate.

That'd be me sucking the joy from your life via the medium of the written word. Everything I've done on here is some kind of evil spell.

Those people I apparently made cry with Last One Out? Evil spell. Being forced to mash all the early chapters of that vampire pony story together because I got overeager? Backfiring evil spell. All of your hobbies suddenly seeming dull? Successful evil spell.

I can live another three years now.

Nice story, Adagio stuff is always appreciated

She has such big hair.

I really like this chapter. It's a different pace from what I usually read. Thank you

Oooh! I'm loving this! :heart:

:raritystarry: I'm loving this, so much!


I love this. Please keep going.

Thank you for this wonderful story. It's so wholesome and cute.

He waited for to elaborate on this - perhaps explain what it was he was meant to be projecting

waited for her to*

Thom took delicate hold of her hand before he headed further North than he might have been comfortable with

Before she headed*

God bless him, he has magnitudes more patience than I. Granted I work in an environment where such behavior gets you negative paperwork but still, I would not handle this with such serenity.

‘Dagie’ here is a horrifying mixture of Hime, Yan, and Tsun. I worry for Thom. :moustache:

Why settle for just one when I can blend them all?

More of this, please.

That's a really cute chapter.

Oh, man you pushing it.
Too fast! Too fast! Felt fake like mind control.
Literally. Urges from nothing. So much emotion from cup of coffee.
Too fast.

If there had been hopes that a nice night’s sleep might have dispelled the lingering awkwardness of the previous night, these hopes did not last long. Things were still highly, well, awkward. Neither Adagio nor Thom really knew where to look or what to say and so mostly, mutually settled on not saying anything and not looking at one another.

The stakes have gone underground and discovered civilization at the planet core
Then the stakes gained sentience and took over the world
Or reinvented ice cream
Or unvented
One of those things for sure

I feel you. Me evil spells have gotten to the point where I unconsciously passively cast them on people or objects around me. Occasionally they backfire unfortunately

calling it now: Mind Control fuckery. either that or this man is a loner (poor bastard)

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