• Published 1st Feb 2024
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Cine-magic: Shaun the Sheep Movie - IndyWriter Productions

The Main 6 and Spike are back with another adventure across the filmic multiverse. This time with everyone's favorite farm animal; Shaun the Sheep

  • ...

Part 4: Get Going

"Eh-heem!" Shaun waved the others back over to the farmhouse.

Twilight was still grumbling over Shaun's lack of consideration and responsibility. Her friends were in agreement. Shaun went to open the door, but discovered that it was locked. He didn't remember locking the door before he left. The others picked up on this, too.

"Is something wrong, Shaun?" Pinkie asked, her eyes perked up. "Hey, that rhymes!"

"Good for you, Pinkie." Rainbow said in mild sarcasm. "Seriously, what's going on?"

Shaun stepped over to the window just as an egg smashed into it from the inside. He, Rarity, Fluttershy and Spike peered through the glass to see the pigs from earlier had made the farmhouse into their own home. Two of the pigs were disgustingly feasting on The Farmer's food.

"Argh. Absolutely revolting!" Rarity guffawed.

"Bah." Shaun pointed to the third pig, who was near the stereo, dancing in a pair of underwear, flip-flops, and a fisher's hat.

"Oh, that is on so many levels of wrong." Spike looked away.

Rarity went slack-jawed while Fluttershy sucked in a breath and peeled her eyes away from the window.

"I-I don't think we're going back in there any time soon." She told the others.

"Why, what's wrong." Rainbow and Twilight looked through the window.

"Welp, can't unsee that." Twilight turned away in an exaggerated manner.

"That is just wrong." Rainbow said in disgust.

"That's what I said." Spike said.

Shaun angrily knocked on the window, demanding to be let inside. The pigs' response was to lock the windows and close the drapes. Shaun turned to the other sheep and pointed his thumb back at the window.

"Bah-ee." He grunted.

"Can you believe those guys?" Fluttershy translated. "I wish I didn't."

"Ah think yer friends are worried 'bout more important things." Applejack said.

Shaun looked to see the other sheep looming over an empty food trough.

"Bah." He observed.

"Oh, I suppose that's going to be a problem given the circumstances." Fluttershy translated.

"For them. I'm not eating whatever that abomination that farmer was trying to feed us!" Rarity huffed.

All the sheep glared at her. He displeased look contorted into a more embarrassed one.

"Let's worry about ourselves later. We need to find more sheep food for Shaun and the others." Twilight said.

Shaun puts a hand to his chin, thinking of what to do. He and the Main 7 search around for any source of food. Shaun finds a feed sack on the ground. He hastily grabs it and opens it up, revealing only dust and vague crumbs. Disappointed he threw it over his shoulder.

"Oh, oh, girls! I think I found the ticket." Pinkie hopped over to a closed gate housing an open-sided storage shack. On the top shelf was a stack of animal feed.

The others came over to her.

"But, how are we going to get to it?" Spike wonder out-loud.

"Ha! Leave that to me!" Rainbow craned her neck and flew up to the top shelf. She grabbed onto one of the sacks with her teeth and drag it off the shelf. As soon as it slipped off it, the sack dropped to the ground, taking Rainbow with it. She crashed into the ground in a cloud of dust.

"Oh, my gosh! Rainbow!" Fluttershy cried out.

Rainbow got up dizzily and shook her head.

"Don't worry. I'm fine." She rubbed her head. "But, these things are heavier than I thought."

She heaved the sack over the fence before catching her breath.

"We're going to need a faster option to get those sacks." Twilight lifted the sack up with her magic, straining from the weight.

"Isn't just one sack enough." Spike mentioned.

"I was thinking more in the long-term." The purple alicorn replied thoughtfully.

Shaun looked around for a solution then spotted The Farmer's old tractor sitting in the field. He snapped his fingers and climbed inside. The others took notice, though none of them knew what the machine was.

"Umm, Shaun. Do you know how to operate a...whatever that is?" Twilight asked in concern.

"Bah-bah. Eh-eem." Shaun replied.

"For the record, it's called a tractor. And I've seen The Farmer use it all the time. How hard could it be?" Fluttershy translated.

"Famous last words." Rainbow whispered to Applejack, who nodded lightly.

By this time, the other sheep had came over to see what was going on. Shaun put on a pair of ear-cancelling earmuffs and rubbed his hands together. He turned on the engine and the tractor sputtered to life. Messing with the controls, he lifts the grapple claws high up before stepping on the gas. The tractor immediately shot backwards and through a hedge.

"Yep, about as much as I expected." Rainbow said bluntly.

The ponies, sheep, and dragon head over to the flattened hedge.

"Hey, Shaun. Are you oka-YIKE!" Twilight let a shrieked as Shaun ran toward being chased by a giant bull.

The Main 7 and the sheep made a run for it as the angry bull charged for them. The gang clamber over a wall just as the massive animal thundered by. All of them were petrified at what just happened, except for Shaun.

"What'n tarnation was that about?" Applejack asked in shock.

"Bah." Shaun replied flatly.

"He does this all the time." Fluttershy translated.

The bull continued to charge forward, right through the goat's tether. Realizing the he was now free, the goat excitedly hopped around and on top of a chicken coop. He let out a goofy scream as the coop tipped over on it's side. The chicken were understandably upset, but soon ran for cover as the out-of-control tractor rolled by.

The sheep, along with the Main 6 and Spike, look over at Shaun. The young sheep shrugs and chuckles sheepishly.

"See what I mean. I told you this plan wouldn't end well. None of this would be happening if you had just listened." Twilight said in irritation.

"Exactly. You should've thought of the consequences should your plan had fallen apart. Which is exactly whut happened." Applejack added.

"Bah-eem. Bah." Shaun said.

"Okay, I'll admit it, I didn't think this all the way through." Fluttershy translated.

"You think!?" Rainbow shouted.

Deep in the heart of the big city, a paramedic wheels The Farmer through the automatic doors of a hospital. Not a even moment later, Bitzer runs up to the entrance. The doors open, allowing Bitzer inside. But, before he could begin his search, he was chased out by a guard. The guard points to a no-dogs-allowed sign on a window before walking back inside. Bitzer was upset, but hadn't completely given up. He took a few steps back before heading for the doors again. But, before he could enter, the guard steps back out with an authoritative glare. The sheepdog quickly changed direction and walked away. Bitzer took a seat on a bench and patiently waited for The Farmer to come back.

"He shouldn't be gone long, right?" He thought to himself.

Meanwhile, inside the hospital, two doctors follow a nurse into a patient's room. inside the room was The Farmer, who was eating a meal. The nurse takes the plate away, allowing the two doctors to do their job. The senior doctor sticks an otoscope into the man's ear then slowly waves a finger in front of his eyes to check his vision. Meanwhile, the junior doctor whacks The Farmer's elbow with reflex hammer, causing him to throw his fork into a painting which falls to the ground. The Farmer laughs in amusement.

The senior doctor looks over the man's chart. He signals something to the junior doctor, who nods in understanding. The Farmer watches them with a confused look. The junior doctor pulls out a deck of cards from his pocket. He puts the first one on the overbed table. He points at the card then at the man. The card shows a picture of a construction worker, insinuating the question of if The Farmer had that career. The man lets out a dry laugh and shakes his head. The junior doctor sets down more cards with pictures of a fireman, a business man, a chef, a clown, and finally a farmer. The man studies the farmer card closely. Finally, he shrugs, thinking he wasn't a farmer. The senior doctors quietly confers with his colleague before writing a diagnosis of memory loss on the patient's chart.

With that, he hangs it on the hospital bed before the two doctors wave goodbye to the man. As they head at, the two begin to discuss others things, the senior doctor even mimes a golf swing. The Farmer holds up a hand to try an ask a question, but the doctors had already left and closed the door. He mumbles to himself, confused on so many things.

Back with Twilight, Shaun, and the others, the farm had fallen into complete chaos. Farm animals ran all over the place with a runaway tractor driving about.

"Well, how do you suppose we're gonna fix this mess?" Rainbow asked to no one in particular.

"I think we might need The Farmer's help for this." Spike said.

Just then, one of the pig flew through the window and crashed right next to Shaun, scaring the other sheep away. The pig holds his head in a daze. He shakes the dizziness away and leaps back through the broken window.

"Especially when it comes to those three." Spike continued.

Shaun finds the rest of the sheep cowering behind a coat on the drying rack. Timmy was hiding behind a pair of boots while another sheep cried into a pair of underwear, soaking it with his tears.

"It'll be okay, ya'll. We'll think of somethin' to fix all this." Applejack tried to reassure them.

"And maybe try not to defile your owner's clothing." Twilight took the pair of underwear in her magic and wrung it dry.

Shaun shuts his eyes and rubs his head, now fully realizing the mess he put all of his friends in. He folds his arms and looks to the road, spotting a bus making a stop at the gate. An ad for running shoes on it's side reads "Get going." The young sheep narrows his eyes then punches his fists on his palm and runs off.

"Hey, wait. Shaun, where are you going." Twilight notices him heading for the storage room and gallops after him.

Hey other friend notice, too and follow after. Shaun kicks the storage room door open and prepares himself for a search mission. Grabbing a nap-sack off the wall, he puts a pair of binoculars inside and empties out a piggy bank. He sweeps up the lose change and picks up the old photo of the young farmer with his flock.

"Shaun, what are you doing?" Twilight asks as she reaches him.

"Bah-bah, bah. Ehem. Bah." Shaun explains.

"Taking what I need for a rescue mission." Fluttershy translated. "Wait. You're going to look for The Farmer?"

Shaun nods his head and continues to pack.

"Bah-bah." He said.

"I understand this is pretty much my fault. The least I can do is fix this mess right now." The shy pegasus translated again.

"Well, I'm glad you're taking some responsibility and doing the right thing this time." Twilight stated. "But, you don't have to do this alone. We'll be more than happy to help you."

"Emph-pha. Bah. Emph." Shaun said.

"I appreciate the offer, but I don't want to drag you guys into my problems. You weren't very happy about it last time." Fluttershy translated.

"But, that was for a half-baked plan instead of an rescue mission." Twilight argued. "Look, I understand that you want to fix those yourself, but we genuinely want to help. We were brought to this world for a reason; to solve problems and teach friendship. And if that means venturing into an unknown place to find your owner, then that's exactly what we'll do. Right, girls?"

"Yeah. You can count on us, Shaun. We'll help you find The Farmer fasting than you can thank us." Rainbow boasted.

"Darn tootin'. That's what friends do." Applejack said confidently.

"Yeah. And we'll get to have lots of fun, too!" Pinkie added.

"It's what we do." Spike said.

"Right. The map summoned us here to help and fix problems. It's what we do. And Twilight is right. We'll be more than happy to help." Rarity remarked.

"I-if that's okay with you." Fluttershy added softly

"As your friend and the Elements of Harmony, it's our duty to solve friendship problems. Or problems in general." The purple alicorn finished.

Shaun looked at them, seemingly weighing his option. He already observed that three of them could fly, which definitely was useful, and Twilight was able carry things with her magic, which could also be useful. Besides that, having eight individuals search for someone was miles better than just one.

"Bah-bah." The young sheep finally said.

"Alright, you can come along." Fluttershy translated happily.

The Main 6 cheer happily.

"All right, let's get going." Twilight declared.

Shaun removed the photo from it's frame and slipped it into his sack. The rest of the flock watched as Shaun, Spike, and the Main 6 leave the storage room and head for the gate. As the herd follow out, Shaun gestures to them to stay put.

"We're goin' to look for The Farmer. Just stay here for now 'til we get'im back." Applejack said to them.

Shaun opened the gate and the team head for the bus. The other sheep wanted to follow, but Shaun closed the gate behind him. The flock could only watch as the sheep, ponies, and dragon carefully sneak around the front of the bus. Luckily, the bus driver was filling out paper work, so she didn't take notice. They team were able to sneak inside and reach the top deck.

"It's actually quite nice up here." Rarity looked around the clean seats.

"Plus, you can see for miles." Pinkie pressed her face against the window.

Shaun took a seat at the front then pulled out the photo. The other sheep with big eyes from behind the hedge. Shaun carefully tears a section of the photo that only showed The Farmer's youthful face. With a marker, he writes the word "missing" at the top. He holds it up to the window for the other sheep to see. The bus lurched lurched forward and drove off as the other sheep cheer and clap for their friends. They stopped as the bus went out of view.

"Now what?" They thought to themselves.

In the bus, Shaun pulls out a tape player and starts messing with the buttons, turning it on and off. He then turns to the Main 6 and Spike

"Bah, Bah-bah. Bah." Shaun said.

"All right, we need to keep a low profile. It would be weird enough seeing a sheep, a bunch of ponies, and...a lizard?" Fluttershy started translated.

"Hey, I'm a dragon!" Spike said.

"Bah-Bah." Shaun apologized.

"Right. Sorry. Anyway, it's safe to stay hidden once we reach The Big City." Fluttershy finished translating.

"Agreed. Considering how some of the people reacted to us when we first got here, I think it's best we be discreet when searching for The Farmer." Twilight said.

"Discreet? How discreet?" Rainbow asked.

Suddenly, they heard the sound of steps coming up the bus stairs. Quickly, the team hide underneath the seats just a lady came up to the second deck. She took a seat right where Shaun was sitting. Shaun, Rainbow, and Twilight were mere inches from the lady's legs.

"Very." Twilight whispered.

The bus trailed down the road, often stopping to let passengers board and exit. The trip itself didn't take too long, surprisingly. The bus trailed down city streets toward the city center. moving toward the back of the bottom deck, The Main 7 and Shaun looked out through the windows as the bus roared down the busy freeway, passing by numerous skyscrapers.

"This place reminds me of Manehattan." Rarity said in awe.

"Bah?" Shaun asked.

"Oh, it's a city where a lot of the wealthier ponies live." Fluttershy explained.

The bus made a left turn and drove into a parking area of a terminal station. A stray dog scurried out of the way as the double-decker came to a stop at a parking space. The Shaun and the others waited as the passengers disembarked the bus. Once it was empty, they carefully neared the exit doors. Shaun peers out and looks around.

"Bah, bah-bah." He cautioned.

"Stick together and try to stay quiet." Fluttershy translated.

"Way 'head of ya, Shaun." Applejack said.

Shaun was about to step out when a skateboarder zoomed by right in front of them. The team jumped back in surprise.

"Well, that was rude." Rarity grunted.

Shaun spots the stray dog from earlier jump on top of a trash can and digs her snout inside. As she ate away at the garbage, she spotted the eight creatures peering past the open bus. The mangy mutt flashes them a gap-tooth smile.

"Poor thing must be lost." Applejack sympathized.

"M-Maybe she could help us. She might know where The Farmer is." Fluttershy suggested.

Suddenly, a caution sign slammed onto the concrete sidewalk, startling the mutt off the garbage can. The team watched as an animal control officer sealed off the area with caution tape. He put on a pair of gloves and captures the frightened dog with a catch pole. A photo of the stray gets stamped with the word "Contained" before the officer caged her in an animal containment truck. Claps and cheers erupted. The officer turns around modestly, but realizes the crowd was cheering at the skateboarder doing tricks.

That's so cruel." Fluttershy whimpered.

"He's only doing his job." Twilight said. "Then again, that seemed a little over-the-top."

The officer looked over at the bus. Shaun quickly ushered the ponies and dragon back away from view. The officer, however, was able to catch a glimpse of the sheep. He takes off his goggles and squints suspiciously at the bus.

"Things just got ten times more difficult." Spike said warily.

"No kidding." Rainbow said.

The stray dog whined and clawed against the caged window, distracting the officer. He waved her away and headed for the front seat as another bus came in.

"Okay. So does anypony have any idea to get out of this place without getting spotted?" Rarity asked.

There would be no time for planning because the bus doors suddenly closed shut, forcing the eight creatures into the outside right in front of the second bus that had just parked itself. To make things worse, Little Timmy peered from behind the bus's top window. He knocked on the glass and waved at the team.

"What the!? Why is he here!?" Twilight asked in shock.

To make things even more worse, the rest of the flock peered behind the window and waved at them.

Shaun and the Main 7 all gasped.

"You've got to be kidding me. They followed us." Rainbow said with a mix of shock and ire.

Shaun quickly shushed the cyan pegasus then pointed at the animal control officer sitting in his truck. He looks out the window, but doesn't spot anything. While his attention went back to his paperwork, the sheep flooded out of the bus while Shaun and the others tried to help them. The officer glances back, but another bus obstructs his view. By the time the third bus was gone, the entire flock was gone, too. But that's when the officer noticed something on the sidewalk. He gets out and walks over for a closer look. With his catch pole, he picks up a wad of fleece and inspects it. Shaun and the others hid underneath the bus's chassie.

"Why did you follow us?" Twilight hissed angrily, but quietly to the other sheep.

Shaun immediately shushed her and looked around for a means of escape. That's when he noticed a second-hand shop for an animal help charity on the opposite side of the parking station. He crawls out from under the bus and gestures for the others to follow. The Main 6 and Spike trail after followed by the other sheep. They quickly and quietly hurry to the other side of the bus as the officer sniffed at the fleece. He glances over his shoulder, but doesn't see anything, but, he was also getting more suspicious.

"Bah-bah." Shaun pointed at the shop.

"We need to get there. Hurry." Fluttershy quickly translated.

The sheep, ponies, and dragon make a run for it, but, suddenly the officer dashes out from behind the bus. They all stand frozen in place, thinking they had gotten caught. However, the flock find themselves in front of a pastel billboard, commercializing the countryside. The officer thought they were just part of the billboard, though he gave a suspicious glare at the colorful equines in the mix. The officer looks around a bit and then turns back, only to realize the sheep, ponies, and dragon were missing. He frantically searched around again and was able to catch a glimpse of a fluffy tail galloping into the store. His jaw drops in astonishment.

The team ran past an oblivious old lady at the register and picked up pieces of clothing.

"Will this hat work?" Pinkie asked.

"That's mah hat, Pinkie." Applejack said.

"You wouldn't catch me dead wearing that." Rarity eye a dark-colored sweater in disgust.

"Don't really have much of a choice." Rainbow shoves her into it.

The pristine unicorn's complaints were muffled against the thick fabric.

"How are we gonna to convince everyone that we're human? We can barely stand in a bipedal position?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"We'll think of something." Was all the friendship princess could respond.

"Way ahead of you, Twilight." Pinkie sat on Twilight's shoulders.

"Augh! Pinkie." The alicorn stammered.

Outside, the animal control officer hurried to the shop entrance. Inside, the team grabbed more articles of clothing and cleaning supplies. Trying to stand and sit on top of each other, they frantically put on the clothes. A gloved hand leaves money on the counter just as the officer barges into the shop, showing is I.D. that said "A. Trumper. Chief Containment Officer." He sees the team wearing winter clothing and coats.

Pinkie was still sitting on Twilight's shoulder with a fake moustache. Rarity stood atop applejack in a thick sweater with an innocent smile. Fluttershy and Rainbow were able to stand on their hindlegs thanks to their hidden, fluttering wings. Rainbow, however had a large bulge on her stomach area, making her look like she was pregnant.

The disguises were convincing enough and the officer politely moved away from the door to let the "people" pass. The herd waddled out of the store. Timmy hangs from one sheep's back and waves his hands. Trumper looks back, forcing Timmy to act like an stuffed animal.

"How do you do, kind sir." Pinkie said in a fake accent.

Trumper gave her a weird look while she walked away. As the last sheep was leaving the shop, the officer tapped it on the shoulder. The others look back nervously, sweat pouring down their faces. Trumper picks up a bright, red purse and politely hands it to the sheep. Noticing it's own feminine disguise, the sheep accepts it from him. The officer gives the sheep a wink. and the sheep waves flirtatiously back, acting like a lady. The officer closes the door and looks around inside the shop.

"That...was close." Twilight poked her head from the large winter coat and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Ugh. This stuff is itchy." Rainbow scratched at her covered coat.

Spike crawled up from underneath the pegasus's shirt and peers out from below her head.

"This feels weird." He struggles to get comfortable.

"How do you think I feel?" Rainbow asked rheotrically.

"Once this is over, we'll never have to do this again...hopefully." Twilight.

"Just so we're clear, we're taking this to our graves, girls.” Rarity hissed bitterly.

"Ah'm with ya on that, Rares." Applejack poked her head from behind the trenchcoat.

The sheep began to quietly celebrate, but Shaun quickly shushed them. They shushed back in response.

"Guys, please. Can we just move on to the search." Twilight pleaded.

"I hope The Farmer is alright." Fluttershy adjusted her fake glasses.

Walking with floppy steps, the team head up a flight of stairs to street level. The find themselves in a city neighborhood teeming with cars and pedestrians.

"This...might be a lot tougher than we thought." Twilight said.

"Bah. Emph bah-bah." Shaun reassured.

"Just stick with the plan. As long as we have the photo, we have a chance." Fluttershy translated.

Shaun takes out his missing person photo of The Farmer. The search was on.

To be continued