• Published 1st Feb 2024
  • 1,193 Views, 49 Comments

My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Shaun the Sheep Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are back with another adventure across the filmic multiverse. This time with everyone's favorite farm animal; Shaun the Sheep

  • ...

Part 9: Trumper's Last Stand

The three pigs were lazily lounging inside the, now trashed, farmhouse. One of them points at a picture of a cupcake in a cookbook. Another licks his lips hungrily. The first pig tears the page out and eats it. The third pig was lounging on a nearby chair, still wearing the fishing hat and underwear. That's when the two pigs notice The Farmer through the shattered window. they panic and frantically begin cleaning the house.

One hurriedly vacuums up all the half-eaten food and other garbage on the floor as well as a few items on a shelf over the fireplace. The other begins washing all the dirty dishes that towered over the kitchen sink. Once that was done, he frantically sorted them away into the cabinet, while the other replaced the broken window with a new one. One pig wipes a smudge off a family portrait, then accidentally wipes away another man's mustache on another portrait. He shrieks and races off to fetch a paint palette. A paints a bushy beard to hide his mistake. The other pig stomps on the third pig's foot, causing his mouth to open. He then dumps the contents of a dustpan down the pig's throat.

Meanwhile, outside, The sheep, Main 7, and Bitzer dress the sleeping farmer in a green coat and a pair of thick boots. The pigs hurriedly run out of the house, unnoticed, but not before one of them wipes the doorknob clean.

"This is it. Let's get The Farmer inside and we can call it a success." Rainbow said.

"...W-Wait, what about the pigs." Fluttershy spoke up quietly. "They were making a mess out of the house before we left."

"Oh, right. Ah forgot 'bout them." Applejack said.

Rainbow flew over to a window and looked through the farmhouse. There was no sign of the pigs or that the house was trashed.

"Well, it seems they got bored and left." The surprised pegasus said. "Also seems they were generous enough to clean up after themselves."

The other ponies and dragon and looked through the window to see for themselves.

"Well, ah'll be." The farm pony said in amazement.

"Guess they're not so bad after all." Spike said.

"Debatable." Twilight replied suspectedly. "But, whatever, let's worry about Shaun and The Farmer for now."

Shaun and Bitzer were currently trying to pull the slumbering man off the wheelbarrow. That's when the mutt heard shouting in the distance. She turned around and let out a bark, getting the others' attnetion.

"Oh, what is it now?" Rainbow asked, getting more put off with the inconveniences.

Frustration and confusion turned to horror when the group spotted the crazed Trumper stumbling after them over the hill, wielding a giant scythe in his hands. Panic ensued throughout the herd.

"I thought we got rid of him." Rarity said fearfully.

"Good grief. This guys more stubborn than Applejack." Rainbow said.

"Ah take offense ta that and ah still agree with ya." Applejack didn't even deny the fact.

"Not the time for jokes, Rainbow!" Rarity shrieked dramatically. "That guy is going to kill us."

"Pfft. We'll see about that. We can take this guy, girls." The overconfident pegasus said.

"Do you see the scythe he has with him?" Twilight thwarted. "He's literally going to kill us!"

"Not if he can't catch us." Rainbow rolled her eyes playfully.

She was about to fly over and confront the officer, when Applejack put a stop to it by grabbing the cyan pegasus by her rainbow-colored tail.

"Twilight's right. It's too risky." The earth pony said.

"Well, then, what are we supposed to do?" Rainbow asked indignantly.

Shaun takes charge and points off to the pasture. The group run off in that direction. The young sheep ushers them into an old shed. He closes the door and Bitzer bolts the three locks, hammers boards to the door, and braces it with a sack of manure.

"Ugh. It smells absolutely atrocious in here." Rarity gags and covers her muzzle.

"How exactly is hiding in here going to help?" Rainbow asked, unamused. "Here's going to find us eventually unless we actually do something."

Bitzer shushes her along with the other fear-ridden sheep and ponies. The Farmer began to snore, but Shaun was quick to cover his mouth.

Pinkie decides to peek through a window to look around. The farmland was empty as far as she could see.

"I think he's gone..." Pinkie was suddenly interrupted when caution tape stretches over the window and all around the shed.

Panic ensued once again.

"What's going on?" Spike fearfully clung to Twilight's front hooves.

Bitzer removes all the braces and locks and tries to shoulder the door open, but the ribbons of tape keep the door from budge.

"Great. Now we're stuck in here." Rainbow groaned in frustration.

"Rainbow, will you stop with the sarcastic judgement?" Twilight asked in frustration.

Shaun and Bitzer desperately try to wake The Farmer, but he was a heavy sleeper. Ominous lights seeped into the shed and the sound of an engine could be heard. Trumper had taken the tractor. folding open the grapple claws, he dug them into one side of the shed, causing it to tip over. The sheep, Main 7, Bitzer, The Farmer, and the mutt get tossed around inside the shed. The Farmer stays asleep, cozily resting on top of one sheep, thinking it was a giant pillow.

The tractor pushes the shed across the farm. Trumper then notices a sign that pointed to a nearby quarry. Inside the shed, the others keep trying to wake up The Farmer.

"WAKE UP!" Pinkie shouted into a megaphone, but the man remained unfazed.

"Just how deep can this guy sleep?" Spike asked.

Shaun then got an idea. He grabbed a wad of manure from an open sack and wafts it under The Farmer's nose. Immediately, The Farmer gags and sputters awake.

"Huh, who would've thought?" Rainbow wonder out loud.

The shed crashed through a stone wall and a tree branch lobs off the tractor's roof canopy, exposing the driver. the Farmer shakes his head and finds himself surrounded by sheep, ponies, a dragon, and two dogs, none of which he recognized. he defensively shields his face from them.

"He still doesn't remember us." Fluttershy said solemnly.

Shaun shrugs uncertainly. The shed began rolling again, causing the occupants to be toss around like a tumble dryer. It crashes through a hedge as the claws continue to spin it. They crash through a warning sign. Spike was able to see through a window what lay in front of them. What he saw made his blood run cold.

"We're gonna die! We're gonna die!" He panics.

"Spike, what's happening?" Twilight asked, worried for the baby dragon.

Trumper pushes the shed against a wire fence just before the quarry. The entire team is thrust forward against the front wall. The fence begins to buckle, but remains together, keeping the shed from going over completely. Trumper floors it in attempt to break the fence. The tractor's massive tires dig into the dirt. Shaun and the ponies peer down a hole in the shed wall, revealing the rocky chasm of the quarry. They gasp in sheer terror.

"Oh, my Celestia, save us please." Rarity begins to tear up.

Fluttershy quivers, on the brink of fainting.

"Okay, we need to do something now." Rainbow said with a mix of anger and fear.

"This can't...end like this." Pinkie tries to climb up the shed floor, but it was such an angle that it was impossible.

Shaun and Bitzer fearfully cling to The Farmer. The others join them. The Farmer awkwardly holds them, unsure of what else to do. That's when he catches the reflection of himself and the others off a window. He looks amongst the terrified, sheep, ponies, dragon, and dogs, then looks back at the window.

The reflection ripples and changes to a young farmer in a meadow, holding his baby animals close to them. The memories...the memories were all coming back to him. The farm, Shaun, Bitzer, the pigs, even the ponies and the weird-looking lizard he met a while ago. Tears stream down The Farmer's cheeks. He kisses Shaun and Bitzer on their heads. The realization hit all at once and the atmosphere shifted from fear to pure joy. Shaun and Bitzer clung to The Farmer happily.

"He's...back. He's got his memories back!" Rarity said, overjoyed.

"But, how?" Twilight asked.

"That doesn't matter. What matters is he's back!" Pinkie hugged the man. "I miss you so much!"

Admittedly, The Farmer didn't have as much as a connection to the Main 6 and Spike, seeing as how he only knew them for a couple weeks, but seeing them again brought an indescribable sense of happiness. He gave a hearty chuckle at the ponies. The happy moment was suddenly ruined when the tractor's grapple claws smashed through the window and tore into the corrugated shed walls. Everyone was sent back into a full-blown panic, except for The Farmer. He growled angrily at the situation.

The tractor picks up the shed. Trumper laughs maniacally and drives the machine forward. Now the shed hung over the rocky abyss. The Farmer burst through the door, tearing away the caution tape. He shakes his fist angrily and yells. He takes off his head bandage and whistles for Bitzer. The Farmer marches forward, not realizing there was no ground beneath him. He plummets, but luckily, his foot gets entangled in a strip of caution tape. The herd all gasp in horror.

"Oh, shoot! What do we do now?!" Spike asked fearfully.

Taking initiative, Bitzer swings down after him with the sheep holding his ankles. The caution tape snaps, but The Farmer was able to grab Bitzer by the ears, much to the sheepdog’s pain. He grabs the man's hands. Twilight flies down and pushes against The Farmer's back to get him back onto steady ground.

"It's okay. We got you." The alicorn affirmed, straining herself the keep the man from falling.

Trumper angrily fiddles with the tractor's controls, trying to dislodge the shed. Shaun looks back at the broken window, then back at The Farmer and Bitzer. He narrows his eyes and climbs out the window. Rainbow saw him and decided to take matters into her own hooves.

"Okay, forget this." She said firmly. "You girls help The Farmer. I'll help out Shaun."

"Dash, what do yo think you're doin'?" Applejack questioned.

"I’m done trying to play safe. If we don't stop that maniac now, we're all dead." The determined pegasus said. "Remember, AJ. Remember me."

"At least be careful, Rainbow." Fluttershy pleaded.

"Don't worry, Fluttershy. I'll be fine." Rainbow assured.

She flies through the window, spotting Shaun holding onto the claw arm. Gritting his teeth, Trumper messes with the controls, trying to let go of the shed. Rainbow grabs Shaun and lifts him in the air, positioning him right above Trumper. Shaun looks up at her and nods in understanding. She nods back.

"Bombs away!" She shouts and drops the sheep right on top of the animal control officer.

Shaun lands on top of him. Trumper attempts to yank him off, but Rainbow came swooping in and delivering a kick to the face. Shaun begins presses buttons on the console, drenching the officer in cleaning fluid, whacking his face with the windshield wiper, and blows him with the air conditioner. Trumper grabs Shaun, but Rainbow was there to keep him from trying anything. She pulled on his hair, trying to pull him off the seat.

This allowed Shaun to kick on a lever, which threw to tractor in reverse. The machine strikes a large rock, knocking Trumper off the seat. the sudden reverse, also threw Bitzer, The Farmer, and Twilight back into the shed.

"Okay, how do this thing work?" Rainbow pushes down on a joystick, which lowered the grapple claws, slamming the shed to the ground in the process.

The shed was still teetering over the ledge, however. It began to tip.

"Oh." Rainbow said.

Shaun stomped on the gas and the tractor lunged backward, pulling the shed away from the quarry's edge. Shaun cheers victoriously.

"Ha, ha, yeah! That's how to defeat an enemy!" Rainbow pumps her hoof and gives Shaun a high-five.

The rest of the group begin filing out of the shed. Rainbow flew over to her friends. Pinkie brought her into a bone-crushing hug.

"You did it Dashie!" The pink mare squealed happily.

"Thanks...Pinkie." Rainbow wheezed. "Not too hard now."

"We're just glad you're okay, Rainbow." Twilight said.

The sheep were coming over to be with Shaun, but they all gasped as a shadow loomed over the young sheep. The ponies and dragon all looked to see Trumper standing over Shaun. Before he could turn around, the crazed officer grabs him and holds him over his head.

"Oh, no! Shaun!" Fluttershy said in horror.

The group all try to save him from Trumper's grasp, But not even Rainbow Dash was fast enough to stop Trumper from throwing Shaun over the quarry ledge. Shaun covers his eyes, fearing the inevitable. Rainbow and Fluttershy take to the air to try a save Shaun, but they were beaten to it. Shaun opened his eyes to see that he was suspended just in front of the quarry. The Farmer was holding him, right behind the edge. The others watch in shock and relief.

The Farmer lowers to young sheep and gives him a hug. Shaun gives a relieved and warm smile. The others gather around with joy.

"Thank goodness. I'm so happy you're back to normal." Rarity said softly.

"And nice one with saving Shaun, too." Rainbow added.

The other sheep and Bitzer crowd around, ecstatic to have there owner back. Trumper awkwardly tries backing away. The mutt clamps down on his foot and a rope wraps around him, keeping him from escaping.

"You ain't gettin' away that easily, ya varmin." Applejack said, clenching the rope with her teeth.

The Farmer turns around to face him and starts shouting and waving his fist at the officer. The Main 7 join in.

"You have a lot of nerve thinking you can just get away like that." Rarity huffed.

"What is wrong with you?" Rainbow angrily gets right in Trumper's face. "Nobody endangers my friends on my watch."

"If this wasn't Equestria, I'd have escorted to the Canterlot dungeons for endangering a princess." Twilight said defensively.

"You're a no-good meanie." Pinkie gives him a sour look.

Trumper waves his hands defensively, trying to act all innocent, but nobody was falling for it. Suddenly, the bull sprang from the bushes and charged at the officer. It headbutts him high into the air. The mutt looks around in confusion, holding his shoe in her mouth. the group watch as Trumper sails high across the quarry, screaming his lungs out. He smiles cockily, seeing he made it across safely, but then he goes back to screaming before in lands right into a large pile of manure.

The Farmer laughs and others laugh along.

"Serves him right." Rarity said.

"Hope you enjoy the smell." Spike yells across the quarry.

The Farmer pets his sheep. The mutt watches before discretely leaving. The Farmer checks his watch, realizing how late it was.

"We've had enough chaos for one day. I think it's time we head to sleep." Twilight said.

"Best idea I've heard all day." Rarity said tiredly.

"Come on, ya'll. Let's get back to the farm." Applejack led the group back.

The lights of the farmhouse go out. Bitzer and Shaun stand in the field, staring fondly at the it. They face each other with smiles and begin playfully slugging each other in the shoulders, then pretend to pull there dukes up. They hug, but then the sound of someone clearing there throat interrupted them. They look back to the other sheep, ponies and dragon. at the barn's entrance, who look away innocently.

"Bit of a bromance thing going on, huh?" Rainbow teased.

The sheep and dog quickly separate and wave each other goodnight.

"Say. Whatever happened to the stray dog that helped us get back to the farm?" Spike remembered.

The Main 6 all look around trying to find her.

"Maybe she left to go back to the city?" Rainbow presumed.

"Wait, look." Pinkie pointed to a note with a paw print tacked to a fence post.

Shaun noticed it. He pulled it off and read it. The Main 6 join in.

"It's all just woof's." Rainbow said flatly. "Fluttershy, can you translate?"

"Oh, um. I'm s-sorry, but I can only understand what animals are saying when they're talking. I-I can't translate writing." Fluttershy looked down in shame.

"It's okay, Fluttershy. Shaun seems to understand. He could tell us." Twilight comforted.

When Shaun finished reading, he only stared down the road.

The mutt was making her way back to The Big City. Lights illuminate the road, causing her to look back. A bus was barreling down the road. The bus driver spots the wayward stray and slams on the brakes. The mutt shuts her eyes and braces, but the bus is able to come to a stop in time. Shaun and the Main 7 bound over and see the bus driver crouched to the road, coaxing the dog to come closer. The stray dog flashes her a gap-tooth smile. Surprisingly, the bus driver flashes a gap-tooth smile back.

The gang all smile warmly, as the bus driver carries the mutt back into the mutt. Inside, the dog sees Shaun and the Main 7. She waves and smiles at them as the bus drives off.

"Oh, how heartwarming." Rarity waves as the bus drives away.

"Goodbye, whatever your name is." Rainbow said, earning a glare from Applejack. "What? We never got to know her name."

Twilight waves to mutt goodbye, then notices tears running down Spike's face.

"Spike? Are you crying?" She asked, at first worried for the baby dragon.

"No." Spike wipes the tears away. "I just have something in my eye."

Twilight smiles at him.

"Goodbye, dog friend. I'm gonna miss you." Pinkie cries, a fountain of tears spraying from her eyes.

"All right, settle down there, Pinkie." Applejack pulls the mare into a hug. "I'm sure we'll get to see her again."

Pinkie sniffles, then smiles.

"Yeah, then I'll give her a Happy Adoption party." She said happily.

"Well, for now, I think it's best we get some shut-eye. We had a long day today." Twilight said.

And with that, Shaun, the Main 6, and Spike all head back to the farm for some well-deserved rest.

The next morning, the rooster poses as he let's out a morning cry. Shaun wakes up and rises from his sack bed. He gives the spider on the top corner two thumbs-up, which gives four thumbs-up in return.

"I never that I'd say this, but I missed sleeping on this thing." Rarity rises from her sack and yawns.

"I bet you'll be even more happy when you're back in your actual bed. Right?" Rainbow smirks teasingly.

"Ha, ha, very funny." The white unicorn said sarcastically, but in a playful matter.

In the farmhouse, an alarm clock goes off, waking The Farmer. He turns it off and leaves the bed to open the window. He looks out at his pastoral farm. Bitzer awakes in his doghouse and doesn't bump his head. He grabs a newspaper and tosses a roll of toilet paper in his paw. He heads for a tree with a click of his heels. At the barn, Shaun throws open the loft barn. The other sheep, ponies, and dragon look out through the farm.

"Ah, fresh air. Reminds me of mah farm back home." Applejack breaths deeply.

Bitzer stands in salute next to the farmhouse's backdoor. He winces, expecting to smash against the door as The Farmer exits. But, that doesn't happen, instead, The Farmer looks at him and pats his head. Bitzer smiles, but then the door smashes him against the door as the pig wearing the fishing hat staggers out of the house. The sheepdog glares at him.

The Farmer and Bitzer make their way to the barn and throw open the doors. Shaun and the sheep happily run and greet the man. The Main 6 and Spike follow after.

"Good morning, you two." Twilight said gracefully.

The Farmer picks up the schedule and his smile falters, seeing the list of things to do. Shaun bats his big eyes.

"Oh, right. Farm stuff." Rainbow grumbled.

Bitzer, however, had other ideas. He tore the paper off the clipboard and chucks it away, where a goat catches it in it's mouth.

"...Forget the schedule. The jobs can wait just one day." Fluttershy translated.

"You hesitated there fer a second there, Flutters." Applejack said. "Is somethin' wrong?"

"Ummm..." The timid pegasus hesitated to answer.

"Oh, don't worry. She's just trying to keep this story family friendly." Pinkie chimed in.

Wait, wut?" Applejack said in confusion.

"How do you know? Are you telling us you've known what Shaun and the others have been saying this while time?" Rainbow question suspiciously.

"Nope, but it's obvious Bitzer said something on the more vulgar side in terms of vocabulary. So, Fluttershy had to improvise." Pinkie answered cheerfully.

"...Well..." Fluttershy tried to say something.

"It's okay, Fluttershy. Like I said, we got to keep this family friendly somehow." Pinkie wrapped a hoof around the yellow pegasus's neck.

"...Okay, seriously. Pinkie, what in Equestria are you talking about?" Twilight asked.

Pinkie merely giggled.

"You know what, let's not dwell on that and let's enjoy the day off." Spike said.

That was something, everybody agreed upon. That day was spent with a big picnic and fun in the sun. It was the most fun The Farmer, Bitzer, the sheep, and the Main 7 had in a long time.

Things turned out better in the long-run, too. The mutt now happily lived with her new owner, both now wearing braces to fix their misaligned teeth. The Animal Containment Unit was rebranded into an Animal Protection Unit, where the animals were cared for and treated better. The animals grew more happy and friendlier. the glaring dog remained unchanged, however. But, as it turned out, it was a cardboard cut-out that hid a hole in the wall the entire time. The real dog was out there somewhere, hopefully living life to the fullest. But, what became of Trumper? Well, he lost his job and license and was forced into a different line of work, which happened to be wearing a chicken suit for a frozen food mascot. To be honest, that's pretty generous.

The Farmer places a new framed picture with him, the sheep, Bitzer, and the Main 7 on the shelf over the fireplace. he dusts it off and chuckles. The group all watch through the window as The Farmer sits down with a cup of tea and turns on the TV.

"Welp, as well, it ends well." Spike said.

"It wasn't all well, but it did end well. That's for sure." Rarity said. "And that's what matters the most."

"Agreed." Pinkie said happily.

As they watch the television as news report shows Mr. X with clippers in-hand and then The Farmer riding on the fake horse. The Farmer spits out his tea in shock. A sense of dread washed over the herd.

"Oh, boy. That's going to be a lot to explain." Rainbow said uneasily.

"Well, I think it's about we should get going back to our world." Just as Rarity finished, their cutie marks began glowing and the portal formed behind them.

"Yup, right on time. See you some other time." Rarity galloped into the portal.

"Uh, yeah. it's now just occurred to me that I left my...stove on back home." Rainbow backed away. "See you soon."

She flew into the portal.

"Sorry, Shaun. We'll keep in touch." Twilight grabbed the rest of her friends with her magic and dashes into the portal.

With the Main 7 now gone, that left Shaun, Bitzer, and the sheep with the now angry farmer. Shaun and Bitzer exchange dreadful looks at each other. At least Rainbow was right about one thing: There was a lot to explain.

Tara Strong - Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball - Rainbow Dash & Applejack

Andrea Libman - Fluttershy & Pinkie Pie

Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity

Cathy Weseluck - Spike

Justin Fletcher - Shaun & Timmy

John Sparkes - The Farmer and Bitzer

Omid Djalili - Trumper

Richard Webber - Shirley

Kate Harbour - Timmy's Mum & Meryl

Tim Hands - Slip

Andy Nyman - Nuts

Simon Greenall - Twins

Emma Tate - Hazel

Jack Paulson - Celebrity with hair trouble

Comments ( 15 )

Grammar Errors
“How Do You Know? Are You Telling Us You’ve Known What Shawn And The Others Have Been Saying This Whole Time?” Rainbow Question Suspiciously.

“Well, It Seems That They Got Bored And Left.” The Surprise Pegasus Said.” It Also Seems That They Were Generous Enough To Clean Up After Themselves.”

“Uh, Yeah. It Just Occurred To Me That I Left The…Stove On Back Home.” Rainbow Back Away “See You Soon.”

Great story I love it.

The herd is safe, trumper is beaten and another adventure for the books! nice job, and cant wait for the next one!

Nice resolution there. So what's next?

Nice ending to the story, keep up the amazing work my man. Can't wait to see what the Mane 6 six get themselves into next.

Written And Directed By
Mark Burton
Richard Starzak

Created By
IndyWriter Productions

Produced By
Julie Lockhart
Paul Kewley

Based On
My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic Series
Lauren Faust

Executive Producers
Peter Lord
Nick Park
David Sproxton

Executive Producers
Olivier Courson
Ronald Halpern

Edited By
Sim Evan-Jones A.C.E.

Directors Of Photography
Charles Copping
Dave Alex Riddett

Ilan Eshkeri

Music Supervisor
Nick Angel

Production Designer
Matt Perry

Puppet Design
Kate Anderson

Animation Supervisor
Loyd Price

Co-Executive Producers
Sean Clarke
Alicia Gold
Kerry Lock
Carla Shelley

Production Manager
Richard “Beeky” Beek

Associate Production Manager
Sophie Smith
Zoe Starzak

Sound Design
Adrian Rhodes

Music Producer
Steve McLaughlin

Technical Director
Tom Barnes

Justin Fletcher

Princess Twilight Sparkle
Tara Strong

Rainbow Dash And Applejack
Ashleigh Ball

The Farmer And Bitzer
John Sparkes

Fluttershy And Pinkie Pie
Andre Libman

Tabitha St. Germain

Spike The Dragon
Cathy Weseluck

Omid Djalili


Tara Strong As Twilight Sparkle
Justice Fletch As Shaun/Timmy
Ashleigh Ball As Rainbow Dash/Applejack
Tabitha St. Germain As Rarity
John Sparkes As The Farmer/Bitzer
Omid Djalili As Trumper
Richard Webber As Shirley
Andrea Libman As Fluttershy/Pinkie Pie
Kate Harbour As Timmy’s Mom/Meryl
Tim Hands As Slip
Cathy Weseluck As Spike
Andy Nyman As Nuts
Simon Greenall As Twins
Emma Tate As Hazel
Jack Paulson As Celebrity With Hair Trouble
Sean Connolly As Mature D. Golfer/Stylists/
Angry Panto Horse/Hospital Characters
Henry Burton As Junior Doctor/
Animal Containment Visitor
Dhimant Vyas As Hospital Consultant
Sophie Laughton As Animal Containment Visitor
Nia Medi James As Operatic Sheep

And Featuring
Bus Station And Hospital Announcer
Stanley Unwin

Shaun The Sheep Character Created By
Nick Park


“Feels Like Summer”
Written By Ilan Eshkeri, Nick Hodgson
& Tim Wheeler

Performed By Tim Wheeler

Published By Aardman Music Publishing/
Universal Music Publishing LTD & Imagem
& Tim Wheeler

“Shaun The Sheep-Life’s A Treat”
Written By Mark Thomas

Performed By Mark Thomas & Vic Reeves

Published By Aardman Music Publishing/
Universal Music Publishing LTD

Written By Bobby Gillespie, Robert Young
& Andrew Innes

Performed By Primal Scream

Published By EMI Music Publishing LTD
& Universal Music Publishing LTD

Courtesy Of Sony Music Entertainment UK LTD &
Warner Bros. Records

“Search For The Hero”
Written By Paul Heard & Michael Pickering

Performed By M People

Published By EMI Music Publishing LTD &
Universal Music Publishing MGB LTD

Courtesy Of Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

“Big City”
Written By Ilan Eshkeri & Nick Hodgson

Performed By Eliza Doolittle

Published By Aardman Music Publishing/
Universal Music Publishing LTD & Imagem

“More Wheels Cha Cha”
Written By Norman Petty, Richard Stephens &
Jimmy Torres

Performed By Kirsty Whalley

Published By Campbell Connelly & CO LTD
Courtesy Of Music Sales Creative

“Bad To The Bone”
Written By George Thorogood

Performed By George Thorogood And
The Destroyers

Published By Universal/MCA Music LTD

Courtesy Of Capitol Records, LLC Under License
From Universal Music Operations LTD

“Strange Adagio For Barbers”
Written And Performed By John Matthews
& Stuart Bruce
Published By 23rd Precinct Music LTD/
Notting Hill Music
Courtesy of Banoffeesound

Written By Dave Grohl, Taylor Hawkins,
Christopher Shiflett & Nate Mendel

Performed By Foo Fighters

Published By Bug Music LTD a BMG Chrysalis Company
& Universal/MCA Music LTD/Flying Earform Music

Courtesy Of Roswell Records Inc/
Sony Music Entertainment Inc

“I’m A Wonderful Thing, Baby”
Written By August Darnell & Peter Schott

Performed By Kid Creole & The Coconuts

Published By Bug Music LTD, a BMG Chrysalis Company
& Schott In The Dark Musid

Courtesy Of Warner Bros. Records &
Universal-Island Records LTD Under
License From Universal Music Operations LTD

“Shaun The Sheep-Life’s A Treat”
(Rizzle Kicks Mix)
Written By Mark Thomas, Jordan Stephens,
Harley Alexander-Sule & Ben Culkin

Performed By Mark Thomas, Vic Reeves
& Rizzle Kicks

Published By Aardman Music Publishing/
Universal Music Publishing LTD

“Amazing Adventures Of Morph”
Written And Performed By Andy Clark

Licensed By KPM Music Limited

“House Of Fun”
Written By Micheal Barson And Lee Thompson

Performed By Madness

Published By EMI Music Publishing LTD

Courtesy Of Union Square Music And Stirling
Holdings LTD And Geffen Records Under License
From Universal Music Operations LTD

Aardman Animations Limited, Hasbro Studios And
Studiocanal S.A.
All Rights Reserved

Aardman Animations Limited, Hasbro Studios And Studiocanal S.A. Are The Authors Of This Film
(Motion Picture) For The Purpose Of Copyright And Other Laws.

With Thanks To
Mark Thomas, Miles Bullough, John Maher, Gregory Perler,
Rob Sprackling, John Smith, Rob Dudley, Phil Jupitus,
Peter Serafinowicz, Tom Morris And The Bristol Old Vic, Lewis Morley Archive LLC, Louie Nicastro, Sil Willcox,
Luke Griggs, Nancy Jones

“Silence Of The Lambs” Homage
Courtesy Of MGM Media Licensing

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In Selected Theatres

This Is A Work Of Fiction. The Characters, Incidents, And Locations Portrayed And The Names Herein Are Fictitious And Any Similarity To Or Identification With The Location, Names, Characters Or History Of Any Person, Product Or Entity Is Entirely Coincidental And Unintentional.

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Prime Instant Video

Anton Capital


A Hasbro Company


My Little Pony: Friendship Is Cine-Magic:
Shaun The Sheep Movie

Comment posted by devin12dw deleted April 11th

I have a request for your next cinc-magic after your next project, can you do thomas and the magic railroad movie please? 🥺 if you like Thomas and friends

The rest of the season has already been planned out, but we’ll see what happens in the future.

hey, can you mabye The Rescuers (1977) of disney on your story ?

Hello my friend, how is your next book going?

That's good and I wonder what is is but I'll be waiting

I know the name of the mutt in the movie, her name is Slip.

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